7th S S Course Description and Instructional Outline

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West Hardin Middle School 7th Grade Social Studies Course Outline

Time Period Units Covered

Classroom Procedures Unit 1 Natural Texas and its People Unit 2 Age of Contact Unit 3 Celebrate Freedom Week Unit !panis" Colonial Unit # $exican National Unit # cont% Age of &mpresarios Unit ' (e)olution and (epublic #ecem$er% M&#'()*+ CH)C,PO&-T Unit * &arl+ !tate"ood Unit , Texas in t"e Ci)il War and (econstruction Unit - Cotton. Cattle. and (ailroads

First 6 Weeks

Second 6 Weeks Third 6 Weeks

Glencoe Texas and Texans Cha ters 7 thru !"

Fourth 6 Weeks
Glencoe Texas and Texans Cha ters !. thru !/

Fi0th 6 Weeks
Glencoe Texas and Texans Cha ters 12 thru 1"

Unit 1/ Age of 0il Unit 11 Texas in t"e 1reat 2epression and World War 33

Sixth 6 Weeks
Glencoe Texas and Texans Cha ters 1. thru "2

Unit 12 Ci)il (ig"ts and Conser)atism Unit 13 Contemporar+ Texas Ma3% Final )xam

West 4ardin $iddle !c"ool 2/1351

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