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You Char kway made easy

Whichever recipe you used for leavening, the secret is the dough must still be wet and sticky more like a paste else the YCK will end up tasting like doughnut . Yeast starter (Combine) 1 tsp sugar 2 tbsp lukewarm water 1 tsp instant yeast Main Dough (combine) !!g bread flour 1 tsp baking soda "bi carbonate of soda# $ tsp %mmonia powder "chow fun# & tsp of %lum "pak fun# 2 tsp salt Water 2'! ml water Method 1. (i) all the ingredients yeast starter and set it aside for 1! * 1' minutes until it get foamy. 2. +ift flour ingredients in a mi)ing bowl. %dd in mi)ture of yeast starter and water into the flour slowly. ,se a wooden spoon, mi) the dough until well combined. -he dough should be wet and sticky, more like a paste (sticks to hands and bowl). (i) and knead it till you get a smooth dough. paste with no lumps about 1' mins for more. " / used a bread machine for this.# 0. Cover with a plastic wrap and let the dough rest for 21 0 hours or double in si2e." / put the whole bowl into a plastic bag tied with a rubber band#. '. 3unch dough down and knead for ' minutes. -hen leave aside for another one hour. 4. -urn the dough out to the well floured work surface. 5ust some flour on the dough surface and roll the dough out into a long rectangle " 1! ) 4! cm#. Cut into 1 or cm strips. 66 (see notes below) 3lace two strips, one on top of each other. 5o the same for the rest of the strips.. 7. 8eat oil in a kuali. -ake the strips and press lightly on the two strips of dough with a chopstick. 8olds both ends of the dough and stretch the strips a little and lower into hot oil. 5eep fry, turning constantly until each cruller turns puffy and golden brown. 9otes 66 -he si2e and thickness of the cut strips before putting another on top: -hickness 1 about as thick as your fingers, length1 about the length of your middle finger, wide 1 about the first notch of your last finger from the finger tip. The secret of making good YCK is the dough (paste)must be W T and !T"CKY. You may dust some flour on the surface of the dough after proofing to knead but not too much else the dough will become bread or doughnut. The final dough te#ture must remain soft , wet and sticky on the inside e$en if you ha$e dust the surface with some flour.

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