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MetDemo Copyright 104 (610) USER'S ************************************************** 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) Note: Woodside

896-0996 Because GUIDE Terms New What Installing Metronome Proportions Chord Figured Instant Pedal Rhythm Courtesy Boxed Stacked Addenda Order music 1994-1998 to is Rd. and symbols markings rehearsal form font this this examples [phone it bass staff numbers and dynamics/mixing <> Disclaimers markings and MetDemo for is version Character bypaper Suite and being who Metronome/MetTimes the DVM letters for A-202 fax] cares Macintosh Publications. instrumentation uploaded Chart <> and <> dynamics Haverford, numbers andMac in Windows-based All and package and rights PAPC19041 text versions, reserved. PC's we are keeping the format of this User's Guide v-e-r-y simple. Our hope is that this plain vanilla text file can be read by anyone. We suggest that you change the entire document to a comfortable text font in your word processor and go through it, changing th e examples (where it says SELECT THE NEXT LINE. . .) to MetDemo before you print >> ************************************************** MetDemo out Terms theis Guide. and a fully Disclaimers: functional demonstration font with some 25% of the characters from the music fonts Metronome and MetTimes (both copyright 1989-1998 by DVM Pu blications). MetDemo may be freely downloaded from online services and given to anyone interested in it without charge. MetDemo may not be sold for profit by an yone, and DVM Publications retains all rights to the font. We do ask that this U ser's Guide be included without alterations with the font. Although there is no reason to think that MetDemo should not work on any Macintosh, or on any PC runn ing Windows 3.1 or higher, DVM Publications is not responsible for any problems users might experience (hardware, software, or psychological) by using the progr >> New v. ************************************************** am. MetDemo to 2.0 thishas version several improved characters and two new characters added. The improved characters are the staff line/half-staff line/barline/final barline ch aracters. In addition, weve replaced the vanilla Times numbers with a group of prop ortionally-spaced old-style numbers. Weve replaced the whole note with a half note to make the font more useful for creating metronome markings. The new characters are the stacked 1-2, which replaces the lower case "q," and the treble clef on the What >> MetDemo shift-; is isaMetDemo key. truetype and subset who cares of the commercial music fonts Metronome v. 3.5 and MetTimes v. 2.6. Unlike the "standard" music fonts, Adobe's Sonata and Coda's P etrucci (among others), MetDemo and its commercial brethren are designed to work like text fonts; doing many of the useful little chores that musicians need to do but cannot MetDemo works in do all easily music in notation most music programs, notationall programs. word processors, all page layo ut programs, all graphic programs--in short, it works anywhere a normal font wil l work. With Since MetDemo MetDemo >> you only Metronome Proportions Chord Figured Instant Pedal Rhythm Text Boxed Stacked can has and type: symbols markings rehearsal examples 25% bass staff numbers dynamics markings ofsymbols paper the incharacters letters for without ainstrumental word and processor changing numbers of Metronome names fonts and MetTimes, it doesn 't do any of these things as well as its big brothers. It should, however, prove useful for some things, and obviously we hope that you will like it so much tha t you'll spring for the commercial versions to get the extra capabilities they o >> allInstalling ************************************************** ffer. MetDemo With installs applications like MetDemo any other closed, Mac font System on a7Mac users or should PC: drag the file "MetDemo.T type" onto the System folder on the hard drive. When the Mac asks if you want th e files put in the Fonts folder (Sys. 7.1-5) or "Special Places" (Sys. 7.0x), ju st say Mac System "yes." 6.x users should open the Font/DA mover and copy the MetDemo.Ttype fi les into the system--make sure you have Apple's "Truetype" init loaded (required PC-Windows Note: for System MetDemo Open Click Use Select (v. the 6the on users). METDEMO_.TTF 3.1 includes Drives Windows Fonts the orAdd later panel and 94 control button Directories characters, (in required) the panel "List users lists located ofshould toon Fonts" locate the do window) the standard METDEMO_.TTF following: andand click shifted OK. keybo ards. Metronome and MetTimes each have twice that number of characters and use a ll of the slots on the option and shift-option keyboards (Mac version) or Alt-0 characters USING ************************************************** >> The font, METDEMO Metronome Metronome, (Windows Markings version). got its name originally because, back in the days when MOTU 's Professional Composer was the only game in town for music notation, there was literally no way to put Metronome markings in scores. And strangely enough, the method we came up with is _still_ the easiest way to enter metronome markings i n any any Using music tool notation that supports program.text It could entryhardly (staffbe and easier: score expression or Header to ols in Coda's Finale--similar tools in other programs), and with MetDemo selecte d as thealso <Shift-q> MetDemo current <=>includes <any font number (weeighth an usually combination> note useon 14the pt.shift-e size), character. type: [Metronome includ es all notes (SELECT THE NEXT fromLINE 1/64th andto change breve, the plus font four to 14 different pt. MetDemo number tosets.] see how the metro nome markings (Q=120) >> ************************************************** Occasionally, Proportions appear) when going (W=``c.60) from section to section very in a slowly piece-ofEmusic = 48 you will wa nt to tell the performer that the eighth note of the new section is equal to the quarter in the old section. Again, using any tool that supports text entry all you need doincludes [Metronome is type a the full symbols set of in. tuplets, including triplets, for creating swin g markings like "two eighths = triplet quarter eighth." It also has partial brac kets forChord >> ************************************************** MetDemo includes creating Symbols both metric baseline modulations.] and superscripted accidentals which you can mix w ith text. This demo version includes all of the lower case letters except z, x a nd v (which are replaced by the capital A and B, and the stacked 1-2). [MetTimes includes a full upper and lower case character set, plus all accidentals from t he double-flat to the double-sharp in baseline and superscript versions. MetTime s is a full family which includes the entire character set in Plain, Italic, Bol d and The accidentals Bold-Italic are versions] properly spaced and kerned* for use in any program. Type <x> <shift-h><space><major> to create the words Bb major (with a real flat sign). Or use the superscripted numbers to create more complex chords: <z><shift-k><m><s

hift-m> for an A#m7 chord. The characters from shift-z to shift-/ are all supers cripted numbers (except for shift-b, which would be the less-than-useful 5; in t his demo version it is a subscripted 4). Note that the superscripted numbers all have a character width of zero (this allows us to drop subscripted numbers dire ctly below them). If you want to use two numbers in a row (for a "B13 chord," fo r example) (SELECT THEyou NEXT should LINE and typechange the ` the key,font which tocreates 14 pt. MetDemo a 1/2 space to see in how MetDemo. you can m ix text and accidentals--note that it may look cramped onscreen, but it will pri nt major zH *"Kerning" --------out correctly) is a changed zJspacing is correct. between specific xob's letters. xL xranleThe classic zKsusZ``Z case are t he letters T and o. The lower case o should tuck under the crossbar of the upper case T for a professional look. The superscripted accidentals in MetDemo (and, of course, MetTimes) are kerned towards the upper case A. Not all programs can u tilize kerning information, but Finale, as well as all page layout programs, sho >> ************************************************** --------uld. Metronome Figured has a Bass set of super and subscripted numbers, plus the upper and lower c ase i and v. We thought the superscripts would be more useful for users of MetDe mo (since the number of character slots was quite limited) but you can get the g eneral idea (SELECT THE NEXT by typing LINE and the change following: the font <i><shift-n><shift-b>. to 14 pt. MetDemo to see how the figur ed bass note iN [Please characters vNB that Metronome appear) ii~M can only do two-deep numbers; baroque specialists wh o require a dedicated font should check either Codas web site for links to some m akers of >> ************************************************** Here's aInstant figured quick feature staff bass paper fonts.] you can use in any word processor (you obviously wouldn't need this in a notation program). Type <shift-4><shift-5><shift-5><shift-5> etc . in 28 pt. MetDemo. You have instant staff paper. You can add barlines and repe at signs Type <shift-4><shift-5><shift-5><shift-5><shift-\><shift-5><shift-5><shift-5><\> using the shift-8, shift-\, and \ characters. to get a line with 2 measures. The bass clef (shift-4) is another character wit h zero width (so it can be placed IN the staff)--if you want to use the clef in a sentence You can also you include shouldTime follow Signatures: it with two type or<shift-4><shift-5><shift-6><shift-6>< three spaces. shift-7><shift-5><shift-5> etc. The shift-6 character is a staff extender for sm all adjustments. (SELECT THE NEXT 2 LINES and change the font to 24-32 pt. MetDemo to see how "in stant staffincludes [Metronome $%^^&%%%%|%%%%|%%%%* $%%%%%|%%%%|%%%%\ paper" appears) treble, bass, tenor and alto clefs, as well as a full set of >> ************************************************** We numbers engrave Pedal toacreate lot Markings ofany piano standard music,time and we signature.] needed a faster way to put in graphic pe dal markings. The method below works well in Coda's Finale, but will probably no t work In Finale, as described using thein Lyrics any other tool with notation 10-point program. MetDemo as the font (the point si ze is critical to this) you can enter the shift-1, 2, 3 pedal characters under t he correct notes and then use Word-Extensions to connect them. There are a coupl e of elegant things about this technique: using the Lyrics tool all of the marki ngs will be vertically identical, and all of the pedal markings, along with the extensions, can be moved up or down simultaneously on a line by line basis; thes e characters are correctly placed horizontally, with the start and stop pedals b eginning in the notes and the partial-release pedal appearing just after the not e. In addition, you can now copy-paste sections pedal markings without worrying about One minor losing caveat--on verticalour integrity laserwriter from IIf marking withto Fineprint marking.enabled, we found that t he "join" between the word extension and the pedal markings was off by one dot a t certain reductions. (One was the 85% size we normally use for piano music; the join was perfect at 84% size.) We believe this is a result of Fineprint's inter polation scheme and will not occur in linotronic printout, but we haven't tried it yet, There (SELECT isTHE so also be NEXT forewarned. a pedal LINE and extension changeon the the font shift-hyphen to 14 pt. MetDemo key. to see what the peda l markings look like--REMEMBER you should use 10 pt. size in Finale, though, to get a nice [These !_____@`______@`_____# characters join with arethe identical word extensions) to the pedals in Metronome v. 3.5. A macro progr am that allows you to put each character with a regular space on one keystroke ( we're using control-1, 2 and 3) can make entering these markings very fast in Fi >> ************************************************** nale] MetDemo Rhythm characters examples can be combined to create fairly complex rhythms in your word processor. Try typing the following: <shift-q><shift-r>. You will get two beame d eighth notes. For these types of combinations, you will always type the quarte r note symbol first and let the other characters beam to it. Below are some exam ples. You can see that the 1/2 space (`) and the beam extender (shift-u) can be used Q (SELECT & [Metronome to THE improve QTTT includes NEXTQU.Y the LINE spacing a and change QU`RT complete in | set some the E Qfigures. of font notes, S to QTR 14-24 from Q thirty-second pt. | MetDemo) W \ breve, and be to aming figures, along with a complete set of tuplets, to notate any figure short of frequently >> ************************************************** We one with Mixing nested found dynamics tuplets] ourselves and text creating expressions that mixed dynamics with text (cresc. to ff), and found it time-consuming to do in music notation programs. Eve n worse was the problem of courtesy and editorial dynamics, with parens or brack ets around the dynamics. MetTimes solves all of those problems with a complete s

et of dynamics which are spaced to allow any combination you can type including r, s, and z characters (to create sffffz, or rfz or just ffpp). You can see the principle (SELECT (`F`) The reason THE with the NEXT the dynamics LINE fewand subito characters look change `DO likethe we font the could dynamics to fit decresc. 14in into pt. Coda's MetDemo. MetDemo) to` PPPPP Petrucci font is becaus e we initially designed just a couple of them to use in MetTimes to make it easi er to put in courtesy dynamics. Since we still intended to use Petrucci dynamics throughout the rest of the project we did our best to match those characters (y ou will find that 14 pt. MetDemo dynamics are a very close match for 24 pt. Petr ucci dynamics). A different project a few weeks later required the use of rinfor zato and forzato figures (when you engrave for publishers and they demand a forz ato and NOT a sforzando, then you wind up creating characters to keep your busin ess), and by the time we were done we had a larger set of dynamics in our font t han >> ************************************************** A bug either inBoxed earlier Petrucci rehearsal (pre or3.01) Sonata. letters versions Now andwe numbers of just Coda's use Finale MetTimes brought exclusively. about this feature , and we still find it an easy way to create rehearsal letters. It should work i n any<[><any Type notation letter><]> program. You should get a boxed letter. (We usually use 18 pt. s ize extra-wide For for this one.) words or multiple numbers you can use the forward <shift-[> and b ackward (SELECT [z] >> ************************************************** It is difficult, Stacked <shift-]> THE [{13}2}] NEXTnumbers LINE when box creating extenders, and for [x}H}`}s}e}c}t}i}o}n}] change instrumentation band with the or font the orchestral 1/218 to space, pt. scores, MetDemo) if necessary. to indicate that two p arts share a line. Most notation programs will only allow one line of text to de scribe each instrument ("Bassoon"), so most computer-generated scores wind up wi th: "Bassoon 1/2." Publishers generally won't accept this, so we created three s tacked numbers for MetTimes: 1-2, 2-3, 3-4. We include the stacked 1-2 in MetDem o. xassoon >> ************************************************** Below (SELECT isAddenda q THE theNEXT character LINE and setchange for MetDemo. the font You toshould 18 pt.format MetDemo) this manual so that th ere is a page break just before the words "standard keyboard." Then, using a nic e text font (New Century Schoolbook or Palatino, for example) select all of the characters and set them to 18 pt. size with a little extra leading (try 24 point leading). Then, select the second line of each pair and change it MetDemo. Put in spaces as necessary to make everything line up and you will be able to quickl y Q STANDARD ` SHIFT ~ Order Name: Company: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Platform Single Site Overseas see q 1A ! aLicenses ! w_____________________________ z W what 2 z KEYBOARD @ Z Form 2S s W S ______________________________ user eorders, s E KEYBOARD 3 e x X ___________________________ ____________________________ (circle dfor D character 3 r @ # R E D 4F d c C X copies rare f 4the t T 5________________________ f v # $ R V tplease g v G F y$97.00 Y one): 6are 5 g b B C yG h b T H Metronome uN $ U lies 7 n 6$24.95 j h n % J iadd u I Y 8each m % M kU j K H V on 7 o i m O 9$5.05 , ^ < Macintosh lv. L which 8 p o k , 0: . & J > each + P$3.00 [? ; & I B 3.5/MetTimes -S/H 9 p l / . *+ { " key. ' O K =$3.00 ; / 0(for [ ]N ( S/H. \L ' -P * } ) a =_ : S/H ]total (PC/Windows { v. "per M +2.6 \)|of order. _<$30.00 package*: } +> for | a ? single user c DVM Publications is not a credit card vendor (sorry, but this is an engraving sh opy) op, primarily). We accept personal checks on U.S. banks, money orders, traveler' s checks *The package and,includes if necessary, Metronome cash. v.We 3.5, ship and all the orders four-style withinMetTimes 48 hours. v. 2.6 famil y, a total of 5 fonts in both postscript type 1 and truetype versions. (Ask your self if you will save $28.00-worth of your time with these fonts installed; we t hink In any most event, musicians we allwill.) hope that you will find MetDemo a useful addition to your a rsenal of tools. Questions or comments should be addressed to Steven Powell, Man aging Editor, DVM Publications, 104 Woodside Rd., Suite A-202, Haverford, PA 19 041. I can be reached online through our web site at http://www.dvmpublications. com (click the contact us button) or as

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