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Frameworks Struts Framework MVC Overview Architecture Formbased Applications ActionForm DynaActionForm ValidatorForm(Validator plugin)

E ception !andling in "truts Validations #uiltin Actions "truts tag library $nternationalisation Applications %iles Framewor&

Spring Framework $ntroduction Architecture

Core Module "pring $OC container Detailed e planation on #eans("copes 'Autowiring ' Collections) with (M) based con*igurations also+

AOP (Aspect-oriented programming) Advice',oin-oint'Aspect'%arget'-ointcu #e*oreAdvic AroundAdvice %hrows Advice a) .ameMatchMethod-ointcut b) /egE pMethod-ointCut Dynamic pointcuts Data Access Using JD C ! ,dbc%emplate class would be covered completely Spring M"C $ntroduction Dispatcher "ervlet !andler Mappings Model and View Ob0ect View /esolvers

static pointcuts

#i$ernate Framework

Advantages o* !ibernate compared to ,D#C $ntroduction+

+ Con*iguration ml *ile and Mapping ml *ile along with dtds+ !ibernate architecture First Application using !ibernate+ !ibernate A-$ C/1D operations -rimary &ey 2enerators !ibernate 3uery )anguage (!3)) .ative "3) Criteria A-$ $nheritance in !ibernate /elations (one to one' one to many' many to one' many to many) Caching

Connecting with Multiple Databases $ntegrating !ibernate with "truts !ibernate Annotations

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