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I, SANJAY RAJPUT, hereby declared that the research work presented in this report entitled THE CONSUMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS LIC PRODUCTS for the fulfillment of the award of Master in Business Ad inistrati!n "M#B#A#$ from %auta Budd& Te'&ni'a(

Uni)ersit* "%#B#T#U#$+ Lu',n!- is based on my work during the summer training in the LIC ALI%ARH RE%ION The project embodies the result of original work and studies carried out by me and the contents of the project do not form he basis for the award of any other degree to me or to anybody else.

Date: 05 0! "0#$

" SANJAY RAJPUT $ %&' ($rd semester) *oll +o. (#"0,$-00,5)

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