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This procedure is to identify the plant parameters applicable to the equation in theory (5). The approach will be to indirectly measure the mass, spring, and damping parameters by making measurements of the plant while set up in a pair of classical spring-mass configurations. 1. etup all three carriages.!ake sure there is no carriages being clamp."erify the stiffness of the spring that is medium stiffness (#$$ %&m) '. The medium spring (#$$ %&m) is attached in between the carriages (. )nsure there is no mass in the carriages #. *ith the controller powered up, enter the control +lgorithm bo, -ia the set up menu and set Ts.$.$$##'. )nter the command menu, go to Tra/ectory and select step, step-up. elect 0pen 1oop tep and input a step si2e of 2ero a duration of ($$$ ms and 1 repetition. ),it to the background screen by consecuti-ely selecting 03. This put the controller in a mode for acquiring 4 second of data on command but without dri-ing the actuator. This procedure may be repeated and the duration ad/usted to -ary the data acquisition period. 5. 5o to et 6p 7ata +cquisition in the 7ata !enu and select )ncoder

81,)ncoder 8' and )ncoder 8( as data to acquired and specify data sampling e-ery '(two) ser-o cycles. elect 03 to e,it. elect 2ero position from the 6tility !enu to 2ero the encoder positions. 4. 9lick on 9ommand, ),ecute. :repare to manually compress the first carriage appro,imately '.5 cm. Then, click ;un from the ),ecute bo, and release the carriage after one second. *ait while the encoder data is collected to record the response. elect 03 after data is uploaded.

<. 9hoose se-eral consecuti-e cycles (say=#) in the amplitude range between 55$$ and 1$$$ counts. This is representati-e of oscillation amplitudes during later closed loop control maneu-ers. !uch smaller amplitude responses become dominated by nonlinear friction effects and do not reflect the salient system dynamics. 7i-ide the number of cycles by the time taken to complete them. >e sure to take beginning and end time from the same phase of the respecti-e cycles. 9on-ert the resulting frequency in ?2 to radian&sec. @. ecure 5$$g mass for all carriages and repeat step # until < for

1$$$g,15$$g,'$$$g,'5$$g,($$$g,(5$$g and #$$g. Af necessary, repeat step # to reduce the e,ecution duration. B. !easure the initial cycle amplitude C$ and the last cycle amplitude Cn for the n cycles measured in step <.

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