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An introduction is very important for an essay. This is because the introduction gives an impression to the readers to read the following essay. So the introduction must be with eye catching sentence and also should attracts the readers heart to read more. Thus, this assignment helps us to learn the unique techniques of writing a best introduction for an essay. This technique sure will help the students to enhance their writing skills and to score in flying colours in the exam. As well as introduction, the conclusion of an essay also plays a very important role in a best categorised essay. This is because the conclusion finishes an essay and the readers feelings and also expressions either happy or sad it depends on the conclusions. Thus, this assignment giving a hand to us to have a better understands of best conclusions of an essay. This indirectly helps students to improve their skills to meet the demands of beginning academic studies. Moreover, this assignment also consists of technique of writing an alternative introduction and conclusion for an essay. This also helps students to have a brief idea of introductions and conclusions. Hope this assignment will be helpful.

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