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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 to Fri, 23 Apr 2010 maze backpackers, sydney - 1* Shared Facilities Room nly !

onditions A"A#$A%$& '(R ))2*00 y hyde park, sydney + 3* ,otal -rice '(R .2.*00 /or Wed, 21 Apr 2010, 2 ni0hts 1ith a 2o3ble room* Shared Facilities4share bath5 continental %reak/ast A"A#$A%$& '(R .2.*00 aspire, sydney 6 3* Aspire 7otel 8ltimo Sydney393-39: %3l1ara Road ; Sydney 200< Standard hot b3//et %reak/ast !onditions A"A#$A%$& '(R 9.0*00 0reat so3thern, sydney -)* ,he =reat So3thern 7otel<1< =eor0e St ; Sydney 2000 Standard hot b3//et %reak/ast !onditions A"A#$A%$& '(R :<2*00 metro sydney central, sydney - 3* 'etro 7otel Sydney !entral)31-)3: -itt Street ; Sydney 2000
Number of Reviewers Who... Recommend Do not Recommend Neutral 51 6 25

!heck-in time 1)00hrs !heck-o3t time 1100hrs Std room+A82 11:*00 > 2 ni0hts > 1 room4s5+ A82 239*00 +R'<1) 41?o break/ast5 ,otal -rice '(R :30*00 /or Wed, 21 Apr 2010, 2 ni0hts 1ith a 2o3ble room* Standard - hot b3//et %reak/ast !onditions A"A#$A%$& '(R :30*00 S3perior - hot b3//et %reak/ast !onditions A"A#$A%$& '(R 1,0:9*00

From 21 Apr 2010 to 23 Apr 2010 - A82 11:*00 > 2 ni0hts > 1 room4s5 A82 239*00 ,otal A82 239*00

!on@ert 4A825 A3stralian 2ollar

From 21 Apr 2010 ,o 23 Apr 2010 Rate #ncl3si@e / ,a> and Ser@ice !har0es* ,erms and !onditions -ayment -olicy !redit card details are reA3ired at the time o/ bookin0 to sec3re reser@ation* =3ests 1ill only pay 3pon checkin0 o3t* !ancel and Amend -olicy !ancellation m3st be recei@ed by 2pm, < days prior to arri@al local time to a@oid the cancellation char0es o/ 1 room ni0ht* #n any e@ent o/ no sho1, ,he credit card 1ill be debited the rate o/ 1 room ni0ht*

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