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Bibliography Primary Sources: ABC. "Mike Wallace Interview with Margaret Sanger." C-SPAN Video Library. C-SPAN, 21 Sept.

1957. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. <>.This website contains a video of the Mike Wallace interview with Margaret Sanger on September 21, 1957. In this video is gave us information on Sanger's view on the Catholic Church, religion, divorce and morality. This video gave us a visual on how the society viewed Margaret Sanger and a more personal point of view of why she is a crusader for birth control. This video allowed us to see how composed Sanger is and the credibility that she holds. This video also gave us some information of the campaigning of Sanger in several countries, and her insights of using birth control as a population stabilizer. Feldt, Gloria. "Margaret Sangers Obscenity - New York Times." The New York Times Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. The New York Times Company, 15 Oct. 2006. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. <>. Gloria Feldt, is the author of The War on Choice: The Right-Wing Attack on Womens Rights and How to Fight Back, she is also the former president of Planned Parenthood. In this article Feldt informs to the reader that in the past the environment of the idea of how abortion caused many self-inflicted harms to young mothers and how the child mortality rate was only 40%, this gave us on the insight on how it was to have no birth control and the fear of dying when delivering a baby. This allowed us to understand the reason Sanger became a women's activist in birth control due to her personal experiences with many of the abortion victims. "Margaret Sanger Is Dead at 82; Led Campaign for Birth Control." The New York Times Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. The New York Times , n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. <>. This article is of the obituary of Margret Sanger, written by The New York Times newspaper. The specific author however is not mentioned. This article gave the details of the death of Sanger and provided a summary of her life and the contribution and struggles that she had made. This article gave me a clearer understanding on why Sanger wanted to create birth control. After she became a maternity nurse and worked for several years nursing back mothers who tried self-inflicted abortions. This kind of pain that she experience all these years really motivated her to create birth control. Margaret Sanger Speaking at a Conference. N.d. Photograph. Corbis. Corbis. Corbis. Web. <>.This is a photo of Margaret Sanger speaking at a conference in Japan during one of her speeches in which she advocated birth control for women during the women's movement there.

Pictures of The Birth Control Review. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2014.These various images allowed us to see how Sanger's The Birth Control Review looked like and the

content of it. It allowed us to see hands on, the content and image of it. This also helps add an image to our website to explain The Birth Control Review. Police Arrest Margaret Sanger 1917 Brooklyn, New York. 1917. Photograph. The Week, Brooklyn, New York. The Week. Web. <>.This picture shows Margaret Sanger's arrest by Brooklyn police in 1917 for violating the Constock laws by way of opening the first birth control clinic in America. "Primary Sources: Correspondence between Sanger and McCormick." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2013. <>. On this website it has copies of the text that Margaret Saner and Katharine McCormick exchanged. These letters are essential since these two women were one of the important feminist activists. These letters allow us their personal thoughts and development of birth control throughout a period of their lives. "Primary Sources: The First Clinic." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2013. <>. This is a picture of the advertisement that Sager first used in order to let other women know about her clinic. This picture is the advertisement of the first birth control clinic every established. This is one of the early actions of women to stand up for themselves and to express that they do have the rights to their own bodies. It shows us a printed representation and how Sanger campaigned to the women that they are allowed to decide what they can do with their bodies and they do have the choice of whether they want to bear children or not. Sanger, Margaret. "Samples from The Margaret Sanger Papers Project." Electronic. The Board of Trustees of the University of South Carolina, 2000. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. <>.This website contains the samples from The Margaret Sanger Papers Project that consists of the actual scanned image of the monthly newsletter that contains information and the promotion of using contraceptives. Margaret Sanger the author of these articles is the first woman to campaign the rights of a woman to bear children. These articles allowed us to read the works of Sanger hands on, and interpret the ideas that she was trying to convey to readers. It allowed us to understand the articles in our own point of view instead of others and it made us realize the passion that Sanger had. Steinem, Gloria. "Margaret Sanger - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - N.p., 13 April. 1998. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. <,9171,988152,00.html>. Gloria Steinem is a writer for "TIME" magazine who specializes in topics involved with women, especially women's history. The article gave an insight into Margaret Sanger's life while she was fighting for the right of women to easily obtain contraceptive tools. It also helped us understand in a deeper way why Sanger was so motivated to work toward her goal. Watson, Rick. Image of Margaret Sanger's grave. Digital image. Margaret Sanger. Find a Grave, n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2014. <>. This website provided a digital image of Margaret Sangers grave which really allows us to convey the impact that she has made on our legacy page about her.

YouTube. "Margaret Sanger Interview [part three]. Online video clip. YouTube, 6 November 20111. Web. 4 January 2014. This clip of the Mike Wallace interview with Margaret Sanger gave us an important clip that revealed from Sangers words herself the reason that she is fighting for the distribution and acceptance of birth control in their society. It varied from her experience and memories with her mother, as a nurse, and even her own child. Secondary Sources: "Abortion Pro life Planned Parenthood at Life Dynamics." <i>Abortion Pro life Planned Parenthood at Life Dynamics</i>. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2014. This website had a collection of Sanger's various number of books. Which allowed us to sample each of them to understand their purpose, the copies of the books also allowed us to get images of it to present each book in our website. Dew, Diane S. . "Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, In Her Own Words." A Love I Could Not Deny, by Diane Dew . N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. <>. The author of this source, Diane Dew, is an author of several books, and she has done very much research about Sanger and her life outside of her contributions to birth control. We learned from this source a lot about her Sanger's motivations for making birth control easily accessible to women. This helped us understand more about her life, who she was personally, and the significance of Planned Parenthood. Goodreads. "The Pivot of Civilization." Goodreads. Goodreads Inc, 2014. Web. 04 Jan. 2014. <>.This website gives us an overall and a summary of The Pivot of Civilization so that we could get a clearer understand on why Sanger created/published this piece of work. It also gave us the thesis of it and how this book was created for the purpose of persuade medical institution to distribute birth control. Grant, George. "Margaret Sanger - Discover the Networks." Discover the Networks. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. <>. The author of this article is George Grant who has wrote a few books on Margaret Sanger and her contribution to the establishment of Planned Parenthood. This website is known for the good information for giving information of important individuals in our past and current history. The information that I got from this website is a timeline of how Sanger became who she is. It gave us a background on her marriage and how it has affected her to become a women activist in birth control. It gave information on her campaigning of birth control to different groups such as the KKK and some Nazi advocates. It presented the groups that were established by her and how they merged together to form the Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA). This website article helps the reader understand the progress and transitions of Sanger into what she became and how it has affected many women in history. This website helped me under more clearer the reasons for her actions and how she took one little step after another in order to create the Planned Parenthood concept.

Green, Tanya L.. "The Negro Project and Margaret Sanger." Citizen Review Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. <>. Tanya Green, the author of this article, is also the author of several books and has contributed a lot of information to society about the aspects of Margaret Sanger's life that did not involve birth control. This article allowed us to see what other project Sanger worked on apart from contraceptive issues. Jung, Sungha. "(Passenger) Let Her Go - Sungha Jung." Online video clip. YouTube, 11 December 2013. Web. 4 January 2014. This video clip was used in order to put music in the intro. The tune of this song played acoustically by Sungha Jung, originally created by Passenger gives a tone of longing and determination which describes Sanger perfectly. So we used this in order to create a mood on how Sanger felt like through her journey. Katz, Esther . "Margaret Sanger Papers Project." Margaret Sanger Papers Project. New York University , n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2014. <>. This website allowed us to get photographs of Margaret Sanger and her journey on the avocation of birth control in various places such as America and India. This website also gave us information of Peggy, Sanger's daughter and information on some of her literature. Allowing us a better understanding of what Sanger did in order to legalize birth control. "Margaret Sanger (American social reformer) -- Encyclopedia Britannica." Encyclopedia Britannica. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. <>. This article gave us information about Sanger's family life, as well as her relationships with people in her life. It informed us about her shift into feminism, and why she took part in the birth control movement. "Margaret Sanger's Campaign ." Third Sight History . Third Sight History , 13 Apr. 2013. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. <>. This article created by discusses the campaigns that Sanger did besides in the US. The author itself is unknown besides his email, but the writer allows the reader to understand that Sanger also campaign in Japan with the help of Shiduze Kato. It allowed us to understand that Sanger's campaign isn't just in America but it is international along with the countries of Italy and Japan. "Margaret Sanger biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2013. <>. The author of this page itself if unknown. However this page tells us a more detailed account of Margaret Sanger's life of women life activists and as a feminist. It tells us of her early life, the start of her campaign and her legacy as the women who coined the term "birth control." It let us understand the story of Sanger through multiple narrators and how her life has progressed from her job as a nurse to a womens advocate of birth control, and it informed us that she was the one who ignited the search for the creation of the birth control pill. Margaret Sanger Project. ""The Woman Rebel" and The Fight for Birth Control." The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger: Web Edition. The Margaret Sanger Project, 2003. Web. 04

Jan. 2014. < 06320.xml>.This website informed us on how many of Sanger's The Woman Rebel was created and published in the newspaper. It also informed us on the content of these papers and the significance of it. "Margaret Sanger Quotes, History, and Biography." Research Statistics and History on Abortion Human Rights RSS. Live Action, 2012. Web. 04 Jan. 2014. <>.This website allowed us to understand tidbits of each of Sanger's pieces of literature. It also provided us important quotes that allowed us to understand her personality and where she stood in society. It allowed us to understand the significance of each of her pieces and also in chronological order. It also clears up some of the misconceptions of some her writings and it really allows us to understand her development of her avocation of birth control. "Open Collections Program: Women Working, Margaret Sanger (18791966)." Harvard University Library: Open Collections Program: Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. <>. The author of the article itself is unknown. This article allowed us to obtain information about Margaret Sanger's travels all over the world in which she preached to young women about contraception. It helped us to understand better how passionate she was about her cause. "People & Events: Margaret Sanger (1879-1966)." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2013. <>. This biography of Margaret Sanger allowed us to see understand the reasons for her passion of distributing and helping women with birth control. This biography also allows us to see an overview of the progress that she had to make in order to create the pill. It also allowed us to understand what happened as a result of all of her effort. "The Case for Birth Control." - Margaret Sanger. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2014. <>. This website allowed us to understand Margaret Sanger's book The Birth Control Case. It allowed us to understand the purpose and content of it. It also explained the reasons why birth control should be distributed to certain individuals and how she wants to stop the spread of diseases that are very prevalent to her time and society. "The Mother of Planned Parenthood." The Radiance Foundation, n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2013. <>. Too Many Aborted is a website that preaches against abortion, and uses Margaret Sanger's words to defend many of their arguments. From this source we obtained information about Sanger's thoughts. This helped us understand better why she wanted birth control accessible and her motivations for initiating the birth control movement. This article gives us some insight about Margaret Sanger's life and what she had to do in order to achieve her goals. Also this article includes some quotes about what should be done in terms of birth control in their society. It also gives us some more information on the establishment of her first clinic.

Wardell, D. "Margaret Sanger: birth control's successful revolutionary." NCBI., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2013. <>. These are articles from American Journal of Public Health and it showed the impact that Sanger has made with her invention of the birth control pill. These articles give us the insight on the motivation and other reasons why making birth control pills were so important and how it will affect their lives and society. It also allows us to understand the consequences of her actions and the pros of it too. Weatherford, Doris. "Education & Resources - National Women's History Museum - NWHM." National Women's History Museum - NWHM. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. <>. This article explains many things about Margaret Sanger and her life before she started the birth control movement. The author, Doris Weatherford, wrote a book entitled "An American Women's History: an A to Z of People, Organizations, Issues, and Events", in which she explains Margaret Sanger's life in great detail. This source allowed us to see and understand the events in her life that led to her passion for making birth control available to all women who wished to obtain it. "Who Was Margaret Sanger." The Catholic Resource Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. <>. This article explains how Margaret Sanger attempted to persuade women to obtain birth control for their own health, and that she argued that easily available birth control for women would prevent abortion. This angered the Catholic Church deeply, because she was preaching contraception, which is not at all supported by the Catholicism. This source helped us understand a different point of view on what Margaret Sanger was doing. "WOMAN AND THE NEW RACE." Woman and the New Race Index. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2014. <>. This website gave us a picture of Sanger and her two sons. This site has also given us a better understanding of Sanger's book, Woman and the New Race, giving us the overall idea and purpose of this piece of literature.

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