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Medley Hall is a non-profit making body. It is the continuing policy of Medley Hall to keep the fees as low as possible. In setting its fees, Medley Hall seeks to cover the costs of administration and management of the Hall, provision of meals and educational services, and the general upkeep of facilities. There has been no increase in the fees for 2 !2.

Residential Fees "ull #ear $esidential "ee %including &'T( FEES ARE #AYA$LE AS F%LL%&S' 1( De)*sit + *n a,,e)tan,e *- an %--er %This is a non-refundable deposit of
)!* which will be offset against 'emester 2 fees, plus a bond of )* which will be refunded on the condition that no fees remain outstanding or no damage to property or room at Medley Hall at the end of the year(

New Students

Returnin Students

New Students Returnin Students


2( Se.ester 1 T%TAL AM%UNT #AYA$LE +ote, -ayable within !. days of commencement of 'emester ! 0( Se.ester 2 $esidential "ee /ess non-refundable deposit T%TAL AM%UNT #AYA$LE +ote, payable within !. days of commencement of 'emester 2
Additi*nal -ees will 2e ,3ar ed at a))li,a2le rates -*r da4s in residen,e t3at e5tend 2e4*nd t3e Residen,4 Dates detailed 2el*w(


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Residen,4 Dates -*r 2012 6 T3e -ees ,*7er t3e -*ll*win Se.ester )eri*ds'

Se.ester 1 'aturday !0th "ebruary Se.ester 2 'aturday 2!st 1uly to 'aturday +ovember %departure by !
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'aturday 22nd 1une %departure by !


Please note there will be no meals during the mid semester break, only accommodation. Mid semester dates as follows: 1st Semester - Friday 6th !ril to Saturday 1"th !ril # meals begin on Sunday 1$th !ril %&1% %nd Semester # Saturday 1$th Se!tember to Friday %'th Se!tember # meals begin on Saturday %( th Se!tember %&1%


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