HB 013 The Mark On The Door-1934

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C:\Sweta\ebooks\hardy boyz1\Hardy Boyz1\HB 013 The Mark on the Door1934. db !DB "a#e: HB 013-The_ ar!_on_the_"oor-1#3 Creator $D: $%A& !DB Ty e: T%'t %ers&on: 0 'n&()e $D Seed: 0 Creat&on Date: (/1)/1#*3 Mod&*&+at&on Date: (/1)/1#*3 ,ast Ba+k) Date:: 1/1/1#*0 Mod&*&+at&on ")#ber: 0 -: Converte& b+ ,-le erl-n :TH% A$. /0 TH% "//$ B+ ,$A0.120 3. "2'/0 0o. 13 -n the HA$"4 B/45 ser-es Th-s -s the or-6-nal 1#37 text. The Har&+ Bo+s an& r. Har&+ travel to ex-co to locate a m-ss-n6 w-tness -n an o-l r-6hts tr-al. The 1#)* rev-s-on -s &rast-call+ altere&. The Har&+ Bo+s ser-es b+ ,ran!l-n 3. "-xon8 the 9-rst :( t-tles. The 9-rst +ear -s the or-6-nal +ear. The secon& -s the +ear -t was rev-se&. 01 0< 03 07 0: 0) 0* 0( 0# 10 11 1< 13 17 1: 1) 1* 1( 1# <0 <1 << <3 <7 The Tower Treas;re 1#<*8 1#:# The Ho;se on the Cl-99 1#<*8 1#:# The 5ecret o9 the /l& -ll 1#<*8 1#)< The -ss-n6 Ch;ms 1#<*8 1#)< H;nt-n6 9or H-&&en =ol& 1#<(8 1#)3 The 5hore $oa& +ster+ 1#<(8 1#)7 The 5ecret o9 the Caves 1#<#8 1#): The +ster+ o9 Cab-n 2slan& 1#<#8 1#)) The =reat A-rport +ster+ 1#308 1#): 3hat Happene& at -&n-6ht 1#318 1#)* 3h-le the Cloc! T-c!e& 1#3<8 1#)< ,ootpr-nts >n&er the 3-n&ow 1#338 1#)< The ar! on the "oor 1#378 1#)* The H-&&en Harbor +ster+ 1#3:8 1#)1 The 5-n-ster 5-6n Post 1#3)8 1#)( A ,-6;re -n H-&-n6 1#3*8 1#): The 5ecret 3arn-n6 1#3(8 1#)) The Tw-ste& Claw 1#3#8 1#)7 The "-sappear-n6 ,loor 1#708 1#)7 The +ster+ o9 the ,l+-n6 %xpress 1#718 1#)( The Cl;e o9 the Bro!en Bla&e 1#7<8 1#)# The ,l-c!er-n6 Torch +ster+ 1#738 1*1 The elte& Co-ns 1#778 1#*0 The 5hort 3ave +ster+ 1#7:8 1#))

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<: <) <* <( <# 30 31 3< 33 37 3: 3) 3* 3( 3# 70 71 7< 73 77 7: 7) 7* 7( 7# :0 :1 :< :3 :7 :: :) :* :( The 5ecret Panel 1#7)8 1#)# The Phantom ,re-6hter 1#7*8 1#*0 The 5ecret o9 5!;ll o;nta-n 1#7(8 1#)) The 5-6n o9 the Croo!e& Arrow 1#7#8 1#*0 The 5ecret o9 the 1ost T;nnel 1#:08 1#)( The 3a-l-n6 5-ren +ster+ 1#:18 1#)( The 5ecret o9 3-l&cat 5wamp 1#:<8 1#)# The Cr-sscross 5ha&ow 1#:38 1#)# The 4ellow ,eather +ster+ 1#:78 1#*1 The Hoo&e& Haw! +ster+ 1#:78 1#*1 The Cl;e -n the %mbers 1#::8 1#*< The 5ecret o9 P-rates? H-ll 1#:)8 1#*< The =host o9 5!eleton $oc! 1#:*8 1#)) The +ster+ at "ev-l?s Paw 1#:#8 1#*3 The +ster+ o9 the Ch-nese @;n! 1#)0 The +ster+ o9 the "esert =-ant 1#)1 The Cl;e o9 the 5creech-n6 /wl 1#)< The A-!-n6 5+mbol +ster+ 1#)3 The +ster+ o9 the ABtec 3arr-or 1#)7 The Ha;nte& ,ort 1#): The +ster+ o9 the 5p-ral Br-&6e 1#)) The 5ecret A6ent on ,l-6ht 101 1#)* The +ster+ o9 the 3hale Tattoo 1#)( The Arct-c Patrol +ster+ 1#)# The Bomba+ Boomeran6 1#*0 "an6er on the Aamp-re Tra-l 1#*1 The as!e& on!e+ 1#*< The 5hattere& Helmet 1#*3 The Cl;e o9 the H-ss-n6 5erpent 1#*7 The +ster-o;s Caravan 1#*: The 3-tch- aster?s .e+ 1#*) The @;n6le P+ram-& 1#** +ster+ o9 the ,-reb-r& $oc!et 1#*( 5t-n6 o9 the 5corp-on 1#*#

211>5T$AT%" B4 @. Clemens 6betta 0%3 4/$. =$/55%T C ">01AP P>B125H%$5 a&e -n the >n-te& 5tates o9 Amer-ca Cop+r-6ht8 1#378 b+ =$/55%T C ">01AP8 -nc. All $-6hts $eserve& The Har&+ Bo+s: The ar! on the "oor C/0T%0T5 2 The -ss-n6 3-tness 22 The 5tran6e ar! 222 The Bo+s 2nvest-6ate 2A The Tra-l to Texas A A 5towawa+

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A2 @;an?s 5tor+ A22 2n the Path o9 "an6er A222 5-6nals 2' The 5+mbol A6a-n ' DHea&E;artersD '2 The 2n&-an '22 The Pr-soner '222 The $-&er?s Cl;e '2A The +ster-o;s Traveler 'A Capt;re& b+ Ban&-ts 'A2 The Cave Pr-son 'A22 Pe&ro A-ncenBo 'v22l The ,-6;re -n the ,-rel-Eht '2' Aa-n Plea&-n6s '' The $evolt ''2 Terms o9 Peace ''22 The Ho;r or 5;spense ''222 Plans 9or %scape ''2A The Bran&e& Tree ''A Thb %x& o9 The Case


A$. /0 TH% "//$

CHAPT%$ 2 TH% 25520= 32T0%55 DBetter hea& 9or shore8 ,ran!F 2t?s blow-n6 ;p a 6aleFD ,ran! Har&+8 at the steer-n6 wheel o9 the 5le;th8 6lance& ;p at the s!+. Heav+ blac! clo;&s were 6ather-n6 an& a 6;st+ w-n& was wh-pp-n6 the waters o9 Barmet Ba+ -nto 9oam. The tr-m l-ttle motorboat was be6-nn-n6 to p-tch an& roll -n the swell. D2 6;ess +o;?re r-6ht8 @oe8D he sa-& to h-s brother. D2?ll sw-n6 her aro;n&.D ,ran! bore &own on the wheel an& bro;6ht the bow o9 the cra9t abo;t so that -t was once more hea&-n6 towar& the c-t+ o9 Ba+port. /ne o9 the con&-t-ons on wh-ch the bo+s ha& been allowe& to own the 5le;th was that the+ m;st not r;n ;nnecessar+ r-s!s. The ba+ alwa+s was treachero;s an& s;bGect to s;&&en sE;alls. < The ar! on the "oor The motorboat was G;st spee&-n6 bac! &own the ba+ when the storm bro!e. There was a howl-n6 6;st o9 w-n&8 a 9ew slash-n6 strea!s o9 ra-n8 a 9lash o9 l-6htn-n68 a roll o9 th;n&er. Then the s!-es seeme& to open. The ra-n 9ell -n a torrent-al &ownpo;r. Ba+port was completel+ obsc;re& 9rom v-ew. ,ran! Har&+8 a &ar!8 6oo&-loo!-n6 bo+ o9 seventeen8 cro;che& at the wheel an& peere& o;t across the toss-n6 waste o9 waters. @oe threw h-m an o-ls!-n coat an& so;?wester an& str;66le& -nto a s-m-lar o;t9-t h-msel9. The l-ttle motorboat was c;tt-n6 eas-l+ thro;6h the waves8 the en6-ne po;n&-n6 awa+ w-tho;t a m-ss.

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D2t won?t last lon6FD ,ran! sho;te&. The storm seeme& to sweep the t;m;lt;o;s s;r9ace o9 the ba+ l-!e a 6reat 6ra+ broom 9rom the s!-es. The w-n& moane& an& wh-stle& overhea&. 2n a 9ew m-n;tes the sE;all was pass-n68 roar-n6 on o;t towar& the sea. The ra-n &-m-n-she&. The b;-l&-n6s o9 Ba+port be6an8 to appear &-ml+ ahea&. DAnother boat nearb+FD sa-& @oe8 6aB-n6 o;t over the water. He co;l& hear the rap-& throb o9 an en6-ne. The so;n& came 9rom over to the-r r-6ht. A moment later he ca;6ht s-6ht o9 a &ar! shape strea!-n6 thro;6h the storm. The other cra9t8 wh-ch was b-6 an& power9;l8 The -ss-n6 3-tness 3 -ras travel-n6 at h-6h spee&8 -ts bow r-s-n6 h-6h o;t o9 the water. An& -t was r;sh-n6 stra-6ht towar& the 5le;thF @oe expecte& to see the boat alter -ts co;rse. B;t -t &rew sw-9tl+ nearer8 bear-n6 &own on the-r own cra9t. 5;&&enl+ he real-Be& that a coll-s-on wo;l& be onl+ a matter o9 secon&s. H? He+F 1oo! o;tFD he +elle&. The other boat came roar-n6 sw-9tl+ towar& them. ,ran! Har&+ G;66le& the wheel8 an& sw;n6 the 5le;th aro;n& -n a &an6ero;s t;rn. A h;6e wave crashe& a6a-nst the s-&e. The bo+s were &renche& w-th water. @oe ;ttere& a cr+ o9 alarm when he saw the b-6 powerboat loom-n6 r-6ht at the-r stern8 w-th-n an ace o9 r;nn-n6 them &own. ,ran! sw;n6 the wheel over a6a-n -n a &esperate e99ort to avo-& a crash. He was G;st -n the n-c! o9 t-me. The stern sheere& awa+ Dwhen -t seeme& that the prow o9 the other boat was abo;t to 6o thro;6h -t. 0evertheless8 there was a s;&&en Garr-n6 shoc! as the-r cra9t 3as cl-ppe& b+ the other. The bo+s ca;6ht a 6l-mpse o9 the man at the wheel. He was a swarth+ 9ellow8 blac!-ha-re&8 han&some -n a wa+8 b;t ;npleasant loo!-n6. A moment later the b-6 powerboat was rac-n6 awa+ 9rom them -n a bo-l-n6 9l;rr+ o9 9oam. DHe &-&n?t even slow ;p to see what &ama6e 7 The ar! on the "oor was &oneFD cr-e& ,ran! an6r-l+. D3e m-6ht have &rowne& o;t here 9or all he care&.D @oe loo!e& over the s-&e. DThere?s a b-6 &ent here an& the pa-nt -s all scratche&8 b;t 2 &on?t th-n! the boat -s lea!-n68D he anno;nce&. D -6ht+ l;c!+ +o; p;lle& aro;n& when +o; &-&.D D3h+8 that 9ellow -s as ba& as a h-t-an&-r;n motor-st on lan&. 2?m 6o-n6 a9ter h-m. "-& +o; reco6n-Be h-m8 @oeID D0ever saw h-m be9ore. He loo!e& l-!e a 9ore-6ner to me.D ,ran! Har&+ sw;n6 the bow o9 the motorboat -n the &-rect-on o9 Ba+port an& opene& the throttle w-&e as he too! a9ter the other cra9t. B;t the 5le;th8 rel-able as -t was8 prove& to be no match 9or the 9;6-t-ve. 3-th-n a 9ew m-n;tes the powerboat was onl+ a t-n+ spec! on the toss-n6 waters an& the Har&+ bo+s were le9t 9ar beh-n& -n -ts wa!e. D2 can?t 9-6;re -t o;t8D sa-& @oe8 m+st-9-e&. DThere are 9aster boats than o;rs on Barmet Ba+8 b;t 2?ve never seen one that 9ast.D DHe m;st be a stran6er. Probabl+ 9rom one o9 the towns ;p the coast.D B+ the t-me the Har&+ bo+s reache& the calmer water o9 the harbor there was no s-6n o9 the man the+ were chas-n6. D2?& l-!e to meet that 9ellow an& tell h-m what 2 th-n! o9 h-m8D ,ran! sa-&8 steer-n6 the The -ss-n6 3-tness : 5le;th -nto the-r own boat-ho;se. The+ !new that there ha& been no

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exc;se 9or the acc-&ent an& that -t m-6ht eas-l+ have been more ser-o;s8 perhaps 9atal to both o9 them. 3h-le the+ were exam-n-n6 the &ama6e8 the &oor opene&. DD3hat hoF D3hat ho8 m+ cheer+ mar-nersFD excla-me& a 9am-l-ar vo-ce. DD3elcome ashore8 mates8 a9ter +o;r vo+a6e on the vast+ &eep.D A short8 sto;t bo+ w-th a 6oo&-nat;re& 9ace came -n8 m;nch-n6 an apple. He was Chet orton8 a close ch;m o9 the Har&+ bo+s. Chet was a 9;nlov-n6 la&8 an& the b;tt o9 man+ Go!es beca;se o9 h-s &es-res 9or 9oo&. He was alwa+s h;n6r+ an& he a&m-tte& -t. D2 was loo!-n6 9or +o; 9ellows8D he anno;nce&. D1et?s 6o ;p to the ,e&eral Co;rt. + 9ather -s on the G;r+ an& there?s an exc-t-n6 case 6o-n6 on.D DD3hat?s -t abo;tID the+ as!e&8 -ntereste&. DThe $-o /-l Compan+ 9ra;&. 4o; !now- the crow& that sol& so m;ch ex-can o-l stoc! aro;n& Ba+port. 29 +o; want to hear the case +o;?& better h;rr+.D The Har&+ bo+s a6ree& to 6o8 an& hast-l+ t-e& the-r boat -n the sl-p. Chet note& the &ama6e& s-&e8 an& wante& to !now the &eta-ls. The Har&+s tol& h-m abo;t the swarth+ man who ha& come so close to wrec!-n6 them -n the ba+. ) The ar! on the "oor D3h+8 that m;st be 5an&+ acPherson?s b-6 new powerboatFD excla-me& Chet. D2 was watch-n6 the en6-ne be-n6 teste& the other &a+. 2t G;st arr-ve& 9rom the 9actor+ the 9-rst part o9 the wee!.D 5an&+ acPherson was an el&erl+ 5cot who mana6e& a boat l-ver+ not 9ar &own the shore. The Har&+ bo+s !new -t ha& lon6 been h-s amb-t-on to own a spee&+ cra9t that co;l& show -ts heels to an+ other boat on Barmet Ba+. D1et?s &rop -n an& as! h-m be9ore we 6o ;p to the co;rt8D ,ran! s;66este&. The bo+s 9o;n& 5an&+ acPherson 9on&l+ a&m-r-n6 a b-68 power9;l boat that the+ reco6n-Be& at once. DThat?s -t8 all r-6htFD sho;te& @oe. D3ho was o;t -n +o;r boat8 5an&+ID D2 &-nna !en the mon?s name8D repl-e& 5an&+. DHe h-re& the boat 9rae me G;st t?other &a+. A 9;rr-n la& he was. He h-re& the boat an& he brocht -t bac! an& he pa-& me weel.D DA 9ore-6nerFD DA+eF He co;l&na spea! %n6l-sh vena weel. Co;l& scarcel+ ;nnerstan? me.D DAn& +o; &on?t !now an+th-n6 more abo;t the manID 5an&+ shoo! h-s hea&. DThe mon m-n&e& h-s a-n b;s-ness. An& 2 m-n& m-ne8D he observe& .s-6n-9-cantl+. The -ss-n6 3-tness 9 "-sappo-nte&8 the Har&+ bo+s an& Chet le9t the boat l-ver+ an& went ;p the street. D,or6et -t8D a&v-se& Chet. D1et?s h;rr+8 or the case w-ll be over be9ore we hear an+ o9 -t.D 3hen the bo+s ma&e the-r wa+ -nto the ,e&eral Co;rt ten m-n;tes later the+ 9o;n& the place crow&e&. All Ba+port was -ntereste& -n the sensat-onal $-o /-l case. 5cores o9 c-t-Bens ha& -nveste& the-r mone+ -n shares o9 the stoc! that ha& been pe&&le& b+ smooth an& conv-nc-n6 salesmen. The arrest o9 the promoters8 an& the &-scover+ that the wells-D wh-ch were sa-& to be -n ex-co-ha& never pro&;ce& a &rop o9 o-l an& never wo;l&8 were &evelopments that ha& been emblaBone& -n newspaper hea&l-nes 9or &a+s. The bo+s sl-ppe& -nto seats G;st -n t-me to hear the "-str-ct Attorne+

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E;est-on-n6 one o9 the B-o Compan+?s stoc! salesmen. He was a B;ave8 sh-9t+-e+e& 9ellow who &-& not seem to be the least b-t at ease -n the w-tness box. D4o; sol& three tho;san& shares o9 th-s stoc! to rs. ar6aret Cha&w-c!ID as!e& the "-str-ct Attorne+ sharpl+. D4es8 s-r.D D5he -s a w-&owID D5o 2 bel-eve.D D2t was all the mone+ she ha&9D D2-2 th-n! so.D ( The ar! on the "oor DAn& +o; !new the stoc! was worthlessFD D2 &-&n?t !now an+th-n6 abo;t -t. 2 was G;st obe+-n6 or&ers.D DAn& +o;r or&ers were-----ID DTo sell as m;ch stoc! as 2 co;l&.D At th-s moment an atten&ant p;she& h-s wa+ thro;6h the crow& an& han&e& the "-str-ct Attorne+ a note. D29 the co;rt w-ll exc;se me8D the latter sa-& to the @;&6e8 D2 sho;l& l-!e to rea& th-s comm;n-cat-on.D ,rown-n68 he 6lance& at the note. Then he appeare& m;ch ;pset. D4o;r Honor8D he sa-& abr;ptl+8 D2 am sorr+8 b;t 2 m;st as! 9or a postponement o9 th-s case.D D>pon what 6ro;n&sID as!e& the @;&6e. D2 have G;st rece-ve& wor& that m+ pr-nc-pal w-tness8 r. Tremmer8 has m+ster-o;sl+ &-sappeare&. 2nasm;ch as he was the boo!!eeper o9 the $-o /-l Compan+8 he -s -n possess-on o9 a 6reat &eal o9 ev-&ence h-6hl+ -mportant to m+ case. 2t -s -mposs-ble 9or me to procee& w-tho;t h-m.D The @;&6e cons-&ere& br-e9l+. DAer+ well8D he sa-&. D2 shall 6rant +o; a sta+ o9 twent+-9o;r ho;rs. Co;rt stan&s a&Go;rne&.D The "-str-ct Attorne+?s anno;ncement that h-s star w-tness ha& &-sappeare& create& a senThe -ss-n6 3-tness # Bat-on -n the co;rtroom. A b;BB o9 vo-ces arose when the @;&6e le9t the bench. D"-rt+ wor! -n th-s case8D sa-& Chet. D2?ll bet the $-o crow& ha& someth-n6 to &o w-th that &-sappearance. The 5tate can?t ver+ well 6et a conv-ct-on w-tho;t Tremmer?s ev-&ence.D B;t ,ran! was not l-sten-n6. 5;&&enl+ he 6rabbe& h-s brother?s arm. D1oo!8 @oeFD he excla-me&. D2sn?t that man over there the one who &ama6e& o;r boat a wh-le a6oID He was 6aB-n6 -n the &-rect-on o9 a crow& o9 men near the &oorwa+. Amon6 them was a tall8 swarth+8 blac!-ha-re& stran6er who seeme& to be -n a h;rr+ to 6et o;t o9 the co;rtroom. @oe too! one loo! an& excla-me&: ?? That?s the 9ellowF Come on8 ,ran!F 1et?s 6et h-m be9ore we lose h-m -n the crow& o;ts-&e.D The Har&+ bo+s scramble& -nto the a-sle8 closel+ 9ollowe& b+ Chet. The+ were hel& bac! b+ the &ense crow&8 however8 an& b+ the t-me the+ reache& the &oorwa+ the+ ha& lost s-6ht o9 the-r E;arr+. Aa-nl+ the+ searche& the corr-&or o;ts-&e the co;rtroom. D2?ll bet he saw ;s 9-rstFD sa-& @oe b-tterl+. D3e?re 6o-n6 to 9-n& that 9ellowFD ,ran! &eclare&. D3e?re 6o-n6 to 9-n& h-m an& ma!e h-m pa+ 9or the &ama6e to o;r boat.D CHAPT%$ H TH% 5T$A0=% A%. D2? s;re he saw ;s an& 6ot o;t o9 the co;rtroom as E;-c!l+ as he co;l&

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beca;se he was a9ra-& to 9ace ;s8D -ns-ste& ,ran! Har&+. DBrave wor&s8 m+ heart+FD Chet sa-&. DB;t how are +o; 6o-n6 to 9-n& h-mI 3h+ not p;t an a& -n the newspaperI ?3-ll the 9ore-6n 6entleman who b;ste& o;r boat on Th;rs&a+ a9ternoon please call at o;r ho;se an& pa+ 9or same.? a+be that w-ll 9etch h-m soon eno;6h.D The bo+s as!e& some o9 the co;rtroom atten&ants an& the &oorman -9 the+ remembere& the swarth+ stran6er8 b;t the-r -nE;-r-es met w-th no s;ccess. 3hen ,ran! an& @oe Har&+ tac!le& a problem the+ &-& not 6-ve ;p eas-l+ an& -ns-ste& that the+ wo;l& locate the maa sooner or later. Chet was h-6hl+ am;se&. D There are several tho;san& people -n Ba+port8D he la;6he&8 Dan& +o; !now the 9ellow onl+ b+ s-6ht. 4o;?ve never hear& h-s name or where he l-ves or an+th-n6.D D@;st the same8 we?ll 9-n& h-m 2D 10 The 5tran6e ar! 11 The tr-o went on &own the ch-e9 b;s-ness street o9 Ba+port8 &-sc;ss-n6 the m+ster-o;s stran6er an& the o&& t;rn o9 events that ha& ca;se& the postponement o9 the %-o /-l tr-al. D + 9ather sa-& that th-s boo!!eeper8 Trem-mer8 was 6o-n6 to 6-ve ev-&ence 9or the 5tate8 an& that the "-str-ct Attorne+ was rel+-n6 on h-m to prove that the o-l promoters were a pac! o9 croo!s8D sa-& Chet. D2t seems 9;nn+ that he sho;l& &-sappear G;st at th-s t-me.D D2t?s more than 9;nn+. 2t?s s;sp-c-o;s8D @oe remar!e&. DPerhaps the+ 6ave h-m some mone+ an& he le9t the co;ntr+.D DTremmer wo;l&n?t &o that. He?s honest. That -s wh+ so man+ people p;t 9a-th -n the compan+. The+ tho;6ht that -9 Tremmer was connecte& w-th -t8 the stoc! m;st be all r-6ht.D D1ots o9 people lost all the-r sav-n6s8D sa-& ,ran!. D"o +o; th-n! the+?ll 6et the-r mone+ bac! -9 the 5tate w-ns the caseID DThe promoters &-&n?t have t-me to 6et awa+ w-th the mone+. 2t seems that Tremmer 6ot s;sp-c-o;s an& t-ppe& o99 the 5ecret 5erv-ce.D "own the pavement marche& an an6;lar woman w-th a &eterm-ne& str-&e. 5he ha& a 6r-m8 severe 9ace. A pa-r o9 spectacles perche& precar-o;sl+ on the en& o9 her nose. DA;nt =ertr;&eFD excla-me& ,ran!. D1et?s 6et o;t o9 s-6htFD excla-me& Chet8 1< The ar! on the "oor who ha& a wholesome &rea& o9 the 9orm-&able ol& la&+. The+ were too late8 however. A;nt =ertr;&e ha& an e+e l-!e a haw! an& ha& seen them alrea&+. 5he bore &own as relentlessl+ as the swarth+ stran6er?s powerboat. A;nt =ertr;&e was a sp-nster o9 ;ncerta-n a6e who Dv-s-te&D one relat-ve a9ter another. @;st now she was -nstalle& at the Har&+ home on one o9 her per-o&-cal v-s-ts. 5he was a 6r;998 o;tspo!en woman8 b;t the Har&+ bo+s !new that her bar! was worse than her b-te. DHalD she excla-me&. D5o here +o; are 2 1oa9-n6 abo;t the streets8 ehID D3e aren?t loa9-n68 A;nt8D sa-& ,ran!. D3e were G;st over at the co;rt ho;se l-sten-n6 to a tr-al.D D5ta+ awa+ 9rom co;rt ho;sesFD or&ere& A;nt =ertr;&e. DCo;rt ho;ses mean cr-me. 29 there was no cr-me there wo;l& be no co;rt ho;ses. An& cr-me means Ga-l. An& Ga-l means &-s6race. 5ta+ awa+ 9rom ?em. 2 nearl+ 6ot b-tten b+ a &o6.D A;nt =ertr;&e ha& a wa+ o9 G;mp-n6 9rom one s;bGect to another -n a manner that was &-sconcert-n6 to those who &-& not !now her. D0earl+ 6ot b-tten8 A;nt =ertr;&eFD excla-me& @oe. D1;c!+ 9or the &o6 that -t was onl+ nearl+8D m;rm;re& Chet. The 5tran6e ar! 13

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D3hat?s that8 +o;n6 manID &eman&e& A;nt =ertr;&e8 6lar-n6 at h-m over the top o9 her spectacles. D3hat was that remar!ID D2 sa-& 2?m 6la& -t was onl+ nearl+8D sa-& Chet mee!l+. D2?m 6la& he &-&n?t reall+ b-te +o;8 ma?am.D D"o6s sho;l&n?t be allowe&FD .sa-& A;nt =ertr;&e. D0ast+ l-ttle br;tes. 2?ll report that woman.D D3hat womanID as!e& ,ran!. D3h+8 the woman who owne& the &o6. "on?t be so st;p-&FD cr-e& h-s a;nt. D3hat other woman sho;l& 2 be tal!-n6 abo;tI 2?ll report her. An& s;ch a &o6. 29 people m;st own &o6s let them own &o6s8 not an apolo6+ 9or a &o6. 0ot an -m-tat-on &o6. + 6oo&-aess8 th-s &o6 was act;all+ na!e&FD DA na!e& &o6FD excla-me& @oe. D0ot a ha-r on -ts h-&eF 29 2 ha& a &o6 l-!e that 2 sho;l& p;t ha-r ton-c on -t. 5a-& a ex-can 6ave -t to her. BahFD ,ran! was -ntereste&. DA ex-canF Then -t was a ex-can ha-rless &o68 probabl+.D A;nt =ertr;&e c;ppe& her han& to her ear. D%hI A ex-can he-ressID DA ex-can ha-rless. 3ho owns -t8 A;nt =ertr;&eID D rs. 5m-th8 the woman who r;ns the boar&-n6 ho;se two bloc!s 9rom home. 5he sa-& one 17 The ar! on the "oor o9 her boar&ers 6ave -t to her. An& -t tr-e& to b-te me. 29 2 ever meet that boar&er 2?ll 6-ve h-m a p-ece o9 m+ m-n&. =o-n6 aro;n& han&-n6 o;t na!e& &o6s that tr+ to b-te people when the+?re wal!-n6 E;-etl+ alon6 m-n&-n6 the-r own b;s-nessF /;tra6eo;s. =o homeFD 3-th that8 A;nt =ertr;&e marche& on her wa+. Chet wh-stle& so9tl+ an& moppe& h-s brow w-th rel-e9. DThat m;st have been e-ther a &o66one brave &o6 or a &o66one 9ool-sh &o68 to tr+ to ta!e a b-te o;t o9 herFD he remar!e&. ,ran! was tho;6ht9;l. D5o there?s a ex-can boar&er at ra. 5m-th?s place8D he sa-& mean-n6l+. @oe loo!e& ;p. ?? That 9ellow &-& loo! someth-n6 l-!e a ex-canFD he excla-me&. D a+be -t?s a cl;e. 3e?ll loo! -nto -t.D DCl;eFD snorte& Chet. DProbabl+ some poor8 -nnocent ol& 9ellow who &oesn?t even !now how to r;n a motorboat. However8 2?ll ta6 alon6. 2?& l-!e to see that ha-rless &o6 an+wa+.D 3h-le the Har&+ bo+s an& Chet are on the-r wa+ to the boar&-n6 ho;se to -nvest-6ate rs. 5m-th?s lo&6er 9rom ex-co8 let me -ntro&;ce the la&s more 9;ll+ to m+ rea&ers. ,ran! an& @oe Har&+ were the sons o9 ,enton Har&+8 9amo;s &etect-ve who ha& reThe 5tran6e ar! 1: t-re& a9ter a br-ll-ant career Dw-th the 0ew 4or! Pol-ce "epartment8 to la;nch o;t pro9ess-onall+ 9or h-msel9. 5o s;ccess9;l ha& he been that he was !nown thro;6ho;t the >n-te& 5tates as one o9 the shrew&est cr-m-nal -nvest-6ators -n the co;ntr+. Altho;6h r. Har&+ ha& not planne& that h-s sons sho;l& 9ollow -n h-s 9ootsteps8 -t soon became apparent that the+ ha& -nher-te& h-s &e&;ct-ve talents. 2n the open-n6 vol;me o9 th-s ser-es8 DThe Har&+ Bo+s: The Tower Treas;re8D the two brothers s;ccee&e& -n solv-n6 a m+ster+ that ha& ba99le& the Ba+port pol-ce8 an& recovere& a r-ch treas;re 9rom -ts h-&-n6 place. ,rom then on ,ran! an& @oe were &eterm-ne& to carve o;t careers 9or themselves as &etect-ves. an+ o9 the p;BBl-n6 m+ster-es that the+ solve& have been reco;nte& -n the

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

var-o;s boo!s -n th-s ser-es8 s;ch as DThe 5ecret o9 the /l& -ll8D DH;nt-n6 9or H-&&en =ol&8D an& others. 2n D,ootpr-nts >n&er the 3-n&ow8D the prece&-n6 vol;me8 the bo+s -nvest-6ate& a we-r& m+ster+ s;rro;n&-n6 an apparentl+ -nnocent Ch-nese la;n&r+ -n Ba+port8 an& s;ccee&e& -n clear-n6 ;p a case ;pon wh-ch ,enton Har&+ h-msel9 ha& been en6a6e&. As the ch;ms wal!e& towar& rs. 5m-th?s boar&-n6 ho;se the+ ha& no -&ea that the-r e99orts to locate the swarth+ stran6er were 1) The ar! on the "oor abo;t to -nvolve them -n one o9 the most thr-ll-n6 a&vent;res o9 the-r l-ves. rs. 5m-th8 a sweet8 !-n&l+ ol& la&+ -whom the+ !new well8 was s;rpr-se& when she learne& the obGect o9 the-r v-s-t. D3h+8 +es8D she sa-&8 when the+ as!e& abo;t her lo&6er. D2 have a ex-can boar&-n6 here. At least8 2 ha&. He le9t not ten m-n;tes a6o. H-s name was Pe&ro A-ncenBo.D DHas he 6one 9or 6oo&ID as!e& ,ran!8 !eenl+ &-sappo-nte&. D2?m a9ra-& so8D repl-e& rs. 5m-th. DHe was awa+ 9or the past two &a+s b;t ret;rne& a short t-me a6o8 pac!e& ;p8 an& le9t. He pa-& me -n a pec;l-ar manner8 too-not w-th cash8 b;t b+ a lot o9 p-eces o9 paper that he sa-& wo;l& br-n6 me plent+ o9 mone+.D The Har&+ bo+s were G;st on the po-nt o9 as!-n6 rs. 5m-th -9 she wo;l& let them see the papers8 when there was a s;&&en &-st;rbance 9rom the ;pper part o9 the ho;se. A ma-& screame& w-l&l+8 an& ran &own the sta-rs. DThe &o68 ma?amFD she shr-e!e&. DThe &o6F He?s 6one ma&.D The bo+s co;l& hear an an-mal bar!-n6 an& +elp-n6. rs. 5m-th was ba&l+ 9r-6htene&. Her 9ace t;rne& pale8 an& she cl;n6 to the ban-ster 9or s;pport. ,ran! reache& the sta-rs at a bo;n& an& hastene& to the ;pper 9loor8 @oe an& Chet close The 5tran6e ar! 1* at h-s heels. 2n the hall he 9o;n& a ex-can ha-rless p;p wr-th-n6 an& tw-st-n6 on the 9loor. DHe?s not ma&FD cr-e& Chet. DHe -s hav-n6 a 9-t. Throw some water on h-m.D ,ran! locate& the bathroom8 E;-c!l+ 9-lle& a 6lass w-th water8 ran bac!8 an& &ashe& the contents over the sE;-rm-n6 an-mal. A9ter a 9ew tr-ps the &o6 was thoro;6hl+ &renche&8 becom-n6 E;-eter as he came o;t o9 the 9-t. ,-nall+ he crawle& awa+8 wh-n-n6. rs. 5m-th8 who ha& watche& these procee&-n6s 9rom the sta-rwa+8 was 6reatl+ rel-eve&. DThen he -sn?t ma& a9ter allID she -nE;-re& anx-o;sl+. D2 th-n! he?ll be all r-6ht now8D sa-& ,ran!. D a+be -t wo;l&n?t be a ba& -&ea to call a veter-nar+ s;r6eon to have a loo! at h-m.D rs. 5m-th p-c!e& ;p the E;-ver-n6 l-ttle an-mal an& -t la+ -n her arms8 sh-ver-n6. D r. A-ncenBo 6ave me th-s &o68D she expla-ne&. D2?ve become 6reatl+ attache& to the l-ttle an-mal.D 5he -n&-cate& an open &oorwa+ nearb+. DThat was r. A-ncenBo?s room.D ,ran! an& @oe steppe& -nto the chamber. 2t was clean an& neat. A-ncenBo ha& ta!en awa+ all h-s belon6-n6s. 0oth-n6 rema-ne& to -n&-cate the character o9 the prev-o;s occ;pant so 9ar as the+ co;l& see. D%ven -9 he was the man we?re loo!-n6 9or8D 1( The ar! on the "oor sa-& @oe E;-etl+8 D2 6;ess we?ve lost trac! o9 h-m now.D D2?m a9ra-& so8D a&m-tte& ,ran!. D3e ma+ as well 6o.D

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@oe?s sharp e+es s;&&enl+ ca;6ht s-6ht o9 someth-n6 that -ntereste& h-m. DThat?s E;eerFD he excla-me&8 6o-n6 over to the &oor. D2 won&er -9 -t?s r. A-ncenBo?a wor!.D +st-9-e&8 ,ran! 9ollowe& h-m wh-le @oe sw;n6 the &oor partl+ sh;t. There8 -n the woo&wor!8 the ho+s saw a pec;l-ar mar! b;rne& -nto the bac! o9 the &oor. 2t was a stran6e s+mbol8 ver+ neatl+ exec;te&8 an& represente& a heap o9 blaB-n6 st-c!s w-th the -n-t-al P -n the center o9 the 9lames. CHAPT%$ 222 TH% B/45 20A%5T2=AT% that even-n6 the B-o /-l Compan+ case was the ch-e9 top-c o9 conversat-on at the Har&+ &-nner table. The newspapers were 9-lle& w-th the stor+ o9 %lmer Tremmer?s s;&&en &-sappearance G;st when h-s ev-&ence was nee&e& b+ the a;thor-t-es. D3hat &o +o; th-n! happene& to h-m8 "a&ID as!e& ,ran! o9 h-s 9ather. ,enton Har&+ sm-le&. D2 haven?t the least -&ea8D he sa-&8 Db;t 2 hope to 9-n& o;t.D DAre +o; wor!-n6 on the caseID cr-e& @oe. D4es8 the stoc!hol&ers o9 the o-l compan+ have reta-ne& me to tr+ to locate Tr-mmer8D D"o +o; th-n! he ran awa+ID D%lmer Tremmer was never ver+ lon6 on bra-ns8D sa-& r. Har&+8 Db;t 2 wo;l& ban! on h-s honest+. That?s wh+ the sw-n&lers ma&e h-m boo!!eeper o9 the compan+-beca;se the+ -ma6-ne& he wo;l&n?t be smart eno;6h to see thro;6h the-r croo!e& wor! an& wo;l& at the same t-me conv-nce ever+bo&+ -n Ba+port 1# <0 The ar! on the "oor that -t was a le6-t-mate enterpr-se. 0o8 2 &on?t bel-eve Tremmer ran awa+. A9ter all8 -t was on h-s -n9ormat-on that the a;thor-t-es 9-rst too! act-on a6a-nst the compan+.D DPerhaps he was !-&nape&FD ,ran! s;66este&. DThat -s a poss-b-l-t+8D ,enton Har&+ a6ree&. DThen a6a-n8 the croo!s ma+ have 9r-6htene& h-m -nto 6o-n6 awa+. 2 have p-c!e& ;p a 9ew cl;es that ma+ lea& to someth-n6.D D"o +o; !now -9 a man name& Pe&ro A-n-cenBo ha& an+th-n6 to &o w-th the $-o /-l 9ra;&ID as!e& @oe. D0ot to m+ !nowle&6e. 2 have never hear& the name ment-one&.D D3eren?t there some ex-cans at the hea& o9 the concernID DThe o-l wells were s;ppose& to be -n ex-co an& two or three o9 the &-rectors were 9rom that co;ntr+. The others were Amer-cans.D That even-n68 when the bo+s were &-sc;ss-n6 the a99a-r8 the+ a6ree& that Pe&ro A-n-cenBo m-6ht well have been -nvolve& -n the o-l compan+ 9ra;& even -9 h-s name ha& not come to l-6ht. D ex-cans aren?t so n;mero;s -n th-s part o9 the >n-te& 5tates8D ,ran! ar6;e&. D2t seems E;eer that he chec!e& o;t o9 h-s boar&-n6 ho;se G;st as soon as he !new the tr-al was postpone&. He was certa-nl+ -ntereste& The Bo+s 2nvest-6ate <1 -n the tr-al or l-e wo;l&n?t have been -n the co;rtroom.D D2 vote we 6o bac! to rs. 5m-th?s ho;se tomorrow an& as! her a 9ew more E;est-ons abo;t the 9ellow8D sa-& @oe. D3e ma+ as well &o a l-ttle &etect-ve wor! on o;r own acco;nt. Perhaps we?ll learn someth-n6 that w-ll help "a&.D 0ext morn-n68 a9ter 6o-n6 &own to the boat-ho;se to -nspect the &ama6e &one to the 5le;th an& t;rn the cra9t over to 5an&+ acPherson 9or the necessar+ repa-rs8 the Har&+ bo+s a6a-n calle& on rs. 5m-th.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

The+ 9o;n& the l-ttle ol& la&+ mo;rn-n6 the loss o9 her &o6. The an-mal ha& &-e& &;r-n6 the n-6ht. D/h8 &earFD sa-& rs. 5m-th. D2 was so attache& to the poor 9ellow an& now 2 &on?t s;ppose 2?ll ever be able to 6et another &o6 E;-te l-!e h-m.D DPerhaps the cl-mate &-&n?t a6ree w-th h-m8D @oe s;66este&. rs. 5m-th tho;6ht otherw-se. 5he wo;l& never b;+ a &o6 to replace her pet ;nless she co;l& 6et another ex-can ha-rless. ,ran! an& @oe 6ra&;all+ le& the conversat-on aro;n& to the s;bGect o9 Pe&ro A-ncenBo8 the boar&er who ha& 6-ven her the an-mal. D3hat sort o9 a man was heID as!e& ,ran!. DHe was ver+ pol-te8D sa-& rs. 5m-th8 Db;t << The ar! on the "oor l-e was also ver+ conce-te&. To hear h-m tal! +o; wo;l& th-n! he ha& been one o9 the 6reatest men -n ex-co. He hra66e& a l-ttle too m;ch to s;-t me. He ;se& to tell me the most terr-ble stor-es abo;t ex-can ban&-ts-&rea&9;l people. An& he act;all+ Go!e& abo;t some o9 the th-n6s those ban&-ts &-&. He sa-& he came 9rom a place where people l-ve& -n the cl-99s.D DB+ the wa+8D @oe remar!e&8 D+o; tol& ;s +ester&a+ that he &-&n?t pa+ +o; -n mone+ b;t -n p-eces o9 paper. 3hat were the+ID D2 &on?t r-6htl+ !now8D sa-& rs. 5m-th. DHe sa-& the+ wo;l& be ver+ val;able some &a+. The+ have someth-n6 to &o w-th o-l. 2?ll 6o an& 6et them.D @oe 6lance& s-6n-9-cantl+ at h-s brother8 when rs. 5m-th went -nto the next room an& r;mma6e& thro;6h an ol& &es!. D/-l cert-9-cates8 2?ll bet a hat8D he m;rm;re&. @oe was r-6ht. rs. 5m-th ret;rne& w-th hal9 a &oBen 6a;&-l+ pr-nte& &oc;ments that prove& to be cert-9-cates 9or 9-ve tho;san& shares o9 $-o /-l Compan+ stoc!. DAre the+ worth m;chID she as!e& anx-o;sl+. DHaven?t +o; been rea&-n6 the newspapersID as!e& ,ran!. D + e+es have been ba& latel+. 2 haven?t loo!e& at a paper -n wee!s.D The Bo+s 2nvest-6ate <3 D r. A-ncenBo m;st have !nown that. 2?m a9ra-& +o; have been sw-n&le&8 rs. 5m-th.?J The Har&+ bo+s then tol& her abo;t the $-o /-l 9ra;& an& the -nterr;pte& tr-al. The poor Dwoman was 6reatl+ &-st;rbe& b+ the news that the cert-9-cates were probabl+ val;eless. DHow m;ch &-& he owe +o;ID as!e& ,ran!. DThree h;n&re& &ollars. /h8 2 tho;6ht 2 was 9ool-sh when 2 &-&n?t -ns-st on 6ett-n6 the mone+8 b;t he sa-& the cert-9-cates wo;l& be worth m;ch more than the three h;n&re& &ollars an& that he was 6-v-n6 them to me as a spec-al 9avor.D The !nowle&6e that Pe&ro A-ncenBo ha& pa-& h-s lan&la&+ -n cert-9-cates o9 %-o /-l stoc! stren6thene& the Har&+ bo+s -n the-r s;sp-c-on that the lo&6er was connecte& -nG some wa+ w-th the 9ra;& case. D2?& l-!e to !now more abo;t that 9ellow8D sa-& ,ran! when the+ le9t rs. 5m-th a l-ttle later. D2 sho;l& part-c;larl+ l-!e to !now where he went when he h-re& that b-6 spee&boat 9rom 5an&+ acPherson.D DPerhaps -9 we ta!e a r;n to the v-lla6es &own the ba+ we ma+ p-c! ;p some -n9ormat-on8D @oe s;66este&. DThat?s not a ba& -&ea. 1et?s 6o an& see -9 the boat -s rea&+ +et.D /n the-r wa+ &own to the water9ront the bo+s enco;ntere& Chet orton an& Ton+ Pr-to8 <7 The ar! on the "oor an 2tal-an la& who ha& been one o9 the-r ch;ms 9or +ears.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

DTon+ an& 28D anno;nce& Chet8 Dare loo!-n6 hope9;ll+ 9or 9;n8 tro;ble8 a&vent;re or whatever +o; have.D DHow abo;t a sp-n -n the 5le;thID s;66este& ,ran!. D1et?s 6oFD Ton+ sa-&8 h-s &ar! e+es 9a-rl+ Banc-n6. Chet cons-&ere& the matter. ?? The proposal has -ts 6oo& po-nts. B;t how lon6 shall we be awa+ 9rom the home portI 5hall we be bac! -n t-me 9or &-nnerF The salt water alwa+s 6-ves me an appet-te an& -9 2 m-ss a meal 2 hate to th-n! o9 the conseE;ences. The shoc! to m+ stomach wo;l& be too m;ch.?? D2t wo;l&n?t h;rt +o; to 6o on a &-et 9or a 9ew wee!s an+wa+8D ret;rne& Ton+ ;ns+mpa-thet-call+. D4o;?re 6ett-n6 too 9at.D D3e?ll br-n6 alon6 a p-cn-c bas!et8D @oe s;66este&. DThen there?ll be no &an6er o9 hav-n6 +o; &-e on o;r han&s thro;6h starvat-on.D D0ow +o;?re tal!-n6F The vo+a6e -s on.D The bo+s ma&e ;p a s;bstant-al bas!et o9 l;nch -n the !-tchen o9 the Har&+ home8 w-th Chet len&-n6 so m;ch ass-stance that A;nt =ertr;&e 9-nall+ chase& h-m o;ts-&e. He mana6e& to scoop ;p a slab o9 p-e on h-s wa+8 however8 so that the others 9o;n& h-m wh-stl-n6 The Bo+s 2nvest-6ate <: happ-l+ when the+ Go-ne& h-m a 9ew m-n;tes later. 5an&+ acPherson ha& &one h-s wor! well8 an& the motorboat showe& l-ttle ev-&ence o9 the prev-o;s &a+?s acc-&ent when the bo+s -nspecte& -t at the boat-ho;se. ,ran! an& @oe E;est-one& h-m8 hop-n6 that he m-6ht be able to 6-ve them a cl;e concern-n6 the stran6er?s &est-nat-on when he rente& the powerboat. B;t 5an&+ -ns-ste& that the man ha& tol& h-m noth-n6. D2 9o;n& th-s -n the boat8 -9 -t?s o9 an+ -nterest to +e8D he sa-&8 ta!-n6 a colore& 9ol&er o99 a nearb+ shel9. The moment ,ran! an& @oe exam-ne& the sheet the+ real-Be& that -t m-6ht be an -mportant cl;e. 2t was a t-me-table o9 the Coastal A-r Transport Compan+8 an av-at-on 9-rm that ha& G;st constr;cte& a new a-rport on the ban! o9 the D3-llow %-ver8 some l-ttle &-stance &own the ba+. D,-rst port o9 callFD sa-& ,ran!8 an& p;t the 9ol&er -nto h-s poc!et. D3e?ll see -9 the a-rport people !now an+th-n6 abo;t h-m.D The bo+s 6ot -nto the boat8 Chet care9;ll+ carr+-n6 the l;nch bas!et8 an& -n a 9ew m-n;tes the 5le;th was spee&-n6 &own the ba+. The &a+ was clear an& s;nn+8 the water was calm. Chet b;s-e& h-msel9 tr+-n6 to 9-n& a sa9e place 9or the l;nch bas!et8 wh-ch seeme& to be h-a <) The ar! on the "oor ch-e9 concern. He was st-ll h;nt-n6 9or a sat-sJ 9actor+ spot when ,ran! too! a h-6hl+-colore& &oc;ment 9rom h-s poc!et. D1-!e to b;+ some o-l stoc!8 Chet*D he as!e&. ,ran! ha& pers;a&e& rs. 5m-th to len& h-m one o9 the cert-9-cates A-ncenBo ha& 6-ven her8 -n the hope that -t m-6ht help h-m trace the ex-can. D3hat have +o; thereID as!e& Chet8 rest-n6 the l;nch bas!et a6a-nst the s-&e o9 the boat. D$-o /-l. /ne tho;san& shares. =oo& 9or start-n6 the 9-re -n the morn-n6.D D1et?s have a loo!.D Chet reache& 9or the stoc! cert-9-cate. >n9ort;natel+8 @oe chose that part-c;lar moment to alter the co;rse o9 the motorboat. The cra9t swerve& s;&&enl+8 Chet l;rche& o99 balance8 lost h-s 6r-p on the han&le o9 the l;nch bas!et8 an& sta66ere& w-l&l+. D1oo! o;tFD he roare&. DThe l;nchFD He ma&e a 9rant-c 6rab 9or the bas!et as -t sl-& overboar&8 an& leane& 9ar over the s-&e Dw-th an an6;-she& +ell when he saw the appet-B-n6 9oo& splash -nto the water. Then there was a lo;&er +ell8 9or Chet ha&

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

leane& over too 9ar. He went t;mbl-n6 hea&lon6 -nto the waves. CHAPT%$ 2A TH% T$A21. T/ T%'A5 ton+ pb-to an& the Har&+ bo+s whoope& Dw-th la;6hter when the+ saw Chet?s s;&&en an& -n6lor-o;s t;mble over the s-&e. As the 9at bo+ came popp-n6 to the s;r9ace8 h-s e+es w-&e8 h-s mo;th open8 he ;ttere& a stran6le& +ell. DHelpF He+-come bac!8 +o; 9ellowsF 2?m &rown-n6.D @oe was alrea&+ sw-n6-n6 the boat aro;n&. D4o; co;l&n?t s-n! -9 +o; tr-e&8D Geere& Ton+ Pr-to. H? 4o; ?& 9loat.?? ,ran! an& Ton+ between them mana6e& to ha;l the &r-pp-n6 Chet bac! -nto the boat. He was st-ll cl;tch-n6 the stoc! cert-9-cate that he ha& ta!en 9rom ,ran!?s han& G;st be9ore he went overboar&8 b;t h-s ch-e9 6r-evance was that the l;nch was 6one. D3hat are we 6o-n6 to &oID he wa-le&. D%ver+ b-t o9 9oo& we ha& -n the boat -s now at the bottom o9 Barmet Ba+. 3e?ll starve.D D3h+ &-& +o; 9l-n6 the bas!et overboar&ID as!e& @oe -nnocentl+. D eFD howle& Chet. D2 9l;n6 -t overboar&I <I <( The ar! on the "oor Are +on craB+I "o +o; th-n! 2 wo;l& throw the l;nch bas!et -nto the waterID Chet was -n a ba& state. The tho;6ht o9 the lost 9oo& seeme& to worr+ h-m more than h-s soa!e& cloth-n6. @oe8 w-th a w-&e 6r-n8 steere& the motorboat towar& an -slan& not 9ar awa+. Chet wo;l& have to be &r-e& o;t be9ore the+ co;l& 6o on to the a-rport. DHow abo;t that stoc! cert-9-cateID -nE;-re& Pran!. D2 hope -t wasn?t &ama6e&.D DThat l;nch was worth a lot more than the stoc! cert-9-cate8D Chet howle&. DHere 2 am8 soa!-n6 wet an& the 9oo& all 6one8 wh-le +o; tal! abo;t stoc!s that aren?t worth the paper the+?re pr-nte& on.D @oe bro;6ht the boat -n to the -slan&8 wh-ch was ;n-nhab-te&8 an& the+ 6ot o;t. 2n a short t-me the+ ha& a 9-re blaB-n68 an& Chet?s clothes were &r+-n6 be9ore the 9lames. He was all 9or ret;rn-n6 to Ba+port at once8 b;t the others wo;l& not hear o9 -t. D4o; won?t starve be9ore we 6et bac! 9rom the a-rport8D Ton+ Pr-to ass;re& h-m. D=et 2nto +o;r pants an& let?s be on o;r wa+.D Chet was -n a better 9rame o9 m-n& a9ter h-s 6arments were &r-e&. 3hen the tr-p was res;me&8 he act;all+ mana6e& to be cheer9;l. DThere m-6ht be a 9ran!9;rter stan& at th-s a-rport8D he remar!e&. The motorboat spe& &own the ba+ ;nt-l the The Tra-l to Texas <# mo;th o9 the 3-llow $-ver came -nto v-ew. @oe 6;-&e& the-r cra9t -nto the stream8 an& -n a 9eKr m-n;tes the bo+s came -n s-6ht o9 the 9la6s that mar!e& the bo;n&ar-es o9 the a-rport. There was a small &oc!8 where the+ t-e& ;p the-r boat. Then the+ 9ollowe& a path that bro;6ht them to a lon68 low b;-l&-n6 ;pon wh-ch Dwas the s-6n: D/99-ce-Coastal A-r Transport Compan+.D D=oo&FD excla-me& ,ran!. DTh-s -s the place we want.D D2?& rather see a s-6n rea&-n6 ?/99-ce-Hot "o6 Compan+ o9 Amer-ca8? D sa-& Chet pla-nt-vel+. An alert8 !een-e+e& man was wr-t-n6 at a &es! when the+ went -n. He 6lance& ;p. DHello8 bo+sF 3hat can 2 &o 9or +o;ID @oe n;&6e& ,ran!. D"o the tal!-n68D he wh-spere&. ,ran! leane& on the co;nter.

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

D"-& a man b+ the name o9 Pe&ro A-ncenBo boo! passa6e on one o9 +o;r planes w-th-n the past 9ew &a+sID The o99-c-al wr-n!le& h-s brows8 6lance& at a boo!8 then shoo! h-s hea&. D0o one b+ that name8D he repl-e&. DHe was a ex-can8D sa-& ,ran!. DA ex-can8 ehI Tall8 swarth+8 6oo&-loo!-n6 -n a wa+------D DThat?s the man.D 30 The ar! on the Boor DThere was a chap o9 that &escr-pt-on -n here +ester&a+ morn-n6. B;t he &-&n?t boo! passa6e 9or h-msel9. He wante& a t-c!et 9or another man.D D"o +o; !now that person?s nameID as!e& @oe8 ea6erl+. DHe -s re6-stere& here as Peter 5m-th. He was an el&erl+ chap8 as 9ar as 2 can remember.D A s;&&en &ron-n6 that 6rew -nto a roar -nterr;pte& them. The a-rport o99-c-al 6lance& at h-s watch. DCraw9or& -s G;st com-n6 -n now8D he sa-&. DHe -s the p-lot who ma&e the 9l-6ht. The 9ore-6n loo!-n6 man boo!e& passa6e to 0ew 4or! 9or a 9r-en& o9 h-s8 b;t that?s all 2 can tell +o;. 29 +o;?re loo!-n6 9or -n9ormat-on8 ma+be Craw9or& can help +o;.D The Har&+ bo+s than!e& h-m an& le9t the o99-ce. Chet orton an& Ton+ Pr-to were ver+ c;r-o;s. D3hat?s -t all abo;tID as!e& Ton+. DAre +o; wor!-n6 on another m+ster+ID D3e &on?t !now +et8D @oe tol& h-m. A b-6 passen6er plane was G;st settl-n6 to earth. echan-cs ran 9orwar& to ta!e char6e o9 the b-6 mach-ne. 3hen the sh-p came to a stop the p-lot clambere& o;t8 remov-n6 h-s helmet an& 6o66les. He stro&e ;p towar& the o99-ce. DAre +o; P-lot Craw9or&ID as!e& ,ran!. The Tra-l to Texas 3l He 6r-nne& at them. DAt +o;r serv-ceFD DThe -nspector has G;st tol& ;s that +on too! an el&erl+ 6entleman to 0ew 4or!. 3o;l& +o; m-n& 6-v-n6 ;s a &escr-pt-on o9 h-mID Craw9or& la;6he&. D2 won?t 9or6et h-m -n a h;rr+8D he sa-&. D2 never saw s;ch a nervo;s man -n the a-r -n all m+ l-9e. 2t was h-s 9-rst 9l-6ht an& 2 th-n! he Dwas E;-te s;re -t was 6o-n6 to be h-s last.D D3as h-s name Tremmer9D The p-lot shoo! h-s hea&. DHe &-&n?t tell me. He was a short8 E;-et .ttle 9ellow-abo;t 9-9t+8 2?& sa+. 3ore hornr-mme& 6lasses8 an& ha& a 6ra+ m;stache.D ,ran! an& @oe loo!e& at each other. The+ !new %lmer Tremmer b+ s-6ht8 an& the p-lot?s &escr-pt-on exactl+ 9-tte& the m-ss-n6 boo!!eeper. D3e?re rather -ntereste& -n h-m8D ,ran! tol& the p-lot. D"-& he 6o to 0ew 4or!ID D4es8 2 lan&e& h-m w-th m+ other passen6ers an& he too! o99 -n another plane r-6ht awa+. A 9ellow met h-m-----D D"-& +o; see the man who met h-mID D4es. ,ore-6n loo!-n6 man. Blac! m;stache an& bear&. B;t 2?m a9ra-& that?s all 2 ean tell +o;.D D4o; have helpe& ;s a lot8D @oe ass;re& the p-lot. He t;rne& to ,ran!. D1et?s call ;p that 0ew 4or! a-rport.D 3< The ar! on tl-e "oor ??"-& he ta!e a Coastal planeFD ,ran! as!e& Craw9or&. D5;re. B;t 2 &on?t !now where he was hea&e& 9or. Perhaps the o99-c-als -n 0ew 4or! can tell +o;.D

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

As the bo+s h;rr-e& bac! to the o99-ce Chet remar!e&: D2 G;st love be-n6 a &etect-ve. 3hat -s th-s all abo;t8 an+wa+ID D3e &on?t !now o;rselves8D @oe tol& h-m. The Har&+ bo+s p;t thro;6h a lon6 &-stance call to the Coastal A-r o99-ce at $oosevelt ,-el&. The connect-on was soon complete& an& ,ran! as!e& -9 a passen6er b+ the name o9 Peter 5m-th ha& been boo!e& o;t the prev-o;s n-6ht. D@;st a moment8 please.D %v-&entl+ the compan+?s 9-l-n6 s+stem was e99-c-ent8 9or the -n9ormat-on was soon 9orthcom-n6. D r. 5m-th -s boo!e& to Brownsv-lle8 Texas.D DThan! +o;.D ,ran! t;rne& to h-s brother w-th a wh-stle o9 amaBement. DBrownsv-lle8 TexasFD he excla-me&. D%lmer Tremmer -s travel-n6 9ar an& 9ast.D Chet stare& at h-m. DThe m-ss-n6 w-tnessF "o +o; mean to tell me that +o; 9ellows have p-c!e& ;p %lmer Tremmer?s tra-lID ,ran! no&&e&. D2 th-n! so. B;t -t?a a tra-l that lea&s to The Tra-l to Texas 33 Texas. An& -t?s all m-xe& ;p w-th a man who ran -nto o;r boat8 an& a ha-rless &o6 an& a 9ew o-l cert-9-cates an& a mar! on a &oor.D The Har&+ bo+s were h-6hl+ elate& that the-r h;nch ha& been correct. At least8 the+ wo;l& have some val;able -n9ormat-on 9or the-r 9ather. The+ lost no t-me hasten-n6 bac! to the motorboat an& ma!-n6 a E;-c! r;n to Ba+port. D3hat?s the h;rr+ID Chet wante& to !now. D29 Tremmer -s -n Texas +o;?ll never be able to catch h-m.D DAs lon6 as he -s on >n-te& 5tates terr-tor+ "a& ma+ be able to have h-m. bro;6ht bac!. B;t -9 he ever 6ets across the bor&er -nto ex-co -t w-ll ma!e a b-6 &-99erence8D ,ran! po-nte& o;t. DThere -s no t-me to lose.D 3hen the bo+s ret;rne& home8 however8 the+ 9o;n& that ,enton Har&+ was o;t. =reatl+ &-sappo-nte&8 the+ wa-te& -mpat-entl+ 9or h-m. An ho;r passe& be9ore the+ hear& the-r 9ather?s 9am-l-ar step -n the hall. ,ran! an& @oe r;she& o;t to meet h-m. D3e?ve p-c!e& ;p Tremmer?s tra-lFD DHe?s 9l+-n6 to TexasFD ,enton Har&+ steppe& E;-c!l+ -nto h-s st;&+ an& sat &own at h-s &es!. D$eall+ID he as!e&. DTell me abo;t -t.D The bo+s hast-l+ 6ave the-r stor+. ,enton Har&+ was asto;n&e&. 37 The ar! on the "oor D2 can har&l+ bel-eve -t8D he sa-&. DThe man seems to have 6one o9 h-s own 9ree w-ll. B;t wh+ &-& he o99er the a;thor-t-es h-s help an& then clear o;t G;st when he was nee&e&ID The bo+s? 9ather reache& 9or the telephone an& calle& the "-str-ct Attorne+. 2n a 9ew wor&s he acE;a-nte& that o99-c-al w-th the news. A9ter a br-e9 conversat-on he replace& the rece-ver. D3e?re 6o-n6 to TexasFD sa-& ,enton Har&+ abr;ptl+. The bo+s stare& at h-m. The+ were -ncre&;lo;s. D3eFD the+ cr-e&. The-r 9ather sm-le&. D"on?t +o; want to 6oID D3hen &o we startTD &eman&e& ,ran!. D@;st as soon as we can. 2 th-n! +o; bo+s &eserve the tr-p8 see-n6 +o; locate& Tremmer 9or me.D @oe &-& a l-ttle step &ance -n the m-&&le o9 the 9loor.

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

DB;t -t w-ll ta!e two or three &a+s to 6et to Texas8 won?t -t ID as!e& ,ran!. ?? B+ that t-me who !nows where Tremmer w-ll beID DHe &-&n?t waste an+ t-me. 0e-ther w-ll we8D r. Har&+ sa-&. D3e?re 6o-n6 b+ plane.D The bo+s were almost speechless w-th exc-teJ ment. The+ r;she& ma7@v 9rom the room. The Tra-l to Texas 3: D3e?ll be pac!e& ;p an& rea&+ -n 9-ve m-n;tes8D sho;te& @oe. ,enton Har&+ was ;s-n6 the telephone a6a-n. He was call-n6 the a-rport8 -nE;-r-n6 abo;t the 9l+-n6 sche&;le. ,ran! an& @oe were hal9wa+ ;p the sta-rs when the &oorbell ran6. DBotherFD m;ttere& ,ran!. D@;st when we?re -n a h;rr+.D However8 he hastene& &ownsta-rs an& opene& the &oor. The v-s-tor was rs. 5m-th8 the erstwh-le lan&la&+ o9 the m+ster-o;s Pe&ro A-ncenBo. D2 hope 2?m not tro;bl-n6 +o;8 ,ran!8D the ol& la&+ sa-&8 Db;t 2 9o;n& someth-n6 2 tho;6ht +o; m-6ht l-!e to see. 2t?s part o9 a letter that 2 &-scovere& ;n&er the carpet -n r. A-ncenBo?s room. 2 can?t ;n&erstan& -t m+sel9. Bes-&es8 -t?s partl+ b;rnt8 b;t perhaps Lt w-ll help +o; 9-n& the rascal.D CHAPT%$ A A 5T/3A3A4 the Har&+ bo+s were -n a state o9 6reat exc-tement over the thr-ll-n6 prospect o9 an a-rplane 9l-6ht to Texas8 an& -mpat-ent to be on the-r wa+. B;t when rs. 5m-th state& the obGect o9 her v-s-t the+ !new that -t m-6ht have an -mportant bear-n6 on the-r own m-ss-on. D3on?t +o; come -n8 rs. 5m-thID ,ran! -nv-te&. D0o8 than!s. 2 G;st bro;6ht th-s letter over -n case +o; m-6ht be able to ma!e ;se o9 -t. 2 can?t ma!e hea& nor ta-l o9 the th-n6 m+sel9.D The lan&la&+ han&e& ,ran! a cr;mple& envelope w-th charre& e&6es. Then8 remar!-n6 that she ha& a 6reat &eal o9 wor! to &o -9 her boar&ers were to have s;pper on t-me8 she too! her &epart;re. D3hat?s all th-s abo;t a letterID ,enton Har&+ calle& o;t 9rom h-s st;&+. The bo+s bro;6ht -n the m-ss-ve to h-m an& tol& h-m abo;t the-r -nvest-6at-ons o9 the stran6er !nown as Pe&ro A-ncenBo. 3) A 5towawa+ 3* r. Har&+ was &eepl+ -ntereste&8 part-c;larl+ as -t was ev-&ent that the man was connecte& -n some wa+ w-th the $-o /-l Compan+ an& %lmer Tremmer?s &-sappearance. D1et me see the letter8D he s;66este&. Both the envelope an& the pa6e w-th-n ha& been ba&l+ b;rne&M more than hal9 the letter ha& been &estro+e&. 3hen ,ran! care9;ll+ remove& the charre& sheet he saw that the messa6e ha& been wr-tten -n a 9ore-6n lan6;a6e. ,enton Har&+ exam-ne& -t care9;ll+. ?? 5pan-sh8?? he remar!e&. D 2 ;se& to !now a l-ttle o9 -t. 1et me see-?a ro6;e an& a rascal. 2 have noth-n6 b;t contempt 9or +o; an& -n answer to +o;r -mp;&ent proposal that +o; marr+ m+ &a;6hter "olores 2 warn +o; that 2 shall never 6-ve m+ consent-? An& that seems to be all that?s le9t o9 the letter.D D2s -t a&&resse& to A-ncenBoID @oe as!e&. D2sn?t there a name s-6ne& to -tID sa-& ,ran!. DBoth s-6nat;re an& a&&ress are m-ss-n6. 2?m a9ra-& we can?t attach m;ch -mportance to th-s &oc;ment. However8 !eep -t -n +o;r poc!et. 2t ma+ be ;se9;l some &a+.D

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

r. Har&+ 6ave the letter bac! to ,ran!. DThe a-rport tells me that we can ma!e connect-ons w-th a n-6ht plane 9rom a @erse+ 9-el& -9 we leave here at seven o?cloc!8D he tol& the bo+s. D2?ve ma&e the arran6ements. 3e?ll 3( The ar! on the "oor travel l-6ht8 an& -9 we?re -n the so;th 9or an+ len6th o9 t-me we can b;+ what extra cloth-n6 we nee& &own there.D ,or the next two ho;rs the Har&+ bo+s were -n a 9renB+ o9 exc-tement as the+ prepare& 9or the tr-p. The-r mother was a l-ttle &;b-o;s when she was tol& o9 the proGecte& Go;rne+8 b;t as ,enton Har&+ expla-ne& that the bo+s ha& reall+ earne& the tr-p b+ the-r clever &etect-ve wor! -n trac-n6 %lmer Tremmer8 she 6ave her consent. A;nt =ertr;&e8 however8 was a6a-nst the -&ea 9rom the moment she hear& o9 -t. DA-rplanesFD she snorte&. DTravel-n6 b+ a-rplanesF 3ell8 2 ma+ as well sa+ 6oo&-b+e to +o; now8 9or 2?ll never see +o; a6a-n8 not -n th-s worl&. 2t?s ba& eno;6h to have the man o9 the ho;se tra-ps-n? o99 hal9wa+ aro;n& the worl& w-tho;t ten m-n;tes? warn-n68 w-tho;t the ch-l&ren 6o-n6 alon68 too.D DCh-l&renFD excla-me& @oe -n&-6nantl+. A;nt =ertr;&e alwa+s treate& her nephews as -9 the+ were st-ll -n rompers. D4es8 ch-l&renFD she answere&. D,l+-n6 to TexasF 0ow -n m+ &a+-----D A;nt =ertr;&e was o99 on one o9 her 9am-l-ar monolo6;es to the e99ect that -n her &a+ bo+s were m;ch better behave& than the+ were -n the present 6enerat-on. ,-nall+8 however8 ,enton Har&+ an& h-s sons HFr A 5towawa+ 3# too! the-r &epart;re. The+ reache& the a-rport b+ tax- -n 6oo& t-me to ta!e the-r places -n the b-6 passen6er plane that was to carr+ them to the @erse+ 9-el&. 2t was not the-r 9-rst exper-ence -n 9l+-n6. ,ran! an& @oe ha& been -nvolve& -n some thr-ll-n6 a-r a&vent;res on a prev-o;s occas-on when the+ solve& the m+ster+ o9 a ser-es o9 ma-l the9ts8 &escr-be& -n DThe =reat A-rport +ster+8D one o9 the earl-er vol;mes o9 th-s ser-es. B;t th-s was to be the-r 9-rst lon6 9l-6ht8 an& the+ were a6o6 Dw-th ant-c-pat-on o9 a&vent;res that m-6ht awa-t them at the en& o9 -t. The+ were not &est-ne& to be &-sappo-nte&. 5tran6er exper-ences than an+ the+ ha& ever ha& be9ore la+ -n store 9or them. The b-6 n-6ht 9l+-n6 mach-ne to wh-ch the+ trans9erre& when the+ reache& 0ew @erse+ was a revelat-on to the la&s. 2t was a ver-table l-ner o9 the a-r8 a room+8 l;x;r-o;s cra9t that carr-e& them sw-9tl+ thro;6h the n-6ht8 h-6h above the scattere& cl;mps o9 l-6hts that mar!e& the locat-ons o9 towns an& v-lla6es. ,ran! an& @oe were so exc-te& that the+ co;l& not sleep. The-r 9ather8 to whom a-r travel was an ol& stor+8 settle& h-msel9 com9ortabl+ an& was soon sl;mber-n6 peace9;ll+. The plane lan&e& at a so;thern a-rport &;r-n6 the n-6ht. The bo+s 6ot o;t to stretch the-r le6s wh-le the mach-ne was chec!e& an& re70 The ar! on the "oor 9;elle&. "a+brea! 9o;n& them &r;mm-n6 stea&-l+ over the 9arm lan&s8 la!es8 r-vers an& valle+s that la+ 9ar below -n the 9-rst ra+s o9 the r-s-n6 s;n. The b-6 cra9t was eat-n6 ;p the m-les. ,ran! ca;6ht s-6ht o9 a tra-n -n the &-stance. 2t loo!e& l-!e a to+8 w-th a t-n+ l-ne o9 wh-te smo!e stream-n6 9rom the 9;nnel o9 the locomot-ve. 2n a 9ew m-n;tes the+ ha& le9t -t 9ar beh-n& them. ,ran! real-Be& how hopelessl+ the+ wo;l& have been o;t&-stance& b+ Tremmer sho;l& the+ have travele& b+ ra-l. The+ chan6e& to another plane that morn-n68 an& -t was shortl+ a9ter

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

the+ too! o99 on the 9o;rth le6 o9 the-r 9l-6ht that the+ ha& the-r 9-rst taste o9 a&vent;re. There were several other passen6ersM ever+ seat was ta!en8 an& the ba66a6e capac-t+ o9 the sh-p was w-th-n a 9ew po;n&s o9 the sa9et+ l-m-t. The b-6 mach-ne l;mbere& &own the 9-el&8 ta!-n6 o99 sl;66-shl+8 9-nall+ to 6a-n alt-t;&e an& roar o99 -nto the so;th. DTh-s mach-ne &oesn?t 9l+ as smoothl+ as the others8D ,ran! remar!e& to h-s 9ather. D2t?s carr+-n6 more we-6ht8 2 s;ppose.D However8 -t soon became ev-&ent that the p-lot was hav-n6 tro;ble. The ta-l o9 the sh-p &-ppe& constantl+. A9ter a wh-le the mechan-c came bac! an& con9erre& w-th the stewar&8 who &-sappeare& -nto the re6-ons at the rear o9 the sh-p. The plane 6ave a s;&&en l;rch8 the nose A 5towawa+ 71 went ;p sharpl+8 an& the Har&+ bo+s 6lance& at each other -n alarm. The p-lot ha& h-s sh-p well -n han&8 however8 an& -n a moment ha& -t once a6a-n on an even co;rse. There was a s;&&en sc;99le at the bac! o9 the passa6e8 as the stewar& emer6e&8 &ra66-n6 b+ the collar a ra66e&8 ol-ve-s!-nne& bo+. DA stowawa+FD sho;te& ,ran!. The stewar&?s 9ace was 9l;she& w-th an6er. He shoo! h-s capt-ve v-6oro;sl+. DHow &-& +o; 6et -n thereID he cr-e&. D"on?t +o; !now +o; m-6ht have ca;se& a crashI 3e?re overwe-6ht. 3hat?s +o;r nameI 3here &o +o; come 9romID The capt-ve8 who was abo;t ,ran!?s a6e8 merel+ shr;66e& h-s sho;l&ers helplessl+ an& shoo! h-s hea& as -9 to -n&-cate that he &-&n?t ;n&erstan&. D4o; ;n&erstan& me all r-6htFD &eclare& the stewar& an6r-l+8 wa66-n6 h-s 9-n6er ;n&er the +o;th?s nose. D3hat &o +o; mean b+ stow-n6 awa+ -n th-s sh-pI 5pea! ;p8 bo+FD The la& re9;se& to &o so. He merel+ cont-n;e& to sha!e h-s hea&8 w-th an express-on on h-s 9ace wh-ch -n&-cate& he co;l& not comprehen& a wor& the stewar& was sa+-n6. D3e?ll atten& to +o; at the next stop8D the stewar& &eclare&. D29 +o; can?t spea! %n6l-sh we?ll 9-n& someone who !nows +o;r l-n6o.D He ma&e the bo+ s-t on a small 9ol&-n6 stoo1 7< The ar! on the "oor There the stowawa+ cro;che&8 h-s arms enc-rcl-n6 h-s !nees8 loo!-n6 all the wh-le ver+ wretche&. "ar!ness ha& 9allen8 an& the 6leam-n6 l-6hts o9 the a-rport that mar!e& the en& o9 the-r Go;rne+ came -n s-6ht. The b-6 plane swoope& &own8 &escen&e& -n a 6reat sp-ral8 an& 9-nall+ settle& to the 6ro;n& -n a per9ect lan&-n6. Then8 w-th motor open8 -t tax-e& across the level 9-el& towar& the han6ars. The stewar& was so b;s+ atten&-n6 to the passen6ers that 9or the moment -t seeme& he ha& 9or6otten abo;t the stowawa+. The +o;th8 6ot o;t o9 the plane close beh-n& the Har&+ bo+s b;t ma&e no attempt to escape. He stoo& there8 a lonel+ an& &eGecte& loo!-n6 9-6;re. 5;&&enl+ 9rom o;t o9 the 6loom there came a stran6er. H-s 9ace was obsc;re& b+ the broa& br-m o9 h-s hat. He steppe& ;p to ,enton Har&+ an& bowe& pol-tel+. D5enor Har&+ID he -nE;-re& -n a low vo-ce Dw-th a 9ore-6n accent. r. Har&+ was s;rpr-se&. D 4es8D he a&m-tte&. ?? How &o +o; !now m+ nameID DAh8D repl-e& the man8 Dwe have been expect-n6 +o;. 2 have a messa6e------D 3-th that he thr;st a 9ol&e& note -nto the &etect-ve?s han&8 t;rne&

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

awa+8 an& van-she& -nto the &ar!nesa. A 5towawa+ 73 There was a cr+ o9 alarm 9rom the stowawa+. He 6rabbe& ,ran!?s arm. D"on?t let m see meFD cr-e& the bo+. D/h8 &on?t let that man see meFD D5o +o; can tal! %n6l-shID remar!e& ,ran!. >n&er the a-rport l-6hts the Har&+ bo+s co;l& see that the stowawa+?s 9ace was wh-te w-th 9ear. D3hat?s the matterID as!e& @oe. DThat manF 2?m a9ra-& o9 h-m. 2?m 6la& he?s 6one now.D The stowawa+ st-ll cl;n6 to ,ran!?s arm8 as -9 -n terror lest the stran6er ret;rn. D3ell8D ,ran! remar!e&8 D2 m;st sa+ that th-s -s a E;eer sort o9 recept-on.D D2t -s -n&ee&8D sa-& ,enton Har&+8 who ha& "een rea&-n6 the note the 9ore-6ner ha& thr;st -nto h-s han&. D3e &on?t seem to be welcome8 -9 2?m to ta!e th-s note ser-o;sl+.D He t;rne& to the stowawa+. D4o; !now that manID D4es8 5enor8D ret;rne& the bo+ -n %n6l-sh wh-ch was per9ect8 b;t ha& a 9ore-6n accent. J?2 !now h-m onl+ too well.D DPerhaps +o; ha& better come w-th ;s8?J ,enton Har&+ s;66este&. D2?& l-!e to !now someth-n6 abo;t the 9ellow m+sel9.D CHAPT%$ A2 G;an?s stor+ Dwhat was -n the note8 "a&ID as!e& ,ran!. D2t m-6ht poss-bl+ be a pract-cal Go!e8 b;t 2?m a9ra-& -t?s ser-o;s8D ret;rne& r. Har&+. D1-sten-----.D He rea& alo;& the 9ollow-n6 extraor&-nar+ comm;n-cat-on: DTo 5enor ,enton Har&+8 Pr-vate "etect-ve 9rom the >n-te& 5tates: DTh-s -s to warn +o; an& +o;r sons that +o; m;st not set 9oot ;pon ex-can so-l. 29 +o; &-sre6ar& th-s warn-n6 there w-ll be b;t one penalt+ an& that penalt+ w-ll be- "eathFD @oe wh-stle& solemnl+. DThat?s stra-6ht 9rom the sho;l&er. 3e aren?t to 6o to ex-co8 ehI B;t -9 Tremmer -s st-ll -n Texas there w-ll be no nee& o9 o;r cross-n6 the bor&er.D r. Har&+ shoo! h-s hea&. 77 @;an?s 5tor+ 7: D/;r m-ss-on -s !nown. Th-s letter means that Tremmer -s no lon6er -n Texas.D He t;rne& to the stowawa+. D4o; sa+ +o; !now the man who 6ave me the letterID The bo+ no&&e&. DH-s name -s 5enor Bar-o. 2 am ver+ m;ch a9ra-& o9 h-m. He !-&nape& me 9rom m+ home.?? D.-&nape& +o;FD cr-e& the Har&+ bo+s -n aston-shment. D2t -s the tr;th. 2 am tr+-n6 to ret;rn to m+ home. That -s wh+ 2 h-& m+sel9 -n the a-rplane. 29 5enor Bar-o ha& &-scovere& me8 he wo;l& have !ept me 9rom reach-n6 m+ home a6a-n.D D0ot wh-le we?re aro;n&8D &eclare& @oe con9-&entl+. DHe -s a ba& man8 an& he has helpers who are as w-c!e& as he -s.D D3hat -s +o;r name8 m+ bo+9D as!e& ,en--on Har&+. D@;an archeta8 5enor.D DThen come w-th ;s to o;r hotel an& let ;s hear more abo;t th-s 5enor Bar-o. Perhaps we can help +o; an& perhaps +o; can help ;s.D The Har&+s 6ot the-r ba66a6e an& cl-mbe& -nto a wa-t-n6 tax-. The a-rport was on the o;ts!-rts o9 a thr-v-n6 town that boaste& a th-r&rate hotel. r. Har&+ en6a6e& connect-n6 rooms 9or h-msel9 an& the three bo+s.

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

7) The ar! on the "oor A9ter the+ ha& eaten the+ settle& &own to l-sten to @;an archeta?s stor+. The bo+8 who &evo;re& a tremen&o;s meal8 con9esse& that he ha& not eaten -n twent+-9o;r ho;rs. D4o; see8D he sa-&8 D2 have come all the wa+ 9rom 0ew 4or!. ,or part o9 the wa+ 2 be66e& r-&es on a;tomob-les-what -s -t +on sa+I-h-tch-h-!-n6. Then8 when 2 saw m+ chance to h-&e -n the a-rplane8 2 too! the r-s!.D D4o; are a ex-canID -nE;-re& r. Har&+. D5-8 5enorF + home -s -n ex-co.D DHow &-& +o; happen to be -n 0ew 4or!8 so 9ar awa+ 9rom homeI 4o; sa-& someth-n6 abo;t be-n6 !-&nape&.D D2t happene& -n th-s manner8 5enor. There was a man b+ the name o9 5enor Pancho who came o9ten to o;r hac-en&a. 2 have a s-ster8 +o; ;n&erstan&8 b+ the name o9 "olores. 5he -s ver+ bea;t-9;l. 5enor Pancho w-she& to pa+ respects to her b;t m+ 9ather sa-& he -s not welcome. /;rs -s a ver+ ol& 9am-l+ an& we have an honore& name8 b;t th-s Panchobah -he -s a low-caste 9ellow. He has mone+8 +es8 or so he sa-&8 b;t that matters not. /ne who marr-es m+ s-ster "olores m;st be o9 her own stat-on -n l-9e.D DAn& what &-& 5enor Pancho &o when he was tol& that h-s attent-ons weren?t welcomeID DHe was ver+ an6r+. He sa+ that m+ 9ather w-ll re6ret -t. Then he went awa+ an& we &-& @;an?s 5tor+ 7* not see h-m a6a-n. 3e were tol& that he ha& le9t the co;ntr+. 0evertheless8 2 am s;re that senor Pancho ha& someth-n6 to &o w-th the !-&nap-n6.D DHow &-& that happenID as!e& r. Har&+. D2 was st;&+-n6 m+ lessons -n the 6ar&en one a9ternoon when a man calle& to me 9rom the 6ate. He sa+ there ha& been an acc-&ent /n the roa& an& that h-s 9r-en& ha& been h;rt. /9 co;rse8 2 went o;t to see -9 2 co;l& help h-m. 0o sooner ha& 2 steppe& o;t o9 the 6ate than a blan!et was thrown over m+ hea& an& 2 was carr-e& -nto an a;tomob-lt. 2 was bo;n& han& an& 9oot an& 6a66e&.D D3hat happene& nextID as!e& ,ran! ea6erl+. D3e &rove 9or man+ m-les. The+ ha& ta!en the blan!et 9rom m+ hea& b;t the+ bl-n&9ol&e& me so that 2 co;l& not see where 2 was 6o-n6. 1ater 2 was carr-e& -nto an a-rplane an& we 9lew 9or a lon6 t-me. A9ter that 2 was ta!en -nto another a;tomob-le. The men 6ave me 9oo& an& later on remove& the ban&a6e 9rom m+ e+es. B;t the+ warne& me that -t wo;l& mean m+ &eath -9 2 cr+ o;t or tr+ to 6et help. That was when 2 9-rst &-& see m+ ab&;ctors. An& one o9 them was the man who met +o; at the a-rport.?? D5enor Bar-oID D/ne o9 h-s 9r-en&s calle& h-m b+ that name. 7( The ar! on the "oor 3ell8 to 6o on w-th m+ stor+. 2 was bro;6ht all the wa+ to 0ew 4or!8 an& there 2 was t;rne& over to three other ex-canos who !ept me a pr-soner -n the-r ho;se. At 9-rst 2 &-& not ma!e an+ attempt to escape8 so 6ra&;all+ the+ became careless an& one n-6ht 2 mana6e& to 9lee thro;6h a basement w-n&ow. A stran6er o99ere& me a r-&e -n h-s a;tomob-le an& 2 6ot o;t o9 the c-t+. 2 have been ma!-n6 m+ wa+ home ever s-nce.D D"o +o; !now -9 an+one ma&e a &eman& on +o;r 9ather 9or ransomID as!e& r. Har&+. D2 &o not !now. The men8 the+ tol& me noth-n6 an& answere& none o9 m+ E;est-ons.D DPerhaps that was 5enor Pancho?s wa+ o9 6ett-n6 reven6e8D @oe s;66este&.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

D2 am s;re 5enor Pancho ha& someth-n6 to &o w-th -t8D ret;rne& @;an. D4o; are st-ll a lon6 wa+ 9rom home8D r. Har&+ rem-n&e& the bo+. @;an sm-le&. H-s pre&-cament &-& not seem to ca;se h-m a 6reat &eal o9 anx-et+. D1 have come so 9ar8D he sa-&. DA 9ew h;n&re& m-les more8 the+ w-ll not matter.D The Har&+ bo+s la;6he&. D4o; ta!e -t cooll+8 at an+ rate8D sa-& ,ran!. r. Har&+ was stran6el+ tho;6ht9;l. At last he t;rne& to h-s sons. D rs. 5m-th8 the lan&la&+8 tol& +o; that @;an?s 5tor+ 7# Pe&ro A-ncenBo ;se& to tal! abo;t ex-co. He &-& not tell her h-s a&&ress8 &-& heID DHe sa-& he came 9rom a part o9 the co;ntr+ Dwhere people l-ve& -n caves.D DAh8D sa-& @;an E;-c!l+. D"-& he ment-on the Tarah;maresID DCome to th-n! o9 -t8D sa-& @oe8 D-t seems to me that rs. 5m-th was tr+-n6 to 6et her ton6;e aro;n& a name l-!e that. 5he calle& them Tarmars. 3hat are the+8 @;anID D2n&-ans8D ret;rne& the ex-can la& promptl+. DThe Tarah;mare 2n&-ans l-ve -n the northern s-erras8 -n the mo;nta-ns o9 Ch-h;ah;a. There are caves -n the 5eptentr-on Canon8 o9 co;rse8 b;t people &o not l-ve there an+ more.D D2t?s a sl-m cl;e8D sa-& r. Har&+8 Db;t -9 Pe&ro A-ncenBo comes 9rom the mo;nta-ns o9 Ch-h;ah;a he ma+ have sent Tremmer there.D D4o; are loo!-n6 9or someoneID as!e& @;an pol-tel+. D4es. An& perhaps +o; ma+ be able to help ;s. "o +o; !now ex-co wellID D2 have travele& a 6reat &eal -n m+ own co;ntr+.D DCo;l& +o; 6;-&e me to th-s co;ntr+ o9 the Tarah;maresID D2 m;st ret;rn home 9-rst8 o9 co;rse. B;t ?w-th m+ 9ather?s perm-ss-on there -s noth-n6 2 sho;l& l-!e better than to help +o;.D @;an?s :0 The ar! on the "oor e+es spar!le& w-th exc-tement. D2t wo;l& be the sort o9 a&vent;re 2 pre9er.D ,enton Har&+ o;tl-ne& br-e9l+ the stor+ o9 Pe&ro A-ncenBo an& the m-ss-n6 w-tness8 %lmer Tremmer. DThe man ma+ st-ll be -n Texas8D he sa-&. D Tomorrow 2 am 6o-n6 to ma!e some -nvest-6at-ons an& tr+ to p-c! ;p h-s tra-l. 29 2 can?t 9-n& h-m 2 s;ppose o;r best plan -s to 6o on -nto the Ch-h;ah;a co;ntr+. At least8D he a&&e&8 D2 w-ll 6o on -nto ex-co w-th +o;8 @;an8 an& ,ran! an& @oe can wa-t here ;nt-l 2 ret;rn.D Consternat-on was wr-tten -n the 9aces o9 the Har&+ bo+s. D"o +o; mean to sa+ we can?t 6o w-th +o;8 "a&TD cr-e& ,ran!. r. Har&+ shoo! h-s hea&. D2t?s too &an6ero;s8 2?m a9ra-&. Th-s ma+ be G;st another w-l&-6oose chase. 4o; are sa9er on >n-te& 5tates so-l.D The bo+s were !eenl+ &-sappo-nte&. 0ow that the+ ha& come so 9ar -t was a cr;sh-n6 blow to learn that the+ m-6ht have to s-t cool-n6 the-r heels wh-le the-r 9ather went on to 9;rther a&vent;res -n the romant-c co;ntr+ across the %-o =ran&e. D3e won?t be an+ tro;ble8 "a&8D plea&e& ,ran!. D3e can ta!e care o9 o;rselves. Bes-&es8 +o; ma+ nee& ;s.D @;an?s 5tor+ :1 D2 &on?t l-!e to &-sappo-nt +o;8 b;t -t?s +o;r sa9et+ o9 wh-ch 2?m th-n!-n6. 3e?ll be 6o-n6 -nto prett+ w-l& co;ntr+8 won?t we8 @;anID DAer+ w-l&8D a&m-tte& the ex-can bo+.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

Th-s8 however8 onl+ -ncrease& the Har&+ bo+s? &eterm-nat-on to accompan+ the-r 9ather. @;an archeta8 s+mpath-B-n6 w-th them8 sa-&: D2 m;st 6o home 9-rst. 3h+ not let +o;r sons come w-th ;s an& sta+ at m+ placeI The+ w-ll be E;-te sa9e there an& 2 !now m+ parents w-ll be 6la& to have them v-s-t 9or a wh-le. 2t -s not 9ar 9rom the Ch-h;ah;a co;ntr+ an& -t w-ll be more -nterest-n6 9or them than wa-t-n6 here.D D3ell8 2 won?t prom-se8D sa-& ,enton Har&+. D3e?ll see abo;t -t tomorrow. a+be we won?t have to 6o to ex-co at all. A9ter we?ve all ha& a 6oo& sleep we can ma!e 9;rther plans.D Be9ore the bo+s ret-re& that n-6ht ,ran! Da-& to h-s brother: D2?ll be 6la& -9 we 9-n& %lmer Tremmer8 all r-6ht8 b;t 2 hope he went to ex-co.?? D5o &o 28D sa-& @oe. DA chance l-!e th-s Comes onl+ once -n a l-9et-me.D CHAPT%$ A9l 25 TH% PATH /, "A0=%B 9enton hab&+ was ;p earl+ next morn-n61 an& le9t the hotel -mme&-atel+ a9ter brea!9ast. He anno;nce& that he was 6o-n6 to ma!e a &eterm-ne& e99ort to p-c! ;p some -n9ormat-on abo;t the m-ss-n6 %lmer Tremmer. D2n the meant-me8D sa-& ,ran!8 Dwe?ll see -9 we can locate 5enor Bar-o.D The la&s am;se& themselves b+ explor-n6 the town that morn-n6. /ccas-onall+ @;an archeta wo;l& E;est-on some o9 h-s own co;ntr+men. He 9o;n& no one8 however8 who !new Bar-o. D2 not-ce& that he 6ot -nto a bl;e roa&ster a9ter he 6ave "a& the warn-n6 last n-6ht8?? @oe sa-& a9ter a t-me. D2 th-n! 2 wo;l& reco6n-Be the car -9 2 saw -t a6a-n.D D2 can?t ;n&erstan& how Bar-o comes to be m-xe& ;p -n o;r case8D ,ran! &eclare&. DHe -s a !-&naper8 not an o-l sw-n&ler.D DHe ma+ be both8D sa-& @;an. D3ho !nowsID DBar-o m;st be connecte& w-th A-ncenBo?s :< 2n the Path o9 "an6er :3 crow& an& we m;st be on the r-6ht tra-l or he wo;l&n?t have tr-e& to 9r-6hten ;s -nto sta+-n6 o;t o9 ex-co8 that?s certa-n. 2 won&er -9 he reall+ tho;6ht that letter wo;l& throw a scare -nto ;sID @;an archeta shoo! h-s hea& &;b-o;sl+. D5;ch men w-ll stop at noth-n68D he sa-&. D4o; are ta!-n6 a 6reat r-s!.D DThat?s what we?re here 9or8D remar!e& @oe cheer9;ll+. D1et?s ma!e the ro;n&s o9 the 6ara6es an& par!-n6 places an& loo! 9or that mach-ne.?? The+ v-ewe& scores o9 a;tos w-th-n the next ho;r8 an& 9o;n& several bl;e roa&sters. @oe co;l& -&ent-9+ none o9 them as the mach-ne -n Dwh-ch Bar-o ha& &r-ven awa+ 9rom the a-rport the prev-o;s n-6ht. 3hen -t was nearl+ noon ,ran! s;66este& that the+ 6-ve ;p the search an& res;me -t a9ter l;nch. D@;st a m-n;teFD excla-me& @oe8 as the+ passe& the entrance to a narrow lane. DThat loo!s l-!e -t.D A battere& loo!-n6 bl;e car was par!e& -n the pathwa+8 an& @oe ran &own to -nspect -t. He came bac! -n a 9ew m-n;tes8 G;b-lant. D5ame roa&sterFD he &eclare&. D2?& !now -t an+where.D DThen we?ll G;st wa-t here ;nt-l Bar-o comes o;t8D sa-& ,ran!. D2 have a better plan than that. He m-6ht :7 The ar! on the "oor &r-ve awa+ be9ore we can stop h-m. 2?m 6o-n6 to h-&e -n the r;mbleseat. Then 2 can?t poss-bl+ lose h-m.D @t-an archeta8 9resh 9rom h-s exper-ence at the han&s o9 the

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

!-&napers8 tho;6ht @oe?s plan was r-s!+ an& a&v-se& ca;t-on8 wh-ch @oe8 however8 wo;l& not l-sten to. D,or all we !now8 Tremmer m-6ht be r-6ht here -n town. 29 he -s8 then Bar-o -s ver+ l-!el+ -n to;ch w-th h-m. 2 m-6ht solve th-s whole case s-n6le-han&e&.D 3-th the 6reatest con9-&ence -n the worl&8 @oe went bac! &own the lane an& van-she& -nto the r;mbleseat o9 the roa&ster. ,ran! an& @;an wa-te& at the mo;th o9 the alle+. The+ were 9;ll+ prepare& 9or a lon6 sta+8 b;t -n a 9ew m-n;tes a &oor opene& an& two men h;rr-e& o;t o9 one o9 the b;-l&-n6s -n the lane. The+ 6ot -nto the car8 wh-ch l;rche& 9orwar&8 an& then shot o;t -nto the street8 &-sappear-n6 &own the roa& -n a clo;& o9 &;st. The two bo+s 6ave chase b;t the a;to swerve& aro;n& the next corner. B+ the t-me ,ran! an& @;an reache& the -ntersect-on the roa&ster was nowhere to be seen. D2 hope @oe -s enGo+-n6 the r-&e8D sa-& ,ran!8 tr+-n6 to &-s6;-se h-s anx-et+. DThe+ ma+ ta!e h-m all the wa+ to ex-co.D D2t was a 9ool-sh th-n6 to &o8D @;an remar!e& 6ravel+. 2n the Path o9 "an6er :: The+ h;rr-e& &own the street8 w-th ver+ l-ttle hope o9 see-n6 the car a6a-n. Then ten m-n;tes later8 -n the b;s-ness sect-on o9 the town8 the+ were 6reatl+ elate& to see the bl;e roa&ster stan&-n6 -n 9ront o9 a barber shop. /n the s-&ewal!8 en6a6e& -n conversat-on w-th the two men who ha& &r-ven the car awa+8 stoo& @oe Har&+. DThe+ ca;6ht m+ brother 2D &eclare& ,ran!. D1et?s h;rr+.D However8 when @;an an& ,ran! came ;p to the tr-o -n 9ront o9 the barber shop8 the+ were 9el-eve& to see that @oe was -n no tro;ble8 b;t was tal!-n6 to the stran6ers on apparentl+ 9r-en&l+ terms. A moment later the men went -nto the shop an& @oe tr;&6e& towar& h-s compan-ons w-th a please& 6r-n on h-s 9ace. D2 tho;6ht 2 was -n 9or -t that t-me8D he la;6he&. DThe car h-t a b;mp an& 2 let a +ell o;t o9 me when 2 h-t m+ hea&8 so the men !new the+ were carr+-n6 an extra passen6er.D DHow on earth &-& +o; 6et o;t o9 tha- DcrapeID as!e& ,ran!. DThe+ 9-she& me o;t when the car stoppe&. The+ wante& to !now wh+ 2 was r-&-n6 -n the r;mbles eat8 so 2 s-mpl+ tol& them the tr;th. The+ were Amer-cans an& 2 expla-ne& that 2 tho;6ht the car belon6e& to 5e9nor Bar-o beca;se 2 ha& seen h-m &r-v-n6 -t last n-6ht. B;t the car &-&n?t belon6 to Bar-o at all. /ne o9 :) The ar! on the "oor those men -s a barber an& -t?s h-s car. He sa+s Bar-o ?borrowe&? -t 9rom h-m last n-6ht w-tho;t perm-ss-on8 an& that he wo;l& have the 9ellow arreste& -9 he co;l& 9-n& h-m. B;t he can?t 9-n& h-m.D DD3h+ notID as!e& @;an. DHe t;rne& the case over to the pol-ce8 an& now -t seems that Bar-o has le9t town. 2 tell +o;8 that l-ttle car &r-ve was worth wh-le. 2 p-c!e& ;p more -n9ormat-on -n those 9-ve m-n;tes than we learne& all morn-n6. An& here?s the -mportant part8D sa-& @oe8 ev-&entl+ sav-n6 the best 9or the last. DTremmer was w-th Bar-o 2D DTremmerFD excla-me& ,ran!. DThe same 6entleman. The barber tol& me that Bar-o came -nto the shop +ester&a+ w-th a l-ttle near-s-6hte& man who wante& h-s m;stache shave& o99. Bar-o calle& h-m ?5enor 5m-th.? 5o there +o; are. An& the pol-ce sa+ Bar-o an& th-s 5enor 5m-th le9t town to6ether.D @oe was ver+ pro;& o9 h-msel98 as he ha& 6oo& reason to be8 an& s;66este& that the+ all h;rr+ bac! to the hotel at once. D2 th-n! we?re 6o-n6 to ta!e a tr-p to ex-co8D he sa-&.

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

,enton Har&+ was wa-t-n6 9or the bo+s. He ha& not8 -t appeare&8 s;ccee&e& -n acE;-r-n6 m;ch -n9ormat-on abo;t %lmer Tremmer. 2n the Path o9 "an6er :* DThe a-rport people tell me he lan&e& here all r-6ht. He came on 9rom Brownsv-lle +ester&a+ morn-n68 b;t seems to have &-sappeare& -nto th-n a-r.D D3-th 5enor Bar-o8D sa-& @oe calml+. DThe+ cleare& o;t to6ether.D ,enton Har&+ loo!e& at h-s son -n s;rpr-se. DHow &o +o; !nowID D3e?ve been &o-n6 a l-ttle &etect-ve wor! o;rselves.D @oe then tol& h-s 9ather abo;t the bl;e roa&ster an& the -n9ormat-on he ha& 6leane& 9rom the barber. r. Har&+ !new the ab-l-t+ o9 h-s sons so well8 that he was not exactl+ s;rpr-se&8 tho;6h h-6hl+ please&8 at @oe?s s;ccess. DThat settles -t8 then8D he &eclare&. DThe tra-l o9 Bar-o -s the tra-l o9 Tremmer-an& -t lea&s to ex-co.D DAn& we ma+ 6o w-th +o;ID as!e& ,ran! anx-o;sl+. D2 can?t ver+ well re9;se now8D sa-& r. Har&+ w-th a sm-le. Then he t;rne& to @;an archeta. D3e?ll ta!e +o; home8 o9 co;rse8 @;an8 an& +o; can help ;s locate th-s co;ntr+ o9 the cave &wellers. 29 that &oesn ?t wor! we ?11 -nvest-6ate the &-str-ct where the $-o /-l people Dwere s;ppose& to have the-r wells.D D3hen &o we leave-an& howID as!e& ,ran!. D3e?ll leave ton-6ht8 -9 2 can ma!e arran6e:( The ar! on the "oor ments 9or an a-rplane. 2 th-n! -t wo;l& be best -9 we sho;l& leave E;-etl+. Bar-o ma+ have 9r-en&s -n town an& +o; ma+ &epen& ;pon -t that the+?ll be watch-n6 ;s.D That a9ternoon r. Har&+ 9o;n& a 9ree-lance p-lot who was w-ll-n6 to 9l+ them across the bor&er an& to whom he expla-ne& the s-t;at-on. The av-ator s;66este& that the &etect-ve an& h-s part+ &r-ve o;t o9 town a9ter &ar!ness ha& 9allen8 prom-s-n6 to p-c! them ;p at a lonel+ place abo;t twent+ m-les awa+. 1ate that n-6ht a tax- was wa-t-n6 at a s-&e &oor o9 the hotel. ,enton Har&+ an& h-s sons8 accompan-e& b+ @;an archeta8 sl-ppe& E;-etl+ o;t an& 6ot -nto the car. The+ 6ave the &r-ver h-s &-rect-ons8 an& the taxp;lle& awa+ 9rom the c;rb. DAll these preca;t-ons ma+ be ;nnecessar+8 b;t -t?s well to be on the sa9e s-&e8D r. Har&+ remar!e&. DBar-o !new o9 o;r arr-val8 an& -t?s probable that he w-ll have someone chec!-n6 ;p on;s.D ,ran! 6lance& o;t the rear w-n&ow o9 the tax-cab. DThere?s a car 9ollow-n6 ;s8D he sa-&. r. Har&+ spo!e to the &r-ver8 who promptl+ t;rne& &own a s-&e street8 spe& ;p a narrow lane8 race& &own another street8 an& per9orme& a var-et+ o9 -ntr-cate mane;vres &es-6ne& to throw an+ p;rs;ers o99 the-r tra-l. B;t when 2n the Path o9 "an6er :# the+ reache& the roa& lea&-n6 o;t o9 town the+ co;l& st-ll see the hea&l-6hts o9 the car beh-n&. D5oFD remar!e& the cha;99e;r. D?3ell8 -9 he wants a race8 that?s G;st what he -s 6o-n6 to 6et. Hol& t-6htFD He steppe& on the accelerator8 an& the tax- leape& ahea&. ,or the next ten m-n;tes the bo+s enGo+e& one o9 the most exc-t-n6 r-&es o9 the-r l-ves. The car leape& an& p-tche&8 too! c;rves on two wheels8 an& roare& on -nto the n-6ht at top spee&. ore than once -t seeme& that onl+ sheer l;c! save& -t 9rom 6o-n6 -nto the &-tch. The &r-ver was an expert8 however8 an& he !new G;st what h-s car wo;l& &o. ,ran!8 han6-n6 on 9or &ear l-9e an& 6aB-n6 o;t the rear w-n&ow8 9-nall+ reporte& that

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

the l-6hts o9 the p;rs;-n6 car ha& &-sappeare&. D2 hope he b;ste& an axle8D 6r;nte& the man -t the wheel8 slow-n6 &own to a more mo&erate rate o9 spee&. The hea&l-6hts shone ;pon a vast expanse o9 treeless ranch lan&. The n-6ht was clear8 w-th a 9;ll moon an& a starl-t s!+. The+ &rove on ;nt-l the+ came to a 6ro;p o9 &eserte& b;-l&-n6s bes-&e the roa&. DThe ol& Bar-. ranchho;se8D sa-& the &r-ver. DHere?s where +o; stop.D DHas the ranch been aban&one&ID as!e& r. Har&+. D0ot a b-t o9 -t. Plent+ o9 cattle on the )0 The ar! on the "oor Bar-. ran6e +et. The new b;-l&-n6s are abo;t 9-ve m-les awa+.D The+ 6ot o;t o9 the car an& r. Har&+ pa-& 9or the tr-p. The man to;che& h-s cap. DThan!s8 m-ster8D he sa-&. D2?ll remember what +o; tol& me. 0obo&+ w-ll 6et an+ -n9ormat-on o;t o9 me. 2 sa+ noth-n?8 hear no th-n? an& see noth-n?.D He 6lance& ;p at the s!+. D2t?s a 6oo& clear n-6ht. 2 6;ess +o;r p-lot w-ll be able to p-c! +o; ;p w-tho;t an+ tro;ble.D D2 hope so8D sa-& ,enton Har&+. The tax- &r-ver sw;n6 h-s car aro;n&8 ba&e them a cheer+ 6oo&n-6ht8 an& rattle& o99 -nto the 6loom. 2t was an eer-e an& lonel+ place. 0ot a so;n& bro!e the &eep s-lence. The &eserte& ranch b;-l&-n6s loo!e& 6hostl+. The bo+s 6lance& ;p -nto the s!+8 b;t the plane was not +et -n ev-&ence. D3e ma+ have to wa-t a wh-le8D observe& r. Har&+8 Db;t the p-lot sa-& he wo;l& p-c! ;s ;p here w-tho;t 9a-l.D D2t w-ll be a 6oo& Go!e on ;s -9 he &oesn?t show ;p8D @oe sa-&. D2 &on?t rel-sh the -&ea o9 le66-n6 -t bac! to town.D 2n the &-stance the bo+s hear& a 9a-nt r;mbl-n6 so;n&. 2t came 9rom be+on& a &ar! slope at the bac! o9 the ranch b;-l&-n6s. The+ loo!e& at one another8 p;BBle&. 2n the Path o9 "an6er )1 @;an archeta s;&&enl+ 9l;n6 h-msel9 &own -n the 6rass an& p;t h-s ear to the 6ro;n&. He l-stene& 9or a moment8 h-s 9ace ser-o;s. The heav+ r;mbl-n6 hecame lo;&er. @;an leape& to h-s 9eet. D2t -s no tra-nFD he cr-e&. DN;-c!F $;n to the ranch b;-l&-n6s. There -s no t-me to lose. The+ w-ll be here -n a m-n;te.D He &ashe& across the open 6ro;n& towar& the t;mble&own ranchho;se. D3hat?s the matterID &eman&e& @oe. DN;-c!FD ;r6e& @;an. DN;-c!8 or we?ll be trample& to &eath. 2 !now that so;n&. CattleF A her& o9 cattle on the stampe&e.D The wor&s ha& har&l+ le9t h-s mo;th be9ore the Har&+ bo+s saw a wave o9 &ar! shapes brea! over the crest o9 the r-&6e. H;n&re&s o9 m-ll-n6 an-mals r;she& ma&l+ towar& them. CHAPT%$ A2H 52=0A15 9entonD har&+ an& the bo+s were abo;t a h;n&re& +ar&s 9rom the b;-l&-n6s when @;an cr-e& h-s warn-n6. The top o9 the slope was nearl+ a E;arter o9 a m-le awa+. 4et8 as the+ bro!e -nto a r;n an& spr-nte& 9or sa9et+8 the+ !new that -t wo;l& be onl+ a matter o9 moments be9ore the 6reat her& wo;l& reach the 9oot o9 the slope. D29 we?re ca;6ht o;t -n the open we?ll ba !-lle&F?? +elle& @;an. B+ th-s t-me the others nee&e& no 9;rther ;r6-n6. The+ co;l& see the blac! mass o9 cattle po;r-n6 &own the h-lls-&e8 horns toss-n6 -n the moonl-6ht8 hoo9s &r;mm-n6 on the earth. An+ l-v-n6 obGect -n the path o9 that ma& stampe&e wo;l& be trample& to a p;lp. The 9ront ran!s were now hal9wa+ &own the slope8 an& st-ll more were po;n&-n6 over the crest o9 the h-ll. 2t seeme& as -9 the cattle wo;l& r;sh relentlessl+ -nto

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

the ranch b;-l&-n6s. ,or a moment ,ran! an& @oe &o;bte& @;an?s w-s&om. The 6ro;p reache& the sha&ow o9 the ranch)< 5-6nals )3 hnse G;st as the stampe&e 6ot to the 9oot o9 the slope w-th a th;n&ero;s roar. @;an an& @oe8 -n the lea&8 race& across the 9ew -nterven-n6 +ar&s o9 6ro;n& an& 9l;n6 themselves -nto anopen &oorwa+. ,enton Har&+8 th-n!-n6 o9 the sa9et+ o9 h-s bo+s8 ha& la66e& beh-n&8 wa-t-n6 to see that all 6a-ne& the re9;6e o9 the b;-l&-n6s be9ore he h-msel9 too! to cover. 2t was well that he ha& &one so. @;st as he ran -nto the sha&owa ,ran! ;ttere& a cr+8 st;mble& an& 9ell. At the same moment there was a crash an& a spl-nter-n6 o9 shattere& boar&s. 5ome o9 the cattle ha& pl;n6e& -nto a small 9ence at the bac! o9 the ranchho;se an& carr-e& -t awa+ -n the-- hea&lon6 r;sh. DAll r-6ht8 5on8D sa-& ,enton Har&+8 reach--n6 &own an& 6rabb-n6 ,ran!?s o;tstretche& han&. DAre +o; h;rtID The bo+ str;66le& to h-s 9eet. He tr-e& to -nn b;t nearl+ 9ell a6a-n. H-s an!le ha& been tw-ste& b+ the s;&&en t;mble. D=o ahea&8 "a&FD he 6aspe&. D2?ll-ma!e -t-all r-6ht-----D D0onsenseFD r. Har&+ 9l;n6 h-s arm aro;n& ,ran!?s wa-st. He hal9 &ra66e&8 hal9 carr-e& the la& towar& the &oorwa+. He was st-ll -n the &an6er Bone as hal9 a &oBen steers came pl;n6-n6 aro;n& the s-&e o9 the ranch-ho;se8 bellow-n6 ma&l+. ,ran! an& h-s 9ather O:7 The ar! on the "oor ma&e one last &esperate e99ort. /ne o9 the an-mals th;n&ere& towar& them. ,enton Har&+ snatche& o99 h-s hat an& bran&-she& -t -n 9ront o9 the steer8 wh-ch sh-e& v-olentl+ to one s-&e8 so close that -ts heav+ 9lan! br;she& a6a-nst ,ran! an& !noc!e& h-m &own. The other an-mals went r;sh-n6 past an& a moment later r. Har&+ ha& &ra66e& h-s son to the sa9et+ o9 the &oorwa+. @;an archeta an& @oe were l-mp w-th rel-e9. D2 tho;6ht +o; were both &one 9orFD sa-& the latter. D2t was a ver+ narrow-what +o; call -tI- sE;ea!FD sa-& @;an. DClose eno;6h8D remar!e& r. Har&+. DHow -s +o;r an!le8 ,ran!ID D2t w-ll be all r-6ht. 3hen that steer h-t me -t 9elt as -9 2 was be-n6 6raBe& b+ a locomot-ve.D The bo+ mana6e& to 6et to h-s 9eet8 an& the 6ro;p stoo& -n the &oorwa+ watch-n6 the awe--nsp-r-n6 spectacle. H;n&re&s o9 cattle were m-ll-n6 abo;t -n the moonl-6ht8 an& h;n&re&s more were st-ll th;n&er-n6 &own the slope beh-n& the ranchho;se. 5;&&enl+8 -n the clear n-6ht s!+8 the Har&+s saw a w-n6e& obGect s!-mm-n6 h-6h overhea&. DThe planeFD cr-e& @oe. The-r p-lot ha& !ept h-s appo-ntmentF 5-6nals ): 2t was obv-o;s8 however8 that -t was -mposs-ble 9or h-m to ma!e a lan&-n6. The wa-t-n6 travelers saw the mach-ne c-rcl-n6 above the ranch b;-l&-n6s. r. Har&+ too! a 9lashl-6ht 9rom h-s poc!et8 a-me& -t s!+war&8 an& 9lashe& a s-6nal. A moment later the r-&-n6 l-6hts o9 the plane bl-n!e& o99 an& on. DHe !nows we?re here8 at an+ rate8D ,ran! sa-&. As the a-rcra9t sw;n6 aro;n& -n another c-rcle8 the bo+s ca;6ht s-6ht o9 an obGect sa-l-n6 thro;6h the a-r. 2t str;c! the roo9 w-th a &;ll th;&8 bo;nce& o998 then 9ell to the 6ro;n&. 2t prove& to be a wh-te han&!erch-e9 t-e& aro;n& a small bolt. 3hen @;an retr-eve& -t8 he 9o;n& that the p-ece o9 l-nen conta-ne& a scr-bble& note.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

DCan?t lan& here. 29 +o; can 6et awa+ an& meet me a m-le ;p the roa&8 9lash once. 29 +o; can?t 6et o;t8 9lash tw-ce.D D3e certa-nl+ can?t 6et o;t wh-le the cattle are here8D sa-& @;an. Altho;6h the stampe&e ha& en&e&8 the an-mals were now her&-n6 ;p aro;n& the ol& ranch b;-l&-n6s. r. Har&+ ra-se& the 9lashl-6ht an& s-6nale& tw-ce. A moment later the plane stra-6htene& o;t an& &rone& o99 westwar&. Then -t t;rne&8 an& came swoop-n6 &own at terr-9-c spee& close to the 6ro;n&8 -ts motor w-&e open. )) The ar! on the "oor The cattle bellowe& w-th 9ear. As the roar-n6 monster o9 the s!+ swoope& towar& them8 not 9-9t+ 9eet 9rom the earth8 the steers s;&&enl+ bro!e an& 9le&. 2n a moment the earth was a6a-n echo-n6 to the th;n&ero;s trample o9 hoo9s. The plane ban!e& sharpl+8 9or the p-lot &-& not want to 6et too 9ar above the her& an& t;rn them bac! a6a-n. He sw;n6 aro;n& to the rear o9 the l-v-n6 mass an& came spee&-n6 ahea& once more. 2n less than a m-n;te the an-mals8 ro;te&8 pl;n6e& bac! ;p the slope. D3hen the last o9 them ha& van-she& over the top o9 the r-&6e8 the a-rplane settle& &own to earth8 b;mpe& heav-l+8 r-6hte& -tsel98 an& came to a stop. ,enton Har&+ an& the bo+s hastene& o;t o9 the &eserte& b;-l&-n6 that ha& been s;ch a prov-&ent-al re9;6e. The-r p-lot8 a bronBe&8 weatherbeaten +o;n6 man8 stoo& wa-t-n6 9or them. DThat?s the 9-rst t-me 2?ve ever tr-e& r-&-n6 her& 9rom the a-r8D he remar!e&. D2 &-&n?t expect -t wo;l& wor!8 b;t 2 tho;6ht 2?& tr+ -t an+wa+.D D2t wor!e&8 s;re eno;6h8D sa-& @oe. D2?ll bet the+ won?t come bac! th-s wa+ -n a h;rr+.D The travelers too! the-r places. 2n a 9ew moments the -&l-n6 motor a6a-n bro!e -nto a roar8 the plane went roll-n6 over the level 9-el&8 too! o998 an& cl-mbe& stea&-l+ -nto the s!+. 5-6nals )* ,ran! an& @oe were tense w-th exc-tement. As the nose o9 the sh-p t;rne& so;thwar& the+ 6aBe& towar& the stars sh-n-n6 above the m+ster-o;s hor-Bon. D/n to ex-coFD sho;te& ,ran!. The 9l-6ht -tsel9 was ;nevent9;l. The bo+s exper-ence& a thr-ll when the+ 9lew over the B-o =ran&e8 the 6reat r-ver sh-n-n6 l-!e s-lver -n the moonl-6ht8 an& real-Be& that the+ were at last over 9ore-6n so-l. The plane lan&e& on the o;ts!-rts o9 a small town shortl+ a9ter &a+brea! an& re9;elle&8 then too! o99 at once on the secon& le6 o9 -ts Go;rne+. 3-th-n a 9ew ho;rs @;an be6an to show s-6ns o9 exc-tement8 ev-&entl+ reco6n-B-n6 co;ntr+ that was 9am-l-ar to h-m. 2t was all stran6e an& won&er9;l to ,ran! an& @oe. The vo+a6ers passe& over a 6reat &esert where m-ll-ons o9 acres o9 san& la+ beneath the s;n8 bro!en here an& there b+ marshes8 la!es an& b;ttes o9 re&&-sh roc!. Then the ar-&-t+ 6ave wa+ to s;btrop-cal ve6etat-on an& h-6h tower-n6 h-lls8 w-th 6reat 6or6es thro;6h wh-ch t;mble& mo;nta-n streams. ,-nall+ the+ approache& the 9ooth-lls o9 the s-erras8 an& -n the &-stance la+ a c-t+. Th-s was the-r &est-nat-onF 2t seeme& onl+ a 9ew m-n;tes 9rom the t-me the metropol-s appeare& -n v-ew that the plane was b;mp-n6 to a stop -n a 9-el& on the o;ts!-rts. )( The ar! on the "oor 0ow that h-s lon6 a&vent;re was at an en&8 @;an was -mpat-ent to 6et home. He co;l& scarcel+ wa-t wh-le r. Har&+ 6ave -nstr;ct-ons to the p-lot8 an& ,ran! went awa+ to 9-n& a tax-. D3hen the 9o;r 9-nall+ &rove

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

thro;6h the s;nl-t streets8 @;an was as exc-te& as a ch-l&. D5oon 2 shall be homeFD he excla-me& -n &el-6ht. D4o; shall meet m+ 9ather8 m+ mother an& m+ s-ster "olores. AhF There -s the wall o9 o;r hac-en&a. 2 can see the roo9. The b-6 trees. "r-ve 9aster-9aster------D He ha& the &oor open8 an& was o;t o9 the car be9ore -t stoppe&. DH-8 $a9aelFD he calle& to a sleep+ loo!-n6 servant near the 6ate. Then 9ollowe& a torrent-al comman& -n h-s own lan6;a6e8 wh-ch bro;6ht the aston-she& man over to ta!e char6e o9 the l;66a6e. @;an 6rabbe& ,ran! an& @oe each b+ an arm. DComeF 4o; are m+ 6;ests8D he cr-e&. ?? Come8 5e--or Har&+. /h8 2 am so 6la& to be home.D There was tremen&o;s exc-tement when @;an reache& the 6reat8 sha&+ hac-en&a be+on& the wall. A tall8 s;nb;rne& 6entleman w-th wh-te m;staches an& a 6oatee leape& ;p 9rom a cha-r on the veran&a8 cast as-&e h-s newspaper8 an& r;she& at @;an w-th an -ncre&;lo;s cr+ o9 Go+. A sto;t8 han&some8 &ar!-ha-re& woman 9l;n6 5-6nals )# open the &oor8 6aBe& at @;an as -9 he were a 6host8 then b;rst -nto tears wh-le she h;66e& h-m a99ect-onatel+. A moment later a bea;t-9;l +o;n6 6-rl -n a wh-te &ress came r;nn-n6 &own the 6ar&en path. D@;anFD she cr-e& Go+o;sl+8 an& threw her arms abo;t h-m. There was so m;ch t;m;lt an& reGo-c-n6 that no one pa-& an+ attent-on to ,enton Har&+ an& h-s sons ;nt-l at last 5e--or archeta t;rne& towar& them. H-s express-on8 however8 &-& not -n&-cate that he welcome& them w-th enth;s-asm. He ma&e a st-99 l-ttle bow. D4o; w-ll par&on me8 5enors8D he sa-&. D4o; w-ll ;n&erstan& that -t w-ll be -mposs-ble 9or me to o99er +o; the hosp-tal-t+ o9 m+ home8 a9ter what +o; have &one. 3-ll +o; please obl-6e me b+ leav-n6 at onceID He bec!one& to the ex-can servant com-n6 >p the wal! w-th the l;66a6e. D%a9aelF 5how these people to the 6ate.D CHAPT%$ 2' TH% 54 B/1 A=A20 9enton har&+ an& the bo+s were am;se& as Dwell as embarrasse&. 2t was ev-&ent that @;an?s 9ather too! -t 9or 6rante& that the+ were -n some wa+ connecte& w-th the !-&napers. However8 @;an h-msel9 soon8 cleare& ;p the m-sta!e. ?? 4o; are wron68 ,atherFD he cr-e&. ?? These are m+ 9r-en&s. 29 -t ha& not been 9or them8 2 wo;l& not be at home w-th +o; now. The+ have been ver+ 6oo& to me.D 5enor archeta became ver+ a6-tate&8 bowe& pro9o;n&l+8 an& bro!e -nto a torrent o9 apolo6-es. @;an8 -n h-s own lan6;a6e8 expla-ne& to h-s mother an& s-ster. ,ran! an& @oe were aston-she& to hear the names D"oloresD an& DPe&roD repeate& several t-mes -n the vol;ble conversat-on. The close assoc-at-on o9 the two wor&s recalle& to them the partl+ &estro+e& letter that ha& been 9o;n& -n Pe&ro A-ncenBo?s room8 bac! -n 9arawa+ Ba+port. 3hen the archetas ha& hear& @;an?s stor+8 the-r &emeanors ;n&erwent a &-st-nct chan6e. *0 The 5+mbol A6a-n *1 The 9ather apolo6-Be& a6a-n an& a6vt-n 9or h-s m-sta!e8 an& warml+ than!e& r. Har&+ an& the bo+s 9or all the+ ha& &one 9or h-s son. D4o; w-ll sta+ w-th ;sID be be66e& earnestl+. D4o; w-ll &o ;s the !-n&necs o9 accept-n6 o;r hosp-tal-t+ wh-le +o; are -n ex-coI?J r. Har&+ expla-ne& that the+ were -n the co;ntr+ on con9-&ent-al

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

b;s-ness that m-6ht ta!e them 9ar a9-el&. ,or the present8 however8 he 6rate9;ll+ accepte& the o99er. The servant Ba9ael was -nstantl+ or&ere& to carr+ the l;66a6e -nto the ho;se. @;an tol& the stor+ o9 h-s ab&;ct-on8 expla-n-n6 how he ha& escape& 9rom h-s captors -n 0ew 4or! an& ha& starte& bac! to ex-co alone. 2t was soon ev-&ent that 5enor ar-cheta was ver+ pro;& o9 h-s son?s -n-t-at-ve an& co;ra6e. As 9or the ab&;ctors8 he vowe& that he wo;l& some &a+ br-n6 them to G;st-ce. D2 was r-6htFD he excla-me&. DPe&ro Pancho -s a rascal. "olores8D he sa-& to h-s &a;6hter8 D2 was w-se when 2 9orba&e h-m to come here.D D2s th-s Pe&ro Pancho !nown b+ another 9carneID as!e& ,ran!. D2t -s poss-ble8D sa-& 5enor archeta. DHe Dw-she& to pa+ co;rt to m+ &a;6hter8 b;t -t came to m+ ears that he ha& been m-xe& ;p -n &-shonest &eal-n6s above the bor&er. He -s an ;nscr;p;lo;s ro6;e8 an& 2 sho;l& not be s;r*< The ar! on the "oor pr-se& to hear that he calle& h-msel9 b+ another name.D DA-ncenBo8 9or -nstanceID s;66este& @oe. The archetas !new Pe&ro Pancho onl+ b+ the t-tle ;n&er wh-ch he ha& appeare& at the-r home. ,ran! too! the partl+ b;rne& letter 9rom h-s poc!et an& han&e& -t over to 5enor archeta. DPerhaps that -s -n +o;r han&wr-t-n68D he remar!e&. The ex-can exam-ne& the m-ss-ve. As he &-& so8 h-s e+es w-&ene&8 an& he 6aspe& -n aston-shment. DB;t th-s -s ma6-cFD he excla-me&. DHow &-& +o; come b+ th-sI 4o; arr-ve here 9rom the >n-te& 5tates8 +o; are stran6ers8 +o; have never met me be9ore-an& +o; han& me a letter -n m+ own wr-t-n6FD D2t -s +o;rs8 thenID &eman&e& r. Har&+ ea6erl+. D2n&ee& -t -s. 2 wrote th-s letter to that rascal Pe&ro Pancho.D D2 tho;6ht so8D sa-& ,ran!. D2 th-n! there -s no &o;bt b;t that Pe&ro Pancho an& Pe&ro A-ncenBo are one an& the same person.D DTh-s -s all ver+ stran6e8D observe& @;an?s mother8 m+st-9-e&. D3here &-& +o; 9-n& that letterID DPlease tell ;s8D be66e& "olores. ,enton Har&+8 however8 sel&om con9-&e& -n The 5+mbol A6a-n *3 an+one when he was wor!-n6 on a case. 0ow he expla-ne& pol-tel+ that he was a &etect-ve an& that wh-le h-s b;s-ness -n ex-co concerne& Pe&ro A-ncenBo8 or Pancho8 -t was o9 a con9-&ent-al nat;re. DPerhaps we can tell +o; the whole stor+ a9ter 2 have locate& th-s 9ellow Pe&ro8D he sa-&. D2 shall be 6la& to help +o;8D &eclare& 5enor archeta. D2t -s poss-ble that he ma+ be bol& eno;6h to come here.D 2t was arran6e& that the Har&+s ma!e the archeta home the-r hea&E;arters wh-le -n ex-co8 an& that 9or the t-me be-n6 ,ran! an& @oe rema-n 9or a v-s-t w-th @;an. r. Har&+ expla-ne& that he h-msel9 w-she& to r;n &own certa-n cl;es that wo;l& ta!e h-m awa+ on a short 9l+-n6 tr-p. Th-s wo;l& not last more than two or three &a+s at the most8 however. DCome8D sa-& @;an to the Har&+ bo+s8 D+o; m;st wash an& chan6e a9ter +o;r Go;rne+. Then 2 w-ll show +o; abo;t the 6ro;n&s.D 5enor archeta was ev-&entl+ wealth+8 9or the b-6 ho;se was l;x;r-o;sl+ 9;rn-she&. The room to wh-ch ,ran! an& @oe were ass-6ne& was one o9 the 9-nest the+ ha& ever seen. @;an let them ;se cool l-nen s;-ts 9rom h-s own s;bstant-al war&robe ;nt-l the Har&+s sho;l& be able to p;rchase new clothes o9 the-r own. As all the bo+s were almost o9 a s-Be8 there was no tro;ble abo;t the 9-t. @;an was pla-nl+

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

*7 The ar! on the "oor &el-6hte& that h-s new acE;a-ntances were to rema-n 9or a v-s-t an& le9t noth-n6 ;n&one to a&& to the-r com9ort. r. Har&+ rema-ne& at the archeta home that n-6ht8 b;t le9t earl+ the 9ollow-n6 morn-n6. The bo+s m-6ht have 9elt &-sappo-nte& -n be-n6 le9t beh-n&8 ha& not the warm hosp-tal-t+ o9 the archetas &one m;ch to ma!e them 9or6et the a&vent;res the+ m-6ht be m-ss-n6. Bes-&es8 the+ planne& to &o a l-ttle &etect-ve wor! on the-r own acco;nt. A 9ew ho;rs a9ter the-r 9ather?s &epart;re ,ran! an& @oe be6an to explore the 6ro;n&s8 &el-6ht-n6 -n the well-!ept 6ar&en w-th -ts plants an& 9lowers that were so stran6e to 0orthern e+es. At the bac! o9 the ho;se the+ came ;pon a small &oorwa+8 partl+ h-&&en b+ v-nes an& creepers. Here the+ ma&e an aston-sh-n6 &-scover+. 2n the woo&wor! o9 the &oor was bran&e& a 9am-l-ar s+mbol-the letter P -n a 9-re o9 blaB-n6 9a6otsF The Har&+ bo+s were ;tterl+ asto;n&e&. The+ co;l& scarcel+ bel-eve the-r e+es as the+ 6aBe& at that s-n-ster mar!. D3h+8 -t?s the same oneFD 6aspe& @oe. PMThe same mar! we saw on the &oor o9 A-n-cenBo?s room -n Ba+port.D D2t can?t beFD The+ went closer an& exam-ne& the pec;l-ar The 5+mbol A6a-n *: s+mbol. 2n ever+ &eta-l -t was -&ent-cal w-th the bran&e& s-6n the+ ha& seen be9ore. DPerhaps -t?s been here 9or a lon6 t-me/? ,ran! s;66este&. D$;n an& 9-n& @;an. 3e?ll as! h-m.D D3hen @oe bro;6ht the ex-can la& to the scene a 9ew m-n;tes later8 the latter was E;-te as s;rpr-se& as were the Har&+ bo+s. D2 have never seen -t be9ore8D he sa-&. DD3hat &oes -t meanID D2?m s;re -t means that Pe&ro A-ncenBo has been here8D sa-& ,ran!8 w-tho;t o99er-n6 an+ 9;rther explanat-on. D"o +o; th-n! the mar! m-6ht have been place& here wh-le +o; were awa+ID D2t -s the &oor o9 the servants? entrance. %a9ael w-ll !now.D %a9ael8 the &omest-c who ha& met them at the 6ate the prev-o;s &a+8 was promptl+ s;mmone&. D3hen he saw the s+mbol8 h-s e+es 6rew ro;n& w-th amaBement. He spo!e rap-&l+ to @;an -n h-s own lan6;a6e. DHe sa+s the mar! was not there last n-6ht8D @;an -nterprete&. ,ran! an& @oe &-& not want to alarm the archetas ;n&;l+8 so the+ sa-& noth-n6 more abo;t Pe&ro A-ncenBo an& h-s poss-ble connect-on w-th the stran6e 9-6;re on the &oor. D a+ have been somebo&+ pla+-n6 a praoJ t-cal Go!e8D remar!e& ,ran!. *) The ar! on the "oor D2t ma+ be a s-6n to war& o99 ev-l sp-r-ts8D @;an s;66este& &o;bt9;ll+. DPerhaps 2 sho;l& tell m+ 9ather.D The Har&+ bo+s &-ss;a&e& h-m 9rom th-s co;rse8 however. The+ mana6e& to &-stract @;an?s attent-on to some other top-c. 1ater8 however8 the+ &-sc;sse& the matter alone an& a6ree& that the mar! co;l& have b;t one mean-n6. %-ther Pe&ro A-ncenBo or some member o9 a poss-ble 6an6 o9 h-s ha& been on the 6ro;n&s o9 the archeta home w-th-n the past twelve ho;rs. D2t ma+ not have been Pe&ro8D ,ran! po-nte& o;t. DThe mar! ma+ be the s+mbol o9 a ban&. @;st the same8 -t means that we?ll have to !eep o;r e+es open.D DPerhaps one o9 the servants -s -n lea6;e Dw-th h-m.D DThat?s what we?ll have to 9-n& o;t. 3e?ll !eep a watch on the place ton-6ht.?? DPerhaps we o;6ht to tell 5e9-or archeta a9ter all8D @oe s;66este&.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

,ran! tho;6ht8 however8 that -t m-6ht onl+ ca;se the-r !-n&l+ host ;nnecessar+ alarm. Then8 too8 -9 an+ servants sho;l& be -nvolve&8 he wo;l& be s;re to !now o9 an+ act-on that the Har&+s m-6ht ta!e. D29 Pe&ro A-ncenBo has been here an& there -s an+ chance that he w-ll be bac!8 we want to ta!e h-m b+ s;rpr-se -9 we can8D ,ran! sa-&. The 5+mbol A6a-n ** DA9ter &ar! ton-6ht we?ll 6o o;t E;-etl+ ancQ stan& 6;ar&.D 1on6 a9ter the archeta 9am-l+ ret-re& that n-6ht two sha&ow+ 9-6;res stole s-lentl+ &own the 6reat sta-rcase o9 the hac-en&a. ,ran! an& @oe ma&e not the sl-6htest so;n& as the+ let themselves care9;ll+ o;t the 9ront &oor -nto the velvet+ &ar!ness. D4o; watch the ma-n 6ate8D ,ran! wh-spere& to h-s brother. D2?ll !eep an e+e on the servants? entrance.D @oe &-sappeare& -nto the 6loom o9 the 6ar&en an& ma&e h-s wa+ towar& the 6ate. ,ran! 9l-tte& aro;n& the s-&e o9 the ho;se l-!e a 6host8 stole thro;6h the 6ar&en8 an& wor!e& h-s wa+ thro;6h the 6ro;n&s ;nt-l he came -n s-6ht o9 the &oor where the+ ha& 9o;n& the stran6e an& s-n-ster mar!. Beh-n& a heav+ cl;mp o9 b;shes he halte&8 an& sat &own to watch. 1on6 m-n;tes passe&. Be+on& the wall ,ran! co;l& hear the 9a-nt no-ses o9 the c-t+. B;t the 6ar&en -tsel9 was wrappe& -n s-lence. The heav+ per9;me o9 9lowers perva&e& the &ar!ness. At len6th he hear& a r;stle amon6 the trees. Across a patch o9 moonl-6ht there stole a &ar! 9-6;re. ,ran!?s heart beat rap-&l+ w-th exc-tement as he saw that the -ntr;&er was mov-n6 E;-c!l+ towar& the &oor. 2t m-6ht be onl+ one o9 the servants ret;rn*( The ar! on the "oor -n6 late8 he re9lecte&. However8 there was someth-n6 so stealth+ -n the man?s &emeanor that ,ran! E;-c!l+ &-scar&e& that not-on. The man was envelope& -n a &ar! cloa! an& wore a h;6e8 broa&-br-mme& hat that h-& h-s 9ace 9rom v-ew. ,;rt-vel+ the -ntr;&er 6l-&e& ;p towar& the &oor. He t;rne&8 loo!e& 9rom s-&e to s-&e8 an& 6rope& beneath h-s cloa!. The moonl-6ht shone 9;ll ;pon h-s 9ace 9or a moment. ,ran! st-9le& an -nvol;ntar+ cr+. 2t was Pe&ro A-ncenBoF A secon& later the 9ace van-she& as the man cro;che& &own -n 9ront o9 the &oor. ,ran! hear& the rasp o9 a !e+ -n the loc!. The bo+ 6ot ca;t-o;sl+ to h-s 9eet. /ne o9 the b;shes r;stle&8 an& he saw A-ncenBo wheel abo;t w-th a m;ttere& exclamat-on an& stare -ntentl+ -n the la&?s &-rect-on. ,ran! rema-ne& per9ectl+ st-ll. Apparentl+ the man &-& not see h-m conceale& b+ the sha&ows at the s-&e o9 the ho;se. A-ncenBo t;rne& a6a-n an& once more tr-e& the !e+ -n the loc!. 5-lentl+ ,ran! move& o;t 9rom beh-n& the b;sh an& crept slowl+ closer. 3hen he was w-th-n a 9ew 9eet o9 the -ntr;&er he s;&&enl+ r;she& an& leape& ;pon A-ncenBo be9ore the man real-Be& what was happen-n6. There was a 9r-6htene& +ell as the bo+ bore h-m to the The 5+mbol A6a-n *# 6ro;n&. The -ntr;&er str;66le& 9;r-o;sl+8 tr+-n6 to brea! 9ree o9 ,ran!?s 6rasp. He was a b-6 man an& ver+ stron68 b;t +o;n6 Har&+ ha& the a&vanta6e o9 ta!-n6 h-m b+ s;rpr-se. He loc!e& both arms t-6htl+ aro;n& A-ncenBo?s nec! an& h;n6 on. D@oeFD he sho;te&. DCome E;-c!8 @oeF 2 have h-mFD A-ncenBo str;66le& ma&l+8 tr+-n6 to sha!e ,ran! lose as the two wrestle& bac! an& 9orth on the 6ravel wal!. ,ran! hear& an answer-n6

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

cr+ 9rom @oe8 an& sho;ts o9 alarm 9rom w-th-n the ho;se. Then s;&&enl+ a &ar! 9-6;re pl;n6e& sw-9tl+ o;t 9rom the b;shes. ,ran! ha& one 6l-mpse o9 h-s attac!er8 b;t he was powerless to save h-msel9. An arm rose an& 9ell. A heav+ obGect &escen&e& sharpl+ on ,ran!?s hea&. He 9elt h-msel9 t;mbl-n6 l-mpl+ to the 6ro;n&. Then he !new no more. Pe&ro A-ncenBo an& the other man r;she& o99 -nto the &ar!ness. CHAPT%$ ' J J H%A"N>AHT%B5 ? ? Gob8 who came r;nn-n6 thro;6h the 6ar&en a 9ew moments later8 9o;n& h-s brother l+-n6 ;nconsc-o;s -n 9ront o9 the servants? entrance. D,ran!FD he cr-e& w-l&l+8 !neel-n6 &own bes-&e the prostrate 9-6;re. D,ran!F 4o; are h;rtFD A &oor crashe& open nearb+. Then 5enor archeta came r;nn-n6 o;t8 cla& -n paGamas an& a &ress-n6 6own. D3hat -s -tID he cr-e& -n alarm. D3hat has happene&ID ,ran! st-rre& an& opene& h-s e+es. DPe&roFD he wh-spere&. D"on?t let h-m 6et awa+. He came to the &oor-2 tac!le& h-m- someone !noc!e& me o;t-----D DPe&roID sho;te& 5enor archeta. 2n a moment he was s;mmon-n6 the servants8 or6an-B-n6 a 6eneral search o9 the 6ro;n&s. ,ran! was carr-e& -nto the ho;se where @;an an& "olores helpe& @oe atten& to h-s -nG;r-es. He ha& been str;c! a v-olent blow on the hea&8 wh-ch ha& st;nne& h-m 9or a wh-le. Be+on& so DHea&E;artersD (1 that8 he was not ser-o;sl+ h;rt8 9ort;natel+. 1-6hts were 9lash-n6 -n the 6ar&en as ar-cheta an& h-s servants ma&e a thoro;6h search 9or the -ntr;&ers. 3hen 5enor archeta trampe& -nto the ho;se ten m-n;tes later8 he a&m-tte& that the m-screants ha& ma&e 6oo& the-r escape. D4o; are s;re -t was Pe&ro PanchoID he as!e& ,ran!. DHe &are& to come hereID D2t was Pe&ro A-ncenBo. 2 saw h-s 9ace. Pe&ro A-ncenBo an& Pe&ro Pancho are one an& the same8 2 th-n!. He was tr+-n6 to ;nloc! the &oor.D DB;t how &oes -t happen that +o; were thereID &eman&e& @;an -n bew-l&erment. ,ran! an& @oe then expla-ne& how the+ ha& &ec-&e& to !eep watch on the ho;se a9ter the+ saw the stran6e s-6n on the &oor. The ar-chetas were 6reatl+ &-st;rbe&. D2 shall sen& wor& to the pol-ce o9 the c-t+ tomorrow8D &eclare& 5enor archeta. D29 Pe&ro Pancho -s -n the ne-6hborhoo& he w-ll be arreste&.D D2?m a9ra-& the pol-ce w-ll have a har& t-me catch-n6 h-m now8D ,ran! sa-&. DHe !nows that 2 reco6n-Be& h-m. He won?t &are sta+ aro;n& here.D ,ran!?s ass;mpt-on was ev-&entl+ correct. Altho;6h 5enor archeta ;se& h-s -n9l;ence w-th the pol-ce &epartment the 9ollow-n6 &a+8 (< The ar! on the "oor an& the whole c-t+ was searche&8 the o99-c-als co;l& 9-n& no trace o9 the-r man. The a99a-r prove&8 however8 that Pe&ro Pancho8 al-as A-ncenBo8 was act;all+ -n ex-co. 3h+ he ha& attempte& to enter the archeta home was expla-ne& -n var-o;s wa+s. He m-6ht have been ma!-n6 a secon& attempt to ab&;ct @;an. He m-6ht have -nten&e& to harm the Har&+ bo+s. /r he m-6ht have planne& to aven6e h-msel9 ;pon the archeta 9am-l+ b+ sett-n6 9-re to the ho;se. /ne th-n68 however8 was certa-n. There wo;l& be &an6er as lon6 as the man rema-ne& at lar6e.

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

?? 2 m;st not allow +o; o;t o9 m+ s-6ht 9rom now on8D 5enor archeta sa-& 6ravel+ to @;an an& the Har&+ bo+s. D2 have as!e& the pol-ce to 6;ar& m+ home at n-6ht. 2 have no 9;rther 9ear o9 &an6er 9rom that so;rce. B;t 2 th-n! -t wo;l& be best -9 we co;l& 6o awa+ 9or a l-ttle Go;rne+.D DThat?s a 6oo& -&eaFD &eclare& @;an enth;s-ast-call+. D2t w-ll be &;ll 9or them -9 we sta+ at home. Perhaps there -s some part o9 the co;ntr+ +o; wo;l& l-!e to seeID he E;er-e&8 t;rn-n6 to the Har&+ bo+s. ,ran! too! 9rom h-s poc!et the elaboratel+ en6rave& cert-9-cate o9 $-o /-l stoc! that Pe&ro A-ncenBo ha& 6-ven the lan&la&+ -n pa+ment 9or h-s boar& b-ll. 2t ha& a h-6hl+ colore& p-ct;re o9 an o-l well8 to6ether w-th a para6raph D Hea&E;artersD (3 p;rport-n6 to 6-ve the locat-on o9 the %-o propert+. DTh-s -s a compan+ that we?re-we?re -ntereste& -n to some extent8D he sa-&. D3e?& l-!e to see the-r propert+. 2s -t 9ar 9rom hereID 5enor archeta exam-ne& the 9a!e sec;r-t+ closel+. D2 have never hear& o9 the $-o /-l Compan+8D he sa-&. DAccor&-n6 to th-s cert-9-cate8 the-r propert+ m;st be locate& abo;t two &a+s? Go;rne+ 9rom here. Ah8 +es8 the name o9 the v-lla6e -s wr-tten here. 3o;l& +o; care to 6o thereID The Har&+ bo+s sa-& the+ wo;l& be 6la& to ma!e the tr-p. 2n the bac! o9 the-r m-n&s la+ the hope that at the $-o /-l Compan+ propert+ the+ m-6ht p-c! ;p some -n9ormat-on abo;t A-ncenBo an& %lmer Tremmer. DThen8D &eclare& 5enor archeta8 Dwe shall set o;t earl+ tomorrow morn-n6. Perhaps +o;r 9ather w-ll be bac! b+ that t-me.D ,enton Har&+ ha& not ret;rne& b+ the 9ollow-n6 &a+8 however. 2nstea&8 there came a letter -n h-s han&wr-t-n68 an& ma-le& 9rom some obsc;re town -n the mo;nta-ns8 stat-n6 that h-s ret;rn wo;l& be &ela+e& 9or at least a wee!. The bo+s were c;r-o;s as to the reason 9or h-s be-n6 hel& ;p. 2t occ;rre& to ,ran! that the letter m-6ht be a hoax. A close -nspect-on o9 (7 The ar! on the "oor the han&wr-t-n68 however8 pers;a&e& them that the m-ss-ve was -n&ee& 9rom ,enton Har&+. D2n that case8D sa-& @;an8 Dthere -s no nee& to wa-t. 3e can leave w-tho;t &ela+.D ,ran! an& @oe co;l& not help b;t th-n!8 as thev set o99 on the-r Go;rne+8 mo;nte& on horses 9rom 5enor archeta?s stables8 that the-r ch;ms bac! -n Ba+port wo;l& have been env-o;s -9 the+ co;l& have seen them. Cla& -n the cost;me o9 the co;ntr+8 w-th w-&e-br-mme& sombreros to sha&e the-r e+es 9rom the s;n8 thev Go66e& alon6 p-ct;resE;e co;ntr+ roa&s thro;6h s;btrop-cal h-lls an& valle+s r-oto;s w-th ve6etat-on8 stopp-n6 here an& there at E;a-nt l-ttle -nns alon6 the wa+. The bo+s ha& an opport;n-t+ o9 see-n6 the real bea;t+ o9 ex-co8 an& man+ o9 the-r 9ormer -&eas o9 the co;ntr+ were chan6e& completel+. D2 alwa+s ha& a not-on -t was G;st a b-68 s;nb;rnt &esertFD sa-& @oe. D0oth-n6 b;t cact;s plants an& ban&-ts.D @;an la;6he&. D ex-co has m;ch bea;t+8 Dhe sa-&. ?? There are mo;nta-ns8 an& canons8 an& G;n6les8 an& c-t-es8 an& towns. The Tamasopa Canon -s one o9 the most bea;t-9;l places -n the worl&. 2t -s on the wa+ 9rom Tamp-co to 5an 1;-s Potos-. 4o; cannot 9-n& s;ch color an+where else on earth. -ll-ons o9 9lowers 6row there-cape Gasm-ne8 w-l& 6ar&en-as an& orch-&s. Then DHea&E;artersD (: there are the b;tter9l-es an& the trop-cal b-r&s. B;t o9 co;rse we have &eserts8 too. D3e are 6o-n6 towar& the &esert calle& the Bolson &e

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ap-m-. 2t was at one t-me a 6reat la!e. The bones o9 masto&ons an& other an-mals that l-ve& m-ll-ons o9 +ears a6o have been 9o;n& there. That -s wh+ the people o9 Coah;-la call the place the 1lano &e los =-6antes8 the &esert o9 6-ants.D Then @;an bro!e -nto a merr+ la;6h. D2 so;n& l-!e a school teacher8D he sa-&. D4et +o; shall see 9or +o;rselves. That -s m;ch better than to be tol&.D /n the secon& &a+ o9 the-r Go;rne+ the bo+s be6an to leave the 9ert-le co;ntr+ beh-n&. @;an tol& them that the+ were &raw-n6 closer to the &esert. 5enor archeta ha& ma&e -nE;-r-es at the -nn where the+ ha& spent the n-6ht8 an& -n9orme& ,ran! an& @oe that the+ m;st not be &-sappo-nte& -9 the+ 9o;n& no o-l wells -n the ne-6hborhoo& to wh-ch the+ were 6o-n6. DTh-s -s not o-l co;ntr+8D he sa-&. D0o one to whom 2 have spo!en has hear& o9 th-s $-o compan+ +o; ment-on.?? D3e won?t be s;rpr-se& to learn that the $-o o;t9-t hasn?t an+ o-l wells8D ,ran! a&m-tte&. D3hen the travelers 9-nall+ reache& the v-lla6e that ha& been -n&-cate& on the o-l cert-9-cate8 the+ learne& that the-r s;sp-c-ons ha& () The ar! on the "oor been correct. An -nn!eeper w-th whom 5enor archeta con9erre& sa-& that no o-l ha& ever been 9o;n& w-th-n man+ m-les o9 the place8 an& that no s;ch compan+ as the B-o /-l Compan+ ha& ever been hear& o9 -n the v-c-n-t+. The -nn!eeper8 a sto;t8 swarth+ 9ellow w-th a 6oo&-nat;re& 9ace8 serve& the 6ro;p a meal. There;pon he went over an& wh-spere& con9-&ent-all+ to 5enor archeta. The-r conversat-on laste& 9or some t-me. D3hen the man ret;rne& to the !-tchen 5enor archeta sa-&: DPerhaps there ma+ be someth-n6 to th-s $-o compan+ a9ter all. The man tells me that there are r;mors -n town abo;t a place calle& ?Hea&E;arters8? r;n b+ some sha&+ characters who come here occas-onall+. 2t -s o;t -n the &esert-an oas-s8 the -nn!eeper sa+s.D D3e?re not 6o-n6 to t;rn bac! now8D @;an &eclare&. D3hat &o +o; sa+8 ,ran! an& @oel 5hall we str-!e on to th-s oas-s8 or ?Hea&E;arters8? as the+ call -tID The Har&+ bo+s nee&e& no ;r6-n6. %ven -9 Pe&ro A-ncenBo ha& not ta!en 9l-6ht to th-s part o9 the co;ntr+8 the+ were &eterm-ne& to see the &esert at all costs. 5enor archeta8 sm-l-n68 a6ree& to cont-n;e the Go;rne+ the 9ollow-n6 morn-n6. %a6er w-th ant-c-pat-on the Har&+ bo+s ha& the-r 9-rst exper-ence o9 the &esert the next &a+. ,or m-les an& m-les8 stretch-n6 o;t to the &-sDHea&E;artersD (* tent hor-Bon8 la+ wastes o9 6ol&en san& -n smooth h-lloc!s an& slopes blown ;p b+ the w-n&. As the horses Go66e& o;t -nto the ar-& wastes8 cl;mps o9 br-6ht blossome& cact- an& occas-onal b;ttes o9 roc! r-s-n6 sharpl+ o;t o9 the &esert arreste& the attent-on o9 the bo+s. D"o people act;all+ l-ve o;t hereID ,ran! -nE;-re& o9 5enor archeta. D2t -s not all &esert8 o9 co;rse8D repl-e& h-s host. DThere are the oases8 an& somet-mes lar6e la!es8 where wan&er-n6 ban&s o9 2n&-ans stop.D He 6lance& at h-s compass. DTh-s oas-s to wh-ch we are 6o-n6 -s a 9ert-le place. >p -n Ch-h;ah;a th-s &esert was !nown as the 1lano &e los Cr-st-anos8 beca;se -n the earl+ &a+s o9 the @es;-t pa&res man+ converts were &r-ven o;t o9 the mo;nta-ns b+ those who re9;se& to be converte&. The+ were l-terall+ 9orce& -nto the &esert8 an& wan&ere& 9rom placC to place.D D3o;l&n?t the+ &-e o9 th-rstFD as!e& @oe.

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

@;an la;6he&. DThere -s plent+ o9 water on the &esert8D ha sa-&. @oe stare& at h-m ;nbel-ev-n6l+. DCact;s8D expla-ne& @;an. D%ver+ spec-es o9 cact;s has -ts water reservo-r. 5ome have them below the 6ro;n&8 others above. The barrel cact;s has save& h;n&re&s o9 &esert travelers 9rom &+-n6 o9 th-rst.D (( The ar! on the "oor As the s;n rose h-6her -n the clear s!+ the heat became more -ntense. ,ran! an& @oe were not able to !eep ;p w-th the-r more exper-ence& compan-ons8 an& b-t b+ b-t la66e& beh-n&. D2t?s all a 6ran& exper-ence8 ,ran!8D sa-& @oe. D2 wo;l&n?t have m-sse& -t 9or an+th-n6. @;st the same8 2 &on?t bel-eve we?re 6o-n6 to 9-n& an+ trace o9 Pe&ro A-ncenBo.D D3e?ll have someth-n6 to tell the 9ol!s bac! home at an+ rate. Bo+F 2t?s warmer o;t here than 2 bar6a-ne& 9or. 2?m 6ett-n6 th-rst+.D D"on?t let that worr+ +o;8D @oe repl-e&8 sw-n6-n6 h-msel9 o;t o9 the sa&&le. DThere?s a 9-ne b-6 cact;s G;st a 9ew +ar&s awa+. 2?m 6la& @;an tol& ;s abo;t them.?? He stro&e over to the lar6e sp-!e& plant that rose 9rom the san&s an& too! a t-n+ 9ol&-n6 c;p 9rom h-s poc!et. He bro!e open the cact;s w-th h-s !n-9e an& &-ppe& -nto the nectar. DCome an& tr+ -t8D he -nv-te&8 &ra-n-n6 the contents o9 the c;p. D3hat &oes -t taste l-!eID @oe ma&e a 6r-mace. D5ort o9 b-tter an& sort o9 sweet8D he sa-&. D2t -sn?t ba&8 tho;6h.D ,ran! cl-mbe& o;t o9 the sa&&le. DThe &esert beats the c-t+ all hollow8D he remar!e&. D4o; &on?t 9-n& &r-n!-n6 9o;nta-ns ever+ 9-ve +ar&s apart -n town.D DHea&E;artersD (# @oe han&e& h-s brother the c;p an& mot-one& towar& the cact;s plant. DHelp +o;rsel9 to a n-ce clear &r-n!.D ,ran! was G;st &-pp-n6 -nto -t when the+ hear& a th;n&er o9 hoo9s. The bo+s loo!e& ;p to see @;an r-&-n6 sw-9tl+ towar& them. He Dwas sho;t-n6 an& 6est-c;lat-n6 w-l&l+. D2 won&er what?s the matterFD excla-me& ,ran!8 the c;p ra-se& hal9wa+ to h-s l-ps. 2n another moment @;an ro&e ;p -n a clo;& o9 san&8 9l;n6 h-msel9 o;t o9 the sa&&le8 an& ran towar& them. D"on?t &r-n! -t 2 "on?t &r-n! -tFD he cr-e&8 an& &ashe& the c;p o;t o9 ,ran!?s han&. D3h+ID &eman&e& ,ran!. D2 9or6ot to tell +o;. 5ome var-et-es o9 cact;s conta-n &ea&l+ po-son.D @;an loo!e& at the plant. DAn& th-s -s one o9 themFD he &eclare&. @oe ;ttere& a 6asp o9 horror. D2 G;st &ran! someFD he 6aspe&. CHAPT%$ '2 TH% 20"2A0 the Har&+ bo+s were wh-te w-th terror. @;an wr;n6 h-s han&s. D2t?s all m+ 9a;lt8D he cr-e&. D2 sho;l& have warne& +o;. How m;ch &-& +o; &r-n!ID he &eman&e&. DA c;p9;l.D 5e9-or archeta was r-&-n6 towar& them an& @;an s;mmone& h-m to h;rr+. D3e?ll have to 6et +o; bac! to the town r-6ht awa+8D the ex-can bo+ snappe&. DPerhaps8 -9 we 6et there -n t-me8 we ma+ be able to 9-n& me&-c-ne to co;nteract the po-son.D D2?m be6-nn-n6 to 9eel s-c! alrea&+8D sa-& @oe &ole9;ll+. 5enor archeta?s horse th;n&ere& ;p to the bo+s.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

D3hat?s the matterID &eman&e& @;an?s 9ather -n alarm. Then8 when he saw the bro!en cact;s plant8 h-s 9ace became ser-o;s8 an& he sw;n6 h-msel9 o;t o9 the sa&&le. DHe &ran! 9rom a po-son cact;s8D sa-& @;an. #0 The 2n&-an #1 5enor archeta stro&e E;-c!l+ over to the plant an& exam-ne& -t. ,-nall+ he t;rne& as-&e w-th a s-6h o9 rel-e9. DThat was a narrow escape8D he sa-& to the Har&+ bo+s. DTh-s spec-es -s ver+ l-!e a po-son cact;s8 b;t 9ort;natel+ -t -sn?t. Another var-et+-----D DAn& harmlessID as!e& @oe. DN;-te harmless8D he repl-e&8 6reatl+ to the-r com9ort. DA9ter th-s8 &o not &r-n! 9rom a cact;s ;nless +o; as! me abo;t -t 9-rst. 5ome o9 them conta-n po-son8 wh-le others hol& a &r;6 that wo;l& p;t +o; to sleep -n a 9ew m-n;tes. 2t?s ver+ 9ort;nate that +o; happene& to &r-n! 9rom a harmless one.D @;an moppe& the sweat 9rom h-s brow. He ha& been trembl-n6 w-th 9ear. DThat 6ave me a ba& scare8D he a&m-tte&. ?? How abo;t me I?? as!e& @oe w-th a 6r-n. ?? 2 tho;6ht Twas 6o-n6 to &rop &ea& on the spot.D DA m-ss -s as 6oo& as a m-le8D sa-& ,ran!8 cl-mb-n6 bac! on h-s horse. D1et?s 6et 6o-n6. That was a lesson we?ll remember 9or a wh-le.D The 9o;r res;me& the-r Go;rne+ across the 6reat &esert8 -ntereste& -n the br-6ht-h;e& l-Bar&s that la+ s;nn-n6 themselves laB-l+ -n the san&. /ccas-onall+ a 6reat horne& toa& Dwo;l& hop across the-r path. R The+ 9-nall+ came to a b;tte o9 re&&-sh roc!8 &eepl+ seame& an& worn awa+ b+ the -mpact #< The ar! on the "oor o9 san& blown a6a-nst -t -n the co;rse o9 +ears. As the+ were r-&-n6 aro;n& -t 5enor ar-cheta?s horse s;&&enl+ l;rche&8 then st;mble& an& 9ell. The ex-can was a 6oo& horseman8 an& mana6e& to sl-p one 9oot o;t o9 the st-rr;p an& leap to the 6ro;n& G;st as the an-mal went sprawl-n6. The horse ha& steppe& -nto a hole that ha& been h-&&en 9rom v-ew b+ a h-lloc! o9 san&. 3hen the rest o9 the part+ &-smo;nte& an& went over to the stee&8 the+ saw that -ts le6 was o&&l+ tw-ste&. DBro!en8D sa-& 5enor archeta8 a9ter several va-n attempts to help the horse to -ts 9eet. @;an wh-stle& r;e9;ll+. D2 6;ess that p;ts an en& to the tr-p8D he sa-&. 5enor archeta &-& not answer. He was exam-n-n6 the an-mal?s le6. A9ter a wh-le he stoo& ;p an& &rew a revolver 9rom h-s belt. He patte& the horse?s hea& 6entl+. D=oo&-b+e8 ol& 9ellow8D he sa-&. D2 can?t leave +o; to &-e o9 th-rst -n the &esert.D Then8 t;rn-n6 abo;t8 he sa-& to the bo+s8 D1oo! the other wa+FD A9ter the+ ha& &one so a shot ran6 o;t. 3hen the bo+s loo!e& aro;n& a6a-n the horse was l+-n6 mot-onless -n the san&. D3e cannot 6o ahea&8 that -s certa-n8D sa-& @;an. D4o;?ll have to r-&e w-th me8 ,ather.D D2t -s too ba&8 espec-all+ when we have come The 2n&-an #3 6o 9ar8D sa-& 5enor archeta rel;ctantl+. Then he sha&e& h-s e+es w-th h-s han& an& 6aBe& o;t across the &esert. D5omeone -s com-n68D he remar!e&. ,ran! an& @oe co;l& see no one. The+ co;l& &-st-n6;-sh noth-n6 b;t roll-n6 san& &;nes exten&-n6 l-!e 6reat waves 9ar -nto the &-stance.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

However8 a moment later a 9-6;re be6an to r-se above the crest o9 one o9 the &;nes. ,-rst the+ saw h-s hea&8 then h-s sho;l&ers8 then the hea& o9 a horse. ,-nall+ an-mal an& r-&er came over the top o9 the &;ne. The man re-ne& -n h-s stee&8 stoo& ;p -n the st-rr;ps8 an& 6aBe& at the travelers. He was a ma6n-9-cent 9-6;re -n the s;nl-6htM a tall8 broa&-sho;l&ere& 2n&-an w-th copper+ s!-n8 r-&-n6 a w-r+ l-ttle pon+. A moment later8 sat-s9-e& that 5enor archeta?s part+ were 9r-en&l+8 he &;6 h-s heels -nto the pon+?s 9lan!s an& ro&e towar& them. DA 9;ll-bloo&e& 4aE;- 2n&-an8D expla-ne& @;an as the stran6er approache&. DPerhaps he?ll be able to help ;s.D The 4aE;- ra-se& h-s arm -n 6reet-n6 as he came ;p. 5enor archeta ;ttere& a cr+ o9 reco6n-t-on. D3h+8 2 !now th-s manFD he excla-me&. DHe once wor!e& 9or me.D 2t was ev-&ent that the 4aE;- also reco6n-Be& Be9-or archeta. The+ exchan6e& a 9ew #7 The ar! on the "oor 9r-en&l+ wor&s -n 5pan-sh. ,ran! an& @oe were 6reatl+ -ntereste& -n the newcomer. The+ ha& never seen a 9-ner spec-men o9 manhoo&. He was power9;ll+ b;-lt8 lean an& athlet-c8 w-th the clear e+es an& ;ntro;ble& 9ace o9 one who l-ves close to nat;re. 5enor archeta an& the 2n&-an tal!e& 9or some t-me. ,-nall+ @;an?s 9ather t;rne& to the bo+s. DThe 4aE;- has o99ere& to ta!e one o9 ;s bac! to town w-th h-m 9or another pon+. 2t w-ll be too heav+ a loa& 9or h-s horse -9 2 r-&e w-th h-m.D D2?ll 6o8D sa-& ,ran! rea&-l+. DAre +o; s;re +o; won?t m-n&ID D0ot a b-t o9 -t. B;t &o +o; th-n! 2 co;l& 9-n& m+ wa+ bac! a6a-nID DThe 4aE;- w-ll come bac! w-th +o;. He co;l&n?t 6et lost -n the &esert -9 he tr-e&. He has prom-se& to 6;-&e ;s when he ret;rns. 2n 9act8 he tells me that the oas-s !nown as the ?Hea&E;arters? -sn?t ver+ 9ar 9rom here.D The 2n&-an rose -n h-s st-rr;ps an& exten&e& h-s arm towar& the northeast8 where a &-stant l-ne o9 &;nes stretche& o;t be9ore them. ?? /ver there8?? he sa-&. ?? 0ot 9ar. 3hen the s;n sets +o; w-ll be close.D Arran6ements were E;-c!l+ ma&e 9or the exchan6e o9 horses. 5enor archeta too! ,ran!?s pon+ wh-le the el&er Har&+ bo+ The 2n&-an #: cl-mbe& ;p -nto the sa&&le beh-n& the 4aE;-. A 9ew moments later the two part-es separate&8 pran! an& the 2n&-an towar& the town8 @oe an& the archetas hea&-n6 on -nto the &esert. The s;n was G;st s-n!-n6 towar& the western hor-Bon -n a blaBe o9 6low-n6 l-6ht8 when @;an s;&&enl+ re-ne& -n h-s pon+. D3e m;st be care9;l now8D he sa-&. D2 th-n! 2 see a camp a6a-nst the s!+. 4es-there are trees-an& tents.D D4o;r +o;n6 e+es are better than m-ne8D sa-& 5enor archeta8 com-n6 to a stop. D2 can see noth-n6.D The+ ha& halte& at the top o9 a low b;tte. =reat s;nba!e& lea6;es o9 &esert stretche& -l-l-m-tabl+ be9ore them. @oe 9ollowe& the &-rect-on o9 @;an?s 6aBe8 an& -n the &-stance co;l& barel+ &-st-n6;-sh a 9ew trees s-lho;ette& a6a-nst the s!+. D2t -s the oas-s8D sa-& @;an. D2 th-n! we ha& better sta+ here ;nt-l -t becomes &ar!.D The+ &-smo;nte&8 an& ate a heart+ meal 9rom the prov-s-ons the+ ha& ta!en w-th them 9rom the -nn. Beneath the r-m o9 the b;tte the+ !new

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

the+ were sec;re 9rom observat-on b+ an+one -n the &-stant camp. The s!+ 9lame& w-th 6lor-o;s colors as the s;n slowl+ san! be+on& the hor-Bon. "ar!ness came sw-9tl+8 br-n6-n6 a welcome coolness a9ter the heat o9 the &a+. #) The ar! on the "oor D3e shall r-&e on now8D &ec-&e& 5enor ar-cheta 9-nall+. The s!+ blaBe& w-th stars. The p-n! 6low o9 a camp9-re -n&-cate& the locat-on o9 the oas-s as the part+ ro&e ahea&. ,ort;natel+ the s;ccess-ve san& &;nes a99or&e& plent+ o9 cover so that the+ were ahle to approach w-th-n hal9 a m-le o9 the place w-tho;t 9ear o9 be-n6 observe&. Then8 -n a l-ttle hollow o;t o9 s-6ht o9 the camp8 the+ hobble& the-r horses. D1et?s creep ;p closer8D s;66este& @;an. D a+be we can learn who -s camp-n6 there.D 5enor archeta was &;b-o;s. D3e ma+ learn noth-n68 an& -9 we are seen we ma+ 6et a b;llet or two 9or o;r c;r-os-t+8D he sa-&. DPerhaps Pe&ro -s here. 3e can?t 6-ve ;p now8 a9ter hav-n6 come so 9ar.D 5enor archeta was 9;ll+ al-ve to the &an6ers o9 .steal-n6 ;p to sp+ on a &esert camp -n the &ea& o9 n-6ht8 b;t @;an an& @oe 9-nall+ pers;a&e& h-m to &o so. D,or a l-ttle wh-le8 then8D he a6ree&. DB;t +o; m;st not 6o too close. The+ have sharp ears8 these people o9 the &esert.D The three ma&e the-r wa+ to the top o9 the &;ne. 0ow the+ co;l& see the camp9-re clearl+. The l-6ht shone on a scattere& 6ro;p o9 tents an& on the calm waters o9 the oas-s8 -n wh-ch the clear stars were re9lecte& as -9 -n a m-rror. The 2n&-an #* ,-6;res move& to an& 9ro -n the r;&&+ 9-rel-6ht. 5o9t m;s-c came 9rom a 6;-tar. B-t b+ b-t @oe an& h-s compan-ons crept over the crest an& move& s-lentl+ &own the slope -n the &-rect-on o9 the oas-s. The Har&+ bo+?s heart was po;n&-n6 w-th exc-tement. The three ma&e scarcel+ a so;n& -n the so9t8 +-el&-n6 san& aI the+ crept closer to the camp. The n-6ht was ver+ st-ll. The m;s-c o9 the 6;-tar thr;mme& &ream-l+. The+ hear& a b;rst o9 la;6hter8 an& a man approache& the 9-re. He threw on 9resh 9;el so that the 9lames leape& h-6her. D2 won&er -9 Pe&ro -s reall+ hereID sa-& @oe -n low tones. DPerhaps we shall soon !now8D @;an repl-e&. There was a warn-n6 wh-sper 9rom 5enor archeta. D 5-lence 1D ;. CHAPT%$ 'H TH% P$25/0%$ when 5enor archeta an& thP two bo+a were close eno;6h to the camp to &-st-n6;-sh what was 6o-n6 on8 the+ la+ per9ectl+ st-ll -n the san&. The+ were at a sa9e &-stance be+on& the ra&-ance o9 the 9-re an& well -n the sha&ows o9 a san& &;ne that wo;l& a99or& protect-on o9 a !-n&8 sho;l& the+ be 9orce& to beat a hast+ retreat. The 9-rel-6ht shone ;pon abo;t a &oBen men an& women who appeare& to be 6+ps-es. The+ were cla& -n E;a-nt8 color9;l cost;mes8 an& two o9 the 6-rls were &anc-n6 to the so9t m;s-c o9 the 6;-tar. A9ter a wh-le a man l+-n6 near one o9 the tents be6an to s-n6. 2t was ev-&ent that the part+ ha& no s;sp-c-on that the+ were be-n6 watche&. 5;&&enl+ @oe 6r-ppe& @;an?s arm. ?? 1oo!FD he wh-spere&. ?? /n the 9lap o9 the lar6est tent. "o +o; see

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

-9ID @;an 9ollowe& the &-rect-on o9 @oe?s po-nt-n6 9-n6er. D2 see a mar!8D he wh-spere& -n repl+#( The Pr-soner ## DThe 9-re -s b;rn-n6 too low to 6-ve eno;6h l-6ht 9or me to ma!e -t o;t clearl+. Ah8 the 9lames are r-s-n6 a6a-n. 2 can see better now. 3h+8 -t -s the same-the same mar!------D DThat was on the &oor o9 +o;r home8D ret;rne& @oe exc-te&l+. The+ co;l& see -t &-st-nctl+ now -n the l-6ht east b+ the 9l-c!er-n6 9lames. 2t was the 9am-l-ar s+mbol o9 the letter P -n a blaBe o9 9a6ots8 the same stran6e s+mbol the Har&+ bo+s ha& 9o;n& on the &oor o9 Pe&ro A-ncenBo?s room -n Ba+port. @;an an& @oe were p;BBle& over th-s o&& co-nc-&ence8 w-th the latter pos-t-ve now that Pe&ro A-ncenBo m;st have some connect-on w-th the camp. The m;s-c &-e& awa+8 the &anc-n6 6-rls cro;che& &own bes-&e the 9-re8 an& a man steppe& o;t o9 the sha&ows. He was tall an& &ar!-s!-nne&8 w-th coal blac! ha-r8 an& wore a ?scrape 9l;n6 carelessl+ abo;t h-s sho;l&ers. He be6an to spea! to the others -n 5pan-sh8 Dwh-ch @oe co;l& not ;n&erstan&. @;an8 however8 l-stene& -ntentl+ an& a9ter a wh-le translate& the spea!er?s remar!s. DHe -s compla-n-n68D wh-spere& @;an. DHe Ba+s the+ have not been pa-& 9or a lon6 t-me. The-r s;ppl-es are r;nn-n6 low. He wants to !now -9 the others are content to wa-t here m;ch lon6er.D There was a low m;rm;r o9 &-ssent 9rom the -J9c 100 The ar! on the "oor men aro;n& the 9-re. The spea!er pace& ;p an& &own8 6est-c;lat-n68 tal!-n6 -n a lo;&8 harsh vo-ce. @;an 6ave a start o9 s;rpr-se. DPe&roFD he wh-spere&. DHe ment-ons the name Pe&ro.D He l-stene& 9or a wh-le8 then cont-n;e&. D29 Pe&ro &oes not come soon the+ w-ll have to 6o o;t an& steal.D /ne o9 the l-steners spo!e ;p -n a E;-et8 a;thor-tat-ve vo-ce. @;an translate&: DTh-s man sa+s that the+ m;st not steal. The+ are 9ools8 he tells them8 to wa-t 9or Pe&ro. He bel-eves someth-n6 has happene& to Pe&ro8 that he -s e-ther &ea& or -n Ga-l8 an& that he w-ll never ret;rn.D The man -n the serape-the one who seeme& obv-o;sl+ to be the lea&er o9 the ban&-then spo!e a6a-n. DHe -s s;66est-n6 that the+ brea! camp an& 6o home. 2t -s onl+ a &a+?s r-&e west o9 the oas-s.D The lea&er?s tal! seeme& to ma!e a &-st-nct -mpress-on ;pon h-s 9ollowers. /ne man a9ter another 6ot ;p an& spo!e. @;an ha& some &-99-c;lt+ !eep-n6 ;p w-th them8 b;t the s;m an& s;bstance o9 -t all appeare& to be that the+ tho;6ht the+ ha& wa-te& lon6 eno;6h8 an& that the+ wo;l& r-s! starvat-on -n the &esert sho;l& the+ rema-n. The Pr-soner 101 DPe&ro -s not w-th them8 that -s certa-n8D wh-spere& 5en-or archeta. D2 bel-eve these are Pe&ro Pancho?s 9ollowers8 be+on& a &o;bt. 3e have come on a w-l&-6oose chase.D The lea&er then ra-se& h-s han& 9or s-lence. He spo!e onl+ a 9ew wor&s8 b;t what he sa-& was ev-&entl+ -mportant. 0o one answere& h-m an& all h-s 9ollowers loo!e& ;neas-l+ at one another. D2 cannot ;n&erstan& th-s8D @;an wh-spere&. DHe as!s them what the+ are to &o w-th the Amer-can pr-soner.D

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

DPr-sonerFD @oe almost sho;te& alo;&. To h-m the wor&s ?Amer-can pr-soner? co;l& mean onl+ one man an& that man was %lmer Trem-mer8 the m-ss-n6 w-tness. @;an 6lance& c;r-o;sl+ at @oe. He co;l& not ;n&erstan& the reason 9or the other la&?s exc-tement. He l-stene& as the lea&er o9 the 6an6 went on spea!-n6. DHe -s sa+-n68D @;an wh-spere& 9-nall+8 Dthat Pe&ro ma+ never come 9or the pr-soner -9 the+ ta!e the Amer-can -nto the mo;nta-ns w-th them. He -s s;66est-n6 that the+ leave the man -n the &esert.D %v-&entl+ th-s -&ea was not 9avore& b+ the others. Two or three o9 the men 6r;nte& obGect-ons. /ne o9 them8 accor&-n6 to @;an8 sa-& that the+ m;st !eep the pr-soner -9 the+ ever hope& to 6et mone+ 9rom Pe&ro. 10< The ar! on the Boor DPe&ro ma+ come. 29 we &o not have the pr-soner he w-ll never pa+ ;s. B;t -9 we have the pr-soner we can 9orce Pe&ro to 6-ve ;s o;r mone+8D the 9ellow ar6;e&. @oe was 6reatl+ a6-tate&. He crane& h-s nec! as he tr-e& to 6et a better v-ew o9 the camp8 an& attempte& to see the 9aces o9 the people aro;n& the 9-re. D2 want to !now more abo;t that Amer-can8D he wh-spere& to @;an. D2 won&er where the+ !eep h-m. 2?m 6o-n6 closer.D D"on?t be 9ool-sh8D the ex-can bo+ ;r6e&. D4o; ma+ be ca;6ht.D D2?ll be care9;l.D Altho;6h @;an an& 5enor archeta be66e& h-m to rema-n where he was8 @oe be6an to crawl awa+ thro;6h the san&. He wante& to wor! aro;n& to the rear o9 the camp -n the hope that he m-6ht learn where the pr-soner was be-n6 !ept. 2n a 9ew moments the &ar!ness swallowe& h-m ;p. @;an an& h-s 9ather were le9t alone on the slope. @oe !ept well o;t o9 ran6e o9 the 9-rel-6ht. He crept slowl+ aro;n& towar& the bac! o9 the tents8 b;t th-s spot was E;-te &eserte&. 3as the pr-soner -n one o9 the tentsI He was pos-t-ve that the man m;st be %lmer Tremmer an& that Pe&ro ha& le9t h-m there -n char6e o9 th-s rov-n6 ban& o9 nat-ves. 2n an+ case8 -9 the pr-soner was an Amer-can he m;st @ The Pr-soner 103 be resc;e&. Perhaps when ,ran! an& the 4aE;- ret;rne& the+ m-6ht be able to th-n! ;p a plan. 5ome &-stance over towar& the b-6 pool o9 water that shone -n the starl-6ht @oe ca;6ht s-6ht o9 a 9-6;re l+-n6 -n the san&. Another 9orm was cro;ch-n6 nearb+8 the 9-6;re o9 a nat-ve w-th a blan!et 9l;n6 over h-s sho;l&ers an& a r-9le across h-s !nees. @oe went as close as he &are&. He co;l& hear the so;n&s o9 tal! an& la;6hter 9rom the &-rect-on o9 the camp9-re. The r-9le bearer st-rre& ;neas-l+ an& loo!e& abo;t h-m. @oe la+ mot-onless. The man sh-9te& the blan!et a l-ttle an& settle& &own a6a-n. The 9-6;re -n the san& &-& not move. 2nch Sb+ -nch @oe crept nearer. He was s;re that the man w-th the r-9le was a 6;ar& an& that the other was the Amer-can pr-soner. The bo+ e&6e& aro;n& so that he was beh-n& the cro;ch-n6 9orm. The 9-6;re l+-n6 -n the san& move& an arm8 6roane&8 then sat ;p. He +awne& an& stretche&. DAre +o; people tr+-n6 to starve meID he m;ttere&. D2?m h;n6r+.D The 6;ar& 6rowle& someth-n6 ;n-ntell-6-ble. D2 w-sh somebo&+ aro;n& here co;l& tal! %n6l-sh8D sa-& the pr-soner b-tterl+. He t;rne& at that moment an& the l-6ht o9

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

107 The ar! on the "oor the 9-re shone &-ml+ ;pon h-s 9ace. @oe co;l& not see the man ver+ clearl+8 so he e&6e& 9orwar& a l-ttle more8 tr+-n6 to 6et -nto a pos-t-on where he co;l& catch a 6l-mpse o9 the pr-soner?s 9eat;res. D2 &on?t see wh+ +o; have to watch me all the t-me8D 6r;mble& the Amer-can. D"on?t worr+. 2 won?t r;n awa+.D The nat-ve &-& not answer. @;st then the pr-soner t;rne& sl-6htl+ an& the l-6ht 9ell clearl+ ;pon h-s 9ace. @oe leane& 9orwar&8 star-n6. Ha& he 9o;n& %lmer Tremmer8 the m-ss-n6 w-tness8 at lastI CHAPT%$ '2H the r-&er?s cl.;e Gob hae&+ !new %lmer Tremmer b+ s-6ht. He ha& seen the man -n Ba+port several t-mes an& remembere& h-m as a E;-et8 -no99ens-ve l-ttle 9ellow8 a rather 6ra+8 -nconseE;ent-al man o9 abo;t 9-9t+. %lmer Tremmer8 as @oe remembere& h-m8 ha& a 6ra+ m;stache an& wore hornr-mme& 6lasses. 0ow8 as the l-6ht 9ell ;pon the 9ace o9 the pr-soner -n the &esert8 @oe s;ppresse& a m;rm;r o9 &-sappo-ntment. Th-s man wore no 6lasses. 0e-ther ha& he a m;stache8 b;t th-s was not s;rpr-s-n68 as the barber -n the Texas town ha& -nt-mate& that %lmer Tremmer ha& ha& h-s m;stache remove&. The pr-soner?s 9ace was ;nshaven an& there was a st;bble o9 hal9-6rown bear& abo;t h-s ch-n. 2n the &-m l-6ht @oe was ;nable to -&ent-9+ h-m. A moment later the man t;rne& h-s hea& awa+. @oe w-she& heart-l+ that he ha& !nown the m-ss-n6 w-tness better when he was -n Ba+port. Then he m-6ht have -&ent-9-e& the man b+ h-s vo-ce. 10: 10) The ar! on the "oor 5;&&enl+8 9rom over -n 9ront o9 the tents8 he hear& a sho;t o9 alarm. 4ells o9 exc-tement bro!e o;t. A man came r;nn-n6 o;t o9 the 9-rel-6ht an& calle& to the pr-soner?s 6;ar&. 2n a moment the sent-nel leape& to h-s 9eet an& ;r6e& the Amer-can be9ore h-m -nto one o9 the tents. @oe co;l& see men r;nn-n6 bac! an& 9orth. DThe+?ve ca;6ht @;an an& 5enor ar-chetaFD he tho;6ht. N;-c!l+ he scramble& to h-s 9eet an& ran bac! -nto the &ar!ness o9 the san& &;nes. /ver to one s-&e he ca;6ht a 6l-mpse o9 &ar! 9-6;res h;rr+-n6 o;t o9 the camp towar& the slope on wh-ch @;an an& 5enor archeta ha& been l+-n6. @oe !new that he wo;l& onl+ be co;rt-n6 &-saster -9 he went towar& h-s comra&es now. 2t wo;l& be sheer 9oolhar&-ness sho;l& he tr+ to reGo-n them. He ma&e a w-&e c-rcle o;t across 2he &esert8 ta!-n6 shelter -n the hollows o9 the &;nes8 ;nt-l at last he was o;t o9 s-6ht o9 the camp alto6ether. /nce he hear& the report o9 a r-9le an& an o;tb;rst o9 sho;t-n6. D3hat ha& happene&I There was no &o;bt -n h-s m-n& b;t that h-s 9r-en&s ha& somehow been &-scovere&. 29 the+ ha& been ta!en pr-soners8 h-s own pl-6ht was ser-o;s. He 6ot to h-s 9eet an& wal!e& &own a lon6 hollow between the san& &;nes. 0o lon6er The %-&er?s Cl;e 10* co;l& he hear so;n&s 9rom the camp. The stars 9lame& overhea& an& the s-lence was so &eep that he m-6ht have been the onl+ l-v-n6 be-n6 w-th-n h;n&re&s o9 m-les. He crept E;-etl+ ;p to the top o9 the next &;ne. 5;&&enl+ he stoppe&8 h-s heart -n h-s mo;th8 9or the s-lence was bro!en b+ the low m;rm;r o9 vo-ces. @oe 9l;n6 h-msel9 9lat -n the san& an& la+ there. A6a-nst the s!+

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

be+on& the top o9 the &;ne he saw a mov-n6 9-6;re. @oe almost cr-e& alo;& -n rel-e9. 5enor archeta an& @;an were ;p there on the other s-&e o9 the &;ne. @oe Har&+ cl-mbe& over the crest. D@;anF 5enorFD he wh-spere&. The+ wheele& abo;t8 D@oeFD cr-e& @;an ea6erl+. D2s -t +o;I 3e?ve been so anx-o;sFD DAn& 2?ve been worr-e& abo;t +o;8D @oe sa-& as he came ;p to them. D2 was over on the other s-&e o9 the camp when 2 hear& the row an& 2 was s;re +o;?& been ca;6ht.D DThe+ &-&n?t see ;s8D @;an sa-&. D5omebo&+ -n the camp hear& ;s tal!-n6 an& ra-se& the alarm. The+ all came o;t to loo! 9or ;s8 b;t we were m-6ht+ well h-&&en b+ that t-me. 5o the+ &ec-&e& the+ ha& been m-sta!en an& 6ave ;p the search.D D2 th-n! we ha& better clear o;t o9 here an+wa+8D @oe .s;66este&. DThere -s noth-n6 ; 10( The ar! on the "oor we can &o an& we ma+ br-n6 tro;ble on o;rselves -9 we han6 aro;n&.D D3e w-ll 6o bac! to the place where we le9t the horses8D 5enor archeta sa-&. @oe tol& them noth-n6 abo;t the Amer-can pr-soner. He went bac! &own the slope w-th them an& soon the+ were retreat-n6 9rom the v-c-n-t+ o9 the camp. D3hen the+ ret;rne& to the place where the+ ha& hobble& the pon-es the+ wrappe& themselves ;p -n the-r blan!ets an& went to sleep. "awn bro!e over the &esert -n a blaBe o9 6lor+. ,ran! an& the 4aE;- ha& prom-se& to meet @oe an& the archetas at an o&&-shape& b;tte w-th a top l-!e a p+ram-&. @;an sa-& that the 2n&-an was s;re to !eep h-s wor&. DHe?ll be there8 an& exactl+ when he prom-se&8D sa-& the ex-can bo+. DThe 4aE;-s are Aer+ &epen&able.D DTh-s man -n part-c;lar8D &eclare& 5enor archeta. DD3hen he wor!e& 9or me 2 tr;ste& h-m above all m+ other emplo+ees.D The+ set o;t once more ;n&er the blaB-n6 s;n. 5oon the &-stant oas-s was lost to s-6ht be+on& the roll-n6 &;nes o9 san&. At abo;t m-&morn-n6 @;an sp-e& a t-n+ obGect -n the &-stance. DHere the+ areFD he sa-& con9-&entl+. He was r-6ht. Be9ore noon ,ran! an& the 4aE;- were r-&-n6 ;p to them. @oe co;l& not The %-&er?s Cl;e 10# telp b;t marvel that the 2n&-an ha& 9o;n& h-s wa+ bac! to the appo-nte& place so ;nerr-n6l+ across the trac!less &esert. ,ran!8 mo;nte& on a small &apple& pon+ that the 4aE;- ha& borrowe& -n town8 &rew ;p bes-&e h-s brother. D1oo!s as -9 the rest o9 the tr-p -s o998D he sa-& E;-etl+. D3hat &o +o; meanID as!e& @oe. He not-ce& that the 2n&-an was tal!-n6 -n an earnest vo-ce to 5enor archeta an& @;an. DThere was a messa6e wa-t-n6 9or @;an?s 9ather when we 6ot bac! to the town8D ,ran! sa-&. DApparentl+ the+?re nee&e& bac! home at once.D DAn+th-n6 wron6ID D0o. 2t?s a b;s-ness matter.D DB;t we can?t t;rn bac! nowFD excla-me& @oe. D2t?s -mposs-ble. 3h+8 ,ran!8 2?ve st;mble& on the b-66est cl;e o9 all. There?s an Amer-can pr-soner -n that camp at the oas-s. ,or all 2 !now8 the man ma+ be %lmer Trem-mer.D ,ran! was 6reatl+ exc-te& b+ th-s news. DAn Amer-can pr-sonerFD he excla-me&. DHow &o +o; !nowID

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

D3e crept ;p close to the camp last n-6ht an& overhear& the people tal!-n6 abo;t h-m. The+?re Pe&ro A-ncenBo?s men8 2?m s;re. DPe&ro has &eserte& them an& the+?re plann-n6 !. 110 The ar! on the "oor to clear o;t. 2 saw the pr-soner m+sel9-G;st 6ot a 6l-mpse o9 h-m-an& 2 &on?t !now whether he -s Tremmer or not. He &-&n?t have a m;stache an& he &-&n?t wear 6lasses.D D3e certa-nl+ can?t 6-ve ;p the search now8D ,ran! sa-& &ec-s-vel+. D%ven -9 @;an an& 5enor archeta have to ret;rn there?s noth-n6 to prevent ;s 9rom carr+-n6 on.D DB;t how co;l& we ever 9-n& o;r wa+ bac!I D3e &on?t !now an+th-n6 abo;t the &esert.D DThe 4aE;- &oes. 29 we can pers;a&e h-m to sta+ w-th ;s we won?t have an+th-n6 to worr+ abo;t.D At th-s moment @;an an& 5enor archeta ro&e ;p to them. DBo+s8D sa-& the latter8 D2 re6ret extremel+ that b;s-ness calls m+ son an& me bac! to the c-t+. 2t -s a ver+ -mportant matter. The 4aE;br-n6s me a messa6e &eman&-n6 that we ret;rn at once.D D3e were G;st &-sc;ss-n6 that8D sa-& ,ran!. D3o;l& -t not be poss-ble 9or ;s to sta+ID D2n the &esertI AloneI 2 co;l& not perm-t that. 2 am respons-ble 9or +o;r sa9et+.D DB;t -9 the 4aE;- rema-ne& w-th ;s we wo;l& be E;-te sa9e.D DThat -s tr;e8D a&m-tte& 5enor archeta. DB;t -s -t necessar+ 9or +o; to sta+I 2s th-s a99a-r so ver+ -mportantID D 2t?s ver+ -mportant8?? sa-& ,ran!. ??2 can?t The %-&er?s Cl;e 111 expla-n the whole b;s-ness to +o;8 5enor ar-eheta8 b;t we are tr+-n6 to help o;r 9ather -n a case. @oe tells me there -s an Amer-can pr-soner -n that camp at the oas-s. 3e m;st resc;e h-msomehow.D 5enor archeta no&&e&. DB;t 2 am a9ra-& three o9 +on w-ll not be able to set the man 9ree. 2 shall s;66est th-s. 3hen @;an an& 2 6et to the town on the e&6e o9 the &esert8 we w-ll sen& sol&-ers o;t to help +o; resc;e th-s pr-soner.D DThat?s a &an&+ -&eaFD excla-me& @oe enth;s-ast-call+. D3e won?t have lon6 to wa-t8 w-ll weID D@;an an& 2 sho;l& reach the place be9ore even-n6. 3e?ll tr+ to sen& the sol&-ers o;t at once. B;t 9-rst o9 all 2?ll as! the 4aE;- -9 he cares to sta+.D 5enor archeta spo!e to the 2n&-an8 an& -t was soon ev-&ent that the nat-ve was a6reeable to rema-n-n6 w-th the Har&+ bo+s. ,ran! an& the 4aE;- ha& bro;6ht an extra s;ppl+ o9 9oo& w-th them8 so that there were no ser-o;s obstacles -n the wa+ o9 the-r rema-n-n6. 5enor archeta8 who ev-&entl+ place& 6reat con9-&ence -n the 4aE;-8 solemnl+ -nstr;cte& the man that he wo;l& be respons-ble 9or the sa9et+ o9 los Amer-canos. The 2n&-an place& h-s han& above h-s heart. DThe+ w-ll be sa9e8 5enor8D he prom-se&. 11< The ar! on the "oor 2n a 9ew m-n;tes the part+ bro!e ;p. @;an an& h-s 9ather sa-& 6oo&-b+e to the-r +o;n6 9r-en&s. The ex-can la& was 6reatl+ p;t o;t beca;se h-s share o9 the a&vent;re ha& come to s;ch an ;nt-mel+ en&. He s;specte& that there was more exc-tement to come8 b;t he tr-e& to be cheer9;l abo;t -t an& wave& 6a-l+ to the Har&+ bo+s as he ro&e awa+. 2n a l-ttle wh-le the two pon-es were har&l+ more than t-n+ mov-n6 &ots on the s;nba!e& s;r9ace o9 the &esert. ?? 3hat shall we call +o; I?? ,ran! as!e& the-r copper+-s!-nne& 6;-&e.

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

D4aE;-8D ret;rne& the nat-ve promptl+. D4aE;- -t -s8 then. 5enor archeta has tol& +o; what we want to &oID The 2n&-an no&&e&. D3e are to sta+ ;nt-l the sol&-ers come.D 2t was a lon6 wa-t8 an& a monotono;s one. ,ran! an& @oe mana6e& to snatch a l-ttle sleep -n the sha&e o9 a 6reat cact;s plant8 an& wh-le& awa+ the a9ternoon ;nt-l n-6ht 9ell. ,ran! was ea6er to p;sh on towar& the oas-s an& sp+ o;t the 6ro;n& 9or h-msel98 b;t 4aE;- &-& not 9avor the -&ea. D3e are three8Dhe po-nte& o;t. DThe+ are man+. 29 we are seen8 -t ma+ be too late when the sol&-ers come.D DThat?s reasonable eno;6h8D a6ree& @oe. D2t wo;l&n?t pa+ to spo-l -t all b+ be-n6 -mpat-ent. 2 s;ppose we ha& better wa-t.D The $-&er?s Cl;e 113 >n&er the &esert stars the+ spent the n-6ht. DKAhen morn-n6 came the bo+s ea6erl+ scanne& the hor-Bon 9or some s-6n o9 the prom-se& sol&-ers. B;t the s!+l-ne was ;nbro!en. There was noth-n6 b;t a 6reat expanse o9 san&8 sh-mmer-n6 -n the heat. The s;n rose h-6her an& st-ll there was no mov-n6 obGect amon6 the &-stant &;nes. DPerhaps there weren?t an+ sol&-ers -n the town8D sa-& @oe8 &-sappo-nte&. DPerhaps the+ wo;l&n?t come.D 4aE;- sa-& noth-n6. ,e cro;che& on the san&8 h-s arms aro;n& h-s !nees8 an& 6aBe& stea&-l+ -nto the &-stance. Towar& m-&-&a+ the+ ca;6ht s-6ht o9 a traveler on horsebac!8 9ollowe& b+ a small b;rro8 abo;t a m-le to the northeast. He was com-n6 towar& them 9rom the &-rect-on o9 the oas-s. DPerhaps th-s -s one o9 Pe&ro?s menFD excla-me& ,ran!. As the r-&er approache& the+ saw that he was a ex-can. He ha-le& them -n h-s own lan6;a6e8 ev-&entl+ s;rpr-se& to see the three campe& -n s;ch a place. 4aE;- calle& bac! to h-m8 an& when the traveler ro&e ;p8 as!e& h-m E;est-ons. He was ev-&entl+ -nE;-r-n6 abo;t the people at the oas-s8 as the bo+s G;&6e& b+ h-s 9reE;ent 6est;res -n -ts &-rect-on. There 3as a len6th+ conversat-on between the pa-r an& at last 4aE;t;rne& to the Har&+ bo+s. 117 The ar! on the "oor DTh-s man has G;st come 9rom the oas-s.D DAn& what &oes he sa+ID DThere -s no one sta+-n6 there now. B;t he saw a caravan mov-n6 towar& the e&6e o9 the &esert.D CHAPT%$ '2A TH% 45T%$2/>5 T$AA%1%% Dthe+?ve 6-ven ;s the sl-pFD cr-e& ,ran!. DThe+?ve bro!en camp an& 6one bac! to the mo;nta-ns a9ter all.D D3e?ll never 9-n& them nowFD sa-& @oe &-sconsolatel+. 4aE;- an& the stran6er exchan6e& a 9ew more Dwor&s. Then the ex-can ro&e awa+8 the b;rro bells t-n!l-n6 solemnl+ as he res;me& h-s lonel+ Go;rne+ across the san& wastes. DCan?t we set o;t a9ter them8 4aE;-ID as!e& ,ran! &esperatel+. D3e m;st 9ree that pr-soner. ?? D29 onl+ the sol&-ers wo;l& come8D @oe 6roane&. 4aE;- stoo& ;p8 sha&e& h-s e+es8 an& 6aBe& o;t across the &esert 9or several m-n;tes. ,-nall+ he shoo! h-s hea&. D0o sol&-ers +et8D he m;rm;re&. Then8 t;rn-n6 to the bo+s8 he sa-&8 ?? These people are 9ar ahea&. 2t w-ll be eas+ to 9ollow the-r tra-l across the &esert8 b;t we ma+ lose them when D3e reach the h-lls. 4et we can tr+.D

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

;s 11) The ar! on the "oor D1et?s &o so b+ all means8D &eclare& ,ran!. D2t?s o;r onl+ chance. The sol&-ers ma+ not 6et here ;nt-l tomorrow.?? DTomorrow w-ll be too late8D sa-& 4aE;-. D29 we are to 9ollow the tra-l we m;st set o;t at once.D 2t was a66ravat-n6 to th-n! that the sol;t-on o9 the m+ster+ ha& been snatche& o;t o9 the-r 6rasp -n the ver+ moment o9 s;ccess. The Har&+ bo+s were conv-nce& that the presence o9 the Amer-can pr-soner -n the &esert camp was the answer to the r-&&le o9 Tremmer?s &-sappearance. D5ol&-ers or no sol&-ers8D ,ran! sa-&8 h-s Gaw set w-th &eterm-nat-on8?? we ?re 6o-n6 to 9ollow those oas-s peopleFD The-r preparat-ons complete&8 the bo+s mo;nte& the-r pon-es. 4aE;sw;n6 h-msel9 l-6htl+ -nto h-s sa&&le an& the 6ro;p starte& o;t towar& the 9ert-le spot where the nat-ves ha& been camp-n6. The 2n&-an set the pace. 2t was not +et s;nset when the+ reache& the oas-s. The waters o9 the pool loo!e& cool an& -nv-t-n6 -n the sha&e8 a welcome -n &-rect contrast to the harsh blea!ness o9 the &esert s;rro;n&-n6 -t. The camp was8 o9 co;rse8 &eserte&. 4aE;- &-smo;nte& an& exam-ne& the trac!s -n the san& ma&e b+ those who ha& le9t. DThe-r b;rros are heav-l+ loa&e&8D he sa-& The +ster-o;s Traveler 11* at last. DThe+ w-ll travel slowl+. Perhaps we ma+ be able to overta!e them be9ore the+ reach the e&6e o9 the &esert.D The bo+s were hot an& t-re& a9ter the-r r-&e8 an& se-Be& the opport;n-t+ to bathe -n the waters o9 the la6oon8 an& to ta!e a m;chnee&e& rest -n the cool sha&e. As @oe stretche& h-msel9 at 9;ll len6th8 h-s toe s;&&enl+ to;che& an o&&-shape& stone. The bo+ peere& &own at the m-neral. D3hat?s the matterID E;er-e& ,ran!. DTho;6ht +o; were 6o-n6 to sleep.D DThat roc! never belon6e& here8D m;ttere& h-s brother. D2t was bro;6ht to th-s spot b+ some one.D The Har&+s8 scent-n6 a m+ster+8 at once 9or6ot the-r 9at-6;e. The+ l-9te& the pec;l-arl+ mar!e& stone an& set -t to one s-&e. D0ow8 2 w-sh 2 were a 6ro;n& ho68D la;6he& @oe. D2?& l-!e to &o a l-ttle &-66-n6.D D3hat &o +o; th-n! +o; wo;l& 9-n&ID D2 con9ess 2 &on?t !now what to expect. B;t 2 reall+ bel-eve th-s -s a mar!e& spot. 1et?s &o a l-ttle excavat-n6.D ,ran! a6ree&. ,;r-o;sl+ the bo+s &rew as-&e 6reat heaps o9 earth. 5;&&enl+ @oe?s han& to;che& an obGect. D2?ve 9o;n& someth-n68D l-e excla-me& exc-te&l+. D5;re as shoot-n68D a6ree& ,ran!. D2t?s a 11( The ar! on the "oor p-ece o9 antelope s!-n8D he cont-n;e& as he leane& closer over the hole. D2t?s a cover to someth-n6.D D1oo!FD cr-e& ,ran! as he cleare& awa+ more so-l. @oe bent nearer the h-&e. Clearl+ b;rne& -nto the 9;r was the ;nm-sta!able s+mbol P w-th the b;rn-n6 9a6ots beneath. D"o +o; s;ppose-D as!e& @oe w-th awe8 Dthat we have ;ncovere&-----D The +o;n6 &etect-ve 6ot no 9;rther -n h-s s;ppos-t-on8 9or at that moment 4aE;-8 who ha& been asleep a l-ttle &-stance awa+8 aro;se& h-msel9. 3hen he saw the stone an& the &-66-n68 he cr-e& o;t -n alarm: ?? 5topF 5topF 4o; m;st E;-c!l+ cover the &ea& manF %v-l sp-r-ts-+o; w-ll be-----D

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

The 2n&-an &-& not 9-n-sh8 so amaBe& was he at the chan6e -n the att-t;&e o9 the two bo+s. The+ were hast-l+ throw-n6 bac! the &-rt. To the ;nt;tore& m-n& the nat-ve was at once conv-nce& the la&s were 9ear9;l o9 the &rea&e& p;n-shment h-s 6o&s wo;l& mete o;t to the 6rave &espo-lers. 2t was an -ll omen-no &o;bt the search 9or the 9lee-n6 campers wo;l& come to some ba& en&. However8 @oe an& ,ran! were wh-sper-n6 between themselves abo;t an ent-rel+ &-99erent an6le o9 the case. D =eeF 2 &-&n ?t expect th-s8 ,ran!.?? IITD The +ster-o;s Traveler 11# D0e-ther &-& 2. 3o;l&n?t Chet 9-n& an exc;se to r;n o99 -9 he saw th-sFD DB;t that mar!-n6 on the s!-n was pla-n. "o +o; s;ppose the 9ellow &-e& a nat;ral &eath8 or was !-lle& 9or &-sobe&-ence I?? D2 bel-eve that bran& -s the s-6net o9 a cr;el8 heartless man whom we m;st trac! &own8D answere& the ol&er Har&+ brother. The stone was replace& on the exact spot 9rom wh-ch the la&s ha& ta!en -t. Then 4aE;- bro;6ht the pon-es to6ether. D,ran!8D wh-spere& @oe a b-t hoarsel+8 D+o; &on?t bel-eve that poor 9ellow b;r-e& there co;l& be %lmer Tremmer8 &o +o;ID D2 was won&er-n6 that m+sel9. Perhaps we sho;l& have -nvest-6ate& 9;rther.D D3ell8 -t?s too late now. 3e?ll G;st have to tr;st to l;c! that the m-ss-n6 w-tness -s ahea& o9 ;s -n compan+ w-th the nat-ves.D The 6ro;p resolve& to p;sh on w-tho;t &ela+. As &ar!ness 9ell several ho;rs later8 the+ were obl-6e& to slac!en the-r pace. 4aE;- was 9-n&-n6 -t more &-99-c;lt now to 9ollow the trac!s. Then8 too8 the-r pon-es were t-r-n6. To a&& to the-r &-99-c;lt-es a l-6ht w-n& spran6 ;p8 blow-n6 st-n6-n6 clo;&s o9 san& -nto the-r 9aces. DThat -s ba&8D sa-& 4aE;-. D2t -s blott-n6 o;t the tra-l. 3e w-ll ma!e camp 9or the n-6ht.D Anx-o;sl+ the bo+s 6aBe& -nto the &ar!ness8 1<0 The ar! on the Boor hop-n6 that the+ m-6ht see the 6low o9 the 9;6-t-ves ? 9-re. D0o s;ch l;c!8D m;ttere& ,ran!. DAn& worse than that8 -9 th-s w-n& !eeps ;p there won?t be a trac! le9t 9or ;s to 9ollow.D 2n the morn-n6 the s-t;at-on loo!e& hopeless to the ;npract-ce& e+es o9 the Har&+ bo+s8 b;t the three set o;t a6a-n. Th-s t-me the+ ma&e slower pro6ress8 9or 4aE;- was scann-n6 the san& -ntentl+. Here an& there8 espec-all+ -n the lee o9 the b;ttes8 he 9o;n& -n&entat-ons that conv-nce& h-m he was on the r-6ht co;rse. At len6th the tr-o came to the &esert?s e&6e. The wastes 6ave wa+ to roc!8 then to 9ert-le co;ntr+M b;t -t was almost as lonel+. The wor! o9 tra-l-n6 the 9;6-t-ves became more an& more &-99-c;lt. The+ came ;pon a hal9-bree& sE;atter who tol& them he ha& seen the caravan pass-n6 to the westwar&. 2t was a lon6 t-me be9ore 4aE;- p-c!e& ;p the trac! a6a-n. There were no towns8 no v-lla6es where -n9ormat-on m-6ht be obta-ne&. The-r pro6ress became slower than ever. /n the secon& &a+ the Har&+ bo+s were almost rea&+ to 6-ve ;p. D"o +o; th-n! we?ll ever 9-n& them8 4aE;-ID as!e& ,ran!. The 2n&-an shr;66e&. D a+be8D he answere&. D0ot ver+ 9ar ahea&. 3e lost m;ch t-me.D The +ster-o;s Traveler 1<1 The-r 9oo& s;ppl+ ha& been exha;ste& 9or 6ome t-me8 b;t the+ mana6e& to b;+ e&-bles 9rom the nat-ves the+ enco;ntere&. ,ran! an& @oe wo;l& have t;rne& bac!8 b;t 4aE;- po-nte& o;t that -t wo;l& be eas-er to ret;rn to

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

the c-t+ b+ 6o-n6 across co;ntr+ than b+ ma!-n6 the lon6 ret;rn Go;rne+ thro;6h the &esert a6a-n. D2t?s hopeless8D ,ran! sa-& on the th-r& &a+8 as the-r wear+ pon-es tr;&6e& towar& a t-n+ a&obe h;t wh-ch the-r 6;-&e ha& sp-e& -n the &-stance. D3e?ll tell 4aE;- to set h-s co;rse 9or home.?? D3e?re l;c!+ we have h-m8D remar!e& @oe. D2?m s;re 2 haven?t the 9a-ntest -&ea where we are.D D5omewhere -n ex-co8 that?s all 2 !now. B;t he?ll 6et ;s bac! to the c-t+ sa9e eno;6h. 2 hope "a& -sn?t worr+-n6 abo;t ;s.D As the+ &rew nearer to the h;t the+ co;l& see that the place was completel+ s;rro;n&e& b+ a 9ence o9 tan6le& an& pr-c!l+ cact-8 so 9orm-&able8 that an+one attempt-n6 to sE;eeBe h-s wa+ thro;6h the he&6e wo;l& have h-s clothes torn o99 h-s bac!. DA robber wo;l& th-n! tw-ce be9ore he?& tr+ to cl-mb over that8?? remar!e& ,ran!. D2t -s nopal cact;s8D expla-ne& 4aE;-. D2t -s not onl+ a 9ence b;t a 6ar&en. The t;na 9r;-t 6rows on -t.D DHow &o we 6et -nID 1<< The ar! on the "oor 4aE;- sm-le&. A nat-ve was slo;ch-n6 o;t o9 the h;t. The man came across the l-ttle +ar& an& calle& o;t to the 2n&-an8 who answere& h-m. The man8 a hal9-bree&8 bowe& respect9;ll+ to the bo+s? 6;-&e8 then hastene& to open a 6ate -n the he&6e. A 9ew mon6rel &o6s +appe& as the travelers ro&e -nto the +ar&8 b;t the-r owner sent them +elp-n6 bac! beh-n& the h;t. Two other men lo;n6e& o;t o9 the &oorwa+ -nto the s;nl-6ht. The+ loo!e& on -n s-lence as the bo+s &-smo;nte&. ,ran! an& @oe were consc-o;s o9 the-r s;sp-c-o;s an& ;neas+ 6lances. D3e &on?t seem to be ver+ welcome8D @oe sa-&. 4aE;- shr;66e&. DBahF Hal9-bree&sFD he sa-& contempt;o;sl+. D2 am a p;re bloo& 4aE;-. The+ shall &o as 2 sa+.D 2t was ev-&ent that the shabb+ nat-ves reco6n-Be& 4aE;-?s s;per-or-t+. The ver+ tone o9 h-s vo-ce was comman&-n6 as he or&ere& 9oo&. He ha& a lon6 tal! w-th the men -n the-r own lan6;a6e8 pres;mabl+ as!-n6 -9 the+ ha& seen the caravan. B;t the+ shoo! the-r hea&s. DThere -s someth-n6 stran6e here8D 4aE;- m;ttere&. DThese 9ellows are l+-n6.D Altho;6h he pers-ste& -n h-s E;est-on-n68 he 9a-le& to el-c-t an+ -n9ormat-on. The travelers went -nto the h;t8 where &-shes The +ster-o;s Traveler 1<3 o9 nat-ve 9oo& were place& be9ore them. The Har&+s were almost s-c!ene& b+ the E;eer preparat-ons wh-ch seeme&8 as @oe sa-&8 to be ma&e o9 ?? re& pepper an& l+e.?? 4et the+ were so h;n6r+ that the+ 9orce& themselves to ma!e a meal. 3h-le the bo+s were eat-n6 the+ hear& a th;n&er o9 hoo9s be+on& the 9ence. /ne o9 the hal9-bree&s ran o;t to open the 6ate. A nat-ve ro&e -nto the +ar& an& &-smo;nte&. The two men tal!e& to6ether -n low tones an& 9-nall+ wal!e& towar& the h;t. The newcomer was a lean8 swarth+ 9ellow w-th a &roop-n6 m;stache. He &arte& a sharp 6lance towar& 4aE;- an& the Har&+ bo+s as he crosse& the threshol&. 5;&&enl+ ,ran! rose hal9wa+ to h-s 9eet8 st-9l-n6 an exclamat-on o9 s;rpr-se. D3hat?s the matterID as!e& @oe. H-s brother sat &own a6a-n. The hal9-bree&s were loo!-n6 at h-m s;sp-c-o;sl+. D0oth-n68D he sa-&.

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

A moment later8 when the men -n the h;t were tal!-n6 E;-etl+ -n a corner8 he 6r-ppe& h-a brother?s arm. D@oe8D he wh-spere&. DThat man loo!s l-!e the 9ellow who attac!e& me -n the 6ar&en at 9-enor archeta?s place.D CHAPT%$ 'A CAPT>$%" B4 BA0"2T5 Dthe 9ellow who !noc!e& +o; o;tID 6aspe& @oe. ?? Are +o; s;re I?? D2?m almost pos-t-ve8D repl-e& ,ran! exc-te&l+. D2 ha& no more than a 6l-mpse o9 the man at the t-me8 b;t 2?m certa-n he?s the same one.D The nat-ve 6lance& towar& them at th-s moment8 where;pon ,ran! tr-e& to 9e-6n -n&-99erence. He was conv-nce& that the man was -n Pe&ro A-ncenBo?s h-re8 +et he !new that an+ attempt to con9ront h-m w-th the 9act wo;l& be ;seless. The stran6er came over to TaE;- an& be6an to tal! to h-m. The Har&+ bo+s co;l& not ;n&erstan& the conversat-on8 b;t the+ ass;me& that the newcomer was as!-n6 the-r 6;-&e E;est-ons abo;t them. The+ hear& the 2n&-an ment-on the name o9 5enor archeta8 then DAmer-canosD an& DHar&+.D ,-nall+ the man w-th&rew8 sa-& 6oo&-b+e to the hal9-bree&s8 an& stro&e o;t -nto the +ar&. A moment later he ro&e awa+. 1<7 Capt;re& b+ Ban&-ts 1<: D3hat &-& l-e as! +o;8 4aE;-ID -nE;-re& ,ran!. DHe wante& to !now where +o; came 9rom an& wh+ +o; were here.?? D4o; &-&n?t tell h-m8 2 hope.D D2 tol& h-m noth-n6.D D4o; ment-one& o;r names.D D4es. B;t there was no harm -n that.D The 2n&-an then tol& them he ha& learne& 9rom the hal9-bree&s that there was a roa& abo;t a m-le 9rom the h;t. B+ travel-n6 ;p -nto the 9ooth-lls the+ wo;l& be able to ma!e connect-ons w-th a h-6hwa+ wh-ch wo;l& ta!e them to the c-t+. DThese men !now noth-n6 o9 the caravan. 2 th-n! we sho;l& waste no more t-me8D 4aE;- sa-&. DHowever8 -t -s as +o; w-sh.D D4es8 2 6;ess we ha& better 6o bac! to town8?? @oe a6ree&. The+ were &-sappo-nte&8 9or the bo+s ha& conv-nce& themselves that the Amer-can pr-soner whom @oe ha& seen -n the camp at the oas-s ha& -n&ee& been %lmer Tremmer. To have lost the tra-l b+ s;ch a narrow mar6-n was -nexpress-bl+ a66ravat-n6. D0o ;se cr+-n6 over sp-lle& m-l!8D ,ran! sa-& ph-losoph-call+. D3e?ve lost o;t8 so we ma+ as well 6o bac! to town an& tell "a& what happene&. Perhaps he?ll be able to 9-n& some trace o9 that caravan.D 1<) The ar! on the "oor The+ pa-& the hal9-hree& 9or the 9oo& the+ ha& eaten8 then went o;t -nto the +ar&. 5;sp-c-o;s e+es 9ollowe& them as the+ mo;nte& the-r pon-es an& set o;t a6a-n8 4aE;- lea&-n6 the wa+. The+ 9o;n& the roa& w-tho;t an+ tro;ble. 2t was l-ttle more than a &;st+ cow-path r;nn-n6 -nto the 9ooth-lls. ,ran! co;l& not 9ree h-s m-n& o9 the recollect-on o9 the nat-ve who ha& come to the h;t. D3hat was one o9 Pe&ro A-ncenBo?s men &o-n6 -n s;ch an o;t o9 the wa+ placeID he as!e&8 as he an& @oe Go66e& E;-etl+ alon6 ;n&er the b;rn-n6 s;n. D29 that wasn?t the 9ellow who !noc!e& me o;t that n-6ht 2 tac!le& A-n-cenBo8 2?ll eat m+ hat.D DPerhaps he was w-th the caravan8D s;66este& @oe. DHe m-6ht have come bac! to see -9 the+ were be-n6 9ollowe&.D DPerhaps8D ,ran! a6ree& &o;bt9;ll+. D2?m sorr+ 4aE;- let h-m !now o;r names. 2t was an acc-&ent8 o9 co;rse8 b;t -t?s ;n9ort;nate -t ha& to

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

happen. 5omehow8 2 have a 9eel-n6 that we haven?t seen the last o9 that ex-can.D Be9ore them the roa& wo;n& thro;6h the h-lls. ,ar -n the &-stance the+ co;l& see the 6r-m mass o9 the mo;nta-ns a6a-nst the s!+. 3hen the+ loo!e& bac! the+ co;l& see the enormo;s &esolat-on o9 the &esert. 0ow that the exc-tement o9 the chase ha& worn o99 the+ 9elt t-re& an& &-sp-r-te&. Capt;re& b+ Ban&-ts 1<* The roa& wo;n& abo;t the 9oot o9 a steep h-ll8 tw-st-n6 an& c;rv-n6 so that o9ten the+ co;l& not see the path 9or more than a 9ew +ar&s ahea&. 4aE;- was r-&-n6 aro;n& one o9 these ben&s when h-s pon+ s;&&enl+ sh-e& v-olentl+8 almost throw-n6 -ts r-&er 9rom the sa&&le. The same -nstant the bo+s hear& a shot an& a chor;s o9 w-l& +ells. The+ saw two ex-cans r;sh o;t 9rom a place o9 concealment amon6 the b;shes at the roa&s-&e an& 6rab the 2n&-an?s horse b+ the br-&le. ,ran! loo!e& bac!. A pon+ an& r-&er came pl;n6-n6 &own the slope -n a clo;& o9 &;st an& stones8 c;tt-n6 o99 escape to the rear. 2t all happene& so s;&&enl+ that ne-ther ,ran! nor @oe co;l& 6rasp the s-t;at-on8 9or the roa&wa+ appeare& to be al-ve w-th swarth+8 ev-l9ace& men8 some on horsebac!8 others on 9oot. The+ seeme& to have spr;n6 ;p o;t o9 the 6ro;n&. /ne b;rl+ r;99-an se-Be& the br-&le o9 @oe?s pon+8 wh-ch was rear-n6 an& pl;n6-n6 -n 9r-6ht8 wh-le another snatche& the re-ns o;t o9 ,ran!?s han&s. ?Un&-tsF?? cr-e& @oe. H?3e?re ca;6htF?? There were abo;t a &oBen o9 them8 an& -t was pla-n that the+ ha& been l+-n6 -n amb;sh at the ben& -n the roa&. The men were heav-l+ arme& an& as ;nsavor+ a crew o9 rascals as can be -ma6-ne&. /ne 9ellow8 who was mo;nte& on a sp-r-te& 1<( The ar! on the "oor p-nto pon+8 seeme& to be the lea&er8 9or he stoo& ;p -n the st-rr;ps an& sho;te& or&ers at the others. He was a sto;t8 v-lla-no;s loo!-n6 9ellow w-th a l-v-& scar &own h-s r-6ht chee!. 4aE;- ma&e no res-stance8 b;t ra-se& h-s arms -n the a-r. The attac! ha& been so s;&&en an& so well planne& that the ban&-ts were -n comman& o9 the s-t;at-on 9rom the start. ,ran! an& @oe 9ollowe& the-r 6;-&e?s example an& p;t ;p the-r han&s also. DThan! 6oo&ness8 we haven?t m;ch mone+ w-th ;s8D sa-& ,ran!. D2 s;ppose that?s what these men want.D D>nless the+ -nten& to hol& ;s 9or ransom8D m;ttere& @oe. The ban&-t lea&er ro&e towar& the bo+s8 show-n6 h-s teeth -n an ev-l sm-le. He sa-& someth-n6 that the Har&+s co;l& not ;n&erstan&. ,ran! po-nte& to the-r 6;-&e. D3hat &oes he want8 4aE;-I /;r mone+ID D3-th a ban&-t cl-n6-n6 to the br-&le o9 h-s horse8 4aE;- ro&e over an& spo!e to the lea&er. Then he t;rne& to the bo+s an& shoo! h-s hea&. D2t -s not so s-mple as that8D he sa-&. D4o; are to 6-ve h-m +o;r mone+8 +es. B;t more than that8 we are to be ta!en pr-soners.D D3h+ID &eman&e& ,ran! an6r-l+. DTell h-m he can have o;r mone+ -9 he?ll let ;s 6o. 3e have onl+ a 9ew &ollars an+wa+.D 4aE;- -nterprete& th-s to the ban&-t ch-e9. Capt;re& b+ Ban&-ts 1<# who merel+ shoo! h-s hea& c;rtl+ an& raspe& o;t a sharp comman&8 mot-on-n6 to the ho+sJ poc!ets. $el;ctantl+ the Har&+s han&e& over the mone+ -n the-r possess-on. The ban&-t lea&er st;99e& -t -nto h-s poc!et8 then wheele& h-s pon+ abo;t an& sho;te& to h-s men. 2nstantl+ there was 6reat con9;s-on. ore horses were le& o;t 9rom h-&-n6 places amon6 the b;shes8 an& -n a 9ew m-n;tes all the o;tlaws

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

were -n the sa&&le. The Har&+ bo+s an& 4aE;- were -n the m-&&le o9 the m-ll-n6 6ro;p8 so that there was no chance o9 the-r ma!-n6 a brea! 9or l-bert+. DPe&ro A-ncenBo -s at the bottom o9 th-s8D &eclare& ,ran!. D2 !now -t.D DThat?s wh+ h-s man came to the h;t. He wante& to !now where we were an& where we were 6o-n68D @oe sa-& &-sconsolatel+. D3hat &o +o; th-n! the+ -nten& to &o w-th ;sID ,ran! was an6r+ now. He spo!e to 4aE;-. DTell them we?re not 6o-n6 w-th them. Tell the-r lea&er that we?re Amer-can c-t-Bens an& that 5enor archeta w-ll have ever+ sol&-er -n ex-co on the-r tra-l -9 we &-sappear.D The 2n&-an obe+e&. He -nterprete& ,ran!?s wor&s to the ban&-t lea&er. H-s onl+ answer was a scowl an& an ;6l+ la;6h. D 5o ID 6r-tte& the man w-th the scar. ?? Th) Amer-canos &o not weesh to come weeth ;sID He ro&e ;p bes-&e ,ran!?s horse. ?? 5enor8?? he 130 The ar! on the "oor sa-&8 D+o; are m+ pr-soner. 4o; weel &o as 2 sa+.D D2 warn +o; that we?re Amer-can c-t-Bens8D &eclare& ,ran!. D3e have 9r-en&s. 4o; won?t 6et awa+ w-th th-s. The sol&-ers-----D ?? BahF?? sneere& the ban&-t ch-e9. ?? 5ol&-ersF The sol&-ers have tr+ to catch me 9or +ears. An& alwa+s the+ 9a-l.D Then a chan6e came over h-s 9ace. H-s e+es became narrow an& cr;el. H-s han& swept to h-s belt an& rose a6a-n. 2n the s;nl-6ht there 9lashe& the bla&e o9 a !n-9e 1 CHAPT%$ 'A2 TH% CAA% P$25/0 -nvol;ntar-l+ ,ran! &rew bac! as the w-c!e& !n-9e was bran&-she& be9ore h-s e+es. @oe cr-e& o;t -n alarm8 9or he tho;6ht the ban&-t ch-e9 -nten&e& some harm to h-s brother. B;t the man w-th the scar onl+ la;6he& harshl+. D"o +o; weesh me to ;se thees !n-9eID he as!e&. Then8 thr;st-n6 the weapon bac! -nto h-s belt8 he sw;n6 h-s horse aro;n& an& ro&e bac! to the hea& o9 h-s men. He str;c! o99 &own a narrow tra-l that le& awa+ 9rom the s-&e o9 the roa&. Hemme& -n b+ ban&-ts8 the pr-soners ha& no cho-ce b;t to obe+. 3-th s-n-ster-9ace& men on horses ahea& an& beh-n& them the+ ha& no chance to escape8 an& the+ !new -t. 3-th-n a 9ew m-n;tes the+ were 9ar o99 the roa& an& 9ollow-n6 the tra-l thro;6h a w-l& re6-on that le& &eeper -nto the h-ll co;ntr+. D.eep a st-99 ;pper l-p8 @oel 3e?ll see Ba+port a6a-n-some &a+.D @oe m;stere& ;p a sm-le. 131 13< The ar! on the "oor D2t?s "a& 2?m th-n!-n6 o98D he sa-&. DHe won?t !now what?s happene& to ;s. An& -9 an+ search -s ma&e 9or ;s8 -t w-ll never be -n th-s part o9 the co;ntr+. The+?ll h;nt 9or ;s -n the &esert.D D3e?ve been -n scrapes almost as ba& as th-s one8 an& 6ot o;t o9 them a6a-n.D DThat?s tr;e. An& who !nows-ma+be we?ll learn a l-ttle more abo;t Pe&ro A-ncenBo. 2?m s;re he?s bac! o9 th-s b;s-ness.D The Har&+ bo+s ha& obta-ne& ver+ l-ttle rest an& sleep -n the past 9ew &a+s8 so ea6er ha& the+ been to press har& on the tra-l o9 the caravan. As a res;lt8 the+ were now almost exha;ste&. DThe onl+ th-n6 that !eeps me 6o-n68D sa-& ,ran! wear-l+8 D-s the tho;6ht that ma+be we?re on the tra-l o9 Tremmer an& Pe&ro a9ter all.D @oe 6lance& at 4aE;-. D3hat w-ll the+ &o to ;sID he as!e& E;-etl+.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

The 2n&-an shr;66e&. DN;-en sabe9J he repl-e&. DPerhaps we &-e.D Th-s was not ver+ reass;r-n6. DThe+ wo;l&n?t &are8D cr-e& @oe. D3ho wo;l& !nowID ret;rne& 4aE;-. D3ho -s to sa+ that we came to th-s part o9 the co;ntr+I 3ho -s to sa+ that we &-& not &-e o9 th-rst -n the &esertFD The Cave Pr-son 133 The bo+s be6an to real-Be that the-r pl-6ht was ver+ ser-o;s. 2t wo;l& be almost -mposs-ble 9or ,enton Har&+ an& 5enor archeta to trace them8 9or -t was certa-n that the nat-ves -n the h;ts near the &esert wo;l& sa+ noth-n6 beca;se o9 the-r 9ear o9 the ban&-ts. The tra-l le& towar& the h-lls8 an& -nto co;ntr+ that 6ra&;all+ became w-l&er an& steeper. The r-&ers were -n the ver+ heart o9 the mo;nta-ns8 when &ar!ness 9ell. =reat lower-n6 slopes rose on ever+ s-&e. 2n the &-stance the bo+s co;l& hear the roar o9 a r-ver. 2n the 6loom the+ co;l& see ahea& the mo;th o9 a 6reat 6or6e. >p -n the h-6h co;ntr+ -t 6rew col&8 an& the bo+s were soon sh-ver-n6. The+ were wea! 9rom expos;re an& h;n6er8 b;t the+ were not allowe& a resp-te. 5;&&enl+ @oe8 ;tterl+ exha;ste&8 l;n6e& 9orwar& an& sl-ppe& 9rom h-s horse. D@oe8D calle& ,ran!8 D@oe8 what -s the matterID A ban&-t 6;ar& leape& to the 6ro;n&. H-s pon+8 ;natten&e&8 reare& an& pl;n6e& towar& the n;mb la& on the tra-l. 2t was a moment o9 a6on+ to ,ran!. D1et me help m+ brother8D he sho;te&. 5;-t-n6 act-on to wor&s8 he lashe& the o99en&-n6 horse8 wh-ch s-&esteppe& G;st -n t-me. @oe opene& h-s e+es. 137 The ar! on the "oor D/h8 ,ran!8D he m;ttere&8 D2 6;ess 2 9ell asleep or someth-n6.D B;t ,ran! !new better. He real-Be& -t was &;e to lac! o9 9oo& an& restJ that h-s brother ha& been 9a-nt8 an& &ec-&e& to 6et better treatment. He set ;p a terr-ble howl8 an& the ban&-t lea&er 6ave a comman& to the process-on. DHaltFD he roare& -n 5pan-sh. D3e nee& someth-n6 to eat8D sho;te& the ol&er Har&+ bo+. D%-6ht nowFD The ch-e9 pa-& no attent-on to the s;99er-n6 pr-sonersM -nstea&8 he spo!e sharpl+ to one o9 h-s men8 who &-smo;nte& an& went ahea& on 9oot. The nat-ve?s sha&ow+ 9-6;re co;l& be seen enter-n6 the 6or6e. He ret;rne& presentl+ an& wh-stle&. Then the corte6e move& on. As the 6ro;p came -nto the rav-ne the bo+s saw l-6hts ahea& an& the blaBe o9 a camp 9-re. Two or three nat-ves came r;nn-n6 ;p w-th cr-es o9 welcome. DHome8 sweet homeFD sa-& @oe w-th a wan sm-le. Th-s8 obv-o;sl+8 was the hea&E;arters o9 the ban&-ts. The men &-smo;nte& an& han&e& the-r horses over to nat-ve servants8 then sprawle& wear-l+ bes-&e the 9-re. 5t-99 an& sore8 ,ran! an& @oe 6ot &own8 h;n6r-l+ sn-99-n6 the 9ra6rant o&ors o9 9oo&. A brown-9ace& woman bro;6ht them plates o9 some sort o9 stew. 2t Dwas h-6hl+ seasone& an& ver+ hot8 b;t the+ The Cave Pr-son 13: &evo;re& -t 6rate9;ll+8 altho;6h8 at another t-me the+ m-6ht not have mana6e& to eat -t at all. DTastes a b-t l-!e l-E;-& 9-re seasone& w-th br-mstone8D sa-& ,ran!8 Db;t -t h-ts the spot G;st the same. 2?m so h;n6r+ 2 co;l& eat a r;bber

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

boot.D D3-tho;t b;tter8D m;mble& @oe8 h-s mo;tb 9;ll. ,-nall+ the ban&-t ch-e9 6ave an or&er to one o9 h-s men8 who came over to the capt-ves. D,ollow meFD Alon6 a narrow path he le& the pr-soners towar& the cl-998 hol&-n6 alo9t a blaB-n6 torch. D3hat nowID m;rm;re& ,ran! as the+ 9ollowe& the-r 6;-&e. The tra-l le& ;p a steep slope8 so steep that the+ ha& &-99-c;lt+ -n !eep-n6 a 9oothol&. 2t went h-6her an& h-6her ;nt-l8 when the+ loo!e& bac!8 the+ co;l& see the l-6ht o9 the ban&-t camp 9ar below -n the 6or6e. Then the+ were 9orce& to wal! alon6 a narrow le&6e on the 9ace o9 the cl-99 ;nt-l the l-6ht o9 the torch reveale& the mo;th o9 a small cave. Here the ban&-t stoo& as-&e8 spo!e to 4aE;-8 an& mot-one& the three capt-ves to enter. D3e are to sleep here8D the 2n&-an expla-ne& calml+. The bo+s were too wear+ to res-st8 so the+ crawle& thro;6h the small open-n6. The ban&-t 13) The ar! on the "oor tosse& the torch -n a9ter them. Then he set to wor! seal-n6 ;p the cave mo;th w-th a&obe br-c!s that were p-le& abo;t the entrance. D5;rel+ we?re not 6o-n6 to be tombe& ;p hereFD cr-e& ,ran!. DTh-s -s o;r pr-son8D 4aE;- sa-&. Altho;6h the entrance was small8 the cave -tsel9 was o9 s;bstant-al proport-ons. 2t conta-ne& a 9ew ro;6h pallets o9 straw8 b;t noth-n6 more. The 2n&-an set the torch -n a crev-ce8 an& -n -ts n-c!er-n6 l-6ht the tr-o loo!e& 6loom-l+ at one another. D3h+8 we m;st be amon6 the cave &wellers F?? @oe excla-me&. DThe nat-ves who l-ve here8D expla-ne& 4aE;-8 Dare &escen& 9rom cl-99 &wellers. %eal 2n&-an tr-bes have noth-n6 to &o w-th them. The+ are o;tcast.D D3h+ID DBeca;se the+ wor! w-th ban&-ts.D DThe+ wo;l&n?t help ;sID The 2n&-an shoo! h-s hea&. D29 we mana6e& to 6et o;t o9 here8 4aE;-8D sa-& ,ran!8 D&o +o; th-n! +o; co;l& 6;-&e ;s bac!ID D2 co;l& 9-n& m+ wa+8D a&m-tte& the-r 6;-&e slowl+. DB;t we w-ll not 6et awa+ 9rom here. 3e can onl+ wa-t.D D2 won&er what these people plan to &o w-th ;s.D The Cave Pr-son 13* D/;r l-ves have been spare&. 2t -s ransom the+ want8 2 th-n!.D DThere?s someth-n6 more than that. Th-s -s Pe&ro A-ncenBo ?s wor!8?? &eclare& @oe. ?? He tho;6ht we were 6ett-n6 too close on h-s heels an& he wants ;s o;t o9 the wa+. That?s m+ 6;ess.D DPerhaps8D sa-& 4aE;- -n&-99erentl+. 3h+ the+ ha& been capt;re& &-& not 6reatl+ matter to h-m. The po-nt was that the+ were pr-soners an& that there was ver+ l-ttle the+ co;l& &o abo;t -t. D2?& 6et a 6reat !-c! o;t o9 th-s8 be-n6 amon6 the cl-99 &wellers an& all8D remar!e& ,ran!8 D-9 2 onl+ !new that we co;l& pac! ;p an& 6o home whenever we l-!e&.D 2n the 6;tter-n6 l-6ht o9 the torch @oe not-ce& a stran6e obGect on the 9loor. He p-c!e& -t ;p an& t;rne& -t over -n h-s han&s. D3h+8 -t?s a braceletFD The ornament8 ma&e o9 s-lver8 was sl-6htl+ tarn-she&. 2t was set w-th

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

colore& stones. 4aE;- exam-ne& -t w-th -nterest. D2s -t val;ableID @oe as!e&. DThe stones are sem--prec-o;s8D sa-& the 6;-&e. D2t -s worth a l-ttle mone+.D He han&e& bac! the bracelet w-th a sm-le. DA l-ttle so;ven-r to ta!e home w-th +o;.D D29 we ever 6et home8D 6r;mble& @oe. The ban&-t who ha& le& them to the cave ha& 13( The ar! on the "oor 9-n-she& seal-n6 ;p the entrance. 0ow the+ co;l& hear h-m cl;mp-n6 o99 &own the narrow tra-l. Awa+ -n the &-stance the bo+s co;l& hear the roar o9 the r-ver an& the so;n& o9 vo-ces 9rom aro;n& the camp9-re below. 2t was stran6e to th-n! that a 9ew short &a+s ha& bro;6ht s;ch a chan6e -n the-r 9ort;nes. D@;st th-n!8D ,ran! sa-&8 Da l-ttle more than a wee! a6o we were at home -n Ba+port. 0ow we?re -n a ban&-t camp -n the mo;nta-ns o9 ex-coFD DThat?s what we 6et 9or tr+-n6 to be &etect-ves8D @oe rem-n&e& h-m. D"on?t tal! abo;t Ba+port. 2?m 6o-n6 to sleep.D D e too8D ,ran! answere&. D2?m so t-re& 2 can?t !eep m+ e+es open.D The torch was 6;tter-n6 an& 9-ll-n6 the cave w-th smo!e8 so 4aE;ext-n6;-she& the l-6ht 2n the &ar!ness there was a r;stl-n6 o9 straw an& s;n&r+ 6roans an& +awns as the pr-soners la+ &own to sleep on the pallets. The+ were so exha;ste& that even the worr-es o9 the-r pos-t-on co;l& not !eep them awa!e. 2n a ver+ 9ew m-n;tes the+ ha& 9allen -nto a &eep sl;mber. "a+l-6ht was 9-lter-n6 -nto the 6loom+ cave when ,ran! opene& h-s e+es next morn-n6. Between the ch-n!s o9 the br-c!s at the entrance he co;l& see the br-6ht s;nsh-ne. As he st-rre& an& ra-se& h-msel9 on one elbow8 @oe wo!e ;p8 bl-n!-n6. The Cave Pr-son 13# D3here am 2ID the latter m;ttere& -n s;rpr-se. Then he remembere&. D=osh8 2 was &ream-n6 2 was bac! home -n Ba+port an& that A;nt =ertr;&e was +ell-n6 at me 9rom the 9oot o9 the sta-rs an& tell-n6 me 2?& be late 9or school.D D0o school 9or ;s to&a+8D ,ran! answere& w-th a 6r-n. He sat ;p8 stretch-n6 h-s arms. DTh-s -sn?t m;ch o9 a be&8 b;t 2 s;rel+ slept well on -t.D He 6lance& towar& the other s-&e o9 the cave. Then h-s Gaw &roppe& an& h-s mo;th opene& -n aston-shment. DAm 2 see-n6 th-n6sID he m;ttere&. @oe sat ;p E;-c!l+. The pallet on the other s-&e o9 the cave was empt+. D3h+-wh+-where?s 4aE;-ID he 6aspe&. ,ran! leape& to h-s 9eet an& c-rcle& sw-9tl+ aro;n& the-r roc!+ pr-son. The 2n&-an ha& van-she&. ,or a moment he tho;6ht the-r 6;-&e m-6ht be secret-n6 h-msel9 an& pla+-n6 some sort o9 a Go!e on them8 b;t he soon saw that there was no h-&-n6 place -n the cave. The entrance was st-ll seale& ;p w-th a&obe br-c!s. 4aE;- was 6one. ,ran! sat &own l-mpl+ on h-a pallet. DHe has &eserte& ;sFD CHAPT%$ 'A22 P%"B/ A20C%0V/ the Har&+ bo+s loo!e& at each other -n &-sma+. >p to th-s t-me the presence o9 4aE;- ha& enco;ra6e& them8 9or the+ !new that -9 ever the+ were to escape 9rom the ban&-ts the+ wo;l& have to rel+ lar6el+ ;pon h-s help. 0ow the+ 9elt that the-r onl+ 9r-en& ha& prove& ;nrel-able8 an& ha& le9t them to the-r 9ate. D2 can?t bel-eve -t8D @oe sa-&. D4aE;- -sn?t that sort o9 9ellow. He

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

wo;l&n?t let ;s &own.D D2 &on?t want to bel-eve -t8D repl-e& ,ran!. DB;t how else can +o; expla-n -tI He -sn?t here. He wa-te& ;nt-l we were asleep an& then cleare& o;t.?? DPerhaps he went to see -9 he co;l& 6et help.D D a+be. B;t wh+ co;l&n?t he tell ;s be9ore he le9tID 2n the bac! o9 the-r m-n&s was the &rea& s;sp-c-on that 4aE;- ha& le9t them to the merc-es o9 the ban&-ts8 an& that the nat-ve ha& so;6ht to save h-s own l-9e at the expense o9 the-rs. The+ ha& tr;ste& h-m so -mpl-c-tl+ that no ;o Pe&ro A-ncenBo 171 tho;6nt o9 treacher+ ha& entere& the-r m-n&s8 so that now the shoc! was &o;bl+ 6reat. D3e?ll have to ta!e care o9 o;rselves8D ,ran! sa-&8 as he went towar& the mo;th o9 the cave. D4aE;- m;st have tho;6ht o;r l-ves were -n &an6er8 or he wo;l&n?t have &eserte& ;s l-!e that.?? D%ven now 2 can?t bel-eve he has let ;s &own. There -s some other explanat-on. 2?ll ban! on -t that he went to 6et help an& G;st &-&n?t want to wa!e ;s ;p. That man -s honest.D ,ran! !-c!e& -&l+ at the br-c!s across the mo;th o9 the cave. D2 hope we haven?t been le9t here to starve8D he sa-&. D2 co;l& eat three meals all at once r-6ht now.D D3hat beats me -s how 4aE;- 6ot o;t.D D5-nce he &-&8 we can.D The br-c!s were Gamme& sol-&l+ -n the open-n6. Altho;6h ,ran! labore& 9rant-call+ at them8 he co;l& not b;&6e the heav+ barr-er. Then he not-ce& that the top o9 the entrance came to a po-nt8 one lar6e br-c! hav-n6 been we&6e& -n at that spot to hol& the others -n place. @oe s;66este& that th-s sho;l& be the centre o9 attac!. D2t?s the !e+ to the whole bloc!a&e8D he sa-&. D=et that one loose an& the rest w-ll be eas+.D The top br-c! -tsel9 was not eas+ to &-slo&6e8 however. 2t was cramme& -n so t-6htl+ an& 17< The ar! on the "oor sol-&l+ that there seeme& to be no chance o9 -ts be-n6 wor!e& loose. The bo+s p-c!e& ;p roc!s 9rom the 9loor o9 the cave an& ban6e& an& hanv mere& v-6oro;sl+ at the obstacle. ,-nall+ the br-c! be6an to +-el&. ,ran! an& @oe re&o;ble& the-r e99orts. D2t?s mov-n6FD cr-e& the latter presentl+. 5;&&enl+ the a&obe sE;are sh-9te&8 sl-ppe& o;t o9 place8 an& went th;mp-n6 to the le&6e o;ts-&e. The bo+s loo!e& thro;6h the open-n6. ,ar below them la+ the encampment an& the r-ver that ran thro;6h the 6or6e. A 9ew women were mov-n6 abo;t amon6 the h;ts8 b;t the bo+s co;l& see no s-6n o9 e-ther the ban&-ts or the horses. D1et?s 6et o;t o9 here. There?s no one on 6;ar&8D remar!e& ,ran!. DAn& 2?m 6o-n6 to 9-n& some 9oo&.D 0ow that the !e+ br-c! was o;t the bo+s ha& no 9;rther &-99-c;lt+. 2n a 9ew m-n;tes the+ ha& cleare& awa+ a space that enable& them to leave the cave an& emer6e -nto the 9resh a-r o9 the mo;nta-ns-&e. D29 we can onl+ 9-n& o;r pon-es we ma+ be able to escape8D sa-& @oe. D3hat shall we &oI Ta!e a chance on 6o-n6 &own towar& the campID D 2 ?m 6ame. 29 the ban&-ts catch ;s8 the+ w-ll p;t ;s bac! -n o;r pr-son a6a-n. B;t -9 we !eep o;r w-ts abo;t ;s8 we shan?t be ca;6ht.D Pe&ro A-ncenBo 173 The+ ma&e the-r -wa+ &own the path 9rom the cave mo;th8 well aware that

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a6a-nst the B-&e o9 the cl-99 the+ wo;l& be pla-nl+ v-s-ble to an+one who m-6ht chance to be loo!-n6 that wa+ 9rom the camp below. Here an& there 6rew b;shes w-th berr-es8 an& the bo+s were tempte& to str-p o99 the 9r;-t an& eat -t. The+ !ept each other 9rom &o-n6 so8 however8 m-n&9;l o9 the-r ;n9am-l-ar-t+ w-th nat-ve e&-bles an& the-r exper-ence w-th the cact;s nectar -n the &esert. B+ the t-me the bo+s reache& the level G;st above the r-ver ban! the+ were sat-s9-e& that the+ ha& not been seen. The+ h-& -n the shelter o9 a h;6e roc! an& too! stoc! o9 the-r s;rro;n&-n6s. The v-lla6e ha& been b;-lt on an enormo;s even space between the base o9 the cl-99 an& a secon& slope that le& steepl+ to the stream -n the 6or6e. At a l-ttle &-stance a 9l-6ht o9 ol& stone steps ran &own towar& the water?s e&6e. The bo+s were s;rpr-se& to see that the cave -n wh-ch the+ ha& been -mpr-sone& was not the onl+ open-n6 -n the 9ace o9 the prec-p-ce. 2t was l-terall+ p-tte& w-th s-m-lar entrances8 Borne lar6e8 others small8 +et all open-n6 ;pon terrace& tra-ls that event;all+ le& to the water. DAn+ s-6n o9 the pon-esID as!e& ,ran!. @oe shoo! h-s hea&. DThere -sn?t a horse -n s-6ht. An& where are the ban&-tsI The+ can?t all be asleep.D 177 The ar! on the "oor The bo+s h;rr-e& across the open lan&-n6 to the top o9 the sta-rs. D0o ;se ta!-n6 the &-rect-on o9 the camp. 3e?ll be seen8D sa-& ,ran!. 5;&&enl+ @oe 6rabbe& h-s arm. D";c!FD he 6aspe&. The brothers cro;che& &own on the steps G;st as a horse an& r-&er came clatter-n6 aro;n& the s-&e o9 the bl;99 where the+ ha& been h-&-n6. The man was one o9 the ban&-ts8 b;t he was -n too m;ch o9 a h;rr+ to 6-ve more than a pass-n6 6lance to the sta-rwa+. A moment later he 9lashe& b+ an& ro&e on. D3e?& better 6et o;t o9 here8D m;ttere& @oe. D2t?s a b-t too close to the p;bl-c h-6hwa+ 9or com9ort.D ,ran! a6ree&8 so ca;t-o;sl+ the bo+s crept &own the steps8 wh-ch ha& been carve& o;t o9 the sol-& roc! an& were ev-&entl+ cent;r-es ol& -a preh-stor-c sta-rcase that ha& s;rv-ve& the w-n&8 the ra-n8 an& the 9oot9alls o9 +ears. 0o one was -n s-6ht8 when the Har&+s reache& the r-ver. Be9ore them ran a smooth8 w-&e stream abo;t a h;n&re& +ar&s 9rom ban! to ban!. /n the oppos-te s-&e rose h-6h walls o9 9orest8 a ver-table G;n6le o9 6reen trees an& creepers -ntersperse& w-th tho;san&s o9 6a+ trop-cal 9lowers. 2t was a bea;t-9;l scene8 an& -n an+ other c-rc;mstances the bo+s m-6ht have apprec-ate& -t more. Pe&ro A-ncenBo 17: @;st now the-r m-n&s were occ;p-e& w-th the problem o9 escape. An& the more the+ s;rve+e& the s-t;at-on the 6reater the problem became. The+ hear& sho;ts 9rom be+on& the ben&8 an& -t was ev-&ent the+ came 9rom some o9 the ban&-ts. D3e can?t escape w-tho;t the pon-es8 that?s certa-n8D ,ran! sa-&. DProbabl+ the+ are tethere& bac! o9 the camp8 an& -9 we 6o that wa+8 we shall be seen.D D3e m-6ht 9ollow the r-ver8D @oe s;66este&. DPerhaps there w-ll be camps 9arther &own where we can h-re horses.D DH-re themF 3e haven?t an+ mone+. An& 2 &o;bt -9 an+ o9 the nat-ves w-ll len& horses to stran6ers.D @;st then the+ hear& 9ootsteps on the stone sta-rs above. The bo+s E;-c!l+ h-& amon6 the roc!s b+ the r-ver ban!. Two nat-ves came &own the steps. /ne o9 them was carr+-n6 a bas!et8 the

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

other a b;n&le o9 cact-. As the bo+s watche&8 m+st-9-e&8 the man w-th the cact- went &own to the water?s e&6e8 p-c!e& ;p a stone8 an& po;n&e& awa+ the pr-c!l+ sp-nes o9 the plant. The other8 -n the meant-me8 remove& the cover 9rom the bas!et an& a clo;& o9 steam rose -nto the a-r. Protect-n6 h-s han&s w-th a cloth8 he too! o;t a roc! an& tosse& -t -nto the water where -t 9ell h-ss-n61 beneath the s;r9ace. 17) The ar! on the "oor D4aE;- tol& me abo;t that8D wh-spere& @oe. DThat nat-ve -s throw-n6 hot roc!s -nto the r-ver to war& o99 the water serpent. 2t?s one o9 the s;perst-t-ons o9 these people.D 3hen he ha& p-tche& -n a 9ew stones8 the man w-th the cact- wa&e& o;t 9rom shore8 &roppe& the so&&en leaves -nto the water8 an& be6an to stamp ;pon them. DHe?s 9-sh-n68D @oe expla-ne&. DThat?s a spec-es o9 cact;s that acts l-!e a sleep-n6 pow&er. He?s stamp-n6 the G;-ce o;t o9 -t. 3atch.D A9ter some t-me the brothers saw a 9-sh 9loat-n6 on the s;r9ace. 2nstantl+ one o9 the nat-ves se-Be& -t an& threw -t ;pon the shore a 9ew 9eet 9rom the bo+s. Then a tro;t 9loate& ;p8 st;pe9-e& b+ the l-E;-& 9rom the cact;s. 2t8 too8 was 6athere& -n. The Har&+s8 altho;6h the+ &-& not !now -t at the moment8 were w-tness-n6 a metho& o9 9-sh-n6 that has been ;se& b+ ex-can cl-99 &wellers s-nce preh-stor-c t-mes. D0ot m;ch sport abo;t -t8D sa-& ,ran!. DB;t 2 s;ppose -9 +o; want 9oo& -n a h;rr+ -t can?t be beat.D D,oo& -n a h;rr+FD 6roane& @oe. D5a+8 2 have an -&ea.D 2n a moment he was mov-n6 ca;t-o;sl+ towar& a b;sh an& -n an -nstant ha& bro!en o99 a lon6 tw-6. 5ecret-n6 h-msel9 a6a-n near ,ran!8 he hel& the po-nt o9 h-s newl+ contr-ve& Pe&ro A-ncenBo 17* ro& be9ore h-m an& speare& one o9 the 9-sh. Then slowl+ he &rew -t bac!. DClever8 Brother8D sa-& ,ran!. DB;t 2 never co;l& eat a raw8 po-sone& 9-sh.D D2t -s not po-sone&8D repl-e& @oe. D/nl+ sleep+. An& an+wa+8 -ts 9lesh -s all r-6ht.D A9ter th-s remar! he reache& o;t h-s DpoleD once more an& ca;6ht another tro;t. As 9ast as the nat-ves threw the-r 9-sh ;pon the ban!8 G;st so 9ast &-& the-r catch &-sappear. 2n the meant-me ,ran! was tear-n6 o99 p-eces o9 the meat8 an& a9ter mana6-n6 the 9-rst mo;th9;l &eclare& the 9oo& was not ba&. DThe+?re com-n6 ;p now8D anno;nce& @oe8 as the nat-ves prepare& to leave the stream. 3-th bate& breaths the Har&+s la+ 9lat on the 6ro;n& beh-n& the roc!s as the 9-shermen approache&. 2n a moment there was a p-erc-n6 scream 9rom the man -n the lea& as he &-scovere& there were no 9-sh where he ha& thrown them. $a-s-n6 h-s han&s above h-s hea& he be6an to G;mp aro;n& an& repeat what was ev-&entl+ an -ncantat-on. Th-s was ta!en ;p b+ the secon& nat-ve when -n consternat-on he learne& o9 the s-t;at-on. Presentl+ the two tr-besmen loo!e& w-l&l+ Abo;t them8 then &ashe& ;p the stone steps. The Har&+ bo+s co;l& onl+ 6;ess that the s;perst-t-o;s nat-ves 9-6;re& some an6r+ evtt sp-r-t ha& snatche& awa+ the-r catch. 17( The ar! on the "oor DToo ba&8D sa-& ,ran! w-th a ch;c!le8 Dto 9ool those poor people8 b;t the+ have other 9oo&. Here8 help +o;rsel98 @oe.D Barel+ ha& the nat-ves &-sappeare& when the bo+s a6a-n hear& people tal!-n68 so the+ rema-ne& -n h-&-n6. /ne o9 the vo-ces was 9am-l-ar. The man was spea!-n6 -n 5pan-sh8 an& ,ran! was s;re he ha& hear& the

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

tones be9ore. He loo!e& at h-s brother -n amaBement. The bo+s peere& o;t 9rom beh-n& the roc!s. There8 not ten +ar&s awa+8 was Pe&ro A-n-cenBoF There was no m-sta!-n6 the 9-6;re o9 the swarth+ ex-can8 as he stoo& -n the br-6ht morn-n6 s;nl-6ht8 tal!-n6 earnestl+ to a compan-on who was ;nm-sta!abl+ a hal9-bree&. Th-s was the nat-ve who ha& E;est-one& 4aE;- abo;t the Har&+ bo+s -n the sE;atter?s cab-n8 the same 9ellow who ha& come to Pe&ro A-n-cenBo ?s ass-stance an& !noc!e& ,ran! senseless -n 5enor archeta?s 6ar&en. 5pellbo;n&8 the bo+s watche& the man who ha& le& them th-s lon6 chase -nto the mo;nta-ns o9 Ch-h;ah;a. The+ ha& 9o;n& Pe&ro A-n-cenBo at last8 b;t the+ were helpless. The+ co;l& &o noth-n6 b;t rema-n -n h-&-n6 an& l-sten. 2t was pla-n that Pe&ro was an6r+ abo;t someth-n6. Bat he was tal!-n6 -n a lan6;a6e that the Har&+ bo+s &-& not ;n&erstan&. He Pe&ro A-ncenBo 17# was v-olentl+ berat-n6 h-s compan-on8 who l-stene& mee!l+. 2n the co;rse o9 the t-ra&e there was one wor& that ,ran! an& @oe &-& catch repeate&l+. The wor& was DHar&+.D A l-ttle later the+ hear& D5enor Har&+.D ,ran! saw that A-ncenBo was sm-l-n61 cr;ell+. 3hatever the man was sa+-n68 -t appeare& to a99or& h-m 6reat sat-s9act-on8 9or he exten&e& h-s han&8 then close& -t t-6htl+ as -9 he were sE;eeB-n6 someth-n6 -n h-s 6rasp. 2t seeme& to 6-ve 6reat sat-s9act-on to h-s compan-on as well8 9or the man slappe& h-s !nee an& la;6he&. D2?m ver+ worr-e&8D ,ran! wh-spere&. D"a&--D CHAPT%$ 'A222 TH% P2=tT%B 20D TH% ,2$%12=HT the Har&+ bo+s co;l& not ;n&erstan& what Pe&ro A-ncenBo an& h-s satell-te were sa+-n68 b;t the+ co;l& 6;ess. The two men were tal!-n6 abo;t ,enton Har&+8 an& 9rom the-r act-ons there was no &o;bt b;t that the+ hope& soon to have the &etect-ve -n the-r power8 -9 the+ ha& not &one so alrea&+. 3hat &-& A-ncenBo !nowI 3hat was the reason 9or the 6lee o9 the two consp-ratorsI ,ran! an& @oe were not enl-6htene& 9;rther8 9or the two men move& on &own the r-ver ban! past the roc!s8 an& then ascen&e& the 9l-6ht o9 steps lea&-n6 to the le&6e above. D3ell8D sa-& @oe8 when the pa-r ha& van-she&8 Dthere?s o;r man. 3hat are we 6o-n6 to &o abo;t -tID DThere are several th-n6s we m-6ht &o8D repl-e& ,ran!. D,or -nstanceID as!e& @oe. D1et?s sha&ow h-m.D DA-ncenBoI 0owID D3h+ notID 1:0 The ,-6;re -n the ,-rel-6ht 1:1 D2t?s too &an6ero;s8D @oe obGecte&. DHe?s on the r-pper level now8 w-th all the nat-ves to help h-m -9 he catches ;s.D D2 &on?t care8D sa-& ,ran!. DHe?s the man who can lea& ;s to %lmer Tremmer -9 he -s al-ve8 an& that?s o;r reason 9or be-n6 -n th-s co;ntr+. Come on.D Ca;t-o;sl+ the bo+s 9ollowe& the w-l+ ex--can an& h-s cohort. 1;c! was w-th them8 9or no one else appeare& an& the men ahea& were -n too m;ch o9 a h;rr+ to loo! bac!. D"ownFD s;&&enl+ comman&e& ,ran!8 who 2ras cl-mb-n6 the steps ahea& o9 h-s brother.

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

2nstantl+ the two la&s h;&&le& ;n&er an over-han6-n6 cl-99. DPe&ro steppe& -nto a cave G;st above ;s8D wh-spere& ,ran!. DThe other 9ellow went on ahea&.D ,or 9-9teen m-n;tes the Har&+s wa-te&. Then the+ saw the man the+ were a9ter emer6e 9rom the cave an& ascen& once more. DA9ter h-mF Dsa-& ,ran!. D0o8D repl-e& @oe. D2?m 6o-n6 to -nvest--6ate that place A-ncenBo G;st came 9rom. He?s plea&-n6 9or the camp an& we &on?t &are 9ollow h-m. 2 want to have a loo! -ns-&e that cave8 an+wa+.?? J ,or several m-n;tes a9ter enter-n6 the en-tlos;re the bo+s co;l& see noth-n6. As the-r D+es 6ra&;all+ became acc;stome& to the sem-1:< The ar! on the "oor &ar!ness8 the+ be6an to loo! aro;n& an& at 9-rst were &-sappo-nte& that apparentl+ the cave was empt+. Then s;&&enl+ @oe po-nte&. DThe mar!FD he excla-me&. DThe mar! o9 Pe&roFD There -t was. The b;rn-n6 9a6ots w-th the letter P -n the 9lames scratche& -nto the wall. D3on&er -9 -t means an+th-n68D commente& ,ran!8 r;nn-n6 h-s han&s over the s;r9ace where the s+mbol ha& been cr;&el+ s!etche& on. D2?& l-!e to bet-ohFD The bo+?s slen&er 9-n6ers ha& 9o;n& a sl-6ht &epress-on an& -n a moment were p;ll-n6 at a sect-on o9 the s-&e. A 6oo&-s-Be& stone came awa+8 reveal-n6 a &eep n-che. ,ran! reache& -n E;-c!l+8 an& to the s;rpr-se an& &el-6ht o9 the bo+s &rew 9orth an oblon6 box wrappe& -n a newspaper. B;sh-n6 to the cave entrance8 the+ were amaBe& to 9-n& the sheet to be pr-nte& -n %n6l-sh. DThe-the Ba+port 5tar8D excla-me& @oe8 as he note& the -tems more closel+. DAn& the &ate-the &ate -s the &a+ when we starte& on th-s m+ster+FD The brothers were so exc-te& at the-r 9-n&8 an& 9or a 9ew m-n;tes so str;c! w-th a wave o9 homes-c!ness as the+ rea& names an& events so 9am-l-ar to them8 that the+ 9a-le& ;tterl+ to see the 9;ll s-6n-9-cance o9 the-r &-scover+. The ,-6;re -n the ,-rel-6ht 1:3 ,ran! was the 9-rst to recover compos;re an& real-Be the -mportance o9 the matter. D@oe8 2 th-n! we?ve st;mble& ;pon someth-n6 val;able8D he sa-&. DPerhaps the contents o9 th-s box came 9rom Ba+port8 too.D N;-c!l+ the bo+s opene& the woo&en chest wh-ch was bran&e& w-th Pe&ro?s pec;l-ar -ns-6n-a8 an& saw rolls an& rolls o9 Amer-can ban! b-lls o9 lar6e &enom-nat-on8 hel& to6ether w-th elast-c ban&s. D3-th them was a notat-on -n 5pan-sh wh-ch the Har&+s 9-6;re& o;t to -n&-cate that the mone+ was A-ncenBo?s share -n the sale o9 the 9a!e %-o /-l Compan+ stoc!. D5o the man ha& no mone+ to pa+ h-s helpersFD sa-& @oe -n &-s6;st. DThat 9ellow -s several !-n&s o9 a sco;n&rel.D DThese b-lls &on?t belon6 to h-m b+ r-6hts8 2?m s;re8D was ,ran!?s reGo-n&er. D2 s;66est we h-&e th-s box -n another cave8 an& then tell the a;thor-t-es abo;t -t later.D D,-ne -&ea8D a6ree& @oe. To6ether the bo+s sco;te& aro;n& a b-t8 watch-n6 care9;ll+ so the+ wo;l& not be seen8 an& at last 9o;n& a &eep crev-ce wh-ch seeme& to s;-t the-r p;rpose. 2nto -t the+ p;she& the-r val;able 9-n&8 an& ma&e a clear mental note o9 the locat-on. D5core one 9or ;s8D sa-& @oe. D0ow to es-cape 9rom th-s place an& 6et some help.D

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

D3e can?t 6o an+ 9arther ;p the steps. 2t?s 1:7 The ar! on the "oor too r-s!+8?? ,ran! sa-&. ?? 2 th-n! we ha& better wor! o;r wa+ alon6 the r-ver ban! ;nt-l we?re a 6oo& &-stance 9rom the camp. Then we ma+ be able to 9-n& o;r wa+ to the ma-n tra-l.D As th-s seeme& to be the most 9eas-ble plan8 the brothers emer6e& 9rom the-r h-&-n6 place an& went &own the stone sta-rwa+. Then the+ hea&e& 9or the shelter o9 some roc!s 9arther &own the shore. The+ ha& 6one no more thaa a 9ew steps8 however8 be9ore @oe ;ttere& a +ell o9 alarm an& leape& w-l&l+ to one s-&e. A harsh warn-n6 rattle so;n&e&. $-6ht -n the bo+?s path a h;6e sna!e was co-le& -n the s;nl-6ht. 2t str;c! v-c-o;sl+8 ;nco-l-n6 -tsel9 to -ts 9;ll len6th -n the tw-n!l-n6 o9 an e+e. ,ort;natel+ @oe ha& ca;6ht s-6ht o9 the rattler G;st -n t-me8 an& spran6 o;t o9 reach as the w-c!e& hea& 9lashe& past h-s 9oot. ,ran! snatche& ;p a heav+ roc! an& h;rle& -t at the sna!e. The rept-le 6athere& -tsel9 -nto a co-l a6a-n8 h-ss-n6 ev-ll+. The la&?s a-m was ba&8 an& the roc! clattere& harmlessl+ to one s-&e. Then @oe h;rle& a stone8 str-!-n6 the creat;re -n the bac!. There;pon the rattler lashe& o;t once more8 b;t -n a moment went wr-th-n6 sw-9tl+ towar& the roc!s. Th-s ha& ta!en onl+ a 9ew secon&s8 b;t @oe?B sho;t o9 alarm an& the s;bseE;ent no-se on tho roc!s ha& not 6one ;nhear&. ,rom the le&6e above came a s;rpr-se& +ell. 3hen the bo+J The ,-6;re -n the ,-rel-6ht 1:: loo!e& ;p the+ saw a nat-ve stan&-n6 at the top o9 the stone steps. ?? B;nF?? excla-me& ,ran!. The Har&+s went rac-n6 &own the r-ver ban!. Beh-n& them the hal9-bree& was alrea&+ ra-s-n6 the alarm8 an& when ,ran! 6lance& bac! over h-s sho;l&er he saw hal9 a &oBen o9 the o;tcast 2n&-ans leap-n6 &own the steps -n p;rs;-t. ,ran! an& @oe bolte& aro;n& an o;tcropp-n6 o9 roc!. To the-r &-sma+8 the+ 9o;n& that the r-ver ban! became ver+ narrow at th-s po-nt8 slop-n6 &-rectl+ towar& the water -n a steep &ecl-v-t+ 9rom the le&6e above. The+ went scrambl-n6 ;p the slope8 6rabb-n6 at b-ts o9 roc! an& t-n+ b;shes to a-& them. 2n the-r hearts the+ !new -t was ;seless. The+ co;l& never hope to o;t&-stance the 9leet-9oote& na-t-ves. The man who ha& 9-rst seen them was now close beh-n&. 4ell-n6 w-th tr-;mph8 he be6an to ascen& the slope -n p;rs;-t. At the same t-me the bo+s co;l& see other 2n&-ans r;nn-n6 alon6 the le&6e above to c;t o99 an+ wa+ o9 escape at the top o9 the ban!. D0o chance8D sa-& @oe b-tterl+. DThe+?ve ca;6ht ;s.D 3-th nat-ves close at the-r heels an& others wa-t-n6 9or them at the hea& o9 the slope8 the bo+s 9o;n& escape -mposs-ble. 3ear-l+ the+ p;lle& themselves ;p to the le&6e8 where the+ 1:) The ar! on the "oor were -nstantl+ se-Be& b+ three &ar!-s!-nne& 2n&-ans8 who bo;n& the arms o9 the ;n9ort;nates beh-n& the-r bac!s. There was a 6reat &eal o9 chatter-n6 an& lo;& tal!-n6. The man who ha& &-scovere& the-r escape came ;p 6r-nn-n6 w-th pr-&e8 ev-&entl+ th-n!-n6 ver+ well o9 h-msel9. D29 -t ha&n?t been 9or that rattlesna!e8D m;ttere& @oe8 Dwe m-6ht have 6ot awa+.D The+ were marche& bac! to the camp -n &-s6race. ,ran! was hop-n6 that Pe&ro A-ncenBo wo;l& ma!e an appearance8 b;t ne-ther he nor h-s compan-on were an+where to be seen8 altho;6h all the nat-ves an& some o9 the ban&-ts 6athere& aro;n& to learn the ca;se o9 the &-st;rbance.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

/ne o9 the ban&-ts came ;p an& cons;lte& br-e9l+ w-th the nat-ves. Then he 6ave a c;rt or&er an& the pr-soners were h;stle& awa+. Th-s t-me the+ were not ta!en bac! ;p the tra-l to the cave -n the 9ace o9 the cl-99. The+ were bro;6ht to a n-che on the lower level8 m;ch nearer the camp. 2t was a &-smal l-ttle hole l-!e a &;n6eon. As soon as the bo+s ha& been thr;st ro;6hl+ thro;6h the entrance8 a nat-ve arme& w-th a revolver too! ;p h-s pos-t-on a 9ew +ar&s 9rom the open-n6 an& sE;atte& &own -n the s;n. The bo+s were now -n a worse pl-6ht than everM ;n&er close 6;ar&8 w-th no 9;rther chance The ,-6;re -n the ,-rel-6ht 1:* o9 escape8 the-r han&s bo;n& so t-6htl+ that the+ ha& l-ttle 9ree&om o9 movement. A9ter an ho;r or so the-r arms were ach-n6. ,ranl! calle& o;t to the 6;ar&. D4o; &on?t nee& to !eep ;s t-e& ;p. C;t the ropes. 3e won?t 6et awa+.D The man stare& at them blan!l+. As well as the+ co;l& the bo+s tr-e& to ma!e h-m ;n&erstan&8 +et the 9ellow was e-ther st;p-& or he ha& no -ntent-on o9 c;tt-n6 the-r bon&s8 9or he s-mpl+ t;rne& h-s bac! an& pa-& no 9;rther attent-on to them. D2?m G;st be6-nn-n6 to remember that we haven?t eaten th-s morn-n68D sa-& @oe m-serabl+. D2?m as h;n6r+ as a bear.D D5;rel+ the+ &on?t -nten& to starve ;s. /9 co;rse8 -t?s o;r own 9a;lt that we weren?t on han& at brea!9ast t-me.D ,ran! calle& to the 6;ar& a6a-n an& tr-e& to ma!e 9;rther s-6ns -n&-cat-n6 that the+ were h;n6r+. B;t the man merel+ la;6he& an& t;rne& awa+ a6a-n. Ho;rs passe&. The bo+s were -n the &epths o9 wretche&ness. Another nat-ve came ;p an& replace& the-r 9ormer 6;ar&. Th-s man seeme& o9 a more 9r-en&l+ &-spos-t-on8 9or he came -nto the cave8 too! a !n-9e 9rom h-s belt an& c;t the ropes8 apparentl+ real-B-n6 that -t was nee&less cr;elt+ to !eep the pr-soners t-e& ;p wh-le ;n&er close s;perv-s-on. 1:( The ar! on the "oor A6a-n ,ran! an& @oe ma&e s-6ns to -n&-cate the-r h;n6er. Altho;6h the man ev-&entl+ ;n&erstoo&8 he shoo! h-s hea&8 po-nte& &own to the camp8 an& b;rst -nto a len6th+ explanat-on wh-ch the bo+s co;l& not -nterpret. The+ &-& 6ather8 however8 that he &-& not &are 6et them an+th-n6 to eat. D2 6;ess he has to obe+ or&ers8D ,ran! sa-&8 stretch-n6 h-s arms8 wh-ch were st-99 an& sore. D a+be we?re l;c!+ we weren?t shot 9or tr+-n6 to escape.D The &a+ wore on slowl+. The 6;ar& was s+mpathet-c eno;6h to br-n6 them some water. Altho;6h the+ were ma&e to s;99er 9rom h;n6er8 the+ were not 9orce& to en&;re the a&&e& tort;re o9 th-rst. D2 won&er where 4aE;- -s now8D sa-& @oe re9lect-vel+. DHal9wa+ home8 probabl+. 2 hope he tells 5enor archeta what has happene& to ;s.D D2t?s stran6e the nat-ves haven?t been ma!-n6 a 9;ss abo;t h-s escape.D DPerhaps he &-&n?t escape a9ter all8D sa-& @oe s-6n-9-cantl+. DHe ma+ have been !-lle& tr+-n6 to 6et awa+8 9or all we !now.D The bo+s spent a m-serable &a+. 3hen the+ le9t Ba+port8 exc-te& over the prospect o9 an a&vent;ro;s tr-p to Texas8 the+ ha& not bar6a-ne& 9or an+th-n6 l-!e th-s. As n-6ht came8 the-r &-sco;ra6ement became 6reater. A nev9 The ,-6;re -n the ,-rel-6ht 1:# 6;ar& appeare& on the scene8 br-n6-n6 w-th h-m a s;bstant-al s;pper wh-ch he ate on the a&obe plat9orm o;ts-&e the entrance8 smac!-n6 h-s

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

l-ps over ever+ mo;th9;l. The bo+s tr-e& to pers;a&e h-m to share the 9oo& w-th them8 m;ch as -t h;rt the-r pr-&e to &o so8 b;t he shr;66e& h-s sho;l&ers an& cont-n;e& to 6orman&-Be. D=ree&+ br;teFD sa-& ,ran!. D2 9eel absol;tel+ hollow.D 3hen the 6;ar& ha& 9-n-she& h-s s;pper he pace& ;p an& &own be9ore the entrance to the cave. A9ter a wh-le ,ran! an& @oe hear& a sho;t8 wh-ch the sent-nel answere&. A moment later he came to the &oorwa+ an& bec!one& to them. D5;pper t-meFD excla-me& @oe 6lee9;ll+. D a+be.D The bo+s went o;ts-&e. >p near the camp the+ co;l& see a 6reat 9-re blaB-n68 an& -n the l-6ht o9 the 9lames the+ saw 9-6;res mov-n6 to an& 9ro. Then a &r;m be6an to beat monotono;sl+. ,ran! 6;lpe&. D2 hope the+ &on?t -nten& to b;rn ;s at the 5ta!eFD The 6;ar& 6rowle& an -rr-table comman& an& thr;st them ahea&. The 9l-c!er-n6 9lames8 the sh-9t-n6 9-6;res -n the 9-rel-6ht8 the monotono;s po;n&-n6 o9 the &r;m create& a tr--1)0 The ar! on the "oor an& sava6e e99ect. A 6ro;p o9 nat-ves s-tt-n6 G;st be+on& the c-rcle o9 ra&-ance were chant-n6 solemnl+. D2t m;st be some sort o9 ceremon-al &ance8D remar!e& @oe8 w-th as m;ch con9-&ence as he co;l& m;ster. ,ran!l+8 l-e &-& not l-!e the loo!s o9 the s-t;at-on at all. D3hat barbar-c r-tes m-6ht be pract-ce& here -n the heart o9 the mo;nta-ns he &-& not !now8 +et he was prepare& 9or an+th-n6. A tall nat-ve w-th h-s hea& wo;n& abo;t -n color9;l ban&a6es an& h-s 9ace pa-nte& horr-bl+8 leape& o;t 9rom the c-rcle an& mot-one& to the 6;ar&8 who bro;6ht the pr-soners over -mme&-atel+. 0o one else pa-& an+ attent-on to them. The 2n&-an w-th the pa-nte& 9ace was ev-&entl+ a me&-c-ne man8 9or he appeare& to be -n 9;ll char6e o9 the ceremon+8 &-rect-n6 the nat-ves who &ance& w-l&l+ aro;n& the 9-re an& cont-n;e& the-r &ron-n6 chant to the beat-n6 o9 the &r;m. ,ran!?s attent-on was ca;6ht b+ a ra-se& plat9orm not 9ar awa+8 where a small 9-6;re was seate& -n state watch-n6 the per9ormance. The man was envelope& -n a 6a+ blan!et an& ha& a hea&ban& abo;t h-s ha-r. Tho;6h he was &resse& as a nat-ve8 ,ran! saw at a 6lance that the man was ne-ther a ex-can nor an 2n&-an. The ,-6;re -n the ,-rel-6ht 1)1 That manF 2n th-s placeF ,ran! n;&6e& @oe v-6oro;sl+ an& -n&-cate& the person on the plat9orm. At that moment one o9 the hal9-bree&s threw a 6reat heap o9 9a6ots on the 9-re. The+ -6n-te& w-th a roar an& the 9lames leape& h-6h -nto the a-r. The whole 9ace o9 the cl-99 was -ll;m-nate& w-th a r;&&+ 6low. 5o -ntense was the l-6ht that the Har&+ bo+s co;l& now see the wh-te man?s 9ace clearl+. A s-m;ltaneo;s cr+ o9 reco6n-t-on bro!e 9rom the-r l-ps8 altho;6h the smooth shaven -n&-v-&;al was chan6e& 9rom the last t-me the Har&+s ha& seen h-m. D%lmer TremmerFD CHAPT%$ '2' AA20 P1%A"20=5 -n sp-te o9 the-r s;rpr-se an& the 6rav-t+ o9 the-r pos-t-on8 the Har&+ bo+s almost la;6he& alo;& when the+ saw the m-ss-n6 w-tness8 the 9ormer Ba+port boo!!eeper8 s-tt-n6 -n state -n h-s o;tlan&-sh 6arb.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

%lmer Tremmer ha& alwa+s been a mee!8 -no99ens-ve man -ncl-ne& to r;st+ blac! s;-ts an& l-nen collars8 the so;l o9 respectab-l-t+ an& convent-onal-t+. To see h-m -n th-s w-l& place8 w-th a blan!et abo;t h-m an& a ban& aro;n& h-s 6ra+ ha-r8 was almost too r-&-c;lo;s. ,rom the express-on on %lmer Tremmer?s 9ace he &-& not seem to be enGo+-n6 h-msel9M he appeare& to real-Be that he was E;-te as m;ch o;t o9 place here as one o9 the nat-ves wo;l& have been -n a Ba+port o99-ce. D%lmer Tremmer8 an& -n a box seatFD excla-me& ,ran!. D3e m;st tal! to h-m. He &oesn?t seem to be a pr-soner. 29 an+one can 6et ;s o;t o9 th-s Gam -t w-ll be he8D @oe &eclare&. DHe hasn?t seen ;s +et.D 1)< Aa-n Plea&-n6s 1)3 ,ran! loo!e& aro;n& at the 6;ar&. B;t that worth+ was so absorbe& -n watch-n6 the ceremon-al o9 the &ance that he appeare& to have 9or6otten h-s pr-soners alto6ether. 2n a moment the two bo+s sl-ppe& awa+ 9rom h-s s-&e an& van-she& -nto the sha&ows. There was so m;ch con9;s-on as one nat-ve a9ter another Go-ne& the r-n6 o9 9-6;res aro;n& the 9-re8 that the Har&+s were able to ma!e the-r wa+ close to the plat9orm w-tho;t be-n6 not-ce&. %lmer Tremmer8 h-s arms 9ol&e&8 6aBe& solemnl+ &own at the crow&. ,ran! !new that an+ open attempt to atJ tract the man?s attent-on m-6ht be &-sastro;s8 so the brothers e&6e& the-r wa+ as near the plat9orm as the+ &are&8 an& preten&e& to be absorbe& -n the spectacle be9ore them. ,ran! ha&8 at one t-me8 tr-e& to learn the tr-c!s o9 ventr-loE;-sm an& ha& ta!en lessons -n the art 9rom a 9amo;s va;&ev-lle art-st who was a close 9r-en& o9 ,enton Har&+. Th-s pract-ce now stoo& h-m -n 6oo& stea&. =aB-n6 stra-6ht be9ore h-m8 an& w-tho;t mov-n6 h-s l-ps8 he sa-& clearl+: D r. TremmerFD /;t o9 the corner o9 h-s e+e he saw the 9-6;re on the plat9orm start v-olentl+. The man loo!e& ;p8 then all aro;n& h-m8 h-s 9ace a st;&+ -n bew-l&erment. Th-s was the last place 1)7 The ar! on the "oor -n the worl& where the 9;6-t-ve boo!!eeper m-6ht have expecte& to hear h-s name calle& alo;&. D1oo! &own8D sa-& ,ran!. Tremmer obe+e&. Then h-s e+es opene& w-&e as he saw the two Amer-can la&s almost at h-s 9eet. D3ho-who are +o;FD he stammere& wea!l+. D3e?re the Har&+ bo+s 9rom Ba+port8D ,ran! tol& h-m. %lmer Tremmer?s express-on became -nstantl+ s;sp-c-o;s. DBa+portFD D4es. 3e?& l-!e to tal! to +o;.D D0ot here8D m;ttere& Tremmer hast-l+. D0ot here. The+-the+ ma+ be watch-n6 ;s. 2t?s &an6ero;s.D D"on?t +o; want to 6et o;t o9 th-s placet Perhaps we can help +o; escape.?? D2?ll come to see +o; ton-6ht8D the man m;ttere&. D"on?t tal! here. 2?ll come to +o;r cave.?? D3henID DAs soon as 2 can 6et awa+. -&n-6ht8 probabl+. B;t &on?t tal! an+ more now. "on?t let on +o; !now me.D Tremmer was ev-&entl+ ver+ m;ch 9r-6htene&8 so the Har&+ bo+s E;-etl+ w-th&rew an& ret;rne& to the-r 6;ar&8 ta!-n6 ;p the-r pos--

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

Aa-n Plea&-n6s 1): t-ons at h-s s-&e. The man8 st-ll star-n6 at the &ancers8 ha& not even not-ce& the-r absence. ,ran! pl;c!e& the 6;ar&?s sleeve an& ma&e s-6ns that the+ w-she& to 6o. He was ev-&entl+ anno+e& at hav-n6 to m-ss the rest o9 the spectacle8 b;t went bac! to the cave w-th them8 6r;mbl-n6 all the wa+. The+ tr-e& to pers;a&e h-m to 6et them some 9oo&8 b;t the man was now -n a ba& temper an& the-r reE;est was -6nore&. Bac! -n the cave the bo+s sat &own to awa-t the com-n6 o9 %lmer Tremmer8 an& to ma!e plans. 29 the+ co;l& onl+ escape 9rom the canon w-th the 9;6-t-ve w-tness8 the-r m-ss-on to ex-co wo;l& be a s;ccess. DHe seeme& to be scare& st-998D remar!e& ,ran!. D2 won&er -9 he -s a pr-soner a9ter all. 29 the+ have h-m ;n&er 6;ar& he won?t be able to come here.D DPerhaps he -sn?t closel+ watche&.D The moon rose h-6her -n the s!+. The bo+s peere& o;t o9 the cave. To the-r s;rpr-se the+ 9o;n& that the 6;ar& ha& van-she&. ,ran! ch;c!le&. D2 6;ess he tho;6ht we were asleep an& 9-6;re& he m-6ht as well 6o &own a6a-n an& watch the &ance. He &-&n?t l-!e -t ver+ m;ch when we ma&e h-m leave r-6ht -n the m-&&le o9 the per9ormance.D A 9ew +ar&s &own the tra-l the+ hear& a 1)) Tl-e ar! on the "oor l-6ht 9ootstep. As the bo+s watche&8 a sha&ow+ 9-6;re came mov-n6 E;-etl+ alon6 the wall o9 roc!. D2t?s o;r 6;ar& com-n6 bac!8D wh-spere& ,ran!. DThe 6;ar& wo;l&n?t move that E;-etl+. 29 m;st be Tremmer.D 5w-9tl+ an& s-lentl+ the man came nearer. Then w-th a 9ew E;-c! str-&es he reache& the mo;th o9 the cave. D4aE;-FD cr-e& the bo+s. 2t was -n&ee& the-r erstwh-le 6;-&e. He was breath-n6 heav-l+8 as -9 he ha& travele& a lon6 &-stance. 3-tho;t a wor& he pl;n6e& -nto the cave an& 9l;n6 h-msel9 &own on the 9loor8 pant-n6 breathlessl+. D4aE;-8 where &-& +o; come 9romI 3here have +o; beenID the brothers &eman&e& anx-o;sl+. D3ent 9or help8D he 6aspe&. D=ot horses. An& 9oo&.D He 6est;re& wea!l+ towar& a ba6 sl;n6 across h-s bac!. ,ran! an& @oe were overcome w-th Go+ an& not a l-ttle ashame& o9 the s;sp-c-ons the+ ha& enterta-ne& that morn-n6. 4aE;- ha& not &eserte& them a9ter all. How man+ m-les he ha& travele& that &a+ the+ &-& not !now8 b;t -t was pla-n that h-s 6reat stren6th was almost exha;ste&. Aa-n Plea&-n6s 1)* Ths bo+s opene& the ba6 o9 9oo& an& ate h;n6r-l+8 tho;6h spar-n6l+8 real-B-n6 that the 9oo& m-6ht have to last them 9or a lon6 wh-le. The 2n&-an re9;se& to eat. A9ter a t-me he recovere& s;99-c-entl+ to tell them someth-n6 o9 h-s a&vent;res. He ha& ma&e h-s wa+ &own the bac! tra-l on 9oot ;nt-l he ha& 9o;n& trac!s that le& h-m to a small 9arm -n the 9ooth-lls. There he ha& .s;ccee&e& -n borrow-n6 horses an& obta-n-n6 9oo&. 3h-le the 4aE;-8 -n low tones8 was tell-n6 h-s stor+8 the bo+s a6a-n hear& 9ootsteps on the tra-l lea&-n6 to the cave. DN;-c!F H-&eFD the+ ;r6e& the 2n&-an. D2t ma+ be the 6;ar&.D 4aE;- promptl+ conceale& h-msel9 beh-n& a n-che o9 roc! at the bac! o9 the cave. The bo+s wa-te& as the ca;t-o;s 9ootsteps came closer. Then %lmer Tremmer s-&le& -nto the-r pr-son. D2 can?t sta+ ver+ lon68D he wh-spere&. D29 A-ncenBo m-sses me he?ll

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

s;spect someth-n6.D D2s A-ncenBo -n the camp nowID as!e& ,ran!. D4es8 o9 co;rse8D ret;rne& Tremmer. D/h8 &ear8D he a&&e& mo;rn9;ll+8 D-9 2?& !nown -t was to be l-!e th-s 2 &on?t bel-eve 2 sho;l& have ever le9t the 5tates.D DB;t wh+ &-& +o; leaveID @oe as!e&. D4o; !now well eno;6h8D ret;rne& Trem1)( The ar! on the "oor mer. D2 went awa+ beca;se 2?& have been sent to pr-son -9 2 ha& sta+e&. That?s wh+ +o;?re here. 4o; want to br-n6 me bac!. B;t 2?m not 6o-n6 bac!8D he &eclare&. D%ven th-s -s better than be-n6 -n Ga-l.D DThen +o; came o9 +o;r own 9ree w-llF 4o; aren?t a pr-sonerID D2?m not s;ppose& to be a pr-soner8 tho;6h 2 m-6ht as well be one8D repl-e& the 9ormer boo!!eeper. D2t was an ;nl;c!+ &a+ 9or me when 2 too! that Gob w-th the $-o /-l Compan+8 2 tell +o;. A-ncenBo prom-se& me 2?& have a won&er9;l l-9e -9 2?& come to ex-co w-th h-m. 0ow8 here 2 am -n th-s m-serable camp -n the mo;nta-ns. 0oth-n6 ver+ 6lor-o;s abo;t -t.D DA-ncenBo tol& +o; that +o;?& be sent to Ga-l -9 +o; sta+e& -n Ba+portID -nE;-re& ,ran!. Tremmer no&&e&. DHe sa-& the a;thor-t-es were prepar-n6 to arrest me. 4o; see8 be-n6 the boo!!eeper o9 the 9-rm8 2 sho;l& have !nown that there was someth-n6 croo!e& abo;t the b;s-ness. He sa+s 2?m le6all+ G;st as m;ch to blame as an+ o9 them. 5o 2 ran awa+.D DA-ncenBo was l+-n6 to +o;8D @oe sa-&. DThe a;thor-t-es wante& +o; as a w-tness a6a-nst the $-o crow&. That?s wh+ A-ncenBo tal!e& +o; -nto 6o-n6 awa+.D DThat?s +o;r stor+8D answere& Tremmer Aa-n Plea&-n6s 1)# s;sp-c-o;sl+8 Db;t 2 !now &-99erent. 4o;?re tr+-n6 to tal! me -nto 6o-n6 bac! w-th +o;. ?Then the moment 2 step on Amer-can so-l +o;?ll have me arreste&. 2?m not s;ch a 9ool as all that. ,enton Har&+ has tra-le& me ever s-nce 2 le9t Ba+port8 an& now +o;?re tr+-n6 to ma!e me 9all -nto h-s trap. 0o8 s-rFD The bo+s ha& expecte& an+ att-t;&e b;t th-s. Pat-entl+ the+ ar6;e& w-th the man8 a66ravate& b+ h-s st;p-&-t+. B;t %lmer Tremmer ha& ev-&entl+ been thoro;6hl+ 9r-6htene& b+ A-ncenBo8 an& resol;tel+ re9;se& to ret;rn to Ba+port. DTh-s -sn?t m;ch o9 a place8D he sa-&8 Db;t at least -t -sn?t Ga-l.D D"on?t +o; bel-eve we?re tell-n6 the tr;thFD &eman&e& ,ran!. D"on?t +o; tr;st ;sID D0o8D ret;rne& %lmer Tremmer promptl+. D4o;?re &etect-ves an& +o; are tr+-n6 to arrest me.D Hal9 an ho;r o9 ar6;ment 9a-le& to alter the man?s &ec-s-on. He was conv-nce& that h-s onl+ sa9et+ rema-ne& -n sta+-n6 w-th Pe&ro A-ncenBo. 0oth-n6 the bo+s co;l& sa+ wo;l& conv-nce h-m otherw-se. ,-nall+8 -n &esperat-on8 @oe excla-me&: D3ell then8 -9 +o; won?t come bac! to Ba+port w-th ;s8 s;rel+ +o;?ll help ;s 6et awa+ 9rom here8 won?t +o;ID 2n the moonl-6ht that shone thro;6h the 1*0 The ar! on the "oor cave entrance the+ saw that %lmer Tremmer?s wea! 9ace loo!e& 9r-6htene&. He shoo! h-s hea&. D0o. 2 co;l&n?t &o that. 2t?s -mposs-ble.D DB;t wh+ID the+ as!e&8 almost &;mb9o;n&e& b+ h-s re9;sal.

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

D4o;?re not 6ett-n6 awa+ 9rom here -9 2 can help -t. 29 +o; ever reach the c-t+ +o;?ll tell ever+bo&+ where 2 am. Bes-&es8 2 &on?t &are ma!e A-ncenBo an6r+. He co;l& t;rn me over to the pol-ce -n a m-n;te -9 he w-she&.D D"o +o; mean to sa+ +o; won?t help ;sID D2 &on?t want to 6o to Ga-l. An& that?s what w-ll happen -9 2 help +o; escape 9rom here8D &eclare& %lmer Tremmer st;bbornl+. The bo+s plea&e& w-th h-m &esperatel+8 b;t Tremmer was not to be move&. He ha& a ve-n o9 obst-nac+ -n h-s ma!e;p that was har& to brea!. 4et bac! o9 ever+th-n6 was h-s 9ear that he wo;l& be ta!en to the 5tates an& sent to pr-son beca;se o9 the %-o /-l 9ra;&s. /ver an& over a6a-n ,ran! an& @oe tr-e& to conv-nce h-m that h-s 9ears were 6ro;n&less an& that he was pla+-n6 -nto the han&s o9 Pe&ro A-ncenBo8 b;t %lmer Tremmer re9;se& to l-sten. D2t?s all a tr-c!FD he sa-&. D@;st a tr-c! to 6et me bac!. 2?m too smart to be 9oole&.D D5martFD sa-& ,ran!. DA-ncenBo has 9oole& +o; 9rom the be6-nn-n6.D Aa-n Plea&-n6s 1*1 D a+be. a+be8D repl-e& Tremmer. DB;t he hasn?t tr-c!e& me -nto Ga-l +et8 an& that?s what +o;?re tr+-n6 to &o.D D4o;?re a 9-ne spec-men -9 +o; won?t help ;s escape 9rom here8 that?s all 2 can 8sa+8D @oe tol& h-m an6r-l+. Tremmer 6ot ;p an& move& towar& the cave entrance. DCan?t help -t. Can?t help -t8D he sa-&. D2 have to loo! o;t 9or m+sel9.D Then he sc;ttle& o;t -nto the n-6ht. CHAPT%$ '' TH% $%A/1T DDwhat a palFD excla-me& @oe -n &-s6;st. D2?m ashame& to th-n! that a man l-!e that comes 9rom m+ own home town.D DHe?s st;p-& an& wea!-----D DAn& scare& p-n!.D D4es8 he?s scare&. That?s the b-6 tro;ble. A-ncenBo has 9-lle& h-m ;p w-th a lot o9 l-es. 29 Tremmer were as smart as he th-n!s he -s8 he wo;l& have seen thro;6h the scheme lon6 be9ore.D The tramp o9 heav+ 9ootsteps o;ts-&e the cave s-lence& them. 3hen the+ loo!e& o;t the+ eaw that two sent-nels ha& been poste& at the entrance8 one on e-ther s-&e. ,ran! wh-stle& so9tl+. DThe 6;ar& has been &o;ble&. 0ow8 2?ll G;st bet that?s some o9 Tremmer?s wor!.D DHe not onl+ re9;ses to help ;s escape8 b;t he?s 6o-n6 to ma!e m-6ht+ s;re that we won?t &o so o;rselves8D 6r;mble& @oe. 4aE;- emer6e& 9rom beh-n& the n-che where l-e ha& been h-&&en. 1*< The $evolt 1*3 D"on?t worr+8D he a&v-se& so9tl+. D2 th-n! ever+th-n6 be all r-6ht.D There;pon he sprawle& on the 9loor8 p-llowe& h-s hea& on one arm8 an& 9ell 9ast asleep. D2t &oesn?t seem to worr+ h-m ver+ m;ch8D m;rm;re& ,ran!. DHe !nows -t won?t &o h-m an+ 6oo& to worr+. 3e ma+ as well 6o to sleep8 too8 an& tr+ to 9or6et -t all.D 5o8 9ollow-n6 the ph-losoph-c example o9 the 2n&-an8 the bo+s also were soon asleep. The+ were awa!ene& -n the morn-n6 b+ a &-st;rbance at the mo;th o9 the cave. ,ran! sat ;p8 bl-n!-n68 an& saw a tall 9-6;re come str-&-n6 thro;6h the entrance. N;-c!l+ he reache& over an& shoo! @oe. D5oFD observe& the-r v-s-tor. DThe +o;n6 &etect-ves have slept well8 2

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

hopeID The man was Pe&ro A-ncenBo. He stoo& 6r-nn-n6 ;npleasantl+ at them8 a sm-r! o9 tr-;mph on h-s swarth+ 9ace. @oe sat ;p an& r;bbe& h-s e+es. 3hen he reco6n-Be& A-ncenBo8 he became 9;ll+ awa!e. D@;st the man we wante& to see.D The ex-can loo!e& abo;t the cave. ?? 0ot ver+ l;x;r-o;s8?? he sa-&. ??B;t a har& be& an& plent+ o9 9resh a-r w-ll h;rt no one.D Then h-s manner chan6e&. D3ell8 +o; bratsFD he snarle&8 D2 hope th-s w-ll teach +o; to th-n! tw-ce be9ore +o; tr+ to -nter9ere w-th me.D 1*7 The ar! on the "oor D2t?ll teach ;s to be more care9;l8 perhaps8D repl-e& ,ran! w-th sp-r-t. D2 s;ppose +o; !now +o;?re lett-n6 +o;rsel9 -n 9or plent+ o9 tro--ble8 A-ncenBo.D The man la;6he& harshl+. D4o; cannot scare me8D he sa-&. D2 am master -n th-s place.D ,ran! an& @oe ha& been 9r-6htene& lest A-ncenBo sho;l& &-scover the presence o9 4aE;-. 0ow the+ 9o;n& to the-r s;rpr-se that the 2n&-an ha& &-sappeare&. How an& when he ha& van-she& the+ &-& not !now. DHow lon6 &o +o; -nten& to !eep ;s hereID @oe as!e&. D2 have plans o9 m+ own8D ret;rne& the-r captor. D2 have a l-ttle &eal ;n&er wa+. 2 nee& that 9ool Tremmer8 an& +o; were tr+-n6 to ta!e h-m awa+ 9rom me. 3hen 2?ve 9-n-she& w-th h-m-well-who !nowsID D29 +o; have a &eal ;n&er wa+ 2?ll bet -t?s a croo!e& one8D ,ran! sa-& warml+. D -n& +o;r own b;s-ness8D 6rowle& A-ncenBo. D4o;?ll sta+ here ;nt-l 2?m rea&+ to let +o; 6o. An& +o; won?t be release& ;nt-l Tremmer an& 2 are m-les awa+. B;t remember--9 +o; tr+ to escape sooner -t w-ll be that m;ch worse 9or +o;. 2?ll t;rn +o; over to the nat-ves -n char6e o9 the Ceremon-al o9 the ,-re. "o +o; !now what that w-ll meanID H-s 9ace was ;6l+ w-th mal-ce an& cr;elt+. The $evolt 1*: D"on?t ta!e a chance on be-n6 bran&e& w-th the mar! o9 the P an& the 9-reFD warne& A-ncenBo. D4o; wo;l&n?t want to 6o bac! to +o;r 9r-en&s -n Ba+port w-th that sort o9 &ecorat-on on +o;r 9orehea&s. Bes-&es8 -t?s sa-& to be ver+ pa-n9;l.D D3e?re not a9ra-& o9 +o;r threats8D @oe answere&. DBrave bo+sFD Geere& A-ncenBo. D4o;?re not so clever now8 are +o;I An& +o; won?t th-n! +o;r 9ather -s so clever8 e-ther8 when he?s thrown -n here to !eep +o; compan+.D D/;r 9ather -s worth twent+ o9 +o;.D 2n the &-stance the+ hear& a shot. Pe&ro A-ncenBo loo!e& ;p8 startle&8 an& stro&e to the entrance. As he sa-& someth-n6 to the 6;ar&8 the+ all hear& another shot8 9ollowe& b+ a ser-es o9 w-l& +ells. DBetter h;rr+8D a&v-se& ,ran!. DPerhaps the sol&-ers have come to clean ;p th-s &en o9 +o;rs an& set ;s 9ree.D D5ol&-ersF BahFD excla-me& A-ncenBo. 2t was pla-n8 however8 that he was p;BBle& an& nervo;s. D4o; m-6ht leave ;s someth-n6 to eat8D s;66este& @oe. D2 hope +o; &on?t -nten& to starve ;s to &eath.D D4o;?ll 6et 9oo&. All -n 6oo& t-me. 2t won?t h;rt +o; to 6o h;n6r+ 9or a &a+ or so.D Then the sco;n&rel stro&e hast-l+ o;t o9 the 1*) The ar! on the "oor

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

cave. 2n a moment there was a sl-6ht r;stl-n6 so;n&. The bo+s loo!e& aro;n&8 an& saw 4a-E;- emer6-n6 9rom beh-n& some roc!s. D4o; hear& what he sa-&ID as!e& @oe. 4aE;- no&&e&. DHe tal!s b-6. B;t he -s not as sa9e as he th-n!s. Alrea&+ the nat-ves are be6-nn-n6 to 6r;mble.D DHow &o +o; !nowID D2 have hear& the 6;ar&s tal!-n6. The+ sa+ A-ncenBo has ma&e man+ prom-ses b;t has not Wpt h-s wor&. He sa-& he wo;l& pa+ them -9 the+ helpe& h-m. The+ are won&er-n6 when the+ are 6o-n6 to see the mone+.D DThe+?ll never see -t8D repl-e& ,ran!. DThe 9ellow -s a croo!. 2 can?t 9-6;re how an+ man can be as &;mb as %lmer Tremmer8 to be 9oole& b+ that sort o9 tal!.D D2 &on?t 9eel ver+ m;ch l-!e tr+-n6 to escape8 G;st the same8D observe& @oe. D2?m not ea6er to be t;rne& over to the nat-ves 9or bran&-n6.D 4aE;- then expla-ne& that the ceremon+ the bo+s ha& w-tnesse& the prev-o;s n-6ht was part o9 the re6;lat-on r-t;al o9 the 5;n D3orsh-ppers8 an& that Pe&ro A-ncenBo ha& &o;btless -ntro&;ce& a 9ew -&eas o9 h-s own8 amon6 them the bran&e& s-6n o9 h-s -n-t-al -n the 9a6ot 9-re. D2t -s-what &o +o; call -tI-h-s mar!.D The $evolt 1** DH-s tra&emar!8D sa-& @oe. D3ell8 2?m not loo!-n6 9orwar& to hav-n6 -t on m+ 9orehea&.D As the+ tal!e&8 the three hear& more shots an& so;n&s o9 a &-st;rbance near the ma-n camp. The 6;ar&s8 too8 seeme& to be exc-te&8 9or the+ were cro;ch-n6 to6ether an& star-n6 &own -n the &-rect-on o9 the r-ver. DThere?s someth-n6 6o-n6 on8D ,ran! sa-&8 p;BBle&. D2 won&er what?s happen-n6.D At that moment a nat-ve came r;nn-n6 ;p to the entrance o9 the cave. He tal!e& exc-te&l+ to the 6;ar&s. 4aE;- crept closer to the open-n6 so that he co;l& hear what was be-n6 sa-&. 2n the &-stance the bo+s hear& a b;rst o9 6;n9-re8 9ollowe& b+ sho;ts an& screams. 3hatever -n9ormat-on the newcomer bro;6ht to the 6;ar&s8 -t prove& to be -mportant. /ne o9 the men threw as-&e h-s 6;n an& wo;l& have h;rr-e& awa+8 ha& not the other ar6;e& w-th h-m an& hel& h-m bac!. The nat-ve who ha& r;n ;p to the entrance o9 the cave went awa+ a6a-n h;rr-e&l+ an& the two 6;ar&s la;nche& -nto a 9ever-sh &-sp;te. 4aE;- came bac! to them. DA revoltFD he wh-spere& ea6erl+. DThere -s tro;ble -n the camp.D D3hat?s ;pID the bo+s &eman&e&. DThe nat-ves are t-re& o9 wa-t-n6 9or the-r pa+. Tremmer -s st-rr-n6 them ;p to 6et r-& o9 A-ncenBo. 5ome o9 them are leav-n6 the 1*( The ar! on the "oor v-lla6e an& cross-n6 the r-ver w-th Tremmer.D D=oo&FD cr-e& ,ran!. D29 the-r 9orces are spl-t -t w-ll ma!e -t eas-er 9or ;s to tr+ a 6etawa+.D DA-ncenBo -s hop-n6 to hol& h-s men to6ether. He -s prom-s-n6 them an+th-n6 the+ want-b;t he sa+s he has no mone+8 an& noth-n6 else w-ll sat-s9+ them.?? D2 &-&n?t real-Be Tremmer ha& -t -n h-m8D @oe &eclare&. DHe m;st have &one a lot o9 th-n!-n6 a9ter he le9t ;s last n-6ht. Perhaps at last he real-Bes the tr;th.D The ;proar was 6row-n6 -n vol;me. %v-&entl+ A-ncenBo was hav-n6 a har& t-me !eep-n6 the nat-ves ;n&er control. The bo+s? 6;ar&s wante& to be -n the th-c! o9 the &-st;rbance. As the rac!et 9rom the r-ver ban! 6rew lo;&er an& lo;&er the+ hast-l+ le9t

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

the-r posts an& &ashe& &own the tra-l w-tho;t another tho;6ht 9or the-r pr-soners. D0ow?s o;r chanceFD cr-e& @oe 6lee9;ll+. D1et them 9-6ht all the+ want to. 3e?ll 6et awa+ 9rom here. 4aE;-8 where are the horsesID DAbo;t a m-le ;p the tra-l8D he answere&. DB;t &o not be too hast+. 1et ;s see what -s happen-n6.D The+ emer6e& 9rom the cave8 an& came o;t onto the level a&obe plat9orm at the entrance. 2t was ev-&ent that %lmer Tremmer?s revolt The .evolt 1*# was at least partl+ s;ccess9;l. A &;6o;t canoe was cross-n6 the r-ver w-th hal9 a &oBen nat-ves8 wh-le another was G;st lan&-n6 on the other s-&e. %ven at that &-stance the bo+s co;l& &-st-n6;-sh the 9-6;re o9 the m-ss-n6 w-tness8 sho;t-n6 or&ers to the men as the+ lan&e&. /n h-s s-&e o9 the .stream A-ncenBo was va-nl+ tr+-n6 to hol& the rest o9 the tr-be -n chec!. 5ome o9 them were clamber-n6 -nto a canoe preparator+ to &esert-n6 to Tremmer?s crow&. The o;tlaw was str-&-n6 ;p an& &own8 wav-n6 h-s arms w-l&l+ as he sho;te& at the men. %ver+th-n6 was -n con9;s-on. an+ o9 the women were pac!-n6 ;p the-r mea6re ho;sehol& e99ects. /ccas-onall+ someone wo;l& 9-re a r-9le -nto the a-r8 an& a nat-ve across the r-ver wo;l& answer w-th a shot. 5;&&enl+ A-ncenBo ran &own to the water?s e&6e an& collare& one o9 the men who was stepp-n6 -nto the &;6o;t. The man str;c! bac! at h-m. Two others leape& o;t o9 the canoe an& tac!le& Pe&ro8 where;pon some o9 the lo+al nat-ves r;she& &own the ban! to protect the-r lea&er. 2n an -nstant a real 9-6ht was -n pro6ress. /ne o9 Tremmer?s canoes starte& bac! across the stream. At the same t-me 9-ve o9 A-ncenBo?s nat-ves leape& -nto a &;6o;t an& pa&&le& o;t to meet them. The two canoes came to6ether w-th a crash 1(0 The ar! on the "oor -n m-&stream. There were w-l& +ells as A-n-cenBo?s part+ went over -nto the water. The others8 be-n6 more expert as canoe-sts8 hel& the-r cra9t ;pr-6ht. 2n the meant-me8 the 9-6ht on shore was becom-n6 6eneral8 w-th the &eserters 6ett-n6 the best o9 -t. A-ncenBo h-msel9 was h;rle& -nto the water. He emer6e& spl;tter-n6 G;st as Tremmer?s part+ thr;st the-r cra9t awa+ 9rom shore. ,arther ;p the ban! a 9ew more nat-ves were snea!-n6 o99 to Go-n the others on the oppos-te s-&e o9 the r-ver8 ev-&entl+ hav-n6 no &es-re to sta+ w-th a lost ca;se. Tremmer?s l-ttle arm+ was 6row-n6. /nl+ a han&9;l o9 nat-ves8 -ncl;&-n6 the women an& ch-l&ren o9 the camp8 rema-ne& lo+al to A-ncenBo. DHe?s beatenFD cr-e& ,ran!. DCome on8 @oe. Come on8 4aE;-. 1et?s 9-n& those horses.D The+ went scrambl-n6 &own towar& the ma-n le&6e above the r-ver. A-ncenBo8 h-s clothes &r-pp-n6 w-th water8 was +ell-n6 threats at the part+ on the oppos-te ban! an& tr+-n6 to pers;a&e h-s men to ret;rn to h-m. /ne o9 the nat-ves who ha& re9;se& to Go-n the -ns;r6ents s;&&enl+ ca;6ht s-6ht o9 4aE;- an& the Har&+ bo+s. He ;ttere& a +ell o9 alarm an& 6rabbe& h-s lea&er b+ the sleeve. DA9ter themlD roare& A-ncenBo. CHAPT%$ ''2 T%% 5 /, P%AC% Dr;nFD sho;te& @oe. 4aE;- co;l& have escape&. He was as 9leet-9oote& as a &eer an& co;l& have o;t&-stance& the p;rs;ers w-th ease. 4et he wo;l& not &esert h-s +o;n6 compan-ons. ,ran! an& @oe stra-ne& themselves to the ;tmost8 b;t

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

when the+ loo!e& bac! the+ saw that three o9 A-n-cenBo?s men were sw-9tl+ overta!-n6 them. 3-th-n a h;n&re& +ar&s the chase was over. /ne o9 the nat-ves 9l;n6 h-msel9 at ,ran! -n a 9l+-n6 tac!le an& bro;6ht h-m &own. Another leape& at @oe when he stoppe& to help h-s brother. A th-r& presente& a r-9le at 4aE;-?s hea& an& or&ere& h-m to s;rren&er. The Har&+s str;66le& v-6oro;sl+8 b;t the+ were no match 9or the nat-ves. 2n a 9ew moments the+ were le& -n6lor-o;sl+ bac! to camp an& bro;6ht be9ore Pe&ro A-ncenBo8 who 6lare& at them malevolentl+. D"-&n?t 2 warn +o; o9 what wo;l& happen -9 +o; tr-e& to escapeID he snarle&. D"-&n?t 2 sa+ +o;?& be bran&e&ID 1(1 1(< The ar! on the "oor D2 th-n! +o; have eno;6h tro;ble on +o;r han&s w-tho;t worr+-n6 abo;t ;s8D ,ran! rem-n&e& h-m. DTremmer seems to have t;rne& the tables on +o; prett+ neatl+.D A-ncenBo 9l;she& &ar!l+. He ha& onl+ abo;t hal9 a &oBen nat-ves at h-s &-sposal8 all the others hav-n6 6one across the r-ver to %lmer Tremmer?s s-&e. He !new that he co;l& not. even ban! stron6l+ on the lo+alt+ o9 those who ha& rema-ne&. 2t was onl+ too tr;e that the 9;6-t-ve boo!!eeper ha& t;rne& the tables on h-m. He was beaten8 an& he !new -t. DThe nat-ves are 9ools8D he 6rowle&. D3hat can Tremmer &o 9or themI The+?re craB+ to l-sten to the 9ellow.D DThe+ &-&n?t have m;ch sense when the+ l-stene& to +o;r prom-ses8 e-ther8D ch-rpe& @oe. DThat?s eno;6hFD snappe& A-ncenBo -n an an6r+ vo-ce. Then he t;rne& an& calle& o;t -n a lo;& tone8 DCome bac!8 TremmerF 1et?s tal! th-s over.D B;t %lmer Tremmer8 now that he was o;t o9 A-ncenBo?s power 9or the moment8 seeme& to have 6a-ne& new co;ra6e. He was stan&-n6 on the oppos-te r-ver ban! -n the att-t;&e o9 a man who has won an ;nexpecte& v-ctor+8 an& has not +et &ec-&e& how to procee&. D29 there?s an+ tal!-n6 to be &one8D he calle& bac!8 D2?ll &o -tFD Terms o9 Peace 1(3 DThat?s r-6ht8 r. TremmerFD cheere& @oe8 D"on?t let h-m bl;99 +o;.D A-ncenBo s-lence& the bo+ w-th a loo!. D3hat &o +o; want8 thenID he calle& bac! to Tremmer. D3hat are +o;r terms?ID D2 want m+ 9ree&omFD DB;t +o; are 9ree8D cr-e& A-ncenBo. D4o;?ve alwa+s been 9ree. Haven?t 2 treate& +o; well ever s-nce we le9t the 5tatesID D2?ve been no better than a pr-soner8 an& +o; !now -t8D Tremmer answere&. D4o;?re a9ra-& to let me o;t o9 +o;r s-6ht 9or 9ear 2?ll 6o home.D D5en& m+ men over to me8D A-ncenBo sho;te&8 Dan& +o; can 6o wherever +o; w-sh.D B;t Tremmer was not to be trappe& b+ th-s prom-se. DThen +o;?& p;t them on m+ tra-l an& have me bro;6ht bac!8D he answere&. D0o8 that won?t &o. 2?ll ma!e a bar6a-n w-th +o;.D D3hat?s +o;r bar6a-nID D2 !now where ,enton Har&+ -s an& 2 can t;rn h-m over to +o;8D came the aston-sh-n6 repl+. ,ran! an& @oe 6aspe& w-th amaBement. ?? The &etect-veF?? sho;te& A-ncenBo. 2t was ev-&ent that he 9o;n& the boo!!eeper?s statement har& to bel-eve.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

D1et me 6o an& +o; can have h-m8D thH other &eclare&. 1(7 The ar! on the "oor The Har&+ bo+s &-& not !now what to th-n! o9 Tremmer?s extraor&-nar+ proposal. At 9-rst the+ 9elt the man was G;st hl;99-n68 an& bar6a-n-n6 9or h-s own sa9et+. /n secon& tho;6ht8 however8 the+ saw that Tremmer co;l& not hope to w-n release b+ a bl;99 alone. He wo;l& have to ma!e 6oo&8 otherw-se A-n-cenBo wo;l& 9ollow h-m. D29 +o; !now where ,enton Har&+ -s8D cr-e& A-ncenBo8 Dpro&;ce h-m. 29 +o; sen& h-m here +o; won?t be 9ollowe&. 29 +o; 9a-l8 2?ll ho;n& +o; to +o;r &eathF An& 2?ll bran& these -nnocent co;ntr+men o9 +o;rs. These Har&+ bo+sFD Tremmer spo!e to some o9 the nat-ves. Three o9 them str;c! o;t -nto the b;sh alon6 the r-ver ban!8 an& a 9ew m-n;tes later appeare& on a h-6h level8 ma!-n6 the-r wa+ ;p the oppos-te wall o9 the canon. Then Tremmer h-msel98 accompan-e& b+ another nat-ve8 set o;t beh-n& them. D$ememberFD sho;te& A-ncenBo. D29 Har&+ -sn?t -n th-s camp w-th-n an ho;r 2?ll be on +o;r tra-l.D As the bo+s watche& Tremmer slowl+ ma!e h-s wa+ ;p the canon wall the-r hearts san!. The+ ha& 9o;n& the m-ss-n6 w-tness8 onl+ to lose h-m a6a-n. The-r m-ss-on ha& 9a-le& completel+. The-r own pl-6ht was worse than -t ha& ever Terms o9 Peace 1(: been8 9or -t was certa-n that -9 ,enton Har&+ sho;l& not appear A-ncenBo wo;l& wrea! ven6eance as he ha& threatene&. oreover8 -t was -mposs-ble now 9or the la&s to tr+ to escape. The+ m;st wa-t -n case the-r 9ather sho;l& come. %ver+ chance to 9o-l A-ncenBo ha& been c;t o99. D%ver+ chance b;t one8D sa-& ,ran! to h-msel9. Then he wh-spere& h-s -&ea to @oe an& the latter shoo! h-s hea& -n a6reement. To6ether the+ loo!e& aro;n& 9or 4aE;-8 who &;r-n6 the tal! ha& become separate& 9rom them. 3h-le Pe&ro was a&&ress-n6 the men on the oppos-te shore8 ev-&entl+ exhort-n6 them to ret;rn to h-s lea&ersh-p8 the Har&+ bo+s 9o;n& the-r 2n&-an 6;-&e. D4aE;-8D sa-& ,ran!8 Dwe m;stn?t lose Tremmer. + brother an& 2 &o not &are leave here beca;se o;r 9ather ma+ come.D D"o +o; th-n!8D as!e& @oe exc-te&l+8 Dthat +o; co;l& sl-p awa+ an& 9ollow TremmerID The 2n&-an 6lance& aro;n& an& no&&e&. The bo+s 6raspe& h-s han&s -n than!9;l apprec-at-on. As he move& o998 ,ran! 6ave h-m a 9-nal -nstr;ct-on wh-ch @oe co;l& not hear. The latter !new8 however8 that h-s brother was ver+ m;ch l-!e h-s 9ather8 an& never m-sse& an opport;n-t+ to wor! o;t a problem &own to the sl-6htest &eta-l. 1() The ar! on the "oor A moment later 4aE;- m-xe& ;nobtr;s-vel+ w-th the 9ew men nearb+. Then the Har&+ bo+s saw h-m ma!e h-s wa+ slowl+ an& E;-etl+ &own the r-ver ban!. He van-she& aro;n& a ben& -n the stream. 5hortl+ therea9ter the+ saw a hea& appear above the s;r9ace o9 the water some &-stance &own the stream. The 2n&-an was sw-mm-n6 across the r-ver. 29 an+ o9 the nat-ves saw h-m the+ &-& not cr+ o;t8 perhaps th-n!-n6 that -t was one o9 the-r own n;mber &esert-n6 9rom A-ncenBo?s ran!s. ,ran! an& @oe saw a slee! brown bo&+ emer6e 9rom the water an& van-sh sw-9tl+ -nto the ;n&er6rowth. 4aE;- was. on %lmer Tremmer?s tra-l. A-ncenBo was not s;ccess9;l -n pers;a&-n6 the &eserters to ret;rn. 2n sp-te o9 all h-s ar6;ments the nat-ves &ec-&e& to wa-t a wh-le. The+ wante& to !now -9 Tremmer wo;l& !eep h-s wor& an& sen& the wh-te man bac! to A-ncenBo.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

DTa!e those bo+s to the cave8D snarle& A-ncenBo s;&&enl+. He was -n a ba& temper. D5ee that the+?re well 6;ar&e&. 29 Tremmer &oesn?t !eep h-s prom-se 2?ll ma!e them s;99er 9or -t.D 2t was then that the o;tlaw note& the absence o9 4aE;-. D3here?s that other 9ellowID he &eman&e&. D3here?s the 2n&-anID CHAPT%$ ''H TH% H/>$ /, 5>5P%05% the 6;ar&s loo!e& aro;n& blan!l+ 9or 4aE;-. A-ncenBo was 9;r-o;s. DHe escape&F $-6ht ;n&er +o;r nosesF 1oo! 9or h-m. Br-n6 h-m bac!.D The nat-ves scattere& an& ma&e a 6reat pre-tense o9 con&;ct-n6 an -n&;str-o;s search 9or the 9;6-t-ve8 +et the+ ha& not the 9a-ntest -&ea where to loo!. ,ran! an& @oe were hast-l+ b;n&le& o99 to the-r cave8 where an arme& 6;ar& too! h-s place -n 9ront o9 the entrance. D2?ll bet Tremmer won?t 6et ver+ 9ar o;t o9 4aE;-?s s-6ht8D sa-& @oe a9ter a t-me. D"o +o; th-n! Tremmer reall+ !nows where "a& -sID vent;re& ,ran!. D29 he &oes8 -t w-ll be eas+ eno;6h 9or h-m to sen& o;r 9ather stra-6ht -nto a trap. He?> tell h-m where we are8 an& when he comes 9or ;s A-ncenBo w-ll be here to capt;re h-m.D DAn& -n the meant-me Tremmer w-ll be le66-n6 -t awa+ to 6oo&ness !nows where.D D3as Tremmer l+-n6I That -s the E;est-on8D sa-& @oe anx-o;sl+. 1(* 1(( The ar! on the "oor DHe &-&n?t have eno;6h -ma6-nat-on to th-n! np a stor+ l-!e that8D ,ran! &ec-&e&. DThat?s wh+ 2 bel-eve there -s someth-n6 to h-s cla-m that he !nows "a&?s whereabo;ts.D DA-ncenBo 6ave h-m an ho;r. He &-&n?t sa+ he wo;l& nee& more t-me. 29 "a& -s -n th-s part o9 the co;ntr+ at all he can?t be 9ar awa+.D A l-ttle &o6 G;st then came scamper-n6 ;p to the mo;th o9 the cave8 nose& s;sp-c-o;sl+ abo;t the 9eet o9 the 6;ar&8 an& po!e& an -nE;-s-t-ve hea& -nto the entrance. 2t was a ex-can ha-rless8 o9 the same bree& as the &o6 A-ncenBo ha& 6-ven the boar&-n6 ho;se !eeper -n Ba+port. D3e prom-se& we?& tr+ to 6et rs. 5m-th another &o68D sa-& @oe8 tr+-n6 to appear calm8 altho;6h h-s sp-r-ts were -n a t;rmo-l. He wh-stle& so9tl+8 an& the l-ttle an-mal vent;re& -ns-&e. 2t was ver+ sh+8 however8 an& when @oe tr-e& to pat -ts hea& the &o6 &rew bac! E;-c!l+. D2?& l-!e to collar that p;p an& ta!e -t home w-th me8D @oe sa-&. D29 we ever 6et there8D ,ran! rem-n&e& h-m mo;rn9;ll+. H-s brother crept towar& the an-mal8 b;t -t s;&&enl+ retreate& an& be6an caper-n6 aro;n& the cave entrance8 bar!-n6 9;r-o;sl+. A6a-n an& a6a-n @oe tr-e& to coax -t bac!. ,-nall+ The Ho;r o9 5;spense 1(# he conE;ere& -ts 9ears8 an& the &o6 crept 9orwar& a6a-n ;nt-l @oe was able to scratch -ts hea&. A moment later -t l-c!e& the bo+?s 9ace an& sn;66le& ;p -n h-s arms. D3ell8 +o;n6 9ellow8D sa-& the ea6er bo+8 D-9 2 ever 6et bac! to Ba+port once more8 +o;?ll come w-th me.D D2ts owner ma+ have someth-n6 to sa+ abo;t that8D ,ran! observe&. @;st then a sha&ow crosse& the entrance to the cave. The bo+s loo!e& ;p to see a 6-rl peer-n6 -n at them. 5he was a &ar!-s!-nne&8 6+ps+-l-!e +o;n6 creat;re w-th b-6 e+es. DPep-taFD she cr-e& when she saw the &o6. DPep-taFD D4o;r &o6ID as!e& @oe8 &-sappo-nte&. The 6-rl no&&e&. The 6;ar& loo!e& on w-th -nterest.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

As the +o;n6 woman came closer ,ran! an& @oe note& someth-n6 that horr-9-e& them. 2n the center o9 the 6-rl?s 9orehea&8 pla-nl+ v-s-ble8 was an ;6l+ mar!. 2t was a bran&-the s+mbol P wh-ch the+ ha& seen be9ore-b;rne& -nto her 9leshF The ex-can ma-& was tr+-n6 as best she co;l& to coax the p;p to come to her8 b;t the -n&epen&ent l-ttle an-mal seeme& to pre9er to sta+ w-th -ts new 9r-en&s. D1oo! here8D cr-e& ,ran!. DHow &-& +o; 6et that mar! on +o;r 9orehea&ID 1#0 The ar! on the "oor The 6-rl was p;BBle&. 5he &-& not ;n&erstan&. ,ran! leane& 9orwar& an& l-6htl+ to;che& the bran&e& s+mbol. A loo! o9 terror crosse& her 9ace. 5he 6lance& over her sho;l&er as -9 9ear9;l o9 be-n6 overhear&. D%et was Pe&ro8D she wh-spere&. DHe bran&e& +o;FD @oe excla-me& -n horror. Altho;6h she &-& not ;n&erstan& h-s wor&s she 6athere& the-r mean-n6. The 6-rl no&&e& elowl+. DPe&ro-not please w-t? me8D she answere&. Then she shr;66e& an& 6est;re& towar& the mar! a6a-n. DHe bran&e& +o; beca;se he was an6r+ w-th +o;ID @oe as!e&. The 6-rl no&&e& her hea& v-6oro;sl+. Then she calle& to the &o6 a6a-n8 tr+-n6 to coax -t awa+ 9rom the bo+s. D5o that?s the sort o9 9ellow Pe&ro A-ncenBo -s8D m;ttere& ,ran! -n&-6nantl+. The bo+s !new then that Pe&ro?s prom-se to bran& them -9 Tremmer &-& not !eep h-s bar6a-n was no empt+ threat. B+ s-6ns w-th h-s han&s @oe tr-e& to ma!e the 6-rl ;n&erstan& that he wo;l& l-!e to !eep the &o6. D2?ll b;+ h-m 9rom +o;8D he sa-&. Then h-s 9ace 9ell. D2 9or6ot. The ban&-ts too! all o;r mone+.D The 6-rl spo!e sharpl+ to the &o6 -n 5pan-sh. The Ho;r o9 5;spense 1#1 The an-mal rel;ctantl+ move& towar& her. @oe s;&&enl+ tho;6ht o9 the stran6e bracelet he ha& &-scovere& on the 9loor o9 the other cave. He too! -t 9rom h-s poc!et an& hel& -t o;t to the 6-rl8 at the same t-me po-nt-n6 at the &o6. The 6-rl excla-me& w-th &el-6ht when she saw the p-ece o9 Gewelr+. 5he reache& 9or -t sh+l+8 sl-ppe& -t over her arm8 an& 6aBe& at -t w-th sh-n-n6 e+es. A6a-n @oe po-nte& to the &o68 ma!-n6 s-6ns to -n&-cate that he w-she& to ma!e an exchan6e. The 6-rl ;n&erstoo&. 5he &-& not tr+ to coax the an-mal to come to her an+ more. A&m-r-n6 the bracelet8 she w-th&rew 9rom the cave an& sl-ppe& awa+. DCome bac!8 p;p8D sa-& @oe to the &o6. D4o; belon6 to ;s now.D The an-mal was E;-te w-ll-n6. He seeme& to ;n&erstan& an& 9r-s!e& abo;t the bo+s8 bar!-n6 happ-l+ as -9 to show h-s apprec-at-on. DAll we have to worr+ abo;t now8D ,ran! remar!e&8 D-s how we are 6o-n6 to 6et h-m bac! to Ba+port.D %ven the ant-cs o9 the &o68 however8 co;l& not rel-eve the s;spense the+ were en&;r-n6. 29 the-r 9ather sho;l& not appear -n the camp b+ the en& o9 the ho;r8 A-ncenBo wo;l& certa-nl+ wrea! ven6eance ;pon them. An& -9 l-e &-& appear8 what thenI ,enton Har&+ 1#< The ar! on the "oor wo;l& be ;nable to a-& them8 an& the tort;re o9 the ,-re Ceremon+ m-6ht be carr-e& o;t G;st the same. ,ran! loo!e& at h-s wr-st watch. D,-9teen m-n;tes8D he sa-& E;-etl+.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

The bran& the+ ha& seen on the 6-rl?s 9orehea& tol& them that the+ co;l& expect no merc+ 9rom the-r captor. Pe&ro A-ncenBo was cr;el an& relentless. He wo;l& carr+ o;t h-s threat. ,ran! 6ot ;p an& went over to the mo;th o9 the cave. 5ome o9 the nat-ves were com-n6 bac! 9rom the other s-&e o9 the r-ver8 an& as the+ arr-ve& he co;l& hear A-ncenBo ar6;-n6 w-th them. 5;&&enl+ a 6reat sho;t went ;p. /ne o9 the tr-besmen ran ;p to A-ncenBo an& 6raspe& h-m b+ the arm8 at the same t-me po-nt-n6 to the wall o9 the canon that rose h-6h 9rom the oppos-te ban! o9 the stream. ,ran! 6aspe&. At the top o9 a narrow tra-l8 mean&er-n6 ;p the s-&e o9 the wall8 he saw three 9-6;res. Two o9 them were nat-ves. The other one was a wh-te manF 3as the latter ,enton Har&+I ,ran! co;l& not &-st-n6;-sh the 9orm ver+ pla-nl+ at that &-stance. D@oeFD he calle&. DCome here8 E;-c!FD @oe leape& ;p an& ran to h-s brother?s s-&e9 the &o6 leap-n6 6a-l+ at h-s heels. The Ho;r o9 5;spense 1#3 A-ncenBo an& the nat-ves were s-lent. The+ were watch-n6 the three 9-6;res be6-nn-n6 the &-99-c;lt &escent &own the steep wall o9 the canon. D2t?s "a&FD excla-me& @oe. D2?m not s;re +et. Perhaps -t?s Tremmer8 com-n6 bac!.D D0o8 he -sn?t &resse& l-!e Tremmer.D 5;spense 6r-ppe& the la&s as the+ watche& the three men slowl+ ma!-n6 the-r wa+ &own a tra-l. %ven when the tr-o 9-nall+ reache& the base o9 the cl-998 the bo+s were ;nable to learn 9or certa-n -9 the newcomer was reall+ ,enton Har&+. The three men 6ot -nto one o9 the &;6o;t canoes an& be6an to pa&&le across the stream. ,rom the act-ons o9 the &eserters8 who -mme&-atel+ ma&e preparat-ons to ret;rn8 the bo+s were conv-nce& now that Tremmer ha& somehow !ept h-s prom-se. At last the canoe reache& shore8 an& one o9 the nat-ves leape& o;t. He was 9ollowe& b+ a wh-te man. @oe an& ,ran! ;ttere& a s-m;ltaneo;s 6roan o9 &espa-r. D"a&8 oh8 "a&FD 2t was -n&ee& ,enton Har&+F How ha& Tremmer learne& o9 the &etect-ve?s whereabo;tsI How ha& he l;re& r. Har&+ so eas-l+ -nto Pe&ro A-ncenBo?s trapI As the bo+s watche& closel+8 the+ co;l& see 1#7 The ar! on the "oor Pe&ro step 9orwar&. He 6ave a c;rt or&er to the nat-ves at h-s s-&e. 2nstantl+ those stron6 men 9l;n6 themselves on the &etect-ve an& p-n-one& h-s arms beh-n& h-s bac!. ,enton Har&+ was now a pr-soner8 as well as h-s sonsF CHAPT%$ ''TTT P1A05 ,/B %5CAP% 9enton har&+ was the sort o9 man who co;l& accept apparent &e9eat w-th a sm-le. 3hen he was bro;6ht to the cave where h-s sons were -mpr-sone&8 he waste& no t-me bemoan-n6 h-s l;c!. He 6reete& the bo+s warml+. D3e &on?t seem to be hav-n6 m;ch s;ccess -n ex-co8D he sa-&. D2 tho;6ht 2 was wal!-n6 -nto a trap when those nat-ves tol& me 2 wo;l& 9-n& +o; here8 b;t 2 ha& to come.D Pe&ro A-ncenBo8 who ha& come ;p the tra-l beh-n& the men 6;ar&-n6 ,enton Har&+8 la;6he& tr-;mphantl+.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

D4o; b-t o99 more than +o; co;l& chew when +o; tho;6ht +o; co;l& beat me8D he sa-&. D4o; ma+ be a smart man -n the 5tates8 Har&+8 b;t +o;?re m-6ht+ small &own here.D D2?m not thro;6h +et8D repl-e& ,enton Har&+ s-6n-9-cantl+. D4o;?re thro;6h8 all r-6ht8 b;t +o; &on?t !now -t. 4o; an& +o;r bo+s.D A-ncenBo p;t h-s han&s on h-s h-ps an& showe& h-s teeth -a 1#: 1#) The ar! on the "oor a w-c!e& 6r-n. D2?m sorr+ to see Tremmer 6et awa+ 9rom me-----D DTremmerFD excla-me& r. Har&+ -n s;rpr-se. D4es8 Tremmer8D snarle& A-ncenBo. DThe man +o; wante& to complete the case a6a-nst the B-o /-l people. 4o; &-&n?t !now 2 ha& h-m here8 ehI 3ell8 +o; won?t ta!e h-m bac! w-th +o; to 6-ve ev-&ence.D ,enton Har&+ 6lance& at h-s sons. D2s th-s tr;eID he as!e& E;-etl+. D3as Tremmer -n th-s placeID D4es8D repl-e& ,ran!. DHe escape& an ho;r a6o.D DTwo nat-ves came to m+ camp be+on& the 6or6e an& tol& me the+ co;l& show me where m+ sons were hel& capt-ve8D expla-ne& r. Har&+. D2 came w-th them-an& here 2 am. 2 s;ppose that was Tremmer?s wor!.D 5o Pe&ro ha& not !nown o9 the whereabo;ts o9 the bo+s? 9atherF D3e ma&e a l-ttle &eal8D sa-& A-ncenBo. DHe sa-& he wo;l& see that +o; came here -9 2 let h-m 6o. 2 &-&n?t bel-eve h-m. %ven +et 2 cannot 9-6;re how he !new +o; were nearb+. B;t he !ept h-s wor& an& 2?ll !eep m-ne. 2?ve 9r-6htene& that 9ool so that he?ll never set 9oot on Amer-can so-l a6a-n.D ,ran! an& @oe sa-& noth-n6. The-r best chance o9 escape8 the+ were aware8 la+ -n ma!Plans 9or %scape 1#* -n6 Pe&ro bel-eve that the+ were s;bm-ss-ve. ,enton Har&+ ev-&entl+ ha& the same tho;6ht -n h-s m-n&8 9or he sa-&: DAll r-6ht8 A-neenBo. 4o; w-n. 4o;?re too smart 9or ;s. 3hat &o +o; -nten& to &o w-th ;s nowID DThat rema-ns to be seen8D repl-e& the o;tlaw. D0ow that the nat-ves have come bac! to me the+ 9eel 2 o;6ht to 6-ve them a l-ttle enterta-nment. Perhaps the Ceremon+ o9 the ,-re w-ll please.D He la;6he& mal-c-o;sl+. ?? The three o9 +o; w-ll loo! han&some ret;rn-n6 to Ba+port bran&e& on +o;r 9orehea&s-a l-ttle so;ven-r o9 +o;r v-s-t to ex-co.D He stro&e awa+8 ch;c!l-n6 to h-msel9. D2t?s all o;r 9a;lt8 "a&8D sa-& ,ran! r;e9;ll+. D3e 6ot +o; -nto th-s Gam.D DB;t +o; 9o;n& Tremmer8D sa-& r. Har&+. DTell me abo;t -t. Perhaps we haven?t lost the 9ellow a9ter all.D D29 we can ever 6et -n to;ch w-th 4aE;- we?ll 9-n& h-m 9ast eno;6h8D @oe sa-&. The bo+s relate& the-r stor+: how the+ ha& starte& o;t -nto the &esert an& ha& 9ollowe& the tra-l o9 the caravan8 onl+ to be capt;re& b+ the ban&-ts an& t;rne& over to Pe&ro A-neenBo M how the+ ha& &-scovere& Tremmer8 an& o9 the conversat-on the+ ha& ha& w-th the 9;6-t-ve boo!!eeper. The+ expla-ne& how the 1#( The ar! on the "oor m-ss-n6 w-tness ha& le& the revolt8 an& thenM escape&. D3hat have +o; been &o-n68 "a&ID as!e& @oe when the rec-tal was 9-n-she&. DHow &-& +o; 6et -nto th-s part o9 the co;ntr+ID D3hen 2 le9t +o;8D ,enton Har&+ expla-ne&8 D2 was on the trac! o9 certa-n people who co;l& 6-ve me -n9ormat-on abo;t the o-l 9ra;&s. 2 ro;n&e& ;p hal9 a &oBen o9 the mea -nvolve& -n the case an& t;rne& them

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

over to the a;thor-t-es. B;t 2 9o;n& that the onl+ ev-&ence that wo;l& cl-nch the case wo;l& be that o9 %lmer Tremmer--9 he co;l& be 9o;n&.D DHow &-& +o; &-scover that we ha& been capt;re& b+ A-ncenBoID as!e& ,ran!. D2 &-&n?t !now that. B;t 2 learne& that +o; ha& been seen on the e&6e o9 the &esert8D expla-ne& r. Har&+8 Dan& 2 9ollowe& the tra-l 9rom that po-nt. 1ater 2 was tol& b+ a nat-ve that two Amer-can bo+s ha& been seen -n a camp near the r-ver8 so 2 came -n th-s &-rect-on. A hal9-bree& came to m+ camp two n-6hts a6o an& went awa+ -n a h;rr+. 2 -ma6-ne he m;st have been one o9 Pe&ro A-ncenBo?s sp-es. B;t -nstea& o9 tell-n6 A-ncenBo he went to Tremmer.D DThat expla-ns wh+ Tremmer became so co;ra6eo;s all o9 a s;&&en8D remar!e& @oe. DHe !new he co;l& bar6a-n w-th Pe&ro.D D3e m;st 9-6;re o;t a wa+ o9 escape8D sa-& Plans 9or %scape 1## r. Har&+. D3e?re not beaten as lon6 as 4aE;- can !eep on the tra-l o9 the m-ss-n6 w-tness.D D2 tol& h-m to blaBe the trees as he went8D sa-& @oe. D29 we can 6et o;t o9 here we sho;l& be able to 9ollow h-m eas-l+ eno;6h.D D3ell8D vol;nteere& ,ran!8 D4aE;- tol& me where he ha& h-&&en the horses he bro;6ht bac! w-th h-m. He sa-& there -s a 9or& across the r-ver a l-ttle 9arther ;p. 29 2 can 6et o;t o9 here ton-6ht 2?ll 9-n& the horses an& perhaps we can ma!e o;r wa+ across the r-ver.D ,enton Har&+ 6est;re& towar& the 6;ar& who was stan&-n6 at the cave mo;th. DHe w-ll be the ch-e9 obstacle.D D3e?ll have to wa-t ;nt-l -t 6ets &ar!8D sa-& @oe -n a low vo-ce. The three were ver+ h;n6r+. As the bo+s share& w-th the-r 9ather the 9oo& 4aE;- ha& le9t8 the+ tol& ,enton Har&+ how A-ncenBo ha& a&opte& a starvat-on pol-c+ towar& them. The &a+ passe& slowl+. The+ won&ere& -9 Pe&ro A-ncenBo planne& to hol& the Ceremon-al o9 the ,-re that n-6ht. B;t &ar!ness 9ell8 an& the-r captor &-& not come near them. D2?m 6o-n6 to tr+ to sl-p o;t ton-6ht8D sa-& ,ran!. D3hen 2 9-n& the horses 2?ll br-n6 them as close to the camp as 2 &are. Then8 -9 +o; can 6et past the 6;ar&8 come on o;t an& Go-n me.D <00 The ar! on the "oor DHow shall we !now when +o;?re rea&+ID @oe as!e&. D2?ll -m-tate a w-l&cat?s scream.D D4o; aren?t o;t o9 the cave +et8D ,enton Har&+ rem-n&e& h-m. DThat comes 9-rst.D D2?ll 6et o;t somehow.D D"a&8 -n the exc-tement we 9or6ot to tell +o; someth-n6 we &-scovere&8D sa-& @oe s;&&enl+. D5;re th-n68D echoe& h-s brother. D3e?ve 9o;n& o;t an -mportant secret.D D2?m -ntereste&8D answere& r. Har&+. D3hat -s -tID D3ell8 we were able to trac! Pe&ro to a certa-n cave an& locate& a box he ha& secrete&.D D2t was wrappe& -n a Ba+port newspaperFD -nterr;pte& ,ran!. r. Har&+ sm-le&. D5o;n&s as -9 the contents o9 the cache came 9rom o;r own home town.D D2?m s;re the+ &-&8D expla-ne& ,ran!. DThere were tho;san&s o9 &ollars rolle& ;p8 Pe&ro?s share -n the -lle6al stoc! sale.D D a+be more than h-s share8D was r. Har&+?s comment. DThe man -sn?t above robb-n6 h-s 9r-en&s. 2 !now that 9rom -n9ormat-on 2 have ;ncovere& latel+.D

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

A9ter th-s conversat-on there was s-lence 9or a wh-le. Plans 9or %scape <01 D2 &o w-sh the+ wo;l& br-n6 ;s a &r-n! o9 water8D sa-& r. Har&+ presentl+. There;pon the &etect-ve 6ot ;p an& went to the mo;th o9 the cave. As he ;n&erstoo& 5pan-sh8 he was able to tal! to the 6;ar&. 5ternl+ he &eman&e& 9oo& an& &r-n!. A9ter a br-e9 ar6;ment the sentr+ went on ;p to the ma-n camp. Another nat-ve E;-c!l+ too! h-s place8 however8 G;st as ,ran! was be6-nn-n6 to th-n! th-s wo;l& be an excellent t-me -n wh-ch to sl-p awa+. 2n a l-ttle wh-le the 9-rst 6;ar& ret;rne&. =reatl+ to the s;rpr-se o9 the bo+s8 he carr-e& w-th h-m an earthen plate o9 9oo& an& a 6o;r& o9 water. He spo!e to r. Har&+ -n 5pan-sh an& o99ere& h-m the 9oo&. D"on?t &r-n! the waterFD wh-spere& ,ran! tensel+. D3h+ notID &eman&e& @oe -n s;rpr-se. D2?m &+-n6 o9 th-rst.D D"on?t &r-n! -tFD @oe an& r. Har&+ were p;BBle& b+ ,ran!?s -ns-stence. The+ ate the 9oo&8 however8 b;t thr;st the water as-&e. The sentr+ was aston-she&. He po-nte& to the 6o;r&. D2?m s;sp-c-o;s o9 -t8D ,ran! sa-& E;-etl+. D1et the 6;ar& &r-n! -t -9 he w-shes.D r. Har&+ -n&-cate& that the man h-msel9 <0< The ar! on the "oor m-6ht have the water. The sent-nel there;pon p-c!e& ;p the 6o;r& an& &ran! &eepl+8 smac!-n6 h-s l-ps -n apprec-at-on. He went o;t o9 the cave an& sat &own near the entrance. Then he spo!e to h-s compan-on 6;ar&8 who went awa+. DHow &o +o; th-n! +o; are 6o-n6 to 6et o;t o9 here8 ,ran!ID as!e& h-s 9ather. D3a-t an& see.D The sentr+ too! another &r-n!. Then the Har&+s note& that the man appeare& to 6row &rows+. H-s hea& san! slowl+ ;pon h-s chest. A9ter a l-ttle wh-le he rev-ve& momentar-l+ an& a6a-n E;a99e& &eepl+ 9rom the 6o;r&8 onl+ to 6row sleep+ almost -mme&-atel+. D2 s;specte& there was &ope -n that 6o;r&8D ,ran! wh-spere&. As he spo!e8 the 6;ar& s;&&enl+ sl;mpe& 9orwar&. The 6o;r& t;mble& 9rom h-s han&s -nto the &;st. The man 9ell over an& sprawle& ;nconsc-o;s -n 9ront o9 the cave. D4o; were r-6ht8 ,ran!8D sa-& @oe exc-te&l+. DAn& that st;99 was meant 9or ;s.D ,ran! crept to the open-n6 an& loo!e& o;t. CHAPT%% ''TA TH% B$A0"%" T%%% DHow &-& +o; !now the water was &r;66e&ID @oe as!e&. D4aE;- warne& me to expect someth-n6 l-!e that. He overhear& the two 6;ar&s tal!-n6 last n-6ht. /ne o9 them sa-& we were to be 6-ven a &r-n! ma&e o;t o9 a narcot-c var-et+ o9 cact;s.D The ;nconsc-o;s man l+-n6 at the entrance ev-&entl+ ha& not been tol& o9 the plan. He was snor-n6 heav-l+. D3h+ can?t we all escape nowID sa-& @oe. D3e won?t 6et ver+ 9ar w-tho;t horses8D ,ran! rem-n&e& h-m. D29 we are m-sse& be9ore we have t-me to 6et the an-mals we?ll be capt;re& an& bro;6ht bac! -n a h;rr+. 29 +o; an& "a& sta+ here no one w-ll become s;sp-c-o;s8 sho;l& an+ o9 A-ncenBo?s men acc-&entall+ come ;p here. 4o; w-ll cover m+ escape.D DAre +o; s;re +o; can 9-n& the horsesID as!e& ,enton Har&+.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

D29 the+ haven?t r;n awa+. 2 o;6ht to be bac! -n less than hal9 an ho;r.D <03 <07 The ar! on the "oor ,ran! sl-ppe& o;t -nto the n-6ht8 ,enton Har&+ an& @oe settle& &own to wa-t 9or h-m. As he l-stene& 9or ,ran!?s s-6nal8 @oe tol& h-s 9ather a more complete stor+ o9 the a&vent;res he an& h-s brother ha& ;n&er6one 9rom the t-me the-r 9ather ha& le9t them at the ar-cheta v-lla. DTremmer alwa+s was a wea! sort o9 character8D r. Har&+ sa-&8 a9ter @oe ha& relate& how the 9;6-t-ve boo!!eeper ha& re9;se& to help them. DHe -sn?t croo!e&8 tho;6h. 2 th-n! A-ncenBo has 9r-6htene& h-m so thoro;6hl+ that he -s &esperate. The o-l compan+ 9a!er has pers;a&e& h-m that we want to arrest h-m an& that he?ll be sent to the pen-tent-ar+ -9 he 6oes bac! to the 5tates. 2t?s too ba& he has sl-ppe& thro;6h o;r 9-n6ers. 2 th-n! 2 m-6ht have been able to have ma&e h-m l-sten to reason.D D3e haven?t lost h-m +et. 4aE;- -s on h-s tra-l.D D0ow o;r problem -s to 9ollow the 2n&-an8D sm-le& ,enton Har&+. D3e ma+ not be able to &o m;ch ;nt-l &a+l-6ht. 4aE;- sa-& he wo;l& blaBe a tra-l on the trees as he went.D r. Har&+ too! a power9;l electr-c 9lashl-6ht 9rom h-s poc!et. DPerhaps th-s w-ll help8D he sa-&. D2t w-ll be the ver+ th-n6FD @oe excla-me& The Bran&e& Tree <0: D2 hope ,ran! 9-n&s those horses. 3-th an+ l;c! at all8 we o;6ht to be able to overta!e r. %lmer Tremmer be9ore he 6ets ver+ 9ar awa+.D The m-n;tes went b+. @oe be6an to 6row nervo;s. D2 hope noth-n6 has happene& to ,ran!8D he sa-&. D2?m not worr+-n6 abo;t h-m8D ,enton Har&+ sa-& con9-&entl+. D4o; bo+s alwa+s seem to lan& on +o;r 9eet.D D3e lan&e& -n a t-6ht 9-x th-s t-me8D @oe answere&. 5;&&enl+8 awa+ ;p -n the &ar!ness o9 the 6or6e8 the+ hear& a harsh8 sava6e screech. 2t was exactl+ l-!e the scream o9 a w-l&cat. @oe an& h-s 9ather leape& to the-r 9eet. D,ran!?s s-6nalFD excla-me& the latter. D2 !new he wo;l&n?t 9a-l ;s.D The+ went o;t o9 the cave. The snor-n6 6;ar& &-& not st-r. >p near the nat-ve camp the+ saw a 9-re8 wh-le &ar! 9-6;res move& bac! an& 9orth a6a-nst the r;&&+ 6lare. DThe coast -s clear8D wh-spere& @oe. N;-c!l+ the+ 9l-tte& thro;6h the 6loom ;nt-l the+ reache& the tra-l. The+ enco;ntere& no one8 an& the s;llen roar o9 the r-ver &rowne& an+ so;n& the+ m-6ht have ma&e. @oe ha& not 9or6otten the-r l-ttle pet8 wh-ch was close at h-s heels. <0) The ar! on the "oor The bo+ an& s 9ather ro;n&e& a ben& -n the tra-l an& le9t the camp beh-n&. A9ter 9-ve m-n;tes o9 br-s! wal!-n6 the+ saw the sha&ow+ o;tl-ne o9 horses ahea& o9 them. The+ hear& a low wh-stle. D3e?re here8 ,ran!FD calle& o;t @oe so9tl+. ,ran! ha& s;ccee&e& -n locat-n6 the pon-es8 wh-ch were sp-r-te& an-mals. The+ were sa&&le& an& br-&le&. %ver+th-n6 was -n rea&-ness. D2?ve been loo!-n6 aro;n&8D sa-& ,ran!. DThere?s a path lea&-n6 &own to the r-ver 9rom th-s place an& the water seems shallow. 2t?s a 9or&8 2?m s;re. 2 th-n! we can 6et across to the other s-&e. Then we ?11 wor! o;r wa+ alon6 the ban! an& tr+ to p-c! ;p 4aE;-?s tra-l.D D"a& has a 9lashl-6ht8D @oe tol& h-m. D=oo& wor!. 3e won?t be able to ;se -t wh-le we ?re -n s-6ht o9 the

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

camp8 b;t -t w-ll be han&+ later on.D The three Har&+s mo;nte& the-r pon-es an& ro&e &own the path to the stream8 where the an-mals pl;n6e& -nto the water w-tho;t hes-tat-on. The r-ver was shallow an& the c;rrent was not sw-9t. The+ ma&e the cross-n6 w-tho;t &-99-c;lt+. As -9 b+ -nst-nct the lea& pon+ 9o;n& the tra-l on the oppos-te ban!. 3hen the Har&+s came -n s-6ht o9 the camp a6a-n the+ procee&e& ca;t-o;sl+ lest the+ be seen b+ someone on the oppos-te shore. ost The Bran&e& Tree <0* o9 the nat-ves were asleep. The others were so b;s+ w-th the-r own concerns8 that b+ the t-me the tr-o reache& the place where the+ ha& last seen %lmer Tremmer the+ were con9-&ent the+ ha& not been observe&. Be9ore them8 v-s-ble -n the moonl-6ht8 a w-n&-n6 tra-l le& ;p the wall o9 the canon. The pon-es 9ollowe& -t w-tho;t hes-tat-on. The s;re9oote& an-mals too! to the narrow path as -9 -t ha& been a h-6hwa+. D2?& th-n! tw-ce be9ore 2 wo;l& tac!le th-s w-tho;t a horse8D m;rm;re& @oe as the+ ma&e the-r wa+ on ;p the steep 9ace o9 the cl-99. D/ne 9alse step8 an& a 9ellow wo;l&n?t stop roll-n6 ;nt-l he h-t the water.D DThese pon-es &on?t ma!e 9alse steps8D ,ran! ass;re& h-m. The+ 9-nall+ reache& the top o9 the canon wall. =lanc-n6 bac!8 the+ co;l& see the wh-te 6leam o9 the r-ver 9ar below -n the moonl-6ht8 an& the re& 6lare o9 the nat-ves? camp9-re -n the &-stance. Be9ore them loome& the &ar! wall o9 a 9orest. D0ow8 -9 4aE;- has !ept h-s prom-se an& blaBe& the tra-l 9or ;s we?ll set o;t a9ter %lmer Tremmer8D &eclare& ,ran!. D2 6;ess -t?s sa9e to ;se the 9lashl-6ht now8 "a&.D ,enton Har&+ snappe& on the l-6ht. The br-ll-ant beam phone on the tan6le o9 trop-cal vesretat-on be9ore them. 2t p-c!e& o;t a patch <0( The ar! on the "oor o9 wh-te on a tree tr;n! where the bar! ha& been slashe& o99 w-th a sharp !n-9e. D=oo& ol& 4aE;-FD excla-me& @oe. D2t?s as pla-n as a Ba+port street s-6n.D The Har&+s ro&e towar& the blaBe& tree. The 9lashl-6ht showe& them a 9resh tra-l lea&-n6 -nto the b;sh. A 9ew +ar&s ahea& the+ saw a secon& blaBe. ,enton Har&+ le& the wa+ w-th the l-6ht8 an& the+ all pl;n6e& -nto the 9orest. Than!s to 4aE;-?s s-6ns the+ were able to 9ollow the b;sh tra-l w-tho;t &-99-c;lt+8 altho;6h the-r pro6ress was slow. The+ ha& the sat-s9act-on o9 !now-n6 that the+ were stea&-l+ leav-n6 Pe&ro A-ncenBo an& h-s men beh-n&8 an& at last were &raw-n6 closer to the 9;6-t-ve w-tness whose tra-l ha& bro;6ht them 9rom 9ar-o99 Ba+port -nto a w-l& re6-on o9 ex-co. The b;sh th-nne& o;t event;all+ an& the+ reache& a clear-n6. 2n the m-&&le o9 th-s open space towere& an enormo;s tree. ?? 1oo!F?? cr-e& @oe exc-te&l+. ?? The mar! o9 thePFD H-s sharp e+es ha& ca;6ht s-6ht o9 a s-6n bran&e& -nto the bar! o9 the tree. r. Har&+ t;rne& the 9lashl-6ht &-rectl+ ;pon -t8 an& the+ saw a6a-n the 9am-l-ar s+mbol o9 the -n-t-al -n the 9a6ot 9-re. DPe&ro A-ncenBo p;ts that s+mbol o9 h-s -n stran6e places8D remar!e& ,enton Har&+8 exThe Bran&e& Tree <0# am-n-n6 -t c;r-o;sl+. D2 won&er wh+ he went to all the tro;ble o9 leav-n6 -t here.D ??2t?s probabl+ there as a s-6n -n case an+ o9 the nat-ves sho;l& 6et lost tr+-n6 to 9-n& the-r wa+ bac! to the canon8D ,ran! vent;re&. DAn+wa+8 we haven?t t-me to bother abo;t -t now. 2 see a 9resh blaBe on

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

the other s-&e o9 the clear-n6.D The+ str;c! a6a-n -nto the 9orest8 leav-n6 the m+ster-o;sl+ bran&e& tree beh-n&. 4aE;- ha& been thoro;6h abo;t h-s wor!8 an& the Har&+s 9ollowe& the tra-l 9rom blaBe to blaBe. 2n abo;t an ho;r?s t-me the+ came to the e&6e o9 the 9orest an& emer6e& onto a h-lls-&e covere& w-th low br;sh. At the 9oot o9 the slope was a roll-n6 mea&ow8 wh-le a m-le awa+ the+ co;l& see a 6l-mmer o9 l-6ht. DPerhaps Tremmer &ec-&e& to camp 9or the n-6ht8D @oe s;66este&. D1et?s hope so8D repl-e& ,ran!. /;t -n the open the+ travele& at a 9aster pace. 5oon the+ reache& the 9oot o9 the slope an& str;c! o;t across the level co;ntr+. As the+ ro&e as 9ast as the+ co;l& -n the &-rect-on o9 the l-6ht8 the+ saw the &-m o;tl-ne o9 a h;t. D2t ma+ be onl+ a her&er?s cab-n8D sa-& ,enton Har&+. D29 -t -s we?ve r;n -nto har& l;c!8D ,ran! remar!e&. DThere aren?t an+ more trees to 9ollow. 3e ma+ lose the tra-l ent-rel+.D <10 The ar! on the "oor 2mpat-entl+ the+ ro&e towar& the t-n+ cab-n. As the+ &rew ;p -n 9ront o9 the &oor a 9-6;re emer6e&. The 9lashl-6ht shone ;pon the 9am-l-ar 9ace o9 4aE;-. ,ran! an& @oe ;ttere& cr-es o9 &el-6ht as the+ 9l;n6 themselves o;t o9 the-r sa&&les. D4aE;-FD cr-e& ,ran!. D3e 9ollowe& +o;r tra-l. 2s Tremmer 9ar ahea&ID The 2n&-an sm-le&. Then he 6est;re& towar& the h;t. DTh-s -s the en& o9 the tra-l8D he tol& them. DThe wh-te man -s -ns-&e.D DTremmer -s hereID E;est-one& ,enton Har&+. CHAPT%$ ''A TH% %0" /, TH% CA5% the Har&+ bo+s 9o;n& %lmer Tremmer8 the 9;6-t-ve boo!!eeper8 l+-n6 on a straw pallet on the 9loor o9 the 6loom+ l-ttle h;t. He was -n a state o9 ;tter collapse. D2 6-ve ;pFD he cr-e& wea!l+8 as the+ entere& the b;-l&-n6. 2n the 6leam o9 the 9lashl-6ht h-s 9ace was pale an& worn. D2?m rea&+ to 6o bac!. 0o matter what -t costs-even -9 2 6o to pr-son-2?ll 6o bac!.D The stra-n o9 that lon6 Go;rne+ thro;6h the b;sh ha& tol& heav-l+ on h-m. He was not a stron6 man8 an& now he was ph+s-call+ exha;ste&. ,enton Har&+ sat &own bes-&e h-m. D4o;?ve been ver+ 9ool-sh8 Tremmer8D he sa-&. D3h+ &-& +o; r;n awa+ID DBeca;se A-ncenBo warne& me. He sa-& the a;thor-t-es wo;l& arrest me 9or m+ part -n the %-o /-l a99a-r. B;t -t wasn?t m+ 9a;lt8 r. Har&+. 2 swear -t. 2 !ept the boo!s8 b;t 2 &-&n?t !now the b;s-ness was croo!e&. 2 see -t now8 o9 co;rse-b;t -t?s too late.D <11 <1< The ar! on the "oor D2t -sn?t too late. "on?t +o; real-Be that A-ncenBo merel+ wante& +o; o;t o9 the wa+ so +o; co;l&n?t 6-ve ev-&ence a6a-nst h-s assoc-atesID D4o;r sons tol& me that. B;t 2 &-&n?t bel-eve them. 2 tho;6ht -t was a tr-c! to 6et me bac! to the 5tates.D D2t wasn?t a tr-c!. 2?m a;thor-Be& to prom-se +o;8 Tremmer8 that no act-on w-ll be ta!en a6a-nst +o; -9 +o; w-ll come bac! to Ba+port an& 6-ve +o;r ev-&ence 9or the 5tate.D D2 can reall+ 6o bac!I An& 2 won?t be p;t -n pr-sonID cr-e& Tremmer ea6erl+. D4o; have m+ prom-se8D sa-& ,enton Har&+ 9-rml+. DThen8D ret;rne& Tremmer8 D2?ll ret;rn w-th +o;. An& bel-eve me8 2?ll be 6la& to see Ba+port a6a-n. ex-co -s a won&er9;l co;ntr+8 b;t -t?s

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

no 9;n be-n6 a pr-soner an& th-n!-n6 +o;?re a 9;6-t-ve 9rom G;st-ce at the same t-me.D ,ran! an& @oe were h-lar-o;s w-th Go+. The-r m-ss-on to ex-co ha& been s;ccess9;l at last. The+ clappe& 4aE;- on the bac! an& ass;re& h-m that he &eserve& most o9 the cre&-t. %ven the &o68 %668 seeme& to real-Be that the occas-on calle& 9or a &emonstrat-on8 an& he went scamper-n6 abo;t the h;t bar!-n6 w-th &el-6ht. D2 m;st tell +o;8D sa-& %lmer Tremmer8 The %n& o9 the Case <13 Dthat A-ncenBo has other plans ;p h-s sleeve. 2 overhear& h-m tal!-n6 to one o9 h-s men +ester&a+. He -s plann-n6 to !-&nap a 6-rl-her name -s "olores-----D D"olores archetaFD cr-e& ,enton Har&+. D4es. That?s the name8D excla-me& Trem-mer. D29 +o; !now the 9am-l+8 the+ m;st he warne&.D DThen there -s no t-me to lose8D &eclare& ,ran!. DThe archetas are 9r-en&s o9 o;rs. Be9ore we leave ex-co we m;st see that Pe&ro A-ncenBo -s p;t beh-n& the hars where he he-lon6s.D The Har&+s an& r. Tremmer set o;t earl+ the next morn-n68 an& w-th the 6;-&ance o9 4aE;- soon 9o;n& the-r wa+ to the ma-n h-6hwa+. The+ came to a lar6e -nn where the+ were ahle to h-re an a;tomob-le that wh-rle& them over the last th-rt+ m-les o9 the-r Go;rne+ -n less than an ho;r?s t-me. 2t was m-&-a9ternoon when the+ reache& the home o9 5enor archeta. ,enton Har&+ an& h-s sons rece-ve& a ro+al welcome. 5enor archeta an& @;an ma&e no secret o9 the sense o9 rel-e9 the+ 9elt -n see-n6 the-r Amer-can 9r-en&s a6a-n. D3e were s;re +o; m;st have been capt;re& b+ ban&-ts when the sol&-ers we sent 9a-le& to 9-n& +o;8D &eclare& @;an. D3e were 6o-n6 to or6an-Be a search part+.D <17 The ar! on the "oor D3e were8D la;6he& ,ran!. DAn& the-search part+ w-ll st-ll be ;se9;l.D The+ tol& the stor+ o9 the-r a&vent;res. 3hen 5enor archeta learne& that A-ncenBo was st-ll plann-n6 v-lla-n+ a6a-nst h-s ho;sehol& he lost no t-me 6ett-n6 -nto act-on. D3e?ll settle that 9ellow w-tho;t an+ more &ela+8D he sa-&. D0ow that we !now where to 9-n& A-ncenBo?s hea&E;arters8 we can or6an-Be a ra-&-n6 part+.D Then8 t;rn-n6 to the &etect-ve an& h-s sons8 5enor archeta sa-&8 D0o &o;bt8 a9ter +o;r tr+-n6 exper-ences8 +o; w-ll pre9er to rest. 29 +o; w-ll perm-t ;s to have the serv-ces o9 +o;r 4aE;- as a 6;-&e-----D D"on?t +o; want ;s to come alon6ID cr-e& @oe. D"o +o; th-n! we?ll let the 2n&-an have all the 9;nI @;st tr+ to !eep ;s o;t o9 th-s exc;rs-on.?? 5enor archeta la;6he&. D + l-ttle Go!e8D he apolo6-Be&. D2 m-6ht have !nown +o; wo;l& -ns-st ;pon be-n6 present at the en&.D Accompan-e& b+ a sE;a& o9 a &oBen sol&-ers8 5enor archeta8 @;an8 4aE;-8 ,enton Har&+ an& h-s sons set o;t earl+ the 9ollow-n6 morn-n6 9or the canon. 5w-9t a;tomob-les bro;6ht them w-th-n a 9ew m-les o9 the-r &est-nat-on. Then the+ mo;nte& pon-es an& ro&e &own a s-&e tra-l towar& the r-ver. 3hen the sol&-ers The %n& o9 the Case <1: came -n s-6ht o9 the nat-ve v-lla6e the+ swoope& ;pon -t8 hop-n6 to capt;re Pe&ro A-n-cenBo b+ s;rpr-se. The w-l+ ro6;e was not to be ca;6ht napp-n68 however. He ha& ev-&entl+ s;specte& the tr;th when he ha& learne& o9 h-s pr-soners? escape.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

=reatl+ to the &-sappo-ntment o9 the ra-&-n6 part+ the v-lla6e was &eserte&. 0ot a nat-ve rema-ne&. Pe&ro A-ncenBo an& h-s 9ollowers ha& ta!en to the-r heels. The sol&-ers sco;te& aro;n& 9or some t-me hop-n6 to p-c! ;p the tra-l8 b;t w-tho;t s;ccess. 5enor archeta was crest9allen. DAs lon6 as that rascal -s at lar6e8D he sa-&8 D2 shall never 9eel that an+ member o9 m+ 9am-l+ -s sa9e.D @oe was loo!-n6 tho;6ht9;ll+ across the r-ver. D,ran!8D he sa-&8 D2 have an -&ea. 1et?s ta!e 4aE;- an& a co;ple o9 the sol&-ers. 2 ma+ be all wron68 b;t 2 th-n! 2 can 9-n& A-ncenBo?s h-&-n6 place.D ,ran! was p;BBle&. D3hat?s the -&eaID he as!e&. DThe mar! on the &oor8D @oe repl-e& m+ster-o;sl+. 4aE;- an& two o9 the sol&-ers rea&-l+ a6ree& to 9ollow h-m. @;an an& h-s 9ather be66e& to be allowe& to come also. @oe le& the part+ across the r-ver an& t-p the path to the top <1) The ar! on the "oor o9 the canon wall8 then thro;6h the b;sh8 9ollow-n6 the tra-l blaBe& b+ the 4aE;- -n the p;rs;-t o9 %lmer Tremmer. At last the+ came to the h;6e tree -n the clear-n6. D2t?s G;st a h;nch8D sa-& @oe8 po-nt-n6 to the 9am-l-ar bran& -n the s;r9ace o9 the tree8 Db;t A-ncenBo ha& a hab-t o9 p;tt-n6 that mar! on &oors.D ,ran! E;-c!l+ se-Be& h-s brother?s -&ea. The Har&+ bo+s &-smo;nte& hast-l+ an& went over to the tree. A9ter a br-e9 exam-nat-on the+ sho;te& w-th tr-;mph8 an& calle& to the sol&-ers. @oe se-Be& a !not -n the ro;6h s;r9ace8 t;66e& at -t-an& the whole s-&e o9 the tr;n! came awa+. There was reveale& a c;nn-n6l+ contr-ve& &oor. The Har&+s cl-mbe& thro;6h the open-n68 an& loo!e& &own an apert;re. The+ saw a 9l-6ht o9 steps lea&-n6 below the 6ro;n&8 an& E;-c!l+ &escen&e&. A moment later those above hear& sho;ts an& cr-es 9or merc+. Then8 at the 9oot o9 the sta-rs8 appeare& @oe an& ,ran! &ra66-n6 a craven 9-6;re. The man was Pe&ro A-ncenBo. The mar! on the &oor ha& reveale& the secret o9 h-s last h-&-n6 place. 5e9-or archeta an& @;an stare& at the pr-soner. D3h+8 -t?s Pe&ro PanchoFD cr-e& @;an. The capt-ve 6lare& at 5enor archeta. The %n& o9 the Case <1* D2 see the 6ame -s ;p8D he sa-& b-tterl+. DB;t -9 -t ha&n?t been 9or those Amer-can bo+s8 2?& have ha& m+ reven6e on +o;8 ar-cheta.D DThan!s to the Har&+s8D repl-e& the ex-can 6entleman w-th &-6n-t+8 Dm+ 9am-l+ w-ll now !now peace an& sec;r-t+. As 9or +o;r 9anc-e& reven6e8 +o; are aware that 2 never harme& +o;. 2t was all -n +o;r ev-l -ma6-nat-on.D He spo!e c;rtl+ to the sol&-ers an& t;rne& awa+. 2n a moment Pe&ro?s arms were bo;n& t-6htl+ beh-n& h-s bac!. He was mo;nte& ;pon a pon+ an& th;s bro;6ht -n6lor-o;sl+ bac! to the camp. 5o the m-ss-on o9 the Har&+ bo+s to ex-co was 9-nall+ crowne& w-th s;ccess. Pe&ro A-n-cenBo8 -n capt-v-t+8 prove& to be a 9r-6htene& cowar&. 3hen he learne& that Tremmer was no lon6er a9ra-& o9 h-m an& that the 9ormer boo!!eeper ha& prom-se& to 6-ve ev-&ence 9or the 5tate8 he tal!e& 9reel+ an& expose& all the croo!e& &eal-n6s o9 h-s assoc-ates -n the $-o /-l Compan+. 2n so &o-n6 he hope& to w-n 9avor8 b;t -t 6a-ne& h-m l-ttle. ,or the ab&;ct-on o9 @;an an& 9or man+ other cr-mes wh-ch were trace& to h-m b+ the ex-can a;thor-t-es he was sentence& to

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

a lon6 term -n pr-son. As 9or %lmer Tremmer8 he ret;rne& to Ba+<1( The ar! on the "oor port w-th r. Har&+ an& the bo+s-to sa+-noth-n6 o9 the &o6 %66-an& went on the w-tJ ness stan& to cl-nch the 5tate?s case a6a-nst the croo!e& promoters. The a;thor-t-es s;ccee&e& -n ro;n&-n6 ;p ever+ member o9 the 9a!e o-l compan+. @oe an& ,ran! rece-ve& h-6h pra-se 9or hav-n6 locate& the box -n the cave8 where A-n-cenBo ha& store& m;ch o9 the loot 9rom the sale o9 the bo6;s stoc!. The sharehol&ers who ha& been v-ct-m-Be& b+ the promoters were re-mb;rse&. ,enton Har&+8 9or h-s wor! -n r;nn-n6 &own the m-ss-n6 w-tness8 was pa-& a han&some 9ee. DB;t 2 &on?t &eserve -t8 as a matter o9 9act8D he tol& the sharehol&ers who ha& emplo+e& h-m. D + sons reall+ sho;l& have the cre&-t.D Altho;6h ,ran! an& @oe -ns-ste& that the+ were DG;st tr+-n6 to help8D ,enton Har&+ share& the 9ee w-th them. He p;t the mone+ to the-r cre&-t -n the ban! where the+ alrea&+ ha& a s;bstant-al s;m on &epos-t -n the 9orm o9 rewar&s pa-& them 9or the-r wor! -n solv-n6 other m+ster-es. D3e &-&n?t &o -t 9or mone+8D sa-& ,ran!. D3e ha& a m-ll-on &ollars? worth o9 a&vent;re o;t o9 -t.D DAn& we bro;6ht bac! a &o6 9or rs. 5m-th8D @oe rem-n&e& h-m. D2 hate to part w-th the l-ttle an-mal. B;t a9ter all8 the lan&la&+ 6ave ;s some m-6ht+ val;able cl;es. 3e 9-rst saw Pe&ro?s mar! on the &oor -n her ho;se.D DB+ the wa+8D remar!e& ,enton Har&+8 D2 th-n! +o; tol& me A-ncenBo ha& &ama6e& +o;r motorboat. "-& +o; have -t repa-re&ID D4es. The boat -s all r-6ht now8D sa-& ,ran!. DHow m;ch &-& -t costID D,o;rteen &ollars an& 9-9t+ cents.D ,enton Har&+ co;nte& o;t the mone+ an& p;t -t on the &es!. D3hen 2 tol& the sharehol&ers the whole stor+8D he sa-&8 Dthe+ part-c;larl+ reE;este& that +o; be pa-& 9or the &ama6e to the boat.D D3e sho;l&n?t ta!e that mone+8D remar!e& ,ran!. D3h+ID as!e& ,enton Har&+. DBeca;se8D ret;rne& ,ran! w-sel+8 D-9 Pe&ro ha&n?t b;mpe& -nto ;s we probabl+ sho;l&n?t have locate& the m-ss-n6 w-tness or solve& the m+ster+ o9 the mar! on the &oor.D

TH% %0" TH% A$. /0 TH% "//$ B+ ,$A0.120 3. "2'/0 0o. 13 -n the HA$"4 B/45 ser-es

ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

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