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Vishwakarma Institute of Technology

Rev No. 0 : Dt. 02 0! !2

Issue 04 :

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trusts Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune. ! Title : Theory Course Lesson Plan
Theory Course Lesson Plan Name of Department : Electronics Name of Staff Member : MVK, SBB, Vinay S

FF No :101

Academic Year
Subject Name Subject Code Class Lecture No (nit No

: 201 !201"

Semester : #

: Electro$a%netic En%ineerin% : EC 010" No of !rs " #ee$ : % : T& Di' : Details of topics planned )eferences *Te+t ,oo$)eference ,oo$ .ournal- etc / cross T1, T1, T1, T1, T1, T1, T1, T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1

1 2 3 $ ' ) * + 111 12 13 1 1$ 1' 1) 1* 1+ 221 22

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3

Addition,Subtraction,Dot and products Position and Displacement Vector, cartesian ,cylindrical and spherical coordinate system Differential Length, Area and Volume in co-ordinate system !oncept of "radient, Di#ergence and !url !oulomb%s La& (lectric field intensity due to point charge (lectric field intensity due to line charge "auss%s la&

Application of "auss% la&

Di#ergence ,heorem .or/ (nergy potential (lectric field in conductors (lectric field in dielectrics !ontinuity e0uation 1oundary conditions 2umerical 1iot Sar#at La& 3agnetic field intensity due to #arious current distribution Ampere%s !ircuital La& Application of Amper%s La& Sto/es ,heorem 3agnetic flu4 and magnetic flu4 density

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology

Rev No. 0 : Dt. 02 0! !2
23 2 2$ 2' 2) 2* 2+ 331 32 33 33 3 3$ 3' 3) 3* 39 40 Portion for Class Test Portion for 3 3 3 3 Scalar and 3agnetic Potential 5orce Due to magnetic field 1oundary !onditions 2umerical 5araday%s La& Displacement !urrent 3a4&ell%s (0uations ,ime #arying 5ields ,ime 6armonic 5ield (nergy Stored in electric field (nergy stored in magnetic field numerical .a#e (0uation .a#e propagation in free space .a#e in Dielectrics and conductors S/in (ffect,.a#e polari7ation 8eflection of uniform plane &a#e Standing &a#e ratio, reflection from multiple interface numerical

Issue 04 :
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: From Lecture No. _1_______ to Lecture No. ___4_______ : From Lecture No. ____5____ to Lecture No. 2%

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