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WEEK 6 – Fall 2009


Monday, Sept. 14 PSAT Day 14

Vocab list 63 page 15 (Quiz 9/25)
Turn in Essay!!
Begin reading “Are You Now Or Were You Ever?”
HW: Finish reading

Tuesday, Sept. 15 Warm UP!! (Vocab)

Class builder! : )
Socratic over “Are You Now Or Were You Ever?”
Come to class prepared with: annotated text (mark
it up!), notes, at least one question that can be
used in Socratic today.
HW: Vocab

Wednesday, Sept. 16 PSAT Day 15

Read p 130 – 141 (stop at top right corner)
Annotate using sticky notes
HW: Vocab and finish reading selection

Thursday, Sept. 17 Warm UP!! (Vocab)

Discussion – Wednesday’s reading
(Socratic, team, class)
Team Builder
HW: Read 141 – 150 and annotate

Friday, Sept. 18 PSAT Day 16

Discussion 141 – 150
Activity – Binary Opposition hand out (share drive)
Oz activity online/ discussion / journal / team
HW: Read 151 – 158 and Journal page 159 # 10

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