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1. Matter is defined as _________________. Anything that occupies space and has mass. 2. Energy is defined as _________________.

. The ability to do work. 3. Mass is constant. True or False. True 4. Describe how weight is different from mass. Weight is the force exerted by a physical object under the influence of gravity while mass is the quantity of matter within a physical object and its constant within the universe. 5. List and define the seven forms of energy. Potential Energy: The capacity to do work because of the position of an object. Kinetic Energy: The energy in motion. Chemical Energy: The energy released in a chemical reaction. Electrical Energy: The work done when an electron moves through a wire. Thermal Energy: The energy of motion at the molecular level Nuclear Energy: The energy contained in the nucleus of atom. Electromagnetic Energy: The most important form of energy in radiography because it is the type of energy in the x-ray beam and used in magnetic resonance imaging. 6. Name two examples of electromagnetic radiation. Ultraviolet rays from the sun Radio waves from a radio tower 7. In the interaction with matter, how are x-rays different from other electromagnetic radiation? 8. Describe the process that results in the formation of a negative ion and a positive ion. 9. Name the largest component of terrestrial radiation. 10. Define rad and name its equivalent term in international units. 11. What percentage of average radiation exposure to a human is due to medical x-rays? 12. What glass tube was the forerunner of the modern fluorescent light? 13. List the three reasons why the discovery of x-rays was one of the amazing events in human history. 14. Why is radiography now considered a radiation-safe occupation? 15. In the early years of the medical use of x-rays, radiation injuries were common. What were the three most common injuries? 16. The acronym ALARA stands for what phrase?

17. Basic radiation protection for the radiographer is summarized in a list of three rules. Name the three rules. 18. Name the six primary devices for minimizing radiation exposure to the patient and the operator. 19. Briefly describe the development of x-ray film. 20. What is the significance of the Snook transformer and the Coolidge tube in the development of the medical use of x-rays?

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