Coal Gasification

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Coal Gasification Technology and Syngas Production

Ruben Reyes ChE379

Gasification technology
Different types of gasifiers Products from gasification

Syngas production, Gasifiers used for IGCC power plants Conclusion

Coal Gasification Technologies

Basic Overview of gasification
Coal or other fuels Oxidation carefully controlled H2, CO2, CH4, other products H2 can be purified Ash/slag leftovers

3 types of gasifiers
Moving bed Fluid Bed Entrained Flow

Underground Coal Gasification

Vertical wells and pathway creation Controlled retraction injection point

Above ground gasification

Moving bed reactor (Lurgi dry ash and BGL slagging)
Counter-current flow of coal and oxidizing blast Blast composed of air and hot syngas, so low oxygen consumption Operates on reactive carbon sources Good heat transfer heats the carbon source creating methane and tar Post production cleaning and scrubbing requires greater energy use
Figure 1: BGL Gasifier

BGL gasifier (fixed bed, slagging)

Above Ground Gasification

Fluid-bed reactor (Winkler, HTW, CFB dry ash; KRW, UGas Agglomerating)
Air fluidizes a bed and carbon containing particles added Proper mixing of fuel and oxidant provide good mass transfer and heat transfer Fine particle will escape with syngas and needs to be cleaned Very good heat/mass transfer so partially reacted carbon may settle with ash Slagging will reduce fluidization, so temp remains below softening point for ash Winkler Gasifier (Fluid bed, dry ash)

Figure 2: Winkler Gasifier

Above Ground Gasification

Entrained flow reactors (Shell, Texaco, E-gas, Noell, KT Slagging)
Carbon source is made of very fine particles in a liquid or slurry for very good mass transfer Very little residence time Co-current flow with oxygen where high temperatures can be reached Low heat transfer means hot exiting gas with no methane or tar, but more oxygen required. High temperature and very small carbon sources make it an ideal process for coal gasification.
High temperatures without charring No agglomeration because of fine particle size preparation

Texaco Gasifier (entrained flow, slagging)

Figure 1: Texaco Gasifier

Underground Coal Gasification

Vertical wells, soviet technology
H2 and O2 are injected and ignited to create syngas, CO2 and methane Coal deposits do not allow for transport of the gases from the injection well to recovery well very easily Closely spaced wells and reverse combustion methods are employed to create a cavity between wells This process works, but requires many wells to be constructed

Figure 5: Current UGC

Underground Coal Gasification

Controlled retraction injection point from oil technology (CRIP)
The oil industrys horizontal drilling for production and injection wells to deliver and absorb syngas continuously Only one injection well, the ignition continues through the inseam as the injection wells are retreated. The product is collected in a product well Concerns about ground water inhibit the use of UCG.

Figure 6: CRIP UGC

Syngas production and energy industry

CO2 removal
Used for oil reclamation Can be injected back in ground

Combined cycle
Combustion turbine Heat used for generating steam

Fuel cell uses

There are many ways that carbon containing compounds may be gasified Coal gasification occurs best in entrained flow reactors such as the Texaco gasifier
The coal will not heat up as much and will not create methane and tar. The requirement for fine particles into the gasifier prevents agglomeration

Underground coal gasification technology is present and used today but with certain challenges
Water contamination Impact on environment and land

Potential benefits are many

Syngas used in combined cycle energy production Hydrogen fuel cell use for energy production and transportation purposes Methane and hydrogen have applications in the chemical industry where they can be used. Not mentioned, gasification is first step in coal liquefaction process. Coal gasification could reduce dependence on foreign oil CO2 sequestration

Gasification reference shelf - images and photos. (n.d.). National Energy Technology Laboratory. Retrieved November 20, 2007, from l Gasification Technology and R&D. (n.d.). U.S. Department of energy. Retrieved November 20, 2007, from l Higman, C., & Van Der Burgt, M. (n.d.). Gasification. Elsevier. Retrieved November 20, 2007, from Google Book Search database: books?id=ZUlRaUrX8IU C&printsec=frontcover&dq=gasification&sig=Sxb9s5qmKK03xe9INbsiuoJw wX8#PPP1,M1 Underground Coal Gasification. (n.d.). World Coal Institute. Retrieved November 20, 2007, from World Coal Institute Web site:

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