Diagram RZP

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Figure 1. Rubric for diagram (11-12= good effort 13-14 = very good 15-16 = escellent) Source: http://www !

scd org/pu"l#c!t#ons/educ!t#on!l-le!dersh#p/dec$6/vol54/nu%&4/'nderst!nd#ng-(u"r#cs !sp) *d!pted "y (+, for ((- -. /ec 2&13


3 0he d#!gr!% e)pl!#ns so%e of the 1ey concepts !nd so%e ev#dence of le!rn#ng

Explanation 0he d#!gr!% e)pl!#ns !ll relev!nt 1ey concepts !nd cle!rly de%onstr!tes ev#dence of le!rn#ng Features

0he d#!gr!% e)pl!#ns ! 0he d#!gr!% does not refer few concepts "ut %#sses to to %!ny of the concepts show cle!r ev#dence of covered le!rn#ng 0he d#!gr!% offers very few det!#ls of 1ey ter%s2 fe!tures !nd relev!nce for le!rners !nd educ!tors 0he d#!gr!% does not offfer det!#ls of 1ey ter%s2 fe!tures !nd relev!nce for le!rners !nd educ!tors

0he d#!gr!% det!#ls 1ey 0he d#!gr!% det!#ls so%e ter%s2 the#r fe!tures !nd ter%s2 the#r fe!tures !nd the#r relev!nce for le!rners the#r relev!nce for le!rners !nd educ!tors !nd educ!tors 0he d#!gr!% d#spl!ys 1ey ter%s th!t show our underst!nd#ng of self !nd the ch!r!cter#st#cs rel!ted to our v!r#ous roles


0he d#!gr!% d#spl!ys so%e 0he d#!gr!% d#spl!ys very 0he d#!gr!% e#ther does ter%s th!t show our few 1ey ter%s !nd f!#les to not %ent#on %!ny of the underst!nd#ng of self !nd cle!rly show !de3u!te 1ey ter%s or does not not the ch!r!cter#st#cs rel!ted underst!nd#ng of self #n our show cle!r underst!nd#ng to our v!r#ous roles v!r#ous roles of self #n v!r#ous roles

Connections 0he d#!gr!% %!1es 0he d#!gr!% %!1es so%e 0he d#!gr!% %!1es 0he d#!gr!% %!1es no !ppropr#!te connect#ons connect#ons "etween the uncle!r connect#ons connect#ons "etween the "etween the concepts !nd concepts !nd the #%p!ct on "etween the concepts !nd concepts !nd our te!ch#ng the #%p!ct on our te!ch#ng our te!ch#ng !nd le!rn#ng the #%p!ct on our te!ch#ng !nd le!rn#ng !nd le!rn#ng !nd le!rn#ng NOTE TO PARTICIPANTS: write your complete name,:... date: and a score of 1-4 for each of the criteria above. Explain your choices and attach your document to your submission. Explanation .. Features .. riti!ue .. onnections "rand #otal: .. EXPLANATION:

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