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The Secret Circle Book 1 By

L. J. Smith


The Initiation
L. J. Smith HarperTorch An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers

BOOKS BY L. J. S ITH THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Volume I: The Awakening Volume II: The Struggle Volume III: The Fury Volume IV: Dark Reunion THE SECRET CIRCLE TRILO ! Volume I: The Initiation Volume II: The Capti e Volume III: The Power The !ight of the Solsti"e #eart of Valor

This is a "or# o$ $iction. %ames& characters& places& an' inci'ents are pro'ucts o$ the author(s ima)ination or are use' $ictitiousl* an' are not to +e construe' as real. An* resem+lance to actual e,ents& locales& or)ani-ations& or persons& li,in) or 'ea'& is entirel* coinci'ental. HARPERTORCH An Imprint o$ HarperCollinsPublishers ./ East 01r' Street %e" !or#& %e" !or# .//2230244 Pro'uce' +* Daniel 5eiss Associates& Inc.& 11 5est .6th Street& %e" !or#& %e" !or# .//... Cop*ri)ht 7 .442 +* Lisa Smith an' Daniel 5eiss Associates& Inc. Co,er an cop*ri)ht 7 .442 Daniel 5eiss Associates& Inc. IS8%9 /3/:3 ./:6.23. ;irst HarperTorch paper+ac# printin)9 April 2//2 ;irst HarperPaper+ac#s printin)9 Jul* .444 A mass mar#et e'ition o$ this +oo# "as pu+lishe' in .442 +* HarperPaper+ac#s. Printe' in the <nite' States o$ America Visit HarperTorch on the 5orl' 5i'e 5e+ at """

For my mother$ as patient an% lo ing as &other 'arth

The Initiation

It "asn(t suppose' to +e this hot an' humi' on Cape Co'. Cassie ha' seen it in the )ui'e+oo#= e,er*thin) "as suppose' to +e per$ect here& li#e Camelot. E>cept& the )ui'e+oo# a''e' a+sentl*& $or the poison i,*& an' tic#s& an' )reen $lies& an' to>ic shell$ish& an' un'ercurrents in seemin)l* peace$ul "ater. The +oo# ha' also "arne' a)ainst hi#in) out on narro" peninsulas +ecause hi)h ti'e coul' come alon) an' stran' *ou. 8ut ?ust at this moment Cassie "oul' ha,e )i,en an*thin) to +e stran'e' on some peninsula ?uttin) $ar out into the Atlantic Ocean@as lon) as Portia 8ain3 +ri')e "as on the other si'e. Cassie ha' ne,er +een so misera+le in her li$e. AB an' m* other +rother& the one on the MIT 'e+ate team& the one "ho "ent to the 5orl' De+ate Tournament in Scotlan' t"o *ears a)oBA Portia "as sa*in). Cassie $elt her e*es )la-e o,er a)ain an' slippe' +ac# into her "retche' trance. 8oth o$ Portia(s +rothers "ent to MIT an' "ere $ri)htenin)l* accomplishe'& not onl* at intellectual pursuits +ut also at athletics. Portia "as $ri)htenin)l* accomplishe' hersel$& e,en thou)h she "as onl* )oin) to +e a ?unior in hi)h school this *ear& li#e Cassie. An' since Portia(s $a,orite su+?ect "as Portia& she(' spent most o$ the last month tellin) Cassie all a+out it. AB an' then a$ter I place' $i$th in e>temporaneous spea#in) at the %ational ;orensic Lea)ue Championship last *ear& m* +o*$rien' sai'& (5ell& o$ course *ou(ll )o All3American...A Just one more "ee#& Cassie tol' hersel$. Just one more "ee# an' I can )o home. The ,er* thou)ht $ille' her "ith a lon)in) so sharp that tears came to her e*es. Home& "here her $rien's "ere. 5here she 'i'n(t $eel li#e a stran)er& an' unaccomplishe'& an' +orin)& an' stupi' ?ust +ecause she 'i'n(t #no" "hat a Cuaho) "as. 5here she coul' lau)h a+out all this9 her "on'er$ul ,acation on the eastern sea+oar'. AB so m* $ather sai'& (5h* 'on(t I ?ust buy it $or *ouD( 8ut I sai'& (%o @"ell& ma*+eB( A Cassie stare' out at the sea.

It "asn(t that the Cape "asn(t +eauti$ul. The little ce'ar3shin)le' cotta)es& "ith "hite pic#et $ences co,ere' "ith roses an' "ic#er roc#in) chairs on the porch an' )eraniums han)in) $rom the ra$ters& "ere prett* as picture postcar's. An' the ,illa)e )reens an' tall3steeple' churches an' ol'3$ashione' schoolhouses ma'e Cassie $eel as i$ she(' steppe' into a 'i$$erent time. 8ut e,er* 'a* there "as Portia to 'eal "ith. An' e,en thou)h e,er* ni)ht Cassie thou)ht o$ some 'e,astatin)l* "itt* remar# to ma#e to Portia& someho" she ne,er )ot aroun' to actuall* ma#in) an* o$ them. An' $ar "orse than an*thin) Portia coul' 'o "as the plain ra" $eelin) o$ not belonging. O$ +ein) a stran)er here& stran'e' on the "ron) coast& completel* out o$ her o"n element. The tin* 'uple> +ac# in Cali$ornia ha' starte' to seem li#e hea,en to Cassie. One more "ee#& she thou)ht. !ou(,e ?ust )ot to stan' it $or one more "ee#. An' then there "as Mom& so pale latel* an' so CuietB A "orrie' t"in)e "ent throu)h Cassie& an' she Cuic#l* pushe' it a"a*. Mom is $ine& she tol' hersel$ $iercel*. She(s pro+a+l* ?ust misera+le here& the same "a* *ou are& e,en thou)h this is her nati,e state. She(s pro+a+l* countin) the 'a*s until "e can )o home& ?ust li#e *ou are. O$ course that "as it& an' that "as "h* her mother loo#e' so unhapp* "hen Cassie tal#e' a+out +ein) homesic#. Her mother $elt )uilt* $or +rin)in) Cassie here& $or ma#in) this place soun' li#e a ,acation para'ise. E,er*thin) "oul' +e all ri)ht "hen the* )ot +ac# home& $or +oth o$ them. ACassieE Are *ou listenin) to meD Or are *ou 'a*'reamin) a)ainDA AOh& listenin)&A Cassie sai' Cuic#l*. A5hat 'i' I ?ust sa*DA Cassie $loun'ere'. 8o*$rien's& she thou)ht 'esperatel*& the 'e+ate team& colle)e& the %ational ;orensic Lea)ueB People ha' sometimes calle' her a 'reamer& +ut ne,er as much as aroun' here. AI "as saying the* shoul'n(t let people li#e that on the +each&A Portia sai'. AEspeciall* not "ith 'o)s. I mean& I #no" this isn(t O*ster Har+ors& +ut at least it(s clean. An' no" loo#.A Cassie loo#e'& $ollo"in) the 'irection o$ Portia(s )a-e. All she coul' see "as some )u* "al#in) 'o"n the +each. She loo#e' +ac# at Portia uncertainl*. AHe "or#s on a fishing +oat&A Portia sai'& her nostrils $lare' as i$ she smelle' somethin) +a'. AI sa" him this mornin) on the $ish pier& unloa'3

in). I 'on(t thin# he(s e,en chan)e' his clothes. Ho" unuttera+l* scu--* an' ,omitous.A He 'i'n(t loo# all that scu--* to Cassie. He ha' 'ar# re' hair& an' he "as tall& an' e,en at this 'istance she coul' see that he "as smilin). There "as a 'o) at his heels. A5e ne,er tal# to )u*s $rom the $ishin) +oats. 5e 'on(t e,en loo# at them&A Portia sai'. An' Cassie coul' see it "as true. There "ere ma*+e a 'o-en other )irls on the +each& in )roups o$ t"o or three& a $e" "ith )u*s& most not. As the tall +o* passe'& the )irls "oul' loo# a"a*& turnin) their hea's to stare in the opposite 'irection. It "asn(t a $lirtatious sort o$ loo#in)3a"a*3an'3then3+ac#3an'3)i))lin). It "as 'is'ain$ul re?ection. As the )u* )ot closer to her& Cassie coul' see that his smile "as turnin) )rim. The t"o )irls closest to Cassie an' Portia "ere loo#in) a"a* no"& almost sni$$in). Cassie sa" the +o* shru) sli)htl*& as i$ it "ere no more than he e>pecte'. She still 'i'n(t see an*thin) so 'is)ustin) a+out him. He "as "earin) ra))e' cuto$$ shorts an' a T3shirt that ha' seen +etter 'a*s& +ut lots o$ )u*s loo#e' li#e that. An' his 'o) trotte' ri)ht +ehin' him& tail "a,in)& $rien'l* an' alert. It "asn(t +otherin) an*+o'*. Cassie )lance' up at the +o*(s $ace& curious to see his e*es. ALoo# %own$( Portia "hispere'. The )u* "as passin) ri)ht in $ront o$ them. Cassie hastil* loo#e' 'o"n& o+e*in) automaticall*& althou)h she $elt a sur)e o$ re+ellion in her heart. It seeme' cheap an' nast* an' unnecessar* an' cruel. She "as ashame' to +e a part o$ it& +ut she coul'n(t help 'oin) "hat Portia sai'. She stare' at her $in)ers trailin) into the san'. She coul' see e,er* )ranule in the +ri)ht sunli)ht. ;rom $ar a"a* the san' loo#e' "hite& +ut up close it "as shimmerin) "ith colors9 spec#s o$ +lac#3an'3)reen mica& pastel shell $ra)ments& chips o$ re' Cuart- li#e tin* )arnets. <n$air& she thou)ht to the +o*& "ho o$ course coul'n(t hear her. I(m sorr*= this ?ust isn(t $air. I "ish I coul' 'o somethin)& +ut I can(t. A "et nose thrust un'er her han'. The su''enness o$ it ma'e her )asp& an' a )i))le cau)ht in her throat. The 'o) pushe' at her han' a)ain& not as#in)= 'eman'in). Cassie pette' it& scratchin) at the short& sil#*3+ristl* hairs on its nose. It "as a erman shepher'& or mostl*& a +i)& han'some 'o) "ith liCui'& intelli)ent +ro"n e*es an' a lau)hin) mouth. Cassie $elt the sti$$& em+arrasse' mas# she(' +een "earin) +rea#& an' she lau)he' +ac# at it.

Then she )lance' up at the 'o)(s o"ner& Cuic#l*& una+le to help hersel$. She met his e*es 'irectl*. Later& Cassie "oul' thin# o$ that moment& the moment "hen she loo#e' up at him an' he loo#e' 'o"n at her. His e*es "ere +lue3)ra*& li#e the sea at its most m*sterious. His $ace "as o''= not con,entionall* han'some& +ut arrestin) an' intri)uin)& "ith hi)h chee#+ones an' a 'etermine' mouth. Prou' an' in'epen'ent an' humorous an' sensiti,e all at once. As he loo#e' 'o"n at her his )rim smile li)htene' an' somethin) spar#le' in those +lue3)ra* e*es& li#e sun )lintin) o$$ the "a,es. %ormall* Cassie "as sh* aroun' )u*s& especiall* )u*s she 'i'n(t #no"& +ut this "as onl* some poor "or#er $rom the $ishin) +oats& an' she $elt sorr* $or him& an' she "ante' to +e nice& an' +esi'es she coul'n(t help it. An' so "hen she $elt hersel$ start to spar#le +ac# at him& her lau)hter +u++lin) up in response to his smile& she let it happen. In that instant it "as as i$ the* "ere sharin) a secret& somethin) no+o'* else on the +each coul' un'erstan'. The 'o) "i))le' ecstaticall*& as i$ he "ere in on it too. ACassie&A came Portia(s $umin) hiss. Cassie $elt hersel$ turn re'& an' she tore her e*es a"a* $rom the )u*(s $ace. Portia "as loo#in) apoplectic. ARa?EA the +o* sai'& not lau)hin) an*more. AHeelEA 5ith apparent reluctance& the 'o) +ac#e' a"a* $rom Cassie& tail still "a))in). Then& in a spra* o$ san'& he +oun'e' to"ar' his master. It isn(t $air& Cassie thou)ht a)ain. The +o*(s ,oice startle' her. A)ife isn(t $air&A he sai'. Shoc#e'& her e*es $le" up to his $ace. His o"n e*es "ere as 'ar# as the sea in a storm. She sa" that clearl*& an' $or a moment she "as almost $ri)htene'& as i$ she ha' )limpse' somethin) $or+i''en& somethin) +e*on' her comprehension. 8ut po"er$ul. Somethin) po"er$ul an' stran)e. An' then he "as "al#in) a"a*& the 'o) $ris#in) +ehin' him. He 'i'n(t loo# +ac#. Cassie stare' a$ter him& astoun'e'. She ha'n(t spo#en alou'= she "as sure she ha'n(t spo#en alou'. 8ut then ho" coul' he ha,e hear' herD Her thou)hts "ere shattere' +* a hiss at her si'e. Cassie crin)e'& #no"in) e>actl* "hat Portia "as )oin) to sa*. That 'o) pro+a+l* ha'

man)e an' $leas an' "orms an' scro$ula. Cassie(s to"el "as pro+a+l* cra"lin) "ith parasites ri)ht this minute. 8ut Portia 'i'n(t sa* it. She too "as starin) a$ter the retreatin) $i)ures o$ the +o* an' 'o). as the* "ent up a 'une& then turne' alon) a little path in the +each )rass. An' althou)h she "as clearl* 'is)uste'& there "as somethin) in her $ace@a sort o$ 'ar# speculation an' suspicion that Cassie ha' ne,er seen +e$ore. A5hat(s the matter& PortiaDA Portia(s e*es ha' narro"e'. AI thin#&A she sai' slo"l*& throu)h ti)ht lips& Athat I(,e seen him +e$ore.A A!ou alrea'* sai' so. !ou sa" him on the $ish pier.A Portia shoo# her hea' impatientl*. A%ot that. Shut up an' let me thin#.A Stunne'& Cassie shut up. Portia continue' to stare& an' a$ter a $e" moments she +e)an no''in)& little no's to con$irm somethin) to hersel$. Her $ace "as $lushe' +lotchil*& an' not "ith sun+urn. A+ruptl*& still no''in)& she muttere' somethin) an' stoo' up. She "as +reathin) Cuic#l* no". APortiaDA AI(,e )ot to 'o somethin)&A Portia sai'& "a,in) a han' at Cassie "ithout loo#in) at her. A!ou sta* here.A A5hat(s )oin) onDA A%othin)EA Portia )lance' at her sharpl*. A%othin)(s )oin) on. Just $or)et all a+out it. I(ll see *ou later.A She "al#e' o$$& mo,in) Cuic#l*& hea'in) up the 'unes to"ar' the cotta)e her $amil* o"ne'. Ten minutes a)o& Cassie "oul' ha,e sai' she(' +e 'eliriousl* happ* ?ust to ha,e Portia lea,e her alone& $or an* reason. 8ut no" she $oun' she coul'n(t en?o* it. Her min' "as all churne' up& li#e the chopp* +lue3)ra* "ater +e$ore a )ale. She $elt a)itate' an' 'istresse' an' almost $ri)htene'. The stran)est thin) "as "hat Portia ha' muttere' +e$ore )ettin) up. It ha' +een un'er her +reath& an' Cassie 'i'n(t thin# she coul' ha,e hear' it ri)ht. It must ha,e +een somethin) else& li#e Asnitch&A or A+itch&A or Arich.A She must ha,e hear' it "ron). !ou coul'n(t call a guy a "itch& $or o'(s sa#e. Calm 'o"n& she tol' hersel$. Don(t "orr*& +e happ*. !ou(re alone at last.

8ut $or some reason she coul'n(t rela>. She stoo' an' pic#e' up her to"el. Then& "rappin) it aroun' her& she starte' 'o"n the +each the "a* the )u* ha' )one.

5hen Cassie )ot to the place "here the +o* ha' turne'& she "al#e' up the 'unes +et"een the piti$ul little clumps o$ scra))l* +each )rass. At the top she loo#e' aroun'& +ut there "as nothin) to +e seen +ut pitch pines an' scru+ oa# trees. %o +o*. %o 'o). Silence. She "as hot. All ri)ht= $ine. She turne' +ac# to"ar' the sea& i)norin) the t"in)e o$ 'isappointment& the stran)e emptiness she $elt su''enl*. She(' )o )et "et an' cool o$$. Portia(s pro+lem "as Portia(s +usiness. As $or the re'3haire' )u*@"ell& she(' pro+a+l* ne,er see him a)ain& an' he "asn(t her +usiness either. A little insi'e shi,er "ent throu)h her= not the #in' that sho"s& +ut the #in' that ma#es *ou "on'er i$ *ou(re sic#. I must +e too hot& she 'eci'e'= hot enou)h that it starts to $eel col'. I nee' a 'ip in the "ater. The "ater "as cool& +ecause this "as the open3Atlantic si'e o$ the Cape. She "a'e' in up to her #nees an' then continue' "al#in) 'o"n the +each. 5hen she reache' a 'oc#& she splashe' out o$ the "ater an' clim+e' up to it. Onl* three +oats "ere tie' there9 t"o ro"+oats an' a po"er+oat. It "as 'eserte'. It "as ?ust "hat Cassie nee'e'. She unhoo#e' the thic#& $ra*e' rope meant to #eep people li#e her o$$ the 'oc# an' "al#e' onto it. She "al#e' $ar out& the "eather3+eaten "oo' crea#in) +eneath her $eet& the "ater stretchin) out on either si'e o$ her. 5hen she loo#e' +ac# at the +each& she sa" she(' le$t the other sun+athers $ar +ehin'. A little +ree-e +le" in her $ace& stirrin) her hair an' ma#in) her "et le)s tin)le. Su''enl* she $elt@she coul'n(t e>plain it. Li#e a +alloon +ein) cau)ht +* the "in' an' li$te'. She $elt li)ht& she $elt e>pan'e'. She $elt $ree. She "ante' to hol' her arms out to the +ree-e an' the ocean& +ut she 'i'n(t Cuite 'are. She "asn(t as $ree as all that. 8ut she smile' as she )ot to the en' o$ the 'oc#. The s#* an' the ocean "ere e>actl* the same 'eep ?e"el3+lue& e>cept that the s#* li)htene' 'o"n at the hori-on "here the* met. Cassie thou)ht

that she coul' see the cur,e o$ the earth& +ut it mi)ht ha,e +een her ima)ination. Terns an' herrin) )ulls "heele' a+o,e. I shoul' "rite a poem& she thou)ht. She ha' a note+oo# $ull o$ scri++le' poems at home un'er her +e'. She har'l* e,er sho"e' them to an*one& +ut she loo#e' at them at ni)ht. Ri)ht no"& thou)h& she coul'n(t thin# o$ an* "or's. Still& it "as lo,el* ?ust to +e here& smellin) the salt sea3smell an' $eelin) the "arm plan#s +eneath her an' hearin) the so$t plashin) o$ the "ater a)ainst the "oo'en piers. It "as a h*pnotic soun'& rh*thmic as a )iant heart+eat or the +reathin) o$ the planet& an' stran)el* $amiliar. She sat an' )a-e' an' listene'& an' as she 'i' she $elt her o"n +reathin) slo". ;or the $irst time since she(' come to %e" En)lan'& she $elt she +elon)e'. She "as a part o$ the ,astness o$ s#* an' earth an' sea= a tin* part in all the immensit*& +ut a part ?ust the same. An' slo"l* it came to her that her part mi)ht not +e so small. She ha' +een immerse' in the rh*thm o$ the earth& +ut no" it seeme' to her almost as i$ she controlle' that rh*thm. As i$ the elements "ere one "ith her& an' un'er her comman'. She coul' $eel the pulse o$ li$e in the planet& in hersel$& stron) an' 'eep an' ,i+rant. The +eat slo"l* risin) in tension an' e>pectanc*& as i$ "aitin) $orB somethin). ;or "hatD Starin) out to sea& she $elt "or's come to her. Just a little ?in)le& li#e somethin) *ou(' teach a chil'& +ut a poem nonetheless. Sky an% sea$ keep harm from me* The stran)e thin) "as that it 'i'n(t $eel li#e somethin) she(' ma'e up. It $elt more li#e somethin) she(' rea'@or hear'@a lon) time a)o. She ha' a +rie$ $lash o$ an ima)e9 +ein) hel' in someone(s arms& an' loo#in) at the ocean. 8ein) hel' up hi)h an' hearin) "or's. Sky an% sea$ keep harm from me* 'arth an% fire$ bring+ !o* Cassie(s entire s#in "as tin)lin). She coul' sense& in a "a* she ne,er ha' +e$ore& the arch o$ the s#* an' the )ranite soli'it* o$ the earth an' the immeasura+le span o$ the ocean& "a,e a$ter "a,e a$ter "a,e& to the

hori-on an' +e*on'. An' it "as as i$ the* "ere all "aitin)& "atchin)& listenin) to her. Don(t $inish it& she thou)ht. Don(t sa* an* more. A su''en irrational con,iction ha' ta#en hol' o$ her. As lon) as she 'i'n(t $in' the last "or's o$ the poem& she "as sa$e. E,er*thin) "oul' +e as it al"a*s ha' +een= she "oul' )o home an' li,e out her Cuiet& or'inar* li$e in peace. As lon) as she coul' #eep $rom sa*in) the "or's& she(' +e all ri)ht. 8ut the poem "as runnin) throu)h her min'& li#e the tin#lin) o$ ic* music $ar a"a*& an' the last "or's $ell into place. She coul'n(t stop them. Sky an% sea$ keep harm from me* 'arth an% fire$ bring+ my %esire* ,es* Oh& "hat ha,e I %one D It "as li#e a strin) snappin). Cassie $oun' hersel$ on her $eet& starin) "il'l* out at the ocean. Somethin) ha' happene'= she ha' $elt it& an' no" she coul' $eel the elements rece'in) $rom her& their connection +ro#en. She no lon)er $elt li)ht an' $ree& +ut ?an)le' an' out o$ tune an' $ull o$ static electricit*. Su''enl* the ocean loo#e' more ,ast than e,er an' not necessaril* $rien'l*. Turnin) sharpl*& she hea'e' +ac# to"ar' the shore. I'iot& she thou)ht as she neare' the "hite san' o$ the +each a)ain an' the $ri)htene' $eelin) slippe' a"a*. 5hat "ere *ou a$rai' o$D That the s#* an' the sea "ere reall* listenin) to *ouD That those "or's "ere actuall* )oin) to %o somethin)D She coul' almost lau)h at it no"& an' she "as em+arrasse' an' anno*e' "ith hersel$. Tal# a+out an o,eracti,e ima)ination. She "as still sa$e& an' the "orl' "as still or'inar*. 5or's "ere onl* "or's. 8ut "hen a mo,ement cau)ht her e*e then& she "oul' al"a*s remem+er that 'eep 'o"n she ha' not +een surprise'. Somethin) was happenin). There "as motion on the shore. It "as the re'3haire' )u*. He(' +urst out +et"een the pitch pines an' "as runnin) 'o"n the slope o$ a 'une. Su''enl* ine>plica+l* calm& Cassie hurrie' the rest o$ the "a* 'o"n the 'oc#& to meet him as he reache' the san'. The 'o) +esi'e him "as lopin) easil*& loo#in) up at the )u*(s $ace as i$ to sa* this "as a )reat )ame& an' "hat ne>tD 8ut $rom the +o*(s e>pression an' the "a* he "as runnin)& Cassie coul' tell it "asn(t a )ame.

He loo#e' up an' 'o"n the 'eserte' +each. A hun're' *ar's to the le$t a hea'lan' ?utte' out& so *ou coul'n(t see "hat "as +e*on'. He )lance' at Cassie an' their e*es met. Then& turnin) a+ruptl*& he starte' to"ar' the hea'lan'. Cassie(s heart "as +eatin) har'. A5aitEA she calle' ur)entl*. He turne' +ac#& scannin) her Cuic#l* "ith his +lue3)ra* e*es. A5ho(s a$ter *ouDA she sai'& thou)h she thou)ht she #ne". His ,oice "as crisp& his "or's concise. AT"o )u*s "ho loo# li#e line+ac#ers $or the %e" !or# iants.A Cassie no''e'& $eelin) the thump o$ her heart accelerate. 8ut her ,oice "as still calm. ATheir names are Jor'an an' Lo)an 8ain+ri')e.A AIt $i)ures.A A!ou(,e hear' o$ themDA A%o. 8ut it $i)ures the*(' +e name' somethin) li#e that.A Cassie almost lau)he'. She li#e' the "a* he loo#e'& so "in'+lo"n an' alert& scarcel* out o$ +reath e,en thou)h he(' +een runnin) har'. An' she li#e' the 'are'e,il spar#le in his e*es an' the "a* he ?o#e' e,en thou)h he "as in trou+le. ARa? an' I coul' ta#e them& +ut the*(,e )ot a couple o$ $rien's "ith them&A he sai'& turnin) a)ain. 5al#in) +ac#"ar'& he a''e'& A!ou(' +etter )o the other "a*@*ou 'on(t "ant to run into them. An' it "oul' +e nice i$ *ou coul' preten' *ou ha'n(t seen me.A A5aitEA crie' Cassie. 5hate,er "as )oin) on "asn(t her +usinessB +ut she $oun' hersel$ spea#in) "ithout hesitation. There "as somethin) a+out this )u*= somethin) that ma'e her "ant to help him. AThat "a*(s a 'ea' en'@aroun' the hea'lan' *ou(ll run into roc#s. !ou(ll +e trappe'.A A8ut the other "a*(s too strai)ht. I(' still +e in si)ht "hen the* )ot here. The* "eren(t $ar +ehin' me.A Cassie(s thou)hts "ere $l*in)& an' then su''enl* she #ne". AHi'e in the +oat.A A5hatDA

AIn the boat. In the po"er+oat. On the 'oc#.A She )esture' at it. A!ou can )et in the ca+in an' the* "on(t see *ou.A His e*es $ollo"e' hers& +ut he shoo# his hea'. AI(' reall* +e trappe' i$ the* $oun' me there. An' Ra? 'oesn(t li#e to s"im.A AThe* "on(t $in' *ou&A Cassie sai'. AThe* "on(t )o near it. I(ll tell them *ou "ent 'o"n the +each that "a*.A He stare' at her& the smile '*in) out o$ his e*es. A!ou 'on(t un'erstan'&A he sai' Cuietl*. AThose )u*s are trou+le.A AI 'on(t "are&A Cassie sai'& an' she almost pushe' him to"ar' the 'oc#. Hurr*& hurr*& hurr*& somethin) in her +rain "as ur)in). Her sh*ness ha' ,anishe'. All that mattere' "as that he )ot out o$ si)ht. A5hat are the* )oin) to 'o to me& +eat me upD I(m an innocent +*stan'er&A she sai'. A8ut@A AOh& please. Don(t ar)ue. Just 'o itEA He stare' at her one last instant& then turne'& slappin) his thi)h $or the 'o). AC(mon& +o*EA He ran 'o"n the 'oc# an' ?umpe' easil* into the po"er+oat& 'isappearin) as he 'uc#e' into the ca+in. The 'o) $ollo"e' him in one po"er$ul sprin) an' +ar#e'. ShE thou)ht Cassie. The t"o in the +oat "ere hi''en no"& +ut i$ an*one "ent up the 'oc#& the* "oul' +e plainl* ,isi+le. She hoo#e' the loop o$ $ra*e' rope o,er the top o$ the last pier& screenin) o$$ the 'oc#. Then she cast a $rantic )lance aroun' an' hea'e' $or the "ater& splashin) in. 8en'in) 'o"n& she 'u) up a han'$ul o$ "et san' an' shells. She let the "ater "ash the san' out o$ the loose ca)e o$ her $in)ers an' hel' on to the t"o or three small shells that remaine'. She reache' $or another han'$ul. She hear' shoutin) $rom the 'unes. I(m )atherin) shells& I(m onl* )atherin) shells& she thou)ht. I 'on(t nee' to loo# up *et. I(m not concerne'. AHe*EA Cassie loo#e' up. There "ere $our o$ them& an' the t"o in $ront "ere Portia(s +rothers. Jor'an "as the one on the 'e+ate team an' Lo)an "as the one in the Pistol Clu+. Or "as it the other "a* aroun'D

AHe*& 'i' *ou see a )u* come runnin) this "a*DA Jor'an as#e'. The* "ere loo#in) in all 'irections& e>cite' li#e 'o)s on a scent& an' su''enl* another line o$ poetr* came to Cassie. Four lean houn%s "rou"he% low an% smiling . E>cept that these )u*s "eren(t lean= the* "ere +ra"n* an' s"eat*. An' out o$ +reath& Cassie notice'& ,a)uel* contemptuous. AIt(s Portia(s $rien'@Cath*&A sai' Lo)an. AHe*& Cath*& 'i' a )u* ?ust )o runnin) 'o"n hereDA Cassie "al#e' to"ar' him slo"l*& her $ists $ull o$ shells. Her heart "as #noc#in) a)ainst her ri+s so har' she "as sure the* coul' see it& an' her ton)ue "as $ro-en. ACan(t *ou tal#D 5hat(re *ou 'oin) hereDA Mutel*& Cassie hel' out her han's& openin) them. The* e>chan)e' )lances an' snorts& an' Cassie reali-e' ho" she must loo# to these colle)e3a)e )u*s@a sli)ht )irl "ith unremar#a+le +ro"n hair an' or'inar* +lue e*es. Just a little hi)h3school 'it- $rom Cali$ornia "hose i'ea o$ a )oo' time "as pic#in) up "orthless shells. ADi' *ou see some+o'* )o past hereDA Jor'an sai'& impatient +ut slo"& as i$ she mi)ht +e har' o$ hearin). Dr*3mouthe'& Cassie no''e'& an' loo#e' 'o"n the +each to"ar' the hea'lan'. Jor'an "as "earin) an open "in'+rea#er o,er his T3shirt& "hich seeme' o'' in such "arm "eather. 5hat "as e,en o''er "as the +ul)e +eneath it& +ut "hen he turne'& Cassie sa" the )lint o$ metal. A gunJor'an must +e the one in the Pistol Clu+& she thou)ht irrele,antl*. %o" that she sa" somethin) reall* to +e scare' a+out& she $oun' her ,oice a)ain an' sai' hus#il*& AA )u* an' a 'o) "ent that "a* a $e" minutes a)o.A A5e(,e )ot himE He(ll +e stuc# on the roc#sEA Lo)an sai'. He an' the t"o )u*s Cassie 'i'n(t #no" starte' 'o"n the +each& +ut Jor'an turne' +ac# to Cassie. AAre *ou sureDA Startle'& she loo#e' up at him. 5h* "as he as#in)D She 'eli+eratel* "i'ene' her e*es an' trie' to loo# as chil'ish an' stupi' as possi+le. A!esBA

A8ecause it(s important.A An' su''enl* he "as hol'in) her "rist. Cassie loo#e' 'o"n at it in ama-ement& her shells scatterin)& too surprise' at +ein) )ra++e' to sa* an*thin). AIt(s ,er* important&A Jor'an sai'& an' she coul' $eel the tension runnin) throu)h his +o'*& coul' smell the acri'it* o$ his s"eat. A "a,e o$ re,ulsion s"ept throu)h her& an' she stru))le' to #eep her $ace +lan# an' "i'e3e*e'. She "as a$rai' he "as )oin) to pull her up a)ainst him& +ut he ?ust t"iste' her "rist. She 'i'n(t mean to cr* out& +ut she coul'n(t help it. It "as partl* pain an' partl* a reaction to somethin) she sa" in his e*es& somethin) $anatical an' u)l* an' hot li#e $ire. She $oun' hersel$ )aspin)& more a$rai' than she coul' remem+er +ein) since she "as a chil'. A!es& I(m sure&A she sai'& +reathless& starin) into that u)liness "ithout lettin) hersel$ loo# a"a*. AHe "ent 'o"n there an' aroun' the hea'lan'.A ACome on& Jor'an& lea,e her aloneEA Lo)an shoute'. AShe(s ?ust a #i'. Let(s )oEA Jor'an hesitate'. He #no"s I(m l*in)& Cassie thou)ht& "ith a curious $ascination. He #no"s& +ut he(s a$rai' to trust "hat he #no"s +ecause he 'oesn(t #no" how he #no"s it. 8elie,e me& she thou)ht& )a-in) strai)ht +ac# at him& "illin) him to 'o it. 8elie,e me an' )o a"a*. 8elie,e me. .elie e me. He let )o o$ her "rist. ASorr*&A he muttere' un)raciousl*& an' he turne' an' lope' o$$ "ith the others. ASure&A Cassie "hispere'& stan'in) ,er* still. Tin)lin)& she "atche' them ?o) across the "et san'& el+o"s an' #nees pumpin)& Jor'an(s "in'3+rea#er $lappin) loose +ehin' him. The "ea#ness sprea' $rom her stomach to her le)s& an' her #nees su''enl* $elt li#e Sill* Putt*. She "as a"are& all at once& o$ the soun' o$ the ocean a)ain. A com$ortin) soun' that seeme' to en$ol' her. 5hen the $our runnin) $i)ures turne' the corner an' 'isappeare' $rom her si)ht& she turne' +ac# to the 'oc#& meanin) to tell the re'3haire' )u* that he coul' come out no". He alrea'* ha'. Slo"l*& she ma'e her ?ellie' le)s carr* her to the 'oc#. He "as ?ust stan'in) there& an' the loo# on his $ace ma'e her $eel stran)e.

A!ou(' +etter )et out o$ here@or ma*+e hi'e a)ain&A she sai' hesitantl*. AThe* mi)ht come ri)ht +ac#BA AI 'on(t thin# so.A A5ellBA Cassie $altere'& loo#in) at him& $eelin) almost $ri)htene'. A!our 'o) "as ,er* )oo'&A she o$$ere' uncertainl*& at last. AI mean& not +ar#in) or an*thin).A AHe #no"s +etter.A AOh.A Cassie loo#e' 'o"n the +each& tr*in) to thin# o$ somethin) else to sa*. His ,oice "as )entle& not harsh& +ut that #een loo# ne,er le$t his e*es an' his mouth "as )rim. AI )uess the* reall* are )one no"&A she sai'. AThan#s to *ou&A he sai'. He turne' to her& an' their e*es met. AI 'on(t #no" how to than# *ou&A he a''e'& A$or puttin) up "ith that $or me. !ou 'on(t e,en #no" me.A Cassie $elt e,en more Cueer. Loo#in) up at him ma'e her almost 'i--*& +ut she coul'n(t ta#e her e*es $rom his. There "as no spar#le no"= the* loo#e' li#e +lue3)ra* steel. Compellin)@h*pnotic. Dra"in) her closer& 'ra"in) her in. 8ut I %o know you& she thou)ht. In that instant a stran)e ima)e $lashe' throu)h her min'. It "as as i$ she "ere $loatin) outsi'e hersel$ an' she coul' see the t"o o$ them& stan'in) there on the +each. She coul' see the sun shinin) on his hair an' her $ace tilte' up to him. An' the* "ere connecte' +* a sil,er cor' that humme' an' san) "ith po"er. A +an' o$ ener)*& lin#in) them. It "as so real she coul' almost reach out an' touch it. It +oun' them heart to heart& an' it "as tr*in) to 'ra" them closer. A thou)ht came to her& as i$ some small ,oice $rom 'eep insi'e her "as spea#in). The sil er "or% "an ne er be broken* ,our li es are linke%* ,ou "an/t es"ape ea"h other any more than you "an es"ape %estiny . Su''enl*& as Cuic#l* as it ha' come& the picture an' the ,oice ,anishe'. Cassie +lin#e' an' shoo# her hea'& tr*in) to "rench her min' +ac#. He "as still loo#in) at her& "aitin) $or an ans"er to his Cuestion. AI "as )la' to help *ou&A she sai'& $eelin) ho" lame an' ina'eCuate the "or's "ere. AAn' I 'i'n(t min'@"hat happene'.A His e*es 'roppe' to her "rist& an' there "as a $lash $rom them almost li#e sil,er. AI %i%&A he sai'. AI shoul' ha,e come out earlier.A

Cassie shoo# her hea' a)ain. The last thin) she(' "ante' "as $or him to +e cau)ht an' hurt. AI ?ust "ante' to help *ou&A she repeate' so$tl*& con$use'. Then she sai'& A5h* "ere the* chasin) *ouDA He loo#e' a"a*& 'ra"in) in a 'eep +reath. Cassie ha' the sense o$ trespassin). AThat(s all ri)ht. I shoul'n(t ha,e as#e'@A she +e)an. A%o.A He loo#e' +ac# at her an' smile'& his "r* one3si'e' smile. AI$ an*+o'* has a ri)ht to as#& *ou 'o. 8ut it(s a little 'i$$icult to e>plain. I(mB o$$ m* tur$ here. 8ac# home& the* "oul'n(t 'are come a$ter me. The* "oul'n(t 'are look at me cross3e*e'. 8ut here I(m $air )ame.A She still 'i'n(t un'erstan'. AThe* 'on(t li#e people "ho are@ 'i$$erent&A he sai'& his ,oice Cuiet a)ain. AAn' I(m 'i$$erent $rom them. I(m ,er*& ,er* 'i$$erent.A !es& she thou)ht. 5hate,er he "as& he "asn(t li#e Jor'an or Lo)an. He "asn(t li#e an*one she ha' e,er met. AI(m sorr*. That(s not much o$ an e>planation& I #no"&A he sai'. AEspeciall* a$ter "hat *ou 'i'. !ou helpe' me& an' I "on(t $or)et a+out it.A He )lance' 'o"n at himsel$ an' lau)he' shortl*. AO$ course& it 'oesn(t loo# li#e there(s much I can 'o $or you& 'oes itD %ot here. Althou)hBA He pause'. A5ait a minute.A He reache' in his poc#et& $in)ers )ropin) $or somethin). All in an instant Cassie(s 'i--iness o,er"helme' her& +loo' rushin) to her $ace. 5as he loo#in) $or mone*D Di' he thin# he coul' pay her $or helpin) himD She "as humiliate'& an' more stric#en than "hen Jor'an ha' )ra++e' her "rist& an' she coul'n(t help the tears $loo'in) her e*es. 8ut "hat he pulle' out o$ his poc#et "as a stone& a roc# li#e somethin) *ou mi)ht pic# up on the ocean $loor. At least that "as "hat it loo#e' li#e at $irst. One si'e "as rou)h an' )ra*& em+e''e' "ith tin* +lac# spirals li#e little shells. 8ut then he turne' it o,er& an' the other si'e "as )ra* s"irle' "ith pale +lue& cr*stalli-e'& spar#lin) in the sunli)ht as i$ it "ere o,erlai' "ith roc# can'*. It "as +eauti$ul. He presse' it into her palm& closin) her $in)ers aroun' it. As it touche' her she $elt a ?olt li#e electricit* that ran throu)h her han' an' up her arm. The stone $elt ali e in some "a* she coul'n(t e>plain. Throu)h the poun'in) in her ears she hear' him spea#in)& Cuic#l* an' in a lo" ,oice. AThis is chalce'on*. It(s a@)oo'3luc# piece. I$ *ou(re e,er in trou+le or 'an)er or an*thin) li#e that& i$ there(s e,er a time "hen *ou $eel all

alone an' no one else can help *ou& hol' on to it ti)ht@ti)htA@his $in)ers sCuee-e' hers@Aan' thin# o$ me.A She stare' up at him& mesmeri-e'. She "as har'l* +reathin)& an' her chest $elt too $ull. He "as so close to her= she coul' see his e*es& the same color as the cr*stal& an' she coul' $eel his +reath on her s#in an' the "armth o$ his +o'* re$lectin) the sun(s heat. His hair "asn(t ?ust re'& +ut all sorts o$ colors& some stran's so 'ar# the* "ere almost purple& others li#e +ur)un'* "ine& others )ol'. Di$$erent& she thou)ht a)ain= he "as 'i$$erent $rom an* )u* she(' e,er #no"n. A s"eet hot current "as runnin) throu)h her& a $eelin) o$ "il'ness an' possi+ilit*. She "as trem+lin) an' she coul' $eel a heart+eat in her $in)ers& +ut she coul'n(t tell i$ it "as hers or his. He ha' seeme' to hear her thou)hts +e$ore= no" she $elt almost as i$ he "ere in her min'. He "as so close an' he "as loo#in) 'o"n at herB AAn' "hat happens thenDA she "hispere'. AAn' then@ma*+e *our luc# "ill chan)e.A A+ruptl* he steppe' +ac#& as i$ he(' ?ust remem+ere' somethin)& an' his tone altere'. The moment "as o,er. AIt(s "orth a tr*& 'on(t *ou thin#DA he sai' li)htl*. <na+le to spea#& she no''e'. He "as teasin) no". 8ut he ha'n(t +een +e$ore. AI(,e )ot to )o. I shoul'n(t ha,e sta*e' this lon)&A he sai'. Cassie s"allo"e'. A!ou(' +etter +e care$ul. I thin# Jor'an ha' a )un @A A5oul'n(t surprise me.A He +rushe' it o$$& stoppin) her $rom sa*in) an*thin) $urther. ADon(t "orr*= I(m lea,in) the Cape. ;or no"& an*"a*. I(ll +e +ac#= ma*+e I(ll see *ou then.A He starte' to turn. Then he pause' one last moment an' too# her han' a)ain. Cassie "as too startle' at the $eelin) o$ his s#in a)ainst hers to 'o an*thin) a+out it. He turne' her han' o,er an' loo#e' at the re' mar#s on her "rist& then +rushe' them li)htl* "ith his $in)ertips. The steel* li)ht "as +ac# in his e*es "hen he loo#e' up. AAn' +elie,e me&A he "hispere'& Ahe(ll pa* $or this some'a*. I )uarantee it.A An' then he 'i' somethin) that shoc#e' Cassie more than an*thin) else ha' 'urin) that "hole shoc#in) 'a*. He li$te' her "oun'e' han' to his lips an' #isse' it. It "as the )entlest& the li)htest o$ touches& an' it "ent throu)h Cassie li#e $ire. She stare' at him& 'a-e' an' un+elie,in)&

utterl* speechless. She coul' neither mo,e nor thin#= she coul' onl* stan' there an' feel. An' then he "as lea,in)& "histlin) $or the 'o)& "hich rompe' aroun' Cassie in circles +e$ore $inall* +rea#in) a"a*. She "as alone& )a-in) a$ter him& her $in)ers clenche' ti)htl* on the small rou)h stone in her palm. It "as onl* then she reali-e' she(' ne,er as#e' him his name.

An instant later Cassie came out o$ her 'a-e. She(' +etter )et mo,in)= Lo)an an' Jor'an mi)ht +e comin) +ac# an* secon'. An' i$ the* reali-e' she(' 'eli+eratel* lie' to themB Cassie "ince' as she scram+le' up the slopin) 'une. The "orl' aroun' her seeme' or'inar* a)ain& no lon)er $ull o$ ma)ic an' m*ster*. It "as as i$ she(' +een mo,in) in a 'ream& an' no" she(' "o#en up. 5hat ha' she +een thin#in)D Some nonsense a+out sil,er cor's an' 'estin* an' a )u* "ho "asn(t li#e an* other )u*. 8ut that "as all ri'iculous. The stone in her han' "as ?ust a stone. An' "or's "ere ?ust "or's. E,en that +o*B O$ course there "as no "a* he coul' ha,e hear' her thou)hts. %o one coul' 'o that= there ha' to +e a rational e>planationB She ti)htene' her )rip on the little piece o$ roc# in her palm. Her han' "as still tin)lin) "here he(' hel' it& an' the s#in he(' touche' "ith his $in)ertips felt 'i$$erent $rom an* other part o$ her +o'*. She thou)ht that no matter "hat happene' to her in the $uture& she "oul' al"a*s $eel his touch. Once insi'e the summer cotta)e she an' her mother rente'& she loc#e' the $ront 'oor +ehin' her. Then she pause'. She coul' hear her mother(s ,oice $rom the #itchen& an' $rom the soun' o$ it she coul' tell somethin) "as "ron). Mrs. 8la#e "as on the phone& her +ac# to the 'oor"a*& her hea' sli)htl* +o"e' as she clutche' the recei,er to her ear. As al"a*s& Cassie "as struc# +* the "illo" slimness o$ her mother(s $i)ure. 5ith that an' the $all o$ lon)& 'ar# hair "orn simpl* claspe' at the +ac# o$ her nec#& Mrs. 8la#e coul' ha,e +een a teena)er hersel$. It ma'e Cassie $eel protecti,e to"ar' her. In $act& sometimes she almost $elt as i$ she "ere the mother an' her mother the chil'. An' ?ust no" it ma'e her 'eci'e not to interrupt her mother(s con,ersation. Mrs. 8la#e "as upset& an' at inter,als she sai' A!esA or AI #no"A into the mouthpiece in a ,oice $ull o$ strain. Cassie turne' an' "ent to her +e'room. She "an'ere' o,er to the "in'o" an' loo#e' out& "on'erin) ,a)uel* "hat "as )oin) on "ith her mother. 8ut she coul'n(t #eep her min' on an*thin) +ut the +o* on the +each.

E,en i$ Portia #ne" his name& she "oul' ne,er tell& Cassie "as sure o$ that. 8ut "ithout his name& ho" "oul' Cassie e,er $in' him a)ainD She "oul'n(t. That "as the +rutal truth& an' she mi)ht as "ell $ace it ri)ht no". E,en i$ she %i% $in' out his name& she "asn(t the sort to chase a$ter a +o*. She "oul'n(t #no" ho". AAn' in one "ee# I(m )oin) home&A she "hispere'. ;or the $irst time these "or's 'i'n(t +rin) a sur)e o$ com$ort an' hope. She put the rou)h little piece o$ chalce'on* 'o"n on the ni)ht3stan'& "ith a sort o$ $inal clin#. ACassieD Di' *ou sa* somethin)DA Cassie turne' Cuic#l* to see her mother in the 'oor"a*. AMomE I 'i'n(t #no" *ou "ere o$$ the phone.A 5hen her mother continue' to loo# at her inCuirin)l*& she a''e'& AI "as ?ust thin#in) out lou'. I "as sa*in) that "e(ll +e )oin) home ne>t "ee#.A An o'' e>pression crosse' her mother(s $ace& li#e a $lash o$ represse' pain. Her lar)e +lac# e*es ha' 'ar# circles un'er them an' "an'ere' ner,ousl* aroun' the room. AMom& "hat(s "ron)DA sai' Cassie. AI "as ?ust tal#in) "ith *our )ran'mother. !ou remem+er ho" I "as plannin) $or us to 'ri,e up an' see her sometime ne>t "ee#DA Cassie remem+ere' ,er* "ell. She(' tol' Portia she an' her mother "ere )oin) to 'ri,e up the coast& an' Portia ha' snappe' that it "asn(t calle' the coast here. ;rom 8oston 'o"n to the Cape it "as the south shore& an' $rom 8oston up to %e" Hampshire it "as the north shore& an' i$ *ou "ere )oin) to Maine it "as 'o"n east& an' an*"a*& "here 'i' her )ran'mother li,eD An' Cassie ha'n(t +een a+le to ans"er +ecause her mother ha' ne,er tol' her the name o$ the to"n. A!es&A she sai'. AI remem+er.A AI ?ust )ot o$$ the phone "ith her. She(s ol'& Cassie& an' she(s not 'oin) ,er* "ell. It(s "orse than I reali-e'.A AOh& Mom. I(m sorr*.A Cassie ha' ne,er met her )ran'mother& ne,er e,en seen a picture o$ her& +ut she still $elt a"$ul. Her mother an' )ran'mother ha' +een estran)e' $or *ears& since Cassie ha' +een +orn. It "as somethin) a+out her mother lea,in) home& +ut that "as all her mother "oul' e,er sa* a+out it. In the past $e" *ears& thou)h& there ha' +een some letters e>chan)e'& an' Cassie thou)ht that un'erneath the* still

lo,e' each other. She hope% the* 'i'& an*"a*& an' she(' +een loo#in) $or"ar' to seein) her )ran'mother $or the $irst time. AI(m reall* sorr*& Mom&A she sai' no". AIs she )oin) to +e o#a*DA AI 'on(t #no". She(s all +* hersel$ in that +i) house an' she(s lonel*B an' no" "ith this phle+itis it(s har' $or her to )et aroun' some 'a*s.A The sunshine $ell in strips o$ li)ht an' sha'o" across her mother(s $ace. She spo#e Cuietl* +ut almost stilte'l*& as i$ she "ere hol'in) some stron) emotion +ac# "ith 'i$$icult*. ACassie& *our )ran'mother an' I ha,e ha' our pro+lems& +ut "e(re still $amil*& an' she hasn(t )ot an*one else. It(s time "e +urie' our 'i$$erences.A Her mother ha' ne,er spo#en so $reel* a+out the estran)ement +e$ore. A5hat "as it all a+out& MomDA AIt 'oesn(t matter no". She "ante' me to@$ollo" a path I 'i'n(t "ant to $ollo". She thou)ht she "as 'oin) the ri)ht thin)B an' no" she(s all alone an' she nee's help.A Disma* "hispere' throu)h Cassie. Concern $or the )ran'mother she(' ne,er met@an' somethin) else. A tric#le o$ alarm starte' +* the loo# on her mother(s $ace& "hich "as that o$ someone a+out to 'eli,er +a' ne"s an' ha,in) a har' time $in'in) the "or's. ACassie& I(,e thou)ht a lot a+out this& an' there(s onl* one thin) $or us to 'o. An' I(m sorr*& +ecause it "ill mean such a 'isruption o$ *our li$e& an' it "ill +e so har' on *ouB +ut *ou(re *oun). !ou(ll a'apt. I #no" *ou "ill.A A t"in)e o$ panic shot throu)h Cassie. AMom& it(s all ri)ht&A she sai' Cuic#l*. A!ou sta* here an' 'o "hat *ou nee' to. I can )et rea'* $or school +* m*sel$. It(ll +e eas*= 8eth an' Mrs. ;reeman "ill help me@A Cassie(s mother "as sha#in) her hea'& an' su''enl* Cassie $elt she ha' to )o on& to co,er e,er*thin) in a rush o$ "or's. AI 'on(t nee' that man* ne" school clothesBA ACassie& I(m so sorr*. I nee' *ou to tr* an' un'erstan'& s"eetheart& an' to +e a'ult a+out this. I #no" *ou(ll miss *our $rien's. 8ut "e(,e +oth )ot to tr* to ma#e the +est o$ thin)s.A Her mother(s e*es "ere $i>e' on the "in'o"& as i$ she coul'n(t +ear to loo# at Cassie. Cassie "ent ,er* still. AMom& "hat are *ou tr*in) to sa*DA

AI(m sa*in) "e(re not )oin) home& or at least not +ac# to Rese'a. 5e(re )oin) to my home& to mo,e in "ith *our )ran'mother. She nee's us. 5e(re )oin) to sta* here.A Cassie $elt nothin) +ut a 'a-e' num+ness. She coul' onl* sa* stupi'l*& as i$ this "ere "hat mattere'& A5here(s (here(D 5here 'oes ran'ma li,eDA ;or the $irst time her mother turne' $rom the "in'o". Her e*es seeme' +i))er an' 'ar#er than Cassie ha' e,er seen them +e$ore. A%e" Salem&A she sai' Cuietl*. AThe to"n is calle' %e" Salem.A Hours later& Cassie "as still sittin) +* the "in'o"& starin) +lan#l*. Her min' "as runnin) in helpless& useless circles. To stay hereB to sta* in %e" En)lan'B An electric shoc# ran throu)h her. #im* I knew we/% see him again& somethin) insi'e her proclaime'& an' it "as )la'. 8ut it "as onl* one ,oice an' there "ere man* others& all spea#in) at once. To sta*. %ot )oin) home. An' "hat 'i$$erence 'oes it ma#e i$ the )u* is here in Massachusetts some"hereD !ou 'on(t #no" his name or "here he li,es. !ou(ll ne,er $in' him a)ain. 8ut there(s a chance& she thou)ht 'esperatel*. An' the ,oice 'eepest insi'e& the one that ha' +een )la' +e$ore& "hispere'9 &ore than a "han"e* It/s your fate. ;ateE the other ,oices sco$$e'. Don(t +e ri'iculousE It(s *our $ate to spen' *our ?unior *ear in %e" En)lan'& that(s all. 5here *ou 'on(t #no" an*one. 5here *ou(ll +e alone. Alone& alone& alone& all the other ,oices a)ree'. The 'eep ,oice "as crushe' an' 'isappeare'. Cassie $elt an* hope o$ seein) the re'3haire' +o* a)ain slip a"a* $rom her. 5hat she "as le$t "ith "as 'espair. I "on(t e,en )et to sa* )oo'3+*e to m* $rien's at home& she thou)ht. She(' +e))e' her mother $or the chance to )o +ac#& ?ust to sa* )oo'3+*e. 8ut Mrs. 8la#e ha' sai' there "as no mone* an' no time. Their airline tic#ets "oul' +e cashe' in. All their thin)s "oul' +e shippe' to Cassie(s )ran'mother(s house +* a $rien' o$ her mother(s.

AI$ *ou "ent +ac#&A her mother ha' sai' )entl*& A*ou(' onl* $eel "orse a+out lea,in) a)ain. This "a* at least it "ill +e a clean +rea#. An' *ou can see *our $rien's ne>t summer.A %e>t summerD %e>t summer "as a hun're' *ears a"a*. Cassie thou)ht o$ her $rien's9 )oo'3nature' 8eth an' Cuiet Clo,er& an' Miriam the class "it. A'' to that sh* an' 'ream* Cassie an' *ou ha' their )roup. So ma*+e the* "eren(t the in3cro"'& +ut the* ha' $un an' the*(' stuc# to)ether since elementar* school. Ho" "oul' she )et alon) "ithout them until ne>t summerD 8ut her mother(s ,oice ha' +een so so$t an' 'istracte'& an' her e*es ha' "an'ere' aroun' the room in such a ,a)ue& preoccupie' "a*& that Cassie ha'n(t ha' the heart to rant an' ra,e the "a* she "oul' ha,e li#e'. In $act& $or an instant Cassie ha' "ante' to )o to her mother an' thro" her arms aroun' her an' tell her e,er*thin) "oul' +e all ri)ht. 8ut she coul'n(t. The small& hot coal o$ resentment +urnin) in her chest "oul'n(t let her. Ho"e,er "orrie' her mother mi)ht +e& she 'i'n(t ha,e to $ace the prospect o$ )oin) to a stran)e ne" school in a state three thousan' miles $rom "here she +elon)e'. Cassie 'i'. %e" hall"a*s& ne" loc#ers& ne" classrooms& ne" 'es#s& she thou)ht. %e" $aces instea' o$ the $rien's she(' #no"n since ?unior hi)h. Oh& it coul'n(t +e true. Cassie ha'n(t screame' at her mother this a$ternoon& an' she ha'n(t hu))e' her& either. She ha' ?ust silentl* turne' a"a* to the "in'o"& an' this "as "here she(' +een sittin) e,er since& "hile the li)ht slo"l* $a'e' an' the s#* turne' $irst salmon pin# an' then ,iolet an' then +lac#. It "as a lon) time +e$ore she "ent to +e'. An' it "as onl* then that she reali-e' she(' $or)otten all a+out the chalce'on* luc#* piece. She reache' out an' too# it $rom the ni)htstan' an' slippe' it un'er her pillo". Portia stoppe' +* as Cassie an' her mother "ere loa'in) the rental car. A oin) homeDA she sai'. Cassie )a,e her tote +a) a $inal push to sCuee-e it into the trun#. She ha' ?ust reali-e' she 'i'n(t "ant Portia to $in' out she "as sta*in) in %e" En)lan'. She coul'n(t stan' to ha,e Portia #no" o$ her unhappiness= it "oul' )i,e Portia a #in' o$ triumph o,er her.

5hen she loo#e' up& she ha' her +est attempt at a pleasant smile in place. A!es&A she sai'& an' $lic#e' a Cuic# )lance o,er to "here her mother "as leanin) in the 'ri,er(s3si'e 'oor& arran)in) thin)s in the +ac#seat. AI thou)ht *ou "ere sta*in) until the en' o$ ne>t "ee#.A A5e chan)e' our min's.A She loo#e' into Portia(s ha-el e*es an' "as startle' +* the col'ness there. A%ot that I 'i'n(t ha,e a )oo' time. It(s +een $un&A Cassie a''e'& hastil* an' $oolishl*. Portia shoo# stra"3colore' hair o$$ her $orehea'. AMa*+e *ou(' +etter sta* out "est $rom no" on&A she sai'. AAroun' here& "e 'on(t li#e liars.A Cassie opene' her mouth an' then shut it a)ain& chee#s $lamin). So the* 'i' #no" a+out her 'eception on the +each. This "as the time $or one o$ those 'e,astatin)l* "itt* remar#s that she thou)ht o$ at ni)ht to sa* to Portia@an'& o$ course& she coul'n(t summon up a "or'. She presse' her lips to)ether. AHa,e a nice trip&A Portia conclu'e'& an' "ith one last col' )lance& she turne' a"a*. APortiaEA Cassie(s stomach "as in a #not o$ tension& em+arrassment& an' an)er& +ut she coul'n(t let this chance )o. A8e$ore I lea,e& "ill *ou ?ust tell me one thin)DA A5hatDA AIt can(t ma#e an* 'i$$erence no"@an' I ?ust "ante' to #no"B I ?ust "on'ere'B i$ *ou #ne" his name.A A5hose nameDA Cassie $elt a ne" "a,e o$ +loo' in her chee#s& +ut she "ent on 'o))e'l*. A#is name. The re'3haire' )u*. The one on the +each.A Those ha-el e*es 'i'n(t "a,er. The* "ent on starin) strai)ht into Cassie(s& the pupils contracte' to mean little 'ots. Loo#in) into those e*es& Cassie #ne" there "as no hope. She "as ri)ht. A5hat re'3haire' )u* on the +eachDA Portia sai' 'istinctl* an' le,ell*& an' then she turne' on her heel a)ain an' le$t. This time Cassie let her )o. reen. That(s "hat Cassie notice' on the 'ri,e north $rom the Cape. There "as a forest )ro"in) on either si'e o$ the hi)h"a*. In Cali$ornia *ou ha' to )o to a national par# to see trees this tallB

AThose are su)ar maples&A her mother sai' "ith $orce' cheer$ulness as Cassie turne' her hea' sli)htl* to $ollo" a stan' o$ particularl* )race$ul trees. AAn' those shorter ones are re' maple. The*(ll turn re' in the $all@ a +eauti$ul )lo"in)& sunset re'. Just "ait until *ou see them.A Cassie 'i'n(t ans"er. She 'i'n(t "ant to see the trees in the $all +ecause she 'i'n(t "ant to be here. The* passe' throu)h 8oston an' 'ro,e up the coast@up the north shore& Cassie correcte' hersel$ $iercel*@an' Cassie "atche' Cuaint little to"ns an' "har,es an' roc#* +eaches slip +*. She suspecte' the* "ere ta#in) the scenic route& an' she $elt resentment +oil up in her chest. 5h* coul'n(t the* ?ust )et there an' )et it o,er "ithD AIsn(t there a $aster "a*DA she sai'& openin) the )lo,e compartment an' pullin) out a map supplie' +* the car rental compan*. A5h* 'on(t "e ta#e Route .D Or Interstate 40DA Her mother #ept her e*es on the roa'. AIt(s +een a lon) time since I 'ro,e up here& Cassie. This is the "a* I #no".A A8ut i$ *ou cut o,er here at SalemBA Cassie "atche' the e>it )o +*. AO#a*& 'on(t&A she sai'. O$ all places in Massachusetts& Salem "as the onl* one she coul' thin# o$ that she "ante' to see. Its maca+re histor* appeale' to her moo' ri)ht no". AThat(s "here the* +urne' the "itches& isn(t itDA she sai'. AIs %e" Salem name' $or itD Di' the* +urn "itches there& tooDA AThe* 'i'n(t +urn an*one= the* han)e' them. An' the* "eren(t "itches. Just innocent people "ho happene' to +e 'isli#e' +* their nei)h+ors.A Her mother(s ,oice "as tire' an' patient. AAn' Salem "as a common name in colonial times= it comes $rom (Jerusalem.( A The map "as +lurrin) +e$ore Cassie(s e*es. A5here is this to"n& an*"a*D It(s not e,en liste'&A she sai'. There "as a +rie$ silence +e$ore her mother replie'. AIt(s a small to"n= Cuite o$ten it(s not sho"n on maps. 8ut as a matter o$ $act& it(s on an islan'.A AAn islan%DA ADon(t "orr*. There(s a +ri')e to the mainlan'.A 8ut all Cassie coul' thin# "as& An islan%. I(m )oin) to li,e on an islan'. In a to"n that isn(t e,en on the map.

The roa' "as unmar#e'. Mrs. 8la#e turne' 'o"n it an' the car crosse' the +ri')e& an' then the* "ere on the islan'. Cassie ha' e>pecte' it to +e tin*& an' her spirits li$te' a little "hen she sa" that it "asn(t. There "ere re)ular stores& not ?ust tourist shops& clustere' to)ether in "hat must +e the center o$ to"n. There "as a Dun#in( Donuts an' an International House o$ Panca#es "ith a +anner proclaimin) )ran' openin). In $ront o$ it there "as someone 'resse' up li#e a )iant panca#e& 'ancin). Cassie $elt the #not in her stomach loosen. An* to"n "ith a 'ancin) panca#e coul'n(t +e all +a'& coul' itD 8ut then her mother turne' onto another roa' that rose an' )ot lonelier an' lonelier as the to"n $ell +ehin'. The* must +e )oin) to the ultimate point o$ the hea'lan'& Cassie reali-e'. She coul' see it& the sun )lintin) re' o$$ the "in'o"s on a )roup o$ houses at the top o$ a +lu$$. She "atche' them )et closer& at $irst uneasil*& then an>iousl*& an' $inall* "ith sic# 'isma*. 8ecause the* "ere ol%. Terri$*in)l* ol'& not ?ust Cuaint or )race$ull* a)e'& +ut an"ient. An' althou)h some "ere in )oo' repair& others loo#e' as i$ the* mi)ht $all o,er in a crash o$ splinterin) tim+ers an* minute. Please let it +e that one& Cassie thou)ht& $i>in) her e*es on a prett* *ello" house "ith se,eral to"ers an' +a* "in'o"s. 8ut her mother 'ro,e +* it "ithout slo"in). An' +* the ne>t an' the ne>t. An' then there "as onl* one house le$t& the last house on the +lu$$& an' the car "as hea'in) to"ar' it. Heartsic#& Cassie stare' at it as the* approache'. It "as shape' li#e a thic# upsi'e3'o"n T& "ith one "in) $acin) the roa' an' one "in) stic#in) strai)ht out the +ac#. As the* came aroun' the si'e Cassie coul' see that the +ac# "in) loo#e' nothin) li#e the $ront. It ha' a steepl* slopin) roo$ an' small& irre)ularl* place' "in'o"s ma'e o$ tin*& 'iamon'3shape' panes o$ )lass. It "asn(t e,en painte'& ?ust co,ere' "ith "eathere' )ra* clap+oar' si'in). The $ront "in) ha' +een painte'B once. %o" "hat "as le$t "as peelin) o$$ in strips. The t"o chimne*s loo#e' crum+lin) an' unsta+le& an' the entire slate roo$ seeme' to sa). The "in'o"s "ere re)ularl* place' across the $ront& +ut most loo#e' as i$ the* ha'n(t +een "ashe' in a)es. Cassie stare' "or'lessl*. She ha' ne,er seen a more 'epressin) house in her li$e. This "oul%n/t +e the one.

A5ell&A sai' her mother& in that tone o$ $orce' cheer$ulness& as she turne' into a )ra,el 'ri,e"a*& Athis is it& the house I )re" up in. 5e(re home.A Cassie coul'n(t spea#. The +u++le o$ horror an' $ur* an' resentment insi'e her "as s"ellin) +i))er an' +i))er until she thou)ht it "oul' e>plo'e.

Her mother "as still tal#in) in that $alsel* +ri)ht "a*& +ut Cassie coul' onl* hear snatches o$ the "or's. AB ori)inal "in) actuall* Prere,olutionar*& one3an'3a3hal$ storiesB $ront "in) is Postre,olutionar* eor)ianBA It "ent on an' on. Cassie cla"e' open the car 'oor& )ettin) an uno+structe' ,ie" o$ the house at last. The more she sa" o$ it& the "orse it loo#e'. Her mother "as sa*in) somethin) a+out a transom o,er the $ront 'oor& her ,oice rapi' an' +reathless. AB rectan)ular& not li#e the arche' $anli)hts that came later@A AI hate itEA Cassie crie'& interruptin)& her ,oice too lou' in the Cuiet air& startlin)l* lou'. She 'i'n(t mean the transom& "hate,er a transom "as. AI hate itEA she crie' a)ain passionatel*. There "as silence $rom her mother +ehin' her& +ut Cassie 'i'n(t turn to loo#= she "as starin) at the house& at the ro"s o$ un"ashe' "in'o"s an' the sa))in) ea,es an' the sheer monstrous +ul# an' $latness an' horri+leness o$ it& an' she "as sha#in). AIt(s the u)liest thin) I(,e e,er seen& an' I hate it. I "ant to )o home. I "ant to )o homeEA She turne' to see her mother(s "hite $ace an' stric#en e*es& an' +urst into tears. AOh& Cassie.A Mrs. 8la#e reache' across the ,in*l top o$ the car to"ar' her. ACassie& s"eetheart.A There "ere tears in her o"n e*es& an' "hen she loo#e' up at the house& Cassie "as astoun'e' at her e>pression. It "as a loo# o$ hatre' an' $ear as )reat as an*thin) Cassie $elt. ACassie& s"eetheart& listen to me&A she sai'. AI$ *ou reall* 'on(t "ant to sta*@A She stoppe'. Cassie "as still cr*in)& +ut she hear' the noise +ehin' her. Turnin)& she sa" that the 'oor to the house ha' opene'. An ol' "oman "ith )ra* hair "as stan'in) in the 'oor"a*& leanin) on a cane. Cassie turne' +ac#. AMomDA she sai' plea'in)l*. 8ut her mother "as )a-in) at the 'oor. An' slo"l*& a loo# o$ 'ull resi)nation settle' o,er her. 5hen she turne' to Cassie& the +rittle& $alsel* cheer* tone "as +ac# in her ,oice. AThat(s *our )ran'mother& 'ear&A she sai'. ALet(s not #eep her "aitin).A

AMomBA Cassie "hispere'. It "as a 'espairin) entreat*. 8ut her mother(s e*es ha' )one +lan#& opaCue. ACome on& Cassie&A she sai'. Cassie ha' the "il' i'ea o$ thro"in) hersel$ into the car& loc#in) hersel$ in& until someone came to rescue her. 8ut then the same hea,* e>haustion that ha' 'escen'e' o,er her mother seeme' to "rap aroun' her as "ell. The* "ere here. There "as nothin) to +e 'one a+out it. She pushe' the car 'oor shut an' silentl* $ollo"e' her mother to the house. The "oman stan'in) in the 'oor"a* "as ancient. Ol' enou)h to +e her )reat3)ran'mother& at least. Cassie trie' to 'etect some resem+lance to her mother& +ut she coul' $in' none. ACassie& this is *our ran'ma Ho"ar'.A Cassie mana)e' to mutter somethin). The ol' "oman "ith the cane steppe' $or"ar'& $i>in) her 'eep3set e*es on Cassie(s $ace. In that instant a +i-arre thou)ht $lashe' into Cassie(s min'9 She/s going to put me in the o en. 8ut then she $elt arms aroun' her& a surprisin)l* $irm hu). Mechanicall* she li$te' her o"n arms in a )esture o$ response. Her )ran'mother pulle' +ac# to loo# at her. ACassieE At last. A$ter all these *ears.A To Cassie(s 'iscom$iture she "ent on loo#in)& starin) at Cassie "ith "hat seeme' li#e a mi>ture o$ $ierce "orr* an' an>ious hope. AAt last&A she "hispere' a)ain& as i$ spea#in) to hersel$. AIt(s )oo' to see *ou& Mother&A Cassie(s mother sai' then& Cuiet an' $ormal& an' the $ierce ol' e*es turne' a"a* $rom Cassie. AAle>an'ra. Oh& m* 'ear& it(s +een too lon).A The t"o "omen em+race'& +ut an in'e$ina+le air o$ tension remaine' +et"een them. A8ut "e(re all stan'in) here outsi'e. Come in& come in& +oth o$ *ou&A her )ran'mother sai'& "ipin) her e*es. AI(m a$rai' the ol' place is rather sha++*& +ut I(,e pic#e' the +est o$ the rooms $or *ou. Let(s ta#e Cassie to hers.A In the $a'in) re' li)ht o$ the sunset the interior seeme' ca,ernous an' 'ar#. An' e,er*thin) 'i' loo# sha++*& $rom the "orn upholster* on the chairs to the $a'e' oriental carpet on the pine3+oar' $loors. The* "ent up a $li)ht o$ stairs@slo"l*& "ith Cassie(s )ran'mother leanin) on the +anister@an' 'o"n a lon) passa)e. The +oar's crea#e' un'er Cassie(s Ree+o#s an' the lamps hi)h on the "alls $lic#ere' uneasil* as the* passe'. One o$ us ou)ht to +e hol'in) a can'ela+ra& Cassie

thou)ht. An* minute no" she e>pecte' to see Lurch or Cousin It comin) 'o"n the hall to"ar' them. AThese lamps@it(s *our )ran'$ather(s "irin)&A her )ran'mother apolo)i-e'. AHe insiste' on 'oin) so much o$ it himsel$. Here(s *our room& Cassie. I hope *ou li#e pin#.A Cassie $elt her e*es "i'en as her )ran'mother opene' the 'oor. It "as li#e a +e'room settin) in a museum. There "as a $our3poster +e' "ith han)in)s casca'in) $rom the hea' an' $oot an' a canop*& all ma'e o$ the same 'ust*3rose $lo"ere' $a+ric. There "ere chairs "ith hi)h car,e' +ac#s upholstere' in a matchin) rose 'amas#. On a $ireplace "ith a hi)h mantel reste' a pe"ter can'lestic# an' a china cloc#& an' there "ere se,eral pieces o$ massi,e& richl* )lo"in) $urniture. The "hole thin) "as +eauti$ul& +ut so )ran'B A!ou can put *our clothes here@this chest is soli' maho)an*&A Cassie(s )ran'mother "as sa*in). AThe 'esi)n is calle' +om+e& an' it "as ma'e ri)ht here in Massachusetts@this is the onl* area in all the colonies that pro'uce' it.A The "oloniesD Cassie thou)ht "il'l*& starin) at the 'ecorati,e scroll top o$ the chest. AAn' this is *our 'ressin) ta+le an' *our "ar'ro+eB Ha,e *ou loo#e' out the "in'o"sD I thou)ht *ou mi)ht li#e a corner room +ecause *ou can see +oth south an' east.A Cassie loo#e'. Throu)h one "in'o" she coul' see the roa'. The other $ace' the ocean. Just no" it "as a sullen lea' )ra* un'er the 'ar#enin) s#*& e>actl* matchin) Cassie(s moo'. AI(ll lea,e *ou here to )et settle' in&A Cassie(s )ran'mother sai'. AAle>an'ra& I(,e )i,en *ou the )reen room at the opposite en' o$ the hall"a*BA Cassie(s mother )a,e her shoul'er a Cuic#& almost timi' sCuee-e. An' then Cassie "as alone. Alone "ith the massi,e ru''* $urniture an' the col' $ireplace an' the hea,* 'raperies. She sat )in)erl* on a chair +ecause she "as a$rai' o$ the +e'. She thou)ht a+out her +e'room at home& "ith her "hite presse'3"oo' $urniture an' her Phantom of the 0pera posters an' the ne" CD pla*er she(' +ou)ht "ith her +a+*3sittin) mone*. She(' painte' the +oo#case pale +lue to sho" o$$ her unicorn collection. She collecte' e,er* #in' o$ unicorn there "as@stu$$e'& +lo"n )lass& ceramic& pe"ter. 8ac# home&

Clo,er ha' sai' once that Cassie "as li#e a unicorn hersel$9 +lue e*e'& sh*& an' 'i$$erent $rom e,er*one else. All that seeme' to +elon) to a $ormer li$e no". She 'i'n(t #no" ho" lon) she sat there& +ut sometime later she $oun' the piece o$ chalce'on* in her han'. She must ha,e ta#en it out o$ her poc#et& an' no" she "as clin)in) to it. If you/re e er in trouble or %anger & she thou)ht& an' a "a,e o$ lon)in) s"ept o,er her. It "as $ollo"e' +* a "a,e o$ $ur*. Don(t +e stupi'& she tol' hersel$ sharpl*. !ou(re not in 'an)er. An' no ro"k is )oin) to help *ou. She ha' an impulse to thro" it a"a*& +ut instea' she ?ust ru++e' it a)ainst her chee#& $eelin) the cool& ?a))e' smoothness o$ the cr*stals. It ma'e her remem+er his touch@ho" )entle it ha' +een& the "a* it ha' pierce' her to the soul. Darin)l*& she ru++e' the cr*stal o,er her lips an' $elt a su''en thro+ $rom all the places on her s#in he ha' touche'. The han' he ha' hel'@she coul' still $eel his $in)ers printe' on her palm. Her "rist@she $elt the li)ht +rush o$ cool $in)ertips raisin) the hairs there. An' the +ac# o$ itB She shut her e*es an' her +reath cau)ht as she remem+ere' that #iss. 5hat "oul' it ha,e $elt li#e& she "on'ere'& i$ his lips ha' touche' "here the cr*stal touche' no"D She let her hea' $all +ac#& 'ra"in) the cool stone $rom her o"n lips 'o"n her throat to rest in the hollo" "here her pulse +eat. She coul' almost $eel him #issin) her& as no +o* e,er ha'= she coul' almost ima)ine that it reall* "as his lips there. I "oul' let *ou& she thou)ht& e,en thou)h I "oul'n(t let an*one elseB I "oul' trust *ouB 8ut he(' le$t her. Su''enl*& "ith a shoc#& she remem+ere' that. He(' le$t her an' )one a"a*& ?ust as the other most important man in Cassie(s li$e ha'. Cassie sel'om thou)ht a+out her $ather. She sel'om allo"e' hersel$ to. He(' )one a"a* "hen she "as onl* a little )irl& le$t her mother an' her alone to ta#e care o$ themsel,es. Cassie(s mother tol' people he ha' 'ie'& +ut to Cassie she a'mitte' the truth9 he(' simpl* le$t. Ma*+e he "as 'ea' +* no"& or ma*+e he "as some"here else& "ith another $amil*& another 'au)hter. She an' her mother "oul' ne,er #no". An' althou)h her mother ne,er spo#e a+out him unless someone as#e'& Cassie #ne" that he(' +ro#en her mother(s heart. Men al"a*s lea,e& Cassie thou)ht& her throat achin). The* +oth le$t me. An' no" I(m aloneB here. I$ onl* I ha' some+o'* else to tal# toB a sister& some+o'*B

E*es still shut& she let the han' "ith the cr*stal trail 'o"n an' $all into her lap. She "as so e>hauste' "ith emotion that she coul'n(t e,en )et up to )o to the +e'. She simpl* sat there& 'ri$tin) in the lonel* 'imness until her +reathin) slo"e' an' she $ell asleep. That ni)ht Cassie ha' a 'ream@or perhaps it "asn(t a 'ream. She 'reame' that her mother an' )ran'mother came into the room& mo,in) noiselessl*& almost )li'in) o,er the $loor. In her 'ream she "as a"are o$ them& +ut she coul'n(t mo,e as the* li$te' her $rom the chair an' un'resse' her an' put her to +e'. Then the* stoo' o,er the +e'& loo#in) 'o"n at her. Her mother(s e*es "ere stran)e an' 'ar# an' un$athoma+le. ALittle Cassie&A her )ran'mother sai' "ith a si)h. AAt last. 8ut "hat a pit*@A AShEA her mother sai' sharpl*. AShe(ll "a#e up.A Her )ran'mother si)he' a)ain. A8ut *ou can see that it(s the onl* "a*BA A!es&A her mother sai'& her ,oice empt* an' resi)ne'. AI can see that *ou can(t escape 'estin*. I shoul'n(t ha,e trie'.A That(s ?ust "hat I thou)ht& Cassie reali-e' as the 'ream $a'e'. !ou can(t escape 'estin*. Va)uel* she coul' see her mother an' )ran'mother mo,in) to"ar' the 'oor& an' she coul' hear the "hisper o$ their ,oices. She coul'n(t ma#e out an* "or's& thou)h& until one si+ilant hiss came throu)h. AB sa"rifi"e * . .A She "asn(t sure "hich o$ the "omen ha' sai' it& +ut it echoe' o,er an' o,er in her min'. E,en as 'ar#ness co,ere' her& she #ept hearin) it. Sa"rifi"e+ sa"rifi"e+ sa"rifi"eB It "as mornin). She "as l*in) in the $our3poster +e' an' sunli)ht "as streamin) in the eastern "in'o". It ma'e the pin# room loo# li#e a rose petal hel' up to the li)ht. Sort o$ "arm an' shinin). Some"here outsi'e a +ir' "as sin)in). Cassie sat up. She ha' a con$use' memor* o$ some #in' o$ a 'ream& +ut it "as 'im an' ,a)ue. Her nose "as stu$$e' up@pro+a+l* $rom cr*in) @an' she $elt a little li)hthea'e' +ut not reall* +a'. She $elt the "a* *ou

'o a$ter +ein) ,er* sic# or ,er* upset an' then )ettin) some 'eep& rest$ul sleep9 stran)el* space* an' peace$ul. The Cuiet a$ter the storm. She )ot 'resse'. Just as she "as a+out to lea,e the room& she notice' the chalce'on* luc#* piece on the $loor an' slippe' it in her poc#et. %o one else seeme' to +e a"a#e. E,en in the 'a*time the lon) passa)e "as 'ar# an' cool& lit onl* +* the "in'o"s at opposite en's. Cassie $oun' hersel$ shi,erin) as she "al#e' 'o"n the hall& an' the 'im +ul+s o$ the "all lamps $lic#ere' as i$ in s*mpath*. Do"nstairs "as li)hter. 8ut there "ere so man* rooms that "hen she trie' to e>plore& she Cuic#l* )ot lost. ;inall*& she en'e' up in the $ront hall"a* an' 'eci'e' to )o outsi'e. She "asn(t e,en thin#in) a+out "h*@she )uesse' she "ante' to see the nei)h+orhoo'. Her steps too# her 'o"n the lon)& narro" countr* roa'& past house a$ter house. It "as so earl*& no one else "as outsi'e. An' e,entuall* she en'e' up at the prett* *ello" house "ith the to"ers. Hi)h in one to"er& the "in'o" "as spar#lin). Cassie "as starin) at it& "on'erin) "h*& "hen she notice' motion in a )roun'3$loor "in'o" much closer to her. It "as a li+rar* or stu'*& an' stan'in) insi'e "as a )irl. The )irl "as tall an' slen'er& "ith an incre'i+l* lon) casca'e o$ hair that o+scure' her $ace as she +ent o,er somethin) on the 'es# in $ront o$ the "in'o". That hair@Cassie coul'n(t ta#e her e*es o$$ it. It "as li#e moonli)ht an' sunli)ht "o,en to)ether@an' it "as natural. %o 'ar# roots. Cassie ha' ne,er seen an*thin) so +eauti$ul. The* "ere so close@Cassie stan'in) ?ust +ehin' the neat he')e outsi'e the "in'o"& an' the )irl stan'in) ?ust insi'e& $acin) her& +ut loo#in) 'o"n. Cassie "atche'& $ascinate'& at "hat the )irl "as 'oin) at the 'es#. The )irl(s han's mo,e' )race$ull*& )rin'in) somethin) up "ith a mortar an' pestle. SpicesD 5hate,er it "as& the )irl(s mo,ements "ere Cuic# an' 'e$t an' her han's slen'er an' prett*. An' Cassie ha' the o''est $eelin)B I$ the )irl "oul' onl* loo# up& she thou)ht. Just loo# outsi'e her o"n "in'o". Once she 'i'& thenB somethin) "oul' happen. Cassie 'i'n(t #no" "hat& +ut her s#in ha' +ro#en out in )oose$lesh. She ha' such a sense o$ connection& o$B kinship. I$ the )irl "oul' ?ust loo# upB !ell. Thro" a stone at the "in'o". Cassie "as actuall* loo#in) $or a stone "hen she sa" mo,ement a)ain. The )irl "ith the shinin) hair "as turnin)& as i$ respon'in) to someone insi'e the house callin) her. Cassie

ha' a )limpse o$ a lo,el*& 'e"* $ace@+ut onl* $or the +rie$est instant. Then the )irl ha' turne' an' "as hurr*in) a"a*& hair $l*in) li#e sil# +ehin' her. Cassie let out her +reath. It "oul' ha,e +een stupi' an*"a*& she tol' hersel$ as she "al#e' +ac# home. ;ine "a* to intro'uce *oursel$ to *our nei)h+ors@thro"in) roc#s at them. 8ut the sense o$ crushin) 'isappointment remaine'. She $elt that someho" she(' ne,er ha,e another chance@she(' ne,er )et up the coura)e to intro'uce hersel$ to that )irl. An*one that +eauti$ul un'ou+te'l* ha' plent* o$ $rien's "ithout Cassie. <n'ou+te'l* "ent "ith a cro"' $ar +e*on' Cassie(s or+it. Her )ran'mother(s $lat& sCuare house loo#e' e,en "orse a$ter the sunn* Victorian one. Disconsolatel*& Cassie 'ri$te' o,er to the +lu$$& to loo# 'o"n at the ocean. 8lue. A color so intense she 'i'n(t #no" ho" to 'escri+e it. She "atche' the "ater "ashin) aroun' a 'ar# roc# an' $elt a Cueer thrill. The "in' +le" her hair +ac#& an' she stare' out at the mornin) sun )litterin) on the "a,es. She $eltB #inship a)ain. As i$ somethin) "ere spea#in) to her +loo'& to somethin) 'eep insi'e her. 5hat was it a+out this place@ a+out that )irlD She $elt she coul' almost )rasp itB ACassieEA Startle'& Cassie loo#e' aroun'. Her )ran'mother "as callin) $rom the 'oor"a* o$ the ol' "in) o$ the house. AAre *ou all ri)htD ;or hea,en(s sa#e& )et a"a* $rom the e')eEA Cassie loo#e' 'o"n an' imme'iatel* $elt a "a,e o$ ,erti)o. Her toes "ere almost o$$ the +lu$$. AI 'i'n(t reali-e I "as that close&A she sai'& steppin) +ac#. Her )ran'mother stare' at her& then no''e'. A5ell& come a"a* no" an' I(ll )et *ou some +rea#$ast&A she sai'. ADo *ou li#e panca#esDA ;eelin) a little sh*& Cassie no''e'. She ha' some ,a)ue memor* a+out a 'ream that ma'e her uncom$orta+le& +ut she 'e$initel* $elt +etter this mornin) than she ha' *ester'a*. She $ollo"e' her )ran'mother throu)h the 'oor& "hich "as much thic#er an' hea,ier than a mo'ern one. AThe $ront 'oor o$ the ori)inal house&A her )ran'mother e>plaine'. She 'i'n(t seem to +e ha,in) much trou+le "ith her le) to'a*& Cassie notice'. AStran)e to ha,e it lea' 'irectl* into the #itchen& isn(t itD 8ut that "as ho"

the* 'i' thin)s in those 'a*s. Sit 'o"n& "h* 'on(t *ou& "hile I ma#e the panca#es.A 8ut Cassie "as starin) in ama-ement. The #itchen "as li#e no #itchen she(' e,er seen +e$ore. There "as a )as ran)e an' a re$ri)erator@e,en a micro"a,e sho,e' +ac# on a "oo'en counter@+ut the rest o$ it "as li#e somethin) out o$ a mo,ie set. Dominatin) the room "as an enormous open $ireplace as +i) as a "al#3in closet& an' althou)h there "as no $ire no"& the thic# la*er o$ ashes at the +ottom sho"e' that it "as sometimes use'. Insi'e& an iron pot hun) on an iron cross+ar. O,er the $ireplace "ere spra*s o$ 'rie' $lo"ers an' plants& "hich )a,e o$$ a pleasant $ra)rance. An' as $or the "oman in $ront o$ the hearthB ran'mothers "ere suppose' to +e pin# an' co-*& "ith so$t laps an' lar)e chec#in) accounts. This "oman loo#e' stoope' an' coarse& "ith her )ri--le' hair an' the prominent mole on her chee#. Cassie #ept hal$ e>pectin) her to )o o,er to the iron pot an' stir it "hile mutterin)& ADou+le& 'ou+le& toil an' trou+leBA Imme'iatel* a$ter she thou)ht this& she $elt ashame'. That(s *our gran%mother& she tol' hersel$ $iercel*. !our onl* li,in) relati,e +esi'es *our mother. It(s not her $ault she(s ol' an' u)l*. So 'on(t ?ust sit here. Sa* somethin) nice. AOh& than#s&A she sai'& as her )ran'mother place' a plate o$ steamin) panca#es in $ront o$ her. Then she a''e'& A<h& are those 'rie' $lo"ers o,er the $ireplaceD The* smell )oo'.A ALa,en'er an' h*ssop&A her )ran'mother sai'. A5hen *ou(re 'one eatin)& I(ll sho" *ou m* )ar'en& i$ *ou li#e.A AI(' lo,e it&A Cassie sai'& truth$ull*. 8ut "hen her )ran'mother le' her outsi'e a$ter she(' $inishe' eatin)& the scene "as $ar 'i$$erent than Cassie ha' e>pecte'. There "ere some $lo"ers& +ut $or the most part the A)ar'enA ?ust loo#e' li#e "ee's an' +ushes@ro" a$ter ro" o$ o,er)ro"n& uncare'3$or "ee's an' +ushes. AOh@ho" nice&A Cassie sai'. Ma*+e the ol' la'* "as senile a$ter all. A5hat unusual@plants.A Her )ran'mother shot her a shre"'& amuse' )lance. AThe*(re her+s&A she sai'. AHere& this is lemon +alm. Smell.A

Cassie too# the heart3shape' lea$& "rin#le' li#e a mint lea$ +ut a little +i))er& an' sni$$e'. It ha' the scent o$ $reshl* peele' lemon. AThat is nice&A she sai'& surprise'. AAn' this is ;rench sorrel@taste.A Cassie )in)erl* too# the small& roun'e' lea$ an' ni++le' at the en'. The taste "as sharp an' re$reshin). AIt(s )oo'@li#e sour )rassEA she sai'& loo#in) up at her )ran'mother& "ho smile'. A5hat are thoseDA Cassie sai'& ni++lin) a)ain as she pointe' to some +ri)ht *ello" +uttons o$ $lo"ers. AThat(s tans*. The ones that loo# li#e "hite 'aisies are $e,er$e". ;e,er$e" lea,es are )oo' in sala's.A Cassie "as intri)ue'. A5hat a+out thoseDA She pointe' to some cream* "hite $lo"ers that t"ine' up other +ushes. AHone*suc#le. I #eep it ?ust +ecause it smells )oo'. The +ees lo,e it& an' the +utter$lies. In sprin) it(s li#e ran' Central Station aroun' here.A Cassie reache' out to snap o$$ a $ra)rant stem o$ 'elicate $lo"er +u's& then stoppe'. ACoul' I@I thou)ht I(' ta#e some up $or m* room. I$ *ou 'on(t min'& I mean.A AOh& )oo' hea,ens& ta#e as man* as *ou "ant. That(s "hat the*(re here $or.A She(s not reall* ol' an' u)l* at all& Cassie thou)ht& snappin) o$$ stems o$ the cream* $lo"ers. She(s ?ust@'i$$erent. Di$$erent 'oesn(t necessaril* mean +a'. AThan#s@ ran'ma&A she sai' as the* "ent +ac# into the house. Then she opene' her mouth a)ain& to as# a+out the *ello" house& an' "ho li,e' there. 8ut her )ran'mother "as pic#in) up somethin) $rom +esi'e the micro"a,e. AHere& Cassie. This came in the mail $or *ou *ester'a*.A She han'e' Cassie t"o +oo#lets +oun' in construction paper& one re' an' one "hite. !ew Salem #igh S"hool Stu%ent an% Parent #an%book & one rea'. The other rea'& !ew Salem #igh S"hool Program of Stu%ies. Oh& m* o'& Cassie thou)ht. School. %e" hall"a*s& ne" loc#ers& ne" classrooms& ne" $aces. There "as a slip o$ paper +et"een the +oo#lets& "ith S"he%ule of Classes printe'

+ol'l* at the top. An' un'er that& her name& "ith her a''ress liste' as %um+er T"el,e Cro"ha,en Roa'& %e" Salem. Her )ran'mother mi)ht not +e as +a' as she(' thou)ht= e,en the house mi)ht turn out to +e not so a"$ul. 8ut "hat a+out schoolD Ho" coul' she e,er $ace school here in %e" SalemD

The )ra* cashmere s"eater or the +lue3an'3"hite ;air Isle car'i)an& that "as the Cuestion. Cassie stoo' in $ront o$ the )ilt3$rame' mirror& hol'in) $irst one an' then the other in $ront o$ her. The +lue car'i)an& she 'eci'e'= +lue "as her $a,orite color& an' it +rou)ht out the +lue o$ her e*es. The plump cheru+s on top o$ the ol'3$ashione' loo#in) )lass seeme' to a)ree& smilin) at her appro,in)l*. %o" that the $irst 'a* o$ school ha' actuall* come& Cassie $oun' that she "as e>cite'. O$ course& she "as ner,ous too& +ut it "asn(t the star# an' hopeless 'rea' she(' e>pecte' to $eel. There "as somethin) interestin) a+out +e)innin) school in a ne" place. It "as li#e startin) her li$e o,er. Ma*+e she(' a'opt a "hole ne" personalit*. 8ac# home& her $rien's "oul' pro+a+l* 'escri+e her as Anice& +ut sh*A or A$un& +ut #in' o$ Cuiet.A 8ut no one here #ne" that. Ma*+e this *ear she(' +e Cassie the E>tro,ert or e,en Cassie the Part* irl. Ma*+e she(' e,en +e )oo' enou)h $or the )irl "ith the shinin) hair. Cassie(s heart +eat more Cuic#l* at the thou)ht. It all 'epen'e' on $irst impressions. It "as ,ital she )et o$$ to a )oo' start. Cassie pulle' on the +lue s"eater an' an>iousl* chec#e' her re$lection a)ain in the mirror. She "ishe' there "ere somethin) more to 'o "ith her o"n hair. It "as so$t an' it "a,e' sli)htl*& "ith prett* hi)hli)hts& +ut she "ishe' she coul' 'o somethin) more 'ramatic "ith it. Li#e the )irl in this a'@she )lance' at the ma)a-ine open on the 'ressin) ta+le. She(' +ou)ht it speciall* "hen she(' 'ri,en into to"n last "ee# so she coul' see the +ac#3to3school $ashions. She(' ne,er )otten the coura)e to "al# up to the *ello" Victorian house a)ain& althou)h she(' cruise' +* it slo"l* in her )ran'mother(s Vol#s"a)en Ra++it& hopin) ,ainl* to +ump into the )irl Aacci'entall*.A !es& tomorro" she(' pull her hair +ac# li#e the mo'el in the a'& she 'eci'e'. Just as she "as a+out to step a"a*& somethin) on the opposite pa)e o$ the ma)a-ine cau)ht her e*e. A horoscope column. Her +irth si)n& Cancer& seeme' to +e starin) out at her. Automaticall* her e*es $ollo"e' the "or's a$ter it.

That %aggy inse"ure feeling has got you again* It/s time for positi e thinking- If that %oesn/t work$ remember that nothing lasts fore er* Try not to make wa es in your personal relationships this month* ,ou/ e got enough to "ope with alrea%y. Horoscopes are such )ar+a)e& Cassie thou)ht& closin) the ma)a-ine "ith a slap. Her mother ha' al"a*s sai' so& an' it "as true. AThat 'a))* insecure $eelin)A@?ust tellin) someone the* $elt insecure "as enou)h to ma#e them $eel itE There "as nothin) supernatural a+out that. 8ut i$ she 'i'n(t +elie,e in the supernatural& "hat "as the chalce'on* luc#* piece 'oin) in the -ipper compartment o$ her +ac#pac#D Settin) her ?a"& she too# it out an' put it in her ?e"elr* +o>& then "ent 'o"nstairs to sa* )oo'3+*e. The school "as an impressi,e three3stor* re' +ric# +uil'in). So impressi,e that a$ter Cassie ha' par#e' the Ra++it& she "as almost a$rai' to )o an* closer. There "ere se,eral narro" paths that le' up the hill& an' she $inall* ner,e' hersel$ to ta#e one. At the top her throat close' an' she simpl* stare'. o'& it loo#e' li#e a "ollege or somethin). Li#e a historical lan'mar#. The +ol' stone $acin) on the $ront rea' %E5 SALEM HI H SCHOOL& an' +elo" "as a sort o$ crest "ith the "or's Town of !ew Salem$ In"orporate% 1234. 5as that ho" ol' this to"n "asD Three hun're' yearsD 8ac# in Rese'a& the ol'est +uil'in)s aroun' ha' +een there $or ma*+e $i$t* *ears. I am not sh*& Cassie tol' hersel$& $orcin) hersel$ to "al# $or"ar'. I am Cassie the Con$i'ent. An incre'i+l* lou' roar ma'e her hea' ?er# aroun'& an' sheer instinct sent her ?umpin) to the si'e ?ust in time to a,oi' +ein) run o,er. Heart poun'in)& she stoo' an' )a"#e' at "hat ha' almost hit her. It "as a motorc*cle on the +i#e path. 8ut e,en more astonishin) "as its ri'er@a )irl. She "as "earin) ti)ht +lac# ?eans an' a motorc*cle ?ac#et& an' her trim& athletic +o'* loo#e' tou)h. 8ut "hen she turne' aroun' a$ter par#in) the motorc*cle +* a +i#e rac#& Cassie sa" that her $ace "as ra,ishin)l* prett*. It "as small an' $eminine& $rame' +* tum+lin) 'ar# curls& an' marre' onl* +* a sullen& +elli)erent e>pression. A5hat are *ou starin) atDA the )irl 'eman'e' su''enl*.

Cassie starte'. She suppose' she ha' +een starin). The )irl too# a step $or"ar'& an' Cassie $oun' hersel$ steppin) +ac#. AI(m sorr*@I 'i'n(t mean to@A She trie' to tear her e*es a"a*& +ut it "as har'. The )irl "as "earin) a s#imp* +lac# mi'ri$$ top un'er the ?ac#et& an' Cassie )limpse' "hat loo#e' li#e a small tattoo ?ust a+o,e the material. A tattoo o$ a crescent moon. AI(m sorr*&A Cassie sai' a)ain& helplessl*. A!ou +etter +e. !ou #eep out o$ m* $ace& )et itDA !ou "ere the one "ho almost ran me o,er& Cassie thou)ht. 8ut she no''e' hastil*& an' to her ,ast relie$ the )irl turne' a"a*. o'& "hat a horri+le "a* to start the $irst 'a* o$ school& Cassie thou)ht& hurr*in) to"ar' the entrance. 5hat a horri+le person to +e the $irst one *ou spo#e to. 5ell& at least a$ter a +e)innin) li#e that& thin)s coul' onl* )et +etter. All aroun' her teena)ers "ere )reetin) one another& shoutin) hello= the )irls )i))lin) an' hu))in)& the +o*s horsin) aroun'. It "as an e>cite' +ustle& an' e,er*+o'* seeme' to #no" e,er*+o'* else. E>cept Cassie. She stoo' loo#in) at the $resh haircuts o$ the )u*s& the +ran'3ne" clothes o$ the )irls& smellin) the scents o$ too much per$ume an' unnecessar* a$tersha,e an' $eelin) more alone than she e,er ha' in her li$e. Feep mo,in)& she tol' hersel$ sternl*. Don(t stan' aroun' loo#in) $or that )irl@$in' *our $irst class. Ma*+e *ou(ll see some+o'* there "ho(s alone& an' *ou can tal# to them. !ou(,e )ot to look e>tro,erte' i$ *ou "ant people to thin# *ou are. Her $irst class "as "ritin) $or pu+lication& an En)lish electi,e& an' Cassie "as )la' she ha' it. She li#e' creati,e "ritin)& an' the Program of Stu%ies ha' sai' that the class "oul' o$$er opportunities $or pu+lication in the school literar* ma)a-ine an' ne"spaper. She(' "or#e' on the ne"spaper in her ol' school= ma*+e she coul' here& too. O$ course& the Program also sai' *ou ha' to si)n up $or "ritin) $or pu+lication the pre,ious sprin)& an' Cassie still coul'n(t Cuite un'erstan' ho" her )ran'mother ha' )otten her enrolle' ?ust +e$ore school starte'. Ma*+e her )ran'mother ha' special pull "ith the a'ministration or somethin).

She $oun' the class "ithout much trou+le an' too# an inconspicuous 'es# near the +ac#. The room "as $illin) up& an' e,er*one seeme' to ha,e someone to tal# to. %o+o'* too# the sli)htest notice o$ Cassie. She +e)an 'oo'lin) $erociousl* on the $ront o$ her note+oo#& tr*in) to loo# totall* in,ol,e' in it& tr*in) to loo# as i$ she "eren(t the onl* one in class sittin) alone. A!ou(re ne"& aren(t *ouDA The +o* in $ront o$ her ha' turne' aroun'. His smile "as )enuinel* $rien'l*& +ut it "as also 'a--lin)& an' she ha' a $eelin) he #ne" e>actl* ho" 'a--lin) it "as. His hair "as au+urn an' curl*& an' it "as clear that "hen he stoo'& he(' +e ,er* tall. A!ou(re ne"&A he sai' a)ain. A!es&A sai' Cassie& an' "as $urious to hear her ,oice sha#e. 8ut this )u* "as so )oo'3loo#in)B AI(m Cassie 8la#e. I ?ust mo,e' here $rom Cali$ornia.A AI(m Je$$re* Lo,e?o*&A he sai'. AOh&A Cassie sai'& tr*in) to ma#e it soun' as i$ she(' hear' o$ him +e$ore& since this seeme' to +e "hat he e>pecte'. ACenter on the +as#et+all team&A he sai'. AAlso captain.A AOh& ho" )reat.A Oh& ho" stupi%. She ha' to 'o +etter than this. She soun'e' +rainless. AI mean@that must +e reall* interestin).A AAre *ou intereste' in +as#et+allD Ma*+e "e coul' tal# a+out it sometime.A Su''enl* Cassie $elt ,er* )rate$ul to him. He "as i)norin) her +lun'erin)& her lameness. O#a*& so ma*+e he li#e' to +e a'mire'& +ut "hat 'i$$erence 'i' that ma#eD He "as nice& an' it "oul' 'e$initel* impro,e her status to +e seen aroun' the campus "ith him. AThat "oul' +e )reat&A she sai'& "ishin) she coul' thin# o$ another a'?ecti,e. AMa*+e@ma*+e at lunchBA A sha'o" $ell o,er her. Or at least that "as ho" it $elt. In an* case& she "as a"are& all at once& o$ a presen"e at her si'e& a presence that ma'e her ,oice trail o$$ +lan#l* as she loo#e' up& "i'e3e*e'. A )irl "as stan'in) there& the most stri#in) )irl Cassie ha' e,er seen. A +i)& +eauti$ul )irl& +oth tall an' ,oluptuous. She ha' a mane o$ pitch3+lac# hair an' her pale s#in "as touche' "ith the )lo" o$ con$i'ence an' po"er.

AHello& Je$$re*&A she sai'. Her ,oice "as lo" $or a )irl(s= ,i+rant an' almost hus#*. A;a*e.A Je$$re*(s ,oice& +* contrast& "as noticea+l* unenthusiastic. He loo#e' tense. AHi.A The )irl leane' o,er him& one han' on the +ac# o$ his chair& an' Cassie cau)ht the scent o$ some hea'* per$ume. AI 'i'n(t see much o$ *ou o,er summer ,acation&A she sai'. A5here(,e *ou +eenDA AAroun'&A Je$$re* sai' li)htl*. 8ut his smile "as $orce'& an' his entire +o'* "as taut no". A!ou shoul'n(t #eep *oursel$ hi''en a"a* li#e that. %au)ht* +o*.A ;a*e leane' in closer *et. She "as "earin) an o$$3the3shoul'er top@ completel* o$$ +oth shoul'ers. It le$t a )reat 'eal o$ s#in e>pose' ?ust at Je$$re*(s e*e le,el. 8ut it "as her $ace Cassie coul'n(t help starin) at. She ha' a sensuous& sul#* mouth an' e>traor'inar* hone*3colore' e*es. The* seeme' almost to )lo" "ith a stran)e )ol'en li)ht. A!ou #no"& there(s a ne" horror mo,ie at the Capri this "ee#&A she sai'. AI li#e horror mo,ies& Je$$re*.A AI can ta#e them or lea,e them m*sel$&A Je$$re* sai'. ;a*e chuc#le'& a rich& 'istur+in) soun'. AMa*+e *ou ?ust ha,en(t seen them "ith the ri)ht )irl&A she murmure'. A<n'er the proper circumstances& I thin# the* can +e ,er*B stimulatin).A Cassie $elt em+arrasse' +loo' rise to her chee#s& thou)h she scarcel* #ne" "h*. Je$$re* "et his lips& loo#in) $ascinate' in spite o$ himsel$& +ut also scare'. Li#e a ra++it in a trap. AI "as )oin) to ta#e Sall* 'o"n to loucester this "ee#en'@A he +e)an& ,oice straine'. A5ell& *ou(ll ?ust ha,e to tell Sall* thatB somethin) came up&A ;a*e sai'& ra#in) him "ith her e*es. A!ou can come )et me Satur'a* ni)ht at se,en.A A;a*e& I@A AOh& an' %on/t +e late& all ri)htD I hate it "hen +o*s are late.A All this time& the +lac#3haire' )irl ha' not e,en )lance' at Cassie. 8ut no"& as she strai)htene' up to lea,e& she 'i'. The loo# she turne' on Cassie "as sl* an' secreti,e& as i$ she "ere per$ectl* a"are that Cassie ha' +een listenin)& an' she li#e' it. Then she turne' +ac# to Je$$re*.

AOh& an' +* the "a*&A she sai'& li$tin) one han' in a lan)ui' )esture that sho"e' o$$ her lon) re' nails& Ashe/s $rom Cro"ha,en Roa' too.A Je$$re*(s ?a" 'roppe'. He stare' at Cassie a moment "ith an e>pression o$ shoc# an' 'istaste& an' then he Cuic#l* turne' aroun' to $ace the $ront o$ the room. ;a*e "as chuc#lin) as she "al#e' a"a* to ta#e a seat at the ,er* +ac#. 5hat is )oin) on5 Cassie thou)ht "il'l*. 5hat 'i$$erence 'i' it ma#e "here she li,e'D The onl* thin) she coul' see no" o$ Je$$re*3o$3the3 'a--lin)3smile "as his ri)i' +ac#. She ha' no time to thin# an*thin) more& +ecause the teacher "as tal#in). He "as a mil'3loo#in) man "ith a )ra*in) +ear' an' )lasses. He intro'uce' himsel$ as Mr. Humphries. AAn' since *ou(,e all ha' a chance to tal# 'urin) *our summer ,acation& no" I(ll )i,e *ou a chance to "rite&A he sai'. AI "ant each o$ *ou to "rite a poem& ri)ht no"& spontaneousl*. 5e(ll rea' some o$ them alou' a$ter"ar'. The poem can +e a+out an*thin)& +ut i$ *ou ha,e trou+le thin#in) o$ a su+?ect& "rite a+out *our 'reams.A There "ere )roans $rom the class& "hich )ra'uall* 'ie' into silence an' pen che"in). 8ut Cassie +ent o,er her note+oo# "ith her heart +eatin) rapi'l*. A ,a)ue memor* o$ her 'ream o$ last "ee# intru'e'& the one "here her mother an' )ran'mother ha' stoo' o,er her. 8ut she 'i'n(t "ant to "rite a+out that. She "ante' to "rite a+out him. A$ter a $e" minutes she scri++le' 'o"n a line. 5hen Mr. Humphries announce' that the time "as up& she ha' a poem& an' rea'in) it o,er she $elt a thin chill o$ e>citement. It "as )oo'@or at least she thou)ht so. 5hat i$ the teacher calle' on her to rea' it out lou'D She 'i'n(t "ant him to& o$ course& +ut "hat i$ he ma%e her& an' "hat i$ some+o'* else in class thou)ht it "as )oo' an' "ante' to tal# to her a$ter"ar'D Ma*+e the*(' as# her a+out the )u* in the poem& an' then she coul' tell them the m*sterious an' romantic stor* a+out him. Ma*+e she(' )et a reputation $or +ein) #in' o$ m*sterious an' romantic hersel$. Ma*+e the )irl in the Victorian house "oul' hear a+out herB Mr. Humphries "as callin) $or ,olunteers. Pre'icta+l*& no han's "ere raise'B until one "ent up in the +ac#. The teacher hesitate'. Cassie turne' to see that the raise' han' ha' lon) re' nails. A;a*e Cham+erlain&A Mr. Humphries sai' at last.

He sat on the e')e o$ his 'es# as the tall& stri#in) )irl came to stan' +esi'e him& +ut Cassie ha' the o''est $eelin) that he "oul' ha,e mo,e' a"a* i$ he coul'. An almost palpa+le air o$ tension ha' $ille' the room& an' all e*es "ere on ;a*e. She tosse' her )lorious mane o$ +lac# hair +ac# an' shru))e'& causin) her o$$3the3shoul'er top to slip 'o"n a little lo"er. Tiltin) her hea' +ac#& she smile' slo"l* at the class an' hel' up a piece o$ paper. AThis is m* poem&A she sai' in her la-*& hus#* ,oice. AIt(s a+out $ire.A Shoc#e'& Cassie loo#e' 'o"n at the poem on her o"n 'es#. Then ;a*e(s ,oice cau)ht her attention. I %ream about fire@ Tongues of flame li"king me* &y hair burns like a tor"h6 &y bo%y burns for you. Tou"h my skin an% your fingers will sti"k@ ,ou/ll bla"ken like a "in%er* .ut you/ll %ie smiling6 Then you/ll be part of the fire too* As the entire class "atche'& ri,ete'& ;a*e pro'uce' a match an' someho"@Cassie 'i'n(t Cuite see ho"@mana)e' to li)ht it. She touche' it to the paper an' the paper cau)ht $ire. Then& "al#in) slo"l*& she mo,e' to stan' 'irectl* in $ront o$ Je$$re* Lo,e?o*& "a,in) the +urnin) paper )entl* +e$ore his e*es. Ho"ls& "histles& an' 'es# +an)in) $rom the au'ience. Man* o$ them loo#e' scare'& +ut most o$ the )u*s loo#e' e>cite'& too. Some o$ the )irls loo#e' as i$ the* "ishe' they 'are' to 'o somethin) li#e that. Voices calle' out& ASee& Je$$re*& that(s "hat *ou )et $or +ein) so cuteEA A o $or it& manEA A5atch out& Je$$& Sall*(s )onna hear a+out thisEA Je$$re* ?ust sat there& the +ac# o$ his nec# slo"l* $lushin) 'ull re'. As the paper "as a+out to +urn her $in)ers& ;a*e sasha*e' a"a* $rom Je$$re* a)ain an' 'roppe' it in the metal "aste+as#et +* the teacher(s

'es#. Mr. Humphries 'i'n(t $linch "hen somethin) in the "aste+as#et $lare' up& an' Cassie a'mire' him $or that. AThan# *ou& ;a*e&A he sai' e,enl*. AClass& I thin# "e can call "hat "e(,e ?ust seen an e>ample o$B concrete poetr*. Tomorro" "e(ll stu'* some more tra'itional metho's. Class 'ismisse'.A ;a*e "al#e' out the 'oor. There "as an instant(s pause= then& as i$ e,er*one ha' +een release' +* a sprin)& a su''en mass e>o'us. Je$$re* )ra++e' his note+oo# an' "as )one. Cassie loo#e' at her o"n poem. ;ire. She an' ;a*e ha' +oth "ritten a+out the same thin)B Su''enl* she tore the sheet out an'& crumplin) it into a +all& thrust it into her +ac#pac#. So much $or her 'reams o$ +ein) romantic an' m*sterious. 5ith a )irl li#e that aroun'& "ho "as e,er )oin) to notice CassieD An' *et the* all seeme' almost a$rai' o$ her& she thou)ht. E,en the teacher. 5h* 'i'n(t he )i,e her a 'etention or somethin)D Or is li)htin) $ires in trash cans normal in %e" SalemD An' "h* 'i' Je$$re* let her hit on him that "a*D An' "h* 'i' he care "here I li e& $or o'(s sa#eD In the hall& she ner,e' hersel$ to stop someone an' as# "here room C1./ "as. AIt(s on the thir' $loor&A the )irl sai'. AAll the math classes are. o up that stair"a*@A A!oE Loo# outE Hea's up& e,er*+o'*EA a shoutin) ,oice interrupte'. Somethin) "as "hi--in) 'o"n the hall& scatterin) stu'ents ri)ht an' le$t $rom its path. T"o somethin)s. Dum+$oun'e'& Cassie sa" that it "as t"o )u*s on roller +la'es& lau)hin) an' +ello"in) as the* tore throu)h the cro"'. Cassie ha' a )limpse o$ 'ishe,ele' shoul'er3len)th +lon' hair an' almon'3shape'& sli)htl* tilte' +lue3)reen e*es as one passe'@an' then she sa" it all a)ain as the secon' one strea#e' +*. The +o*s "ere i'entical& e>cept that one "as "earin) a Me)a'eth T3shirt an' the other(s sai' Motle* CrGe. The* "ere creatin) chaos as the* "ent& #noc#in) +oo#s out o$ people(s arms an' )ra++in) at )irls( clothes. As the* reache' the en' o$ the hall"a*& one o$ them cau)ht a prett* re'hea'(s minis#irt an' 'e$tl* $lippe' it up to "aist le,el. The )irl shrie#e' an' 'roppe' her +ac#pac# to push it 'o"n.

A5h* 'oesn(t some+o'* %o somethin)DA Cassie +lurte' out. 5as e,er*+o'* in this school cra-*D A5h* 'oesn(t some+o'* stop them@or report them@or something. BA AAre *ou #i''in)D Those are the Hen'erson +rothers&A the )irl sai'& an' she "al#e' a"a*& ?oinin) another )irl. Cassie hear' a $ra)ment o$ a sentence $loat +ac#9 AB 'oesn(t e,en #no" a+out the Clu+BA an' +oth )irls )lance' +ac# at her& then "al#e' on. 5hat Clu+D That )irl ha' sai' it as i$ it ha' capital letters. 5hat 'i' a clu+ ha,e to 'o "ith +rea#in) school rulesD 5hat #in' o$ place was thisD Another +ell ran)& an' Cassie reali-e' that she "as no" late $or class. She slun) her +ac#pac# o,er her shoul'er an' ran $or the stairs. 8* lunchtime& she still ha'n(t e>chan)e' more than a AhiA or AhelloA "ith an*one& no matter ho" she trie'. An' she ha'n(t seen the )irl "ith the shinin) hair an*"here@not that that "as reall* surprisin)& consi'erin) the man* $loors an' corri'ors o$ this school. In her present state o$ insecurit*& Cassie "oul'n(t ha,e 'are' to approach the )irl i$ she ha% seen her. A lea'en& misera+le $eelin) ha' settle' in her stomach. An' one )lance at the )lass3"alle' ca$eteria teemin) "ith lau)hin) stu'ents ma'e her #nees )o "ea#. She coul'n(t $ace it. She ?ust 'i'n(t ha,e the ner,e. Arms "rappe' aroun' hersel$& she "al#e' a"a* an' #ept "al#in). She "al#e' ri)ht throu)h the main entrance an' out the 'oor. She 'i'n(t #no" "here she "as )oin)@ma*+e she "as )oin) home. 8ut then she sa" the lush )reen )rass o$ the hill. %o& she 'eci'e'= I(ll ?ust eat here. Part"a* 'o"n the hill there "ere se,eral cra))* outcrops o$ natural roc#& an' she $oun' she coul' sit com$orta+l* in a little hollo" +elo" one& sha'e' +* a tree. She "as shiel'e' +* the roc# $rom the school= it "as almost as i$ the school 'i'n(t e>ist. She coul' loo# 'o"n a $li)ht o$ mean'erin) steps to the +ottom o$ the hill an' the roa' +e*on'& +ut no one $rom a+o,e coul' see her. As she sat& loo#in) at the 'an'elions 'ottin) the )rass& the tension )ra'uall* 'raine' out o$ her. So "hat i$ the mornin) ha'n(t +een the )reatestD Thin)s "oul' +e +etter this a$ternoon. The clear +lue s#* seeme' to tell her that.

An' the roc# at her +ac#@the $amous re' )ranite o$ %e" En)lan'@ )a,e her a $eelin) o$ securit*. It "as stran)e& +ut she almost $elt she coul' hear a +u--in) in the roc#& li#e a heart+eat tremen'ousl* spee'e' up. A +u--in) o$ life. I$ I put m* chee# to it& I "on'er "hat "oul' hap3penD she thou)ht "ith a curious e>citement. Voices 'istracte' her. Disma*e'& Cassie #nelt up to loo# o,er the top o$ the roc#@an' tense'. It "as that )irl& ;a*e. There "ere t"o other )irls "ith her& an' one o$ them "as the +i#er "ho(' nearl* run Cassie o,er that mornin). The other "as a stra"+err* +lon' "ith a tin* "aist an' the most "ell3'e,elope' chest Cassie ha' e,er seen on a teena)er. The* "ere lau)hin) an' saunterin) 'o"n the steps@ri)ht to"ar' Cassie. I(ll ?ust stan' up an' sa* hi& Cassie thou)ht& +ut she 'i'n(t. The memor* o$ those 'istur+in) hone*3colore' e*es "as still "ith her. She #ept Cuiet an' hope' the*(' pass her +*& )o all the "a* 'o"n the hill an' o$$ campus. Instea' the* stoppe' on the lan'in) ?ust a+o,e Cassie& sittin) "ith their $eet on the steps +elo" an' pullin) out paper lunch +a)s. The* "ere so close that Cassie coul' see the re' stone +la-in) at ;a*e(s throat. Althou)h she "as in sha'o" no"& i$ she mo,e' the* "oul'n(t +e a+le to miss her. She "as trappe'. ADi' an*+o'* $ollo" us& De+orahDA ;a*e as#e' la-il* as she rumma)e' throu)h her +ac#pac#. The +i#er )irl snorte'. A%o+o'*(s stupi' enou)h to tr*.A A oo'. 8ecause this is top secret. I 'on(t "ant *ou3#no"3"ho to hear an*thin) a+out it&A ;a*e sai'. She too# out a steno)rapher(s note+oo# "ith a re' co,er an' lai' it on her #nee. A%o" let me see& "hat shall "e 'o to start this *ear o$$D I $eel li#e somethin) reall* "ic#e'.A

A5ell& there(s Je$$re*BA the stra"+err* +lon' sai'. AAlrea'* +e)un&A ;a*e sai'& smilin). AI "or# $ast& Su-an.A Su-an lau)he'. 5hen she 'i'& her e>traor'inar* chest ?i))le' in a "a* that ma'e Cassie certain she "asn(t "earin) an*thin) un'erneath her apricot3colore' s"eater. AI still 'on(t see the point o$ Je$$re* Lo,e?o*&A the +i#er )irl sai'& sco"lin). A!ou 'on(t see the point o$ an* )u*& De+orah= that(s *our pro+lem&A sai' Su-an. AAn' *our pro+lem is that *ou can(t see the point o$ an*thin) else&A De+orah retorte'. A8ut Je$$re*(s "orse than most. He(s )ot more teeth than +rain cells.A AIt isn(t his teeth I(m intereste' in&A sai' ;a*e thou)ht$ull*. A5ho are *ou )oin) to start "ith& Su-anDA AOh& I 'on(t #no". It(s so har' to 'eci'e. There(s Mar# ;lemmin) an' 8rant He)er"oo' an' Da,i' Do"ne*@he(s in m* reme'ial En)lish class& an' he(s 'e,elope' this #iller +o'* o,er the summer. An' then there(s al"a*s %ic#BA De+orah hoote'. AOur %ic#D The onl* "a* he(' loo# at *ou is i$ *ou ha' $our "heels an' a clutch.A AAn' +esi'es& he(s ta#en&A ;a*e sai'& an' her smile remin'e' Cassie o$ a crouchin) ?un)le cat. A!ou ?ust sai' *ou "ante' Je$$re*@A AThe* +oth ha,e their uses. et this strai)ht& Su-an. %ic# an' I ha,e anB arran)ement. So *ou ?ust +ac# o$$ an' pic# *oursel$ a nice outsi'er& all ri)htDA There "as a moment o$ tension& an' then the stra"+err* +lon' shru))e'. AO#a*& I(ll ta#e Da,i' Do"ne*. I 'i'n(t reall* "ant %ic# an*"a*. He(s an i)uana.A De+orah loo#e' up. AHe(s m* cousinEA AHe(s still an i)uana. He #isse' me at the ?unior prom& an' it "as li#e #issin) a reptile.A ACan "e )et +ac# to +usinessDA ;a*e sai'. A5ho(s on the hate listDA

ASall* 5altman&A Su-an sai' imme'iatel*. AShe alrea'* thin#s +ecause she(s class presi'ent she can stan' up to us& an' i$ *ou ta#e Je$$re*& she(s )oin) to +e reall* ma'.A ASall*BA ;a* muse'. A!es& "e(ll ha,e to come up "ith somethin) trul* special $or 'ear ol' Sall*B 5hat(s "ron)& De+orahDA De+orah ha' sti$$ene'& loo#in) up the hill to"ar' the school entrance. AIntru'er alert&A she sai'. AIn $act& it loo#s li#e a "hole 'ele)ation.A Cassie ha' seen it too& a )roup o$ )u*s an' )irls comin) throu)h the main entrance 'o"n the hill. She $elt a sur)e o$ hope. Ma*+e "hile ;a*e an' the other t"o "ere occupie' "ith them& she hersel$ coul' slip a"a* unnotice'. Heart +eatin) Cuic#l*& she "atche' the ne" )roup approach. A +roa'3shoul'ere' +o* in $ront& "ho seeme' to +e the lea'er& spo#e up. ALoo#& ;a*e& the ca$eteria(s cro"'e'. So "e(re )oin) to eat out here@ o#a*DA His ,oice starte' out +elli)erent& +ut it "a,ere' to"ar' the en'& +ecomin) more o$ a Cuestion than a statement. ;a*e loo#e' up at him "ithout haste& then smile' her slo"& +eauti$ul smile. A%o&A she sai'& +rie$l* an' s"eetl*. AIt isn(t o#a*.A Then she turne' +ac# to her lunch. AHo" comeDA the +o* +urst out& still tr*in) to soun' tou)h. A!ou 'i'n(t stop us last *ear.A ALast *ear&A ;a*e sai'& A"e "ere onl* 7uniors. This *ear "e(re seniors @an' "e(re "ic#e'. As "ic#e' as "e "anna +e.A De+orah an' Su-an smile'. ;rustrate'& Cassie shi$te' her "ei)ht. So $ar there ha' ne,er +een a moment "hen all three o$ the )irls "ere loo#in) a"a*. Come on& turn aroun%& she thou)ht plea'in)l*. The )roup o$ )u*s an' )irls "ent on stan'in) there $or a minute or t"o& e>chan)in) an)r* )lances. 8ut $inall* the* turne' an' "al#e' +ac# to"ar' the school +uil'in)@all e>cept one. A<h& ;a*eD Di' *ou mean I ha' to )o tooDA she sai'. She "as a prett*& $lushe' )irl& an' *oun). Pro+a+l* a sophomore& Cassie )uesse'. Cassie e>pecte' her to )et pac#e' o$$ li#e the others& +ut to her surprise ;a*e raise' her e*e+ro"s an' then patte' the lan'in) in,itin)l*.

A5h*& Fori&A she sai'& Ao$ course *ou can sta*. 5e ?ust ima)ine' *ou(' +e eatin) in the ca$eteria "ith the Princess o$ Purit* an' the rest o$ the )oo'*3)oo'ies.A Fori sat 'o"n. AToo much )oo'ness can )et +orin)&A she sai'. ;a*e tilte' her hea' an' smile'. AAn' there I thou)ht *ou "ere a nam+*3pam+* little Puritan. Sill* me&A she sai'. A5ell& *ou #no" *ou(re al"a*s "elcome here. !ou(re almost one o$ us& aren(t *ouDA Fori 'uc#e' her hea'. AI(ll +e $i$teen in t"o "ee#s.A AThere& *ou see&A ;a*e sai' to the others. AShe(s almost eli)i+le. %o" "hat were "e tal#in) a+outD That ne" slasher mo,ie& "asn(t itDA AThat(s ri)ht&A De+orah sai'& sho"in) her teeth. AThe one "here the )u* chops people up an' ma#es them into con'iments at his sala' +ar.A Su-an "as un"rappin) a T"in#ie. AOh& De+orah& 'on(t. !ou(re ma#in) me sic#.A A5ell& *ou ma#e me sic# "ith those thin)s&A De+orah sai'. A!ou ne,er stop eatin) them. That(s "hat those are& *ou #no"&A she tol' Fori& pointin) at Su-an(s chest. AT"o )iant T"in#ies. I$ Hostess "ent out o$ +usiness& she(' +e "earin) a 'ou+le A.A ;a*e lau)he' her sleep*& throat* lau)h& an' e,en Su-an )i))le'. Fori "as smilin) too& +ut loo#in) uncom$orta+le. AForiE 5e(re not embarrassing *ou& are "eDA ;a*e e>claime'& openin) her )ol'en e*es "i'e. ADon(t +e sill*. I 'on(t em+arrass easil*&A Fori sai'. A5ell& "ith +rothers li#e *ours& I shoul' thin# not. Still&A ;a*e "ent on& A*ou seem so *oun)& *ou #no"= almostB ,ir)inal. 8ut that(s pro+a+l* ?ust a $alse impression& ri)htDA Fori "as +lushin) no". All three senior )irls "ere loo#in) at her "ith insinuatin) smiles. A5ell& sure@I mean& it is a $alse impression@I(m not all that *oun) @A Fori s"allo"e'& loo#in) con$use'. AI "ent out "ith Jimm* Clar# all last summer&A she en'e' 'e$ensi,el*. A5h* 'on(t *ou tell us all a+out itDA ;a*e murmure'. Fori loo#e' more con$use'. AI@"ell@I thin# I(' +etter )et )oin). I(,e )ot )*m ne>t perio'& an' I ha,e to )et all the "a* o,er to E3"in). I(ll see *ou )u*s.A She )ot up Cuic#l* an' 'isappeare'.

AStran)e& she le$t her lunch&A ;a*e muse'& $ro"nin) )entl*. AOh& "ell.A She e>tracte' a pac#a)e o$ cupca#es $rom Fori(s lunch sac# an' tosse' them to Su-an& "ho )i))le'. De+orah& thou)h& "as $ro"nin). AThat "as stupi'& ;a*e. 5e(re )oin) to nee' her later@li#e in t"o "ee#s. One empt* space& one can'i'ate& *ou #no"DA ATrue&A ;a*e sai'. AOh& "ell& I(ll ma#e it up to her. Don(t "orr*= "hen the time comes& she(ll +e on our si'e.A AI suppose we/% +etter )et mo,in) too&A Su-an sai'& an' +ehin' her roc#& Cassie shut her e*es in relie$. AI(,e )ot to clim+ all the "a* to the thir' $loor $or al)e+ra.A A5hich coul' ta#e hours&A De+orah sai' maliciousl*. A8ut 'on(t strain *oursel$ ?ust *et. There(s more compan* comin).A ;a*e si)he' in e>asperation& "ithout turnin). A5ho nowD. 5hat 'o "e ha,e to 'o to )et a little peace aroun' hereDA AIt(s Ma'ame Class Presi'ent hersel$. Sall*. An' there(s steam comin) out o$ her ears.A ;a*e(s e>pression o$ anno*ance ,anishe'& 'issol,in) into somethin) more +eauti$ul an' in$initel* more 'an)erous. Still sittin) "ith her +ac# to the school& she smile' an' "or#e' her lon)& re'3tippe' $in)ers li#e a cat e>ercisin) its cla"s. AAn' I thou)ht to'a* "as )oin) to +e +orin)&A she murmure'& cluc#in) her ton)ue. AIt ?ust sho"s *ou can ne,er tell. 5ell& hetto& Sall*&A she sai' alou'& stan'in) an' turnin) in one smooth motion. A5hat a lo,el* surprise. Ho" "as *our summerDA ASa,e it& ;a*e&A sai' the )irl "ho(' ?ust marche' 'o"n the steps. She "as a )oo' hea' shorter than ;a*e& an' sli)hter o$ +uil'& +ut her arms an' le)s ha' a "ir* loo# an' her $ists "ere clenche' as i$ she "ere prepare' to 'o ph*sical +attle. AI 'i'n(t come out here to chat.A A8ut "e ha,en(t ha' a )oo' tal# in so lon)B Di' *ou 'o somethin) to *our hairD It(s so@interestin).A Cassie loo#e' at Sall*(s hair. It ha' a rust* cast to it& an' loo#e' $ri--le' an' o,erperme'. As the )irl raise' a 'e$ensi,e han' to her hea' Cassie coul' almost ha,e )i))le'@i$ it all ha'n(t +een so horri+le.

AI 'i'n(t come to tal# a+out m* hair& eitherEA snappe' Sall*. She ha' a stri'ent ,oice that "as clim+in) hi)her "ith e,er* sentence. AI came to tal# a+out Je$$re*. !ou lea,e him aloneEA ;a*e smile'& ,er* slo"l*. A5h*DA she murmure'& an' in contrast to Sall*(s ,oice hers seeme' e,en lo"er an' more sensual. AA$rai' o$ "hat he(ll 'o i$ *ou(re not there to hol' his han'DA AHe(s not intereste' in *ouEA AIs that "hat he tol' *ouD Hmm. He seeme' ,er* intereste' this mornin). He(s ta#in) me out Satur'a* ni)ht.A A8ecause *ou(re making him.A AMa#in) himD Are *ou su))estin) a +i) +o* li#e Je$$re* can(t sa* no "hen he "ants toDA ;a*e shoo# her hea'. AAn' "h* isn(t he here no" to spea# $or himsel$D I(ll tell *ou somethin)& Sall*&A she a''e'& her ,oice 'roppin) con$i'entiall*. AHe 'i'n(t $i)ht har' this mornin). He 'i'n(t $i)ht har' at all.A Sall*(s han' 're" +ac# as i$ she "ante' to hit the +i))er )irl& +ut she 'i'n(t. A!ou thin# *ou can 'o an*thin)& ;a*e@*ou an' the rest o$ the Clu+E 5ell& it(s time some+o'* sho"e' *ou that *ou can(t. There are more o$ us@lots more@an' "e(re )ettin) tire' o$ +ein) pushe' aroun'. It(s time some+o'* too# a stan'.A AIs that "hat *ou(re plannin) to 'oDA ;a*e sai' pleasantl*. Sall* ha' +een circlin) her li#e a +ull'o) loo#in) $or an openin)& an' no" the "ir* )irl ha' en'e' on the e')e o$ the lan'in) "ith her +ac# to the steps lea'in) 'o"n. A!esEA Sall* crie' 'e$iantl*. A;unn*&A murmure' ;a*e& A+ecause it(s )oin) to +e har' to 'o that $lat on *our +ac#.A 5ith the last "or's she $lic#e' her lon) re' $in)ernails in Sall*(s $ace. She ne,er actuall* touche' Sall*(s s#in. Cassie& "ho ha' +een "atchin) intentl*& 'esperatel* "aitin) $or an opportunit* to $lee& $elt sure o$ that. 8ut it "as as i$ somethin) hit Sall*. Somethin) in,isi+le. An' hea,*. The "ir* )irl(s entire +o'* ?er#e' +ac# an' she trie' $ranticall* to re)ain her $ootin) on the e')e o$ the lan'in). Arms $lailin)& she teetere' $or an en'less instant an' then $ell +ac#"ar'. Cassie coul' ne,er remem+er "hat happene' then. One minute she "as +ehin' her roc#& crouchin) an' sa$e& an' the ne>t she ha' $lun) hersel$

out across the $allin) )irl(s path& #noc#in) her si'e"a*s onto the )rass. ;or a heart+eat Cassie thou)ht the* "ere +oth )oin) to roll all the "a* 'o"n the hill& +ut someho" or other the* 'i'n(t. The* en'e' up in a heap& "ith Cassie un'erneath. ALet )oE !ou rippe' m* shirt&A a stri'ent ,oice e>claime'& an' an un#in' $ist plante' itsel$ in Cassie(s mi'ri$$ as Sall* pushe' hersel$ to her $eet. Cassie stare' up at her& open3mouthe'. Tal# a+out )ratitu'eB AAn' as $or *ou& ;a*e Cham+erlain@*ou trie' to kill meE 8ut *ou(ll )et *ours& *ou "ait an' seeEA AI(ll )et *ours too& Sall*&A ;a*e promise'& smilin)& +ut the sleepiness in her smile "asn(t )enuine an*more. She loo#e' as i$ un'erneath she "ere )rin'in) her teeth. A!ou ?ust "ait&A Sall* repeate' ,ehementl*. ASome'a* the* ma* $in' you at the +ottom o$ those stairs "ith a +ro#en nec#.A 5ith that& she marche' to the lan'in) an' up the steps& +rin)in) her $oot 'o"n on each as i$ she "ere stampin) on ;a*e(s $ace. She 'i'n(t e,en loo# +ac# or ac#no"le')e Cassie(s e>istence. Cassie slo"l* )ot up an' )lance' 'o"n the lon)& "in'in) $li)ht o$ stairs that le' to the $oot o$ the hill. She coul'n(t ha,e 'one an*thin) 'i$$erentl*& she reali-e'. Sall* "oul' ha,e +een luc#* to +rea# nothin) more than her nec# +e$ore she reache' +ottom. 8ut no"B She turne' to $ace the three senior )irls a+o,e her. The* "ere still stan'in) "ith careless& unstu'ie' ele)ance& +ut un'erneath their eas* 'emeanor "as ,iolence. Cassie sa" it in the sullen 'ar#ness o$ De+orah(s e*es& an' in the spite$ul cur,e o$ Su-an(s lips. 8ut most o$ all she sa" it in ;a*e. It occurre' to her& Cuite inci'entall*& that these "ere pro+a+l* the three most +eauti$ul )irls she(' e,er seen. It "asn(t ?ust that each ha' per$ect s#in& $ree o$ the sli)htest trace o$ teena)e +lemishes. It "asn(t their )or)eous hair9 De+orah(s 'ar# 'isor'ere' curls& ;a*e(s pitch3+lac# mane& an' Su-an(s clou' o$ re''ish )ol'. It "asn(t e,en the "a* the* set each other o$$& each one(s 'istincti,e t*pe enhancin) the others( instea' o$ 'etractin) $rom them. It "as somethin) else& somethin) that came $rom "ithin. A #in' o$ con$i'ence an' sel$3possession that no )irl at si>teen or se,enteen shoul' ha,e. An inner stren)th& an ener)*. A power. It terri$ie' her.

A5ell& no"& "hat 'o "e ha,e hereDA ;a*e sai' in a throat* ,oice. AA sp*D Or a little "hite mouseDA Run& Cassie thou)ht. 8ut her le)s "oul'n(t mo,e. AI sa" her this mornin)&A De+orah sai'. AShe "as han)in) out in $ront o$ the +i#e rac#& starin) at me.A AOh& I(,e seen her +e$ore that& De++*&A ;a*e replie'. AI sa" her last "ee# at %um+er T"el,e. She(s a nei)h+or.A A!ou mean she/s@A Su-an +ro#e o$$. A!es.A A5hate,er else she is& she(s 'ea' meat no"&A De+orah sai'. Her petite $ace "as t"iste' in a sco"l. ALet(s not +e hast*&A ;a*e murmure'. AE,en mice ma* ha,e their uses. 8* the "a*& ho" lon) "ere *ou hi'in) thereDA There "as onl* one ans"er to this& an' Cassie $ou)ht not to sa* it. This "as no time to come up "ith a 'e,astatin)l* "itt* remar#. 8ut at last she )a,e in& +ecause it "as the truth& an' +ecause she coul'n(t thin# o$ an*thin) else. ALon) enou)h&A she sai'& an' shut her e*es in miser*. ;a*e 'escen'e' slo"l* to stan' in $ront o$ her. ADo *ou al"a*s sp* on other people(s pri,ate con,ersationsDA AI "as here +e$ore *ou came&A Cassie sai'& "ith as much spirit as she coul' mana)e. I$ onl* ;a*e "oul' stop staring at her li#e that. Those hone*3colore' e*es seeme' to )lo" "ith an eerie& supernatural li)ht. It "as $ocuse' on Cassie li#e a laser +eam& 'rainin) a"a* her "ill& causin) the stren)th to $lo" out o$ her. It "as as i$ ;a*e "ante' her to 'o somethin)@or "ante' somethin) from her. It ma'e her $eel so 'isoriente'@so o$$ +alance an' "ea#B An' then she $elt a su''en sur)e o$ stren)th that seeme' to come up $rom her $eet. Or& rather& $rom the )roun' +eneath them& $rom the re' %e" En)lan' )ranite that she(' $elt +u--in) "ith li$e earlier. It stea'ie' her& s"eepin) up an' strai)htenin) her spine& so that she li$te' her chin an' loo#e' into those )ol'en e*es "ithout $linchin). AI "as here $irst&A she sai' 'e$iantl*. AVer* )oo'&A murmure' ;a*e& an' there "as an o'' loo# in her e*es. Then she turne' her hea'. AAn*thin) interestin) in her +ac#pac#DA

Cassie sa"& to her outra)e& that De+orah "as )oin) throu)h her +ac#pac#& thro"in) thin)s out one +* one. A%ot much&A the +i#er sai'& tossin) it on the )roun' so the rest o$ its contents scattere' 'o"n the hillsi'e. AAll ri)ht.A ;a*e "as smilin) a)ain& a particularl* unpleasant smile that ma'e her re' lips loo# cruel. AI thin# *ou "ere ri)ht the $irst time& De+orah. She(s 'ea' meat.A She loo#e' at Cassie. A!ou(re ne" here& so *ou pro+a+l* 'on(t un'erstan' "hat #in' o$ mista#e *ou(,e ma'e. An' I 'on(t ha,e time to stan' here an' tell *ou. 8ut *ou(ll $in' out. !ou(ll $in' out@Cassie.A She reache' out an' cau)ht Cassie(s chin "ith lon)& re'3tippe' $in)ers. Cassie "ante' to pull a"a*& +ut her muscles "ere loc#e'. She $elt the stren)th in those $in)ers an' the har'ness o$ the lon)& sli)htl* cur,in) nails. Li#e talons& she thou)ht. The talons o$ a +ir' o$ pre*. ;or the $irst time she notice' that the re' stone ;a* "ore at her throat ha' a star in it& li#e a star sapphire. It "in#e' in the sunli)ht& an' Cassie $oun' she coul'n(t ta#e her e*es o$$ it. Lau)hin) su''enl*& ;a*e release' her. ACome on&A she sai' to the other t"o )irls. The three o$ them turne' an' "ent up the steps. The air e>plo'e' $rom Cassie(s lun)s as i$ she "ere a +alloon that ha' ?ust +een pric#e'. She "as sha#in) insi'e. That ha' +eenB That ha' +een a+solutel*B 8et a grip on yourselfShe(s onl* a teena)e )an) lea'er& she tol' hersel$. At least the m*ster* o$ the Clu+ is sol,e'. The*(re a )an). !ou(,e hear' o$ )an)s +e$ore& e,en i$ *ou ne,er "ent to a school "ith one. As lon) as *ou lea,e them alone an' 'on(t cross them $rom no" on& *ou(ll +e o#a*. 8ut the reassurance ran) hollo" in her min'. ;a*e(s last "or's ha' soun'e' li#e a threat. 8ut a threat o$ "hatD 5hen Cassie )ot +ac# to the house that a$ternoon& her mother 'i'n(t seem to +e 'o"nstairs. ;inall*& as she "an'ere' $rom room to room callin)& her )ran'mother appeare' on the staircase. The loo# on her $ace ma'e Cassie(s stomach lurch. A5hat(s "ron)D 5here(s MomDA

AShe(s upstairs& in her room. She hasn(t +een $eelin) ,er* "ell. %o"& there(s no nee' $or *ou to )et "orrie'BA Cassie hurrie' up the crea#in) ol' steps to the )reen room. Her mother "as l*in) in a )ran' $our3poster +e'. Her e*es "ere shut& her $ace pale an' li)htl* perspirin). AMomDA The lar)e +lac# e*es opene'. Her mother s"allo"e' an' smile' pain$ull*. AJust a touch o$ the $lu& I thin#&A she sai'& an' her ,oice "as "ea# an' 'istant& a ,oice to )o "ith the pallor o$ her $ace. AI(ll +e $ine in a 'a* or t"o& s"eetheart. Ho" "as schoolDA Cassie(s +etter nature +attle' "ith her 'esire to sprea' her o"n miser* aroun' as much as possi+le. Her mother too# a little +reath an' shut her e*es as i$ the li)ht hurt her. 8etter nature "on. Cassie 'u) her nails into her palms an' spo#e e,enl*. AOh& $ine&A she sai'. ADi' *ou meet an*one interestin)DA AOh& *ou coul' sa* that.A She 'i'n(t "ant to "orr* her )ran'mother& either. 8ut 'urin) 'inner& "hen her )ran'3mother as#e' "h* she "as so Cuiet& the "or's ?ust seeme' to come out +* themsel,es. AThere "as this )irl at school@her name(s ;a*e& an' she(s a"$ul. A $emale Attila the Hun. An' on m* ,er* $irst 'a* I en'e' up ma#in) her hate meBA She tol' the "hole stor*. At the en' o$ it& her )ran'mother loo#e' into the $ireplace as i$ preoccupie'. AIt "ill )et +etter& Cassie&A she sai'. 8ut "hat i$ it %oesn/tD Cassie thou)ht. AOh& I(m sure it "ill&A she sai'. Then her )ran'mother 'i' somethin) surprisin). She loo#e' aroun' as i$ some+o'* mi)ht +e listenin) an' then leane' $or"ar'. A%o& I mean that& Cassie. I #no". !ou see& *ou ha,e@a special a',anta)e. Somethin) ,er* specialBA Her ,oice 'roppe' to a "hisper. Cassie leane' $or"ar' in turn. A5hatDA Her )ran'mother opene' her mouth& then her e*es shi$te' a"a*. There "as a pop $rom the $ire& an' she )ot up to po#e the "oo' there. A ran'ma& "hatDA A!ou(ll $in' out.A

Cassie $elt a shoc#. It "as the secon' time to'a* she(' hear' those "or's. A ran'ma@A A!ou(,e )ot )oo' sense& $or one thin)&A her )ran'mother sai'& a ne"& +ris# tone in her ,oice. AAn' t"o )oo' le)s& $or another. Here& ta#e this +roth up to *our mother. She hasn(t eaten an*thin) all 'a*.A That ni)ht& Cassie coul'n(t sleep. Either her 'rea' #ept her a"a#e so that she notice' more o$ the crea#in)& rattlin)& ol'3house soun's than she ha' +e$ore& or there "ere more o$ the soun's to notice. She 'i'n(t #no" "hich& an' it 'i'n(t matter9 she #ept $allin) asleep an' then ?er#in) +ac# to a"areness. E,er* so o$ten she reache' un'er her pillo" to touch the chalce'on* piece. I$ onl* she coul' reall* sleepB so she coul' 'ream a+out himB She sat +olt upri)ht in +e'. Then she )ot up& +are $eet patterin) on the har'"oo' $loor& an' "ent o,er to un-ip her +ac#pac#. She too# the thin)s she(' re3collecte' $rom the hillsi'e out one +* one& pencil +* pencil& +oo# +* +oo#. At last she loo#e' at the arra* on the +e'sprea'. She "as ri)ht. She ha'n(t notice' it at the time= she(' +een too "orrie' a+out ;a*e(s threat. 8ut the poem she(' "ritten that mornin) an' then crumple' up in an)er "as missin).

The $irst person Cassie sa" at school the ne>t mornin) "as ;a*e. The tall )irl "as stan'in) "ith a )roup in $ront o$ a si'e entrance that Cassie ha' +een ta#in) to +e inconspicuous. De+orah& the +i#er& an' Su-an& the pneumatic stra"+err* +lon'& "ere in the )roup. So "ere the t"o +lon' )u*s "ho ha' +een roller +la'in) throu)h the halls *ester'a*. An' there "ere t"o other )u*s. One "as a short +o* "ith a hesitant& slin#in) loo# an' a $urti,e smile. The secon' "as tall& "ith 'ar# hair an' a han'some& col' $ace. He "as "earin) a T3 shirt "ith rolle'3up slee,es an' +lac# ?eans li#e De+orah(s& an' he "as smo#in) a ci)arette. %ic#D thou)ht Cassie& remem+erin) the )irls( con,ersation *ester'a*. The reptileD Cassie $lattene' hersel$ a)ainst the re' +ric# "all an' retreate' as Cuic#l* an' Cuietl* as possi+le. She "ent in the main entrance& then hurrie' to her En)lish class. Almost )uiltil*& she reache' 'o"n to pat her hip poc#et. It "as stupi' to ha,e +rou)ht it& +ut the little piece o$ chalce'on* %i% ma#e her $eel +etter. An' o$ course it "as ri'iculous to +elie,e that it coul' +rin) her luc#@+ut then a)ain& she(' )otten to school this mornin) "ithout runnin) into ;a*e& ha'n(t sheD She $oun' an empt* 'es# in a +ac# corner o$ the classroom on the opposite si'e $rom "here ;a*e ha' sat *ester'a*. She 'i'n(t "ant ;a*e near her@or +ehin' her. Here& she "as shiel'e' +* a "hole cluster o$ people. 8ut stran)el*& soon a$ter she sat 'o"n& there "as a sort o$ shu$$lin) aroun' her. She loo#e' up to see a couple o$ )irls mo,in) $or"ar'. The )u* +esi'e her "as mo,in) too. ;or a moment she sat Cuite still& not e,en +reathin). Don(t be paranoi%. Just +ecause people mo,e 'oesn(t mean it has an*thin) to 'o "ith *ou. 8ut she coul'n(t help notice that there "as no" a "i'e e>panse o$ empt* 'es#s all aroun' her. ;a*e +ree-e' in& tal#in) to a sti$$ Je$$re* Lo,e?o*. Cassie )ot a )limpse o$ her an' then Cuic#l* loo#e' a"a*.

She coul'n(t #eep her min' on Mr. Humphries(s lecture. Ho" coul' she think "ith so much space aroun' herD It ha' to +e onl* a coinci'ence& +ut it shoo# her ?ust the same. At the en' o$ class& "hen Cassie stoo' up& she $elt e*es on her. She turne' to see ;a*e loo#in) at her an' smilin). Slo"l*& ;a*e close' one e*e in a "in#. Once out o$ the room Cassie hea'e' $or her loc#er. As she t"irle' the com+ination 'ial she sa" someone stan'in) near+*& an' "ith a ?olt reco)ni-e' the short& slin#in) +o* "ho(' +een "ith ;a*e that mornin). His loc#er "as open& an' she coul' see se,eral a's $rom "hat loo#e' li#e Solo$le> +rochures tape' insi'e the 'oor. He "as )rinnin) at her. His +elt +uc#le "as sil,er "ith shin*& mirrorli#e stones in it& an' it "as en)ra,e' Sean. Cassie )a,e him the unimpresse' loo# she reser,e' $or little +o*s she +a+*3sat +ac# home an' pulle' open her loc#er. An' screame'. It "as more o$ a cho#e'& stran)le' cr*& actuall*& +ecause her throat close' up on her. Dan)lin) $rom the top o$ her loc#er +* a piece o$ t"ine aroun' its nec# "as a 'oll. The 'oll(s hea' lolle' )rotesCuel* to one si'e @it ha' +een pulle' out o$ the soc#et. One +lue )lass e*e "as open= the other "as stuc# )ruesomel* hal$"a* shut. It seeme' to +e winking at her. The short +o* "as )a-in) at her "ith a stran)e& ea)er e>pression. As i$ he "ere 'rin#in) in her horror. As i$ it into>icate' htm. AAren(t *ou )oin) to report thatD Shoul'n(t *ou )o to the principal(s o$$iceDA he sai'. His ,oice "as hi)h an' e>cite'. Cassie ?ust stare' at him& her +reath comin) Cuic#l*. Then9 A!es& I am&A she sai'. She )ra++e' the 'oll an' ?er#e' it an' the t"ine came $ree. Slammin) the loc#er shut& she hea'e' $or the stairs. The principal(s o$$ice "as on the secon' $loor. Cassie thou)ht she(' ha,e to "ait& +ut to her surprise the secretar* ushere' her in as soon as she )a,e her name. ACan I help *ouDA The principal "as tall& "ith an austere& $or+i''in) $ace. His o$$ice ha' a $ireplace& Cassie note' 'istracte'l*& an' he stoo' in $ront o$ it "ith his han's claspe' +ehin' his +ac#.

A!es&A she sai'. Her ,oice "as sha#in). An' no" that she(' )otten here& she "asn(t at all sure that this "as a )oo' i'ea. AI(m ne" at school= m* name is Cassie 8la#e@A AI(m a"are o$ "ho *ou are.A His ,oice "as clippe' an' +rusCue. A5ellBA Cassie $altere'. AI ?ust "ante' to reportB !ester'a*& I sa" this )irl ha,in) a $i)ht "ith another )irl& an' she pushe' herBA 5hat "as she talking a+outD She "as +a++lin). AAn' I sa" it& an' so she threatene' me. She(s in this clu+@+ut the point is& she threatene' me. An' I "asn(t )oin) to 'o an*thin) a+out it& +ut then to'a* I $oun' this in m* loc#er.A He too# the 'oll& hol'in) it +* the +ac# o$ the 'ress "ith t"o $in)ers. He loo#e' at it as i$ she(' han'e' him somethin) the 'o) ha' 'u) up in the *ar'. His lip "as curle' in a "a* that remin'e' Cassie someho" o$ Portia. AVer* amusin)&A he sai'. AHo" apt.A Cassie ha' no i'ea "hat that "as suppose' to mean. Apt meant appropriate& 'i'n(t itD It "as appropriate that some+o'* "as han)in) 'olls in her loc#erD AIt "as ;a*e Cham+erlain&A she sai'. AOh& no 'ou+t&A he sai'. AI(m Cuite a"are o$ the pro+lems Miss Cham+erlain has in interactin) "ith other stu'ents. I(,e e,en ha' a report a+out this inci'ent *ester'a*& a+out ho" *ou trie' to push Sall* 5altman 'o"n the stairs@A Cassie stare'& then +lurte' out& AI what D 5ho tol' *ou thatDA AI +elie,e it "as Su-an 5hittier.A AIt isn(t trueE I ne,er@A A8e that as it ma*&A the principal interrupte'& AI reall* thin# *ou(' +etter learn to sol,e these pro+lems amon) *oursel,es& 'on(t *ouD Instea' o$ rel*in) on@outsi'e help.A Cassie ?ust "ent on starin)& speechless. AThat(s all.A The principal tosse' the 'oll in the "aste+as#et& "here it hit "ith a resoun'in) plastic clun#. Cassie reali-e' she "as 'ismisse'. There "as nothin) to 'o +ut turn aroun' an' "al# out. She "as late $or her ne>t class. As she "al#e' in the 'oor all e*es turne' to her& an' $or an instant she $elt a $lash o$ paranoia. 8ut at least no one )ot up an' le$t "hen she too# a 'es#.

She "as "atchin) the teacher 'o an e>ample on the +oar' "hen her +ac#pac# mo,e'. It "as l*in) on the $loor +esi'e her& an' out o$ the corner o$ her e*e she sa" the 'ar# +lue n*lon hump up. She thou)ht she sa" it. 5hen she turne' to stare at it& it "as still. Ima)inationB As soon as she $ace' the +oar'& it happene' a)ain. Turn an' stare. It "as still. Loo# at the +oar'. It humpe' up. As i$ somethin) "ere wriggling insi'e it. It must +e "a,es o$ hot air& or somethin) "ron) "ith her e*es. Ver* slo"l* an' care$ull*& Cassie e')e' her $oot o,er to the +ac#pac#. She stare' at the +lac#+oar' as she li$te' her $oot an' then +rou)ht it 'o"n su''enl* on the Ahump.A All she $elt "as the $latness o$ her ;rench +oo#. She ha'n(t reali-e' she "as hol'in) her +reath until it si)he' out. Her e*es shut in helpless relie$B An' then somethin) +eneath her $oot "rithe'. She felt it un'er her Ree+o#. 5ith a piercin) shrie#& she leape' to her $eet. A5hat is the matterDA the teacher crie'. %o" e,er*one reall* "as starin) at her. AThere(s somethin)@somethin) in m* +ac#pac#. It mo e%.A Cassie ha' a har' time not clutchin) at the teacher(s arm. A%o& 'on(t@'on(t reach in thereBA Sha#in) her o$$& the teacher hel' the +ac#pac# open. Then she plun)e' her han' insi'e an' pulle' out a lon) ru++er sna#e. Ru++er. AIs this suppose' to +e $unn*DA the teacher 'eman'e'. AIt(s not mine&A Cassie sai' stupi'l*. AI 'i'n(t put it there.A She "as )a-in)& mesmeri-e'& at the $loppin)& +o++in) ru++er hea' an' the painte' +lac# ru++er ton)ue. It loo#e' real& +ut it "asn(t. It "as unali,e. Dea' meatD AIt 'i' mo,e&A she "hispere'. AI $elt it mo,eB I thou)ht. It must ha,e ?ust +een m* $oot shi$tin).A

The class "as "atchin) silentl*. Loo#in) up& Cassie thou)ht she sa" a $lash o$ somethin) li#e pit* on the teacher(s $ace& +ut the ne>t moment it "as )one. AAll ri)ht& e,er*+o'*. Let(s )et +ac# to "or#&A the teacher sai'& 'roppin) the sna#e on her 'es# an' returnin) to the +lac#+oar'. Cassie spent the rest o$ the perio' "ith her e*es loc#e' on those o$ the ru++er sna#e. It ne,er mo,e' a)ain. Cassie loo#e' throu)h the )lass at the ca$eteria $ull o$ lau)hin)& tal#in) stu'ents. ;rench class ha' passe' in a +lur. An' the paranoia& the $eelin) that people "ere loo#in) at her an' then 'eli+eratel* turnin) their +ac#s& #ept )ro"in). I shoul' )o outsi'e& she thou)ht& +ut o$ course that "as ri'iculous. Loo# "here )oin) outsi'e ha' )otten her *ester'a*. %o& she "oul' 'o to'a* "hat she shoul' ha,e 'one then9 "al# up an' as# some+o'* i$ she coul' sit ne>t to them. All ri)ht. Do it. It "oul' ha,e +een easier i$ she ha'n(t +een $eelin) so )i''*. Lac# o$ sleep& she thou)ht. She stoppe'& "ith her $ille' tra*& +esi'e t"o )irls eatin) at a sCuare ta+le +uilt $or $our. The* loo#e' nice& an' more important& the* loo#e' li#e sophomores. The* shoul' +e )la' to ha,e a ?unior sit "ith them. AHi&A she hear' her o"n ,oice sa*in)& 'isem+o'ie' +ut polite. ACan I sit hereDA The* loo#e' at each other. Cassie coul' almost see the $rantic tele)raphin). Then one spo#e up. ASureB +ut "e "ere ?ust lea,in). Help *oursel$.A She pic#e' up her tra* an' ma'e $or the )ar+a)e can. The other )irl loo#e' 'isma*e' an instant& )a-in) 'o"n at her o"n tra*. Then she $ollo"e'. Cassie stoo' as i$ she(' ta#en root in the $loor. O#a*& that "as too +a'@*ou pic#e' some+o'* "ho "as ?ust lea,in)& all ri)ht. 8ut that(s no reason to +e upsetB E,en thou)h their lunches "ere onl* hal$ eatenD 5ith a supreme e$$ort& she ma'e hersel$ "al# o,er to another ta+le. A roun' one this time& seatin) si>. There "as one seat empt*. Don(t as#& she thou)ht. Just sit. She put her tra* 'o"n at the empt* place& shru))e' her +ac#pac# o$$ her shoul'er& an' sat. She #ept her e*es

)lue' to her tra*& concentratin) on one piece o$ pepperoni in her slice o$ pi--a. She 'i'n(t "ant to seem to +e as#in) permission o$ an*one. All aroun' her& con,ersation 'ie'. Then she hear' the scrapin) o$ chairs. Oh m* o' I 'on(t +elie,e this I 'on(t +elie,e this is happenin) it(s not trueB 8ut it "as. Her "orst ni)htmare. Somethin) so much "orse than 'ea' 'olls or ru++er sna#es. In a 'a-e o$ unrealit* she loo#e' up to see e,er* other occupant o$ the ta+le risin). The* "ere pic#in) up their lunches= the* "ere lea,in). 8ut unli#e the t"o nice sophomore )irls& the* "eren(t hea'in) $or the )ar+a)e cans. The* "ere ?ust mo,in) to other ta+les& one here& another there& an*"here the* coul' $it in. Away from her* Anywhere so long as it was away from her* AMomB DA She loo#e' 'o"n at the shut e*es "ith their thic# +lac# lashes& the pale $ace. She 'i'n(t #no" ho" she(' ma'e it throu)h the rest o$ school to'a*& an' "hen she came home& her )ran'mother sai' her mom ha' +een 'oin) "orse. %ot a lot "orse& nothin) to +e worrie% a+out& +ut "orse. She nee'e' peace an' Cuiet. She(' ta#en some sleepin) me'icine. Cassie stare' at the 'ar# circles un'er the shut e*es. Her mother loo#e' sic#. An' more than that& $ra)ile. Vulnera+le. So young. AMomBA Her ,oice "as plea'in) +ut hollo". Her mother stirre'& a t"in)e o$ pain crossin) her $ace. Then she "as still a)ain. Cassie $elt the num+ness sin# in a little 'eeper. There "as no+o'* to help her here. She turne' an' le$t the room. In her o"n +e'room& she put the chalce'on* piece in her ?e"elr* +o> an' 'i'n(t touch it a)ain. So much $or luc#. The crea#in) an' rattlin) o$ the house #ept her up that ni)ht& too. On Thurs'a* mornin)& there "as a +ir' in her loc#er. A stu$$e' o"l. It stare' at her "ith shinin) roun' *ello" e*es. A custo'ian happene' to +e

passin) +*& an' she pointe' it out to him mutel*& her han' sha#in). He too# it a"a*. That a$ternoon& it "as a 'ea' )ol'$ish. She ma'e a $unnel o$ a sheet o$ paper an' scoope' it out. She 'i'n(t )o near her loc#er $or the rest o$ the 'a*. She 'i'n(t )o near the ca$eteria& either. An' she spent lunch in the $arthest corner o$ the li+rar*. It "as there that she sa" the )irl a)ain. The )irl "ith the shinin) hair& the )irl she(' )i,en up on e,er meetin). It "as har'l* surprisin) that Cassie ha'n(t seen her at school +e$ore this moment. These 'a*s Cassie slun# aroun' li#e a sha'o"& "al#in) throu)h the halls "ith her e*es on the )roun'& spea#in) to no one. She 'i'n(t #no" "h* she "as at school at all& e>cept that there "as no"here else to )o. An' i$ she ha% seen the )irl& she(' pro+a+l* ha,e run the other "a*. The thou)ht o$ +ein) re?ecte' +* her as Cassie "as re?ecte' +* e,er*one else at school "as un+eara+le. 8ut no" Cassie loo#e' up $rom her ta+le at the +ac# o$ the li+rar* an' sa" a +ri)htness li#e sunli)ht. That hair. It "as ?ust as Cassie remem+ere'& impossi+l* lon)& an impossi+le color. The )irl "as $acin) the circulation 'es#& smilin) an' tal#in) to the li+rarian. Cassie coul' feel the ra'iance o$ her presence $rom across the room. She ha' the "il'est ur)e to leap up an' run to the )irl. An' thenB what5 She 'i'n(t #no". 8ut the ur)e "as almost +e*on' her control. Her throat ache'& an' tears $ille' her e*es. She reali-e' she "as on her $eet. She "oul' run to the )irl& an' then@an' thenB Ima)es $loo'e' Cassie(s min'& o$ her mother hu))in) her "hen she "as *oun)& cleanin) out a s#inne' #nee& #issin) it +etter. Com$ort. Rescue. Lo,e. ADianaEA Another )irl "as hurr*in) up to the circulation 'es#. ADiana& 'on(t *ou #no" "hat time it isD Hurr* upEA She "as pullin) the )irl "ith the shinin) hair a"a*& lau)hin) an' "a,in) at the li+rarian. The* "ere at the 'oor= the* "ere )one. Cassie "as le$t stan'in) alone. The )irl ha' ne,er e,en )lance' her "a*.

On ;ri'a* mornin) Cassie stoppe' in $ront o$ her loc#er. She 'i'n(t "ant to open it. 8ut it e>erte' a +i-arre $ascination o,er her. She coul'n(t stan' $eelin) it there& "on'erin) "hat "as in it an' not #no"in). She 'iale' the com+ination slo"l*& e,er*thin) too +ri)ht. The loc#er 'oor opene'. This time she coul'n(t e,en scream. She $elt her e*es openin)& strainin) as "i'e as the stu$$e' o"l(s. Her mouth opene' in a soun'less )asp. Her stomach hea,e'. The smellB Her loc#er "as $ull o$ ham+ur)er. Ra" an' re' li#e $lesh "ith the s#in torn o$$& 'ar#enin) to purple "here it "as )oin) +a' $rom lac# o$ re$ri)eration. Poun's an' poun's o$ it. It smelle' li#eB Li#e meat. Dea' meat. Cassie slamme' the loc#er shut& +ut it +ounce' o$$ some o$ the ham+ur)er that "as oo-in) out the +ottom. She "hirle' an' stum+le' a"a*& her ,ision ha-in) o,er. A han' )ra++e' her. ;or an instant she thou)ht it "as an o$$er o$ support. Then she $elt her +ac#pac# +ein) pulle' o$$ her shoul'er. She turne' an' sa" a prett*& sullen $ace. Malicious 'ar# e*es. A motorc*cle ?ac#et. De+orah tosse' the +ac#pac# past Cassie& an' automaticall* Cassie "hirle'& $ollo"in) it. On the other si'e she sa" shoul'er3len)th +lon' hair. Slante'& sli)htl* ma' +lue3)reen e*es. A lau)hin) mouth. It "as one o$ the roller3+la'e )u*s@the Hen'erson +rothers. A5elcome to the ?un)le&A he san). He thre" the +ac#pac# to De+orah& "ho cau)ht it& sin)in) another line. Cassie coul'n(t help turnin) aroun' an' aroun' +et"een them& li#e a cat chasin) a $ur mouse on a strin). Tears $loo'e' her e*es. The lau)hter an' sin)in) ran) in her ears& lou'er an' lou'er. Su''enl* a +ro"n arm thrust into her $iel' o$ ,ision. A han' cau)ht the +ac#pac# in mi'air. The lau)hter 'ie'. She turne' to see throu)h a +lur o$ tears the col'& han'some $ace o$ the 'ar#3haire' )u* "ho ha' stoo' "ith ;a*e that mornin) t"o 'a*s a)oB coul' it reall* +e onl* t"o 'a*s a)oD He "as "earin) another T3shirt "ith rolle'3up slee,es an' the same "orn3in +lac# ?eans.

AA"& %ic#&A the Hen'erson +rother complaine'. A!ou(re "rec#in) our )ame.A A et out o$ here&A %ic# sai'. A!ou )et out&A De+orah snarle' $rom +ehin' Cassie. ADou) an' me "ere ?ust@A A!eah& "e "ere onl*@A AShut up.A %ic# )lance' at Cassie(s loc#er& "ith )lo+s o$ meat still seepin) out o$ it. Then he thrust the +ac#pac# at her. A!ou )et out&A he sai'. Cassie loo#e' into his e*es. The* "ere 'ar# +ro"n& the color o$ her )ran'mother(s maho)an* $urniture. An' li#e the $urniture& the* seeme' to re$lect the o,erhea' li)hts +ac# at her. The* "eren(t un$rien'l*& e>actl*. Just@unimpassione'. As i$ nothin) much touche' this )u*. AThan# *ou&A she sai'& +lin#in) +ac# the tears. Somethin) $lic#ere' in those maho)an*3'ar# e*es. AIt(s not much to than# me $or&A he sai'. His ,oice "as li#e a col' "in'& +ut Cassie 'i'n(t care. Clutchin) the +ac#pac# to her& she $le'. It "as in ph*sics class that she )ot the note. A )irl name' Tina 'roppe' it on her 'es#& casuall*& tr*in) to loo# as i$ she "ere 'oin) nothin) o$ the sort. She "ent ri)ht on "al#in) an' too# a seat on the other si'e o$ the room. Cassie loo#e' at the sCuare o$ $ol'e' paper as i$ it mi)ht +urn her i$ she touche' it. Her name "as "ritten across the $ront in han'"ritin) that mana)e' to loo# pompous an' prim at the same time. Slo"l*& she un$ol'e' the paper. Cassie& it rea'. &eet me in the ol% s"ien"e buil%ing$ se"on% floor$ after s"hool* I think we "an help ea"h other* A frien% . Cassie stare' at it until the "ritin) 'ou+le'. A$ter class she cornere' Tina. A5ho )a,e *ou this to )i,e to meDA The )irl loo#e' at the note 'iso"nin)l*. A5hat are *ou tal#in) a+outD I 'i'n(tBA A!es& *ou 'i'. 5ho )a,e it to *ouDA Tina cast a hunte' loo# aroun'. Then she "hispere'& ASall* 5altman& all ri)htD 8ut she tol' me not to tell an*+o'*. I ha,e to )o no".A

Cassie +loc#e' her. A5here(s the ol' science +uil'in)DA ALoo#@A A5here is itDA Tina hisse'& AOn the other si'e o$ E3"in). In +ac# o$ the par#in) lot. %o" let me )oEA She +ro#e a"a* $rom Cassie an' hurrie' o$$. A $rien'& Cassie thou)ht sarcasticall*. I$ Sall* "ere reall* a $rien'& she(' tal# to Cassie in pu+lic. I$ she "ere reall* a $rien'& she(' ha,e sta*e' that 'a* on the steps& instea' o$ lea,in) Cassie alone "ith ;a*e. She(' ha,e sai'& AThan#s $or sa,in) m* li$e.A 8ut ma*+e she "as sorr* no". The ol' science +uil'in) 'i'n(t loo# as i$ it ha' +een use' $or a "hile= there "as a pa'loc# on the 'oor& +ut that ha' +een sprun). Cassie pushe' on the 'oor an' it s"un) a"a* $rom her. Insi'e& it "as 'im. She coul'n(t ma#e out an* 'etails "ith her li)ht3 'a--le' e*es. 8ut she coul' see a stair"a*. She clim+e' it& one han' on the "all to )ui'e hersel$. It "as "hen she reache' the top o$ the stair"a* that she notice' somethin) stran)e. Her $in)ers "ere touchin) somethin)B so$t. Almost $urr*. She mo,e' them in $ront o$ her $ace& peerin) at them. SootD Somethin) mo,e' in the room in $ront o$ her. ASall*DA She too# a hesitant step $or"ar'. 5h* "asn(t more li)ht comin) in the "in'o"sD she "on'ere'. She coul' see onl* )lo"in) "hite crac#s here an' there. She too# another shu$$lin) step& an' another& an' another. ASall*DA E,en as she sai' it& reali-ation $inall* 'a"ne' on her e>hauste' +rain. %ot Sall*. 5hoe,er& "hate,er "as out there& it "asn(t Sall*. Turn aroun'& i'iot. et out o$ here. !ow. She "hirle'& clumsil*& strainin) her 'ar#3a'aptin) e*es& loo#in) $or the 'eeper +lac#ness o$ the stair"ell@ An' li)ht shone su''enl*& streamin) into her $ace& +lin'in) her. There "as a crea#in)& "renchin) noise an' more li)ht +urst into the room. Throu)h a "in'o" that ha' +een +oar'e' up& Cassie reali-e'. Someone "as stan'in) in $ront o$ it no"& hol'in) a piece o$ "oo'.

She turne' to"ar' the stair"a* a)ain. 8ut someone "as stan'in) there& too. Enou)h li)ht shone into the room no" that she coul' see $eatures as the )irl steppe' $or"ar'. AHello& Cassie&A sai' ;a*e. AI(m a$rai' Sall* coul'n(t ma#e it. 8ut ma*+e *ou an' I can help each other instea'.A

A!ou sent the note&A Cassie sai' $latl*. ;a*e smile' her slo"& terri+le smile. ASomeho" I 'i'n(t thin# *ou(' come i$ I use' m* o"n name&A she sai'. An' I $ell $or it& Cassie thou)ht. She must ha,e coache' that )irl Tina on "hat to sa*@an' I s"allo"e' it. AHo" 'o *ou li#e the little presents *ou(,e +een $in'in)DA Tears came to Cassie(s e*es. She coul'n(t ans"er. She $elt so 'raine'& so helpless@i$ onl* she coul' think. AHa,en(t *ou +een sleepin) "ellDA ;a*e continue'& her throat* ,oice innocent. A!ou loo# a"$ul. Or ma*+e *our %reams ha,e +een #eepin) *ou a"a#e.A Cassie turne' to cast a Cuic# loo# +ehin' her. There "as an e>it there& +ut Su-an "as in $ront o$ it. AOh& *ou can(t )o *et&A ;a*e sai'. AI "oul'n(t %ream o$ lettin) *ou.A Cassie stare' at her. A;a*e& ?ust lea,e me aloneBA ADream on&A sai' De+orah& an' she lau)he' nastil*. Cassie coul' ma#e no sense out o$ this. 8ut then she sa" that ;a*e "as hol'in) a sheet o$ paper. It "as smoothe' $lat& +ut it ha' once +een ti)htl* crumple'. Her poem. An)er +la-e' throu)h her e>haustion. 8la-e' so +ri)ht that $or an instant she "as $ull o$ ener)*& li$te' +* it. She lun)e' at ;a*e cr*in)& AThat(s mineEA It too# ;a*e +* surprise. She reele' +ac#& 'o')in)& hol'in) the poem hi)h out o$ Cassie(s reach. Then somethin) cau)ht Cassie(s arms $rom +ehin'& pinnin) them. AThan# *ou& De+orah&A ;a*e sai'& sli)htl* +reathless. She loo#e' at Cassie. AI suppose e,en a little "hite mouse "ill turn. 5e(ll ha,e to remem+er that. 8ut ?ust no"&A she continue'& A"e(re )oin) to ha,e an impromptu poetr* rea'in). I(m sorr* the atmosphere isn(t more@ appropriate@+ut "hat can *ou 'oD This use' to +e the science +uil'in)& +ut no+o'* comes here much an*more. %ot since Dou) an' Chris Hen'erson ma'e a little mista#e in a chemistr* e>periment. !ou(,e

pro+a+l* seen the Hen'erson +rothers@the*(re har' to miss. %ice )u*s& +ut a little irresponsi+le. The* acci'entall* ma'e a +om+.A %o" that Cassie(s e*es ha' a'?uste' a)ain& she coul' see that the room "as +urne' out. The "alls "ere +lac# "ith soot. AO$ course& some people thin# it(s unsa$e here&A ;a*e continue'& Aso the* #eep it loc#e'. 8ut "e(,e ne,er let a little thin) li#e that stop us. It is pri ate& thou)h. 5e can ma#e all the noise "e "ant an' no+o'* "ill hear us.A De+orah(s )rip on Cassie(s arms "as pain$ul. 8ut Cassie starte' to stru))le a)ain as ;a*e cleare' her throat an' hel' up the paper. ALet me seeB (M* Dreams&( +* Cassie 8la#e. Ima)inati,e title& +* the "a*.A A!ou 'on(t ha,e an* right@A Cassie +e)an& +ut ;a*e i)nore' her. She +e)an rea'in) in a theatrical& melo'ramatic ,oice9 AEach ni)ht I lie an' 'ream a+out the one@A AIt(s pri ateEA Cassie crie'. A5ho #isse' me an' a"a#ene' m* 'esire@A ALet me )oEA AI spent a sin)le hour "ith him alone@A AIt isn(t fair9( AAn' since that hour& m* 'a*s are lace' "ith $ire.A ;a*e loo#e' up. AThat(s it. 5hat 'o *ou thin#& De+orahDA AIt stin#s&A De+orah sai'& then )a,e a little "rench to Cassie(s arms as Cassie trie' to tear a"a*. AIt(s stupi'.A AOh& I 'on(t #no". I li#e' some o$ the ima)er*. A+out $ire& $or instance. Do *ou li#e $ire& CassieDA Cassie "ent still. That la-*& hus#* ,oice ha' a ne" note in it& a note she reco)ni-e' instincti,el*. Dan)er. ADo *ou think a+out $ire& CassieD Do *ou 'ream a+out itDA Dr*3mouthe'& Cassie stare' at ;a*e. Those hone*3colore' e*es "ere "arm& )lo"in). E>cite'. A5oul' *ou li#e to see a $ire tric#DA Cassie shoo# her hea'. There "ere thin)s "orse than humiliation& she "as reali-in). ;or the $irst time this "ee# she "as a$rai'& not $or her pri'e& +ut $or her li$e.

;a*e snappe' the piece o$ paper in her han'& $ormin) it into a loose cone. ;lame +urst out o$ one corner at the top. A5h* 'on(t *ou tell us "ho the poem is a+out& CassieD This +o* "ho awakene% *ou@"ho is heDA Cassie leane' a"a*& tr*in) to escape the +la-in) paper in $ront o$ her $ace. ACare$ul&A De+orah sai' moc#in)l* $rom +ehin' her. ADon(t )et too close to her hair.A A5hat& *ou mean this closeDA sai' ;a*e. AOr this closeDA Cassie ha' to t"ist her nec# to e,a'e the $lame. Little )lo"in) +its o$ paper "ere $l*in) o$$ in e,er* 'irection. The +ri)htness le$t an a$terima)e& an' she coul' $eel heat on her s#in. AOops& that was close. I thin# her e*elashes are too lon) an*"a*& De+orah& 'on(t *ouDA Cassie "as $i)htin) no"& +ut De+orah "as astonishin)l* stron). An' the more Cassie stru))le'& the more the )rip hurt. ALet )o o$ me@A she )aspe' out. A8ut I thou)ht *ou li#e' $ire& Cassie. Loo# into the $ire. 5hat 'o *ou seeDA Cassie 'i'n(t "ant to o+e*& +ut she coul'n(t help it. Surel* the paper shoul' ha,e +urne' up +* no". 8ut it "as still +la-in). !ello"& she thou)ht. ;ire is *ello" an' oran)e. %ot re' li#e the* sa*. All her senses "ere $i>e' on the $lame. Its heat +rou)ht a 'r* tin)le to her chee#s. She coul' hear the crumple o$ paper as it "as consume'= she coul' smell the +urnin). An' she coul' see nothin) else. ra* ash an' *ello" $lame. 8lue at the +ottom li#e a )as +urner. The $ire chan)e' shape e,er* secon'& its ra'iance streamin) en'lessl* up"ar'. Pourin) out its ener)*B Ener)*. ;ire is po"er& she thou)ht. She coul' almost $eel the char)e o$ the )ol'en $lame. It "asn(t the. ,ast Cuietness o$ s#* an' sea& or the "aitin) soli'it* o$ roc#. It "as acti,e. Po"er there $or the ta#in)B A!es&A ;a*e "hispere'. The soun' shoc#e' Cassie out o$ her trance. Don(t +e "ra:y& she tol' hersel$. Her $antas* a+out the $lame collapse'. This "as "hat happene'

"hen *ou 'i'n(t )et an* sleep. 5hen the stress +ecame un+eara+le an' *ou )ot to the en' o$ *our resources. She "as )oin) insane. Tears $loo'e' her e*es& $ell 'o"n her chee#s. AOh& she(s ?ust a +a+* a$ter all&A ;a*e sai'& an' there "as sa,a)e 'is)ust in her ,oice. Dis)ust an' somethin) li#e 'isappointment. ACome on& +a+*& can(t *ou cr* an* har'er than thatD I$ *ou cr* har' enou)h& ma*+e *ou can put it out.A Still so++in)& Cassie tosse' her hea' +ac# an' $orth as the +la-in) paper sta++e' closer. So close that tears $ell on it an' si--le'. Cassie "as no lon)er thin#in)= she "as simpl* terri$ie'. Li#e a trappe' animal& a 'esperate& pathetic trappe' animal. Dea' meat 'ea' meat 'ea' meat 'ea' meatB A5hat are *ou %oingD Let )o o$ her@no"EA The ,oice came out o$ no"here& an' $or an instant Cassie 'i'n(t e,en attempt to locate it. Her "hole +ein) "as $ocuse' on the $ire. It $lare' up su''enl*& 'issol,in) almost instantaneousl* into so$t )ra* ash. ;a*e "as le$t hol'in) onl* a stump o$ charre' paper cone. AI sai' let her go-( Somethin) +ri)ht came at De+orah. 8ut not +ri)ht li#e $ire. 8ri)ht li#e sunli)ht. Or moonli)ht& "hen the moon is $ull an' so 'a--lin) *ou can rea' +* it. It "as her. The )irl& the )irl $rom the *ello" house& the )irl "ith the shinin) hair. <tterl* 'um+$oun'e'& Cassie stare' as i$ seein) her $or the $irst time. She "as almost as tall as ;a*e& +ut unli#e ;a*e in e,er* other respect. 5here ;a*e "as ,oluptuous& she "as slen'er= "here ;a*e "as 'resse' in re'& she "as 'resse' in "hite. Instea' o$ a "il' +lac# mane li#e ;a*e(s& her hair "as lon) an' strai)ht an' shimmerin)@the color o$ the li)ht streamin) in the "in'o". An' o$ course she "as +eauti$ul& e,en more +eauti$ul this close than she ha' +een at a 'istance. 8ut it "as a +eaut* so 'i$$erent $rom ;a*e(s it "as har' to thin# o$ it as the same thin). ;a*e(s +eaut* "as stunnin) +ut scar*. Her stran)e )ol'en e*es "ere $ascinatin)& +ut the* also ma'e *ou "ant to run a"a*. This )irl loo#e' li#e somethin) $rom a staine'3)lass "in'o". ;or the $irst time Cassie sa" her e*es& an' the* "ere )reen an' clear& +rilliant& as

i$ li)ht "ere +ehin' them. Her chee#s "ere $aintl* $lushe' "ith rose& +ut it "as natural color& not ma#eup. Her +reast "as hea,in) "ith in'i)nation& an' her ,oice& thou)h clear an' musical& "as $ille' "ith an)er. A5hen Tina tol' me she(' 'eli,ere' that note $or *ou& I #ne" there "as somethin) )oin) on&A she sai'. A8ut this is un+elie,a+le. ;or the last time& De+orah& let her )oEA Slo"l*& reluctantl*& the )rip on Cassie(s arms loosene'. ALoo# at thisB *ou coul' ha,e hurt her&A the $air3haire' )irl ra)e' on. She ha' a Fleene> out an' "as "ipin) ash@an' tears@o$$ Cassie(s chee#s. AAre *ou all ri)htDA she as#e'& her tone )entlin). Cassie coul' onl* loo# at her. The shinin) )irl ha' come to rescue her. It "as li#e somethin) out o$ a 'ream. AShe(s $ri)htene' to 'eath&A the )irl sai'& turnin) on ;a*e. AHo" "oul% *ou& ;a*eD Ho" coul' *ou +e so cruelDA AIt ?ust comes naturall*&A ;a*e murmure'. Her e*es "ere hoo'e'& sullen. As sullen as De+orah(s $ace. AAn' *ou& Su-an@I(m surprise' at *ou. Don(t *ou see ho" "ron) it isDA Su-an mum+le' somethin)& loo#in) a"a*. AAn' why "oul' *ou "ant to hurt herD 5ho is sheDA She ha' a protecti,e arm aroun' Cassie no" as she loo#e' $rom one o$ the senior )irls to another. %one o$ them ans"ere'. AI(m Cassie&A Cassie sai'. Her ,oice "o++le' at the en'& an' she trie' to stea'* it. All she coul' $eel "as the )irl(s arm aroun' her shoul'er. ACassie 8la#e&A she mana)e' to $inish. AI ?ust mo,e' here a couple o$ "ee#s a)o. Mrs. Ho"ar' is m* )ran'mother.A The )irl loo#e' startle'. AMrs. Ho"ar'D At %um+er T"el,eD An' *ou(re li,in) "ith herDA ;ear 'arte' throu)h Cassie. She remem+ere' Je$$re*(s reaction to hearin) "here she li,e'. She "oul' 'ie i$ this )irl respon'e' the same "a*. 5retche'l*& she no''e'. The $air3haire' )irl "hirle' +ac# on ;a*e. AThen she(s one o$ usE A neighbor&A she a''e' sharpl* as ;a*e(s e*e+ro"s shot up. AOh& har'l*&A ;a*e sai'. AShe(s onl* hal$@A Su-an +e)an.

AShut upEA sai' De+orah. AShe(s a nei)h+or&A the $air3haire' )irl repeate' stu++ornl*. She loo#e' at Cassie. AI(m sorr*= I 'i'n(t #no" *ou(' mo,e' in. I$ I ha%@she thre" an an)r* )lance at ;a*e@AI(' ha,e stoppe' +*. I li,e 'o"n at the +ottom o$ Cro"ha,en Roa'& %um+er One.A She )a,e Cassie another protecti,e sCuee-e. ACome on. I$ *ou "ant& I(ll ta#e *ou home no".A Cassie no''e'. She "oul' ha,e happil* $ollo"e' i$ the )irl ha' tol' her to ?ump out a "in'o". AI $or)ot to intro'uce m*sel$&A the )irl sai'& stoppin) on the "a* to the stairs. AM* name(s Diana.A AI #no".A Diana ha' a +lue Acura Inte)ra. She stoppe' in $ront o$ it an' as#e' Cassie i$ she "ante' to )et an*thin) $rom her loc#er. 5ith a shu''er& Cassie shoo# her hea'. A5h* notDA Cassie hesitate'. Then tol' her. E,er*thin). Diana listene'& arms $ol'e'& toe tappin) "ith increasin) spee' as the stor* "ent on. Her )reen e*es "ere +e)innin) to shine "ith an almost incan'escent $ur*. ADon(t "orr* a+out it&A "as all she sai' at the en'. AI(ll call an' ha,e the custo'ian clean out the loc#er. ;or no"& "e nee' to )et *ou out o$ here.A She 'ro,e& tellin) Cassie to lea,e the Ra++it. A5e(ll ta#e care o$ it later.A An' Cassie +elie,e' her. I$ Diana sai' it "oul' +e ta#en care o$& it "oul' +e ta#en care o$. In the car& all Cassie coul' 'o "as stare at a stran' o$ lon)& shinin) hair $allin) o,er the emer)enc* +ra#e. It "as li#e sunli)ht3colore' sil#. Or sunli)ht3an'3moonli)ht colore'& rather. ;or an instant& in the +ac# o$ Cassie(s min'& a thou)ht poppe' up a+out someone else "ho ha' hair that "as more than one color& +ut "hen she )raspe' a$ter it& it "as )one. She 'i'n(t Cuite 'are to touch the stran' o$ hair& althou)h she "ante' to see i$ it $elt li#e sil# too. Instea' she trie' to listen to "hat Diana "as sa*in). AB an' I 'on(t #no" "hat )ets into ;a*e sometimes. She ?ust 'oesn(t thin#. She 'oesn(t reali-e "hat she(s 'oin).A

Cassie(s e*es sli' cautiousl* up to Diana(s $ace. In her opinion& ;a*e #ne" e>actl* "hat she "as 'oin). 8ut she 'i'n(t sa* an*thin)@the* "ere pullin) up to the prett* Victorian house. ACome on&A Diana sai'& ?umpin) out. ALet(s )et *ou cleane' up +e$ore *ou )o home.A Cleane' upD Cassie $oun' out "hat she meant "hen Diana le' her into an ol'3$ashione' +athroom on the secon' $loor. Soot staine' her )ra* s"eater& her han's& her ?eans. Her hair "as a mess. Her $ace "as smu')e' "ith +lac# an' stripe' "ith tears. She loo#e' li#e a "ar orphan. AI(ll len' *ou some clothes "hile "e )et *ours clean. An' you can )et clean in this.A Diana "as +ustlin) aroun'& runnin) hot "ater into a cla"3 $oote' +athtu+& a''in) somethin) that smelle' s"eet an' +u++le'. She put out to"els& soap& shampoo& all "ith a spee' that +e"il'ere' Cassie. AThro" *our clothes outsi'e "hen *ou )et un'resse'. An' *ou can put this on a$ter"ar'&A she sai'& han)in) a $lu$$* "hite +athro+e on a hoo# on the 'oor. AO#a*& *ou(re set.A She 'isappeare'& an' Cassie "as le$t starin) at the shut 'oor. She loo#e' at the sli)htl* steam* mirror& then at the +athtu+. She $elt col' an' ach* insi'e. Her muscles "ere trem+lin) $rom tension. The hot& s"eet3 scente' "ater loo#e' per$ect& an' "hen she clim+e' in an' it rose aroun' her& she let out an in,oluntar* si)h o$ +liss. Oh& it "as lo,el*. Just ri)ht. She la* an' +as#e' $or a "hile& lettin) the heat soa# into her +ones an' the li)ht& $lo"er* smell $ill her lun)s. It seeme' to clear the last tire' co+"e+s $rom her hea' an' re$resh her. She too# a "ashcloth an' scru++e' the )rime o$$ her $ace an' +o'*. The shampoo smelle' s"eet too. 5hen she $inall* )ot out o$ the tu+ an' "rappe' hersel$ in the +i) "hite terr*cloth ro+e& she "as clean& an' "arm& an' more rela>e' than she coul' remem+er +ein) in "ee#s. She still coul' scarcel* +elie,e this "as happenin)& +ut she $elt $ille' "ith li)ht. The +athroom was ol'3$ashione'& +ut not in an u)l* "a*& she 'eci'e'. Prett* to"els an' ?ars o$ colore' +ath salts an' "hat loo#e' li#e potpourri ma'e it nice. She slippe' on the so$t "hite slippers Diana ha' le$t an' pa''e' into the hall. The 'oor opposite "as a?ar. Hesitantl* she #noc#e'& pushe' it open. Then she stoppe' on the threshol'.

Diana "as sittin) on a "in'o" seat& hea' +ent o,er Cassie(s )ra* s"eater on her lap. A+o,e her& in the "in'o"& prisms "ere han)in). The sun "as stri#in) them so that little trian)les o$ rain+o" $ell in the room9 +an's o$ ,iolet an' )reen an' oran)*3re'. The* "ere sli'in) across the "alls& 'ancin) on the $loor& on Diana(s arms an' hair. It "as as i$ she "ere sittin) in the mi''le o$ a #alei'oscope. %o "on'er the "in'o" ha' spar#le'& Cassie thou)ht. Diana loo#e' up an' smile'. ACome in. I "as ?ust )ettin) the soot out o$ *our s"eater.A AOh. It(s cashmere@A AI #no". It(ll +e all ri)ht.A Diana too# some +oo# that ha' +een open on the "in'o" seat an' put it into a lar)e ca+inet that stoo' a)ainst one "all. Cassie notice' she loc#e' the ca+inet a$ter"ar'. Then she "ent out "ith the s"eater. Cassie loo#e' at the "in'o" seat curiousl*. She 'i'n(t see an* spot remo,er. Onl* a pac#et o$ potpourri an' "hat loo#e' li#e part o$ some+o'*(s roc# collection. The room itsel$ "as lo,el*. It mana)e' to com+ine prett*& antiCue3 loo#in) $urniture "ith mo'ern thin)s& as i$ the past an' the present e>iste' si'e +* si'e in harmon* here. The han)in)s on the +e' "ere pale +lue "ith a 'elicate trailin)3,ine 'esi)n& li)ht an' air*. On the "alls& instea' o$ mo,ie posters or pinups& there "ere some #in' o$ art prints. The "hole place loo#e'@class*. Ele)ant an' artistic& +ut com$orta+le& too. ADo *ou li#e thoseD The printsDA Cassie turne' to $in' that Diana ha' noiselessl* entere' the room a)ain. She no''e'& "ishin) she coul' thin# o$ somethin) intelli)ent to sa* to this )irl "ho seeme' so $ar a+o,e her. A5ho(s in themDA she as#e'& hopin) that "asn(t somethin) she ou)ht to #no" alrea'*. AThe*(re ree# )o's. Or ree# )o''esses& actuall*. This one(s Aphro'ite& the )o''ess o$ lo,e. See the cheru+s an' 'o,es aroun' herDA Cassie )a-e' at the "oman in the picture& "ho "as reclinin) on a sort o$ couch& loo#in) +eauti$ul an' in'olent. Somethin) a+out the pose@or ma*+e it "as the e>pose' +osom@remin'e' her o$ Su-an.

AAn' this is Artemis.A Diana mo,e' to another print. AShe "as )o''ess o$ the hunt. She ne,er marrie'& an' i$ an* man sa" her +athin)& she ha' him rippe' to pieces +* her 'o)s.A The )irl in this picture "as slim an' lithe& "ith tone'3loo#in) arms an' le)s. She "as #neelin)& aimin) a +o". Her 'ar# hair $ell in tum+le' "a,es 'o"n her +ac#& an' her $ace "as intense& challen)in). De+orah sometimes loo#e' li#e that& Cassie thou)ht. Then she )lance' at the ne>t print an' starte'. A5ho(s thatDA AThat(s Hera& Cueen o$ the )o's. She coul' +e@?ealous.A Cassie +et she coul'. The *oun) "oman "as tall an' prou'& "ith an imperious set to her chin. 8ut it "as her e*es that hel' Cassie. The* seeme' almost to +la-e $rom the print& $ull o$ passion an' "ill an' 'an)er. Li#e a crouchin) ?un)le catB Shu''erin) uncontrolla+l*& Cassie turne' a"a*. AAre *ou all ri)htDA Diana as#e'. Cassie no''e'& )ulpin). %o" that she "as sa$e& it "as all comin) +ac#. %ot onl* the e,ents o$ the last 'a*& +ut o$ the entire last "ee#. All the hurt& all the humiliation. The han)e' 'oll in her loc#er& the scene in the ca$eteria. The ru++er sna#e. The )ame o$ #eep a"a* "ith her +ac#pac#B ACassieDA A han' touche' her shoul'er. It "as too much. Cassie turne' aroun' an' $lun) hersel$ into Diana(s arms& +urstin) into tears. AIt(s o#a*. It(ll all +e o#a*& reall*. Don(t "orr*BA Diana hel' her an' patte' her +ac#. All the tears Cassie ha'n(t +een a+le to release in $ront o$ her mother or )ran'mother "ere $loo'in) out no". She clun) to Diana an' so++e' li#e a little chil'. An' it "as ?ust li#e the ima)es she(' ha' in the li+rar*. As i$ she "ere se,en *ears ol' an' her mother "as com$ortin) her. Someho"& Diana ma'e Cassie $eel that e,er*thin) was )oin) to +e all ri)ht. E,entuall*& she slo"e' to hiccups an' sni$$les. ;inall* she li$te' her hea'. ATell *ou "hat&A Diana sai'& han'in) a Fleene> to Cassie. A5h* 'on(t *ou sta* here $or 'innerD M* 'a' "on(t +e +ac# until late toni)ht@he(s a la"*er. I can call a couple o$ $rien's an' "e can or'er a pi--a. Ho" 'oes that soun'DA

AOh@)reat&A Cassie sai'& +itin) her lip. AReall* )reat.A A!ou can put on these clothes until *ours 'r* @the*(ll +e a little +i)& +ut not too +a'. Come 'o"nstairs "hen *ou(re rea'*.A Diana pause'& her emeral'3)reen e*es on Cassie(s $ace. AIs somethin) "ron)DA A%oB not reall*& +utBA Cassie $loun'ere'& then shoo# her hea' an)ril*. AIt(s onl*B it(s ?ustB "h* are *ou +ein) so ni"e to meDA she +urst out. It all still seeme' li#e a 'ream. Diana stare' at her a minute& then she smile' "ith her e*es& althou)h her lips remaine' )ra,e. AI 'on(t #no"B I )uess I thin# you/re nice an' *ou 'eser,e it. I can "or# on tr*in) to +e rotten i$ *ou "ant.A Cassie shoo# her hea' a)ain& +ut not an)ril* this time. She $elt her o"n lips t"itch. AAn'BA Diana "as loo#in) o$$ into space no"& her clear )reen e*es 'istant. A5e(re all sisters& *ou #no".A Cassie cau)ht her +reath. AAre "eDA she "hispere'. A!es&A Diana sai' $irml*& still loo#in) $ar a"a*. A!es& "e are. In spite o$ e,er*thin).A Then her $ace chan)e'& an' she loo#e' at Cassie. A!ou can call *our mom $rom this line&A she sai'& in'icatin) a phone. AI(ll )o 'o"n an' or'er the pi--a.A An' ?ust li#e that& she "as )one.

The )irls "ho came o,er "ere name' Laurel an' Melanie. Laurel "as the )irl Cassie ha' seen in the li+rar* "ith Diana. <p close she "as ,er* slim& "ith li)ht3+ro"n hair almost as lon) as Diana(s an' a prett*& pi>ieish $ace. She "as "earin) a $loral 'ress an' pin# hi)htops. AIt(s ,e))ie pi--a& isn(t itDA she sai'& #ic#in) the 'oor shut +ehin' her +ecause she "as carr*in) a stac# o$ Tupper"are containers in her arms. A!ou 'i'n(t or'er an* patriarchal pepperoni& 'i' *ouDA A%o meat&A Diana assure' her& openin) the 'oor a)ain to re,eal another )irl stan'in) there patientl*. AOops@sorr*EA Laurel shoute' on her "a* to the #itchen. AI(,e )ot stu$$ here $or a sala'.A Diana an' the ne" )irl turne' as one to shout& A!o tofuEA AIt(s ?ust ,e))ies an' )reens&A Laurel(s ,oice $loate' +ac#. Diana an' the ne" )irl e>chan)e' loo#s o$ relie$. Cassie "as $i)htin) sh*ness. The ne" )irl "as 'e$initel* a senior& tall an' +eauti$ul in a sophisticate' "a*. Her smooth cap o$ chestnut hair "as pulle' +ac# "ith an Alice +an'& an' un'er it her )ra* e*es "ere cool an' assessin). She "as the onl* person Cassie ha' e,er seen "ho loo#e' as i$ she "ere "earin) )lasses "hen she "asn(t. AThis is Melanie&A Diana sai'. AShe li,es on this same roa' at %um+er ;our. Melanie& this is Cassie 8la#e@she ?ust mo,e' into %um+er T"el,e. Mrs. Ho"ar'(s her )ran'mother.A The thou)ht$ul )ra* e*es "ere turne' on Cassie& then Melanie no''e'. AHi.A AHi&A Cassie sai'& )la' she(' ha' a +ath an' hopin) Diana(s clothes 'i'n(t loo# too sill* on her. AMelanie(s our +rain&A Diana sai' $on'l*. AShe(s 'e,astatin)l* smart. An' she #no"s e,er*thin) there is to #no" a+out computers.A A%ot e,er*thin)&A Melanie sai' "ithout smilin). ASometimes I thin# not an*thin).A She loo#e' at Diana. A!ou #no"& I o,erhear' some "hispers a+out a Cassie& an' somethin) to 'o "ith ;a*e& +ut no+o'* "oul' tell me more.A

AI #no". I onl* $oun' out a+out it to'a*. Ma*+e I(m out o$ touch "ith "hat(s reall* )oin) on in school@+ut you shoul' ha,e tol' me *ou(' hear' somethin)& at least.A A!ou can(t $i)ht e,er*+o'*(s +attles& Diana.A Diana ?ust loo#e' at her& then shoo# her hea' sli)htl*. ACassie& "h* 'on(t *ou )o in an' help Laurel "ith the sala'D !ou(ll li#e Laurel= she(s a ?unior li#e *ou.A In the #itchen Laurel "as stan'in) in $ront o$ a counter $ull o$ ,e)eta+les& choppin) a"a*. ADiana sai' I shoul' help *ou.A Laurel turne'. A oo'E !ou can "ash that shepher'(s purse o,er there@ it(s $resh& so it(s pro+a+l* )ot some nati,e "il'li$e cra"lin) on it.A Shepher'(s purseD Cassie loo#e' at se,eral piles o$ )reener* 'ou+t$ull*. 5as this somethin) she ou)ht to #no"D A<hB thisDA she sai'& pic#in) up a 'ar# )reen trian)ular lea$ "ith a meal* "hite un'ersi'e. A%o& that(s "il' spinach.A Laurel )esture' "ith her el+o" to a pile o$ lon)& slen'er lea,es "ith ra))e' e')es. AThat(s the shepher'(s purse. 8ut *ou can "ash them +oth.A ADo *ou e,er use@uh& $e,er$e"@in sala'sDA Cassie as#e' hesitantl* as she "ashe'. She "as )la' to ha,e somethin) to contri+ute. These )irls "ere so smart& so competent& so together6 she 'esperatel* "ante' to ma#e a )oo' impression. Laurel smile' an' no''e'. A!es& +ut *ou ha,e to +e care$ul not to eat too much= *ou can )et a rash. ;e,er$e"(s )oo' $or other thin)s& too= it ma#es a )oo' "ash $or insect +ites an' a )reat lo,e@A Laurel +ro#e o$$ su''enl* an' "ent into a $lurr* o$ choppin). AThere& this +urnet is rea'*. It(s )oo' to )et these )reens $resh& *ou #no"&A she a''e' Cuic#l*& A+ecause the* taste +etter an' the*(re still $ull o$ li$e $rom Mother Earth.A Cassie )lance' at her "aril*. Ma*+e this )irl "asn(t so to)ether a$ter all. ;ull o$ li$e $rom Mother EarthD 8ut then& su''enl*& she recalle' that 'a* "hen she ha' leane' a)ainst the re' )ranite an' $elt a +u--in) 'eep insi'e it. 5hen she(' ima)ine' she(' $elt that& rather. !es& she coul' see ho" *ou mi)ht thin# that $resh plants "ere $ull o$ that li$e. AO#a*& this is 'one. !ou can tell Di an' Melanie it(s rea'*= I(ll )et some plates&A Laurel sai'.

Cassie "ent +ac# into the spacious $ront room. Melanie an' Diana "ere a+sor+e' in con,ersation& an' neither o$ them sa" her come up +ehin' them. AB pic#in) her up li#e a pupp* o$$ the street. !ou(re al"a*s 'oin) that&A Melanie "as sa*in) earnestl*& an' Diana "as listenin) "ith her arms $ol'e'. A8ut "hat(s )oin) to happen later@DA She +ro#e o$$ as Diana sa" Cassie an' touche' her $orearm. AIt(s rea'*&A Cassie sai'& $eelin) a"#"ar'. Ha' the* +een tal#in) a+out herD Callin) her a pupp* o$$ the streetD 8ut it ha'n(t +een Diana sa*in) that= onl* Melanie. She tol' hersel$ that she 'i'n(t care "hat Melanie thou)ht. The cool )ra* e*es "eren(t un$rien'l*& thou)h& as Melanie loo#e' at her "hile the* ate the sala'. Onl*@thou)ht$ul. An' "hen the pi--a came& Cassie ha' to a'mire the ease "ith "hich the other three )irls lau)he' an' tal#e' "ith the colle)e3a)e 'eli,er* )u*. He )ot so intereste' in Melanie that he practicall* in,ite' himsel$ insi'e& +ut Diana& lau)hin)& shut the 'oor on him. A$ter"ar'& Melanie tol' se,eral amusin) stories a+out her trip to Cana'a o,er the summer& an' Cassie almost $or)ot a+out the remar#. It "as so )oo' ?ust to +e surroun'e' +* eas*& $rien'l* tal#= not to $eel shut out. An' to +e here +* Diana(s in,itation& to see Diana smilin) at herB she still coul' scarcel* +elie,e it. 5hen she "as )ettin) rea'* to lea,e& thou)h& she )ot a shoc#. Diana han'e' her a neat pile o$ clothes@the )ra* s"eater sho"e' no trace o$ soot no"@an' sai'& AI(ll ta#e *ou home. Don(t "orr* a+out *our )ran'ma(s car. I$ *ou )i,e me the #e*s& I(ll ha,e Chris Hen'erson 'ri,e it to *our place.A Cassie $ro-e in the act o$ han'in) o,er the #e*s. AHen'ersonD !ou mean@*ou 'on(t mean one o$ the Hen'erson +rothers.A Diana smile' as she unloc#e' the Inte)ra. ASo *ou(,e hear' o$ them. Chris is nice& reall*& ?ust a little "il'. Don(t "orr*.A As the* 'ro,e o$$& Cassie remem+ere' that the one pla*in) #eep a"a* "ith her +ac#pac# ha' +een calle' Dou)& not Chris. 8ut she still coul'n(t help $eelin) alarme'. A5e all #no" each other out here on Cro"ha,en Roa'&A Diana e>plaine' in a com$ortin) tone. ASee& there(s Laurel(s house& an' the ne>t

one is ;a*e(s. The #i's "ho )re" up here sort o$ stic# to)ether. It(ll +e o#a*.A & AStic# to)etherDA Cassie ha' a su''en& 'istur+in) i'ea. A!es.A Diana(s ,oice "as 'eli+eratel* li)ht. A5e(,e )ot a sort o$ clu+BA AThe Clu+DA Cassie "as so appalle' she interrupte'. A!ou mean@ *ou(re in it tooD !ou an' Laurel an' MelanieDA AMm&A Diana sai'. A5ell& here(s *our house. I(ll call *ou tomorro"@ ma*+e I coul' come o,er. An' "e can carpool to school on Mon'a*BA She stoppe' at the e>pression on Cassie(s $ace. A5hat is it& CassieDA she sai' )entl*. H Cassie "as sha#in) her hea'. AI 'on(t #no"B *es& I %o #no". I tol' *ou ho" I hear' ;a*e an' Su-an an' De+orah tal#in) the $irst 'a* o$ school@that "as ho" all the trou+le starte'. I hear' the #in' o$ thin)s the* sai'& an' I #no" the*(re in the Clu+. An' it "as so a"$ulB I 'on(t see ho" you coul' +e in a clu+ li#e that& "ith them.A AIt isn(t "hat *ou thin#BA Diana(s )entle ,oice traile' o$$. AAn' I can(t reall* e>plain. 8ut I(ll tell *ou this@'on(t ?u')e the Clu+ +* ;a*e. Althou)h there(s a lot o$ )oo' in ;a*e too& i$ *ou loo# $or it.A Cassie thou)ht *ou "oul' ha,e to loo# "ith a scannin) electron microscope to $in' it. A$ter a moment& she sai' so. Diana lau)he'. A%o& reall*. I(,e #no"n her since "e "ere +a+ies. 5e(,e all #no"n each other that lon) out here.A A8utBA Cassie loo#e' at her "orrie'l*. AAren(t *ou a$rai' o$ herD Don(t *ou thin# she mi)ht tr* to 'o somethin) terri+le to *ouDA A%o&A Diana sai'. AI 'on(t thin# so. ;or one thin)& she(s@ma'e a sort o$ promise not to. An' $or anotherA@she loo#e' at Cassie almost apolo)eticall*& althou)h a smile "as tu))in) at the corner o$ her lips @A"ell& 'on(t hate me& +ut ;a*e happens to +e m* $irst cousin.A Cassie )ape'. A5e(re mostl* cousins up here&A Diana sai' so$tl*. ASometimes secon' an' thir'& an' all that& +ut lots e,en closer. Here(s some her+ tea Laurel ma'e up $or me o,er the summer&A she a''e'& puttin) somethin) in Cassie(s han'. ADrin# some toni)ht i$ *ou(,e +een ha,in) trou+le sleepin). It ou)ht to help. I(ll see *ou tomorro" mornin).A

5hen Diana appeare' at the 'oor& her hair "as pulle' +ac# in one lon)& e>Cuisite ;rench +rai'. It hun) 'o"n li#e a sil# tassel. She ha' a pac#et o$ )oo'3smellin) 'rie' lea,es "rappe' in cheesecloth in one han'. A!ou sai' *our mom ha' the $lu& so I +rou)ht some tea $or her. It(s )oo' $or cou)hs an' chills. Di' *ou tr* that tea I )a,e *ou last ni)htDA Cassie no''e'. AI coul'n(t +elie,e it. I "ent ri)ht to sleep an' "o#e up this mornin) $eelin) )reat. 5hat "as in itDA A5ell& $or one thin)& )roun'3up catnip&A Diana sai'& an' then smile' at Cassie(s reaction. ADon(t "orr*= it 'oesn(t ha,e the same e$$ect on humans as on cats. It(s ?ust rela>in).A 5as that "hat Diana ha' +een 'oin) that $irst mornin) Cassie ha' seen herD Ma#in) some #in' o$ teaD Cassie 'i'n(t Cuite 'are to a'mit she(' +een sp*in) that 'a*& +ut she "as please' "hen Diana sai' she(' li#e to ma#e the tea an' )i,e it to Cassie(s mother personall*. AIt(s a simple her+ an' )em eli>ir $or chills&A she sai' Cuietl* to Mrs. 8la#e& an' there "as somethin) reassurin) a+out her ,oice. Cassie(s mother hesitate' a moment& then reache' $or the cup. She taste' it& an' then loo#e' up an' smile' at Diana. Cassie $elt "arm all o,er. E,en Cassie(s )ran'mother(s seame' ol' $ace +ro#e into a smile at the si)ht o$ Diana as she passe' the t"o )irls "al#in) 'o"n the hall to Cassie(s room. AIt must +e )reat to ha,e a )ran'mother li#e that&A Diana sai'. AShe must +e $ull o$ ol' stories.A Cassie "as relie,e'. She(' +een a$rai' that Diana "oul'n(t +e a+le to see past the mole an' the stoope' +ac# an' the coarse& )ri--le' hair. AShe is prett* )reat&A she sai'& mar,elin) at ho" much her o"n attitu'e ha' chan)e' since that $irst 'a* "hen she(' seen the $i)ure in the 'oor"a*. AAn' it(s nice to $inall* )et to #no" her& since she(s the onl* relati,e I ha,e le$t. All m* other )ran'parents are 'ea'.A ASo are mine&A Diana sai'. AAn' m* mom& too. It(s sa'& +ecause I al"a*s "ante' a little sister& +ut m* mother 'ie' the same *ear I "as +orn& an' m* 'a' ne,er remarrie'& so there ne,er "as an* chance.A AI(,e "ishe' $or a sister too&A Cassie murmure'. There "as a silence. Then Diana sai'& AThis is a +eauti$ul room.A AI #no"&A Cassie sai'& loo#in) aroun' at the massi,e& shinin) $urniture an' the $ormal 'raperies an' the sti$$ chairs. AIt(s +eauti$ul& +ut it(s li#e a

museum. That(s all m* stu$$ that )ot shippe' $rom home.A She pointe' to a pile o$ +elon)in)s in the corner. AI trie' to sprea' it aroun'& +ut I "as a$rai' o$ scratchin) somethin) or +rea#in) somethin).A Diana lau)he'. AI "oul'n(t "orr*. These thin)s ha,e ma'e it throu)h the last three hun're' *ears= the*(ll hol' out a little lon)er. !ou ?ust nee' to arran)e the room so *our stu$$ $its in "ith them. 5e coul' tr* it ne>t "ee#en'@I(m sure Laurel an' Melanie "oul' help too. It "oul' +e $un.A Cassie thou)ht o$ Diana(s +ri)ht& air*& harmonious room an' $elt a sur)e o$ hope. I$ her +e'room coul' loo# ?ust half as )oo' as that& she(' +e happ*. A!ou(re ?ust too nice to me&A she +lurte' out& then "ince' an' put a han' to her $orehea'. AI #no" ho" incre'i+l* stupi' that soun's&A she sai' helplessl*& A+ut it(s true. I mean& *ou(re 'oin) all this $or me& an' *ou(re not )ettin) an*thin) +ac#. An'@I ?ust can(t un'erstan' "h* *ou(' want to.A Diana "as loo#in) out the "in'o" at the ocean. It rolle' an' spar#le'& re$lectin) a clear& ra'iantl* +lue Septem+er s#*. AI tol' *ou&A she sai'& an' smile'. AI thin# you/re nice. !ou "ere )oo' to help Sall* the "a* *ou 'i'& an' it "as +ra,e to stan' up to ;a*e. I a'mire that. An' +esi'es&A she a''e'& shru))in)& AI like +ein) $rien'l* to people. It 'oesn(t $eel li#e I(m )ettin) nothin) +ac#. I(m al"a*s "on'erin) "h* people are so nice to me.A Cassie thre" a loo# at her& sittin) there +* the "in'o" "ith sunli)ht spillin) o,er her& haloin) her in +ri)htness. Her $air hair seeme' literall* to )lo"& an' her pro$ile "as per$ect& li#e a 'elicatel* car,e' cameo. Coul' Diana reall* not #no"D A5ell& I )uess the $act that *ou al"a*s seem to tr* an' $in' the )oo' in e,er*+o'* coul' +e part o$ it&A Cassie sai'. APeople pro+a+l* can(t resist that. An' the $act that *ou(re not ,ain an' *ou(re reall* intereste' in "hat other people ha,e to sa*B an' I )uess the $act that *ou(re the most +eauti$ul person I(,e e,er seen in m* entire li$e 'oesn(t hurt&A she a''e' $inall*. Diana +urst out lau)hin). AI(m sorr* *ou )re" up aroun' such u)l* people&A she sai'. Then she so+ere'& loo#in) out the "in'o" a)ain an' pla*in) "ith the 'raper* cor'. A8ut *ou #no"BA she sai'& an' her ,oice "as almost sh*. Then she turne' to Cassie& her e*es so +rilliantl* )reen that it too# Cassie(s +reath a"a*.

A!ou #no"& it(s $unn* a+out us +oth "ishin) $or sisters& an' neither o$ us ha,in) one&A she sai'. AAn' e,er since I sa" *ou in the science +uil'in)B "ell& I(,e felt almost as i$ *ou "ere m* little sister. It soun's stran)e& +ut it(s true.A It 'i'n(t seem stran)e to Cassie. E,er since she(' seen Diana& she(' $elt as i$ the* "ere connecte' in some "a*. AAn'@I 'on(t #no"= I $eel I can talk to *ou& someho". E,en more than to Melanie an' Laurel& e,en thou)h "e ?ust met. I $eel that someho" *ou un'erstan' me an' thatB I can trust *ou.A A!ou can&A Cassie sai' Cuietl*& +ut "ith a passion that surprise' e,en her. AI 'on(t #no" "h* either& +ut *ou "an trust me& no matter "hat.A ASo i$ *ou "ante'BA Diana "as $ro"nin) sli)htl*& che"in) her lip& still loo#in) 'o"n as she pleate' the curtain material. A5ellB I "as thin#in) ma*+e "e coul' sort o$ +e $oster sisters to each other. Sort o$ a'opt each other. Then I(' ha,e a little sister an' *ou(' ha,e a +i) one. 8ut onl* i$ *ou "ant to&A she a''e' Cuic#l*& loo#in) up a)ain. 5ant toD Cassie(s pro+lem "as that she 'i'n(t #no" "hat to 'o@thro" her arms aroun' Diana& 'ance aroun' the room& +urst into lau)hter& or +urst into tears. AThat "oul' +e o#a*&A she mana)e' to sa* a$ter a minute. Then& heart sin)in)& she smile' at Diana& sh*l*& +ut meetin) her e*es 'irectl*. A%o& that(' +e@)reat.A A!ou(re loo#in) +etter this mornin)& Mom&A Cassie sai'. Her mother& sittin) on the e')e of her +e'& smile' at her. AIt "as a +a' $lu& +ut I am +etter no"&A she sai'. AAn' *ou@*ou(re loo#in) happier& s"eetheart.A AI am&A Cassie sai'& 'roppin) a Cuic# #iss on her mother(s chee#. !ou(ll ne,er #no" ho" much& she thou)ht. This mornin) "as almost li#e the $irst 'a* o$ school in e>citement an' anticipation. I 'on(t care i$ e,er*one else in the entire school hates me& Cassie thou)ht. Diana "ill +e there. Just thin#in) a+out that "ill ma#e the rest not matter. Diana "as loo#in) particularl* +eauti$ul that 'a*& "earin) a )reen sue'e ?ac#et line' "ith +lue sil# o,er ?eans $a'e' almost "hite. At her

throat hun) a simple pen'ant "ith a sin)le stone in it& a mil#* stone "ith a +lue3"hite shimmer. Cassie "as prou' ?ust to "al# +esi'e her at school. An' in the halls& she notice' somethin) stran)e. It "as har' to "al# three steps "ithout )ettin) stoppe' +* someone. AOh& hi& Diana@ha,e *ou )ot a minuteDA ADianaE I(m so )la' to see *ouBA ADiana& it(s #illin) me. 5on(t *ou ?ust think a+out this "ee#en'DA IThis $rom a )u*.J Practicall* e,er*+o'* the* passe' "ante' to tal# "ith Diana& an' those "ho 'i'n(t ha,e somethin) to sa* hun) aroun' the e')es ?ust listenin). Cassie "atche' Diana spea# to each o$ them. The )u*s +e))in) $or 'ates "ere the onl* ones she 'ismisse'& smilin). Some o$ the people shot ner,ous )lances at Cassie& +ut none o$ them +ac#e' a"a* or sai' an*thin) nast*. Apparentl* Diana ha' the po"er to counteract e,en ;a*e. ;inall*& a $e" minutes +e$ore the +ell& Diana pulle' a"a* $rom the cro"' an' "al#e' Cassie to her En)lish class. She not onl* came insi'e +ut sat 'o"n at a 'es# +esi'e Cassie(s an' chatte' "ith her& i)norin) e,er*one "ho "as loo#in) at them. A5e(ll ha,e to ha,e another pi--a part* this "ee#&A she sai' in a clear& carr*in) ,oice. AAn' Laurel an' I "ere tal#in) a+out "a*s to re'ecorate *our room i$ *ou still "ant to. Laurel(s ,er* artistic. An' I reall* thin# *ou ou)ht to trans$er into m* AP histor* class i$ *ou can. It(s last perio'& an' the teacher& Ms. Lannin)& is )reatBA She "ent on tal#in)& seemin) utterl* o+li,ious to the rest o$ the class. 8ut Cassie coul' $eel somethin) +u++lin) up insi'e her li#e the car+onation in a +ottle o$ so'a. irls "ho ha' actuall* turne' their +ac#s an' scuttle' a"a* $rom her last "ee# "ere no" listenin) a,i'l* to Diana(s monolo)ue& no''in) as i$ the* "ere part o$ the con,ersation. A5ell& I )uess I(' +etter )o@I(ll meet *ou at ele,en $i$teen $or lunch&A Diana sai'. A5hereDA Cassie as#e'& almost panic#in) as Diana )ot up. She ha' ?ust reali-e' she(' ne,er seen Diana@or Laurel or Melanie either@at lunch. AOh& in the ca$eteria@the part in the rear. 8ehin' the )lass 'oor. 5e call it the +ac# room. !ou(ll see it&A Diana sai'. The )irls aroun' Cassie "ere e>chan)in) loo#s o$ astonishment. As Diana "al#e' a"a* one o$ them spo#e. A!ou )et to eat in the +ac# roomDA she as#e' en,iousl*.

AI )uess so&A Cassie sai' a+sentl*& "atchin) Diana. A8utBA Another loo# passe' +et"een the )irls. AAre *ou in the Clu+DA one o$ them $inishe'. Cassie $elt uncom$orta+le. A%oB not reall*. I(m ?ust $rien's "ith Diana.A A pause. Then the )irls settle' +ac#& loo#in) +e"il'ere' +ut impresse'. Cassie scarcel* notice'. She "as "atchin) the 'oor& an' the )irl "ho(' "al#e' in ?ust as Diana reache' it to "al# out. ;a*e "as loo#in) particularl* +eauti$ul this mornin) too. Her +lac# hair "as "il' an' lustrous& her pale s#in )lo"in). Her lips loo#e' more sensuous than e,er& emphasi-e' +* some ne" sha'e o$ +err*3re' lipstic#. She "as "earin) a re' s"eater that clun) to e,er* cur,e. She stoppe' in the 'oor"a*& +loc#in) it& an' she an' Diana loo#e' at each other. It "as a lon)& measurin) )lance& hoo'e' )ol'en e*es loc#e' "ith )reen. %either o$ them sai' an*thin)& +ut the air +et"een them almost crac#le' "ith electricit*. Cassie coul' almost feel the t"o stron) "ills $i)htin) $or 'ominance there. ;inall*& it "as ;a*e "ho mo,e' asi'e& +ut she )esture' Diana throu)h the 'oor "ith an ironic $lourish that seeme' more li#e contempt than courtes*. An' as Diana passe' +*& ;a*e spo#e o,er her shoul'er& "ithout turnin) to loo#. A5hat 'i' she sa*DA one o$ the )irls as#e' Cassie. AI coul'n(t hear it&A Cassie sai'. 8ut that "as a lie. She ha' hear'. She ?ust 'i'n(t un'erstan'. ;a*e ha' sai'& A5in a +attle= lose the "ar.A At lunch& Cassie "on'ere' ho" she ha'n(t seen the +ac# room o$ the ca$eteria +e$ore. She un'erstoo'& thou)h& ho" Diana an' her $rien's ha'n(t seen her@the entrance to the +ac# room "as s"ampe' "ith people. People stan'in) aroun'& people hopin) to +e in,ite' in& or people ?ust han)in) out on the $rin)es. The* +loc#e' an* ,ie" those seate' insi'e mi)ht ha,e o$ the ca$eteria proper. It "as eas* to see "h* this room "as the $a,orite )atherin) place. There "as a TV mounte' on one "all& althou)h it "as too nois* to hear it. There "as e,en a micro"a,e an' a Ver*$ine ?uice machine. Cassie "as

a"are o$ stares on her +ac# as she "ent in an' sat 'o"n +esi'e Diana& +ut to'a* the* "ere stares o$ en,*. Melanie an' Laurel "ere there. So "as Sean& the little slin#in) +o* "ho(' ur)e' her to )o to the principal. So "as a )u* "ith 'ishe,ele' +lon' hair an' sli)htl* tilte' +lue3)reen e*es@oh& o'& one o$ the Hen'erson +rothers. Cassie trie' not to )i,e him a loo# o$ alarm as Diana no''e' at him an' sai'& AThat(s Christopher Hen'erson@Chris& sa* hi= this is Cassie. !ou mo,e' her "hite Ra++it.A The +lon' )u* turne' an' stare' 'e$ensi,el*. AI ne,er touche' it. I 'i'n(t e,en see it& o#a*D I "as some"here else.A Diana an' Melanie e>chan)e' a patient loo#. AChris&A Diana sai'& A"hat are *ou tal#in) a+outDA AThis chic#(s ra++it. I 'i'n(t ta#e it. I(m not into little $urr* animals. 5e(re all +rothers& o#a*DA Diana stare' at him a moment& then shoo# her hea'. A o +ac# to *our lunch& Chris. ;or)et it.A Chris $ro"ne'& shru))e'& then turne' +ac# to Sean. ASo there(s this ne" )roup& Cholera& ri)ht& an' the*(,e )ot this ne" al+umBA ASome+o'* 'i' mo,e m* car&A Cassie o$$ere' tentati,el*. AHe 'i' it&A Laurel sai'. AHe ?ust 'oesn(t ha,e a ,er* )oo' memor* $or realit*. He #no"s a lot a+out music& thou)h.A Sean& Cassie notice'& "as a 'i$$erent +o* in here than he(' +een +* the loc#ers. He "as e>cessi,el* polite& seemin) ea)er to please& an' $reCuentl* o$$erin) to )et thin)s $or the )irls. The* treate' him li#e a sli)htl* anno*in) little +rother. He an' Laurel "ere the onl* ?uniors +esi'es Cassie. The*(' +een eatin) ?ust a $e" minutes "hen a stra"+err*3+lon' hea' appeare' in the 'oor"a*. Su-an loo#e' cross. ADe+orah(s )ot a lunch 'etention an' ;a*e(s o$$ 'oin) somethin)& so I(m eatin) in here&A she announce'. Diana loo#e' up. A;ine&A she sai' e,enl*& then a''e'& AThis is m* $rien' Cassie& Su-an. Cassie& this is Su-an 5hittier.A AHi&A Cassie sai'& tr*in) to soun' casual. There "as a moment o$ tension. Then Su-an rolle' her china3+lue e*es. AHi&A she sai' $inall*& an' imme'iatel* sat 'o"n an' +e)an remo,in) thin)s $rom her lunch sac#.

Cassie loo#e' at Su-an unloa'in) her lunch& then thre" a Cuic# )lance o,er at Laurel. Then she loo#e' at Diana an' raise' her e*e+ro"s Cuestionin)l*. She hear' the crin#le o$ plastic as Su-an pro'uce' the last item $rom her +a)= then a piercin) shrie# $rom Laurel. AOh& m* o'@*ou(re not still eatin) thoseE Do *ou #no" "hat(s in those thin)s& Su-anD 8ee$ $at& lar'& palm oil@an' it(s a+out $i$t* percent "hite su)arBA Diana "as +itin) her lip an' Cassie "as sha#in) silentl*& tr*in) to #eep a strai)ht $ace. ;inall* it "as too much& an' she ha' to let the )i))les escape. As soon as she 'i' Diana +urst into lau)hter too. E,er*one else loo#e' at them& +a$$le'. Cassie smile' 'o"n at her tuna san'"ich. A$ter so man* "ee#s o$ loneliness& she ha' $oun' "here she +elon)e'. She "as Diana(s $rien'& Diana(s a'opte' sister. Her place "as here +esi'e Diana.

That ;ri'a*& Fori came to the +ac# room $or lunch. She seeme' in a"e o$ the ol'er )irls an' "as e,en a+sentl* respect$ul o$ Cassie& "hich "as nice. Certainl* Su-an an' De+orah ha' no such respect. The stra"+err* +lon' seeme' una"are o$ Cassie(s e>istence unless she "ante' somethin) passe' to her or pic#e' up& an' the +i#er $i>e' Cassie "ith a surl* )lare "hene,er the* passe' in the hall. De+orah an' Dou)@the other Hen'erson +rother@ha' appeare' in the +ac# room onl* once since Cassie starte' eatin) there& an' the* ha' spent the entire time ar)uin) $uriousl* a+out some hea,*3metal +an'. %either ;a*e nor %ic#& the 'ar#& col'l* han'some +o* "ho(' rescue' Cassie(s +ac#pac#& sho"e' up at all that "ee#. 8ut Fori Hen'erson "as nice. %o" that Cassie #ne"& she coul' see the resem+lance to Chris an' Dou)@the +lon' hair an' the +lue3)reen e*es that Fori emphasi-e' +* "earin) a turCuoise nec#lace an' rin) all the time. Fori "asn(t as "il' as her +rothers& thou)h. She seeme' ?ust an or'inar*& $rien'l*& )oin)3on3$i$teen )irl. AI(,e +een "aitin) so lon) $or it& I can(t +elie,e it(s $inall* here&A she "as sa*in) at the en' o$ lunch. AI mean& ?ust thin#& ne>t Tues'a*(s the 'a*E An' Da' sa*s "e can ha,e the part* 'o"n on the +each@or at least he 'i'n(t sa* "e "oul%n/t@an' I "ant to ma#e it reall* special& +ecause o$ it +ein) a holi'a*& tooBA She traile' o$$ su''enl*. Cassie& $ollo"in) her )a-e& sa" that Diana ha' her lip cau)ht +et"een her teeth an' "as almost impercepti+l* sha#in) her hea'. 5hat "as Fori sa*in) "ron)D Cassie "on'ere'. An' then it struc# her9 this "as the $irst she(' hear' a+out a part*& althou)h it clearl* "asn(t ne"s to the others. 5as she not in,ite'D ASo& uh& 'o *ou thin# A'am "ill +e +ac# in time $or3@$or@I mean& "hen 'o *ou thin# A'am "ill +e +ac#DA Fori stuttere'. AI 'on(t reall* #no". I hope it(s soon& +utBA Diana )a,e a little shru). A5ho can tellD 5ho can e,er tellDA A5ho(s A'amDA Cassie sai'& 'etermine' to sho" she 'i'n(t care a+out the part*.

A!ou mean she hasn(t tol' *ou a+out A'am *etD Diana& there(s such a thin) as carr*in) mo'est* too $ar&A Melanie sai'& her cool )ra* e*es 'is+elie,in). The color ha' come to Diana(s chee#s. AThere ?ust hasn(t +een time@A she +e)an& an' Laurel an' Melanie hoote'. Cassie "as surprise'. She(' ne,er seen Diana react this "a*. A%o& +ut reall*&A she sai'. A5ho is heD Is he *our +o*$rien'DA AOnl* since chil'hoo'&A Laurel sai'. AThe*(,e +een to)ether $ore,er.A A8ut where is heD Is he in colle)eD 5hat(s he li#eDA A%o& he(s ?ust@,isitin) some people&A Diana sai'. AHe(s a senior& +ut he(s +een a"a* so $ar this *ear. An' as $or "hat he(s li#eB "ell& he(s nice. I thin# *ou(ll li#e him.A She smile'. Cassie loo#e' to"ar' Laurel $or more in$ormation. Laurel "a,e' a -ucchini stic# in the air. AA'am(sBA Fori sai'& A!es& he(sBA E,en Melanie coul'n(t seem to $in' the ri)ht "or's. A!ou(ll ha,e to meet him&A she sai'. Cassie "as intri)ue'. ADo *ou ha,e a picture o$ himDA she as#e' Diana. AAs a matter o$ $act& I 'on(t&A Diana sai'. Seein) Cassie(s 'isappointment& she "ent on& A!ou see& aroun' here people ha,e a sort o$ sill* superstition a+out photo)raphs@the* 'on(t li#e them. So lots o$ us 'on(t )et pictures ta#en.A Cassie trie' to preten' this "asn(t as +i-arre as she thou)ht it "as. Li#e a+ori)inals& she thou)ht in ama-ement. Thin#in) the camera "ill steal their souls. Ho" can an*+o'* in the t"entieth centur* thin# thatD AHe(s cute& thou)h&A Fori "as sa*in) $er,entl*. Su-an& "ho ha' +een a+sor+e' in eatin)& loo#e' up $rom her lunch to proclaim in $eelin) tones9 AThat bo%.A AThose eyes&A Laurel sai'. A!ou(' +etter )o eas*&A Melanie sai'& smilin). A!ou(re )oin) to 'ri,e Diana cra-* +e$ore he )ets +ac#.A ACra-* enou)h to )i,e some+o'* else a chance& ma*+eDA Sean pipe' up. Loo#s o$ $or+earance passe' +et"een the )irls.

AMa*+e& Sean@sometime in the ne>t millennium&A Laurel sai'. 8ut +ein) a #in' )irl& she 'i'n(t sa* it ,er* lou'l*. Loo#in) amuse'& Melanie e>plaine' to Cassie& AA'am an' Diana 'on(t e,en see an*one o$ the opposite se> e>cept each other. ;or *ears A'am thou)ht the rest o$ us "ere +o*s.A A5hich in Su-an(s case too# Cuite a lot o$ ima)ination&A Laurel put in. Su-an sni$$e' an' )lance' at Laurel(s $lat chest. AAn' in some people(s case too# no ima)ination at all.A A5hat a+out *ou& CassieDA Diana interrupte' +e$ore an ar)ument coul' +e)in. ADi' *ou lea,e a +o*$rien' +ac# homeDA A%ot reall*&A Cassie sai'. AThere "as one )u*& thou)h& this summer. He "asBA She stoppe'. She 'i'n(t "ant to tell the stor* in $ront o$ Su-an. AHe "as sort o$B all ri)ht. So& an*"a*& ho" 'i' ;a*e(s 'ate "ith Je$$re* )oDA she as#e' Su-an a+ruptl*. Su-an(s loo# sai' she "asn(t $oole' +* the su''en chan)e o$ su+?ect& +ut she coul'n(t resist ans"erin). AThe $ish )ot hoo#e'&A she sai' "ith a smir#. A%o" all she has to 'o is reel him in.A The +ell ran) then& an' there "as no $urther con,ersation a+out +o*$rien's or 'ates. 8ut Cassie notice' a loo# a+out Diana(s e*es@a ten'er& "ist$ul 'reaminess@that lin)ere' $or the rest o$ the 'a*. A$ter school& Diana an' Cassie 'ro,e +ac# to Cro"ha,en Roa' to)ether. As the* 'ro,e +* the Hen'erson house@one o$ those in the "orst repair@Cassie notice' Diana +itin) her lip. It "as a sure si)n the ol'er )irl "as "orrie' a+out somethin). Cassie thou)ht she #ne" "hat. AI 'on(t min' a+out Fori(s part*&A she o$$ere' Cuietl*& an' Diana loo#e' at her& surprise'. AI 'on(t&A Cassie insiste'. AI 'on(t e,en #no" Fori& reall*. The onl* time I sa" her +e$ore "as "hen she "as out "ith ;a*e on the steps. 5hat(s "ron)DA she a''e' as Diana loo#e' e,en more surprise'. AFori "as eatin) "ith ;a*e an' the others that 'a* *ou o,erhear' them tal#in)DA A!es@"ell& she came "hen the* "ere almost $inishe' eatin). There "as a "hole )roup o$ #i's& +ut she "as the onl* one ;a*e "oul' let sta*. ;a*e sai'BA A;a*e sai' "hatDA Diana soun'e' resi)ne'.

AShe sai'& (I thou)ht *ou(' +e eatin) in the ca$eteria "ith the rest o$ the )oo'*3)oo'ies.(A Cassie le$t out the Princess o$ Purit* part. AHm. An' "hat 'i' Fori sa* to thatDA Cassie $elt uncom$orta+le. AShe sai' somethin) a+out too much )oo'ness +ein) +orin). She 'i'n(t sta* "ith them lon)& thou)h. I thin# ;a*e an' Su-an "ere tr*in) to em+arrass her.A AMm&A sai' Diana. She "as +itin) her lip a)ain. AAn*"a*&A Cassie "ent on& AI %on/t min' not +ein) in,ite' to her part*& +ut 'o *ou thin#B "ell& 'o *ou thin# there(s a chance that some'a* I coul' +e in the Clu+ tooDA Diana(s )reen e*es ha' "i'ene' $ractionall*. AOh& Cassie. 8ut *ou 'on(t want to&A she sai'. AI #no" I sai' thin)s last "ee# that soun'e' that "a*. 8ut *ou tol' me not to ?u')e the Clu+ +* ;a*e& an' I(m not& no". An' I li#e *ou an' Melanie an' Laurel an' Fori@an' Su-an(s sort o$ o#a*. E,en Chris Hen'erson is. So I thou)ht& ma*+eBA She let her sentence trail o$$ 'elicatel*. She coul' $eel her heart +eatin) $aster. AThat(s not "hat I meant&A Diana replie'. AI meant *ou 'on(t "ant to +ecause *ou "ant to )o +ac# home& to Cali$ornia& "hene,er *ou can. That(s the truth& isn(t itD !ou sai' *ou "ere plannin) to )o to colle)e there.A A5ell& *es& e,entuall*& +utBA Cassie ha% sai' that& that $irst ni)ht at Diana(s house. %o" she "as no lon)er so sure& +ut she 'i'n(t Cuite #no" ho" to e>plain this. A5hat has that )ot to 'o "ith itDA she sai'. AI mean& ?oinin) 'oesn(t mean sta*in) here the rest o$ *our li$e& 'oes itDA Diana(s e*es "ere on the roa'. AIt(s har' to e>plain.A Then she sai' so$tl*& AAn' in an* case@"ell& I(m a$rai' mem+ership is sort o$ limite'.A A+ruptl* Cassie remem+ere' De+orah(s "or's a$ter Fori ha' le$t that 'a*. 0ne empty spa"e$ one "an%i%ate$ you know D An' Fori "as part o$ the nei)h+orhoo'. She(' )ro"n up here. Chris an' Dou) "ere her +rothers. She "asn(t a stran)er ta#en in ?ust +ecause Diana insiste'& a pupp* pic#e' up o$$ the street. AI un'erstan'&A Cassie sai'. She trie' to soun' as i$ it "ere all o#a*& as i$ it 'i'n(t matter. 8ut it 'i'. It 'i'& terri+l*. A%o& *ou 'on(t&A Diana murmure'. A8ut I thin# that(s +etter. It reall* is& Cassie& +elie,e me.A

AOh& no&A Diana sai'. AI 'on(t ha,e the Scotch tape. It must ha,e rolle' un'er the car seat. !ou sta* here= there(s no reason $or us +oth to )o +ac#.A She turne' an' hurrie' to"ar' the par#in) lot. The* "ere earl* that mornin). Diana ha' a +anner that she an' Laurel ha' painte'& sa*in) AHapp* 8irth'a*& Fori.A She "as )oin) to han) it a+o,e the main entrance o$ the school& an' Cassie ha' o$$ere' to help. Cassie thou)ht that "as a particularl* no+le an' unsel$ish )esture& consi'erin) she still "asn(t in,ite' to Fori(s part*. It also sho"e' ho" much she 'i'n(t reall* min'. %o" she loo#e' up at the main entrance o$ the school +uil'in) that ha' scare' her to 'eath t"o "ee#s a)o. T"o "ee#s. The $irst "ee# she ha' spent as a pariah& an outcast& someone too 'an)erous to spea# to +ecause it mi)ht +rin) 'o"n the "rath o$ ;a*e on the spea#er(s hea'. 8ut the secon' "ee#B Diana& she muse'& 'i'n(t in$luence people +* $ri)htenin) them. She 'i' it much more su+tl*& "ith lo,e. It soun'e' impossi+l* stupi' an' Hallmar# car'3ish& +ut it "as true. E,er*one lo,e' Diana@)irls as "ell as +o*s@an' most o$ them "oul' "al# o,er hot coals $or her. As Diana(s a'opte' Alittle sisterA Cassie ha' instantl* )aine' status $ar +e*on' an*thin) she coul' ha,e e,er achie,e' on her o"n. She no" "ent aroun' "ith the coolest cro"' in school@an' i$ she "asn(t completel* a part o$ it& onl* the real insi'ers #ne". !ou(re almost one o$ us. She hear' ;a*e(s "or's to Fori in her min' a)ain. 5ell& to'a* "as Fori(s +irth'a*& an' to'a* Fori woul% +e one o$ them. To'a* Fori "oul' ?oin the Clu+. An' Cassie ne,er "oul'. Cassie hunche' her shoul'ers& tr*in) to shru) the thou)ht o$$& +ut a shi,er cau)ht her mi'"a* throu)h. She "rappe' her arms aroun' hersel$& claspin) her el+o"s. It "as col'er than she "as use' to $or late Septem+er. Laurel an' Melanie ha' +een tal#in) o,er the "ee#en' a+out the $all eCuino>& "hich "as to'a* too. Melanie ha' e>plaine' that it "as the 'a* "hen the hours o$ 'a*li)ht an' 'ar#ness "ere o$ eCual len)th& "hich meant the start o$ $all. Cassie suppose' it ha' a ri)ht to +e col'. E,er*one sai' the lea,es "oul' +e turnin) soon. Melanie an' Laurel ha' reall* )otten into that 'iscussion o$ the eCuino>. It ha' seeme' terri+l* important to them& althou)h Cassie

coul'n(t e>actl* see "h*. It "as another o$ the little m*steries a+out %e" Salemers that "ere startin) to 'ri,e Cassie cra-*. She shi,ere' a)ain an' +e)an to pace& ru++in) her arms. The hill sprea' out +eneath her. She "al#e' to the top o$ the stairs an' stoo' +ouncin) on her toes. It "as a clear& crisp 'a*& an' mi>e' in "ith the lu>uriant )reen all aroun' her she coul' see a tin)e o$ $all colors here an' there. The shru+s across the roa'@"hat ha' Laurel calle' themD Sumac. The sumac across the roa' "as alrea'* re'. An' some o$ the su)ar maples "ere turnin) )ol'en *ello"& an' there "as more re' at the +ottom o$ the hillB Cassie $ro"ne' an' $or)ot to ru+ her arms. She too# a step or t"o 'o"n an' leane' $or"ar'& loo#in) a)ain. The re' at the +ottom o$ the hill "as almost too re'& too +ri)ht. She(' ne,er #no"n $olia)e coul' turn that color. It "asn(t natural. A ,iolent shi,er "ent throu)h her. o'& it "as col'. 5hate,er "as 'o"n there "as hal$ hi''en +* the un'er+rush& +ut it "asn(t a +ush itsel$& she 'eci'e'. It loo#e' more li#e a s"eater some+o'* ha' 'iscar'e'. It(ll )et ruine'& l*in) on the 'amp )roun' li#e that& Cassie thou)ht. 5hoe,er o"ns it is )oin) to +e unhapp*. She too# another step 'o"n. O$ course& it(s pro+a+l* ruine' alrea'*@ or ma*+e it(s ?ust a scrap some+o'*(s thro"n out. 8ut it 'i'n(t loo# li#e a scrap. It ha' a shape@she coul' see "hat loo#e' li#e the s"eater(s arm. In $act& it loo#e' li#e a "hole +un'le o$ clothes. See& there "as somethin) li#e ?eans l*in) +elo" itB Su''enl* Cassie coul'n(t +reathe. That(s $unn*@that(s reall* $unn*& +ecause it loo#s almost li#e a person. 8ut that "oul' +e so stupi'@it(s col' an' "et on the )roun'. An*+o'* l*in) 'o"n there "oul' $ree-e@ She "as mo,in) 'o"n the steps Cuic#l* no". Stupi'@+ut it reall* %oes loo# a lot li#e some+o'*. See& there(s le)s. That *ello" coul' +e hair. The* must +e asleep@+ut "ho "oul' )o to sleep li#e thatD Ri)ht +esi'e the roa'. O$ course& the "ee's an' stu$$ screen them@ She "as ,er* close no"& an' e,er*thin) ha' )one into slo" motion@ e,er*thin) +ut her "hirlin)& reelin) thou)hts.

Oh& than# o'@it isn(t a person a$ter all= it(s ?ust a 'umm*. Li#e one o$ those stu$$e' scarecro" thin)s the* put out at Hallo"een to scare people. See& it(s all $lopp* in the mi''leB no person coul' +en' that "a*B the nec# loo#s li#e the nec# o$ that 'oll in m* loc#er. Li#e some+o'* pulle' the hea' outB Cassie(s o"n +o'* "as reactin) stran)el*. Her chest "as hea,in) an' her muscles "ere sha#in). Her #nees "ere trem+lin) so har' she coul' scarcel* remain stan'in). An' her ,ision "as spar#lin) at the e')es as i$ she "ere )oin) to $aint. Than# o'& it(s not a person@+ut oh& m* o'& is that a han%5 Dummies 'on(t ha,e han's li#e thatB not han's "ith little pin# $in)ersB an' 'ummies 'on(t "ear rin)s& turCuoise rin)sB 5here ha' she seen a rin) li#e that +e$oreD Loo# at it closer= no& 'on(t loo#& 'on(t loo#@ 8ut she ha' seen. The han'& sti$$ as a cla"& "as human. An' the rin) "as Fori(s. Cassie 'i'n(t reali-e that she "as screamin) until she "as hal$"a* up the hill. Her le)s& "hich ha' +een trem+lin) so +a'l*& "ere ta#in) her up in leaps an' sur)es. An' she "as screamin) o,er an' o,er a)ain9 AHelp& help& help.A Onl* the* "ere such thin& pathetic little shrie#s@it "as no "on'er no one hear' her. It "as li#e one o$ those ni)htmares "here *our ,ocal cor's are paral*-e'. 8ut someone ha' hear'. As she reache' the top o$ the hill Diana appeare'& runnin). She cau)ht Cassie +* the shoul'ers. A5hat is itDA AForiEA Cassie )aspe' in a stran)le' ,oice. She coul' har'l* spea#. ADiana@help ForiE She(s hurt. Somethin)(s "ron)@A She #ne" it "as more than somethin) "ron)& +ut she coul'n(t +rin) hersel$ to sa* the "or's. AHelp her& please@A A5hereDA Diana cut in sharpl*. AThe +ottom. 8ottom o$ the hill. 8ut 'on(t )o 'o"n there&A Cassie )aspe' illo)icall*. Oh& o'& she "as completel* $allin) apart. She coul'n(t cope@+ut she coul'n(t let Diana )o 'o"n there alone& either. Diana "as $l*in) 'o"n the stairs. Sti$$3le))e'& Cassie $ollo"e'. She sa" Diana reach the +ottom an' hesitate& then s"i$tl* #neel an' +en' $or"ar'.

AIs she@DA Cassie(s han's "ere clenche'. Diana strai)htene' up. Cassie sa" the ans"er in the set o$ her shoul'ers. AShe(s col'. She(s 'ea'.A Then Diana turne' aroun'. Her $ace "as "hite& her )reen e*es +urnin). Somethin) in her e>pression )a,e Cassie stren)th& an' she stum+le' 'o"n the last t"o steps an' $lun) her arms aroun' her. She coul' $eel Diana sha#in)& clin)in) to her. Fori ha' +een Diana(s $rien'& not hers. AIt(ll +e o#a*. It(ll +e o#a*&A she )aspe'& illo)ical a)ain. There "as no "a* $or this to +e o#a*& e,er. An' o,er an' o,er in Cassie(s min' other "or's "ere echoin). Some%ay they may fin% *ou at the bottom of those stairs with a broken ne"k* Some%ay they may fin% *ouB Fori(s nec# "as +ro#en. That "as "hat the police 'octor sai'. A$ter Cassie an' Diana "ent +ac# up the stairs& e,er*thin) that 'a* seeme' li#e a 'ream. A'ults came an' too# o,er. School o$$icials& the police& the 'octor. The* as#e' Cuestions. The* ma'e notes in their note+oo#s. Throu)hout it all the #i's in the school stoo' asi'e an' "atche'. The* "eren(t part o$ the a'ults( process. The* ha' Cuestions o$ their o"n. A5hat are "e "aitin) $orD 5h* 'on(t "e ?ust get herDA De+orah "as sa*in) as Cassie came into the +ac# room. It "asn(t her lunch perio'& +ut all the rules seeme' to ha,e +een suspen'e' that 'a*. A5e all hear' her sa* it&A De+orah "as continuin). ASu-an& ;a*e& an' me@e,en she hear' it.A She )esture' at Cassie& "ho "as num+l* tr*in) to )et a can o$ ?uice out o$ the machine. AThat +itch sai' she "as )oin) to 'o it& an' she 'i' it. So "hat are "e "aitin) $orDA A;or the truth&A Melanie sai' Cuietl* an' col'l*. A;rom themD Outsi'ersD !ou can(t +e serious. The*(ll ne,er a'mit Sall* 'i' it. The police are sa*in) it "as an acci'ent. An acci'entE %o si)n o$ a stru))le& the*(re sa*in). She slippe' on a "et step. An' *ou #no" "hat the #i's are sa*in)D The*(re sa*in) it "as one o$ usEA Laurel loo#e' up $rom the hot "ater she "as pourin) o,er some 'rie' lea,es in a mu). The en' o$ her nose "as pin#. AMa*+e it was one o$ us&A she sai'.

ALi#e "hoDA De+orah +la-e' +ac#. ALi#e some+o'* "ho 'i'n(t "ant her in the Clu+. Some+o'* "ho "as a$rai' she(' come in on the "ron) si'e&A sai' Laurel. AAn' "e all #no" "hich si'e "oul' +e a$rai'&A sai' a ne" ,oice& an' Cassie ?er#e' aroun'& nearl* 'roppin) her ?uice. It "as ;a*e. Cassie ha' ne,er seen her in the +ac# room +e$ore& +ut she "as here no"& her hone*3colore' e*es hoo'e' an' smol'erin). A5ell& Diana(s si'e certainl* ha' nothin) to +e a$rai' o$&A Laurel sai'. AFori i'oli-e' Diana.A ADi' sheD Then "h* 'i' she spen' the last "ee# ha,in) lunch "ith meDA ;a*e sai' in her slo"& hus#* ,oice. Laurel stare'& loo#in) uncertain. Then her $ace cleare' an' she shoo# her hea'. AI 'on(t care "hat *ou sa*= *ou(re ne,er )oin) to ma#e me +elie,e Diana "oul' hurt Fori.A AShe(s ri)ht&A Su-an put in& to Cassie(s surprise. ADiana "oul'n(t.A A8esi'es& "e alrea'* #no" "ho woul%&A De+orah sai' sharpl*. AIt "as Sall*@or ma*+e that moron +o*$rien' o$ hers. I sa* "e )et them@no"EA AShe(s ri)ht&A sai' Sean. Laurel loo#e' at him& then at De+orah& then at ;a*e. A5hat 'o *ou thin#& MelanieDA she sai' $inall*. Melanie(s ,oice "as still Cuiet& 'etache'. AI thin# "e nee' to ha,e a meetin)&A she sai'. Sean +o++e' his hea'. AShe(s ri)ht&A he sai'. Just then Diana came in. The Hen'erson +rothers "ere +ehin' her. The* +oth loo#e' ra,a)e'@an' +e"il'ere'. As i$ the* coul'n(t un'erstan' ho" this coul' happen to them. Chris(s e*es "ere re'3rimme'. E,er*one so+ere' at the si)ht o$ the +rothers. There "as silence as the* sat 'o"n at the ta+le. Then ;a*e turne' to Diana. Her )ol'en e*es "ere li#e t"o )ol'en $lames. ASit 'o"n&A she sai' $latl*. A5e nee' to tal#.A A!es&A sai' Diana. She sat 'o"n& an' so 'i' ;a*e. Laurel& a$ter puttin) t"o cups o$ hot liCui' in $ront o$ the Hen'erson +rothers& 'i' the same. De+orah ?er#e' out a chair an' thre" hersel$ into it. Su-an an' Melanie ha' alrea'* +een seate'.

E,er*one turne' to loo# at Cassie. Their $aces "ere stran)e. Alien. Laurel(s normall* el$in $ace "as close'. Melanie(s cool )ra* e*es "ere more remote than e,er= Su-an(s poutin) lips "ere compresse' ti)htl*= De+orah(s $ierceness "as +arel* #ept in chec#. E,en Sean(s usuall* $urti,e e>pression ha' an unprece'ente' 'i)nit*. Diana "as pale an' stern. The )lass 'oor s"un) open an' %ic# came in. His $ace "as li#e a col' an' han'some stone& re,ealin) nothin)& +ut he sat 'o"n at the ta+le +esi'e Dou). Cassie "as the onl* one in the room le$t stan'in). She loo#e' at them& the mem+ers o$ the Clu+& an' the* loo#e' at her. %o one nee'e' to sa* an*thin). She turne' aroun' an' le$t the room.

Cassie 'i'n(t #no" "here she "as )oin). The school "as tr*in) to hol' classes& e,en thou)h there "ere pro+a+l* more #i's outsi'e the classrooms than insi'e. The* "ere in the halls& on the stairs& han)in) aroun' the main entrance. Cassie loo#e' 'a-e'l* at a cloc# an' then "ent to her science class& conceptual ph*sics. She coul' pro+a+l* call her mom an' ?ust )o home i$ she li#e'& +ut she 'i'n(t "ant to $ace her mother ri)ht no". She ?ust "ante' to tr* an' preten' to +e normal. As she sat ta#in) meanin)less notes& she coul' $eel e*es on her. She ha' the o'' $eelin) that she(' +een transporte' +ac# in time an' that it "as t"o "ee#s a)o& "hen ;a*e ha' +lac#+alle' her. 8ut a$ter class she sa" the 'i$$erence. People #ept comin) up to her an' murmurin)& AAre *ou o#a*DA an' AHo"(re *ou 'oin)DA The* loo#e' ill at ease@as i$ the* 'i'n(t want to +e tal#in) to her +ut $elt the*(' +etter. A$ter her last class there "ere more little ,isits9 people comin) in )roups o$ t"o or three to sa*& ASorr*A or AJust "ant *ou to #no" "e(ll miss her too.A The truth o$ it struc# her su''enl*& an' she almost lau)he' at the iron*. The* "ere con'olence callsE Cassie "as stan'in) in $or the Clu+. All o$ these outsi%ers "ere comin) to her& not reali-in) that she "as as much outsi'e as an* o$ them. 5hen a cheerlea'er came an' sai'& AOh& this must +e so har' $or *ou&A Cassie lost it. AI 'i'n(t e,en #no" herEA she +urst out. AI onl* spo#e to her once in m* li$eEA The cheerlea'er +ac#e' o$$ hastil*. A$ter that the con'olence calls stoppe'. Ms. Lannin)& the histor* teacher& 'ro,e Cassie home. She si'esteppe' her mother(s "orrie' Cuestionin)@apparentl* the school ha' calle' to e>plain "hat ha' happene'@an' "ent outsi'e. She clim+e' 'o"n the steep +lu$$ to the +each +elo" her )ran'mother(s house. The ocean ha' ne,er loo#e' +lea#er. It "as a hea,*& shinin) sil,er color@li#e the mercur* in a thermometer. The 'a*& "hich ha' starte' out so +ri)ht& ha' turne' o,ercast& an' it )ot 'ar#er an' 'ar#er as Cassie pace'.

An' pace'. This +each ha' +een one o$ the )oo' thin)s a+out li,in) here@+ut "hat )oo' "as it no"D She "as "al#in) on it alone. Her chest "as +urstin). It "as as i$ all the terri+le e,ents o$ the 'a* "ere loc#e' insi'e her& stru))lin) to )et out. 8ut there "as no release. She(' thou)ht +ein) an outcast at school "as the "orst thin) that coul' happen to her. 8ut it "as "orse to almost +elon)& an' to #no" insi'e that *ou 'i'n(t& an' ne,er "oul'. She #ne" it "as sel$ish to care a+out hersel$ a$ter "hat ha' happene' to Fori& +ut she coul'n(t help it. 5ith all the ra)e o$ con$usion an' pain insi'e her& she almost en ie% Fori. Fori "as 'ea'& +ut she still +elon)e'. She ha' a place. Cassie& on the other han'& ha' ne,er $elt so lonel*. The s#* "as 'ar# )ra*. The ocean stretche' out en'lessl* +eneath it& e,en 'ar#er. Loo#in) at it& Cassie $elt a stran)e an' terri+le $ascination. I$ she ?ust starte' "al#in) to"ar' it an' #ept on )oin)B Stop thatE she thou)ht sa,a)el*. et hol' o$ *oursel$. 8ut it "oul' +e so eas*B !es& an' then *ou(' reall* +e alone. Alone $ore,er& in the 'ar#. Soun's )oo'& 'oesn(t it& CassieD Shi,erin) ,iolentl*& she "renche' hersel$ a"a* $rom the "hisperin) )ra* "aters. Her $eet "ere num+ an' col' an' her $in)ers $elt li#e ice. She stum+le' as she clim+e' up the narro"& roc#* path. That ni)ht& she pulle' all the curtains shut in her room so she "oul'n(t ha,e to see the ocean or the 'ar#ness outsi'e. Chest achin)& she opene' her ?e"elr* +o> an' too# out the piece o$ chalce'on*. I ha,en(t touche' *our )i$t in a "hile. 8ut I(,e thou)ht a+out *ou. 5hate,er I(m 'oin)& "here,er I am& *ou(re some"here in m* min'. An' oh& ho" I "ishB Her han' shoo# as she shut her e*es an' put the stone to her lips. She $elt the $amiliar cr*stalline rou)hness& the coolness o$ it "armin) to her "armth. Her +reath came more Cuic#l* an' tears starte' to her e*es. Oh& some'a*& some'a*& she thou)htB Then her mouth t"iste' in pain. A sur)e o$ somethin) li#e la,a "elle' up in her chest& an' she thre" the stone as har' as she coul' across the room. It hit the "all "ith a sharp soun' an' $ell& clatterin)& to the $loor. Some'a* nothin)E the cruel ,oice insi'e her crie'. Stop $oolin) *oursel$E !ou(ll ne,er see him a)ain.

She la* in +e' starin) "ith sore e*es into the 'imness& lit +* a small ni)ht3li)ht on the $ar "all. She coul'n(t cr*. All her tears ha' +een scorche' a"a*. 8ut her heart $elt as i$ it ha' +een torn open. Cassie "as 'reamin) o$ the ocean@the 'ar# an' en'less ocean. The ship "as in trou+le@she coul' hear the tim+ers crea#in) +eneath her. The* "ere )oin) a)roun'. An' somethin) "as lostB lostB She came a"a#e all at once& suc#in) in her +reath. 5as that a noiseD 8o'* tense& she listene'. Silence. Her e*es stru))le' to pierce the 'ar#ness. The ni)ht3li)ht ha' )one out. 5h* ha'n(t it occurre' to her to +e a$rai' earlierD 5hat ha' +een "ron) "ith her this e,enin)D She(' )one out there on the +each alone& ne,er e,en "on'erin) i$ the person "ho(' #ille' Fori mi)ht +e "atchin)& "aitin)B Acci'ent& she thou)ht& e,er* sense alert an' strainin). The* sai' it "as pro+a+l* an acci'ent. 8ut her heart "as thun'erin) 'i--il*. She seeme' to see scintillatin) li)hts in the 'ar#ness. An' she coul' feel B A presence. Li#e a sha'o" in $ront o$ her. Oh& o'& she "oul% $eel it. She sense' it li#e a pressure on her s#in& li#e a ra'iation o$ col'. There "as somethin) in her +e'room. Her e*es "ere starin) into the utter +lac#ness& her +o'* trem+lin) "ith tension. Insane as it "as& she ha' the "il' thou)ht that i$ she 'i'n(t mo,e& 'i'n(t ma#e a soun'& it coul'n(t $in' her. 8ut she "as "ron). She hear' a shu$$lin) noise& a stealth* a',ancin). Then the unmista#a+le crea# o$ a $loor+oar'. It "as comin) to"ar' her. Su''enl* she coul' mo,e. She 're" in +reath $or a scream@an' there "as a rush in the 'ar#ness an' somethin) clappe' o,er her mouth. Instantl*& e,er*thin) chan)e'. 8e$ore& all ha' +een stillness& no" all "as 'i--* motion. She "as $i)htin). It 'i'n(t 'o an* )oo'= her arms "ere +ein) cau)ht an' hel'. Somethin) else ha' her $eet. She "as +ein) rolle' o,er an' o,er. 5rappe' in the sheet. She coul'n(t mo,e. Her arms "ere trappe' in the material. She "as tr*in) to #ic#& +ut her $eet "ere trappe' too.

She $elt hersel$ +ein) li$te'. She coul'n(t scream= she "as cho#in). Somethin) "as o,er her hea'& su$$ocatin) her. An' the most terri+le thin) "as the silence& the utter& continuin) silence. 5hate,er ha' her "as as noiseless as a )host. As a )hostB an' she hersel$ "as no" "rappe' in a shrou'. 5il' thou)hts careene' in Cassie(s hea'. It "as ta#in) her out o$ her +e'room. Ta#in) her 'o"nstairs@out o$ the house. It "as ta#in) her outsi'e to +ur* her. She ha' en,ie' Fori@no" she "as )oin) to ?oin her. It "as )oin) to put her in the )roun'@or in the sea. ;rantic& she trie' to thrash& +ut the restrainin) material "as too ti)ht. She ha' ne,er +een so $ri)htene'. In time& thou)h& the ,iolence o$ her $irst panic e>hauste' itsel$. It "as li#e $i)htin) a)ainst a strait ?ac#et= her stru))les onl* ser,e' to tire her out. An' o,erheat her. She "as smotherin) an' she "as so hotB i$ onl* she coul' +reatheB Pantin)& Cassie $elt her +o'* )o limp. ;or the ne>t $e" minutes all her concentration "as 'e,ote' to )ettin) enou)h air. Then& slo"l*& she +e)an to thin# a)ain. She "as +ein) carrie' +* more than one person. That "as certain. Her arms an' le)s "ere +ein) restraine' not onl* +* the "in'in) material o$ the sheet& +ut +* han's. Human han'sD OrB ima)es $loo'e' her min'. Ima)es out o$ horror mo,ies. S#eletal han's +arel* co,ere' +* "ithere' $lesh. Dus#* han's "ith nail +e's the c*anotic +lue o$ 'eath. Mutilate' han's& han's $rom the )ra,eB Oh& o'& pleaseB I(ll lose m* min'. Please ma#e it stop or I(ll 'ie. I(ll 'ie o$ terror. %o+o'* can +e this $ri)htene' an' li,e. 8ut it "asn(t so eas* ?ust to 'ie a$ter all. It 'i'n(t stop& an' she "ent on li,in). It "as li#e a ni)htmare& +ut Cassie #ne" she "as not asleep. She coul' pra* all she "ante'& +ut she "oul'n(t "a#e up. Then e,er*thin) stoppe'. She "as no lon)er +ein) carrie'= she "as +ein) hel'. Then tilte'B her le)s #ic#e' an' touche' )roun'. She "as +ein) set on her $eet. The sheet "as un"in'in)= she $elt a +ree-e on her le)s& an' her ni)ht)o"n hem $lappin) a)ainst them. Her arms "ere $ree.

5ea#l* she )ra++e' out& an' her "rists "ere cau)ht an' hel' +ehin' her. She still coul'n(t see. Somethin) "as o,er her hea'& some #in' o$ hoo'. It "as hot insi'e& an' she "as +reathin) her o"n car+on 'io>i'e. She s"a*e'& "antin) to #ic#& to $i)ht a)ain& an' #no"in) she 'i'n(t ha,e the stren)th. Then& $rom 'irectl* +ehin' her& she hear' a soun' that chan)e' e,er*thin). It "as a chuc#le. Slo" an' rich. Amuse'. 8ut "ith a )rim e')e to it. <nmista#a+le. ;a*e. Cassie thou)ht she ha' +een $ri)htene' +e$ore. She(' ima)ine' )hosts& the li,in) 'ea' come to 'ra) her +ac# into the )roun' "ith them. 8ut all those "il' an' supernatural $ears "ere nothin) compare' to the sheer terror she $elt no". In one +lin'in) instant she put it all to)ether. ;a*e ha' #ille' Fori. The "a* she "as )oin) to #ill Cassie no". A5al#&A ;a*e sai'& an' Cassie $elt a push in the center o$ her +ac#. Her han's ha' +een tie' to)ether +ehin' her. She sta))ere' an' then too# a step. AStrai)ht ahea'&A ;a*e sai'. Cassie sta))ere' another step& an' an arm stea'ie' her. It came $rom the si'e. ;a*e "asn(t alone& then. 5ell& o$ course not= she coul'n(t ha,e carrie' Cassie +* hersel$. Cassie ha' ne,er reali-e' ho" important it "as to see. It "as terri$*in) to +e ma'e to "al# li#e this& on an' on into nothin)ness. ;or all she #ne" ;a*e mi)ht +e marchin) her strai)ht o$$ a cli$$. %o& not o$$ a cli$$. The* "eren(t on a +lu$$= the* "ere on the +each. Althou)h she coul'n(t see& no" that she "as no lon)er "rappe' in the sheet her other senses "ere $unctionin). ;rom her le$t came the slo"& rh*thmic roar o$ "a,es. Ver* close. <n'er her $eet she coul' $eel crum+lin)& sli)htl* 'amp san'. The +ree-e that li$te' her ni)ht)o"n aroun' her cal,es "as col' an' $resh. It smelle' o$ salt an' sea"ee'. AStop.A Cassie o+e*e' automaticall*. She trie' to s"allo" an' $oun' the insi'e o$ her mouth "as li#e )lue. A;a*e@A she mana)e' to )et out.

A8e CuietEA The ,oice "as sharp& no la-iness no". Li#e a cat "ith its cla"s unsheathe'. A su''en pressure at her nec# ma'e Cassie sti$$en@ someone ha' )ra++e' the +ottom o$ the hoo' an' "as ti)htenin) it "arnin)l*. ADon(t tal# unless *ou(re as#e' a Cuestion. Don(t mo,e unless *ou(re tol'. Do *ou un'erstan'DA %um+l*& Cassie no''e'. A%o" ta#e one step $or"ar'. Turn to *our le$t. Stop. Sta* ri)ht there. Don(t ma#e a soun'.A Han's mo,e' at the +ac# o$ Cassie(s nec#. Then there "as a )lorious rush o$ cool air as the hoo' "as li$te' a"a*. Li)ht +urst in on her& an' Cassie stare' in astonishment at the $antastic scene +e$ore her e*es. 8lac# an' "hite& that "as her $irst thou)ht. E,er*thin) "as star# +lac# an' "hite& li#e a scene $rom the sur$ace o$ the moon. 8ut there "as the moon in $ront o$ her. Pure "hite& ?ust risen& it $orme' a per$ect crescent o,er the ocean. The ocean "as as +lac# as the s#*& e>cept $or the )hostl* "hite $oam on the "a,es. An' in $ront o$ it stoo' a $i)ure that seeme' to shine "ith a pale li)ht. Diana5 She "as "earin) a thin "hite shi$t that le$t her arms +are. Claspe' aroun' one upper arm "as a "i'e cu$$ o$ sil,er "ith stran)e en)ra,in) on it. On her $orehea' "as a sort o$ 'ia'em "ith a crescent moon& the horns pointin) up"ar'. Her lon) hair& han)in) loose +eneath it& seeme' to +e "o,en o$ moonli)ht. In her han' "as a 'a))er. 5ith terri$*in) sharpness Cassie no" remem+ere' the 'ream she(' ha' o$ her mother an' )ran'mother in her room. Sacri$ice& one o$ them ha' sai'. 5as that "hat she "as here $or no"D Sacri$iceD Mesmeri-e'& she stare' at the +la'e o$ the 'a))er& at the moonli)ht shimmerin) on it. Then she loo#e' at Diana(s $ace. I "oul' ne,er ha,e +elie,e' it@no& I "oul'n(t ha,e +elie,e' that *ou "oul' help ;a*e 'o this. 8ut *ou(re here& "ith a #ni$e. I(m seein) it. Ho" can I not +elie,e m* o"n e*esD ATurn aroun'&A a ,oice sai'. Cassie $elt her +o'* turn. A circle "as 'ra"n in the san'& a +i) one. Insi'e an' outsi'e "ere can'les& stuc# ri)ht into the +each. 5a> "as meltin) on the san'. The

can'les "ere all si-es& all colors. Some loo#e' as i$ the* ha' +een +urnin) a lon) time& $rom the amount o$ "a> poole' +eneath them an' the "a* the* ha' slumpe'. E,er* $lame "as 'ancin) in the sli)ht +ree-e. Insi'e the circle "ere the mem+ers o$ the Clu+. Cassie(s $ri)htene' min' re)istere' )limpses o$ $aces an' no more& li#e $lashes seen in li)htnin). The same $aces she ha' seen )athere' aroun' the ta+le in the +ac# room that a$ternoon. Prou'. 8eauti$ul. Alien. ;a*e "as one o$ them. She "as 'resse' all in +lac#. An' i$ Diana(s hair seeme' to +e "o,en o$ moonli)ht& hers "as "o,en o$ )loom& Diana "al#e' past Cassie an' steppe' into the circle. Su''enl* Cassie reali-e' that the rin) 'ra"n in the san' "as not complete. There "as a )ap in its northeast corner& 'irectl* in $ront o$ her $eet. She "as stan'in) ?ust outsi'e the threshol'. Startle'& her e*es came up to see# Diana(s. Diana(s e>pression re,eale' nothin)= her $ace "as pale an' 'istant. Cassie(s heart& "hich ha' +een thu''in) 'ull*& no" pic#e' up spee'. Diana spo#e& her ,oice clear an' musical& +ut she "as not spea#in) to Cassie. A5ho challen)es herDA ;a*e(s throat* ,oice rose in ans"er. AI 'o.A Cassie 'i'n(t see the 'a))er until ;a*e hel' it at her throat. It pric#e'& pressin) sli)htl* into the hollo"& an' she $elt her e*es "i'en. She trie' to hol' completel* still. ;a*e(s hoo'e'& eni)matic e*es "ere )a-in) strai)ht into hers. There "as a sort o$ $ierce pleasure in their 'epths& an' the same heat Cassie ha' seen in the science +uil'in) "hen ;a*e ha' threatene' her "ith $ire. ;a*e smile' her slo"& scar* smile& an' the pressure o$ the +la'e a)ainst Cassie(s throat increase'. AI challen)e *ou&A ;a*e sai' 'irectl* to Cassie. AI$ there is an* $ear in *our heart& it "oul' +e +etter $or *ou to thro" *oursel$ $or"ar' on this 'a))er than to continue. So "hat is it& CassieDA she a''e'& her ,oice 'roppin) to a la-*& intimate murmur that coul' scarcel* ha,e +een hear' +* the others. A Is there $ear in *our heartD Care$ul ho" *ou ans"er.A Dum+$oun'e'& Cassie onl* stare'. ;ear in her heartD Ho" coul' there not +e $ear in her heartD The* ha' 'one e,er*thin) the* coul' to terri$* her@of "ourse there "as $ear in her heart.

Then& mo,in) onl* her e*es& she loo#e' at Diana. Cassie remem+ere' Laurel in the +ac# room to'a*& a$ter ;a*e ha' implie' Diana mi)ht ha,e ha' somethin) to 'o "ith Fori(s 'eath. Laurel ha' loo#e' con$use' $or a moment& then her $ace ha' cleare' an' she(' sai'& AI 'on(t care "hat *ou sa*= *ou(re ne,er )oin) to ma#e me +elie,e Diana "oul' hurt Fori.A That "as $aith& Cassie thou)ht. 8elie,in) no matter "hat. Di' she ha,e that #in' o$ $aith in DianaD !es& she thou)ht& still loo#in) into Diana(s stea'* )reen e*es. I 'o. Then can I trust her no matter "hatD Enou)h not to +e a$rai' an*moreD The ans"er ha' to come $rom insi'e. Cassie searche' throu)h her min'& tr*in) to $in' the truth. E,er*thin) that ha' happene' toni)ht@ them 'ra))in) her out o$ +e'& carr*in) her 'o"n here "ithout an* e>planation& the #ni$e& the stran)eness o$ this "hole ceremon*@it all loo#e' +a'. An' someone ha% #ille' ForiB I trust *ou& Diana. That "as the ans"er she $oun' at the +ottom o$ her min'. I trust *ou. Despite all this& no matter ho" it loo#s& I trust *ou. She loo#e' +ac# at ;a*e& "ho "as still "earin) a little catli#e smile. a-in) strai)ht into those hone*3colore' e*es& Cassie sai' clearl*& A o on. There(s no $ear in m* heart.A E,en as she sai' it& she $elt the s*mptoms o$ terror 'rop a"a* $rom her. The "ea#ness& the )i''iness& the thu''in) o$ her heart. She stoo' strai)ht e,en thou)h her han's "ere still tie' +ehin' her +ac# an' the 'a))er point "as still at her throat. Somethin) $lare' in ;a*e(s e*es. Somethin) li#e )rim respect. Her smile chan)e'& an' she no''e' almost impercepti+l*. The ne>t instant her +lac# e*e+ro"s "ere raise' ironicall* as she spo#e. AThen step insi'e&A she in,ite'. Strai)ht $or"ar'D Into the 'a))er +la'eD Cassie re$use' to let her e*es 'rop $rom the )ol'en ones in $ront o$ her. She hesitate' an instant& then steppe' strai)ht $or"ar'. The +la'e *iel'e' +e$ore her. Cassie coul' $eel a tin* tric#le o$ "etness on her throat as it "ith're" an' ;a*e steppe' +ac#. Then she loo#e' 'o"n. She "as insi'e the circle.

Diana too# the 'a))er $rom ;a*e an' "ent to the +rea# in the circle +ehin' Cassie. Dra"in) the #ni$e throu)h the san'& she +ri')e' the )ap& ma#in) the circle complete. Cassie ha' an o'' sensation o$ closure& o$ somethin) sealin). As i$ a 'oor ha' +een loc#e' +ehin' her. An' as i$ "hat "as insi'e the circle "as 'i$$erent $rom an*thin) outsi'e. ACome to the center&A Diana sai'. Cassie trie' to "al# tall as she 'i'. Diana(s shi$t& she coul' see no"& "as slit all the "a* up to the hip on one si'e. There "as somethin) on Diana(s lon)& "ell3ma'e upper le). A )arterD That "as "hat it loo#e' li#e. Li#e the ornamental +an's o$ lace an' ri++on that a +ri'e "ears to thro" at a "e''in). E>cept that this "as ma'e o$ somethin) li#e )reen sue'e an' line' "ith +lue sil#. It ha' a sil,er +uc#le. ATurn aroun'&A Diana or'ere'. Cassie hope' the cor' +in'in) her "rists "as )oin) to +e cut. 8ut instea' she $elt han's on her shoul'ers& spinnin) her $aster an' $aster. She "as +ein) "hirle' aroun' an' pushe' $rom si'e to si'e& $rom person to person. ;or an instant panic sur)e' throu)h her a)ain. She "as 'i--*& 'isoriente'. 5ith her han's tie' she coul'n(t catch hersel$ i$ she $ell. An' that #ni$e "as some"hereB Just )o "ith it. Rela>& she tol' hersel$. An' ma)icall*& her $ear 'issol,e'. She let hersel$ +e +ounce' $rom one person to another. I$ she $ell& she $ell. Han's stea'ie' her& stoo' her $acin) Diana a)ain. She "as sli)htl* +reathless an' the "orl' "as reelin)& +ut she trie' to 'ra" hersel$ up strai)ht. A!ou(,e +een challen)e' an' *ou(,e passe' the tests&A Diana in$orme' her& an' no" there "as a little smile in Diana(s )reen e*es& althou)h her lips "ere )ra,e. A%o" are *ou "illin) to s"earDA S"ear "hatD 8ut Cassie no''e'. A5ill *ou s"ear to +e lo*al to the CircleD %e,er to harm an*one "ho stan's insi'e itD 5ill *ou protect an' 'e$en' those "ho 'o& e,en i$ it costs *ou *our li$eDA Cassie s"allo"e'. Then& tr*in) to #eep her ,oice le,el& she sai'& A!es.A A5ill *ou s"ear ne,er to re,eal the secrets *ou "ill learn& e>cept to a proper person& "ithin a properl* prepare' Circle li#e the one "e stan' in

no"D 5ill *ou s"ear to #eep these secrets $rom all outsi'ers& $rien's an' enemies& e,en i$ it costs *ou *our li$eDA A!es&A Cassie "hispere'. A8* the ocean& +* the moon& +* *our o"n +loo'& "ill *ou so s"earDA A!es.A ASa*& (I "ill so s"ear.( A AI "ill so s"ear.A AShe has +een challen)e' an' teste'& an' she has +een s"orn&A Diana sai'& steppin) +ac# an' spea#in) to the others. AAn' no"& since all o$ us in the Circle a)ree& I call on the Po"ers to loo# at her.A Diana raise' the 'a))er a+o,e her hea'& pointin) the +la'e at the s#*. Then she pointe' it to the east& to"ar' the ocean& then to the south& then to"ar' the "estern cli$$& then to"ar' the north. ;inall*& she pointe' it at Cassie. The "or's she spo#e as she 'i' sent shoc# "a,es runnin) 'o"n Cassie(s spine9 'arth an% water$ fire an% air$ See your %aughter stan%ing there* .y %ark of moon an% light of sun$ As I will$ let it be %one* .y "hallenge$ trial$ an% sa"re% ow$ )et her 7oin the Cir"le now* Flesh an% sinew$ bloo% an% bone$ Cassie now be"omes9 A8ut "e %on/t all a)ree&A an an)r* ,oice +ro#e in. AI still 'on(t thin# she(s one o$ us. I 'on(t thin# she e,er can +e.A

Diana turne' sharpl* to $ace De+orah. A!ou can(t interrupt the ritualEA AThere shoul'n(t be a ritual&A De+orah +la-e' +ac#& her $ace 'ar# an' intense. A!ou a)ree' in the meetin)@A AI a)ree' "e ha' to 'o "hate,er it too# to ma#e us stron). 8ut@A De+orah stoppe' an' sco"le'. A8ut some o$ us ma* not ha,e +elie,e' she(' pass the tests&A ;a*e interprete'& smilin). Diana(s $ace "as pale an' an)r*. The 'ia'em she "ore seeme' to )i,e her a''e' stature& so that she loo#e' taller e,en than ;a*e. Moonli)ht shimmere' in her hair as it ha' o$$ the +la'e o$ the #ni$e. A8ut she %i% pass the tests&A she sai' col'l*. AAn' no" *ou(,e interrupte' a ritual@+ro#en it@"hile I "as callin) 'o"n the Po"ers. I hope *ou ha,e a +etter reason than that.A AI/ll )i,e *ou a reason&A De+orah sai'. AShe(s not reall* one o$ us. Her mother marrie' an outsi'er.A AThen "hat 'o *ou "antDA Diana sai'. ADo *ou "ant us ne,er to ha,e a real CircleD !ou #no" "e nee' t"el,e to )et an*thin) 'one. 5hat are "e suppose' to 'o& "ait until *our parents@or the Hen'ersons@ha,e another +a+*D %one o$ the rest o$ us e,en has +oth parents ali,e. %o.A Diana turne' to $ace the others in the )roup& "ho "ere stan'in) aroun' the insi'e perimeter o$ the circle. A5e(re the last&A she tol' them. AThe last )eneration in the %e" 5orl'. An' i$ "e can(t complete our Circle& then it all en's here. 5ith us.A Melanie spo#e up. She "as "earin) or'inar* clothes un'er a pale )reen $rin)e' sha"l that loo#e' +oth tattere' an' $ra)ile& as i$ it "ere ,er* ol'. AOur parents an' )ran'parents "oul' li#e that&A she sai'. AThe* "ant us to lea,e it all in the past& the "a* the* 'i' an' their parents 'i'. The* 'on(t "ant us 'i))in) up the ol' tra'itions an' "a#in) the Ol' Po"ers.A AThe*(re scare'&A De+orah sai' scorn$ull*. AThe*(ll +e happ* i$ "e can(t complete the Circle&A Melanie sai'. A8ut is that "hat we "antDA She loo#e' at ;a*e. ;a*e murmure' cooll*& AIn'i,i'uals can 'o Cuite a lot on their o"n.A

AOh& come on&A Laurel put in. A%ot li#e a real Circle. %ot unless&A she a''e'& Asomebo%y "as plannin) to )et hol' o$ the Master Tools an' use them all +* hersel$.A ;a*e )a,e her a slo"& 'a--lin) smile. AI(m not the one searchin) $or the lost tools&A she sai'. AThis is all o$$ the point&A sai' Diana sharpl*. AThe Cuestion is& 'o "e "ant a complete Circle or 'on(t "eDA A5e 'o&A one o$ the Hen'erson +rothers sai'. %o& Chris& Cassie correcte' hersel$. Su''enl* she coul' tell them apart. 8oth the +rothers loo#e' "hite an' straine' in the moonli)ht& +ut Chris(s e*es "ere less sa,a)e. A5e(re )oin) to 'o "hate,er it ta#es to $in' out "ho #ille' Fori&A Chris $inishe'. AAn' then ta#e care o$ them&A Dou) put in. He ma'e a )esture o$ sta++in). AThen "e nee' a $ull Circle&A sai' Melanie. AA t"el$th person an' a se,enth )irl. Cassie is +oth.A AAn' she(s passe' the tests&A Diana repeate'. AHer mother "as one o$ us. She "ent a"a*& *es& +ut no" she(s come +ac#. An' she +rou)ht her 'au)hter to us ?ust "hen "e nee' her. Just e>actl* "hen "e nee' her.A Stu++ornness still lin)ere' in De+orah(s e*es. A5ho sa*s she can e,en use the Po"ersDA she 'eman'e'. AI 'o&A Diana replie' stea'il*. AI can sense it in her.A AAn' so 'o I&A ;a*e sai' une>pecte'l*. De+orah turne' to stare at her& an' she smile' in)enuousl*. AI(' sa* she can call on Earth an' ;ire& at least&A ;a*e continue'& ma''enin)l* +lan'. AShe mi)ht e,en pro,e to ha,e Cuite a talent.A An' "h*& Cassie "on'ere' 'a-e'l*& 'i' that ma#e hairs on the +ac# o$ her nec# stan' upD Diana(s +ro"s "ere 'ra"n to)ether as she )a,e ;a*e a lon)& searchin) loo#. 8ut then she turne' to De+orah. ADoes that satis$* *our o+?ectionDA There "as a +eat. Then De+orah no''e'& sullenl*& an' steppe' +ac#. AThen&A sai' Diana& "ith a Cuiet politeness that seeme' to o,erla* an ic* an)er& Acan "e please )et on "ith itDA E,er*one stoo' a"a* as she returne' to her position. Once a)ain she li$te' the 'a))er to the s#*& then to the car'inal points o$ the compass&

then to Cassie. Once a)ain she spo#e the "or's that ha' sent chills 'o"n Cassie(s spine& +ut this time she $inishe' them uninterrupte'. 'arth an% water$ fire an% air$ See your %aughter stan%ing there* .y %ark of moon an% light of sun$ As I will$ let it be %one* .y "hallenge$ trial$ an% sa"re% ow$ )et her 7oin the Cir"le now* Flesh an% sinew$ bloo% an% bone$ Cassie now be"omes our own* AThat(s it&A Laurel sai' so$tl* $rom +ehin' Cassie. A!ou(re in.A In. I(m in. Cassie #ne"& "ith a $eelin) o$ "il' e>hilaration& that nothin) "oul' e,er +e the same a)ain. ACassie.A Diana "as unclaspin) the sil,er nec#lace she "as "earin). Cassie(s e*es "ere 'ra"n to the crescent moon pen'ant that hun) $rom it. It "as li#e the one on the 'ia'em& Cassie reali-e'@an' li#e De+orah(s tattoo. AThis is a to#en&A Diana sai'& $astenin) the chain aroun' Cassie(s nec#& Ao$ *our mem+ership in the Circle.A Then she hu))e' Cassie. It "asn(t a spontaneous )esture= it ha' more the $eelin) o$ a ritual. %e>t she turne' Cassie aroun' to $ace the others an' sai'& AThe Po"ers ha,e accepte' her. I(,e accepte' her. %o" each o$ *ou has to.A Laurel "as the $irst to step up. Her $ace "as serious& +ut there "as a )enuine "armth an' $rien'liness in the 'epths o$ her +ro"n e*es. She hu))e' Cassie& then #isse' her li)htl* on the chee#. AI(m )la' *ou(re one o$ us&A she "hispere'& an' steppe' +ac#& her lon)& li)ht3+ro"n hair $lutterin) sli)htl* in the +ree-e. AThan#s&A Cassie "hispere'. Melanie "as ne>t. Her em+race "as more $ormal& an' her cool& intellectual )ra* e*es still intimi'ate' Cassie. 8ut "hen she sai'& A5elcome to the Clu+&A she soun'e' as i$ she meant it.

De+orah& +* contrast& "as sco"lin) as she steppe' $or"ar'& an' she hu))e' Cassie as i$ she "ere tr*in) to crac# a ri+ or t"o. She 'i'n(t sa* an*thin). Sean hurrie' up& loo#in) ea)er. His hu) "as a little too lon) an' too close $or Cassie(s taste& an' she en'e' up ha,in) to e>tricate hersel$. He sai'& A la' *ou(re in&A "ith his e*es $i>e' on her ni)ht)o"n in a "a* that ma'e Cassie "ish it "ere $lannel instea' o$ li)ht cotton. AI can tell&A she sai' un'er her +reath as he steppe' +ac#& an' Diana& stan'in) +esi'e her& ha' to +ite her lip. <n'er normal circumstances the Hen'erson +rothers mi)ht ha,e +een e,en "orse. 8ut toni)ht the* 'i'n(t seem to care i$ it "as a )irl or a +loc# o$ "oo' the* "ere em+racin). The* hu))e' her mechanicall* an' steppe' +ac# to "atch a)ain "ith their an)r*& $ara"a* e*es. An' then it "as %ic#(s turn. Cassie $elt somethin) insi'e her ti)hten. It "asn(t that she "as attracte' to him& e>actl*& +utB she coul'n(t help $eelin) a sli)ht inner tremor "hen she loo#e' up at him. He "as so han'some& an' the col'ness that surroun'e' him li#e a thin la*er o$ 'ar# ice seeme' onl* to enhance his loo#s. He(' stoo' +ac# an' o+ser,e' the entire ceremon* toni)ht "ith such 'etachment& as i$ none o$ it a$$ecte' him one "a* or another. E,en his em+race "as noncommittal. Se>less. As i$ he "ere merel* )oin) throu)h the motions "hile thin#in) o$ somethin) else. His arms "ere stron)& thou)h@"ell& o$ course& thou)ht Cassie. An* )u* "ho ha' an@arran)ement@"ith ;a*e "oul' ha,e to +e stron). Su-an smelle' o$ per$ume& an' "hen she #isse' Cassie(s chee#& Cassie $elt sure she le$t a smu')e o$ cherr*3colore' lipstic#. Hu))in) her "as li#e hu))in) a scente' pillo". ;inall*& ;a*e came. Her hea,*3li''e' e*es "ere )leamin) eni)maticall*& as i$ she "ere a"are o$ Cassie(s 'iscom$iture an' en?o*in) it. All Cassie "as a"are o$ "as ;a*e(s hei)ht an' ho" much she hersel$ "ante' to run. She ha' a panic#e' con,iction that ;a*e "as )oin) to 'o somethin) a"$ulB 8ut ;a*e simpl* murmure'& as she steppe' +ac#& ASo the little "hite mouse is tou)her than she loo#s. I "as +ettin) *ou "oul'n(t e,en last throu)h the ceremon*.A

AI(m not sure I 'i'&A Cassie muttere'. She 'esperatel* "ante' to sit 'o"n an' )ather her thou)hts. So much ha' happene' so $astB +ut she "as in. E,en ;a*e ha' accepte' her. That $act coul' not +e chan)e'. AAll ri)ht&A Diana sai' Cuietl*. AThat(s it $or the initiation ritual. %ormall* a$ter this "e(' ha,e a part* or somethin)& +utBA She loo#e' at Cassie an' li$te' her han's. Cassie no''e'. Toni)ht& a part* coul' har'l* +e less appropriate. ASo I thin# "e shoul' $ormall* 'ispel the Circle& +ut )o on an' ha,e a re)ular meetin). That "a* "e can )et Cassie cau)ht up on "hat she nee's to #no".A There "ere no's aroun' the circle an' a collecti,e +reath release'. Diana pic#e' up a han'$ul o$ san' an' poure' it o,er the line 'ra"n on the +each. The others $ollo"e' suit& each pourin) a han'$ul an' smoothin) it 'o"n so that the circle(s outline "as +lurre'& erase'. Then the* 'istri+ute' themsel,es amon) the still3li)hte' can'les& some sittin) on the san'& others on out3thrusts o$ roc#. %ic# remaine' stan'in)& a ci)arette in his mouth. Diana "aite' until e,er*one "as Cuiet& loo#in) at her& then she turne' to Cassie. Her $ace "as )ra,e an' her )reen e*es "ere earnest. A%o" that *ou(re one o$ us&A she sai' simpl*& AI thin# it(s time to tell *ou "hat "e are.A Cassie(s +reath cau)ht. So man* +i-arre thin)s ha' happene' to her since she(' come to %e" Salem& an' no" she "as a+out to hear the e>planation. 8ut stran)el*& she "asn(t sure she nee'e' to +e tol'. E,er since the*(' +rou)ht her here toni)ht& all sorts o$ thin)s ha' +een arran)in) themsel,es in her min'. A hun're' little o''ities that she(' notice' a+out %e" Salem& a hun're' little m*steries that she(' +een una+le to sol,e. Someho"& her +rain ha' +e)un puttin) them to)ether& an' no"B She loo#e' at the $aces aroun' her& lit +* moonli)ht an' $lic#erin) can'leli)ht. AI thin#&A she sai' slo"l*& Athat I alrea'* #no".A Honest* compelle' her to a''& ASome o$ it& at least.A AOh& *esDA ;a*e raise' her e*e+ro"s. A5h* 'on(t you tell us& thenDA Cassie loo#e' at Diana& "ho no''e'. A5ell& $or one thin)&A she sai' slo"l*& AI #no" *ou(re not the Mic#e* Mouse Clu+.A Chuc#les. A!ou(' +etter +elie,e it&A De+orah muttere'. A5e(re not the irl Scouts& either.A

AI #no"BA Cassie pause'. AI #no" that *ou can li)ht $ires "ithout matches. An' that *ou 'on(t use $e,er$e" ?ust in sala's.A ;a*e e>amine' her nails& loo#in) innocent& an' Laurel smile' rue$ull*. AI #no" that *ou can ma#e thin)s mo,e "hen the*(re not ali,e.A This time it "as ;a*e "ho smile'. De+orah an' Su-an e>chan)e' smu) )lances& an' Su-an murmure'& ASssssssBA AI #no" e,er*+o'*(s a$rai' o$ *ou at school& e,en the a'ults. The*(re a$rai' o$ an*one "ho li,es on Cro"ha,en Roa'.A AThe*(re )oin) to +e more a$rai'&A sai' Dou) Hen'erson. AI #no" *ou use roc#s $or spot remo,er@A ACr*stals&A murmure' Diana. A@an' there(s somethin) more than tea lea,es in *our tea. An' I #no"A@Cassie s"allo"e' an' then "ent on& 'eli+eratel*@Athat *ou can push some+o'* "ithout touchin) them& an' ma#e them $all.A There "as a silence at this. Se,eral people loo#e' at ;a*e. ;a*e tilte' her chin +ac# an' loo#e' at the ocean "ith narro"e' e*es. A!ou(re ri)ht&A Diana sai'. A!ou(,e learne' a lot $rom ?ust "atchin)@ an' "e(,e +een a little la> "ith securit*. 8ut I thin# *ou shoul' hear the entire stor* $rom the +e)innin).A AI/ll tell it&A sai' ;a*e. An' "hen Diana loo#e' at her 'ou+t$ull*& she a''e'& A5h* notD I li#e a )oo' stor*. An' I certainl* #no" this one.A AAll ri)ht&A sai' Diana. A8ut coul' *ou please tr* to stic# to the pointD I #no" *our stories& ;a*e.A ACertainl*&A ;a*e sai' +lan'l*. A%o"& let me see& "here shall I startDA She consi'ere' a moment& hea' tilte'& an' then smile'. AOnce upon a time&A she sai'& Athere "as a Cuaint little ,illa)e calle' Salem. An' it "as ?ust $ille' "ith Cuaint little Puritans@all3American& har'"or#in)& honest& +ra,e& an' true@A A;a*e@A AJust li#e some people here "e all #no"&A ;a*e sai'& un'istur+e' +* the interruption. She stoo'& s"itchin) her )lorious +lac# mane +ehin' her& clearl* en?o*in) +ein) the center o$ attention. The ocean& "ith its en'lessl* +rea#in) "a,es& $orme' a per$ect +ac#)roun' as she +e)an to pace +ac# an' $orth& her +lac# sil# +louse sli'in) 'o"n ?ust $ar enou)h to lea,e one shoul'er +are.

AThese Puritans "ere $ille' "ith pure little thou)hts@most o$ them. A $e" ?ust may ha,e +een unhapp* "ith their +orin) little Puritan li,es& all "or#& no pla*& 'resses up to here(@she in'icate' her nec#@Aan' si> hours o$ church on Sun'a*sBA A;a*e&A sai' Diana. ;a*e i)nore' her. AAn' the neighbors&A she sai'. AAll those nei)h+ors "ho "atche' *ou& )ossipe' a+out *ou& monitore% *ou to ma#e sure *ou "eren(t "earin) an e>tra +utton on *our 'ress or smilin) on *our "a* to meetin). !ou ha' to +e mee# in those 'a*s& an' #eep *our e*es 'o"n& an' 'o as *ou "ere tol' "ithout as#in) Cuestions. I$ *ou "ere a )irl& an*"a*. !ou "eren(t e,en allo"e' to pla* "ith 'olls +ecause the* "ere thin)s o$ the 'e,il.A Cassie& $ascinate' 'espite hersel$& "atche' ;a*e pacin) an' thou)ht a)ain o$ ?un)le cats. Ca)e' ones. I$ ;a*e ha' li,e' in those 'a*s& Cassie thou)ht& she "oul' ha,e +een Cuite a han'$ul. AAn' ma*+e some o$ those *oun) )irls "eren(t so happ*&A ;a*e sai'. A5ho #no"sD 8ut an*"a*& one "inter a $e" o$ them )ot to)ether to tell $ortunes. The* shoul'n(t ha,e& o$ course. It "as wi"ke%. 8ut the* 'i' it an*"a*. One o$ them ha' a sla,e "ho came $rom the 5est In'ies an' #ne" a+out $ortune3tellin). It helpe' to "hile a"a* those lon)& 'ull "inter ni)hts.A She )lance' si'e"a*s un'er +lac# lashes to"ar' %ic#& as i$ to sa* that she coul' ha,e su))este' a +etter "a* hersel$. A8ut it pre*e' on their poor little Puritan min's&A ;a*e "ent on& loo#in) sorro"$ul. AThe* $elt guilty. An' e,entuall* one o$ them ha' a ner,ous collapse. She )ot sic#& 'elirious& an' she con$esse'. Then the secret "as out. An' all the other *oun) )irls "ere on the hot seat. It "asn(t goo% in those 'a*s to )et cau)ht $oolin) aroun' "ith the supernatural. The )ro"n3ups 'i'n(t like it. So the poor little Puritan )irls ha' to point the $in)er at some+o'* else.A ;a*e hel' up her o"n lon)& taperin)& scarlet3tippe' $in)er& trailin) it across the seate' )roup li#e a )un. She stoppe' in $ront o$ Cassie. Cassie loo#e' at it& then up into ;a*e(s e*es. AAn' the* 'i'&A ;a*e sai' pleasantl*. She "ith're" the $in)er as i$ sheathin) a s"or'& an' "ent on. AThe* pointe' at the 5est In'ian sla,e& an' then at a couple o$ other ol' "omen the* 'i'n(t li#e. 5omen "ith a +a' reputation aroun' the ,illa)e. An' "hen the* pointe'& the* sai'BA She pause' $or 'ramatic e$$ect& an' tippe' her $ace up to the crescent

moon han)in) in the s#*. Then she loo#e' +ac# at Cassie. AThe* sai'B wit"h.A A ripple "ent throu)h the )roup& o$ a)itation& +itter amusement& e>asperation. Hea's "ere sha#in) in 'is)ust. Cassie $elt the hairs at the +ac# o$ her nec# tin)le. AAn' 'o *ou #no" "hatDA ;a*e loo#e' o,er her au'ience& hol'in) them all spell+oun'. Then she smile'& slo"l*& an' "hispere'& AIt "or#e'. %o+o'* +lame' them $or their little $ortune3tellin) )ames. E,er*one "as too +us* huntin) out the wit"hes in their mi'st. The onl* pro+lem&A ;a*e continue'& her +lac# e*e+ro"s no" raise' in scorn& A"as that those Puritans coul'n(t reco)ni-e a "itch i$ the* $ell o,er one. The* loo#e' $or "omen "ho "ere o$$+eat& or too in'epen'ent& orB rich. Con,icte' "itches $or$eite' their "orl'l* )oo's& so it coul' +e Cuite a profitable +usiness to accuse them. 8ut all the "hile the real "itches "ere ri)ht there un'er their noses. A8ecause& *ou see&A ;a*e sai' so$tl*& Athere reall* "ere "itches at Salem. %ot the poor "omen@an' men@the* accuse'. The* 'i'n(t e,en )et one ri)ht. 8ut the "itches "ere there& an' the* 'i'n(t li#e "hat "as happenin). It hit a little too close to home. A $e" o$ them e,en trie' to stop the "itch trials@+ut that onl* ten'e' to arouse suspicion. It "as too 'an)erous e,en to +e a $rien' o$ one o$ the prisoners.A She stoppe'& an' there "as a silence. The $aces surroun'in) Cassie no" "ere not amuse'& +ut col' an' an)r*. As i$ this stor* "as somethin) that resonate' in their +ones= not a co+"e++* tale $rom the 'ea' past& +ut a li,in) "arnin). A5hat happene'DA Cassie as#e' at last& her o"n ,oice su+'ue'. ATo the accuse' "itchesD The* 'ie'. The unluc#* ones& at least& the ones "ho "oul'n(t con$ess. %ineteen "ere han)e' +e$ore the )o,ernor put a stop to it. The last pu+lic e>ecutions too# place e>actl* three hun're' *ears a)oB Septem+er 22& the $all eCuino>& .:42. %o& the poor accuse' "itches 'i'n(t ha,e much luc#. 8ut the real "itchesB "ellBA ;a*e smile'. AThe real "itches )ot a"a*. Discreetl*& o$ course. A$ter the $uss "as o,er. The* Cuietl* pac#e' up an' mo,e' north to start their o"n little ,illa)e& "here no one "oul' point $in)ers +ecause e,er*one "oul' +e the same. An' the* calle' their little ,illa)eBA She loo#e' at Cassie.

A%e" Salem&A Cassie sai'. In her min'& she "as seein) the crest on the hi)h school +uil'in). AIncorporate' .:41&A she a''e' so$tl*. A!es. Just one *ear a$ter the trials en'e'. So *ou see& that(s ho" our little to"n "as $oun'e'. 5ith ?ust the t"el,e mem+ers o$ that co,en& an' their $amilies. 5eA@;a*e )esture' )race$ull* aroun' the )roup@Aare "hat(s le$t o$ the 'escen'ants o$ those t"el,e $amilies. Their onl* 'escen'ants. 5hile the rest o$ the ri$$ra$$ *ou see aroun' the school an' the to"n@A ALi#e Sall* 5altman&A De+orah put in. A@are the 'escen'ants o$ the ser,ants. The help&A ;a*e sai' s"eetl*. AOr o$ outsi'ers "ho 'ri$te' in an' "ere allo"e' to settle here. 8ut those t"el,e houses on Cro"ha,en Roa' are the houses o$ the ori)inal $amilies. Our $amilies. The* intermarrie' an' #ept their +loo' pure@most o$ them& an*"a*. An' e,entuall* the* pro'uce' us.A A!ou ha,e to un'erstan'&A Diana sai' Cuietl* $rom Cassie(s si'e. ASome o$ "hat ;a*e has tol' *ou is speculation. 5e 'on(t reall* #no" "hat cause' the "itch hunts in .:42. 8ut "e %o #no" "hat happene' "ith our o"n ancestors +ecause "e ha,e their ?ournals& their ol' recor's& their spell +oo#s. Their 8oo#s o$ Sha'o"s.A She turne' an' pic#e' somethin) up o$$ the san'& an' Cassie reco)ni-e' the +oo# that ha' +een on the "in'o" seat the 'a* Diana cleane' her s"eater. AThis&A Diana sai'& hol'in) it up& A"as m* )reat3)reat3)ran'mother(s. She )ot it $rom her mother& "ho )ot it $rom her mother& an' so on. Each o$ them "rote in it= the* recor'e' the spells the* 'i'& the rituals& the important e,ents in their li,es. Each o$ them passe' it on to the ne>t )eneration.A A<ntil our )reat3)ran'mothers( time& an*"a*&A sai' De+orah. AMa*+e ei)ht*& ninet* *ears a)o. They 'eci'e' the "hole thin) "as too scar*.A AToo wi"ke%&A ;a*e put in& her )ol'en e*es )leamin). AThe* hi' the +oo#s an' trie' to $or)et the ol' #no"le')e&A sai' Diana. AThe* tau)ht their #i's it "as "ron) to +e 'i$$erent. The* trie' to +e normal& to +e li#e the outsi'ers.A AThe* "ere wrong&A Chris sai'. He leane' $or"ar'& his ?a" set& his $ace etche' "ith pain. A5e can(t +e li#e them. Fori #ne" that. She@A He +ro#e o$$ an' shoo# his hea'. AIt(s o#a*& Chris&A Laurel sai' so$tl*. A5e #no".A

Sean spo#e up ea)erl*& his thin chest pu$$in) out. AThe* hi' the ol' stu$$& +ut "e $oun' it&A he sai'. A5e "oul'n(t ta#e no $or an ans"er.A A%o& we "oul'n(t&A sai' Melanie& castin) an amuse' )lance at him. AO$ course& some o$ us "ere +us* pla*in) 8atman "hile the ol'er ones "ere re'isco,erin) our herita)e.A AAn' some o$ us ha' a little more natural talent than others&A ;a*e a''e'. She sprea' out her $in)ers& a'mirin) the lon) re' nails. AA little more natural@$lair@$or callin) on the Po"ers.A AThat(s ri)ht&A sai' Laurel. She raise' her e*e3+ro"s an' then loo#e' si)ni$icantl* at Diana. ASome o$ us 'o.A A5e all ha,e talent&A Diana sai'. A5e starte' 'isco,erin) that "hen "e "ere reall* *oun)@+a+ies& practicall*. E,en our parents coul'n(t i)nore it. The* 'i' tr* to #eep us $rom usin) it $or a "hile& +ut most o$ them ha,e )i,en up.A ASome o$ them e,en help us&A Laurel sai'. ALi#e m* )ran'mother. 8ut "e still )et most o$ "hat "e nee' $rom the ol' +oo#s.A Cassie thou)ht a+out her o"n )ran'mother. Ha' she +een tr*in) to help CassieD Cassie $elt sure she ha'. AOr $rom our o"n hea's&A sai' Dou). He )rinne' a "il' an' han'some )rin an' $or an instant loo#e' a)ain li#e the +o* "ho(' )one racin) throu)h the hall"a*s on roller +la'es. AIt(s instinct& *ou #no"D Pure instinct. Primal.A AOur parents hate it&A sai' Su-an. AM* $ather sa*s "e(ll onl* ma#e trou+le "ith the outsi'ers. He sa*s the outsi'ers "ill get us.A Dou)(s teeth sho"e' "hite in the moonli)ht. A5e(ll )et them&A he sai'. AThe* 'on(t un'erstan'&A Diana sai' so$tl*. AE,en amon) oursel,es not e,er*+o'* reali-es that the Po"ers can +e use' $or )oo'. 8ut "e(re the ones "ho can call on the Po"ers& an' we #no". That(s "hat(s important.A Laurel no''e'. AM* )ran'mother sa*s there "ill al"a*s +e outsi'ers "ho hate us. There(s nothin) "e can 'o +ut tr* an' #eep a"a* $rom them.A Cassie thou)ht su''enl* o$ the principal hol'in) the han)e' 'oll +* the +ac# o$ its 'ress. #ow apt& he(' sai'. 5ell& no "on'erB i$ he thou)ht she "as one o$ them alrea'*. Then her min' 're" up short. ADo *ou mean&A she sai'& Athat e,en a'ults #no" "hat *ou@"hat we areD Outsi'er a'ultsDA

AOnl* the ones aroun' here&A Diana sai'. AThe ones "ho )re" up on the islan'. The*(,e #no"n $or centuries@+ut the*(,e al"a*s #ept Cuiet. I$ the* "ant to li,e here& the* ha,e to. That(s ?ust the "a* it is.A A;or the last $e" )enerations& relations ha,e +een ,er* )oo' +et"een our people an' the outsi'ers&A Melanie sai'. AThat(s "hat our )ran'parents sa*& an*ho". 8ut no" "e(,e stirre' thin)s up. The outsi'ers ma* not #eep Cuiet $ore,er. The* mi)ht tr* to 'o somethin) to stop us@A AMi)htD The* alrea'* ha,e&A De+orah sai'. A5hat 'o *ou thin# happene' to ForiDA Instantl* ,oices rose in a +a++le as the Hen'erson +rothers& Sean& Su-an& an' De+orah +urst into ar)ument. Diana raise' her han'. AThat(s enou)hE This isn(t the time&A she sai'. A5hat happene' to Fori is one o$ the thin)s our Circle is )oin) to $in' out. %o" that "e(re complete& "e shoul' +e a+le to 'o it. 8ut not toni)ht. An' as lon) as I(m lea'er@A ATemporary lea'er. <ntil %o,em+er&A ;a*e put in sharpl*. AAs lon) as I(m temporary lea'er& "e(ll 'o thin)s "hen I sa* an' not ?ump to an* conclusions. All ri)htDA Diana loo#e' aroun' at them. Some $aces "ere shuttere'& e>pressionless= others& li#e De+orah(s& openl* hostile. 8ut most o$ the mem+ers no''e' or )a,e some si)n o$ acCuiescence. AAll ri)ht. An' toni)ht is $or initiatin) Cassie.A She loo#e' at Cassie. ADo *ou ha,e an* CuestionsDA A5ellBA Cassie ha' the na))in) $eelin) that there "as somethin) she shoul% +e as#in)& somethin) important& +ut she coul'n(t thin# o$ "hat. AThe )u*s in the Circle@"hat 'o *ou call themD I mean& are the* "i-ar's or "arloc#s or somethin)DA A%o&A sai' Diana. A(5i-ar'( is an ol'3$ashione' "or'@it means a "ise man "ho usuall* "or#e' alone. An' ("arloc#( comes $rom a "or' meanin) traitor& 'ecei,er. (5itch( is the proper term $or all o$ us& e,en )u*s. An*thin) elseDA Cassie shoo# her hea'. A5ell& then&A ;a*e sai'. A%o" that *ou(,e hear' our stor*& "e ha,e ?ust one Cuestion to as# you.A She $i>e' Cassie "ith an o'' hal$ smile an' sai' in a s"eet& $alse ,oice& AAre *ou plannin) to +e a )oo' "itch or a +a' "itchDA

Ver* $unn*& Cassie thou)ht. 8ut actuall* it "asn(t $unn* at all. She )uesse' that there "as a 'ea'l* serious si'e to ;a*e(s Cuestion. Someho" she 'i'n(t see ;a*e "antin) to use the Po"ers@"hate,er those "ere@$or )oo'. An' she 'i'n(t see Diana "antin) to use them $or an*thin) else. ADoes an*+o'* ha,e an*thin) more to sa*D Kuestions& comments& clu+ +usinessDA Diana "as loo#in) aroun' the )roup. AThen I(m 'eclarin) the meetin) o,er. !ou can all )o or sta* as *ou li#e. 5e(ll ha,e another meetin) tomorro" a$ternoon to honor Fori an' tal# a+out a plan o$ action.A There "as a murmur o$ ,oices as people turne' to one another an' )ot up. The electric tension that ha' hel' the )roup to)ether ha' 'issipate'& +ut there "as an un$inishe' $eelin) in the air& as i$ no+o'* reall* "ante' to lea,e *et. Su-an "ent o,er +ehin' a roc# an' pulle' out se,eral "et si>3pac#s o$ 'iet so$t 'rin#s. Laurel promptl* "ent +ehin' another roc# an' returne' "ith a lar)e thermos. AIt(s rose3hip tea&A she sai'& pourin) a cup o$ $ra)rant& 'ar# re' liCui' an' smilin) at Cassie. A%o tea lea,es at all& +ut it(ll "arm *ou up an' ma#e *ou $eel +etter. Roses are soothin) an' puri$*in).A AThan#s&A sai' Cassie& ta#in) it )rate$ull*. Her hea' "as spinnin). In$ormation o,erloa'& she thou)ht. I(m a "itch& she thou)ht then& "on'erin)l*. Hal$ a "itch& an*"a*. An' Mom an' ran'ma@the*(re +oth here'itar* "itches. It "as a +i-arre an' almost impossi+le notion to s"allo". She too# another )ulp o$ the hot& s"eet 'rin#& shi,erin) in spite o$ hersel$. AHere&A Melanie sai'. She remo,e' the pale )reen sha"l an' put it aroun' Cassie(s shoul'ers. A5e(re use' to the col'= *ou(re not. I$ *ou "ant& "e can ma#e a $ire.A A%o& I(m $ine "ith the sha"l&A Cassie sai'& tuc#in) her +are $eet un'er her. AIt(s +eauti$ul@is it ,er* ol'DA AIt "as m* )reat3)ran'mother(s )reat3)ran'mother(s@i$ *ou can +elie,e the ol' stories.A

Melanie sai'. A5e usuall* )et more 'resse' up $or Circles@"e can "ear an*thin) "e $eel li#e& an' sometimes it )ets outra)eous. 8ut toni)htBA A!es.A Cassie no''e' in un'erstan'in). Melanie "as +ein) nicer than usual& she thou)ht. More li#e Laurel or Diana. It pu--le' Cassie $or a moment@an' then she )ot it. I(m one o$ them& she thou)ht& an' $or the $irst time the $ull import o$ this struc# her. %ot a pupp* o$$ the street an*more. I(m a $ull mem+er o$ the Clu+. She $elt the +u++les o$ e>citement& o$ e>hilaration in her +loo'stream a)ain. An' there "as a 'eeper $eelin)& too& o$ reco)nition. As i$ somethin) at her core "as no''in)& sa*in) ,es$ I knew all along. Cassie loo#e' at Melanie Cuietl* sippin) her tea& an' at Laurel strai)htenin) a pin# can'le that "as slumpin) o,er. Then she loo#e' at Diana& stan'in) a little 'istance up the +each "ith the Hen'erson +rothers& the three +lon' hea's close to)ether. Diana seeme' to $eel no sel$3 consciousness a+out "earin) the thin "hite shi$t an' the $anc* ?e"elr*. It seeme' a natural costume $or her. M* people& Cassie thou)ht. The su''en sense o$ +elon)in)@o$ lo,in) @"as so intense that tears came to her e*es. Then she loo#e' at De+orah an' Su-an& 'eep in con,ersation& an' at ;a*e& "ho "as listenin) "ith a +lan' smile to somethin) Sean "as e>cite'l* sa*in)& an' at %ic#& "ho "as starin) silentl* out at the ocean& a can o$ somethin) that "asn(t so'a in his han'. E,en them& she thou)ht. She "as "illin) to tr* an' )et alon) "ith all the other mem+ers& "ith e,er*one "ho share' her +loo'. E,en the ones "ho(' trie' to #eep her out. She loo#e' +ac# at Laurel& to $in' the slim& +ro"n3haire' )irl "atchin) her "ith the hint o$ a s*mpathetic smile. AA lot to 'eal "ith at once&A Laurel sai' #no"in)l*. A!es. 8ut it(s e>citin)& too.A Laurel smile'. ASo no" that *ou(re a "itch&A she sai'& A"hat(s the $irst thin) *ou(re )oin) to 'oDA Cassie lau)he'& $eelin) somethin) almost li#e into>ication. Po"er& she thou)ht. There(s so much Po"er out there@an' no" I can ta#e it. She

shoo# her hea' an' li$te' the han' that "asn(t hol'in) rose3hip tea. A5hat "an "e 'oDA she sai'. AI mean& "hat sorts o$ thin)sDA Laurel an' Melanie e>chan)e' )lances. A8asicall*& *ou name it&A Melanie sai'. She pic#e' up the +oo# that Diana ha' sho"n Cassie earlier an' ri$$le' throu)h it& sho"in) Cassie the pa)es. The* "ere *ello"in) an' +rittle an' co,ere' "ith crampe'& ille)i+le "ritin). The* "ere also co,ere' "ith pin# Post3it notes an' plastic tape $la)s. Almost e,er* pa)e ha' one an' some ha' se,eral. AThis is the $irst 8oo# o$ Sha'o"s "e )ot hol' o$&A sai' Melanie. A5e $oun' it in Diana(s attic. Since then "e(,e $oun' others@e,er* $amil* is suppose' to ha,e one. 5e(,e +een "or#in) on this one $or ma*+e $i,e *ears& 'ecipherin) the spells an' cop*in) them out in mo'ern lan)ua)e. I(m e,en puttin) it on m* computer $or easier cross3re$erence.A ASort o$ a ;lopp* Dis# o$ Sha'o"s&A Cassie sai'. Laurel )rinne'. ARi)ht. An' it(s $unn*& *ou #no"& +ut once *ou start learnin) spells an' rituals& it seems to "a#e up somethin) insi'e *ou@ an' *ou start comin) up "ith *our o"n.A AInstinct&A Cassie murmure'. ARi)ht&A sai' Laurel. A5e all ha,e it& some more than others. An' some o$ us are +etter than others at certain thin)s& li#e callin) on the 'i$$erent Po"ers. I "or# +est "ith Earth.A Laurel too# a han'$ul o$ san' an' let it tric#le throu)h her $in)ers. AThree )uesses as to "hat ;a*e "or#s +est "ith&A Melanie sai' 'r*l*. A8ut an*"a*& to ans"er *our Cuestion& there(s lots "e can 'o&A Laurel sai'. AIt all 'epen's on *our taste. Spells o$ protection& o$ 'e$ense@A AOr attac#&A put in Melanie& "ith a )lance to"ar' De+orah an' Su-an. A@spells $or little thin)s& li#e li)htin) $ires& an' $or +i) ones& li#e@ "ell& *ou(ll $in' out. Charms $or healin)& an' $or $in'in) thin)s out@ scr*in) an' 'i,inin). Lo,e potionsBA She smile' as Cassie loo#e' up Cuic#l*. AThat interest *ouDA AOh& a little& ma*+e.A Cassie +lushe'. o'& she "ishe' she coul' ?ust )ather her thou)hts properl*. She still ha' that na))in) $eelin) that there "as somethin) she "as missin)& somethin) o+,ious that she "as o,erloo#in) an' shoul' +e as#in) a+out. 8ut "hatD AThere(s a certain amount o$ 'e+ate o,er the ethics o$ lo,e potions an' lo,e spells&A Melanie "as sa*in)& her )ra* e*es not entirel* appro,in).

ASome people $eel it ,iolates a person(s $ree "ill& *ou #no". An' a spell misuse' can re+oun' on the person "ho casts it@three$ol'. Some people 'on(t $eel it(s "orth the ris#.A AAn' other people&A Laurel sai' moc# solemnl*& her +ro"n e*es spar#lin)& Asa* that all(s $air in lo,e an' "ar. I$ *ou #no" "hat I mean.A Cassie +it her lip. %o matter ho" har' she trie' to concentrate on that na))in) "orr*& another thou)ht "as pushin) it out o$ her min'. Or& not a thou)ht so much as a hope& the su''en )limpse o$ a possi+ilit*. Lo,e potions. An' $in'in) thin)s out. Somethin) to $in' him an' +rin) him to her. 5as there such a spellD She seeme' to $eel in her +ones that there "as. To $in' himB the +o* "ith the +lue3)ra* e*es. 5armth poole' in Cassie(s stomach an' her palms tin)le'. The ,er* possi+ilit* seeme' to li$t her on "in)s. Oh& please& i$ she coul' onl* as# one thin)B ASupposin)&A she sai'& an' "as relie,e' to hear her ,oice soun' normal& A*ou "ante' to& sa*& $in' some+o'* *ou(' met an' lost trac# o$. Some+o'* *ou@li#e'& an' "ante' to see a)ain. 5oul' there +e an* #in' o$ a spell $or thatDA Laurel(s +ro"n e*es spar#le' a)ain. A%o"& is this a +o*3t*pe person "e(re supposin) a+out hereDA she sai'. A!es.A Cassie #ne" she "as +lushin) a)ain. A5ell@A Laurel )lance' at Melanie& "ho "as sha#in) her hea' in a resi)ne' "a*& then turne' +ac# to Cassie. AI(' sa* somethin) li#e a simple tree spell. Trees are attune' to thin)s li#e lo,e an' $rien'ship& an*thin) that )ro"s an' +rin)s li$e. An' $all is a )oo' time to use thin)s *ou har,est& li#e apples. So I(' 'o an apple spell. In one& *ou ta#e an apple an' split it. Then *ou ta#e t"o nee'les@or'inar* se"in) nee'les@an' put one throu)h the e*e o$ the other an' +in' them to)ether "ith threa'. Then put them insi'e the apple an' close it up a)ain. Tie it so it sta*s close'. Then tie it +ac# on the tree an' sa* some "or's to tell the tree "hat *ou "ant.A A5hat #in' o$ "or'sDA AOh& a poem or somethin)&A Laurel sai'. ASomethin) to in,o#e the po"er o$ the tree an' help *ou ,isuali-e "hat *ou(re as#in) $or. It(s +est to

ma#e it rh*me. I(m not )oo' at ma#in) up that #in' o$ thin)& +ut& li#e9 (;rien'l* tree& $rien'l* tree& +rin) m* special $rien' to me.( A !o. %ot Cuite& Cassie thou)ht& a thrill )oin) throu)h her. Laurel(s "or's "ere chan)in) in her min'& trans$ormin)& e>pan'in). She seeme' to hear a ,oice& +ell clear an' *et remote. .u% an% blossom$ leaf an% tree$ Fin% him$ bin% him$ now to me* Shoot an% see%ling$ root an% bough$ Threa%s of lo e entwine us now* Her lips mo,e' soun'lessl* "ith the "or's. !es& she #ne" someho" in the ,er* core o$ her that that "as ri)ht. That "as the spellB +ut "oul' she reall* 'are to use itD !es. ;or him& I(' ris# an*thin)& she thou)ht. She stare' 'o"n at her $in)ers as the* a+sentl* com+e' throu)h the san'. Tomorrow& she 'eci'e'. Tomorro" I(ll 'o it. An' then a$ter"ar' I(ll spen' e,er* minute o$ e,er* 'a* "atchin) an' hopin). 5aitin) $or the time "hen I see a sha'o" an' loo# up an' it(s him& or "hen I hear $ootsteps an' turn an' see him comin). Or "hen@ 5hat happene' ne>t "as so startlin) an' une>pecte' that Cassie almost screame'. A "et nose thrust un'er her han'. 5hat stoppe' her $rom screamin) "as somethin) li#e heart $ailure= the shrie# )ot to her throat& an' then she actuall* saw the 'o) an' e,er*thin) "ent $u--*. Her recoilin) han' $ell limpl* +ac#. Her lips opene' an' close' silentl*. Throu)h a +lur an' a mist she stare' at the liCui' +ro"n e*es an' the short& sil#*3+ristl* hairs on the mu--le. The 'o) stare' +ac# at her& mouth open an' lau)hin)& as i$ to sa*& AAren(t *ou happ* to see meDA Then Cassie raise' her e*es to loo# at the 'o)(s master. He "as loo#in) 'o"n at her& as he ha' that 'a* on the +each in Cape Co'. The moonli)ht tan)le' in his re' hair& turnin) some stran's to $lame "hile others "ere 'ar# as "ine. His +lue3)ra* e*es loo#e' sil,er. He(' $oun' her.

E,er*thin) "as motionless. The ocean(s roar seeme' hushe' an' 'istant& an' Cassie "as a"are o$ no other soun'. E,en the +ree-e ha' 'ie'. It "as as i$ the entire "orl' "as "aitin). Slo"l*& Cassie )ot to her $eet. The )reen sha"l $ell +ehin' her& 'iscar'e'. She coul' $eel the col'& +ut onl* +ecause it ma'e her a"are o$ her o"n +o'*& o$ e,er* part o$ it& tin)lin) li#e electricit*. !et stran)el*& althou)h she "as #eenl* a"are o$ her +o'*& she also seeme' to +e $loatin) a+o,e it. Just li#e the $irst time& she seeme' to see hersel$@an' him@stan'in) there on the +each. She coul' see hersel$ in her thin "hite ni)ht3)o"n an' +are $eet& her hair loose on her shoul'ers& loo#in) up at him. Li#e Clara in the !ut"ra"ker +allet& she thou)ht& "hen she "a#es up in the mi''le o$ the ni)ht an' loo#s at the %utcrac#er Prince "ho(s come to ta#e her a"a* into a "orl' o$ ma)ic. She felt li#e Clara. As i$ the moonli)ht ha' trans$orme' her into somethin) 'elicate an' +eauti$ul& somethin) enchante'. As i$ he mi)ht ta#e her in his arms ri)ht then an' 'ance "ith her. As i$ in the moonli)ht the* coul' 'ance $ore,er. The* were )a-in) at each other. ;rom the moment their e*es ha' met& neither o$ them ha' loo#e' a"a*. She coul' see the "on'er in his $ace. As i$ he "ere as surprise' to see her as she "as to see him@+ut ho" coul' he +eD He ha' $oun' her= he must ha,e +een loo#in) $or her. The sil,er cor'& she thou)ht. She coul'n(t see it no"& +ut she coul' $eel it& $eel the ,i+rations o$ its po"er. She coul' $eel it connectin) them& heart to heart. The trem+lin) "ent $rom her chest into her stomach& an' then all o,er. The cor' "as ti)htenin)& 'ra"in) them to)ether. It "as pullin) her closer to him. Slo"l*& his han' came up an' he reache' out to her. She raise' her o"n han'& to put it in his@ An' there "as a cr* $rom +ehin' her. The tall +o* loo#e' o,er her shoul'er& 'istracte'. An' then his han' $ell a"a*. Somethin) came +et"een them& somethin) +ri)ht. 8ri)ht li#e sunli)ht& shatterin) Cassie(s trance. It "as Diana& an' she "as em+racin) the tall re'3haire' +o*. She "as hol'in) him. %o@the* "ere hol'in) each other. Cassie stare'& stunne'& at the si)ht o$ him "ith his arms aroun' someone else. She "as +arel* a+le to comprehen' the "or's she hear' ne>t. AOh& A'am@I(m so )la' *ou(re +ac#.A Cassie stoo' li#e a pillar o$ ice.

She ha'n(t seen Diana +rea# 'o"n +e$ore& +ut Diana "as +rea#in) 'o"n no". She "as cr*in). Cassie coul' see her sha#in) an' coul' see ho" the tall +o*@ho" A'am@hel' her to tr* an' stop it. Hel' her. He "as hol'in) Diana. An' his name "as A'am. A,ou mean she hasn/t tol% you about A%am yet D Diana$ there/s su"h a thing as "arrying mo%esty too far+( (;ho is he5 Is he your boyfrien%5***( (#e/s ni"e* I think youi/ll like himBA Cassie $ell to her #nees an' +urie' her $ace in Ra?(s $ur& clin)in) to the +i) 'o). She coul'n(t +ear $or an*one to see her $ace ri)ht no"& an' she "as )rate$ul $or Ra?(s "arm soli'it* as she leane' a)ainst him. Oh& o'= oh& 8o% B Va)uel*& she coul' hear A'am(s ,oice. A5hat(s "ron)D I trie' to )et +ac# $or Fori(s initiation& +ut "here is sheD 5hat(s )oin) onDA He loo#e' at Cassie. AAn'@A AHer name is Cassie 8la#e&A Diana sai'. AShe(s Mrs. Ho"ar'(s )ran''au)hter& an' she(s ?ust mo,e' here.A A!es& I@A 8ut Diana& her ,oice 'istracte' +* )rie$& "as still spea#in). AAn' "e ?ust initiate' her instea' o$ Fori.A A;hatDA A'am 'eman'e'. A5h*DA There "as a silence. ;inall*& it "as Melanie "ho spo#e up& her ,oice as Cuiet an' 'etache' as a ne"scaster(s ma#in) an announcement. A8ecause this mornin)@or *ester'a* mornin)& rather& since it(s reall* 5e'nes'a* no"@Fori(s +o'* "as $oun' at the +ottom o$ the school hill. Her nec# "as +ro#en.A AOh& o'.A Cassie loo#e' up to see A'am(s )rip on Diana ti)hten. He shut his e*es +rie$l* as she leane' a)ainst him& sha#in) a)ain. Then he loo#e' at the Hen'erson +rothers. AChrisB Dou)BA Dou)(s teeth "ere clenche'. AOutsi'ers 'i' it&A he sai'. ASally 'i' it&A snarle' De+orah. A;e %on/t know who %i% it &A Diana sai'. She spo#e "ith passionate $orce. AAn' "e(re not )oin) to 'o an*thin) until "e $in' out.A A'am no''e'. AAn' *ou&A he sai'& loo#in) to"ar' the +ac# o$ the )roup. A5hat ha,e *ou +een 'oin) to help "hile all this "as )oin) onDA A%ot a 'amn thin)&A %ic# sai'. He ha' +een stan'in) "ith his arms $ol'e' o,er his chest& "atchin) impassi,el*. %o" his 'e$iant )a-e met

A'am(s an' loc#e' "ith it. It "as clear there "as no lo,e lost +et"een the t"o. AHe has +een helpin)& A'am&A Diana sai'& $orestallin) "hate,er A'am "as a+out to sa* ne>t. AHe(s come to meetin)s& an' he(s here toni)ht. That(s all "e can as#.A AIt(s not all I can as#&A A'am sai'. AAs# a"a*. !ou(re not )oin) to )et an*thin) more.A %ic# turne' aroun'. AI(m out o$ here.A AOh& 'on(t )oBA Laurel +e)an& +ut %ic# "as alrea'* lea,in). AI(,e +een sho"in) up +ecause Diana as#e'& +ut I(m throu)h no". I(,e ha' enou)h $or toni)ht&A he sai' o,er his shoul'er. Then he "as )one. ;a*e turne' to A'am an' smile' her slo"est& most 'a--lin) smile. She put her han's to)ether an' clappe'. A8eauti$ul ?o+& A'am. Here Diana has spent the last three "ee#s sla,in) to #eep the troops to)ether an' *ou un'o it all in the $irst three minutes. I coul'n(t ha,e 'one +etter m*sel$.A AOh& )et stu$$e'& ;a*e&A sai' Laurel. Cassie& mean"hile& "as still #neelin). Althou)h she "as clin)in) to Ra?& she coul' see& sense& thin# o$ onl* one thin). A'am(s arm@ his arm @aroun' Diana(s shoul'ers. His name is A'am. An' he(s hers. %ot mine= hers. He al"a*s has +een. It coul'n(t +e. It "as not possi+le. 8e*on' all hope& she ha' $oun' him a)ain= he ha' come to her. 5ithout a lo,e spell& as i$ 'ra"n +* the ,er* intensit* o$ her nee' $or him& he ha' come@an' she coul'n(t ha,e him. Ho" coul' she ha,e +een so stupi'D Ho" coul' she not ha,e reali-e'D The*(' all tal#e' toni)ht a+out completin) the Circle& a+out t"el,e mem+ers& al"a*s t"el,e. 8ut i$ she(' stoppe' to count& she(' ha,e seen that there "ere onl* ele,en. Diana an' Melanie an' Laurel& that "as three= an' ;a*e an' Su-an an' De+orah& that "as si>. Plus the +o*s& the Hen'erson +rothers an' %ic# an' Sean@that "as ten. An' Cassie ma'e ele,en. All alon) somethin) at the +ac# o$ her min' ha' #no"n that it 'i'n(t a'' up& an' ha' +een tr*in) to tell her. 8ut she ha'n(t listene'. An' ho" coul' I ha,e not #no"n anywayD she thou)ht. Ho" coul' I ha,e not reali-e' the +o* I(' met ha' to +e one o$ themD The clues "ere all here& ri)ht in $ront o$ me. He has Po"ers@I sa" that on the +each "ith Portia. He rea' m* min'. He tol' me he "as $rom some"here else= he tol' me he "as 'i$$erent. Portia e,en sai' the "or'.

5itch. An' toni)ht I $oun' out that the Clu+ is a co,en o$ "itches. The last )eneration o$ "itches in the %e" 5orl'. I shoul' ha,e reali-e' then that he must +e one o$ them. I e,en #ne" Diana ha' a +o*$rien'& a +o*$rien' "ho(s +een a"a* A,isitin).A The pieces o$ the pu--le "ere all there. I ?ust 'i'n(t "ant to put it to)ether. 8ecause I(m in lo,e "ith him. I 'i'n(t #no" ho" much until I sa" him a)ain toni)ht. An' he +elon)s to m* +est $rien'. M* Asister.A I hate her. The thou)ht "as terri$*in) in its intensit*& ma#in) her $ists clench in the +i) 'o)(s $ur. It "as a ra"& primal "ash o$ emotion& a $eelin) so stron) that $or a moment it e,en "ipe' out the pain. A mur'erous hatre'& re' as +loo'& rushin) out $rom her to"ar' the )irl "ith the hair li#e moonli)htB Li#e moonli)ht an' sunli)ht "o,en to)ether. Starin) at it no"& "ith that aci' ,iolence still ra)in) insi'e her& another picture $lashe' into Cassie(s min'. That same impossi+l* shinin) hair $allin) across the emer)enc* +ra#e in Diana(s car. A$ter Diana ha' rescue' her $rom ;a*e. 5hen she "as ta#in) *ou home to ta#e care o$ *ou& a ,oice "hispere'. An' then she cleane' *ou up an' $e' *ou& intro'uce' *ou to her $rien's. Protecte' *ou& )a,e *ou a place to +elon). Ma'e *ou her sister. %o" "hat "as that *ou "ere sa*in) a+out hatin) herD Cassie $elt the mur'erous re' $ur* slippin) a"a*. She coul'n(t hol' on to it& an' she 'i'n(t "ant to tr*. She coul'n(t hate DianaB +ecause she lo,e' Diana. An' she lo,e' A'am. She lo,e' them +oth an' she "ante' them to +e happ*. So "here 'oes that lea,e you D the ,oice insi'e her as#e'. It "as all ,er* simple& reall*. The t"o o$ them "ere so o+,iousl* per$ect $or each other. 8oth tall@Diana "as ?ust the ri)ht hei)ht to loo# into his e*es. 8oth seniors@Diana "as mature enou)h $or him& an' ho" coul' Cassie e,er ha,e ima)ine' that an ol'er )u* "oul' )o $or herD 8oth stri#in)l* attracti,e& +oth con$i'ent& +oth lea'ers. An' +oth $ull3+loo'e' "itches& Cassie remin'e' hersel$. I(ll +et he(s incre'i+l* talente'@o$ course he(s talente'. Diana "oul'n(t ha,e an*thin) +ut the +est. 8ecause she(s the +est hersel$.

An' 'on(t $or)et the*(re chil'hoo' s"eethearts. The*(,e +een to)ether $ore,er= the* 'on(t e,en see an*+o'* else. Clearl* the* "ere ma'e $or each other. So it "as all ,er* o+,ious an' ,er* simple@e>cept then "h* 'i' she $eel as i$ there "ere ra-or +la'es shre''in) her )utsD All she ha' to 'o "as "ish them happiness an' put asi'e an* thou)hts o$ A'am an' her to)ether. Just resi)n hersel$ to "hat "as )oin) to happen an*"a*. Just "ish them luc#. That "as "hen& clear an' col'& the resol,e came to her. %o matter "hat happens& she promise'& Diana "ill ne,er #no". An' neither "ill he. I$ Diana $oun' out ho" Cassie $elt& it "oul' upset her. She "as so unsel$ish& she mi)ht e,en $eel she ha' to %o somethin)@li#e )i,e A'am up so Cassie "oul'n(t +e hurt. An' e,en i$ she 'i'n(t& she "oul' $eel a"$ul. So Cassie "oul'n(t let her #no". It "as as simple as that. %ot +* "or' or loo# or 'ee'& she promise' hersel$ $iercel*. %o matter "hat happens& I "on(t ma#e Diana unhapp*. I s"ear it. A "et nose "as po#in) at her& an' so$t "hines soun'e' in her ears. Ra? "as complainin) a+out the lac# o$ attention. ACassieDA An' Diana "as tal#in) to her. Cassie reali-e' "hat she must loo# li#e& clin)in) to the +i) 'o) in a 'a-e. A5hatDA she sai'& tr*in) to #eep her lips $rom trem+lin). AI sai'& are *ou all ri)htDA Diana "as loo#in) at her& those clear )reen e*es $ull o$ concern. There "ere recent tears on the hea,* lashes. Loo#in) into those e*es& Cassie 'i' the +ra,est thin) she ha' e,er 'one in her li$e. 8ra,er than stan'in) up to Jor'an 8ain3+ri')e an' his )un& $ar +ra,er than thro"in) hersel$ out to rescue Sall* on the hill. She smile'. AI(m $ine&A she sai'& )i,in) Ra? a $inal pat an' )ettin) to her $eet. Her ,oice soun'e' li#e some+o'* else(s& incre'i+l* $alse an' stupi'. 8ut Diana "asn(t e>pectin) her to +e $alse& an' Diana rela>e'. AI(m ?ust@so much has happene' toni)ht&A Cassie "ent on& AI )uess I(m a little o,er"helme'.A

A'am "as openin) his mouth. He "as )oin) to tell e,er*one& Cassie reali-e'. He "as )oin) to tell them ho" he an' Cassie ha' met an' e,er*thin) that happene'. An' then ;a*e& "ho "asn(t stupi'& "as )oin) to put t"o an' t"o to)ether. She "as )oin) to reali-e he "as the +o* in Cassie(s poem. An' that coul'n(t happen. She "oul'n(t let it. %o one must e,er #no". AAn' *ou 'i'n(t intro'uce me *et&A she +lurte' out 'esperatel* to Diana. A!ou #no" I(,e +een "antin) to meet *our +o*$rien' e,er since *ou tol' me a+out him.A There. It "as sai'. !our +o*$rien'. A'am "as loo#in) pu--le'& +ut Diana& innocent Diana& "as loo#in) cha)rine'. AI(m sorr*= I 'i'n(t& 'i' ID Cassie& this is A'am@I #no" *ou t"o "ill li#e each other. He(s +een a"a*@A AVisitin)&A Cassie put in $e,erishl* as A'am opene' his mouth a)ain. A%o& not ,isitin). I #no" I tol' *ou that +e$ore& +ut no" I can tell *ou the truth. He(s +een loo#in) $or certain@o+?ects@that +elon)e' to the ol' co,en& the ori)inal one. ;rom their recor's& "e can tell that the* ha' some po"er$ul tools that someho" )ot lost. The Master Tools. E,er since A'am hear' a+out them& he(s +een searchin) $or them.A AAn' comin) +ac# empt*3han'e'&A ;a*e commente' in her hus#* ,oice& amuse'. AI 'on(t suppose this time is an* 'i$$erent.A A'am(s attention "as 'istracte'. He loo#e' at the tall +lac#3haire' )irl an' smile'. It "as a mischie,ous smile& $ull o$ the promise o$ secrets. A5hatDA sai' ;a*e c*nicall*& an' then& as he simpl* #ept smilin) at her& A5hatD !ou 'on(t e>pect us to +elie,eBA AA'am&A Diana sai'& her ,oice chan)in)& Aare *ou sa*in) thatB DA A'am ?ust )rinne' at them& then he ?er#e' his hea' to"ar' a 'u$$el +a) l*in) a little "a* 'o"n the +each. ASean& )o )et that.A Sean scuttle' to )et it an' came +ac# sa*in)& AIt(s hea y.A AA'amBA "hispere' Diana& her e*es "i'e. A'am too# the 'u$$el +a) $rom Sean an' put it on the )roun'. AIt(s too +a' %ic# "as in such a hurr* to )et a"a*&A he sai'. AI$ he(' sta*e'& he mi)ht ha,e seen this.A He reache' insi'e "ith +oth han's an' pulle' out a s#ull.

It "as the si-e an' shape o$ a human s#ull& +ut it seeme' to +e ma'e entirel* o$ cr*stal. The moonli)ht re$lecte' throu)h it& insi'e it. It ha' )rinnin) cr*stal teeth& an' its hollo" e*e soc#ets seeme' to +e starin) 'irectl* at Cassie. There "as a $ro-en instant& an' then ;a*e )ra++e' $or it. A<h3uh&A A'am sai'& hol'in) it a"a* $rom her. A%o.A A;here %i% you get thatDA sai' ;a*e. Her ,oice "as no lon)er la-*& +ut $ull o$ +arel* containe' e>citement. E,en throu)h her num+ness Cassie $elt a t"in)e o$ apprehension at her tone& an' she sa" the s"i$t )lance A'am e>chan)e' "ith Diana. Then he turne' to ;a*e. AOn an islan'.A A;hi"h islan'DA AI 'i'n(t #no" *ou "ere so intereste'. !ou ne,er seeme' to +e +e$ore.A ;a*e )lare'. AOne "a* or another I(ll $in' out& A'am.A AThere(s nothin) else "here I $oun' it. 8elie,e me& this "as the onl* one o$ the Master Tools hi''en there.A ;a*e too# a +reath an' then rela>e' an' smile'. A5ell& the least *ou can 'o is )i,e us all a chance to loo# at it.A A!o&A sai' Diana. A%o+o'* e,en touches it *et. 5e 'on(t #no" an*thin) a+out this e>cept that it "as use' +* the ol' co,en@+* 8lac# John himsel$. That means it(s 'an)erous.A ADo "e #no" $or sure this is the cr*stal s#ull 8lac# John "rote a+outDA Melanie as#e'& her ,oice Cuiet an' rational. A!es&A A'am sai'. AAt least& it $its the 'escription in the ol' recor's e>actl*. An' I $oun' it in a place ?ust li#e the place 8lac# John 'escri+e'. I thin# it(s the real thin).A AThen it nee's to +e cleare' an' puri$ie' an' stu'ie' +e$ore any o$ us "or# "ith it&A Diana sai'. She turne' to Cassie. A8lac# John "as one o$ the lea'ers o$ the ori)inal co,en&A she sai'. AHe 'ie' not lon) a$ter %e" Salem "as $oun'e'& +ut +e$ore that he too# the co,en(s most po"er$ul tools an' hi' them. ;or sa$e#eepin)& he sai'@+ut reall* +ecause he "ante' them $or himsel$. ;or personal )ain an' re,en)e&A she sai'& loo#in) at ;a*e meanin)$ull*. AHe "as an e,il man& an' an*thin) he

touche' is )oin) to +e $ull o$ ne)ati,e in$luences. 5e(re not )oin) to use it until "e(re sure it(s sa$e.A I$ 8lac# John ha' ha' an*thin) to 'o "ith this s#ull& he must ha,e +een +a'& Cassie thou)ht. In some "a* she coul'n(t e>plain& she coul' feel 'ar#ness emanatin) $rom it. I$ she ha'n(t +een so heartsic# an' 'i--*& she "oul' ha,e sai' so@+ut surel* e,er*one else coul' see $or themsel,es. AThe ol' co,en ne,er $oun' the lost Master Tools&A Laurel "as sa*in). AThe* searche'& +ecause 8lac# John ha' le$t some clues a+out "here he mi)ht ha,e hi''en them& +ut the* 'i'n(t ha,e an* luc#. The* ma'e ne" tools& +ut none "ere e,er as po"er$ul as the ori)inals.A AAn' no" "e(,e $oun' one&A A'am sai'& "ith a $lash o$ e>citement in his +lue3)ra* e*es. Diana li)htl* touche' the +ac# o$ his han' as it hel' the s#ull. She smile' up at him& an' the messa)e +et"een them "as clearer than "or's9 pri'e an' triumph share'. This "as their pro?ect& somethin) the*(' +een "or#in) on $or *ears& an' no" the* ha' succee'e' at last. Cassie clenche' her teeth a)ainst the pain in her +reast+one. The* 'eser,e a chance to +e alone an' en?o* it& she thou)ht. 5ith +rittle& $orce' cheer$ulness she sai'& A!ou #no"& I(m )ettin) tire'. I thin# ma*+e it(s timeBA AO$ course&A Diana sai'& instantl* concerne'. A!ou must +e e>hauste'. 5e all are. 5e can tal# more a+out this at the meetin) tomorro".A Cassie no''e'& an' no+o'* else ma'e an* o+?ections. %ot e,en ;a*e. 8ut as Diana "as instructin) Melanie an' Laurel to "al# Cassie up the +each to her house& Cassie acci'entall* met ;a*e(s )a-e. There "as an o''& calculatin) e>pression in those )ol'en e*es that "oul' ha,e +othere' her i$ she ha'n(t +een +e*on' carin) +* no". At home& e,er* li)ht "as +la-in)& e,en thou)h the $irst strea#s o$ 'a"n ha'n(t *et appeare' o,er the ocean. Melanie an' Laurel "al#e' Cassie insi'e& an' the* $oun' her mother an' )ran'mother +oth sittin) up in the parlor@a sti$$ ol'3$ashione' room at the $ront o$ the house. The t"o "omen "ere "earin) ni)ht)o"ns an' ro+es. Cassie(s mother(s hair "as loose 'o"n her +ac#. Cassie sa" at once +* their $aces that the* #ne". Is this "hat I "as +rou)ht here $orD she thou)ht. To ?oin the CircleD There "as no lon)er an* 'ou+t in her min' that she(' +een brought here& 'eli+eratel*& an' $or a ,er* speci$ic reason.

She )ot no ans"er $rom the ,oices insi'e her& not e,en $rom the 'eepest ,oice. An' that "as 'istur+in). 8ut she 'i'n(t ha,e time to "orr* a+out it. %ot no". She loo#e' at her mother(s $ace& 'ra"n an' an>ious& +ut also $ull o$ a #in' o$ hal$3conceale' pri'e an' hope. Li#e a mother "atchin) her 'au)hter hi)h3'i,e in the Ol*mpics& an' "aitin) $or the ?u')es( scores. Her )ran'mother loo#e' the same. Su''enl*& 'espite the achin) pain in her chest& Cassie "as $ille' "ith a sur)e o$ protecti,e lo,e $or them. 8oth o$ them. She mana)e' a smile as she an' Melanie an' Laurel stoo' in the 'oor"a*. ASo& ran'ma&A she sai'& A'oes our $amil* ha,e a 8oo# o$ Sha'o"sDA The tension +ro#e into lau)hter as the t"o "omen rose. A%ot that I #no" o$&A her )ran'mother sai'. A8ut an*time *ou li#e& "e(ll ta#e another loo# throu)h the attic.A The meetin) on 5e'nes'a* a$ternoon "as tense. E,er*one "as on e')e. An' ;a*e clearl* ha' a hi''en a)en'a. All she "ante' to tal# a+out "as the s#ull. The* shoul' use it& she sai'& an' imme'iatel*. All ri)ht& then& i$ not use it& at least chec# it out. Tr* to acti,ate it& see "hat imprints ha' +een le$t on it. Diana #ept sa*in) no. %o chec#in) it out. %o acti,atin) it. The* nee'e' to puri$* it $irst. roun' it. Clear it. 5hich ;a*e #ne" "oul' ta#e "ee#s& i$ 'one properl*. As lon) as Diana "as in char)e@ ;a*e sai' that at this rate Diana mi)ht not +e in char)e $or lon). In $act& i$ Diana #ept re$usin) to test out the s#ull& ;a*e ?ust mi)ht call $or a lea'ership ,ote ri)ht no" instea' o$ "aitin) until %o,em+er. 5as that "hat Diana "ante'D Cassie 'i'n(t un'erstan' an* o$ it. Ho" 'o *ou chec# out a s#ullD Or )roun' it or clear itD 8ut this time the ar)ument "as too heate' $or an*one to remem+er to e>plain to her. She spent the entire meetin) not "atchin) A'am& "ho ha' trie' to spea# to her +e$orehan'& +ut "hom she(' mana)e' to e,a'e. She clun) )riml* to her resol,e all the "a* throu)h& e,en thou)h the ener)* it too# to i)nore him e>hauste' her. She ma'e hersel$ not loo# at his hair& "hich ha' )ro"n a little lon)er since she(' seen him& or at his mouth& "hich "as as han'some an' humorous as e,er. She re$use' to let hersel$ thin# a+out

his +o'* as she(' seen it on the +each in Cape Co'& "ith its $lat& sine"* muscles an' +are lon) le)s. An' most o$ all& she $orce' hersel$ not to loo# into his e*es. The one thin) Cassie 'i' )lean $rom the meetin) "as that Diana "as in a precarious position. ATemporar*A lea'er meant that the co,en coul' call a ,ote at an* time an' 'epose her& althou)h the o$$icial ,ote "as in %o,em+er $or some reason. An' ;a*e "as o+,iousl* loo#in) $or support so that she coul' ta#e o,er. She(' )otten the Hen'erson +rothers on her si'e +* sa*in) the* shoul' use the s#ull ri)ht a"a* to $in' Fori(s #iller. An' she(' )otten Sean on her si'e simpl* +* terrori-in) him& it loo#e' li#e. De+orah an' Su-an& o$ course& ha' supporte' her $rom the +e)innin). That "as si>. It "oul' ha,e +een si> on Diana(s si'e too& +ut %ic# re$use' to ,oice an opinion. He sho"e' up at the meetin)& +ut sat throu)h it smo#in) an' loo#in) as i$ he "ere some"here else. 5hen as#e'& he sai' it 'i'n(t matter to him "hether the* use' the s#ull or not. ASo *ou see& *ou(re o,errule'&A ;a*e tol' Diana& her hone*3colore' e*es hot "ith triumph. AEither *ou let us use the s#ull@or I call $or a ,ote ri)ht no" an' "e see i$ *ou still come out lea'er.A Diana(s ?a" "as set. AAll ri)ht&A she sai' $latl*& at last. A5e(ll tr* to acti,ate it@?ust acti,ate it an' no more@on Satur'a*. Is that soon enou)h $or *ouDA ;a*e no''e' )raciousl*. She(' "on& an' she #ne" it. ASatur'a* ni)ht&A she sai'& an' smile'. Fori(s $uneral "as on ;ri'a*. Cassie stoo' "ith the other mem+ers o$ the Clu+ an' crie' alon) "ith them 'urin) the ser,ice. A$ter"ar'& at the cemeter*& a $i)ht +ro#e out +et"een Dou) Hen'erson an' Jimm* Clar#& the +o* Fori ha' )one "ith that summer. It too# the entire Clu+ to )et them apart. The a'ults seeme' scare' to touch them. Satur'a* 'a"ne' clear an' cool. Cassie "ent o,er to Diana(s in the e,enin) a$ter spen'in) most o$ the 'a* starin) at a +oo#& preten'in) to rea' it. She "as "orrie' a+out the s#ull ceremon*& +ut she "as e,en more "orrie' a+out A'am. %o matter "hat happens& she tol' hersel$& no matter what& I "on(t let an*one #no" ho" I $eel. I(ll #eep it a secret $ore,er i$ it #ills me.

Diana loo#e' tire'& as i$ she ha'n(t +een )ettin) enou)h sleep. It "as the $irst time the t"o o$ them ha' +een alone to)ether since the initiation @since A'am came. Sittin) in Diana(s prett* room& loo#in) at the prism in the "in'o"& Cassie coul' almost preten' that A'am ha'n(t come& that he 'i'n(t e>ist. Thin)s ha' +een so simple then= she(' +een happ* ?ust to +e "ith Diana. She notice'& $or the $irst time& another "all o$ art prints li#e the ones she(' seen the $irst 'a*. AAre these )o''esses tooDA she as#e'. A!es. That(s Persephone& 'au)hter o$ the )o''ess o$ )ro"in) thin)s.A Diana(s ,oice "as so$t "ith tire'ness& +ut she smile' at the picture. It sho"e' a slen'er )irl lau)hin) as she pic#e' an arm$ul o$ $lo"ers. All aroun' her it "as sprin)time& an' her $ace "as $ille' "ith the ?o* o$ +ein) *oun) an' ali,e. AAn' "ho(s thatDA AAthena. She "as the )o''ess o$ "is'om. She ne,er marrie' either& li#e Artemis& the )o''ess o$ the hunt. All the other )o's use' to )o to her $or a',ice.A It "as a tall )o''ess "ith a "i'e +ro" an' clear& calm )ra* e*es. 5ell& o$ course the*(re )ra*= it(s a +lac#3an'3"hite print& Cassie tol' hersel$. 8ut someho" she $elt the*(' +e )ra* an*"a*& an' $ull o$ cool& thou)ht$ul intelli)ence. Cassie turne' to the ne>t print. AAn' "ho(s@A Just then there "as the soun' o$ ,oices 'o"nstairs. AHelloD An*+o'* up thereD The $ront 'oor "as unloc#e'.A ACome on up&A Diana calle'. AM* 'a'(s at "or#@as usual.A AHere&A Laurel sai'& appearin) in the 'oor"a*. AI thou)ht *ou mi)ht li#e these. I )ot them alon) the "a*.A She hel' out an arm$ul o$ mi>e' $lo"ers to Diana. AOh& 8ouncin) 8etE The*(re such a prett* pin#& an' I can 'r* them $or soap later. An' "il' snap'ra)on an' s"eet melilot. I(ll )o )et a ,ase.A AI "oul' ha,e +rou)ht some roses $rom the )ar'en& +ut "e use' them all $or puri$*in) the s#ull.A Melanie smile' at Cassie. ASo ho"(s our ne"est "itchDA she sai'& her cool )ra* e*es not uns*mpathetic. ATotall* con$use'DA

A5ellB a little con$use'. I meanA@Cassie pic#e' at ran'om one o$ the thin)s she 'i'n(t un'erstan'@Aho" 'o *ou puri$* a s#ull "ith rosesDA A!ou(' +etter as# Laurel that= she(s the e>pert on plants.A AAn' Melanie&A sai' Laurel& Ais the e>pert on stones an' cr*stals& an' this is a cr*stal s#ull.A A8ut ?ust "hat is a cr*stal& e>actl*DA Cassie sai'. AI 'on(t thin# I e,en #no" that.A A5ell.A Melanie sat 'o"n at Diana(s 'es# as Diana came +ac# an' +e)an to arran)e the $lo"ers. Laurel an' Cassie sat on the +e'. Cassie reall* 'i' "ant to #no" a+out the thin)s the Circle use' to 'o ma)ic. E,en i$ she coul' ne,er 'o the one spell she "ante' to& she "as still a "itch. A5ell& some people call cr*stals ($ossili-e' "ater&( A Melanie sai'& her ,oice ta#in) on a moc#3lecturin) tone. A5ater com+ines "ith an element to ma#e them )ro". 8ut I li#e to thin# o$ them as a +each.A Laurel snorte' an' Cassie +lin#e'. AA +eachDA Melanie smile'. A!es. A +each is san' an' "ater& ri)htD An' san' is silicon. 5hen *ou put silicon "ith "ater& un'er the ri)ht con'itions& it $orms silicon 'io>i'e@Cuart- cr*stal. So "ater plus san' plus heat plus pressure eCuals a cr*stal. The remains o$ an ancient +each.A Cassie "as $ascinate'. AAn' that(s "hat the s#ull is ma'e o$DA A!es. It(s clear Cuart-. There are other #in's o$ Cuart- too= other colors. Ameth*st is purple. Laurel& are *ou "earin) an*DA A5hat a Cuestion. Especiall* "ith a ceremon* toni)ht.A Laurel pushe' her lon)& li)ht3+ro"n hair +ac# to sho" Cassie her ears. In each she "as "earin) a 'an)lin) cr*stal o$ a 'eep ,iolet color. AI li#e ameth*sts&A she e>plaine'. AThe*(re soothin) an' +alancin). I$ *ou "ear them alon) "ith rose Cuart-& it helps 'ra" lo,e to *ou.A Cassie(s stomach clenche'. As lon) as the* coul' sta* o$$ su+?ects li#e lo,e she(' +e all ri)ht. A5hat other stones are thereDA she as#e' Melanie. AOh& lots. In the Cuart- $amil* there(s citrine@De+orah "ears a lot o$ that. It(s *ello" an' it(s )oo' $or ph*sical acti,it*. Ener)*. ;itness. That sort o$ thin).A ADe+orah nee's a little less ener)*&A Laurel muttere'.

AI li#e to "ear ?a'e&A Melanie "ent on& t"istin) her le$t "rist to sho" Cassie a +eauti$ul +racelet. It "as set "ith a pale )reen& translucent o,al stone. AJa'e is peace$ul& calmin). An' it sharpens mental clarit*.A Cassie spo#e hesitantl*. A8utB 'o these thin)s reall* "or#D I mean& I #no" all the %e" A)ers are into cr*stals& +ut@A ACr*stals are not %e" A)e&A Melanie sai' "ith a Cuellin) )lance at Laurel& "ho seeme' a+out to ar)ue the point. A emstones ha,e +een use' since the +e)innin) +* ancient peoples@an' sometimes e,en $or the ri)ht thin)s. The pro+lem is that the*(re onl* as )oo' as the person usin) them. The* can store ener)* an' help *ou call on the Po"ers& +ut onl* i$ *ou ha,e the talent $or it in the $irst place. So $or most people the*(re prett* useless.A A8ut not $or us&A sai' Laurel. AAlthou)h the* 'on(t al"a*s "or# the "a* *ou(' e>pect. Thin)s can )et out o$ control. Remem+er "hen Su-an simpl* "o ere% hersel$ in carnelians an' almost )ot mo++e' at the $oot+all )ameD I thou)ht there "as )oin) to +e a riot.A Melanie lau)he'. ACarnelians are oran)e an' ,er*@stimulatin)&A she sai' to Cassie. A!ou can )et people o,ere>cite' i$ *ou use them "ron). Su-an "as tr*in) to attract the Cuarter+ac#& +ut she nearl* "oun' up "ith the entire team. I(ll ne,er $or)et her in the +athroom& pullin) all those carnelians out o$ her clothes.A Cassie +urst into lau)hter at the picture. A!ou(re not suppose' to "ear oran)e or re' stones all the time&A Laurel a''e'& )rinnin). A8ut o$ course Su-an "on(t listen. %either "ill ;a*e.A AThat(s ri)ht&A Cassie sai'& remem+erin). A;a*e 'oes "ear a re' stone on her nec#lace.A AIt(s a star ru+*&A Melanie sai'. AThe*(re rare& an' that one(s ,er* po"er$ul. It can ampli$* passion@or an)er@,er* Cuic#l*.A There "as somethin) else Cassie "ante' to as#. Or rather& that she ha% to as#& "hether she "ante' to or not. A5hat a+out a stone li#e@ chalce'on*DA she sai' casuall*. AIs that )oo' $or an*thin)DA AOh& *es. It has a protecti,e in$luence@it can )uar' *ou a)ainst the harshness o$ the "orl'. In $act& Diana& 'i'n(t *ou )i,eB DA A!es&A sai' Diana& "ho ha' +een sittin) Cuietl* on the "in'o" seat& listenin). %o" she smile' $aintl* in reminiscence. AI )a,e A'am a chalce'on* rose "hen he le$t this summer. That(s a special #in' o$ chalce'on* piece&A she e>plaine' to Cassie. AIt(s $lat an' roun' an' it has

a sort o$ s"irlin) spiral pattern in it& li#e a rose(s petals. It has little Cuartcr*stals sprin#le' o,er it.A An' tin* +lac# shell thin)s on the +ac#& Cassie thou)ht. She $elt sic#. E,en the present he ha' )i,en her "as Diana(s. ACassieDA The* "ere all loo#in) at her. ASorr*&A she sai'& openin) her e*es an' $a#in) a smile. AI(m o#a*. I@I )uess I(m a little "oun' up a+out this thin) toni)ht. 5hate,er it is.A The* "ere imme'iatel* s*mpathetic. Diana no''e' )riml*& sho"in) more animation than she ha' since Cassie ha' arri,e' that e,enin). AI(m "orrie' m*sel$&A she sai'. AIt(s "a* too soon. 5e shoul'n(t +e 'oin) this *et@+ut "e 'on(t ha,e an* choice.A Melanie sai' to Cassie& A!ou see& the s#ull a+sor+e' ener)ies $rom "hoe,er use' it last. Li#e an imprint o$ "hat "as 'one& an' "ho 'i' it. 5e "ant to see "hat those are. So "e(ll all concentrate on it& an' see "hat it "ill sho" us. O$ course& "e mi)ht not +e a+le to acti,ate it at all. Sometimes onl* a certain person can 'o that& or a certain co'e o$ soun's or li)hts or mo,ements. 8ut i$ "e "an& an' i$ it(s sa$e& "e can e,entuall* use its ener)* to sho" us thin)s@li#e ma*+e "ho #ille' Fori.A AThe lar)er the cr*stal& the more ener)* in it&A Diana sai' +lea#l*. AAn' this is a big cr*stal.A A8ut "h* 'i' the ol' co,en car,e it into a s#ullDA Cassie as#e'. AThe* 'i'n(t&A Melanie sai'. A5e 'on(t #no" "ho 'i'& +ut it(s much ol'er than three hun're' *ears. There are other cr*stal s#ulls out there in the "orl'@no+o'* reall* #no"s ho" man*. Most o$ them are in museums an' thin)s@there(s one& the 8ritish S#ull& that(s in the Museum o$ Man#in' in En)lan'. An' the Templar S#ull +elon)s to some secret societ* in ;rance. Our ol' co,en ?ust )ot hol' o$ this one someho" an' use' it.A A8lac# John use' it&A Diana correcte'. AI "ish A'am ha' $oun' an* o$ the other Master Tools instea' o$ this one. This one "as his& 8lac# John(s $a,orite& an' I thin# he mi)ht ha,e use' it to )et ri' o$ people. I(m a$rai' that toni)ht@I 'on(t #no". 8ut I(m a$rai' somethin) a"$ul is )oin) to happen.A A5e "on(t let it&A sai' a ne" ,oice at the 'oor. Cassie(s heart +e)an to poun' 'ull* an' +loo' rushe' to her $ace.

AA'am&A sai' Diana. She rela>e' ,isi+l* as he came o,er to the "in'o" seat to #iss her an' sit +esi'e her. She al"a*s seeme' +oth more tranCuil an' more ra'iant "hene,er he "as aroun'. A5e(ll #eep the ceremon* un'er strict control toni)ht&A he sai'. AAn' i$ an*thin) 'an)erous starts to happen& "e(ll ?ust stop it col'. Di' *ou )et the )ara)e rea'*DA A%o& I "as "aitin) $or *ou. 5e can ta#e it 'o"n no".A Diana unloc#e' the lar)e ca+inet& an' Cassie sa" the cr*stal s#ull restin) in a P*re> +a#in) 'ish $ull o$ pin# rose petals. ALoo#s li#e John the 8aptist(s hea'&A she murmure'. AI(,e use' salt an' rain"ater to tr* an' clear it&A Diana sai'. A8ut "hat it reall* nee's is a $ull course o$ cr*stals an' $lo"er essences& an' then to +e +urie' in moist san' $or a $e" "ee#s.A A5e(ll ta#e e,er* precaution&A A'am sai'. AA triple circle o$ protection. It(ll +e all ri)ht.A He pic#e' up the s#ull& "ith a $e" rose petals still clin)in) to it& an' he an' Diana le$t $or the )ara)e. Cassie "atche' him )o. ADon(t +e ner,ous&A Melanie tol' her. A!ou "on(t reall* ha,e to 'o an*thin) at the ceremon*. !ou "on(t +e able to= it ta#es a lon) time to )et the han) o$ scr*in)@*ears& usuall*. All *ou ha,e to 'o is sit there an' not +rea# the Circle.A Cassie trie' not to min' the con'escen'in) note in her ,oice. AListen& 'o "e ha,e time $or an*+o'* to 'ri,e me o,er to m* houseDA she sai'. AThere(s somethin) there I(' li#e to pic# up.A Diana(s )ara)e "as empt*@o$ cars& at least. The $loor "as clean an' +are& e>cept $or a circle 'ra"n in "hite chal#. AI(m sorr* to ma#e us all sit on concrete&A Diana sai'& A+ut I "ante' to 'o this insi'e@"here I can +e sure the "in' "on(t +lo" out one o$ the can'les.A There "ere a num+er o$ "hite can'les l*in) at the center o$ the circle. The* $orme' a smaller rin). In the ,er* center o$ that& somethin) 'rape' "ith a piece o$ +lac# cloth sat on a shoe +o>. AAll ri)ht&A Diana sai' to the rest o$ the )roup& "ho ha' arri,e' in small clusters an' "ere no" stan'in) in the )ara)e. ALet(s )et this thin) o,er "ith.A

She ha' chan)e' into her "hite shi$t an' ?e"elr*. Loo#in) at them no"& Cassie suspecte' that the 'ia'em an' cu$$ +racelet@an' ma*+e e,en the )arter@ha' some m*stic si)ni$icance. She "atche' Diana AcastA the circle& )oin) aroun' it "ith the 'a))er an' then "ith "ater an' then incense an' then a lit can'le. Earth& "ater& air& an' $ire. There "ere also some incantations& "hich Cassie trie' to $ollo". 8ut "hen the* all $ile' into the circle an' sat 'o"n #nee to #nee as Diana instructe'& an* interest in the actual ceremon* $le" ri)ht out o$ her min'. She ha' en'e' up +et"een ;a*e an' A'am. She 'i'n(t #no" ho" it ha' happene'. She ha' +een in line to sit ne>t to Sean& +ut someho" ;a*e ha' )otten in $ront o$ her. Ma*+e ;a*e 'i'n(t "ant to sit +* A'am. 5ell& neither 'i' Cassie& althou)h $or a ,er* 'i$$erent reason. A'am(s #nee "as pressin) a)ainst hers. That "as ho" Diana ha' tol' them to sit. She coul' $eel the "armth o$ it& the soli'it*. She coul' thin# o$ nothin) else. On her other si'e& ;a*e smelle' o$ some hea'*& tropical per$ume. It ma'e her sli)htl* 'i--*. Then all the li)hts "ent out. Cassie 'i'n(t see ho" it "as 'one= she "as sure no one le$t the seate' circle. 8ut the o,erhea' $luorescent panels ha' a+ruptl* )one o$$. It "as pitch3+lac# in the )ara)e. The onl* li)ht no" "as the $lame o$ the sin)le can'le Diana hel'. Cassie coul' see her $ace illuminate' +* it& +ut nothin) else. AAll ri)ht&A Diana sai' Cuietl*. A5e(re ?ust )oin) to +e loo#in) $or the last imprints le$t. %othin) more than that= no+o'* )oes in reall* 'eep until "e #no" "hat "e(re 'ealin) "ith. An' I 'on(t ha,e to tell an*+o'* that "hate,er happens& "e 'on(t +rea# the circle.A She 'i'n(t loo# at Cassie as she sai' it& +ut se,eral o$ the others 'i'& as i$ to impl* that ma*+e she %i% ha,e to sa* it. Diana touche' the can'le $lame to the can'le Melanie hel' out to her. The $lame 'ou+le'. Then Melanie leane' o,er to li)ht De+orah(s can'le& an' there "ere three $lames. The $ire "ent aroun' the circle until Laurel )a,e it to A'am. Cassie(s han' "as trem+lin) as she hel' up her can'le to recei,e the $lame $rom him. She hope' e,er*one "oul' assume it "as ?ust )eneral ner,ousness.

At last all t"el,e can'les "ere lit an' stuc# in their o"n "a> to the concrete $loor. Each she' a pool o$ ra'iance an' cast hu)e 'ar# sha'o"s o$ the seate' $i)ures on the "alls. Diana reache' into the rin) o$ can'les an' pulle' o$$ the +lac# cloth. Cassie )aspe'. The s#ull "as $acin) her 'irectl*& its empt* e*e soc#ets starin) at her. 8ut that "asn(t the most alarmin) thin). The s#ull "as glowing. The can'le $lames aroun' it pla*e' on it& an' the cr*stal in turn re$lecte' an' re$racte' the li)ht. It almost loo#e'@ali,e. Aroun' the circle the others ha' strai)htene'& tense'. A%o"&A sai' Diana. A;in' someplace insi'e the s#ull that interests *ou. Concentrate on it& loo# at the 'etails. Then loo# $or more 'etails. Feep loo#in) until *ou $in' *oursel$ 'ra"n into the cr*stal.A Someplace that interests *ouD Cassie thou)ht +lan#l*. 8ut "hen she loo#e' care$ull* at the )lo"in) s#ull& she sa" that the cr*stal "asn(t completel* clear. There "ere )ossamer "e+s an' "hat loo#e' li#e "isps o$ smo#e insi'e it. There "ere internal $ractures that seeme' to +e actin) as prisms to $orm miniature lan'scapes. The closer Cassie loo#e'& the more 'etail she sa". That loo#s li#e a spiral or torna'o& she thou)ht. An' that@that loo#s almost li#e a 'oor. An' a $aceB She ?er#e' her e*es a"a*& stomach lurchin). Don(t +e sill*= it(s ?ust imper$ections in the cr*stal& she tol' hersel$. She "as almost a$rai' to loo# a)ain. 8ut no one else seeme' 'istur+e'. Their sha'o"s loome' an' $lic#ere' on the "alls& +ut all e*es "ere turne' to"ar' the s#ull. Loo# at itE !ow& she comman'e'. 5hen she loo#e' +ac# at the s#ull& she coul'n(t $in' the mist* $ace a)ain. There& that pro,es it "as ?ust a tric# o$ the li)ht& she thou)ht. 8ut the s#ull ha' 'e,elope' another 'istur+in) Cualit*. Thin)s seeme' to +e mo,in) insi'e it. It "as almost as i$ the s#ull "ere ma'e o$ "ater& containe' insi'e a thin s#in& an' thin)s "ere 'ri$tin) slo"l* aroun'. Oh& stop it an' pic# one 'etail to $ocus on& she or'ere' hersel$. The 'oor"a*& loo# at that. It isn(t mo,in).

She stare' at the little prismatic $racture in the le$t e*e soc#et& ?ust "here the pupil o$ a real e*e "oul' +e. It loo#e' li#e a hal$3open 'oor "ith li)ht spillin) out. Loo# at it. %otice the 'etail. Di--iness $rom ;a*e(s per$ume s"ept o,er her. She "as loo#in)@?ust loo#in). She coul' see the 'oor. The more care$ull* she loo#e'& the lar)er it seeme'. Or perhaps she "as comin) closer. !es& closerB closer. She "as losin) her sense o$ space. The s#ull "as so lar)e no"= it seeme' to ha,e no +oun'aries& no shape. It "as all aroun' her. It ha' +ecome the "orl'. The 'oor "as ri)ht in $ront o$ her. She "as insi'e the s#ull.

The 'oor "as no lon)er tin* +ut li$e3si-e& lar)e enou)h to )o in. It "as a?ar& an' colore' li)ht streame' $rom the other si'e. Insi'e the s#ull& Cassie )a-e' at the 'oor& her scalp tin)lin). I$ it opene'& coul' I )o insi'eD she "on'ere'. 8ut ho" coul' it openD Ma*+e i$ she ?ust ima)ine' it openin)B +ut that 'i'n(t seem to 'o an* )oo'. 5hat ha' Melanie sai'D Cr*stals help us call on the Po"ers. 5hat Po"ers "oul' +e connecte' "ith clear Cuart-D Earth an' "aterD ;or san' an' seaD That soun'e' almost li#e the +e)innin) o$ a poem. 'arth an% water$ san% an% sea As I will$ so let it be+ She concentrate' on the 'oor& "illin) it to open. An' as she stare'& it 'i' seem that there "as more rain+o" li)ht spillin) out. MoreB an' more. Feep it openin). Let it 'ra" *ou closer. She "as $loatin) in $ront o$ the 'oor no". It "as hu)e& li#e the 'oor to a cathe'ral. Openin)B openin)B She "as 'ro"nin) in rain+o" li)ht. !owE o inE 8ut at that instant a scream tore throu)h the room. It "as a scream o$ terror& hi)h an' "il'& an' it lance' throu)h the utter silence. The 'oor stoppe' openin)& an' Cassie $elt hersel$ +ein) pulle' +ac#"ar'. The 'oor "as rece'in)& $aster& $aster. Then& ?ust +e$ore she $oun' hersel$ outsi'e the s#ull& a $ace $lashe' +e$ore her e*es. The same $ace she(' seen +e$ore. 8ut it "asn(t rece'in)= it "as tra,elin) to"ar' her. ettin) +i))er. 8i))er an' +i))er so $ast@it "oul' +urst the cr*stal. It "oul'@ A%oEA crie' Diana. Cassie $elt it at the same instant& an o,er"helmin) sense o$ e,il. O$ somethin) rushin) to"ar' them at incre'i+le spee'. Somethin) that ha' to +e stoppe'. She ne,er Cuite #ne" "hat happene' ne>t. Sean "as sittin) on the other si'e o$ ;a*e. Ma*+e he "as the one "ho mo,e' $irst= ma*+e he

panic#e' an' trie' to +olt. In an* case there "as a commotion. ;a*e seeme' to +e tr*in) to 'o somethin) an' Sean to stop her& or ma*+e it "as the other "a* aroun'. The* "ere stru))lin). Diana "as cr*in)& A%o& noEA Cassie 'i'n(t #no" "hat to 'o. She trie' to chec# her instincti,e $linchin) a"a* $rom ;a*e& +ut it 'i'n(t matter. ;a*e lurche' $or"ar' an' Cassie $elt the pressure o$ ;a*e(s #nee lea,e hers. The circle "as +ro#en& an' ;a*e(s can'le "ent out. Instantl* all the other can'les "ere snu$$e' out too& as i$ +* a +last o$ "in'. In the same instant Cassie $elt the rushin) thin) reach the limits o$ the cr*stal. It +urst out o$ the s#ull an' past the 'ar#& smo#in) can'les. Cassie 'i'n(t #no" ho" she coul' tell this@e,er*thin) "as pitch3+lac#. 8ut she felt it. She coul' sense the rushin) thin) li#e an in#ier +lac#ness. It e>plo'e' past her& +lo"in) her hair strai)ht up an' to the si'e. She thre" out an arm to protect her $ace& +ut +* that time it "as )one. There "as a $aint cr* in the 'ar#ness. Then e,er*thin) "as Cuiet a)ain. ATurn on the lihts&A some+o'* )aspe'. Su''enl* Cassie coul' see. A'am "as stan'in) +* the li)ht s"itch. Diana "as stan'in) too& her $ace "hite an' $ri)htene'. Aroun' the circle e,er* $ace re$lecte' alarm an' consternation@e>cept %ic#(s. His "as impassi,e as usual. ;a*e "as ?ust sittin) up. She loo#e' as i$ she(' +een +lo"n +ac#"ar' +* some tremen'ous $orce. ;ur* +la-in) in her e*es& she turne' on Sean. A!ou pushe' meEA A%o& I 'i'n(tEA Sean loo#e' aroun' the room $or help. AShe "as tr*in) to )et to the s#ullE She "as lun)in) $or itEA A!ou l*in) little worm- ,ou "ere tr*in) to )et a"a*. !ou "ere )oin) to +rea# the circle.A AShe@A A%o& I %i%n/t-( AAll ri)htEA shoute' Diana. A'am came up +esi'e her. AIt 'oesn(t matter "ho 'i' "hat&A he sai'& his ,oice tense. A5hat matters is that@ener)*@that escape'.A A5hat ener)*DA ;a*e sai' sullenl*& e>aminin) her el+o" $or +ruises. AThe ener)* that #noc#e' *ou $lat on *our +ac#&A Diana sai' )riml*. AI fell. 8ecause this little snot pushe% me.A

A%o&A sai' Cassie +e$ore she coul' stop hersel$. She "as +e)innin) to sha#e in 'ela*e' reaction. AI $elt it too. Somethin) came out.A AOh& you $elt it. The e>pert.A ;a*e )a,e her a )lance o$ scorn an' 'is'ain. Cassie loo#e' aroun' at the others& "ho "ere still sittin)& an' "as surprise' to see uncertaint* in their e>pressions. Surel* the* ha' $elt it tooD AI $elt@somethin)&A Melanie sai'. ASomethin) 'ar# insi'e the s#ull. Some ne)ati,e ener)*.A A5hate,er it "as& it "as release' "hen "e +ro#e the circle&A A'am sai'. He loo#e' at Diana. AIt(s m* $ault. I shoul'n(t ha,e let this happen.A A!ou mean *ou shoul' ha,e #ept the s#ull a secret $rom the rest o$ us&A ;a*e sai' sharpl*. A;or *our o"n personal use.A A5hat 'i$$erence 'oes it ma#eDA Laurel crie' $rom the other si'e o$ the circle. AI$ somethin) was release' $rom the s#ull& it(s out there ri)ht no". Doin) o' #no"s "hat.A AIt(s@+a'&A Cassie sai'. 5hat she "ante' to sa* "as Ae,ilA +ut that seeme' such a melo'ramatic "or'. !et that "as "hat she ha' sense' in the 'ar#& rushin) thin). E,il. The intent to 'estro*& to harm. A5e(,e )ot to stop it&A A'am sai'. Su-an "as $i''lin) "ith a +utton on her +louse. AHo"DA This silence "as lon) an' uncom$orta+le. A'am an' Diana "ere loo#in) at each other& seemin) to ha,e some )rim unspo#en con,ersation. The Hen'erson +rothers "ere also tele)raphin) somethin) to each other& +ut the* 'i'n(t loo# as i$ the* min'e' ha,in) somethin) mur'erous an' e,il loose in the imme'iate communit*. In $act& on the "hole the* loo#e' please'. AMa*+e it(ll )et "hoe,er )ot Fori&A Chris o$$ere' at last. Diana stare' at him. AIs that "hat *ou thin#DA Then her $ace chan)e'. AIs that "hat *ou were thin#in) "hen "e "ere reachin) into itD Is that "hat *ou "ere willingDA A5e "ere suppose' to ?ust tr* an' rea' the last imprints&A Melanie sai'& her ,oice as an)r* as Cassie ha' e,er hear' it. The Hen'erson +rothers loo#e' at each other an' shru))e'. De+orah(s e>pression "as some"here +et"een a sco"l an' a )rin. Su-an "as still $i''lin). %ic#& $ace e>pressionless& stoo' up. ALoo#s li#e that(s all $or toni)ht&A he sai'.

Diana e>plo'e'. A!ou(re 'amn ri)ht it isEA she crie'& astoun'in) Cassie. She snatche' up the s#ull in her t"o han's. A%o" this is )oin) to a sa$e place& "here it +elon)s. 5here it shoul' ha,e )one in the $irst place. I shoul' ha,e #no"n *ou "ere all too irresponsi+le to 'eal "ith it.A Hu))in) the s#ull to her& she stro'e out o$ the )ara)e. ;a*e "as instantl* alert& li#e a cat "ho sees the $lic#er o$ a mouse(s tail. AI 'on(t thin# that "as a ,er* nice "a* to tal# to us&A she sai' throatil*. AI 'on(t thin# she trusts us& 'o *ouD Han's up@ho" man* people here "ant to +e le' +* someone "ho 'oesn(t trust themDA I$ loo#s coul' maim& the one Melanie thre" ;a*e "oul' ha,e le$t her a +as#et case. AOh& )et stuffe%& ;a*e&A she sai' in her class* accent. ACome on& Laurel&A she a''e'& an' )ot up to $ollo" Diana to"ar' the house. Cassie& not #no"in) "hat else to 'o& $ollo"e' them. 8ehin' her she hear' A'am sa*in) to ;a*e in a lo"& ti)htl* controlle' ,oice& AI "ish *ou "ere a )u*.A An' ;a*e(s lau)hin)& hus#* ans"er9 A5h*& A'am& I 'i'n(t #no" *our tastes ran that "a*EA Diana "as puttin) the s#ull +ac# in the P*re> 'ish "hen A'am came in +ehin' Cassie. He "ent to Diana an' put his arms aroun' her. She leane' a)ainst him a moment& e*es shut& +ut 'i'n(t hol' him in return. An' a$ter that moment she mo,e' a"a*. AI(m all ri)ht. I(m ?ust an)r* "ith them& an' I(,e )ot to thin#.A A'am sat on the +e'& runnin) a han' throu)h his hair. AI shoul% ha,e #ept it a secret $rom them&A he sai'. AIt "as m* o"n stupi' pri'e@A ADon(t&A sai' Diana. AIt "oul' ha,e +een "ron) to #eep somethin) $rom the Circle that +elon)s to them.A AMore "ron) than to let them use it $or stupi'& malicious reasonsDA Diana turne' a"a* an' leane' a)ainst the ca+inet. ASometimes&A A'am sai' Cuietl*& AI "on'er a+out "hat "e(re 'oin). Ma*+e the Ol' Po"ers shoul' ?ust +e le$t asleep. Ma*+e "e(re "ron) to thin# "e can han'le them.A APo"er is onl* Po"er&A Diana sai' tire'l*& not turnin). AIt(s not )oo' or +a'. Onl* the "a* "e use it is )oo' or +a'.A A8ut ma*+e no+o'* can use it "ithout en'in) up usin) it +a'l*.A

Cassie stoo' an' listene'& "ishin) she "ere an*"here else. She "as a"are that in some terri+l* ci,ili-e' "a*& Diana an' A'am "ere ha,in) a $i)ht. She met Laurel(s e*es an' sa" that the other )irl "as ?ust as uncom$orta+le. AI 'on(t +elie,e that&A Diana sai' $inall*& so$tl*. AI 'on(t +elie,e that people are that hopeless. That e il.A A'am(s e>pression "as +lea# an' lon)in)& as i$ he "ishe' he coul' share her +elie$. Cassie& "atchin) his $ace& $elt a sta+ o$ pain& an' then a "a,e o$ 'i--iness. She shi$te'& loo#in) $or a place to sit 'o"n. Diana imme'iatel* turne' aroun'. AAre *ou all ri)htD !ou(re "hite as a )host.A Cassie no''e' an' shru))e'. AJust a little 'i--*@I )uess ma*+e I shoul' )o homeBA The an)er ha' 'raine' out o$ Diana(s e*es. AAll ri)ht&A she sai'. A8ut I 'on(t "ant *ou out there +* *oursel$. A'am& "oul' *ou "al# her +ac#D The +each "a* is $aster.A Cassie opene' her mouth in re$le>i,e horror. 8ut A'am no''e' Cuic#l*. ASure&A he sai'. AAlthou)h I 'on(t "ant to lea,e you aloneBA AI "ant Melanie an' Laurel to sta*&A Diana sai'. AI "ant to start to puri$* this s#ull properl*& "ith $lo"er essencesA@she loo#e' at Laurel @Aan' other cr*stals.A She loo#e' at Melanie. AI 'on(t care i$ it ta#es all ni)ht= I "ant to )et it set up. An' I "ant to start no". This minute.A The t"o )irls no''e'. So 'i' A'am. AAll ri)ht&A he sai'. An' Cassie& "ho ha' +een stan'in) "ith her mouth open& su''enl* thou)ht o$ somethin) an' no''e' too. Her han' automaticall* patte' her $ront ?eans poc#et to $eel the har' little lump there. So that "as ho" she $oun' hersel$ "al#in) on the +each alone "ith A'am. There "as no moon that ni)ht. The stars shone "ith a $ierce& ic* +rilliance. The "a,es roare' an' hisse' on the shore. %ot romantic. Ra". Primiti,e. E>cept $or the $aint li)hts o$ houses a+o,e on the cli$$& the* mi)ht ha,e +een a thousan' miles $rom ci,ili-ation.

The* "ere almost all the "a* to the narro" path up the +lu$$ to %um+er T"el,e "hen he as#e' her. She(' #no"n in her heart that she coul'n(t a,oi' it $ore,er. A5h* 'i'n(t *ou "ant an*one to #no" that "e(' met +e$oreDA he sai' simpl*. Cassie too# a 'eep +reath. %o" "as the time to see "hat #in' o$ actress she "as. She "as ,er* calm= she #ne" "hat ha' to +e 'one& an' someho"& she "oul' 'o it. She ha% to 'o it& $or Diana(s sa#e@an' his. AOh& I 'on(t #no"&A she sai'& an' mar,ele' to hear ho" casual her ,oice soun'e'. AI ?ust 'i'n(t "ant an*+o'*@li#e Su-an or ;a*e@to )et the "ron) impression. !ou 'on(t min'& 'o *ouD It 'i'n(t seem ,er* important.A A'am "as loo#in) at her in an o'' "a*& hesitatin)& +ut then he no''e'. AI$ that(s "hat *ou "ant& I "on(t mention it&A he sai'. Relie$ "ashe' o,er Cassie& +ut she #ept her ,oice li)ht. AO#a*& than#s. Oh& +* the "a*&A she "ent on& $ishin) in her poc#et. AI(,e +een meanin) to )i,e this +ac# to *ou. Here.A It "as stran)e ho" her $in)ers seeme' to clin) to the chalce'on* rose& +ut she mana)e' to open them an' 'rop it into his han'. It la* on his palm& the Cuart- cr*stals seemin) to capture a little o$ the starli)ht. AThan#s $or loanin) it to me&A she sai'. A8ut no" that I(m an o$$icial "itch& I(ll pro+a+l* +e $in'in) m* o"n stones to "or# "ith. An' +esi'esA@she cur,e' her lips in a teasin) smile@A"e 'on(t "ant an*+o'* to )et the "ron) impression a+out that either& 'o "eDA She ha' ne,er in her li$e acte' li#e this "ith a +o*& teasin) an' care$ree an' con$i'ent. Almost $lirtatious "hile ma#in) it clear that she meant nothin) +* it. An' it "as so easy@she(' ne,er ima)ine' it coul' +e this eas*. It came& she suppose'& $rom the $act that she "as pla*in) a role. It "asn(t Cassie stan'in) here= it "as someone else& someone "ho "asn(t a$rai' +ecause the "orst ha' alrea'* happene' an' there "as nothin) le$t to $ear an*more. A "r* smile ha' touche' A'am(s lips& as i$ he "ere respon'in) automaticall* to her tone& +ut it 'isappeare' almost instantl*. He "as loo#in) at her har'& an' she $orce' hersel$ to return his )a-e +lan'l* an' innocentl*& the "a* she ha' returne' Jor'an(s on the +each that 'a* in Au)ust. .elie e me& she thou)ht& an' this time she #ne" the po"er o$ her o"n thou)hts& the po"er she coul' 'ra" on to en$orce her "ill. Sky an%

water& san% an% sea6 As I will$ so let it be . 8elie,e me& A'am. 8elie,e me. 8elie,e me. He loo#e' a"a* $rom her su''enl*& turnin) sharpl* to"ar' the ocean. It remin'e' Cassie& to her surprise& o$ the "a* she ha' +ro#en $ree o$ ;a*e(s mesmeri-in) )a-e. A!ou(,e chan)e'&A he sai'& an' there "as "on'er in his ,oice. Then he turne' +ac# to loo# at her "ith that har'& unrelentin) )a-e a)ain. A!ou(,e reall* chan)e'.A AO$ course. I(m a "itch no"&A she sai' reasona+l*. A!ou shoul' ha,e tol' me that in the +e)innin)@it "oul' ha,e sa,e' a lot o$ trou+le&A she a''e' in a scol'in) tone. AI 'i'n(t #no". I coul' sense@somethin)@in *ou& +ut I ne,er thou)ht o$ *ou +ein) one o$ us.A AOh& "ell& it all turne' out o#a*&A Cassie sai' Cuic#l*. She 'i'n(t li#e him tal#in) a+out "hat he sense' in her. It "as too 'an)erous. AAn*"a*& than#s $or "al#in) me home. This is "here I )o up.A 5ith a $inal smile& she turne' a"a* an' Cuic#l* clim+e' the narro" path. She coul'n(t +elie,e it. She(' pulle' it o$$E The relie$ that $loo'e' her "as actuall* pain$ul& an' "hen she reache' the top o$ the path an' sa" her house& her #nees $elt "ea#. Oh& than# *ou& she thou)ht& an' starte' $or it. A5ait&A a rin)in)& authoritati,e ,oice +ehin' her sai'. I shoul' ha,e #no"n it "oul'n(t +e that eas*& Cassie thou)ht. Slo"l*& #eepin) her $ace e>pressionless& she s"i,ele' to loo# at him. The $aint li)ht $rom a+o,e re$lecte' o$$ the planes o$ his $ace as he stoo' on the +lu$$ "ith the ocean +ehin' him. Those hi)h chee#+ones& those humorous& e>pressi,e lips. There "as no humor no". His e*es "ere as #een an' piercin) as "hen he ha' stare' a$ter Jor'an an' Lo)an that 'a* on the +each& ra'iatin) a po"er she 'i'n(t un'erstan'& $ri)htenin) her. The* $ri)htene' her no". A!ou(re )oo'&A he sai'. A8ut I(m not completel* stupi'. There(s somethin) *ou(re not tellin) me& an' I "ant to #no" "hat it is.A A%o& *ou 'on(t.A The "or's escape' her lips +e$ore she coul' stop them& +ut their $lat sincerit* "as unmista#a+le. AI mean@there(s nothin) I(m not tellin) *ou.A

AListen to me&A he sai'& an' to her 'isma* he steppe' closer. A5hen I $irst met *ou&A he sai'& AI ha' no i'ea *ou "ere one o$ us. Ho" coul' ID 8ut I #ne" that *ou "ere 'i$$erent than that phon* $rien' o$ *ours. %ot ?ust another prett* )irl& +ut some+o'* special.A Prett*D He thou)ht I "as prett*D Cassie "as thin#in) "il'l*. The clear& 'espairin) calm "as lea,in) her& an' she clun) to it 'esperatel*. Loo# cool an' +lan#& she or'ere' hersel$. Politel* inCuirin). Let nothing sho". A'am(s +lue3)ra* e*es "ere $lashin) no"& his o''& prou' $ace clearl* re,ealin) his an)er. 8ut it "as the hurt in the 'epths o$ those e*es that con$use' Cassie most. A!ou "eren(t li#e an* )irl I(' met on the outsi'e@*ou coul' accept m*sterious thin)s@e,en m*stical thin)s@"ithout +ein) a$rai' o$ them or tr*in) to 'estro* them on si)ht. !ou "ereB open. Tolerant. !ou 'i'n(t automaticall* hate an' re?ect an*thin) 'i$$erent.A A%ot as tolerant as Diana. Diana(s the most@A AThis hasn(t )ot an*thin) to 'o "ith DianaEA he sai'& an' Cassie reali-e' that he meant it. He "as so completel* honest an' strai)ht$or"ar' that +etra*al ha' ne,er e,en entere' his min'. AI thou)ht&A he "ent on& Athat *ou "ere someone I coul' trust. 5ith m* li$e& e,en. An' "hen I sa" *ou hol' out a)ainst Jor'an@a )u* practicall* t"ice *our si-e@I #ne" I "as ri)ht. It "as one o$ the +ra,est thin)s I(' e,er seen@an' all $or a stran)er. !ou let him hurt *ou $or m* sa#e& an' *ou 'i'n(t e,en #no" me.A Sho" nothing& Cassie thou)ht. %othin). AAn' a$ter"ar'& I $elt somethin) special "ith *ou. A special un'erstan'in). I can(t e>plain it. 8ut I(,e thou)ht a+out it e,er since. I(,e thou)ht a+out *ou a lot& Cassie& an' I "as ?ust "aitin) to tell Diana a+out *ou. I "ante' her to #no" that she "as ri)ht& that there "ere some outsi'ers "ho coul' 'eal "ith us& "ho coul' +e truste'. 5ho mi)ht +e $rien's o$ ma)ic. She(s +een tr*in) $or a lon) time to )et the Clu+ to +elie,e that. I "ante' to tell her that *ou(' opene' m* e*es@in a lot o$ "a*s. A$ter I le$t *ou& I e,en seeme' to see more "hen I "ent out on $ishin) +oats loo#in) $or the Master Tools. I(' loo# $or islan's "hile "e "ere out la*in) the lines& an' all o$ a su''en I $elt li#e I coul' see clearer @or as i$ the ocean "as re,ealin) thin)s. Helpin) me. I "ante' to tell Diana that too& an' see i$ she coul' e>plain it.

AAn' in all that time&A A'am $inishe'& turnin) the $ull po"er o$ his +lue3)ra* )a-e on Cassie& AI "as ne,er sorr* I(' )i,en *ou the chalce'on* rose@e,en thou)h "e ne,er 'o that "ith outsi'ers. I hope' *ou(' ne,er +e in enou)h trou+le to nee' it& +ut I "ante' to +e there $or *ou i$ *ou "ere. I$ *ou(' e,er 'one "hat I tol' *ou& hel' it ti)ht in *our $ist an' thou)ht o$ me& I(' ha,e #no"n& an' I(' ha,e trac#e' it 'o"n& no matter "here *ou "ere. I thou)ht *ou "ere that special.A 5as it trueD Cassie "on'ere' 'i--il*. All those times she(' hel' the stone@+ut she(' ne,er hel' it clenche' in her $ist an' thou)ht onl* o$ him. She(' ne,er $ollo"e' his instructions +ecause she(' ne,er +elie,e' in ma)ic. AAn' no" I )et +ac#@an' $in' *ou(re not an outsi'er a$ter all. Or onl* hal$. I "as gla% to see *ou here& an' to hear *ou(' ?oine' the Circle. An' $rom "hat Diana(s sai'& she sa" ho" special *ou "ere ri)ht a"a* too. 8ut I coul'n(t tell her I #ne" *ou@+ecause $or some reason *ou 'i'n(t "ant people to #no". I respecte' that= I #ept m* mouth shut an' $i)ure' *ou(' e>plain "hen *ou coul'. An' instea'@A He )esture' ail3inclusi,el*. AThis. !ou(,e +een )i,in) me the +rush3o$$ all "ee#& an' no" *ou act as i$ nothin) e,er happene' +et"een us. !ou e,en call on the Po"ers a)ainst me& to ma#e me +elie,e a lie. An' no" I "ant to #no" why.A There "as a silence. Cassie coul' hear the "a,es +elo"& li#e so$t& rh*thmic thun'er. She coul' smell the clear& col' ni)ht air. An' $inall*& as i$ compelle'& she raise' her e*es to his $ace. He "as ri)ht= she coul'n(t lie to him. E,en i$ he lau)he' at her& e,en i$ he pitie% her& she ha' to )i,e him the truth. A8ecause I(m in lo,e "ith *ou&A she sai'& simpl* an' Cuietl*. An' then she "oul'n(t let hersel$ loo# a"a*. He 'i'n(t lau)h. He "as starin)& thou)h& as i$ in 'is+elie$. %ot un'erstan'in) "hat he thou)ht he(' hear' her sa*. AThat 'a* on the +each& I $elt somethin) special too&A she sai'. A8ut I $elt@more. I $elt as i$ "e "ereB connecte' someho". As i$ "e "ere +ein) pulle' to)ether. As i$ "e +elon)e' to)ether.A She coul' see the con$usion in A'am(s e*es@li#e the "hirlin)& spinnin) con$usion she(' $elt "hen she(' 'isco,ere' Fori(s +o'*. AI #no" it soun's stupi'&A she sai'. AI can(t e,en +elie,e I(m sa*in) this to *ou@+ut *ou as#e' $or the truth. E,er*thin) I $elt that 'a* on the

+each "as "ron)& I #no" that no". !ou(,e )ot Diana. %o+o'* in their ri)ht min' "oul' "ant an*thin) more. 8ut that 'a*@I ha' all sorts o$ stupi' i'eas. I actuall* thou)ht I coul' see somethin) connectin) us& li#e a sil,er cor'. An' I $elt so close to *ou& as i$ "e un'erstoo' each other. As i$ "e "ere born $or each other& an' there "as no point resistin) itBA ACassie&A he sai'. His e*es "ere +lac# "ith emotion. A loo# o$@"hatD <tter 'is+elie$D Re,ulsionD AI know it(s not true no"&A she sai' helplessl*. A8ut then I 'i'n(t reali-e. An' "hen *ou "ere stan'in) so close to me& loo#in) 'o"n at me& I thou)ht *ou "ere )oin) to@A ACassie.A It "as as if her "or's ha' con?ure' somethin) ma)ical out o$ the air& or as i$ her o"n perceptions ha' +een sharpene'. Her +reath cau)ht in her throat as she sa" it a)ain. The sil,er cor'. It humme' an' shimmere'& more po"er$ul an' ,i+rant than e,er& lin#in) them. It "as as i$ her heart "as 'irectl* connecte' to his. Her +reath "as comin) $aster an' $aster& an' she li$te' her e*es to his $ace in +e"il'erment. Their )a-e hel'. An' in that instant Cassie reco)ni-e' the emotion that ha' 'ar#ene' those +lue3)ra* e*es +e$ore. %ot 'is+elie$& +ut reali-ation. A 'a"nin) un'erstan'in)& an' a "on'er that ma'e Cassie(s #nees $eel "ea#. He "asB remem+erin)& she thou)ht. An' seein) "hat ha' happene' +et"een them in a ne" li)ht. Reali-in) on a conscious le,el ?ust "hat he ha' actuall* $elt that 'a*. She #ne" this as clearl* as i$ he ha' tol' her in "or's. She #ne" him. She coul' $eel e,er* +eat o$ his heart& she coul' sense the "orl' throu)h his e*es. She coul' e,en see hersel$ as he sa" her. A $ra)ile& sh* creature o$ hal$3hi''en +eaut*& li#e a "il'$lo"er in the sha'o" o$ a tree& +ut "ith a core o$ shinin) steel. An' ?ust as she coul' see hersel$& she coul' $eel his $eelin)s a+out herB Oh& "hat "as happening D The "orl' ha' )one still& an' it containe' onl* the t"o o$ them. A'am(s e*es "ere "i'e an' 'a-e'& the pupils enormous& an' she $elt she "as $allin) into them as he loo#e' 'o"n at her. A loc# o$ his hair ha' $allen onto his $orehea'& that mar,elous& tan)le' "a,* hair that "as all the colors o$ autumn in %e" En)lan'. He "as li#e some "oo'lan' )o' "ho(' come out in the starli)ht to court a sh* tree n*mph& an' he "as irresisti+le.

AA'am&A she sai'. A5eBA 8ut she ne,er )ot to $inish. He "as too close to her no"= she coul' $eel his "armth& $eel their electrical $iel's mer)in). She $elt his han's cuppin) the +ac#s o$ her el+o"s. Then slo"l*& slo"l*& she $elt hersel$ +ein) 'ra"n to"ar' him until his arms "ere aroun' her& em+racin) her $ull*. The sil,er cor' coul' not +e 'enie' an* lon)er.

Cassie shoul' ha,e pushe' him a"a*& shoul' ha,e run $rom him. Instea'& "ith a )asp& she +urie' her hea' in his shoul'er& in the com$ort o$ his thic# Irish s"eater. She coul' $eel his "armth all aroun' her no"& anchorin) her& #eepin) her sa$e. Protectin) her. He smelle' so )oo'@li#e autumn lea,es an' "oo' $ires an' ocean "in'. Her heart "as poun'in). It "as then that Cassie #ne" "hat forbi%%en lo e meant. It meant this& "antin) this much& an' $eelin) this "on'er$ul& an' #no"in) it "as wrong. She $elt A'am pull a"a* $rom her sli)htl*. She loo#e' up at him an' #ne" that he "as as o,er"helme' as she "as. A5e can(t&A he sai' in a thic# ,oice. A5e "an/t BA a-in) up at him& seein) onl* his e*es& the color o$ the ocean that ni)ht "hen it ha' "hispere' to her to 'ro"n in it& Cassie(s lips mo,e' to $orm a soun'less A%o.A That "as "hen he #isse' her. An' in that instant all coherent thou)ht "as lost. She "as s"ept a"a* +* a salt* "a,e o$ sheer feeling. It "as li#e +ein) cau)ht in a ripti'e& suc#e' un'er& tum+lin) helplessl* hea' o,er heels "ith no "a* to stop. She "as '*in)& +ut so s"eetl*. She "as trem+lin)& +oneless. I$ he ha'n(t +een hol'in) her& she "oul' ha,e $allen. %o +o* ha' e,er ma'e her $eel this "a*. In the "il' an' ra)in) con$usion there "as nothin) to 'o +ut surren'er& to )i,e hersel$ up to it entirel*. Each shoc# o$ s"eetness "as )reater than the last. She "as almost senseless "ith 'eli)ht& an' she no lon)er e,en "ante' to resist. Despite the "il'ness& the a+an'on o$ it& she "asn(t a$rai'. 8ecause she coul' trust him. He "as lea'in) her& "i'e3e*e' an' "on'erin)& into a "orl' she(' ne,er #no"n e>iste'. An' still he "as #issin) her an' #issin) her@the* "ere +oth into>icate'& 'i--* "ith the ma'ness o$ this. She #ne" her chee#s an' throat "ere "il'l* $lushe'= she coul' $eel the heat the* ma'e to)ether. She ne,er #ne" ho" lon) the* stoo' that "a*& loc#e' in an em+race that shoul' ha,e melte' the roc# aroun' them. She onl* #ne" sometime later that "ithout lettin) )o o$ her& he "as )ui'in) her to sit on a )ranite outcrop. Her +reath slo"in)& she +urie' her $ace a)ain in his shoul'er.

An' $oun' peace there. The uncontrolla+le passion ha' )i,en "a* at last to a "arm an' lan)uorous 'ro"siness. She "as sa$e& she +elon)e'. An' it "as so simple& so +eauti$ul. ACassie&A he sai'& in a ,oice she(' ne,er hear' him use +e$ore& an' at the soun' o$ it her heart 'issol,e' an' "ent out o$ her +o'*& e,aporatin) throu)h the soles o$ her $eet an' her palms an' her $in)ertips. She "oul' ne,er +e the same a)ain. AI lo,e *ou&A he sai'. She shut her e*es "ithout spea#in). She coul' $eel him rest his parte' lips a)ainst her hair. The sil,er cor' ha' "rappe' them in a shinin) cocoon& li#e still& moonlit "ater all aroun' them. The "il'ness "as o,er. E,er*thin) "as so peace$ul& so hushe'. Cassie $elt that she coul' $loat here $ore,er. M* 'estin*& she thou)ht. She(' $oun' it at last. E,er* moment o$ her li$e ha' +een lea'in) to this. 5h* ha' she +een so a$rai' o$ it& "h* ha' she e,er "ante' to escape itD There "as nothin) here +ut ?o*. She "oul' ne,er ha,e to $eel a$rai' a)ainB An' then she remem+ere'. A shoc# o$ pure horror lashe' throu)h her. Oh& o'& "hat ha,e "e %one D she thou)ht. She pulle' a"a* so sharpl* that he ha' to catch her to #eep her $rom $allin) +ac#"ar'. AOh& 8o%&A she sai'& $eelin) the horror s"eep a"a* e,er*thin) else insi'e her. AOh& o'& A'am& ho" coul' "eDA she "hispere'. ;or a moment his e*es "ere un$ocuse'& open +ut unseein)& as i$ he 'i'n(t un'erstan' "h* she ha' +ro#en into their +eauti$ul trance. 8ut then she sa" reali-ation come& an' his sil,er3+lue )a-e shattere'. Ra" an)uish shone out o$ his e*es. Still in his arms& still loo#in) up at him& Cassie +e)an to cr*. Ho" coul' the* ha,e let this happenD Ho" coul' she ha,e 'one this to DianaD Diana& "ho ha' rescue' her& "ho ha' +e$rien'e' her& "ho truste% her. Diana& "hom she lo,e'. A'am +elon)e' to Diana. Cassie #ne" that Diana ha' ne,er thou)ht o$ li$e "ithout A'am& that all Diana(s plans an' hopes an' 'reams in,ol,e' him. Diana an' A'am "ere meant to +e to)etherB

She thou)ht su''enl* o$ the "a* Diana(s hauntin) )reen e*es +ri)htene' "hen she sa" A'am& o$ the ten'er& ra'iant loo# Diana )ot e,en tal#in) a+out him. An' A'am lo,e' Diana too. Cassie #ne" that as surel* as she #ne" her o"n $eelin)s. A'am i'oli-e' Diana= he a'ore' her "ith a lo,e as pure an' stron) an' in'estructi+le as Diana(s $or him. 8ut Cassie #ne" no" that A'am lo,e' her as "ell. Ho" coul' *ou lo,e t"o peopleD Ho" coul' *ou +e in lo,e "ith t"o at the same timeD Still& there "as no "a* to 'en* it. The chemistr* +et"een hersel$ an' A'am= the empath*& the +on' that 're" them to)ether& coul'n(t +e i)nore'. Clearl*& it was possi+le to lo,e t"o 'i$$erent people at once. An' Diana ha' the $irst claim. A!ou still lo,e her&A Cassie "hispere'& nee'in) to con$irm it. An ache "as +e)innin) 'eep insi'e her. He shut his e*es. A!es.A His ,oice "as ra))e'. A o'& Cassie@I(m sorr*BA A%o& that(s )oo'&A she sai'. She #ne" the ache no". It "as the pain o$ loss& o$ emptiness& an' it "as )ro"in). A8ecause I 'o& too. An' I 'on(t "ant to hurt her. I ne,er "ante' to hurt her. That(s "h* I promise' m*sel$ I(' ne,er let either o$ *ou #no"BA AIt(s m* $ault&A he sai'& an' she coul' hear the sel$3con'emnation in his ,oice. AI shoul' ha,e reali-e' sooner. I shoul' ha,e reco)ni-e' ho" I $elt an' 'ealt "ith it. Instea'& I $orce' *ou into e>actl* "hat *ou "ere tr*in) to pre,ent.A A!ou 'i'n(t $orce me&A Cassie sai' so$tl*& honestl*. Her ,oice "as Cuiet an' stea'*= e,er*thin) "as simple an' clear a)ain& an' she #ne" "hat she ha' to 'o. AIt "as +oth our $aults. 8ut that 'oesn(t matter& the onl* thin) that matters is that it can ne,er happen a)ain. 5e ha,e to ma#e sure o$ that& someho".A A8ut ho"DA he sai' +lea#l*. A5e can +e sorr* all "e "ant@I can hate m*sel$@+ut i$ "e(re e,er alone a)ainB I 'on(t #no" "hat "ill happen.A AThen "e can(t +e alone. E,er. An' "e can(t sit near each other& or touch& or e,en let oursel,es thin# a+out it.A She "as tellin) him "hat to 'o& +ut she "asn(t a$rai'. She $elt onl* the certaint* o$ "hat she "as sa*in).

His e*es "ere 'ar#. AI a'mire *our sel$3control&A he sai'& e,en more +lea#l*. AA'am&A she sai'& an' she $elt the meltin) insi'e her ?ust at sa*in) his name. A5e ha e to. 5hen *ou came +ac# Tues'a* ni)ht a$ter m* initiation& "hen I reali-e' that *ou an' DianaB 5ell& that ni)ht I s"ore I "oul' ne,er let Diana +e hurt +ecause o$ ho" I $elt a+out *ou. I s"ore I(' ne,er +etra* her. Do you "ant to +etra* herDA There "as a silence& an' she $elt the in,oluntar* hea,e o$ his lun)s. An' "ith her inner senses she $elt his a)on*. Then he let his +reath out an' shut his e*es a)ain. 5hen he opene' them& she sa" his ans"er +e$ore he spo#e it& an' $elt it as his arms release' her an' he sat +ac#& the col' air rushin) in +et"een their +o'ies& separatin) them at last. A%o&A he sai'& an' there "as ne" stren)th in his ,oice. An' in his $ace a ne" resolution. The* loo#e' at each other then& not li#e lo,ers& +ut li#e sol'iers. Li#e comra'es3in3arms utterl* 'etermine' to reach some common )oal. Their passion hel' 'o"n an' loc#e' a"a*& so 'eep that no one else "oul' e,er see it. It "as a ne" closeness& ma*+e e,en more intimate than the trust o$ +o*$rien' an' )irl$rien'. 5hate,er happene'& "hate,er it cost them& the* "oul' not +etra* the )irl the* +oth lo,e'. Loo#in) ri)ht into her e*es& he sai'& A5hat oath "as it *ou s"ore that ni)htD 5as it one *ou )ot $rom some+o'*(s 8oo# o$ Sha'o"sDA A%o&A Cassie sai'& an' then she stoppe'. AI 'on(t #no"&A she Cuali$ie'. AI thou)ht I "as ma#in) it up& +ut no" it seems li#e it mi)ht ha,e come $rom somethin) lon)er. It ?ust "ent& (%ot +* "or' or loo# or 'ee'B( A He "as no''in). AI(,e rea' one "ith those lines. It(s ol'@an' it(s po"er$ul. !ou call on the $our Po"ers to "itness *ou& an' i$ *ou e,er +rea# the oath& the*(re $ree to rise a)ainst *ou. Do *ou "ant to s"ear it a)ain no"D 5ith meDA The a+ruptness o$ his Cuestion too# her +reath a"a*. 8ut she "as eternall* prou' o$ hersel$ that "ith scarcel* an* hesitation she spo#e clearl*. A!es.A A5e nee' +loo'.A He stoo' an' too# a #ni$e out o$ his +ac# poc#et. Cassie thou)ht she "as surprise'& then 'eci'e' she "asn(t. Ho"e,er nice a )u* A'am mi)ht +e& he "as use' to ta#in) care o$ himsel$. 5ithout an* particular $lourish& he cut his palm. The +loo' sho"e' +lac# in the 'im sil,er* li)ht. Then he han'e' the #ni$e to her.

Cassie suc#e' in her +reath. She "asn(t +ra,e& she hate' painB 8ut she )ritte' her teeth an' put the #ni$e a)ainst her palm. Just thin# o$ the pain *ou coul' ha,e cause' Diana& she thou)ht& an' "ith a Cuic# motion she +rou)ht the #ni$e 'o"n"ar'. It hurt& +ut she 'i'n(t ma#e an* noise. She loo#e' up at A'am. A%o"& sa* a$ter me&A he sai'. He hel' his palm up to the star3$ille' s#*. A;ire& Air& Earth& 5ater.A A;ire& Air& Earth& 5aterBA AListen an' "itness.A AListen an' "itness.A Despite the simple "or's& Cassie $elt that the elements ha' in'ee' +een e,o#e' an' "ere listenin). The ni)ht ha' a su''en $eelin) o$ electricit*& an' the stars o,erhea' seeme' to +urn col'er an' +ri)hter. oose3$lesh +ro#e out on her s#in. A'am turne' his han' si'e"a*s so that the +lac# 'rops $ell onto the scra))l* +each )rass an' the san'* earth. Cassie "atche'& mesmeri-e'. AI& A'am& s"ear not to +etra* m* trust@not to +etra* Diana&A he sai'. AI& Cassie& s"ear not to +etra* m* trustBA she "hispere'& an' "atche' her o"n +loo' tric#le o$$ the si'e o$ her han'. A%ot +* "or'& or loo#& or 'ee'& "a#in) or sleepin)& +* speech or +* silenceBA She repeate' it in a "hisper. AB in this lan' or an* other. I$ I 'o& ma* $ire +urn me& air smother me& earth s"allo" me& an' "ater co,er m* )ra,e.A She repeate' it. As she spo#e the last "or's& Aan' "ater co,er m* )ra,e&A she $elt a snapping& as i$ somethin) ha' +een set in motion. As i$ the $a+ric o$ space an' time ri)ht here ha' +een pluc#e'&. once& an' "as resonatin) +ac# into place. 8reath hel'& she listene' to it a moment. Then she loo#e' at A'am. AIt(s o,er&A she "hispere'& an' she 'i'n(t ?ust mean the oath. His e*es "ere li#e sil,er3e')e' 'ar#ness. AIt(s o,er&A he sai'& an' reache' his +loo'staine' palm out to her. She hesitate'& then too# his han' "ith her o"n. She $elt& or ima)ine' she $elt& their +loo' min)lin)& $allin) to the )roun' to)ether. A s*m+ol o$ "hat coul' ne,er +e. Then& slo"l*& he release' her. A!ou(ll )i,e the rose +ac# to DianaDA she as#e' stea'il*.

He too# the chalce'on* piece out o$ his poc#et& hel' it in the palm that "as still "et. AI(ll )i,e it to her.A Cassie no''e'. She coul'n(t sa* "hat she meant& "hich "as that "here the stone +elon)e'& A'am +elon)e'. A oo' ni)ht& A'am&A she sai' so$tl* instea'& loo#in) at him stan'in) there on the +lu$$ "ith the ni)ht s#* +ehin' him. Then she turne' an' "al#e' to"ar' the li)hte' "in'o"s o$ her )ran'mother(s house. An' this time he 'i'n(t call her +ac#. AOh& *es&A Cassie(s )ran'mother sai'. AThis "as in the $ront hall this mornin). Someone must ha,e put it throu)h the letter slot.A She han'e' Cassie an en,elope. The* "ere sittin) at the +rea#$ast ta+le& the Sun'a* mornin) sun shinin) throu)h the "in'o"s. Cassie "as astonishe' at ho" normal e,er*thin) "as. 8ut one loo# at the en,elope an' her heart plummete'. Her name "as "ritten on the $ront in a lar)e& careless han'. The in# "as re'. She tore it open an' stare' at the note insi'e "hile her Raisin 8ran )ot so))*. It rea'9 Cassie@ ,ou see I/m using my own name this time* Come o er to my house <!umber Si=> sometime to%ay* I ha e something spe"ial I want to talk to you about* .elie e me$ you %on/t want to miss this* )o e an% kisses$ Faye P*S* Don/t tell anyone in the Club you/re "oming to see me* ,ou/ll un%erstan% when you get here* Cassie "as tin)lin) "ith alarm. Her $irst impulse "as to call Diana& +ut i$ Diana ha' +een up all ni)ht puri$*in) the s#ull& she "as pro+a+l* e>hauste'. ;a*e "as the last thin) she nee'e' to 'eal "ith. All ri)ht& I "on(t 'istur+ her& Cassie thou)ht )riml*. I(ll )o an' see "hat ;a*e(s up to $irst. Somethin) a+out the ceremon*& I(ll +et. Or ma*+e she(s )oin) to call $or a lea'ership ,ote.

;a*e(s house "as one o$ the nicest on the street. A house#eeper let Cassie in& an' she remem+ere' Diana sa*in) that ;a*e(s mother "as 'ea'. There "ere a lot o$ sin)le3parent $amilies on Cro"ha,en Roa'. ;a*e(s room "as a rich )irl(s room. Cor'less phone& PC& TV an' VCR& tons o$ CDs. Hu)e& lush spra"lin) $lo"ers patterne' e,er*thin)& inclu'in) a +e' heape' "ith so$t cushions an' em+roi'ere' pillo"s. Cassie sat 'o"n on the "in'o" seat& "aitin) $or ;a*e to appear. There "ere re' can'les& not lit& on the ni)htstan'. Su''enl* the 'ust ru$$le on the +e' stirre'& an' out po#e' the $ace o$ a little oran)e #itten. It "as $ollo"e' almost imme'iatel* +* a little )ra* one. AOh& *ou 'arlin)&A Cassie sai'& enchante' in spite o$ hersel$. She "oul' ne,er ha,e )uesse' ;a*e "as the t*pe to #eep #ittens. She sat ,er* still& an' to her 'eli)ht the t"o little creatures came all the "a* out. The* ?umpe' up on the "in'o" seat an' ran)e' o,er her& purrin) li#e motor+oats. Cassie )i))le' an' sCuirme' as one clim+e' her s"eater an' perche'& precariousl*& on her shoul'er. The* "ere a'ora+le #ittens& the oran)e $lu$$* an' spi#* "ith +a+* $ur& the )ra* slee# an' ti'*. Their tin* nee'le cla"s pric#e' her as the* clim+e' all o,er her. The oran)e one )ot in her hair an' po#e' +luntl* +ehin' her ear& an' she lau)he' a)ain. He "as tr*in) to nurse& #nea'in) his little pa"s a)ainst her nec#. She coul' $eel his col' little nose. The )ra* one "as 'oin) the same thin) $rom the other si'e. Oh& "hat 'arlin)& 'arlin) littleB A0u"hEA she crie'. AO"@oh& 'on(tE et o$$& *ouE et o$$EA She pulle' at the tin* +o'ies& tr*in) to 'etach them. The* "ere tan)le' in her hair an' the* hun) on "ith cla"s@an' teeth. 5hen Cassie $inall* mana)e' to pr* them a"a*& she almost thre" them to the )roun'. Then her han's $le" to her nec#. Her $in)ers came a"a* "et. She stare' in shoc# at the re'ness. The*(' bitten her& the little monsters. An' no" the* "ere sittin) on the $loor an' compose'l* lic#in) the +loo' o$$ their chops. A sur)e o$ ,iolent re,ulsion passe' throu)h Cassie. ;rom the 'oor"a*& ;a*e chuc#le'. AMa*+e the*(re not )ettin) all their ,itamins an' minerals $rom the #itten cho"&A she sai'.

She "as loo#in) stunnin) this mornin). Her tan)le' pitch3+lac# hair "as still "et an' casca'e' 'o"n in *ar's o$ natural curls. Her s#in "as 'amp an' )lo"in) a)ainst her +ur)un'* ro+e. I shoul'n(t ha,e come& Cassie thou)ht& $eelin) a "a,e o$ irrational $ear. 8ut ;a*e "oul'n(t 'are to hurt her no". Diana "oul' $in' out& the Circle "oul' $in' out. ;a*e must #no" she coul'n(t )et a"a* "ith it. ;a*e seate' hersel$ on the +e'. ASo ho" 'i' *ou li#e the ceremon* last ni)htDA she as#e' casuall*. I #ne" it. AIt "as $ine until somethin) "ent "ron)&A sai' Cassie. Then she ?ust loo#e' at ;a*e a)ain. ;a*e lau)he' her rich& slo" lau)h. AOh& Cassie. I li#e *ou. I reall* 'o. I sa" that there "as somethin) special a+out *ou $rom the +e)innin). I #no" "e 'i'n(t e>actl* )et the +est start& +ut I thin# that(s )oin) to chan)e no". I thin# "e(re )oin) to +e )oo' $rien's.A Cassie "as speechless a moment. Then she mana)e' to sa*& AI 'on(t thin# so& ;a*e.A A8ut I thin# so& Cassie. An' that(s "hat counts.A A;a*eBA Someho"& a$ter last ni)ht Cassie $oun' she ha' the coura)e to sa* thin)s she "oul'n(t e,en ha,e 'reame' o$ sa*in) +e$ore. A;a*e& I 'on(t thin# *ou an' I ha,e much in common. An' I 'on(t thin# I e,en want to +e )oo' $rien's "ith *ou.A ;a*e onl* smile'. AThat(s too +a'&A she sai'. A8ecause& *ou see& I #no" somethin)& Cassie. An' I thin# it(s the sort o$ thin) *ou(' "ant onl* a ,er* )oo' $rien' to #no".A The "orl' roc#e' un'er Cassie(s $eet. ;a*e coul'n(t +e sa*in)@oh& she coul'n(t +e sa*in) "hat Cassie thou)ht she "as. Cassie stare' at the ol'er )irl& $eelin) somethin) li#e ice con)eal in her stomach. A!ou see&A ;a*e "ent on& AI happen to ha,e a lot o$ other $rien's. An' the* tell me thin)s& interestin) thin)s the* see an' hear aroun' the nei)h+orhoo'. An' *ou #no" "hatD Last ni)ht one o$ those $rien's sa" somethin) ,er*& ,er* interestin) on the +lu$$.A Cassie sat& her ,ision +lurrin).

AThe* sa" t"o people on the +lu$$ out near %um+er T"el,e. An' those t"o people "ereB "ell& shall "e sa* the* "ere )ettin) ,er* $rien'l* themsel,esD Ver* $rien'l*. It "as prett* hot& the "a* I hear' it.A Cassie trie' to spea#& +ut nothin) came out. AAn' *ou(ll ne,er +elie,e "ho those t"o people "ereE I "oul'n(t ha,e +elie,e' it m*sel$& e>cept that it remin'e' me o$ a poem I(' rea' some"here. %o"& ho" 'i' it )oD 'a"h night I lie an% %ream about the one@A A;a*eEA Cassie "as on her $eet. ;a*e smile'. AI thin# *ou )et the point. Diana hasn(t rea' that particular little poem& has sheD I 'i'n(t thin# so. 5ell& Cassie& i$ *ou 'on(t "ant her to hear it& or to #no" a+out "hat happene' on the +lu$$ last ni)ht& I(' sa* *ou(' +etter start +ein) m* $rien' an' $ast& 'on(t *ou thin#DA AIt "asn(t li#e that&A Cassie sai'. She "as hot an' sha#in) "ith $ur*& "ith $ear. A!ou 'on(t un'erstan' at all@A AO$ course I un'erstan'. A'am is ,er* attracti,e. An' I al"a*s suspecte' that (eternal $i'elit*( routine o$ theirs "as ?ust an act. I 'on(t +lame *ou& Cassie. It(s ,er* naturalBA AThat isn(t "hat happene'. There(s nothin) +et"een us@A ;a*e smir#e'. A;rom "hat I hear& there was ,er* little +et"een *ou last ni)ht@sorr*. %o& reall*& I(' li#e to +elie,e *ou& Cassie& +ut I "on'er i$ Diana "ill see it the same "a*. Especiall* a$ter she learns ho" *ou con,enientl* $or)ot to mention that *ou(' met her +o*$rien' o,er the summer@"hen he awakene% *ou& I +elie,e. Ho" 'i' that poem )o a)ainDA A%oBA Cassie "hispere'. AAn' then the "a* *ou loo#e' at him "hen he appeare' a$ter the initiation ceremon*@"ell& Diana 'i'n(t see that& +ut I must a'mit that m* suspicions "ere arouse'. The little scene on the +lu$$ onl* clinche' it. 5hen I tell Diana@A A!ou "an/t&A Cassie sai' 'esperatel*. A!ou can(t tell her. Please& ;a*e. She "on(t un'erstan'. It(s not that "a* at all& +ut she "on(t un%erstan%.A ;a*e cluc#e' her ton)ue. A8ut Cassie& Diana is m* cousin. M* +loo' relation. I ha e to tell her.A Cassie $elt li#e a rat runnin) $ranticall* in a ma-e& searchin) $or a "a* out that 'i'n(t e>ist. Panic "as poun'in) in her ears. ;a*e "oul%n/t tell

Diana. It coul'n(t happen. The thou)ht o$ ho" Diana "oul' loo#@o$ ho" she "oul' loo# at CassieB An' at A'am. That "as almost "orse. She "oul' thin# the* ha' +etra*e' her& that Cassie an' A'am ha' trul* +etra*e' her. An' ho" she "oul' loo# thenB ho" A'am "oul' loo#B Cassie coul' stan' an*thin) +ut that. A!ou can(t&A she "hispere'. A!ou can(t.A A5ell& Cassie& I tol' *ou +e$ore. I$ "e "ere frien%s& reall* )oo' $rien's& I mi)ht +e a+le to #eep *our secret. Diana an' I ma* +e cousins& +ut I(' 'o an*thin) $or m* $rien's. An'&A ;a*e sai' 'eli+eratel*& her hone*3colore' e*es ne,er lea,in) Cassie(s $ace& AI e>pect them to 'o an*thin) $or me.A It "as then& at last& that Cassie reali-e' "hat this "as all a+out. E,er*thin) "ent still aroun' her& too still. Her heart )a,e one )reat thump an' seeme' to sin# li#e lea'. Do"n an' 'o"n an' 'o"n. ;rom the +ottom o$ a pit& she as#e' ;a*e emptil*& A5hat #in' o$ thin)DA ;a*e smile'. She leane' +ac# a)ainst the +e'& rela>e'& the ro+e partin) to re,eal one +are shapel* le). A5ell& let me see&A she sai' slo"l*& 'ra"in) the moment out& relishin) it. AI #no" there "as somethin)B oh& *es. I(' reall* li#e to ha,e that cr*stal s#ull A'am $oun'. I(m sure *ou #no" "here Diana(s #eepin) it. An' i$ not& I(m sure *ou coul' $in' out.A A!o&A Cassie sai'& horri$ie'. A!es&A ;a*e sai'& an' smile' a)ain. AThat(s "hat I "ant& Cassie. To sho" "hat a )oo' $rien' *ou are. %othin) else "ill 'o.A A;a*e& *ou saw "hat happene' last ni)ht. That s#ull is e,il. There(s alrea'* somethin) a"3$ul on the loose +ecause o$ it@i$ *ou use it a)ain& "ho #no"s "hat mi)ht happenDA An'& Cassie(s num+e' min' su''enl* su))este'& "ho #ne" "hat ;a*e mi)ht +e plannin) to use it forD A5h* 'o *ou "ant itDA she +lurte' out. ;a*e shoo# her hea' tolerantl*. AThat(s my little secret. Ma*+e& i$ "e +ecome )oo' enou)h $rien's& I(ll sho" *ou later.A AI "on(t 'o it. I "an/t. I can(t& ;a*e.A

A5ell& that(s too +a'.A ;a*e(s e*e+ro"s li$te'& an' she purse' her $ull lips. A8ecause that means I(m )oin) to ha,e to call Diana. I thin# m* cousin has a ri)ht to #no" "hat her +o*$rien' is 'oin).A She reache' $or the phone an' pushe' +uttons "ith an ele)ant& scarlet3 tippe' $in)er. AHello& DianaD Is that *ouDA A%oEA Cassie crie'& an' )ra++e' ;a*e(s arm. ;a*e pushe' the mute +utton. ADoes this mean&A she sai' to Cassie& Athat "e ha,e a 'ealDA Cassie coul'n(t $orm a *es or no. ;a*e reache' out an' cau)ht Cassie(s chin in her han'& as she ha' that $irst 'a* on the school steps. Cassie coul' $eel the har'ness o$ lon) nails& the coolness an' stren)th o$ ;a*e(s $in)ers. ;a*e "as starin) at her "ith those e*es& those stran)e hone*3colore' e*es. ;alcons ha,e *ello" e*es& Cassie thou)ht su''enl*& "il'l*. An' ;a*e(s $in)ers )rippe' her li#e talons. There "as no escape. She "as trappe'B cau)htB li#e a "hite mouse cau)ht +* a +ir' o$ pre*. The )ol'en e*es "ere still starin) at herB into her. She "as so li)hthea'e'& so a$rai'. An' this time there "as no roc# +eneath her $eet to stea'* her. She "as in ;a*e(s secon'3$loor +e'room& trappe' a"a* $rom an* help. ADo "e ha,e a 'ealDA ;a*e sai' a)ain. %o escape. %o hope. Cassie(s ,ision "as +lurrin)& )oin) 'im= she coul' +arel* hear ;a*e o,er the rushin) in her ears. She $elt the last 'rops o$ resistance& o$ "ill& 'rain out o$ her. A5ellDA sai' ;a*e in her throat*& moc#in) ,oice. 8lin'l*& scarcel* #no"in) "hat she "as 'oin)& Cassie no''e'. ;a*e release' her. Then she pushe' the mute +utton a)ain. ASorr*& Diana& I )ot the "ron) num+er. I meant to call the Ma*ta) repairman. (8*e no"EA An' "ith that she hun) up. She stretche' li#e a )iant cat& replacin) the phone on the ni)htstan' as she la* +ac#. Then she put her arms +ehin' her hea' an' loo#e' at Cassie& smilin).

AAll ri)ht&A she sai'. AThe $irst thin) is& *ou )et me that s#ull. An' a$ter thatB "ell& a$ter that I(ll thin# o$ "hat else I "ant. !ou reali-e that $rom no" on I o"n *ou& Cassie.A AI thou)ht&A Cassie "hispere'& still una+le to see $or the )ra* mist& Athat "e "ere $rien's.A AThat "as ?ust a euphemism. The truth is that *ou(re m* capti,e $rom no" on. I o"n *ou no"& Cassie 8la#e. I o"n *ou +o'* an' soul.A

Don't miss the exciting continuation of The Secret Circle

!ol"me II# THE CA$TI!E

;ire& Cassie thou)ht. All aroun' her she sa" +la-in) autumn colors. The *ello"3oran)e o$ su)ar maples& the +rilliant re' o$ sassa$ras& the crimson o$ sumac +ushes. It "as as i$ the entire "orl' "ere $lamin) "ith ;a*e(s element. An% I/m trappe% in the mi%%le of it* The sic# $eelin) in the pit o$ Cassie(s stomach )ot "orse "ith e,er* step she too# 'o"n Cro"ha,en Roa'. The *ello" Victorian house at the +ottom o$ the roa' loo#e' as prett* as e,er. Sunli)ht "as stri#in) rain+o" spar#s o$$ a prism "hich hun) in the hi)hest to"er "in'o". A )irl "ith lon) li)ht3+ro"n hair calle' out $rom the porch. AHurr* up& CassieE !ou(re lateEA ASorr*&A Cassie calle' +ac#& tr*in) to hurr* "hen "hat she reall* "ante' to 'o "as turn aroun' an' run the other "a*. She ha' the su''en& ine>plica+le con,iction that her pri,ate thou)hts must sho" in her $ace. Laurel "oul' ta#e one loo# at her an' #no" all a+out "hat ha' happene' "ith A'am last ni)ht& an' all a+out the +ar)ain "ith ;a*e. 8ut Laurel ?ust )ra++e' her +* the "aist an' hustle' her insi'e an' upstairs to Diana(s +e'room. Diana "as stan'in) in $ront o$ the lar)e "alnut ca+inet= Melanie "as sittin) on the +e'. Sean "as perche' uneasil* in the "in'o" seat& ru++in) his #nees "ith his palms. A'am "as stan'in) +esi'e him. He loo#e' up as Cassie came in. Cassie met those +lue3)ra* e*es $or onl* an instant& +ut it "as lon) enou)h. The* "ere the color o$ the ocean at its most m*sterious& sunlit on the sur$ace +ut "ith incomprehensi+le 'epths un'erneath. The rest o$ his

$ace "as the same as e,er9 arrestin) an' intri)uin)& pri'e sho"in) in the hi)h chee#+ones an' 'etermine' mouth& +ut sensiti,it* an' humor sho"in) there too. His $ace loo#e' 'i$$erent onl* +ecause last ni)ht Cassie ha' seen those e*es mi'ni)ht3+lue "ith passion& ha' $elt that mouthB !ot by wor% or look or %ee% & she tol' hersel$ $iercel*& starin) 'o"n at the )roun' +ecause she 'i'n(t 'are loo# up a)ain. 8ut her heart "as poun'in) so har' she e>pecte' to see the $ront o$ her s"eater $lutterin). Oh& o'& ho" "as she e,er )oin) to +e a+le to carr* this o$$ an' #eep her ,o"D It too# an incre'i+le amount o$ ener)* to sit 'o"n +* Melanie an' not loo# at him& to +loc# the charismatic heat o$ his presence out o$ her min'. !ou(' +etter )et use' to it& she tol' hersel$. 8ecause *ou(re )oin) to +e 'oin) a lot o$ it $rom no" on. A oo'= "e(re all here&A Diana sai'. She "ent o,er an' shut the 'oor. AThis is a close' meetin)&A she "ent on& turnin) +ac# to the )roup. AThe others "eren(t in,ite' +ecause I(m not sure the* ha,e the same interests at heart as "e 'o.A AThat(s puttin) it mil'l*&A Laurel sai' un'er her +reath. AThe*(re )oin) to +e upset i$ the* $in' out&A Sean sai'& his +lac# e*es 'artin) +et"een A'am an' Diana. AThen let them +e&A Melanie sai' unemotionall*. Her o"n cool )ra* e*es $i>e' on Sean& an' he $lushe'. AThis is much more important than an* $it ;a*e can thro". 5e ha,e to $in' out "hat happene' to that 'ar# ener)*B an' no".A AI thin# I #no" a "a*&A sai' Diana. Out o$ a "hite ,el,et pouch she too# a 'elicate )reen stone on a sil,er chain. AA pen'ulum&A Melanie sai' at once. A!es. This is peri'ot&A Diana sai' to Cassie. AIt(s a ,isionar* stone@ ri)ht& MelanieD <suall* "e use clear Cuart- as a pen'ulum& +ut this time I thin# the peri'ot is +etter@more li#el* to pic# up traces o$ the 'ar# ener)*. 5e(ll ta#e it 'o"n to the place "here the 'ar# ener)* escape'& an' it(ll ali)n itsel$ in the 'irection the ener)* "ent an' start s"in)in).A A5e hope&A Laurel murmure'. A5ell& that(s the theor*&A Melanie sai'.

Diana loo#e' at A'am& "ho ha' +een unusuall* Cuiet. A5hat 'o *ou thin#DA AI thin# it(s "orth a tr*. It(ll ta#e a lot o$ mental po"er to +ac# it up& thou)h. 5e(ll all ha,e to concentrate@especiall* since "e(re not a $ull Circle.A His ,oice "as calm an' e,en& an' Cassie a'mire' him $or it. She #ept her $ace turne' in Diana(s 'irection& thou)h as a matter o$ $act her e*es "ere $i>e' on the "alnut ca+inet. Diana turne' to Cassie. A5hat a+out *ouDA AMeDA Cassie sai'& startle'& tearin) her e*es a"a* $rom the ca+inet 'oor. She ha'n(t e>pecte' to +e as#e'= she 'i'n(t #no" an*thin) a+out pen'ulums or peri'ot. To her horror& she $elt her $ace re''en. A!es& *ou. !ou mi)ht +e ne" to the metho's "e use& +ut a lot o$ the time *ou ha,e feelings a+out thin)s.A AOh. 5ellBA Cassie trie' to search her $eelin)s& scra++lin) to )et +e*on' the )uilt an' terror that "ere uppermost. AI thin#B it(s a )oo' i'ea&A she sai' $inall*& #no"in) ho" lame that soun'e'. AIt seems $ine to me.A Melanie rolle' her e*es& +ut Diana no''e' as seriousl* as she ha' at A'am. AAll ri)ht& then& the onl* thin) to 'o is tr*&A she sai'& 'roppin) the peri'ot an' its sil,er chain into the palm o$ her le$t han' an' claspin) it ti)htl*. ALet(s )o.A Cassie coul'n(t +reathe= she "as still reelin) $rom the impact o$ Diana(s clear )reen e*es& sli)htl* 'ar#er than the peri'ot +ut "ith that same 'elicate transparenc*& as i$ there "ere li)ht shinin) +ehin' them. I can(t 'o it& she thou)ht. She "as surprise' at ho" star# an' simple e,er*thin) "as no" that she ha' actuall* loo#e' Diana in the e*es. I "an/t 'o it. I(ll ha,e to tell ;a*e@no& I(ll tell Diana. That(s it. I(ll tell Diana m*sel$ +e$ore ;a*e can& an' I(ll make her +elie,e me. She(ll un'erstan'= Diana is so )oo'& she(ll ha,e to un'erstan'. E,er*one ha' )otten up. Cassie )ot up too& turnin) to"ar' the 'oor to hi'e her a)itation@shoul% I tell her right now5 Ask her to stay ba"k a minuteD@"hen the 'oor $le" open in her $ace. ;a*e "as stan'in) in the 'oor"a*. Su-an an' De+orah "ere +ehin' her. The stra"+err* +lon'e loo#e' mean& an' the +i#er(s ha+itual sco"l "as e,en 'ar#er than usual. 8ehin'

them "ere the Hen'erson +rothers& Chris $ro"nin) an' Dou) )rinnin) in a "il' "a* that "as 'istur+in). A oin) some"here "ithout usDA ;a*e sai'. She "as spea#in) to Diana& +ut her e*es remaine' $i>e' on Cassie. A%ot no"&A Laurel muttere'. Diana let out a 'eep +reath. AI 'i'n(t thin# *ou(' +e intereste'&A she sai'. A5e(re )oin) to trace the 'ar# ener)*.A A%ot intereste%D. 5hen all the rest o$ *ou are so +us*D O$ course& I can onl* spea# $or m*sel$& +ut I(m intereste' in e,er*thin) the Circle 'oes. 5hat a+out *ou& De+orahDA The +i#er )irl(s sco"l chan)e' +rie$l* into a malicious )rin. AI(m intereste'&A she sai'. AAn' "hat a+out *ou& Su-anDA AI/m intereste'&A Su-an chime' in. AAn' "hat a+out *ou& ChrisDA AI(m@A AAll ri)ht&A Diana sai'. Her chee#s "ere $lushe'= A'am ha' come to stan' at her si'e. A5e )et the point. 5e(re +etter o$$ "ith a $ull Circle& an*"a*@+ut "here(s %ic#DA AI ha,e no i'ea&A ;a*e sai' cooll*. AHe(s not at home.A Diana hesitate'& then shru))e'. A5e(ll 'o our +est "ith "hat "e ha,e&A she sai'. ALet(s )o 'o"n to the )ara)e.A She )esture' at Melanie an' Laurel an' the* "ent $irst& el+o"in) past ;a*e(s )roup& "ho loo#e' as i$ the* "ante' to sta* an' ar)ue some more. A'am too# char)e o$ Sean an' )ot him out the 'oor& then +e)an her'in) the Hen'ersons. De+orah an' Su-an loo#e' at ;a*e an' then $ollo"e' the )u*s. Cassie ha' +een han)in) +ac#& hopin) $or the chance to spea# to Diana alone. 8ut Diana seeme' to ha,e $or)otten her= she "as en)a)e' in a stare'o"n "ith ;a*e. ;inall*& hea' hi)h& she "al#e' past the tall )irl "ho "as still semi3+loc#in) the 'oor"a*. ADianaBA ;a*e calle'. Diana 'i'n(t loo# +ac#& +ut her shoul'ers tense'9 she "as listenin). A!ou(re )oin) to lose them all&A ;a*e sai'& an' she chuc#le' her la-* chuc#le as Diana "ent on to the staircase.

8itin) her lip& Cassie steppe' $or"ar' $uriousl*. One )oo' sho,e in ;a*e(s mi''le& she "as thin#in). 8ut ;a*e roun'e' smoothl* on her& +loc#in) the 'oor"a* completel*. AOh& no *ou 'on(t. 5e nee' to tal#&A she sai'. AI 'on(t "ant to tal# to *ou.A ;a*e i)nore' her. AIs it in hereDA She mo,e' Cuic#l* to the "alnut ca+inet an' pulle' at a han'le& +ut the 'ra"er "as loc#e'. The* all "ere. ADamn. 8ut *ou can $in' out "here she #eeps the #e*. I "ant it as soon as possi+le& 'o *ou un'erstan'DA A;a*e& *ou(re not listenin) to meE I(,e chan)e' m* min'. I(m not )oin) to 'o it a$ter all.A ;a*e& "ho ha' +een pro"lin) aroun' the room li#e a panther& ta#in) a',anta)e o$ this uniCue opportunit* to e>amine Diana(s thin)s& stoppe' in her trac#s. Then she turne' slo"l* to Cassie& an' smile'. AOh& Cassie&A she sai'. A!ou reall* #ill me.A AI(m serious. I(,e chan)e' m* min'.A ;a*e ?ust smile' at her& leanin) +ac# a)ainst the "all an' sha#in) her hea'. Her hea,*3li''e' )ol'en e*es "ere )lo"in) "ith amusement& her mane o$ pitch3+lac# hair $ell across her shoul'ers as her hea' mo,e'. She ha' ne,er loo#e' more +eauti$ul@ or more 'an)erous. ACassie& come here.A ;a*e(s ,oice "as ?ust sli)htl* e')e' "ith impatience& li#e a teacher "ho(s put up "ith a lot $rom a +ac#"ar' stu'ent. ALet me sho" *ou somethin)&A ;a*e "ent on& catchin) Cassie(s el+o" an' 'ra))in) her to the "in'o". A%o"& loo# 'o"n there. 5hat 'o *ou seeDA Cassie stoppe' $i)htin) an' loo#e'. She sa" the Clu+& the in3cro"' at %e" Salem hi)h school& the #i's "ho a"e'@an' terrori-e'@stu'ents an' teachers ali#e. She sa" them )athere' in Diana(s 'ri,e"a*& their hea's )leamin) in the $irst ra*s o$ sunset9 Su-an(s stra"+err*3+lon' hair turne' to re'& De+orah(s 'ar# curls touche' "ith ru+*& Laurel(s lon)& li)ht3 +ro"n hair an' Melanie(s short au+urn an' the Hen'erson +rothers( 'ishe,elle' *ello" all hi)hli)hte' +* the ru''* )lo" in the s#*. An' she sa" A'am an' Diana& stan'in) close& Diana(s sil,er* hea' 'roopin) to A'am(s shoul'er. He "as hol'in) her protecti,el*& his o"n hair 'ar# as "ine.

;a*e(s ,oice came $rom +ehin' Cassie. AI$ *ou tell her& *ou(ll #ill her. !ou(ll 'estro* her $aith in e,er*thin) she(s e,er +elie,e' in. An' *ou(ll ta#e a"a* the onl* thin) she has to trust& to rel* on. Is that "hat *ou "antDA A;a*eBA Cassie seethe'. AAn'& inci'entall*& *ou(ll )et *oursel$ +anishe' $rom the Clu+. !ou #no" that& 'on(t *ouD Ho" 'o *ou thin# Melanie an' Laurel are )oin) to $eel "hen the* hear that *ou messe' aroun' "ith Diana(s +o*$rien'D %one o$ them "ill e,er spea# to *ou a)ain& not e,en to ma#e a $ull Circle. The co,en "ill +e 'estro*e' too.A Cassie(s teeth "ere clenche'. She "ante' to hit ;a*e& +ut it "oul'n(t 'o an* )oo'. 8ecause ;a*e "as ri)ht. Cassie thou)ht she coul' stan' +ein) +lac#+alle'& +ein) a pariah at school a)ain= she e,en thou)ht she coul' stan' 'estro*in) the co,en. 8ut the picture o$ Diana(s $aceB It woul% #ill Diana. 8* the time ;a*e )ot $inishe' tellin) it her "a*& it "oul'. Cassie(s $antas* o$ con$essin) to Diana an' ha,in) Diana un'erstan' ,anishe' li#e a pric#e' soap+u++le. AAn' "hat I "ant is so reasona+le&A ;a*e "as )oin) on& almost croonin). AI ?ust "ant to loo# at the s#ull $or a little "hile. I #no" "hat I(m 'oin). !ou(ll )et it $or me& "on(t *ou& CassieD 5on(t *ouD To'a*DA Cassie shut her e*es. A)ainst her close' e*eli's the li)ht "as re' as $ire.

Some"here on the "a* 'o"nstairs Cassie stoppe' $eelin) )uilt*. She 'i'n(t #no" e>actl* ho" it happene'. 8ut it "as ne"essary& i$ she "as )oin) to sur,i,e this. She "as 'oin) e,er*thin) she coul' to protect Diana@an' A'am& too& in a "a*. A'am must ne,er #no" a+out ;a*e(s +lac#mail. So Cassie "oul' 'o "hate,er it too# to protect them +oth& +ut +* o' she "asn(t )oin) to $eel )uilt* on top o$ it. She ha' to han'le ;a*e someho" as "ell& she thou)ht& marchin) +ehin' the tall )irl past Diana(s $ather(s stu'*. She ha' to #eep ;a*e $rom 'oin) an*thin) too ra'ical "ith the s#ull. She 'i'n(t #no" ho"= she(' ha,e to thin# a+out that later& +ut someho" she "oul' 'o it.

I$ ;a*e ha' loo#e' +ac# ?ust then& Cassie thou)ht& she mi)ht ha,e +een surprise' to see the $ace o$ the )irl +ehin' her. ;or the $irst time in her li$e& Cassie $elt as i$ her e*es "ere har'& li#e the +lue steel o$ a re,ol,er instea' o$ the so$t +lue o$ "il'$lo"ers. 8ut ri)ht no" she ha' to loo# neutral@compose'. The )roup on the 'ri,e"a* loo#e' up as she an' ;a*e came out the 'oor. A5hat too# *ou so lon)DA Laurel as#e'. A5e "ere plottin) to #ill *ou all&A ;a*e sai' +ree-il*. AShall "eDA She )esture' at the )ara)e. There "ere onl* traces o$ *ester'a*(s chal# circle le$t on the $loor. Once a)ain the )ara)e "as empt* o$ cars@the* "ere luc#* Diana(s $ather "or#e' so much at his la" $irm. Diana& her le$t $ist still close'& "ent o,er to the "all o$ the )ara)e& 'irectl* +ehin' the place Cassie ha' +een sittin) "hen the* ha' per$orme' the s#ull ceremon*. Cassie $ollo"e' her an' then 're" in her +reath sharpl*. AIt(s burne%.A She ha'n(t notice' that last ni)ht. 5ell& o$ course not= it ha' +een too 'ar#. Diana "as no''in). AI hope no+o'* is )oin) to #eep ar)uin) a+out "hether there "as an* 'ar# ener)* or not&A she sai'& "ith a )lance +ac# at De+orah an' Su-an. The "oo' an' plaster o$ the )ara)e "all "as charre' in a circle perhaps a $oot an' a hal$ in 'iameter. Cassie loo#e' at it& an' then at the remnants o$ the chal# circle on the $loor. She ha' +een sittin) there& +ut part o$ her ha' +een insi'e the s#ull. Diana ha' tol' them all to loo# into it& to concentrate& an' su''enl* Cassie ha' $oun' hersel$ insi'e it. That "as "here she(' seen@$elt@the 'ar# po"er. It ha' +e)un rushin) out"ar'& )ettin) +i))er& 'etermine' to +rea# out o$ the cr*stal. An' she(' seen a $aceB She "as )rate$ul& su''enl*& $or A'am(s calm ,oice. A5ell& "e #no" "hat 'irection it starte' in& an*"a*. Let(s see i$ the cr*stal a)rees.A The* "ere all stan'in) aroun' Diana. She loo#e' at them& then hel' her le$t $ist out& palm up& an' unclaspe' the $in)ers. She too# the top o$ the

sil,er chain "ith her ri)ht han' an' 're" it up taut& so that the peri'ot ?ust reste' on her palm. AConcentrate&A she sai'. AEarth an' Air& help us see "hat "e nee' to see. Sho" the traces o$ the 'ar# ener)* to us. E,er*+o'* concentrate on the cr*stal.A 'arth an% Air$ win% an% tree$ show us what we nee% to see& Cassie thou)ht& her min' automaticall* settin) the simple concept in a rh*me. The "oo' o$ the "all& the air outsi'e= that "as "hat the* nee'e' to help them. She $oun' hersel$ murmurin) the "or's un'er her +reath an' Cuic#l* stoppe'& +ut Diana(s )reen e*es $lashe' at her. A o on&A Diana sai' tensel*& in a lo" ,oice& an' she starte' up a)ain& $eelin) sel$3conscious. Diana remo,e' the han' that "as supportin) the cr*stal. It spun on the chain& t"irlin) until the chain "as #in#e' ti)htl*& an' then t"irlin) the other "a*. Cassie "atche' the pale )reen +lur& murmurin) the couplet $aster an' $aster. 'arth an% AirB no& it "as useless. The peri'ot "as ?ust spinnin) ma'l* li#e a top )one "il'. Su''enl*& "ith +roa'& s"eepin) stro#es& the cr*stal +e)an s"in)in) +ac# an' $orth. Someone(s +reath hisse' on the other si'e o$ the circle. The peri'ot ha' strai)htene' out= it "as no lon)er t"irlin)& +ut s"in)in) stea'il* an' har'. Li#e a pen'ulum& Cassie reali-e'. Diana "asn(t 'oin) it@her le$t han' hol'in) the chain remaine' stea'*. 8ut the peri'ot "as s"in)in) har'& +ac# to"ar' the center o$ the chal# circle on the $loor& an' $or"ar' to"ar' the +urne' place on the "all. A8in)o&A A'am sai' so$tl*. A5e(,e )ot it&A Melanie "hispere'. AAll ri)ht& no" *ou(re )oin) to ha,e to mo,e it out o$ ali)nment to )et outsi'e. 5al#@care$ull*@to the 'oor& an' then tr* to come +ac# to this e>act place on the other si'e o$ the "all.A Diana "et her lips an' no''e'& then& hol'in) the sil,er chain al"a*s at the same 'istance $rom her +o'*& she turne' smoothl* an' 'i' as Melanie sai'. The co,en +ro#e up to )i,e her room an' re)roupe' aroun' her outsi'e. ;in'in) the ri)ht place "asn(t har'= there "as another circle +urne' on the outer "all& some"hat $ainter than the one insi'e.

As Diana +rou)ht the cr*stal into ali)nment once more& it +e)an to s"in) a)ain. Strai)ht to"ar' the +urne' place& strai)ht out. Do"n Cro"ha,en Roa'& to"ar' the to"n. A shu''er "ent up Cassie(s spine. E,er*one loo#e' at e,er*one else. Hol'in) the cr*stal a"a* $rom her& Diana $ollo"e' the 'irection o$ the s"in)in). The* all $ell in +ehin' her& althou)h Cassie notice' ;a*e(s )roup #ept to the rear. Cassie hersel$ "as still $i)htin) e,er* secon' to not "atch A'am. Trees rustle' o,erhea'. Re' maple& +eech& slipper* elm@Cassie coul' i'enti$* man* o$ them no". 8ut she trie' to #eep her e*es on the rapi' s"ish o$ the pen'ulum. The* "al#e' an' "al#e'& $ollo"in) the cur,e o$ Cro"ha,en Roa' 'o"n to"ar' the "ater. %o" )rasses an' he')es )re" poorl* in the san'* soil. The pale )reen stone "as s"in)in) at an an)le an' Diana turne' to $ollo" it. The* "ere hea'in) "est no"& alon) a 'eepl* rutte' 'irt roa'. Cassie ha' ne,er +een this "a* +e$ore& +ut the other mem+ers o$ the Circle o+,iousl* ha'@the* "ere e>chan)in) )uar'e' )lances. Cassie sa" a chain3lin# $ence ahea'& an' then an irre)ular line o$ hea'stones. AOh& )reat&A Laurel muttere' $rom +esi'e Cassie& an' $rom some"here in +ac# Su-an sai'& AI 'on(t +elie,e this. ;irst "e ha,e to "al# $or miles& an' no"BA A5hat(s the pro+lemD Just )onna ,isit some o$ our ancestors un'er)roun'&A Dou) Hen'erson sai'& his +lue3)reen e*es )litterin) o''l*. AShut up&A A'am sai'. Cassie 'i'n(t "ant to )o insi'e. She(' seen man* cemeteries in %e" En)lan'@it seeme' there "as one on e,er* other street in Massachusetts& an' she(' +een to Fori(s $uneral 'o"n in the to"n. This one 'i'n(t loo# an* 'i$$erent $rom the others9 it "as a small& sCuare plot o$ lan' cluttere' "ith mo'est )ra,estones& man* o$ them "orn almost completel* smooth "ith time. 8ut Cassie coul' har'l* ma#e her3sel$ $ollo" the others onto the sparse& +ro"nin) )rass +et"een the )ra,es. Diana le' them strai)ht 'o"n the mi''le o$ the cemeter*. Most o$ the stones "ere small& scarcel* reachin) hi)her than Cassie(s #nees. The* "ere shape' li#e arches "ith t"o smaller arches on either si'e.

A5hoe,er car,e' these ha' a )ruesome sense o$ humor&A she +reathe'. Man* o$ the stones "ere etche' "ith cru'e s#ulls& some o$ them "in)e'& others in $ront o$ cross+ones. One ha' an entire s#eleton& hol'in) a sun an' moon in its han's. ADeath(s ,ictor*&A ;a*e sai' so$tl*& so close that Cassie $elt "armth on the nape o$ her nec#. Cassie ?umpe'& +ut re$use' to loo# +ac#. AOh& terrifi"&A sai' Laurel as Diana slo"e'. The li)ht "as '*in) $rom the s#*. The* "ere in the center o$ the )ra,e*ar'& an' a cool +ree-e +le" o,er the stunte' )rass& +rin)in) a $aint tan) o$ salt "ith it. The hairs on the +ac# o$ Cassie(s nec# "ere tin)lin). !ou(re a "itch& she remin'e' hersel$. !ou shoul' lo,e cemeteries. The*(re pro+a+l* *our natural ha+itat. The thou)ht 'i'n(t reall* ma#e her $eel less $ri)htene'& +ut no" her $ear "as min)le' "ith somethin) else@a sort o$ stran)e e>citement. The 'ar#ness )atherin) in the s#* an' in the corners o$ the )ra,e*ar' seeme' closer. She "as part o$ it& part o$ a "hole ne" "orl' o$ sha'o"s an' po"er. Diana stoppe'. The sil,er chain "as a thin line in the )loom& "ith a pale +lo+ +elo" it. 8ut Cassie coul' see that the peri'ot "as no lon)er s"in)in) li#e a pen'ulum. Instea' it "as mo,in) erraticall*& roun' an' roun' in circles. It "oul' s"in) aroun' a $e" times one "a*& then slo" an' s"in) +ac# the other "a*. Cassie loo#e' at it& then up at Diana(s $ace. Diana "as $ro"nin). E,er*one "as "atchin) the circlin) stone in 'ea' silence. Cassie coul'n(t stan' the suspense an* lon)er. A5hat 'oes it meanDA she hisse' to Laurel& "ho ?ust shoo# her hea'. Diana& thou)h& loo#e' up. ASomethin)(s "ron) "ith it. It le' here@an' then it ?ust stoppe'. 8ut i$ "e(,e $oun' the place& it shoul'n(t +e mo,in) at all. The stone shoul' ?ust sort o$ point an' Cui,er@ri)ht& MelanieDA ALi#e a )oo' houn' 'o)&A Dou) sai'& "ith his "il' )rin. Melanie i)nore' him. AThat(s the theor*&A she sai'. A8ut "e(,e ne,er reall* trie' this +e$ore. Ma*+e it meansBA Her ,oice traile' o$$ as she loo#e' aroun' the )ra,e*ar'& an' then she shru))e'. AI 'on(t #no" "hat it means.A

The tin)lin) at the +ac# o$ Cassie(s nec# "as )ettin) stron)er. The 'ar# ener)* ha' come here@an' 'one "hatD Disappeare'D Dissipate'D OrB Laurel "as +reathin) Cuic#l*& her el$in $ace unusuall* tense. Cassie instincti,el* mo,e' a little closer to her. She an' Laurel an' Sean "ere the ?uniors& the *oun)est mem+ers o$ the Circle& an' "itch or not& Cassie(s arms ha' +ro#en out in )oose$lesh. A5hat i$ it(s still here& some"hereB "aitin)DA she sai'. AI 'ou+t it&A Melanie sai'& her ,oice as le,el an' unin$lecte' as usual. AIt coul'n(t han) aroun' "ithout +ein) store' someho"= it "oul' ?ust e,aporate. It either came here an' %i% somethin)& or@A A)ain& thou)h& she coul' onl* $inish her sentence "ith a shru). A8ut "hat coul' it 'o hereD I 'on(t see an* si)ns o$ 'ama)e& an' I $eelBA Still $ro"nin)& Diana cau)ht the circlin) peri'ot in her le$t han' an' hel' it. AThis place $eels con$use'@stran)e@+ut I 'on(t sense an* harm the 'ar# ener)* has 'one. CassieDA Cassie trie' to search her o"n $eelin)s. Con$usion@as Diana sai'. An' she $elt 'rea' an' an)er an' all sorts o$ churne'3up emotions@+ut ma*+e that "as ?ust her. She "as in no state to )et a clear rea'in) on an*thin). AI 'on(t #no"&A she ha' to sa* to Diana. AI 'on(t li#e it here.A AMa*+e& +ut that(s not the point. The point is that "e 'on(t see an* +urns the 'ar# ener)* coul' ha,e le$t& or sense an*thin) it(s 'estro*e' or hurt&A Diana sai'. De+orah(s ,oice "as impatient. A5h* are *ou as#in) her& an*"a*DA she sai' "ith a ?er# o$ her 'ar# hea' to"ar' Cassie. AShe(s har'l* e,en one o$ us@A ACassie +elon)s to the Circle ?ust as much as *ou 'o&A A'am interrupte'& unusuall* curt. Cassie sa" the arch& amuse' )lance ;a*e thre" him an' "ante' to inter,ene& +ut Diana "as a)reein) heate'l* "ith A'am an' De+orah "as +ri'lin)& )larin) at +oth o$ them. It loo#e' as i$ an ar)ument "oul' +rea# out. A8e CuietEA Laurel sai' sharpl*. AListenEA Cassie hear' it as soon as the ,oices 'ie' 'o"n= the Cuiet crunch o$ )ra,el at the roa'si'e. It "as noticea+le onl* a)ainst the 'eathl* Cuiet o$ the autumn t"ili)ht. ASome+o'*(s comin)&A Chris Hen'erson sai'. He an' Dou) "ere poise' $or a $i)ht.

The* "ere all hi'eousl* on e')e& Cassie reali-e'. The crunch o$ $ootsteps soun'e' as lou' as $irecrac#ers no"& )ratin) a)ainst her taut ner,es. She sa" a 'im shape +esi'e the roa'& an' then sa" A'am mo,e $or"ar'& so that he "as in $ront o$ +oth Diana an' her. I(m )oin) to ha,e to tal# to him a+out that& she thou)ht irrele,antl*. There "as a pause in the $ootsteps& an' the 'im shape came to"ar' them. A'am an' the Hen'erson +rothers loo#e' rea'* to rush it. Kuarrel $or)otten& De+orah loo#e' rea'* too. Sean "as co"erin) +ehin' ;a*e. Cassie(s heart +e)an to poun'. Then she notice' a spot o$ re' li#e a tin* +urnin) coal $loatin) near the $i)ure& an' she hear' a $amiliar ,oice. AI$ *ou "ant me& *ou )ot me. ;our a)ainst one ou)ht to +e a+out $air.A 5ith a "hoop& Chris Hen'erson rushe' $or"ar'. A%ic#EA Dou) )rinne'& "hile mana)in) to loo# as i$ he mi)ht still ?ump the approachin) $i)ure. A'am rela>e' an' steppe' +ac#. A!ou sure& A'amD 5e can settle this ri)ht here&A %ic# sai' as he reache' the )roup& the en' o$ his ci)arette )lo"in) as he inhale'. A'am(s e*es narro"e'& an' then Cassie sa" the 'are'e,il smile he(' "orn at Cape Co' "hen a +unch o$ )u*s "ith a )un ha' +een chasin) him. 5hat is "ron) "ith him& "hat(s "ron) "ith e,er*+o'* toni)htD she "on'ere'. The*(re all actin) cra-*. Diana put a restrainin) han' on A'am(s arm. A%o $i)htin)&A she sai' Cuietl*. %ic# loo#e' at her& then shru))e'. AFin' o$ ner,ous& aren(t *ouDA he sai'& sur,e*in) the )roup. Sean emer)e' $rom +ehin' ;a*e. AI(m ?ust hi)h3strun).A A!es& *ou ou)ht to +e@$rom a tree&A ;a*e sai' contemptuousl*. %ic# 'i'n(t smile& +ut then& %ic# ne,er smile'. His $ace "as han'some& +ut col'. A5ell& ma*+e *ou ha,e a reason to +e ner,ous@at least some o$ *ou&A he sai'. A5hat(s that suppose' to meanD 5e came here loo#in) $or the 'ar# ener)* that escape' last ni)ht&A sai' A'am. %ic# "ent still& as i$ struc# +* a ne" i'ea& then his ci)arette )lo"e' a)ain. AMa*+e *ou(re loo#in) in the "ron) place&A he sai' e>pressionlessl*.

Diana(s ,oice "as Cuiet. A%ic#& "ill *ou please ?ust tell us "hat *ou meanDA %ic# loo#e' aroun' at them all. AI mean&A he sai' 'eli+eratel*& Athat "hile *ou(,e +een scurr*in) aroun' here& a cre"(s +een up at De,il(s Co,e pullin) roc#s o$$ ol' ;o)le.A ;o)leD Cassie coul'n(t place the name. An' then su''enl* she sa" it in her min'(s e*e@on a +rass plate in a "oo'3panele' o$$ice. AOur principalDA she )aspe'. A!ou )ot it. The* sa* he )ot cau)ht in an a,alanche.A AAn a alan"heDA 'eman'e' Laurel in 'is+elie$. AAroun' hereDA AHo" else 'o *ou e>plain the t"o3ton chun# o$ )ranite that "as on top o$ himD %ot to mention all the smaller stu$$.A There "as a moment o$ shoc#e' silence. AIs heBA Cassie coul'n(t $inish the Cuestion. AHe "asn(t loo#in) so "ell "hen the* )ot that chun# o$$ him&A %ic# sai'& an' then& "ith less sarcasm& AHe(s +een 'ea' since last ni)ht.A AOh& o'&A Laurel "hispere'. There "as another silence& ?ust as shoc#e' an' e,en lon)er this time. Cassie #ne" the* "ere all seein) the same thin)9 A cr*stal s#ull surroun'e' +* a protecti,e rin) o$ can'les@ an' one o$ the can'les )oin) out. AIt "as ;a*e(s $ault&A Sean +e)an in a "hine& +ut ;a*e interrupte' "ithout loo#in) at him. AIt "as his $ault.A A5ait& "ait&A sai' Diana. A5e 'on(t #no" the 'ar# ener)* ha' an*thin) to 'o "ith it. Ho" "oul% it ha,e& "hen "e #no" it came here an' then stoppe'DA AI 'on(t thin# that(s much com$ort&A Melanie sai' in a lo" ,oice. A8ecause i$ it "asn(t the 'ar# ener)*& "ho "as itDA There "as a sort o$ stran)e shi$tin) in the )roup& as i$ e,er*one "as stan'in) +ac# an' loo#in) at all the others. Cassie $elt a ,oi' in the pit o$ her stomach a)ain. The principal "as@ha' +een@an outsi'er& "ho hate' "itches. An' that meant the* all ha' a moti,e@especiall* an*+o'* "ho +lame' the outsi'ers $or Fori Hen'erson(s 'eath. She loo#e' at De+orah& an' then at Chris an' Dou). Most o$ the rest o$ the co,en "as 'oin) the same. Dou) )lare' +ac#& then )a,e a "il'& 'e$iant )rin. AMa*+e "e 'i' 'o it&A he sai'& e*es )litterin).

ADi' "eDA sai' Chris& loo#in) con$use'. De+orah ?ust loo#e' scorn$ul. There "as another silence& then Su-an spo#e in a petulant ,oice. ALoo#& it(s too +a' a+out ;o)le& +ut 'o "e ha,e to stan' here $ore,erD M* $eet are #illin) me.A A'am seeme' to sha#e himsel$. AShe(s ri)ht= "e shoul' )et out o$ this place. There(s nothin) "e can 'o here.A He put an arm aroun' Diana& an' )esture' e,er*+o'* else ahea'. Cassie lin)ere'. There "as somethin) she "ante' to sa* to Diana. 8ut Diana "as mo,in) no"& an' Cassie 'i'n(t ha,e a chance. 5ith the Hen'erson +rothers in the lea'& the )roup "as ta#in) a 'i$$erent route than the one the* ha' ta#en in& cuttin) to"ar' the northeast corner o$ the cemeter*. As the* approache' the roa'& Cassie notice' the )roun' "as risin). There "as a stran)e moun' o$ )rass* earth near the chain3lin# $ence on this si'e= she almost trippe' "hen she reache' it. 8ut e,en stran)er "as "hat she sa" "hen the* ha' passe' it an' she loo#e' +ac#. The $ront o$ the moun' "as $ace' "ith stone sla+s& an' there "as an iron 'oor& ma*+e t"o $eet sCuare& set +et"een them. The 'oor ha' an iron hin)e an' a pa'loc# on it& +ut it coul'n(t ha,e opene' an*"a*. Pushe' ri)ht up a)ainst it "as a lar)e& irre)ular hun# o$ cement. rass "as )ro"in) up aroun' the cement& sho"in) it ha' +een there a "hile. Cassie(s han's "ere ic* col'& her heart "as thu''in)& an' she "as 'i--*. She trie' to thin#& noticin) "ith onl* part o$ her min' that she "as passin) +* ne"er )ra,estones no"& mar+le sla+s "ith "ritin) not "orn smooth +* time. She "as tr*in) to $i)ure out "hat "as "ron) "ith her@ "as it ?ust reaction to all the e,ents o$ the past 'a* an' ni)htD 5as that "h* she "as sha#in)D ACassie& are *ou o#a*DA Diana an' A'am ha' turne' aroun'. Cassie "as )rate$ul $or the )ro"in) 'ar#ness as she $ace' +oth o$ them an' trie' to )et her min' clear. A!eah. I ?ust@$elt "eir' $or a minute. 8ut "ait& Diana.A Cassie remem+ere' "hat she ha' "ante' to sa*. A!ou #no" ho" *ou "ere as#in) me a+out m* $eelin)s +e$oreB "ell& I ha,e a $eelin) a+out Mr. ;o)le. The 'ar# ener)* ha' somethin) to 'o "ith it& I(m almost sure. 8utBA She stoppe'. A8ut I 'on(t #no". There(s somethin) stran)e )oin) on.A

A!ou can sa* that a)ain&A A'am sai'& an' he reache' $or her arm to )et her mo,in) once more. Cassie e,a'e' him an' shot him a reproach$ul )lance "hile Diana "as loo#in) into the 'istance. He loo#e' at his o"n han'& startle'. There was somethin) stran)e )oin) on& somethin) stran)er than an* o$ them reali-e'& Cassie thou)ht. A5hat is that thin) +ac# there& "ith the iron 'oorDA she as#e'. AIt(s +een there $or as lon) as I can remem+er&A Diana sai' a+sentl*. ASomethin) to 'o "ith stora)e& I thin#.A Cassie )lance' +ac#& +ut +* no" the moun' "as lost in 'ar#ness. She hu))e' hersel$& tuc#in) her han's un'er her claspin) arms to "arm them. Her heart "as still thu''in). I(ll as# ran'ma Ho"ar' a+out it& she 'eci'e'. 5hate,er it "as& it "asn(t a stora)e she'. Then she notice' that Diana "as to*in) "ith somethin) aroun' her nec# as she "al#e'& lost in thou)ht. It "as a $ine )ol'en chain& an' at the en' o$ it 'an)le' a #e*.

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