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<p style="text-align: justify;">Playboy magazine wants <span class="submenu">Kate

Gosselin</span> to pose nude for its centerfold and has offered her a $400,000
fee. Star Magazine which reports the matter is informed by a source, &#8220;Hugh
sent her a letter.&#8221; However, &#8220;Kate was totally mortified and threw it
away! She didn&#8217;t think it was appropriate because of the children,&#8221;
adds the source.</p>

<p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img

title="Kate Gosselin Playboy Pictures" src="
content/uploads/2009/09/kategosselin.jpg" alt="Kate Gosselin" /></a></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">I was a huge fan of the Jon &amp; Kate Plus 8 tv
show and that me and my lovely lady friend enjoyed watching it each and every
single week. The family dynamic and the cute kids and their antics was a draw for
me and I consider myself far from a fan of these sorts of reality shows. I quickly
lost interest in the show when it became known from her Brother and Sister in Law
that the whole marriage was a sham. Since then I could not stomach watching it as
it was no longer a show about <span class="IL_SPAN"><br />
<input name="IL_MARKER" type="hidden" />family dynamic</span> as it began striking
me as a paycheck.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">Just this week my lady friend announced that even
she was no longer interested in watching. Today comes word that Kate Gosselin was
offered a pictorial in Playboy and thank goodness she had the common sense to say
NO even if her answer doesnt impress me. <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank"
superficial</a> reports she was offered $400k and they have the following
<blockquote style="margin-right: 0px; text-align: justify;" dir="ltr"><p><em>Hugh
sent her a letter, but Kate was totally mortified and threw it away!&#8221; a
source told Star Magazine. &#8220;She didn&#8217;t think it was appropriate
because of the children.&#8221; Despite being &#8220;proud of the way she
looks,&#8221; Kate was baffled by the offer.</em></p></blockquote>

<p style="text-align: justify;" dir="ltr">I was a huge fan and frankly I have to
say.. TLC you need to stop this show for the sake of the kids. I am sure I am not
alone in my views that this train wreck needs to stop so that this family can get
through things on their own. I mean whats next after Playboy Offers? A feature
film? I think Jon Gosselin said it best in his <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank"
interview/story?id=8508185">ABC Primetime interview</a>;</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;" dir="ltr"><em>&#8220;I would say, let&#8217;s
finish what we got to finish and move on with our lives,&#8221; Gosselin said.
&#8220;And stop feeding into the frenzy.&#8221;</em></p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">Kate Gosselin embraced her fame after starring in
the reality TV show &#8220;Jon &amp; K<span class="submenu">ate Plus
8</span>&#8220;. The series is focused on her life with estranged husband <span
class="submenu">Jon Gosselin</span> as well as their eight children. She has since
often appeared in TV shows and magazines&#8217; covers.</p>

<p style="text-align: justify;">Kate is in the middle of divorce proceedings with

Jon. She has been slammed by her children&#8217;s father to have acted very
abusive during their years long marriage. &#8220;I don&#8217;t trust her anymore.
I was abused &#8230; I was beaten down &#8230; I&#8217;m not going back to that
life style,&#8221; Jon said in an interview with Chris Cuomo of ABC News.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">Regardless of Jon Gosselin bashing his ex wife,
there are plenty of Kate Gosselin haters out there. Many feel that the reality tv
mom overworks her children, and unfairly uses them as a way to earn a living.
Posing in <em>Playboy </em>magazine would only add some haters to the list.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">Let us not forget that any nude photo shoot can be
done in a tasteful way, and it can actually help boost the poser�s confidence.
Christina Aguilera is very well known for the <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank"
arie_Claire_Complete_Interview_and_NEW_Photos_Scans" target="_blank">nude
pregnancy photo shoot</a> that she did for Marie Claire. While Kate Gosselin comes
off as a very strong woman, it is easy to see how her own self esteem may be down,
especially when considering the fact that her ex husband is dating a much younger

<p style="text-align: justify;">That said, it is nice to know that Kate Gosselin

believes that posing for <em>Playboy</em> would not be good for her to do because
of her children. Maybe the woman�s not as money hungry as everyone thinks - or
perhaps she knows that posing for <em>Playboy</em> would be career suicide for
<em>Jon and Kate Plus Eight.</em></p>

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