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My Grades: Understanding the Summary Section

You can look at the Gradeheading right above this table to see what your current running letter grade is.
If there is no Gradeheading, then your instructor isn't using an overall grade scheme.

Look to the last cell in the bottom PROJECTED row: you will see a ##.##% value under the %
OBTAINED column, which is the current running overall % you have obtained in class. This value is a
running percentage and will change as your instructor posts more grades during the semester; this value
also takes into account any extra credit granted by your faculty. And, it is this value that is used if any
overall grade scheme is correlated to a letter grade.

Understanding Columns
• CATEGORY - Lists the categories that your instructor has set up, but ONLY if you've received grades
on items in that category. (E.g.: a category called "Participation" might not show up until the end of
the semester.)
• POINTS OBTAINED - Tells you how many points you scored within the category
• POINTS AVAILABLE - Tells you how many points were possible to score in the category
• CATEGORY WEIGHT - Tells you how much the category contributes to the overall grade
• % OBTAINED - Tells you what part of the CATEGORY WEIGHT you have currently obtained

If your faculty is not using weighted categories, then the CATEGORY WEIGHT, % OBTAINED and %
FOR CATEGORY columns will not be in use

Do the Math
For the "Quizzes" category, the values are (195.0 / 200) x 20 = 19.5

2009-Apr 5.4p1 v3
Copyright © 2009, Timecruiser Computing Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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