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Mani Menu

OnTime() Manager
The test button will load three macros to run within 30 seconds.

The "View Pending Events" button will display all o the scheduled events. !ou can delete the events rom here i you li"e.

The "#hedule an Event" button allows you to add anew event. $n this wor"boo" are three macros %#ay&ello1 ' #ay&ello( ) #ay&ello3* that you ca !ou can schedule macros rom unopened wor"boo"s by giving the ull pathname. eg +c, would open the boo" at the appropriat and run the macro My0Procedure

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Mani Menu

scheduled events.

o( ) #ay&ello3* that you can use y giving the ull pathname. oo" at the appropriate time

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1nTime 2ialog

OnTime Process Manager - DELETE Select the processes to delete from the queue and hit OK OK Cancel

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