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INFECTIOUS DISEASES 1. Bacterial Meningitis 1.

Essential HTN

2. Enteric Fever

3. Osteomyelitis

4. Urinary Tract Infection

CVS DISEASES A : ACEI (___pril) or ARBS (___tan) B : Beta Blocker C : Calcium Channel Blocker D : Diuretics Complicated (HTN + End-Organ Damage (heart/kidney/brain)) - A or B Simple HTN (without end organ damage) + with co-morbidities (IHD, DM) - in DM : A or C - in IHD : B or C Simple HTN + without end-organ damage + without co-morbidities - if <55 y/o : A or B - if > 55 y/o : C or D 1. Central anti-hypertensive (safest) - methyl dopa 2. Prevent eclampsia - NSAID (aspirin) 1. mortality - B-Blocker (treat HF + symptoms like edema) - ACEI (treat HF & AF prevent remodelling) - +ve Inotrophic (digoxin) (in chronic HF) 1. Fibrinolytics - tPA : tissue plaminogen activator (alteplase, retaplase, tenecteplase) - streptokinase - urokinase 2. Anti-platelet - aspirin - clopidogrel 3. Anti-anginal - nitrates (glyceryl nitrates/isosorbide dinitrate/isosorbide mononitrate) - CCB (verapamil) - selective BB 4. ACE inhibitors/ ARBs

5. Cellulitis

6. Infective Endocarditis (MSSA)

7. SBP - Klebsiella Pneumoniae -

8. Gonorrhea - Strep. Gonorrhea (gram+ve)

1. Eradicate Strep. Pyogenes (not resistant) - penicillin ( flucloxacillin, nafcillin) 2. Treat pain, inflammation & fever - NSAID (ibuprofen, fenoprofen) - NSNAID 1. Eradicate MSSA - Antistaph penicillin (flucloxacillin, dicloxacillin, oxacillin, nafcillin) st - 1 gen cephalosporin - Macrolide - Daptomycin 2. Fever - NSAID - NSNAID 1. Eradicate Klebsiella - Carbapenems (Ertapenem, Imipenem, Doripenem) - Monobactams - Aminoglcosides nd - 2 gen Fluoroquinolones (cipro/ofloxacin) 1. Anti-bacterial rd - 3 gen cephalosporin ( cefixime, cefotaxime, ceftrioxone) - macrolides (azithromycin) nd - 2 gen fluoroquinolones - spectinomycin 2. Anti-chlamydia - macrolides - tetracycline (doxicycline) - fluoroquinolones 3. Pain and fever reliever - NSAIDS( ibuprofen, naproxane, aspirin) - NSNAID (paracetamol)

2. Emergency HTN 3. HTN in pregnancy

4. HF


7. 8. 1. PUD GIT DISORDER 1. gastric acidity - PPI (omeprazole, lanzoprazole,rabeprazole) - H2 blocker (ramitidine, cimetidine) 2. mucosal defence - Bismuth

2. Travellers Diarrhea - 80% bacterial ( E.Coli, campylobacter, yersinia, shigella, salmonella) - 20% viral/protozoal (giardia, entamoeba)

3. PHTN & Cirrhosis

4. Liver Failure (Chronic Hep C)

1. CAP - Strep. Pneumoniae

2. Nosocomial Pneumonia - Gram ve , Pseudomonas 3. Bronchial Asthma

4. TB

- Sucralfate - PG analogue (only in PU dt NSAID) 3. Eradicate H. Pylori [regiment] - OCA = omeprazole + clarithromycin + amoxicillin - OCM = omeprazole + clarithromycin + metronidazole (pen-allergy) 1. Eradicate bacteria (gram ve) - Broad spectrum penicillin (amoxicillin, ampicillin) rd - 3 gen cephalosporin - Macrolides nd - 2 gen fluoroquinolones 2. Relieve symptoms - antimotility *contraindicated in bacterial infection! (diphenoxylate, loperamide) - adsorbants (kaolin, pectin, bismuth) 3. ORS *if there is sign of dehydration st 1. Treat variceal bleeding *1 step is surgical! - somatostatin analogues (lanreotide, octreotide, pasireotide, somatostatin) - vasopressin 2. Prevent recurrence by PHTN - non selective BB( COP) (propranolol, nadolol) - nitrates (SVR) 1. Cure (Eliminate Hep C virus) - Pegylated Interferon + Ribavirin + Telapivir 2. Antipyretic, analgesics, antihistamine RESPIRATORY DISORDER 1. Eradicate - Macrolides (azithromycin, erythromycin, clarithromycin) - Fluoroquinolones - Penicillin 1. Eradicate organism (gram ve resistant / pseudomonas) - Anti pseudomonal penicillin 1. Relieves bronchospasm reliever medication -Inhaled SABA (salbutamol, terbutaline) - Inhaled anti-cholinergic 2. Prevent recurrence (inflammatory) controller medication - Inhaled CS (budesonide, beclomethasone, fluticasone) - LTRA - LABA - Sustained release theophylline st 1. Eradicate Mycobacterium TB (1 line drug) - 4 drugs = INH (Isoniazide ) + Rifampicin + Pyrazinamide +Ethambutol - 2 drugs = INH + Rifampicin

2. Contact prophylaxis - INH - Rifampicin 1.

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