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FOHC 8th Sept 2009

Meeting 8th Sept 2009

Present: Neil Nicol, Adam Sutcliffe, Kevin Rough, Martin Rough, Donald Morrison, Jack
Mitchell, Calum Howard, Boyd Forbes, Kathleen Mann, Sue Squires, Shaun Squires,
Albert Allan

Charlotte, Diane, Lynn, Wendy, Tracy, Chris

After last meeting AS sent letter to secretaries of HHCC and HCC. Verbal feedback from
Fred Ritchie indicated that if linked specifically to HHCC, FOHC could cause problems with
regard to volunteer strategy.
Ewen Mearns indicated that HCC would welcome any assistance from FOHC as long as
they were consulted.
It was concluded that for the time being focus of groups activity would be to raise finds for
the Castle park facility

Prizegiving for HHCC

Chairman of HHCC has indicated that FOHC should go ahead and organise prizegiving.
Stewart's hall booked provisionally for 9th October
Licensing arrangements will be looked into this week. If this causes a problem event will
Invites to go to all HHCC members and open to anyone else.
Tickets sold beforehand £2 for everyone (£5 if BYOB)
Bar to be sale and return to Essonʼs proceeds to HCC
Finger Buffet donated by golf club caterers
KM to enquire about doorman
iPod playlist for “entertainment”

19th September “Teas in the Park”

We will need volunteers to help out on the day.
Provide enough food and drink for 22 players (inc pizza, sandwiches etc)
Donations at door for teas and piece
Posters needed.

Provisional date (weather dependent) 20th Sept at Castle Park
James Davidson ok to take photos
AS to liaise with Elaine Webster at TGS for printing
FOHC 8th Sept 2009

30th October Family Bingo night

prizes provided by parents (£5 for line, £10 house) one for the road

AS to look into creating a constitution

Next meeting
Wednesday 23rd september to organise prizegiving. Please make it if you can as we will
need as much assistance as possible.

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