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EE DE UBERLNDIA: Aluno: _____________________________________ Turma: __________ Circule as palavras de acordo com a orienta o da pro!

essora: Letra da Msica:

&uc# +ri,#ter t#an tomorro. And i! -ou reall- tr3ou*ll !ind t#ere*s no need to crIn t#is place -ou*ll !eel T#ere*s no #urt or sorro. T#ere are .a-s to ,et t#ere

Love is stron, It onl- cares o! 4o-!ul ,ivin, I! .e tr- .e s#all see In t#is +liss $e cannot !eel !ear or dread $e stop e5istin, and start livin,

"eal T#e $orld %&ic#ael 'ac(son) "eal T#e $orld **T#in( a+out t#e ,enerations and t#e- sa$e .ant to ma(e it a +etter place /or our c#ildren And our c#ildren*s c#ildren 0o t#at t#e- (no. It*s a +etter .orld !or t#em And t#in( i! t#e- can &a(e it a +etter place1 2 T#ere*s a place in -our #eart And I (no. t#at it is love And t#is place could +e

I! -ou care enou,# !or t#e livin, &a(e a little space &a(e a +etter place "eal t#e .orld &a(e it a +etter place /or -ou and !or me And t#e entire #uman race T#ere are people d-in, I! -ou care enou,# !or t#e livin, &a(e it a +etter place /or -ou and !or me I! -ou .ant to (no. .#T#ere*s love t#at cannot lie

T#en it !eels t#at al.a-s Love*s enou,# !or us ,, 0o ma(e a +etter .orld &a(e a +etter .orld "eal t#e .orld &a(e it a +etter place /or -ou and !or me And t#e entire #uman race T#ere are people d-in, I! -ou care enou,# !or t#e livin, &a(e a +etter place /or -ou and !or me And t#e dream .e .ere conceived in

$ill reveal a 4o-!ul !ace And t#e .orld .e once +elieved in $ill s#ine a,ain in ,race T#en .#- do .e (eep stran,lin, li!e $ound t#is eart#6 cruci!- its soul T#ou,# it*s plain to see T#is .orld is #eavenl-6 +e 7od*s ,lo. $e could !l- so #i,# Let our spirits never die In m- #eart I !eel 3ou are all m- +rot#ers Create a .orld .it# no !ear To,et#er .e*ll cr- #app- tears 0ee t#e nations turn t#eir s.ords Into plo.s#ares $e could reall- ,et t#ere I! -ou cared enou,# !or t#e livin, &a(e a little space To ma(e a +etter place

"eal t#e .orld &a(e it a +etter place /or -ou and !or me And t#e entire #uman race T#ere are people d-in, I! -ou care enou,# !or t#e livin, &a(e a +etter place /or -ou and !or me T#ere are people d-in, I! -ou care enou,# !or t#e livin, &a(e a +etter place /or -ou and !or me 3ou and !or me %&a(e a +etter place) 3ou and !or me %"eal t#e .orld .e live in) 3ou and !or me %0ave it !or our c#ildren)

7ood Luc(8888

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