Eric Holder Briefing Package

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Briefing Package Department of Justice Investigation Corrupt Family Court System The Case of Mila Malenko (age !

" #er mother $ori #an%rahan& Ph'D' Maine ())*+(),)

Five Maine State Institutions: (1) Board of Psychologists and their Commissioner Anne ead! (") # S Commissioner Brenda arvey and ead of Families $ Children for Child Protection! %ames Beougher! (&) Maine Attorney 'eneral %anet Mills! (() Maine Committee on %udicial )versight and *es+onsi,ility! and (-) Maine #istrict Courts Chief %udge for 'A. )versight have all failed to +rovide oversight and accounta,ility related to Family Court corru+tion and! there,y! granted total im+unity to 'A.s! court +sychologists! and /udges0 1he nota,le e2ce+tion is the Maine Bar of )verseers 3ho have u+held their res+onsi,ility for oversight of la3yers0

Prepared by Lori Handrahan, Ph.D. Sorrento Maine September 26, 2010

Ta-le of Contents
10 .etters to Commissioner Anne ead *e: Board of Psychologist! *e4uired ,y .a3 to Provide )versight on Board of Psychologists0 (Passed on by Commissioner to AG-no oversight) .etters to Maine A' *e: Board of Psychologist! *e4uired ,y .a3 to Provide )versight on Board of Psychologists (Ignored by Maine AG-no response and no oversight) .etters to Maine Chief of #istrict Courts *es+onsi,le! ,y la3! to u+hold Maine5s la3 on 'A. )versight0 (Ignored-no response and no oversight) 6ve 6nsler .etter to 'ov0 Baldacci! *e4uired ,y .a3 to u+hold and enforce Maine la3s and +rovide oversight on all 'ov0 A++ointees (Ignored by Gov. Baldacci and his office-no response at all) 7arious 6mail $ *es+onses from # S




-0 80

Maine Commission on %udicial *es+onsi,ility ( ef!ses to !phold Maine "!dges# Code of Cond!ct-has $orst record in all %& states according to 'alt) Maine Bar of )verseers: Maine Bar v0 :a2man %udge Mos<o3it=5s #ecem,er ">>; #ecision $ Corres+onding Court 1ranscri+t Igor Malen<o5s Criminal *ecord in America and Corres+onding IC6 7iolations S+ur3in< *e+orts $ A++eal on PFA #enied ,y %udge Mos<o3it= @@@

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