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Why: By perfecting your targeting and routing weekly, this will enable you to make better decisions as to when

and where to see certain physicians. As you go through your week, you will find that you may need to put a certain physician in a different day or different week depending on the best time to see the target This will increase your visibility and message and thereby increase sales.
Note Taking: You may already be recording your calls but I am asking that each rep record their calls immediately after the call.

How: This is up to you. Some like to take physical notes while speaking with the md. Some like to make the notes in their computer after the call. Why: Note taking will help you with what you need to do on the very next call. When calling on the physician you can remind him/her what was previously discussed and agreed upon. Not only this, you will be able to track what patients the physician thought could benefit from our testing. If the sale does not get written, this is a great way to remind the md of the patient type. This practice is part of the pre-call planning and will guide you to an end point to which you would like to develop the physician.
Reprint Usage: I am asking everyone from here on out to utilize and lead-in with a reprint.

How: For each of the POA product lines to be discussed between now and NSM, pis pick a reprint that you would like to use for any call. Pick a line or two that gives value and support to the utilization of our test. Ask the physician to read and ask a smart question. Just like we are doing with MODY. If you get an objection from physicians that they just don't see MODY ... .lead in with Timsit stating the prevelence of MODY to diffuse the argument before it even comes up. The smart questions: Dr, "Is it possible that you may have inhereited 3-5% in your practice"? Why: It's not you saying it it is their peers who state it! Brings credibility to the table. You are perceived as a more valuable rep.

Keep up the great work Kerry! You are an inspiration to me and your peers!


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