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Sublimation Ink CYMK (RM60/bottle)

Sublimation Ink is suitable for all EPSON printers Available Colors: C M Y K Features: 1 ' * , / !i"# stabilit$ an% free of &lo""in" print #ea% Our sublimation ink #ave perfe&t &olor saturation an% %eo(i%i)ation +i%e &olor "amut an% "oo% &ompatibilit$ of &olors &an represent $ou perfe&t performan&e !i"# resistan&e to li"#t- rubbin" an% .as#in" In&lu%in" no forbi%%en te(tile %$estuffs

Appli&abilit$: 0#is ink is mainl$ use% for %i"ital te(tile printin" on Pol$ester- N$lon- Pol$uret#ane- et& an% #ot transferrin" on metal- por&elain- plasti&- &arpentr$- et& materials .it# &oatin" It &an be printe% on 01s#irts- por&elain- &lot#es- "lass an% te(tile- %e&oration- out%oor a%vertisin"- "ift fiel%- fabri& in%ustr$- portrait in%ustr$- label an% &ar% in%ustr$ Pa&ka"in" Inks in 122ml 3M4256O007E

Dark Garment Transfer Pa er (!0 "s)

Promotions 8 0ransfer Paper Full &olour printin" onto "arment usin" t#is transfer paper 3M ,2 22

Sublimation Pa er (!00 "s)

0ransfer Paper 9i"unakan untuk men&etak 01s#irt- mu"- pin""an- :i"sa. pu))le- topi %an lain1lain 3M /2 22

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