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Im sorry, I didnt mean to do it

Last year, my family and I celebrated Eid-Al Fitr in Muara Sabak. On the first day of Eid-Al Fitr, my friends and I visited our teachers and neighbors house. While by the second day, we went to the tourist attraction there, namely "Pelabuhan Samudra". My house and my friends house are far away, so we decided to gather at 10.00 a.m on the Pelabuhan Samudra. Luckily my house was closer to that place, so I got there first. At that time I felt very disappointed because I didnt find my friends there.

After that, I decided to take a sheltered place under a shady tree. There was a long bench, and a man who was busy enjoying his food. I came to him, and said, "May I sit here?" because the man's mouth was full of food, he simply replied with a nod and then shifted slightly to the right.

I sat down and called my friends by phone, they said they were sheltering from the rain. After that I tried to contact my other friends. While I was busy talking to my friend over the phone, my friend Fitri came, and I was afraid she would not see me, so I spontaneously ran from the bench and shouted to call her.

Suddenly, the man sitting next to me was falling backwards, upside down, and all the food in his mouth gushed out. I was surprised to see it, guilt as well as amusement mixed up in me. I felt more amused rather than guilt and therefore I apologized with a laugh. The man just stood up, then looked away with an upset face. Maybe he was embarrassed because it was not only me who saw it, but also everyone who was there.

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