Leila Hassan Resume

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Leila Hassan

Industry Experience Medical devices, Military, Telecommunications, Education Skills Summary UX Design, Usability Testing, Information Architecture, Office Suite, i ise, Milestone Management ! Agile Develo"ment, #uman $om"uter Interaction, %rototy"ing, %roduct Management, Tas& Analysis, 'uality Assurance, $om"etitive Analysis Experience Design Science Consulting Inc. Research Associate March ()*+ , -anuary ()*. At Design Science I conducted usability tests, ran data analysis and inter"reted information into a re"ort for a variety of medical devices/ I had direct communication 0ith clients to discuss their "roduct design needs and re1uirements/ In addition to that I 0as also "artially involved 0ith Ethnogra"hy "ro2ects and heuristic evaluations/ Emerson Network Power A!ocent "uman Centered Designer #"CD$ A"ril ()** , May ()*( At Avocent I 0or&ed 0ith "roduct management, mar&eting, technical "ublications, engineering and sub2ect matter e3"erts in order to design and develo" Trellis4, a data center management solution/ More s"ecifically, I 0as in charge of creating and enforcing the Style 5uide for these de"artments in order for everyone to have consistency 0ithin the "roduct and one consolidated "lace to get design guidance/ The style guide 0as uni1ue in that it 0as able to s"ea& the 6language7 of each de"artment 8e/g/ 9randing information for Mar&eting, $SS for the engineers, etc/:/ SA %echnologies Inc. Research Associate Intern ;ovember ()*) , March ()** I had a < month internshi" at SA Technologies 0here I 0or&ed for Mica Endsley on designing soft0are for navigational devices in the military/ There 0as fre1uent collaboration 0ith soft0are and hard0are engineers on my teams= "rototy"es and story boards, created 0ith %o0er%oint and >lash/ &edtronic ' &ini&ed "uman (actors Consultant >ebruary ())? @ December ())? At Medtronic I su""orted the design of several medical "roducts such as blood glucose meters and insulin "um"s and ensured im"lementation of re1uirements and 1uality assurance/ I facilitated usability tests, "rototy"ed in %o0er"oint, Aisio and dabbled in action scri"t/ Distance )earning at Cali*ornia State +ni!ersity, Northridge #CS+N$ Course Design-%ech Support >ebruary ())B @ >ebruary ())? Distance Cearning 0as 0here I 0as first able to try my hand at #uman >actors 0hen it came to designing online courses for graduate students at $SU;/ I "rovided feedbac& on "roduct im"rovement, and additionally cleaned u" audio lectures, ans0ered tech su""ort callsDemails and "rovided 1uality assurance/ .endy /ulkin 0 Associates "omework Coach-%utoring /aplan %est Prep and Admissions /aplan Student Ad!isor Education Cali*ornia State +ni!ersity, Northridge &.A., $andidate in #uman >actors , $ourse0or& $om"leted +ni!ersity o* Cali*ornia, Ri!erside 1.A., %sychology 0ith Minor in %hiloso"hy A"ril ())E @ -uly ()*) May ())+ @ ;ovember ())F

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