App Dev Standards

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

Version 9 Enterprise Systems UHS

PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

Table of Contents
1. DOCUMEN !E"#E$...........................................................................................................................................% &. #N !ODUC #ON....................................................................................................................................................' %. PEOP(ESO) EN"#!ONMEN S.........................................................................................................................* '. NAM#N+ CON"EN #ONS..................................................................................................................................1, -. O!AC(E................................................................................................................................................................1* *. PA CHES. UP+!ADES. AND CUS OM#/A #ON..........................................................................................10 0. SO) $A!E 1UA(# 2 ASSU!ANCE...............................................................................................................&1 3. P!O+!AMM#N+ S ANDA!DS........................................................................................................................%% 4. APP(#CA #ON ES #N+....................................................................................................................................*' 1,. P!O5EC S ANDA!DS....................................................................................................................................0% 11. SECU!# 2..........................................................................................................................................................04 1&. DOCUMEN A #ON...........................................................................................................................................33 1%. PE!#OD#C !E"#E$.........................................................................................................................................1,, 1'. !EADE!6S COMMEN S.................................................................................................................................1,1 APPEND#7 A8 Modification (o9............................................................................................................................1,& APPEND#7 : ; +lossary.........................................................................................................................................1,% APPEND#7 C ; A<<reviations................................................................................................................................1,% APPEND#7 D C=stomer Connection !oadmaps and Sc>ed=les.........................................................................1,4 APPEND#7 E C=stomer Connection Updates and )i?es.....................................................................................11& APPEND#7 ) C=stomer Connection )ilin9 Cases...............................................................................................11' APPEND#7 + ;; People:oo@s................................................................................................................................11* APPEND#7 H !eport )ormat...............................................................................................................................114

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

Doc=ment !evieA <e9an on 4B&,B,0 and Aas completed on CCCCCCCCCCCC. !evieA eam8 PeopleSoft )inance Mi@e C>an9 PeopleSoft H!MS Mi@e (ovelady PeopleSoft St=dent Meredit> (a+rone Portal D Sec=rity S=sie $inters D:A D System Administration +race A. Davila

C>apterBSection 1. Doc=ment !evieA &. #ntrod=ction %. PeopleSoft Environments '. Namin9 Conventions -. Oracle *. Patc>es. Up9rades. and C=stomiEation 0. SoftAare 1=ality Ass=rance

3. Pro9rammin9 Standards 4. Application estin9 1,. ProFect Standards 11. Sec=rity 1&. Doc=mentation 1%. Periodic !evieA 1'. !eaders Comments Appendi?

Assi9ned o Mi@e (ovelady Mi@e (ovelady +race A. Davila All +race A. Davila +race A. Davila Mi@e (ovelady. Mi@e C>an9. Meredit> (a+rone. +race A. Davila Mi@e (ovelady. Mi@e C>an9. Meredit> (a+rone Mi@e (ovelady. Mi@e C>an9. Meredit> (a+rone Mi@e (ovelady S=sie $inters Mi@e (ovelady. Mi@e C>an9. Meredit> (a+rone Mi@e (ovelady Mi@e (ovelady All

Complete 11B1-B,0 11B1-B,0 %B1%B,3 &B1'B,3 3B1*B,0 11B&4B,0 %B1%B,3

Approved 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1B&'B,3 %B1%B,3 &B1'B,3 1B&'B,3 %B*B,3

2 2 2 2 2

&B0B,3 &B1'B,3

2 2

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

&.1 '!STOR(
On Sep. 1. &,,1. University of Ho=ston System implemented PeopleSoft Applications for )inance. H=man !eso=rces. and St=dent Administration. )inance and H=man !eso=rces applications Aere distri<=ted to all components. St=dent Administration Aas implemented at t>e University of Ho=ston at Clear (a@e only. #n t>e fall of &,,%. t>e first Application Development Standards doc=ment Aas developed and distri<=ted to PeopleSoft application developers and D:As. Sessions Aere >eld Ait> <ot> 9ro=ps to acG=aint t>em Ait> t>e doc=ment and to reinforce t>e need to <e9in =sin9 t>ese standards for all f=t=re development. Efforts to retrofit previo=s development Aor@ to t>ese standards Aas not made d=e to <=d9etary constraints. As of April &&) &**+) E. S. application mana,ers and directors are responsible for ens-rin, all f-t-re development complies /it. t.e standards contained / doc-ment. >is doc=ment represents t>e second release of Application Development Standards A>ic> Aas completed on Marc> 1%. &,,3.

>ese standards are Aritten for University of Ho=ston System personnel developin9 or maintainin9 PeopleSoft and related softAare. >ese incl=de mana9ers. tec>nical specialists. application developers. and =sers >avin9 similar comp=ter responsi<ilities. >e reader is ass=med to <e tec>nically oriented and to >ave some e?pos=re to >i9>er; level lan9=a9es. data<ase mana9ement systems. and systems development of PeopleSoft administrative applications. >is Application Development Standards Doc=ment is availa<le on t>e Ae< at t>e folloAin9 U!( lin@. >ttp8BBAAA.=>.ed=Binfotec>Bp>pBtemplate.p>pHnonsvcCidI--0

&.& APP$!CA0!$!T(
>ese Application Development Standards are applica<le =ntil t>e Application Development Standards Committee specifies ot>erAise. >e Application Development Standards Committee is composed of application developers. mana9ers. andBor directors A>o are appointed to serve on t>e committee at t>e time of ann=al revieA.

Standards define t>e 9eneral form of t>e softAare development environment. Standards serve as descriptive and instr=ctive patterns to folloA in order to ac>ieve t>e <est res=lts. and are criteria for meas=rin9 Aor@ G=ality. >e reasons for >avin9 standards incl=de t>e folloAin98 #nformation systems >ave developed into critical operatin9 and strate9ic reso=rces for s=ccessf=l commercial. 9overnment. and ed=cational instit=tions. >is means t>at >i9> G=ality control standards in comp=tin9 m=st prevail. C>an9es in comp=ter system >ardAare or neA softAare releases Aill >ave minimal ne9ative or9aniEational impact if pro9rams and proced=res are doc=mented and pro9rammers ad>ere to a familiar set of 9=idelines. StandardiEed proced=res and doc=mentation ena<le smoot> transition d=rin9 personnel c>an9es. NeA staff <e9ins prod=ctive Aor@ sooner if t>ey learn standard Aor@ proced=res and doc=mentation tec>niG=es. Pro9ram a=t>ors do not ta@e a system Ait> t>em A>en t>ey leave or are assi9ned to ot>er responsi<ilities. Understandin9 and en>ancin9 system f=nctions and proced=res are made m=c> easier t>ro=9> standard doc=mentation and comm=nication met>ods. )=rt>ermore. t>is =nderstandin9 is s>ared at all levels of mana9ement. =ser departments. proFect staffs and comp=ter operatin9 personnel. StandardiEed re=sa<le softAare components red=ce costs JreG=irements. desi9n. specification. codin9. testin9. and maintenanceK. increase application relia<ility. improve f=t=re maintenance efforts. and alloA personnel to concentrate on en>ancin9 applications and ot>er analysis Aor@. #nfle?i<le standards. >oAever. can <ecome a

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards <arrier to meetin9 =ser needs ;; L$e canMt do t>at. #t doesnMt fit t>e Standards.L #nvo@in9 t>e standards as an e?c=se for not f=lfillin9 a reG=est is not accepta<le. Us=ally disc=ssion Ait> ot>er developers Aill reveal >oA t>e standards can meet =ser needs. #f a =serMs reG=est cannot <e accommodated <y c=rrent standards. t>en c>an9es to t>e standards s>o=ld <e considered. >e Standards Committee Aas esta<lis>ed to prepare. maintain. and revieA standards. >e folloAin9 proced=res >ave <een adopted8 All proposals for additions. deletions. or revisions to t>e Standards may <e s=<mitted to any mem<er of t>e Standards Committee. >e Standards Committee Aill revieA proposed c>an9es to t>e Standards. Aill Aor@ closely Ait> people affected <y t>e proposed c>an9es. and Aill s=<mit proposed c>an9es to t>e mana9ement team for final approval. >e Standards Committee c>airperson Aill <e responsi<le for ens=rin9 t>at Standards are p=<lis>ed and all concerned receive =pdates. Application developer teams Aill cond=ct revieAs of neA or e?istin9 systems. for ad>erence to standards. >e standards are 9=idelines for internally developed softAare only. A decision to =se e?ternally developed softAare is a decision not to comply Ait> standards. As s=c>. an effort to transform PeopleSoft to fit t>is standards doc=ment is not e?pected or realistic. >oAever. development and modification of PeopleSoft softAare m=st conform to t>ese standards.

NOTE4 PeopleSoft Application mana,ers and directors and t.e D0A mana,er are responsible for t.e enforcement of t.ese standards.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

UHS p=rc>ased % applications as an enterprise Aide sol=tion for all camp=ses. >ese applications are PeopleSoft )inancials. PeopleSoft H=man Capital Mana9ement. JHCMK and PeopleSoft Camp=s Sol=tions JCSK. HCM and CS applications reside on t>e same data<ase and s>are ta<les Ait> eac> ot>er. PeopleSoft )inancials resides on a separate data<ase. Data feeds <etAeen HCMBCS to PeopleSoft )inancials are accomplis>ed t>ro=9> inte9ration <ro@er.

>e Oracle data<ase environments listed <eloA are esta<lis>ed <ot> for )inancials and for HCMBCS. Eac> data<ase resides as a separate Oracle instance and is associated Ait> its oAn so=rce code tree. A>ic> is accessi<le via $indoAs E?plorer. !eference Section %.' for more information on so=rce code trees. >ere are m=ltiple data<ases =sed <y Enterprise Systems for development. testin9. trainin9. prod=ction. etc. namin9 convention is Prefi? N PeopleSoft version N environment. >e prefi? can <e8 )S )inancial Acco=ntin9 data<ase SA St=dent Academic and Administration data<ase N H! data<ase PA Portal Data<ase =sed to provide sin9le si9n;on to PeopleSoft applications UH C=stom Application Data<ase >e environment can <e8 CN" conversion data<ase DE" development data<ase DMO demo data<ase P!D prod=ction data<ase !P reportin9 data<ase S:7n sand<o? data<ase S test data<ase !N trainin9 data<ase UA =ser acceptance test data<ase UP+ release =p9rade data<ase DCn Date c>an9e data<ase (OAD (oad testin9 Data<ase >e

>e dia9ram of t>e prod=ction and development environments can <e fo=nd at8 Ess>areO on mis'=8PPeoplesoftPArc>itect=rePPSCEnvironments.vsd

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards 1.&.1 Sandbo5 Environments >e Sand<o? data<ases are copies of t>e prod=ction data<ase. >ey provide special tro=<les>ootin9 for f=nctional and tec>nical staff. >e Sand<o? environments are not intended to <e development or trainin9 data<ases. D=rin9 t>e application patc>in9 process. one Sand<o? environment may <e @ept on t>e same patc> level as prod=ction. >e Sand<o? environment Aill <e =sed for emer9ency prod=ction s=pport. Data<ase lin@s to prod=ction environments are not 9enerally esta<lis>ed in t>e sand<o? environment. 63SnnS078 >e )SnnS:7 sand<o? data<ase is a copy of t>e financials )SP!D data<ase. 6SAnnS07n8 SAnnS:7n sand<o? data<ase is a copy of t>e st=dentB>=man reso=rces prod=ction data<ase. 6SAnnDC58 SAnnDC? alloAs t>e c>an9in9 of system date on t>e server for special date sensitive process testin9. 1.&.& Demo 63SnnDMO) SAnnDMO) SAnnDMOP8 >e demo data<ases are =sed <y t>e data<ase administrators to import patc>es and maintenance pac@s from PeopleSoft. A PeopleSoft demo data<ase is an application data<ase t>at does not contain any c=stomer JUHSK c=stomiEations or modifications. A Peoplesoft Comparison !eport is r=n a9ainst a UH c=stomiEed data<ase and t>e PS demo data<ase in order to identify t>e differences in PeopleSoft modified o<Fects. >e comparison reports do not identify differences <etAeen PeopleSoft e?ternals JS1!. S1C. Crystal. etc.K. After patc>es and =p9rade comparison reports are revieAed. t>e patc>es contin=e t>ro=9> t>e mi9ration pat> and are applied to t>e development data<ase. 1.&.1 Development 63SnnDE ) SAnnDE 8 >e development data<ase is A>ere application developers create c=stomiEations to t>e PeopleSoft application. $>en patc>es or maintenance pac@s are applied to t>e c=stomiEed PS application. developers are reG=ired to revieABreapply previo=s c=stomiEations to t>e affected o<Fects Ait>in t>e development data<ase. All modifications and patc>es m=st <e =nit tested <y t>e developer <efore mi9ratin9 t>e c>an9es to t>e ne?t data<ase. 1.&.2 Test 63SnnTST) SAnnTST8 >e test data<ase is A>ere f=nctional =sers test patc>es. maintenance pac@s. and c=stomiEations. >e test data<ase can also <e =sed for system testin9 and inte9ration testin9. Developers are not a=t>oriEed to ma@e c>an9es to t>e test environment. 1.&.9 Prod-ction 63SnnPRD) SAnnRD8 >e prod=ction data<ase is A>ere end =sers >ave a=t>oriEed access to t>e PeopleSoft application. Users are 9ranted access to maintain application data and processes. Developers do not >ave access to ma@e c>an9es in t>e prod=ction environment. PeopleSoft delivers a G=ery =tility Ait> t>eir prod=ct t>at can <e =sed <y anyone to G=ery data from t>e data<ase and A>o >as <een 9ranted 1=ery access. Developers may >ave read access to Oracle prod=ction data<ases. 1.&.: Reportin, Database 63SnnRPT) SAnnRPT8 >e reportin9 data<ase is refres>ed ni9>tly from t>e prod=ction data<ase. #t does not contain dynamic real;time data. >e reportin9 data<ase is read only and e?ists to provide s=pport for reportin9 and G=eryin9 of data and to red=ce t>e Aor@load on t>e prod=ction data<ase environment. 1.&.; Trainin, 63SnnTRN) SAnnTRN8 rainin9 data<ases are =sed for f=nctional and tec>nical trainin9. M=ltiple copies of a trainin9 master data<ase may <e created to accommodate a partic=lar class. rainin9 data<ases are refres>ed =pon reG=est. 1.&.+ Sta,in, Database 6D"STA%E8 >is is a standard Oracle data<ase and not part of t>e PeopleSoft application. >is data<ase can typically =sed as a sta9in9 data<ase for data conversion.

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1.&.< Conversion 63SnnCN ) SAnnCN 8 Conversion data<ases are =sed for conversion of le9acy data to PeopleSoft ta<les. (e9acy data may >ave <een stored in intermediate ta<les in D$S A+E. 1.&.1* Up,rade Database 63SnnUP%) SAnnUP%8 NeA application releases often reG=ire a parallel set of data<ases Jdemo. development. and testK to facilitate t>e =p9rade process and not conflict Ait> t>e e?istin9 development environments. 1.&.11 User Acceptance Test Database 6SAnn=AT) 3Snn=AT8 D=rin9 a maFor application =p9rade. a data<ase may <e desi9nated as t>e Qmaster6 tools PS application data<ase. Developers may need to mi9rate any revisions to 1A data<ase.


>e folloAin9 floA c>art ill=strates t>e typical mi9ration pat> for patc>es. maintenance pac@s. and UHS c=stomiEations as Aell as f=t=re =p9rade releases. >e e?ample 9iven. alt>o=9> specific to SAH!. Ao=ld <e =sed for any =p9rade of a PeopleSoft Application.

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So=rce code for t>e PeopleSoft applications reside in directories on N and Uni? servers. >ese directories are referred to as Rso=rce code treesS. Eac> data<ase is associated Ait> its oAn so=rce code tree. >e Confi9=ration Mana9er Aill identify t>e so=rce code tree pat>. >e UH Development la=nc>er Aill a=tomatically esta<lis> t>e appropriate so=rce code tree =pon lo9in. >e settin9s on t>e Confi9=ration Mana9er may <e overAritten A>en necessary to perform testin9 in t>e development environment. >e folloAin9 ta<les identify t>e so=rce code trees =sed for t>e vario=s applications and environments and standard drive assi9nments. So=rce code trees are located on a prod=ction drive located on PPps=>1PpsdevO. >e recommended confi9=ration is to map t>e drive to t>e QP6 drive. #n order to find a partic=lar code tree t>e format is 1. Application Prefi? Je?8 SA. )SK &. Application Environment JDE". S:7. P!DK

Code Tree Standards4 6e54 5555 > SAnnDE ) 3SnnDMO) etc8

PeopleSoft delivered S1! and S1Cs UHS Modified or NeA S1!BS1Cs PeopleSoft delivered Co<ol UHS C=stom Co<ol All Crystals JPS D UHSK All $in$ord JPS D UHSK 3inance P8P????PsGr P8P????P=serPsGr P8P????PsrcPc<lP<ase P8P????P=serPsrcPc<lP<ase P8P????P=serPcrA P8P????PAinAord 'RMS ? SAA P8P????PsGr P8P????P=serPsGr P8P????PsrcPc<lP<ase P8P????P=serPsrcPc<lP<ase P8P????P=serPcrA P8P????PAinAord

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2.1 A00RE !AT!ONS
Names s>o=ld <e no lon9er in len9t> t>an is necessary to identify t>eir contents. HoAever. do not sacrifice clarity for t>e sa@e of <revity. A<<reviations may <e =sed. <=t s>o=ld <e limited to easily =nderstood and Aidely accepted acronyms s=c> as SSN for social sec=rity n=m<er. Appendi5 C provides a list of commonl@ -sed abbreviations.

2.& PRE3!7ES
UHS developed PeopleSoft internal o<Fects s>all >ave t>e prefi? of RUHSS. Use an =nderscore c>aracter RCS folloAin9 t>e prefi? if space alloAs. UHS developed PeopleSoft e?ternal o<Fects JS1C. S1!. Crystal !eports. etc.K s>all >ave t>e prefi? of RUS.

2.1 SU33!7ES
S=ffi?es s>o=ld alAays <e preceded <y an =nderscore RCS. >e folloAin9 PeopleSoft standard s=ffi?es Aill <e =sed for field names8 AM Amo=ntT n=meric val=e of c=rrency type CD CodeT =ser defined val=e from t>e ranslate or ot>er ta<le CN Co=ntT n=meric val=e containin9 a constant D Date fieldT format DD;MMM;2222 D M Date; ime fieldT format DD;MMM;2222 and HH8MM8SS #D #dentificationT Je.9. emplid. deptidK PC PercentT stored as a decimal Ji.e. -,U I .-K ! !ateT a n=meric field e?pressin9 an amo=nt per =nit Je.9. payrateK M imeT format JHH8MM8SSK >e folloAin9 PeopleSoft standard s=ffi?es Aill <e =sed for records names8 AE Application En9ine State !ecords D"$ Dynamic "ieAT a record definition t>at is implemented <y definin9 a dynamic S1( vieA Jt>is @ind of vieA is not a p>ysical ta<leK. S:! S=<records S!CH Searc> "ieAT a vieA t>at is =sed to select specific records to <e displayed to t>e =ser on a searc> panel. Searc> vieAs can <e =sed to add department level sec=rity to S1! reports. :( a<leT a record definition t>at contains data t>at controls t>e application as opposed to <ein9 maintained <y t>e application. A RreferenceS ta<le or R9eneralS ta<le. MP or emporary or $or@T a ta<le t>at is created eit>er temporarily or permanently for a specific $!V p=rpose. Data is normally lost or tr=ncated at t>e <e9innin9 of a process eac> time t>e process is ran. "$ "ieAT a record definition t>at is p>ysically implemented <y definin9 an S1( vieA


>e folloAin9 a<<reviations are defined <y People:oo@s. Appl )S )S )S )S )S )S Mod=le AM AP A! :# :D CA Description Asset Mana9ement Acco=nts Paya<le Acco=nt !eceiva<le :illin9 :=d9et Contracts Administration Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e 1, of

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Appl )S )S )S )S )S )S )S )S )S )S )S )S )S H! H! H! H! H! H! H! H! H! H! SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SABH!

Mod=le CMS DM E7 )#N )! +( #N M! P(S PO S)S E !C A:S APP :EN :UD ( PA2 PE! POS A7 !N AD AA C! C: )A #S ME P! S) S! CC

Description Catalo9 Mana9ement System Ded=ction Mana9ement E?pense )inancials )inancial !eports +eneral (ed9er #nventory Mana9ement !eports Plannin9 P=rc>ase Order Prod=ction !eport ravel and E?pense reas=re Cas> Mana9ement A<sence Applicant :enefits :=d9et ime and (a<or Payroll Personnel Position a? !eportin9 rainin9 Admissions Advisement Advancement Contri<=tor !elations Coordinatin9 :oard )inancial Aid #nternational Sc>olars Meas=rement D Eval=ation P!OMES St=dent )inancials St=dent !ecords Camp=s Comm=nity


#nternal o<Fects are o<Fects t>at are created and maintained inside t>e PeopleSoft data<ase. PeopleSoft provides a development tool A>ic> alloAs developers to create and maintain t>ese o<Fects. #nternal o<Fects may <e created eit>er <y PeopleSoft or t>e University of Ho=ston developers. PeopleSoft delivered internal o<Fects m=st never <e deleted or modified. #nternal o<Fects may <e modified or cloned =sin9 t>e standard namin9 conventions descri<ed Ait>in t>is doc=ment. Note4,in, PeopleSoft delivered internal obBects is disco-ra,ed and reC-ires mana,ement approval. 2.9.1 ProBects >e folloAin9 namin9 convention for UHS developed proFects is DU'SEmmmEdescF A>ere mmm is t>e application mod=le A>ic> may <e & or % c>aracters lon9. See section '.' for approved application mod=les. "ersion 0.1 114 Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e 11 of

PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

>e proFect name may incl=de t>e CS! n=m<er assi9ned in S A for easy identification. JE?ample8 =>sC1&%'K. Eac> proFect m=st >ave t>e description field pop=lated =nder )ile. ProFect Properties. 2.9.& 3ields Note4,in, PeopleSoft delivered internal obBects is disco-ra,ed and reC-ires mana,ement approval. M=ltiple records and panels =se t>ese fields. PeopleSoft fields can <e cloned =sin9 t>e namin9 convention standards descri<ed Ait>in t>is doc=ment. >e folloAin9 namin9 convention Aill <e =sed for UHS developed fields8 U'SEdescEsf5 A>ere RUHSS is t>e desi9nated prefi?. and t>e desc is a free format description folloAed <y a s=ffi?. 2.9.1 Records G S-brecords Note4,in, PeopleSoft delivered internal obBects is disco-ra,ed and reC-ires mana,ement approval. >ese records are =sed <y m=ltiple processes. #f necessary. PeopleSoft delivered records can <e cloned. >e folloAin9 namin9 convention Aill <e =sed for records8 U'SEdescEsf5 Jfor records A>ic> are not =sed for r=n controlK U'SERCEdesc Jfor records =sed for r=n controlK Eac> record m=st >ave t>e description field pop=lated in record properties. 2.9.2 State Records Application En9ine employs t>e =se of state records as a means of passin9 data <etAeen application en9ine processes. >e state record m=st folloA t>e folloAin9 namin9 convention8 &;di9it Prod=ct #dentifier WW RCS WW Description RCS QAE 6. Name can <e mi?ed case. 2.9.9 Pa,es G S-bpa,es >e folloAin9 namin9 convention Aill <e =sed for pa9es and s=<pa9es8 U'SEdesc A>ere RUHSS is t>e desi9nated prefi?. and t>e desc is a free format description. 2.9.: Components >e folloAin9 namin9 convention Aill <e =sed for components8 U'SEdesc A>ere RUHSS is t>e desi9nated prefi?. and t>e desc is a free format description. 2.9.; Men-s >e folloAin9 namin9 convention Aill <e =sed for men=s8 "ersion 0.1 114 Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e 1& of

PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

U'SEdesc A>ere RUHSS is t>e desi9nated prefi?. and t>e desc is a free format description. 2.9.+ Process Definitions >e process definition name m=st matc> t>e PeopleSoft e?ternal o<Fect to <e e?ec=ted JsGr. Co<ol. or Crystal. etc.K 2.9.< Aob Definitions Namin9 convention is U??????? >e Fo< definition s>o=ld <e9in Ait> RUS. 2.9.1* =-er@ Namin9 conventions do not e?ist <eca=se t>e f=nctional comm=nity is free to name t>em anyt>in9 t>ey Aant. Developers s>o=ld create G=eries <e9innin9 Ait> UHS. )or 1=ery =sed <y Crystal !eports t>e description field can <e t>e Crystal !eport id <ein9 invo@ed.


E?ternal o<Fects are o<Fects t>at are created o=tside t>e PeopleSoft data<ase s=c> as CO:O(. S1!. Crystal !eports. >ese reside as flat files on t>e so=rce code tree. >e folloAin9 a<<reviations and file e?tensions are =sed for PeopleSoft e?ternal o<Fects. O<Fect ype Co<ol Crystal !eport n"ision !eport S1! !eport S1! incl=de mod=le )ile E?tension C<l crA 7nv sGr sGc

>e UHS namin9 convention for PeopleSoft e?ternal o<Fects or so=rce code. Ait> t>e e?ception of Co<ol. is

- mmm nnn.e5t - mmm desc.e5t or - mm s nnn.e5t

A>ere = is t>e desi9nated prefi? of QU6. mmm is a & or % c>aracter application mod=le a<<reviation Jreference section '.'K. s is a 1 c>aracter pro9ram type desi9nation JcICo<ol. rICrystal !eport. sI SGrBS1c. n I n"isionK nnn is a seG=ence n=m<er and e?t is t>e standard file name e?tension associated Ait> t>e type of o<Fects. Co<ol pro9rams and copy <oo@ namin9 conventions reG=ire t>at in t>e % rd c>aracter of t>e name eit>er a RPS Jpro9ramK or a RCS for copy<oo@ appears in t>e name.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards Uni5 reC-ires all e5ternal obBects s.o-ld be named in lo/er case.

2.; OUTPUT 3!$ES

>ere are a variety of possi<le o=tp=t types dependin9 on t>e type of process <ein9 r=n. 2.;.1 Report 3iles >e defa=lt o=tp=t format for Crystal is $e< PD). >e o=tp=t type for PSBn"ision defa=lts to t>e defa=lt o=tp=t type in !eport !eG=ests. >e defa=lt o=tp=t type for S1! is $e< PD). CO:O( and Application En9ine processes defa=lts create o=tp=t in t>e lo9 file. >e format entered for individ=al processes or Fo<s attac>ed to a Fo< Aill override t>e format entered for t>e parent Fo<. >e folloAin9 ta<le s>oAs a list of file e?tensions t>at can <e created <y process type. File type Excel (*.xls) Word (*.doc) Acrobat (*.pdf) (Must have Acrobat Reader installed to read these files.) HP or!at (*.lis) "ine Printer (*.lis) Rich #ext iles (*.rtf) $%R Portable or!at (*.spf) #ext iles (*.txt) Post $cript iles (*.lis) Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) &o!!a 'eli!ited (*.csv) H#M" (*.ht!) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Crystal X X SQR X nVision X Application Engine X


2.;.& Trace 3iles race files are created A>enever a developer t=rns trace on. race files trace t>e pro9ram code <ein9 e?ec=ted and is =sed for de<=99in9 p=rposes. race files s>o=ld not <e t=rned on in normal prod=ction r=ns. race files may create e?tremely lar9e files t>at may ca=se pro<lems d=rin9 e?ec=tion time or post;e?ec=tion A>en t>e developer attempts to edit t>e trace file. "ersion 0.1 114 Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e 1' of

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>e format for report files created or maintained <y <atc> pro9rams pro9ramid.trc A>ere pro9ramid is t>e name of t>e sGr A>ic> created t>e trace file. 2.;.1 Data 3iles Data files are flat files t>at may <e imported or e?ported to <atc> processes. Data files are not report files. E?cel files. or MicroSoft Access files. >ey typically do not contain col=mn >eadin9s or report >eadin9s. >e namin9 convention is a free format =sin9 an e?tension of .dat. desc.dat A>ere desc is a free format description. Ot>er files may <e created for t>e e?press p=rpose of loadin9 into E?cel. Access. or $ord. etc. As s=c>. appropriate file e?tensions may <e =sed.

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>e PeopleSoft environment reG=ires t>e =se of a relational data<ase mana9ement system J!D:MSK. At UHS PeopleSoft Oracle data<ases are maintained <y t>e Data<ase Administration staff in Enterprise Systems.


Any installation. =p9rades. patc>es. or maintenance pac@s applied to t>e PeopleSoft application data<ases are strictly t>e responsi<ility of t>e data<ase administrators. Most modifications to t>e data<ases Aill <e done on a case;<y;case <asis and Aill <e done Ait> d=e consideration to t>e impact t>e c>an9e may >ave to t>e PeopleSoft application. Unless it is an emer9ency sit=ation. c>an9es Aill <e done to t>e prod=ction environments Aill occ=r on =esday or >=rsday <etAeen 0 p.m. and 0 a.m. or d=rin9 t>e S=nday maintenance AindoA <etAeen * a.m. to & p.m. #f t>e S=nday maintenance AindoA time period is ins=fficient. a t>ree;Aee@ notice Aill <e 9iven to t>e =niversity comm=nity. via t>e C>an9e Mana9ement Committee Calendar. and any ot>er met>ods determined <y t>e CMC committee. in order to minimiEe t>e impact of t>e e?tended maintenance time. 9.1.1 !nstallations Any neA server p=rc>ased for =se in t>e PeopleSoft environment may >ave some components of Oracle installed on t>e mac>ine. >e version of Oracle installed Aill <e determined <y t>e c=rrent environment needs or any proFect needs t>at may reG=ire a >i9>er version of Oracle.


>e D:As perform several types of Oracle data<ase <ac@=ps. 9.&.1 'ot 0acH-p >e D:As ta@e a f=ll J>otK <ac@=p of all prod=ction data<ases every ni9>t. >e >ot <ac@=p alloAs recovery for an entire data<ase. #t does not alloA recovery for a sin9le ta<le or ta<le space. >e >ot <ac@=p is a complete copy of t>e files t>at ma@e =p t>e prod=ction data<ase and t>e arc>ive lo9s Ait> t>e transactions t>at >ave occ=rred <etAeen t>e time of t>e last >ot <ac@=p and t>e c=rrent one. >is scenario alloAs t>e D:As to recover t>e data<ase from t>e point of fail=re. S>o=ld a data<ase fail. t>e D:A Aill remove t>e corr=pt copy of t>e data<ase from t>e server and replace it Ait> t>e copied files. >e recovery of a prod=ction data<ase Aill <e done only =pon reG=est from t>e tec>nical mana9ers or in t>e event of media fail=re on t>e prod=ction server t>at renders t>e c=rrent prod=ction data<ase =n=sa<le. >ese <ac@=ps are stored offsite in a sec=re. environmentally safe. loc@ed facility. 9.&.& E5ports An e?port Aill alloA t>e recovery of an individ=al o<Fect or an individ=al sc>ema or t>e entire data<ase. >e D:As ta@e a f=ll e?port of all data<ases every ni9>t e?cept for data<ases not reG=ired to s=pport daily operations. >e e?port differs from t>e >ot <ac@=p in terms of recovery <eca=se it is a copy of t>e data<ase placed into one file. >e e?port alloAs for point in time recovery. S>o=ld a ta<le <e dropped from t>e data<ase. t>e D:A can recover t>e ta<le. as of t>e time t>e e?port Aas ta@en. >e transactions entered since t>e time t>e e?port Aas ta@en Aill <e lost and m=st <e entered <y t>e =ser. #f t>e entire data<ase m=st <e recovered from an e?port. t>e D:A Aill recreate an empty data<ase and t>en import t>e data from t>e e?port file. >e recovery of o<Fects from an e?port of any data<ase Aill <e done =pon reG=est from t>e tec>nical mana9ers or in t>e event of media fail=re.


>e D:As are responsi<le for t=nin9 t>e data<ase parameters for performance en>ancements. C>an9es to performance are typically added or modified to t>e init.ora file of t>e data<ase. #f a prod=ction data<ase needs t=nin9. t>e D:A Aill perform any c>an9es to t>e init.ora file d=rin9 t>e S=nday maintenance AindoA. Any c>an9es made to t>is file Aill reG=ire t>e data<ase <ein9 s>=tdoAn and restarted for t>e c>an9e to ta@e place. #f t>e data<ase is not a prod=ction data<ase. t>e s>=tdoAnBstart=p of t>e data<ase Aill <e coordinated Ait> t>e tec>nical mana9ers. so to alloA minimal disr=ption d=rin9 t>e <=siness day.


>e Data<ase Administration 9ro=p Aill maintain and mana9e all PeopleSoft data<ases. Maintenance to t>e prod=ction data<ases is strictly limited to t>e S=nday maintenance AindoA. Ot>er non;prod=ction data<ases may <e performed d=rin9 <=siness >o=rs Ait> t>e approval of t>e tec>nical mana9ers. "ersion 0.1 114 Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e 1* of

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PeopleSoft applies =pdates its applications via a series of patc>es or maintenance pac@s. >e modifications can <e made via People ools =pdates. application patc>es and fi?es. or application version =p9rades.


:.1.1 Director@ Str-ct-re Doc=mentation for Application Patc>es. Maintenance Pac@s. :=ndles. !e9=latory !eleases. and People ools Aill <e doAnloaded from Oracle C=stomer Connection into t>e folloAin9 directory str=ct=re. P8Doc=mentation PSCUp9rade )S )S??? J$>ere ??? is t>e PS application version n=m<er. )S3'K SA SA??? J$>ere ??? is t>e PS application version n=m<er. SA34K PSCPatc>es )S nnn;???????? JA>ere nnn is a seG=ential n=m<er ,,1. ,,&. etc.T and ?????? is a description of t>e patc>K SA nnn;???????? JA>ere nnn is a seG=ential n=m<er ,,1. ,,&. etc.T and ?????? is a description of t>e patc>K PSCP ools )S P v???? JA>ere v is t>e version n=m<er and ????? is t>e release n=m<er. i.e. P 3'*14K SA P v???? JA>ere v is t>e version n=m<er and ????? is t>e release n=m<er. i.e. P 3'*14K PSCArc>ive PSCUp9rade )S )S??? J$>ere ??? is t>e PS application version n=m<er. )S3'K SA SA??? J$>ere ??? is t>e PS application version n=m<er. SA34K PSCP ools )S P v???? JA>ere v is t>e version n=m<er and ????? is t>e release n=m<er. i.e. P 3'*14K SA P v???? JA>ere v is t>e version n=m<er and ????? is t>e release n=m<er. i.e. P 3'*14K PSCPatc>es )S mtpCmmddyyyy Jt>is is t>e date t>e application patc>es Aent into prod=ctionK SA mtpCmmddyyyy Jt>is is t>e date t>e application patc>es Aent into prod=ctionK :.1.& Patc. Set Reports #n addition to t>e PeopleSoft delivered doc=mentation. t>e folloAin9 reports Aill <e created <y t>e D:A and placed in t>e appropriate doc=mentation directory <efore patc>es are applied to t>e tar9et data<ase. Compare Reports identify c>an9es <etAeen t>e so=rce JdemoK data<ase and t>e tar9et JdevelopmentK data<ase. Application developers are responsi<le for revieAin9 compare reports. Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e 10 of

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!nternal ObBect Compare Report is a spreads>eet created <y t>e D:A <y r=nnin9 sGl after t>e Compare !eports >ave <een created. >e S1( =ses ta<les =pdated <y t>e compare reports to indicate o<Fects t>at Aere c>an9ed. Application developers are responsi<le for revieAin9 t>e #nternal O<Fect Compare !eport. >e S(SAUD!T report is an a=dit report of discrepancies <etAeen PeopleSoft and Oracle system ta<les. >e S2SAUD# report is created only A>en installin9 maintenance pac@s. >e DDDAUD!T report is an a=dit report of discrepancies <etAeen PeopleSoft and Oracle application ta<les. vieAs. and inde?es. >e DDDAUD# report is created only A>en installin9 maintenance pac@s.

PeopleSoft releases =p9rades to People ools appro?imately every G=arter. A People ools =p9rade =s=ally involves c>an9in9 t>e str=ct=re of People ools ta<les. As of version 3. t>ere are ools str=ct=ral c>an9es Ait> eac> minor ools release. >e release n=m<erin9 sc>eme is identified as folloAs8 3.14.1& or 3.'&.1% >e first di9it represents t>e version of application and tools softAare yo= are on. >e second tAo di9its represent t>e maFor version of tools and t>e last tAo di9its represent t>e minor release or patc> level of tools. Minor c>an9es are released more often in response to =r9ent fi?es t>at come from PeopleSoft. >e People ools =p9rade is installed <y t>e D:A staff. All maFor =p9rades m=st <e doAnloaded from t>e PeopleSoft Ae<site. >ey also send cd pac@a9e Ait> t>e softAare =pdates on it. All doc=mentation can <e doAnloaded from PeopleSoft6s C=stomer Connection Ae< site. Minor releases of t>e =p9rade can <e doAnloaded as Aell from t>is Ae< site alon9 Ait> t>e correspondin9 doc=mentation. >e folloAin9 steps are performed <y t>e D:A staff. >oAever. it is important for t>e Application Mana9ers to <ecome familiar Ait> t>e preparation p>ase of t>e =p9rade and =nderstand t>e fi?es and en>ancements t>at Aill <e availa<le Ait> t>e =p9rade. :.&.1. PREPARAT!ON Application Mana9ers Aill 9ive t>e approval to load People ools from t>e Demo to Dev to est and t>en to t>e Prod=ction environment. performin9 testin9 alon9 t>e Aay. >ey Aill also determine t>e sc>ed=le in A>ic> it Aill move from data<ase to data<ase. A People ools =p9rade Aill reG=ire t>e application servers. process sc>ed=lers and Ae< servers to <e <ro=9>t doAn. reconfi9=red andBor recreated to incorporate t>e c>an9es. >e CO:O( pro9rams Aill need to <e recompiled as Aell. >e D:A staff is responsi<le for t>ese tas@s. Once t>e =p9rade >as <een completed. t>e Application Mana9ers are notified.


>is section addresses >oA patc>es and fi?es are applied to t>e t>ree primary applications Jfinance. st=dent administration. and >=man reso=rcesK. )or t>e p=rpose of t>is doc=ment. t>e Aord Rpatc>esS s>all refer to PeopleSoft iss=ed patc>es. <=ndles. ta? =pdates. re9s releases. and maintenance pac@s. >e normal mi9ration pat> is PeopleSoft demo data<ase development data<ase test data<ase prod=ction data<ase. >e process floA for applyin9 patc>es to PeopleSoft is8 "ersion 0.1 114 Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e 13 of

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D:A D:A D:A D:A Developers Developers D:A )=nctional Users D:A

Determine A>ic> patc>es to doAnload and <=ilds patc> set spreads>eet. DoAnload patc> set. <=ndle. maintenance pac@ to t>e demo data<ase. Create a=dit and compare reports sends o=t to developers for revieA Mi9rate patc>es to development data<ase. Compile CO:O(. !eapply c=stomiEations to PeopleSoft delivered o<Fects. Perform =nit tests. Mi9rate patc>es to test data<ase. Perform system and inte9ration tests. Mi9rate patc>es to prod=ction data<ase.

Data<ase Administrators Aill maintain a proced=re man=al for installation of patc>es and =p9rades. PeopleSoft application patc>es are doAnloaded every & % mont>s from t>e PeopleSoft Ae< site for )inance. St=dent Administration. H=man !eso=rces. and People ools. >e D:A team applies t>e patc>es. >e D:A analyst applyin9 patc>es s>o=ld <e familiar Ait> PeopleSoft Application Desi9ner. Data Mover. S1(N. CO:O( compiler tools. and Oracle. Uni? and N environments. #t is recommended t>at data<ase administrators applyin9 patc>es complete People ools # and Data Mana9ement B Up9rade classes offered <y PeopleSoft. :.1.1. PeopleSoft PeopleSoft patc>es m=st <e e?tracted from PeopleSoft C=stomer Connection. Searc> criteria for t>e vario=s applications and mod=les are presented in Appendi? D. :.1.& PS Maintenance Sc.ed-le >e application mana9ers determine t>e PS Maintenance Sc>ed=le. >e D:As Aill Aor@ from t>e PS Maintenance Sc>ed=le to determine doAnload dates. apply to demo data<ase and deliver compare reports dates. Eac> p>ase of t>e patc> set move reG=ires application mana9er notification. Occasionally. <=siness process dates Aill conflict Ait> a patc> set ma@in9 it to prod=ction in a timely manner and t>e sc>ed=le slides a <it. :=siness processes co=ld ca=se t>e sc>ed=le to slide. All sc>ed=le conflicts m=st 9o t>ro=9> t>e application mana9ers. :.1.2 Testin, G Retrofittin, a Patc. set After patc>es >ave mi9rated to t>e tar9et data<ase. t>e tec>nical s=pport mana9er s>o=ld <e notified via email. Application developers can <e9in reapplyin9 c=stomiEations and =nit testin9. CS!s are created for application developers to doc=ment and mi9rate retrofits. :.1.9 Patc. set Mi,rations Once t>e application mana9er approves t>e mi9ration of t>e patc>es to t>e tar9et data<ase. t>e D:A Aill perform t>e move. An email Aill <e sent to t>e D:A listserv after t>e move is completed. Patc> mi9rations to t>e tar9et data<ase Aill occ=r d=rin9 t>e S=nday maintenance. after >o=rs. or d=rin9 t>e day. Patc> set mi9rations to t>e prod=ction data<ase Aill occ=r d=rin9 t>e S=nday maintenance AindoA. #n addition to t>e mi9ration reG=est. t>e D:A mana9er m=st complete a c>an9e notification form and present to t>e C>an9e Mana9ement Committee.

:.2.1 !nternal ObBects A patc> set or application release Aill often modify PeopleSoft internal o<Fects. As s=c> c=stomiEations made to PeopleSoft delivered o<Fects Aill <e lost and m=st <e reapplied <y t>e application developer. o mana9e t>is. tAo tools are availa<le to developers8 1. Compare !eport &. O<Fects Spreads>eet

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Compare Reports Compare reports identify A>ic> internal o<Fects Aere c>an9ed <y PeopleSoft <y comparin9 a so=rce JdemoK data<ase and a tar9et JdevelopmentK data<ase. >ese reports identify detailed c>an9es to PeopleSoft internal o<Fects and s>o=ld <e caref=lly revieAed <efore applyin9 patc>es to t>e development data<ase. Application developers are responsi<le for revieAin9 compare reports. ObBects Spreads.eet After t>e compare reports are created. t>e D:As Aill r=n a S1( process to create an o<Fects spreads>eet. >is S1( =ses compare report ta<les. >e D:As Aill also enter e?ternal o<Fects t>at need to <e retrofitted. >e spreads>eet can <e filtered for o<Fects c>an9ed. t>e last person to =pdate t>at o<Fect. etc. After patc> sets are mi9rated to t>e development data<ase. application developers may <e9in t>e retrofit process of reapplyin9 c=stomiEations and testin9. At t>is point. it is only necessary to cond=ct =nit testin9. )=ll testin9 Aill <e cond=cted <y f=nctional =sers after t>e patc> set mi9rates to t>e test environment. Developers s>o=ld place any internal or e?ternal o<Fects t>ey retrofit into a CS! Ait>in S A . :.2.1 Previo-s ersions $>en D:As install a maintenance pac@. t>ey Aill copy t>e c=rrent SAnnDE"BUSE! directory to SAnnDE"BUSE!CO(D and copy SAnnDE"BUSE!CO(D O SAnnDE"CUSE!CO(DE!. >e SAnnDE"BUSE! directory Aill <e refres>ed from SAP!D. >e old directories are for reference only or co=ld <e =sed to <rin9 c=stom process in pro9ress <ac@ to t>e SAnnDE"BUSE! directory. Note4 PeopleSoft delivered obBects /ere modified s.o-ld not be copied bacH from old directories. T.e obBects s.o-ld be retrofitted instead. :.2.& Cr@stal) n ision) MicroSoft "ord ObBects >e D:A Aill copy Crystal !eports. n"ision. and $in$ord o<Fects directly into t>e B=ser directories on t>e data<ase so=rce code tree. #f any of t>ese o<Fects >ave <een c=stomiEed. developers s>o=ld refer to previo=s versions and reapply c=stomiEations. :.2.1 Unit Testin, Unit testin9 of internal and e?ternal o<Fects in t>e patc> set or application release is cond=cted in t>e development environment <y t>e application developers. Unit testin9 ens=res t>at t>e o<Fect Aill e?ec=te and desired o=tp=ts are prod=ced. De<=99in9 and verification of o=tp=t res=lts are performed <y t>e developer. $>en =nit testin9 >as completed. t>e patc> set can mi9rate to test. :.2.2 S@stem Testin, System testin9 is performed <y f=nctional =sers and @ey f=nctional =sers in t>e test environment. System testin9 incl=des testin9 of complete processes incl=din9 =pstream and doAnstream processes as applica<le. System testin9 may also incl=de inte9ration testin9 <etAeen tAo or more applications and load testin9 to verify t>at t>e >ardAare and netAor@ infrastr=ct=re can s=pport t>e c>an9es <ein9 made.

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SoftAare 1=ality Ass=rance JS1AK application development life cycle is ill=strated in t>e folloAin9 dia9ram8

Request for Enhancement/ Modificatiion

Functional lead su"mits request for enhancement or modification to tech appl mgr#

(nalysis ) $esign

(nalysis and design specs are de%eloped#


$e%eloper &rites / modifys code#

Unit Test

$e%eloper tests program module#

Migrate to test

$e%eloper initiates request to migrate to test en%ironment

Functional Testing (process, system)

Functional analysts/users perform unit, process, integration, and system tests#

Migrate to production

$e%eloper initiates request to migrate to production

roduction !erification

$e%eloper %erifiies migration &or'ed successfully# Email is sent to functional lead/security administrator to update menu security#

>is process is mana9ed <y a prod=ct from 1=est called S A . All C>an9e Service !eG=ests JCS!K are ro=ted t>ro=9> S A . S A is self;doc=mentin9. #t Aill record c>an9e reG=ests. trac@ t>e c>an9e service reG=est JCS!K as it moved t>ro=9> t>e sta9es. and provides necessary approvals from f=nctional and tec>nical mana9ers <efore final mi9ration to prod=ction. S A also provides version control for PeopleSoft internal o<Fects s=c> as pa9es. components. records. etc. and e?ternal o<Fects s=c> as S1!s. CO:O(. etc.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards rainin9 for f=nctional and tec>nical staff is reG=ired <efore =sin9 S A . >is doc=ment is not intended to <e a trainin9 doc=ment for S A <=t Aill provide <asic information at t>e concept=al level.


PeopleSoft Application C>an9e Mana9ement proced=res provide a common development and implementation pat> for all c>an9es. >ese proced=res e?plain t>e many sta9es a c>an9e may 9o t>ro=9> from its inception to final implementation. >e steps of t>e C>an9e Control Process are provided <eloA8 ;.&.1 !nitiatin, a C-stomer Service ReC-est Approved )=nctional Mana9ers or tec>nical s=pport staff mem<er can propose a c>an9e to t>e system and enter t>e reG=est into S A . Ori9inal reG=ests may come in vario=s forms s=c> as email. ver<al. screen prints. etc.. >oAever. eac> reG=est m=st <e entered into S A <y eit>er t>e f=nctional analyst. mana9er. or tec>nical s=pport staff. All reG=ests for development Aor@ s>o=ld provide detailed f=nctional specs. >is s>o=ld <e doc=mented Ait>in S A eit>er in t>e description area or <y addin9 it as an attac>ment. S A does alloA attac>ment of files for f=rt>er doc=mentation or specs as reG=ired. STAT,e Mana,ement ReC-est Pa,e

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Upon completin9 t>e initial CS!. t>e reG=estor m=st enter a User#d <efore t>ey can save t>e pa9e. >e User#d defa=lts to t>e tec>nical mana9ers s=pportin9 t>at application. Upon savin9 t>e pa9e. an email Aill <e sent to t>e c=stomer and to t>e tec>nical mana9er notifyin9 t>em t>at a reG=est >as <een entered into S A . ;.&.& STAT "orHflo/ Once t>e CS! >as <een created. S A Aill create a Aor@floA to mana9e movement of t>e CS! and attac>ed o<Fects. Only t>e person to A>om t>e CS! is assi9ned or a mana9er can =pdate t>e CS! and move it to t>e ne?t step in t>e Aor@floA.

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#n t>e e?ample a<ove. t>e CS! is in RAcceptedS stat=s Aaitin9 to <e moved to RDevelopmentS and assi9ned to a developer. As t>e CS! moves to vario=s stat=ses. t>e CS! Aill <e assi9ned to t>e ne?t person A>o is to perform t>at activity. #f approvals are reG=ired. S A Aill restrict movement of t>e CS! to t>e ne?t stat=s =ntil t>e approvals are made electronically Ait>in S A . ;.&.1 !nitial Approvals >e E. S. ec>nical Applications Mana9er is responsi<le for revieAin9 t>e reG=est and decidin9 A>ic> action m=st <e ta@en. >e reG=est may <e denied. placed on >old. moved to an RAcceptedS stat=s Aaitin9 for reassi9nment to a developer. or moved to RDevelopmentS stat=s and assi9ned to a developer. >e E. S. ec>nical Applications Mana9er determines if t>e reG=est >as received approval from t>e Application AdvisoryB(eaders>ip +ro=p or t>eir desi9nee. All reG=ests for processes to access. retrieve. or =pdate data on prod=ction data<ases reG=ire t>e approval t>e Application AdvisoryB(eaders>ip +ro=p. >e E. S. ec>nical Applications Mana9er is responsi<le for mana9in9 t>e Aor@ and priorities of >is staff s=<Fect to priorities set <y t>e Application AdvisoryB(eaders>ip +ro=p. ;.&.2 Approval b@ t.e Application Advisor@?$eaders.ip %ro-p >ere are t>ree Application AdvisoryB(eaders>ip +ro=ps representin9 H=man !eso=rce Mana9ement System. )inancials. and St=dent Academics and Administration. Eac> Application AdvisoryB(eaders>ip +ro=p s>all define its oAn proced=res for >oA reG=ests Aill <e approved internally <y t>e Application AdvisoryB(eaders>ip +ro=p. >e E. S. ec>nical Mana9er or t>e Application )=nctional (ead Aill determine A>et>er a reG=est m=st <e presented to t>e Application AdvisoryB(eaders>ip +ro=p for clarification andBor approval.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards Note4 A s=ita<le notification to Application AdvisoryB(eaders>ip +ro=p Ao=ld <e a 9ro=p e;mail referencin9 t>e identification n=m<er of t>e Development !eG=est. $>enever possi<le. t>at e;mail notification s>o=ld <e made at least &' >o=rs prior to t>e meetin9 so t>at t>e team mem<ers >ave a c>ance to revieA and print o=t any relevant information. As a practical matter. t>e !eG=estor s>o=ld also confirm t>at especially relevant team mem<ers >ave received notification and t>at t>ey >ave any necessary doc=mentation. >e E. S. ec>nical Application Mana9er is responsi<le for presentin9 material reG=ests to t>e respective Application AdvisoryB(eaders>ip +ro=p. Specifically incl=ded in t>e revieA are areas affected <y t>e c>an9e and t>e reG=estMs priority and tentative implementation sc>ed=le. >e Application AdvisoryB(eaders>ip 9ro=p may ta@e any of t>e folloAin9 actions8 Approve t>e development reG=est !efer t>e development reG=est to t>e E?ec=tive Mana9ement Committee for approval !efer t>e development reG=est to t>e ec>nical Application Mana9er for more information or for impact and cost analysis Deny t>e reG=est >e ec>nical Application Mana9er is responsi<le for comm=nicatin9 t>e stat=s of t>e reG=est to t>e reG=estor. ;.&.9 Approval 0@ T.e E5ec-tive Committee >e Application AdvisoryB(eaders>ip +ro=p is acco=nta<le to t>e E?ec=tive Mana9ement Committee and as s=c> s>all determine A>ic> reG=ests reG=ire approval <y t>e E?ec=tive Mana9ement Committee. S=c> referrals may <e <ased on political. policy. environmental. f=nctional application processes. or cost considerations. ;.&.: Mi,rate 3rom Prod-ction To Development >e E. S. ec>nical Application Mana9er may <e reG=ired to develop an impact or cost analysis of t>e reG=est <efore any f=rt>er Aor@ is completed. >e CS! s>o=ld <e moved to RHoldS stat=s =ntil s=c> analysis is complete. $>en development Aor@ is ready to <e9in. t>e E. S. ec>nical Application Mana9er Aill move t>e CS! to RDevelopmentS and assi9n t>e CS! to a developer via S A Aor@floA. S A Aill send an email notification to t>e developer. Once t>e Development !eG=est is approved. t>e tec>nical mana9er or application developer Aill develop tec>nical specifications. a test plan. and identify A>ic> o<Fects. ta<les. or files Aill reG=ire modification. S A provides t>e a<ility for an application developer to attac> a PeopleSoft o<Fect to t>e CS! and Rloc@ o=tS ot>er CS!s from =sin9 t>is o<Fect. >is loc@o=t occ=rs only Ait>in S A . NOTE4 Alt.o-,. obBects are locHed in STAT) onl@ prevents developer from mi,ratin, t.ose obBects via STAT. T.ere is, to prevent a developer from modif@in, obBects locHed b@ developer in STAT. practice is not approved or enco-ra,ed. Developers s.o-ld locH obBects in STAT before modification be,ins to prevent developers from mi,ratin, obBects t.e@ are /orHin, on. S A Aill copy t>e prod=ction o<Fects to <e modified to development environment to ens=re t>ey are Aor@in9 on a c=rrent prod=ction copy.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards STAT,e Mana,ement ersion Control

S A mi9rations are a &;step process8 1. >e o<Fect is copied from t>e so=rce data<ase to a S A arc>ive data<ase. &. >e o<Fect is copied from t>e S A arc>ive data<ase to t>e tar9et data<ase. "ersion 0.1 114 Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e &0 of

PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

#f a developer needs to move a previo=s version of A>at t>ey >ave modified to t>e tar9et data<ase. t>ey simply mi9rate from appropriate arc>ive set to t>e tar9et data<ase. >e S A :aseline Set is a copy of t>e o<Fects from t>e prod=ction data<ase prior to ma@in9 any modifications. >e <aseline set is stored in t>e S A arc>ive data<ase and copied to t>e development environment. $>en t>e o<Fects are moved to prod=ction and t>e ori9inal version needs to <e restored. t>e <aseline arc>ive set can <e =sed to move t>e o<Fects <ac@ to prod=ction. HO$E"E!. t>is m=st <e done <efore t>e D:As move t>e CS! to a completed stat=s A>ic> removes t>e o<Fects from t>e CS! and releases t>e loc@. NOTE4 Once t.e CSR is closed and t.e locHs on t.e obBects released) it is not possible to install previo-s versions of t.e obBects via STAT. ;.&.; Development Activit@ >e development activity <e9ins Ait> analysis and desi9n <y t>e application developer. After t>e tec>nical specifications are completed. t>e application developer <e9ins development activities. s=c> as codin9 and testin9. folloAin9 t>e standards contained Ait>in t>is doc=ment. D=rin9 t>e development p>ase. t>e application developer is responsi<le for8 Development of t>e tec>nical specifications Pro9rammin9 activities codin9. de<=99in9. and testin9 Performin9 =nit testin9 #nitiatin9 a development Aal@t>ro=9> B tec>nical revieA of t>e c>an9e Ait> t>e reG=estor. J!eference C>apter 0.*K #n some cases t>e application developer Aill perform some of t>ese tas@s Ait> t>e assistance of t>e f=nctional =sers. ;.&.+ Mi,ration to Test Environment Mi9rations to t>e test environment is a &;step process performed Ait>in S A <y t>e developer. 1. Mi9rate PeopleSoft o<Fects from development data<ase to t>e test data<ase &. Move t>e CS! via Aor@floA to R estS stat=s and reassi9nin9 t>e CS! to t>e f=nctional analyst A>o Aill cond=ct t>e testin9. S A Aill a=tomatically send email notification to t>e f=nctional analyst t>at t>e CS! >as <een reassi9ned to t>em. Application Developers s>o=ld not >ave access to ma@e men= sec=rity c>an9es in test or prod=ction environments. Application Developers s>o=ld not <e a<le to r=n =pdate S1( in test or prod=ction environments. D:As can r=n S1( if instr=cted to do so Ait>in t>e CS!. NOTE4 Do not .ave Application Desi,ner open /.en mi,ratin, obBects in STAT. Application Desi,ner /ill a-tomaticall@ add obBects to a proBect @o- .ave open in STAT. T.e developer /o-ld -nHno/in,l@ mi,rate obBects do not belon, to t.e proBect and .ave been modified and possibl@ -ntested. After completin9 =nit andBor system testin9. t>e f=nctional analyst can perform tAo actions 1. !et=rn t>e CS! to t>e developer for f=rt>er modifications &. Approve t>e CS! to <e moved to prod=ction and move t>e CS! to RMana9er ApprovalS stat=s. ;.&.< User Acceptance Testin, >e test data<ase is t>e standard defa=lt test data<ase for f=nctional =sers. >e sand<o? data<ase. A>ic> is refres>ed Aee@ly. may <e =sed for =nit. system. or =ser acceptance testin9 <eca=se t>e test environment does not contain t>e complete prod=ction environment data set. >ere are & additional data<ases. DC1 and DC&. A>ic> can <e =sed for testin9 time sensitive processes. >e dates can <e c>an9ed on t>e servers s=pportin9 t>ese data<ases.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards System and inte9ration testin9 are cond=cted at t>is point. )=nctional =sers are responsi<le for developin9 a test team and cond=ctin9 =ser acceptance testin9 in t>e test environment. Vey f=nctional =sers Aill provide t>e test team Ait> t>e test plan and scripts to <e =sed d=rin9 t>e =ser acceptance test. >e testin9 team may s=pplement t>ese test plans and scripts Ait> standard andBor specific tests relevant to t>e c>an9e. #f additional c>an9es are reG=ired. t>ey are ret=rned to t>e application developer for reAor@ in development. at A>ic> point t>e process of mi9ratin9 to t>e test environment m=st repeat itself. >e folloAin9 tests s>o=ld <e considered andBor cond=cted8 Complete system testin9 of t>e application processes and Complete system testin9 of application interfaces to ot>er applications or e?ternal applications. Complete system testin9 of voice and data netAor@s (oad testin9 User acceptance testin9 s>o=ld <e completed prior to approvin9 t>e CS! and movin9 it to RMana9er ApprovalS stat=s. ;.&.1* Mi,ration to Prod-ction Once t>e CS! is in RMana9er ApprovalS stat=s. t>e E. S. ec>nical Application Mana9er can approve t>e CS! and move t>e CS! to RMove o Prod=ctionS stat=s. Email notice is a=tomatically sent to all D:As via S A to indicate t>at t>e CS! is ready to mi9rate. )inal mi9rations are performed Ait>in S A <y a D:A. After t>e o<Fects >ave <een mi9rated. t>e D:A Aill ro=te t>e CS! eit>er to sec=rity for men= sec=rity =pdates or to a RCompletionS stat=s. An email notification Aill <e sent to t>e c=stomer and t>e E. S. ec>nical Applications Mana9er A>en t>e CS! stat=s is completed. A completion stat=s Aill remove t>e loc@s on PeopleSoft o<Fects attac>ed to t>e CS!. >e folloAin9 matri? identifies t>e & types of mi9rations and A>en t>ey can occ=r. Normal Mi,ration ype # E?ternal O<Fects can mi9rate at any time. E?tra approval not reG=ired. ype ##. #nternal O<Fects Aill mi9rate on =e. D >r. after 0 p.m and <efore 0 a.m. on t>e folloAin9 day and on S=n. d=rin9 t>e S=nday maintenance AindoA. All app servers Aill <e <ro=9>t doAn prior to mi9ratin9 o<Fects and t>en <ro=9>t <ac@ =p. No e?tra approvals reG=ired. nBa Emer,enc@ Mi,ration ype # E?ternal O<Fects can mi9rate at any time. E?tra approval not reG=ired ype ##. #nternal O<Fects Aill mi9rate on after 0 p.m and <efore 0 a.m. on t>e folloAin9 day. All app servers Aill <e <ro=9>t doAn prior to mi9ratin9 o<Fects and t>en <ro=9>t <ac@ =p. !eG=ires approval from tAo tec>nical mana9ers. ype ##. #n e?treme emer9encies. #nternal O<Fects may mi9rate d=rin9 <=siness >o=rs. All app servers Aill <e <ro=9>t doAn prior to mi9ratin9 o<Fects and t>en <ro=9>t <ac@ =p. !eG=ires approval from t>e Associate "ice President of Enterprise Systems

)=nctional =sers may desi9nate a reG=est as an emer9ency. $it>in S A . t>is is done <y settin9 t>e c=stomer priority to RUr9entS. >e process for movin9 t>e CS! and mi9ratin9 o<Fects for emer9ency CS!S is no different t>an re9=lar CS!s. >e process is simply e?pedited. NOTE4 D0As s.o-ld not perform emer,enc@ mi,rations -ntil t/o tec.nical mana,er approvals .ave been received.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards Emer9ency mi9rations s>o=ld <e avoided if at all possi<le <eca=se t>e application server services may <e restarted A>ic> res=lts in temporary =navaila<ility of t>e application or application server cac>e may need to <e re<=ilt. Emer9ency c>an9es s>o=ld not violate t>e inte9rity or t>e intent of c>an9e control processes. >e E. S. ec>nical Mana9er is responsi<le for notifyin9 >is s=perior and peers t>at an emer9ency mi9ration t>at Aill ca=se a disr=ption of service is a<o=t to occ=r. >e E. S. ec>nical Mana9ers t>at Aill <e affected <y t>e mi9ration are responsi<le for contactin9 @ey f=nctional personnel providin9 t>e time disr=ption is e?pected to occ=r and for >oA lon9. Email notification is s=fficient. >oAever. t>e tec>nical mana9er may Aant to provide a ver<al notification as Aell. ;.&.11 3ailed Mi,rations To Prod-ction Occasionally. it is not possi<le for t>e D:A to mi9rate o<Fects to prod=ction. >is co=ld <eca=se t>e o<Fects are not loc@ed in S A . =nclear instr=ctions Ait>in t>e CS!. etc. Application developers are reG=ired to enter t>eir >ome p>one and cell p>one in t>e description area of t>e CS! <efore movin9 t>e CS! o=t of development. #n t>e event t>e D:As are =na<le to mi9rate a CS!. t>ey s>all immediately call t>e application developer to notify t>em of t>e pro<lem. #f necessary. t>e D:As Aill ret=rn t>e CS! to t>e developer. Application developers may indicate in t>e description area of t>e CS! t>at t>e CS! is not critical and t>ey s>o=ld not <e called. ;.&.1& Special !nstr-ctions for "in"ord Mi,rations Only =sers in t>e PS;Dev;$in$ord and PS;Dev;D:A $indoAs access 9ro=ps >ave access to Arite to P8PSAnn S P$inAord and P8PSAnn S P=serPAinAord directories. >is Aas introd=ced to alloA camp=s st=dent administration staff to ma@e minor modifications to t>eir letters and p=t into t>e prod=ction environment directly. Ait>o=t D:A assistance. Sec=red =sers Aill test t>eir modifications in P8PSAnn S PAinAord directory and r=n a9ainst t>e SAnn S data<ase. and once t>ey are ready to move t>e letter to prod=ction. t>ey copy it to p8PSAnn S P=serPAinAord. P8PSAnn S P=serPAinAord is replicated >o=rly to t>e prod=ction code tree. Developers do >ave access to p8PSAnnDE"PAinAord and p8PSAnnDE"P=serPAinAord directories. $>en r=nnin9 $in$ord from a PeopleSoft panelBprocess. t>e $in$ord doc=ment m=st reside in t>e P$in$ord directory and NO in P=serP$in$ord. P=serP$in$ord is =sed to @eep a copy for reference and maintain consistency Ait> t>e development environment Ji.e. @eep all t>e modified codes in P=serP..... directoryK. :eca=se =sers can modify t>e letter Jin t>e SAnn S SAP!DB$in$ord <efore modifyin9 t>e letter. code treeK. t>e latest version s>o=ld <e copied from

;.&.11 STAT Doc-mentation CS!s can easily <e vieAed t>ro=9> stat=s and t>ro=9> vario=s filters incl=din9 CS! stat=s and assi9nment G=e=e. >is alloAs f=nctional mana9ers. tec>nical mana9ers. and developers to researc> previo=sly completed CS!s. S A also provides a variety of canned reports.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards S A also maintains a >istory of anyone A>o made c>an9es to t>e CS!. STAT 'istor@ Pa,e

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

Minim=m tec>nical trainin9 reG=irements for entry level application developers is S1(. S1!. 1=ery. People ools #. Additional tec>nical trainin9 may incl=de People ools ##. PeopleCode. application en9ine. component interface. application messa9in9.


+.&.1 Pa,e Desi,n $indoAs +U# and H M( standards Aill <e applied in t>e development of pa9e desi9n. PeopleSoft Application Desi9ner is t>e development tool and a=tomatically invo@es t>ese standards. As a matter of convenience for t>e =ser. a pa9e s>o=ld <e no lon9er t>an % scroll clic@s J<y clic@in9 in t>e middle of t>e scroll <ar.K $>en a panel or pa9e displays m=ltiple roAs t>at are effective dated. t>e roAs s>o=ld <e sorted in effective date descendin9 order to present t>e most recent effective dated roAs first. +.&.& Response Time Screen fields s>o=ld <e arran9ed and assi9ned display attri<=tes in order to red=ce <ot> t>e =ser response time and t>e comp=ter response time8 !ed=ce learnin9 c=rve for neA =sers. #f fields t>at serve t>e same p=rpose are alAays placed in t>e same location on screens. t>e ine?perienced =ser Aill @noA A>ere to loo@ on a neA screen. !ed=ce eye;movement for t>e e?perienced =ser. >e nat=ral floA of a screen s>o=ld <e in t>e order =sers e?pect for te?t. A>ic> is left to ri9>t. top to <ottom. #f fields t>at serve t>e same p=rpose are alAays p=t in t>e same place. t>e =serMs eye can move strai9>t to t>em rat>er t>an searc>in9 t>e screen. #n addition. if t>e =ser can anticipate A>ere t>e first LimportantL field Aill <e <efore a screen appears. t>e eye can <e foc=sed on t>e appropriate spot A>ile t>e screen is c>an9in9. !ed=ce eyestrain. >e screen s>o=ld <e =ncl=ttered. and arran9ed in col=mns A>ic> t>e eye can easily folloA. +.&.1 Pa,es Avoid renamin9 an ori9inal pa9e as PEOP(ECODE may <e referencin9 t>e pa9e. Never delete a field from a delivered or e?istin9 pa9e. #f t>e field is not desired. ma@e t>e field invisi<le. !emovin9 fields may affect f=nctionality on t>is or anot>er pa9e. Vey fields on a pa9e s>o=ld alAays <e DISPLAY ONLY. C>ec@ <o?es s>o=ld <e =sed for 2ESBNO fields. Only =se radio <=ttons for a translate field if t>e translate val=es are a<sol=tely static. !elated Display fields s>o=ld <e =sed A>ere appropriate. Je?. DEP #D. :US#NESSCUN# XK. >e pa9e s>o=ld <e or9aniEed in a manner consistent Ait> t>e floA of data as Aell as <ein9 as int=itive as possi<le for t>e =ser. #f t>e pa9e is to <e primarily =sed for data entry. t>e field layo=t s>o=ld coincide Ait> t>e order t>at t>e information is o<tained <y t>e =ser. #f t>e so=rce of data is a report or form. t>e pa9e layo=t s>o=ld matc> t>at of t>e so=rce. >e ta< order of t>e fields on t>e pa9e s>o=ld floA lo9ically Ait> t>e layo=t of t>e fields on t>e pa9e. All c=stom pa9es s>o=ld <e prefi?ed Ait> UHSC. +.&.2 Men-s

Never delete a delivered men=. #f t>e men= is not desired. =se operator sec=rity to >ide t>e men=s from all operator id6s and operator classes.

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PeopleSoft delivered men=s s>o=ld not <e modified. UHS c=stom men=s s>o=ld <e =sed. Men=s s>o=ld <e or9aniEed lo9ically accordin9 to t>e men= 9ro=p it is in and t>e nat=re of t>e application. #f t>ere are several components associated Ait> an application. t>ose components s>o=ld <e 9ro=ped to9et>er.
Men= (a<els s>o=ld <e in Mi?ed Case. Men= item names s>o=ld <e descriptive of t>e process so t>at t>ey are easily identifia<le in sec=rity administrator. +.&.9 Mi5ed Case Mi?ed case te?t is easier to read. All neA applications s>o=ld =se mi?ed case for non;varia<le te?t. s=c> as col=mn >eadin9s and la<els. =nless t>e te?t is a mnemonic or an acronym. Decisions re9ardin9 case on e?istin9 applications s>o=ld <e made in t>e manner t>at is t>e least disr=ptive to t>e =ser. #f a neA screen is added to an application t>at employs =pper case. factors s=c> as t>e overall aest>etic effect of t>e mi?t=re. as Aell as t>e li@eli>ood t>at t>e remainin9 screens Aill <e revised in t>e near f=t=re. s>o=ld <e considered. No sin9le screen s>o=ld =se <ot> mi?ed case and =pper case for la<el and col=mn >eadin9s. #n addition. screens s>o=ld provide for t>e inp=t of mi?ed case data A>ere appropriate ;; for e?ample. descriptive te?t t>at is not =sed for a searc>.

+.1.1 Codin, Standards PeopleCode is commonly =sed to c=stomiEe PeopleSoft. Code s>o=ld <e commented to facilitate t>e maintenance of PeopleCode. >ese comments are critical A>en PeopleSoft patc>es are installed. $>en PeopleCode is Aritten. t>e editor enforces t>e str=ct=re of t>e code. )or disc=ssions on Aritin9 PeopleCode see t>e PeopleCode Class Man=al and t>e PeopleCode People:oo@s. >e =se of t>e )ield)orm=la event is primarily =sed to store f=nctions. :eca=se code in t>is event alAays processes. it s>o=ld only <e =sed for f=nction li<raries and Ae< li<raries. +.1.& Code Doc-mentation >e application developer is responsi<le for code level comments in all cases. Commentin9 r=les are as folloAs8 Comments need to <e incl=ded Ait> all codin9 tas@s. s=c> as neA development. en>ancementsBmodifications and <=9 fi?es. JE?ample 1K #ncl=ded in all comments s>o=ld <e a RUHSS ta9. CS!Y. date of modificationBcreation. developer name. and e?planationB<ac@9ro=nd of t>e neABmodified code. JE?ample 1K Code s>o=ld <e <ro@en =p into lo9ical <loc@s. and at eac> maFor step in t>e application lo9ic a neA comment s>o=ld <e created. $>en t>e <loc@ is complete an end comment s>o=ld <e created. $>en code is c>an9ed. t>e ori9inal code needs to <e commented o=t and replaced Ait> t>e =pdated code. o ma@e it easier to identify. t>e commented code needs to <e a<ove t>e modified code. o provide f=t=re reference. do not delete t>e old code. JE?ample &K

E5ample 1 6Addin, t.e startin, and endin, comments 8 Ori9inal Code

If %PanelGroup = "MAINTAIN_PO_CF" Then &AMTVCHR = PO_Vchr_Am _Ac !"e#PO_$IN%_F&'()&IN%&&_)NIT* PO_$IN%_F&'PO_I+* PO_$IN%_F&'$IN%_N(R* ,* ,-. %n/0If.

UHS Modified Code8 #f UPanel+ro=p I LMA#N A#NCPOCC)L >en "ersion 0.1 114 Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e %' of

PeopleSoft Application Development Standards BZ UHS. CS!;1&%'.,%B,1B&,,&. Start. )Snnnnn. [developer name >ere\ ZB BZ Description of t>e c>an9e <ein9 made. ZB BZ DAM "CH! I POC"c>rCAmtCActiveJPOC(#NEC)S.:US#NESSCUN# . POC(#NEC)S.POC#D. POC(#NEC)S.(#NECN:!. ,. ,KTZB DAM "CH! I POC"c>rCAmtCActiveJPOC(#NECD#S !#:.:US#NESSCUN# . POC(#NECD#S !#:.POC#D. POC(#NECD#S !#:.(#NECN:!. POC(#NECD#S !#:.SCHEDCN:!. POC(#NECD#S !#:.D#S !#:C(#NECNUMKT BZ UHS. ,%B,1B&,,&. End ZB End;#fT E5ample & 6 Commentin, o-t e5istin, code and addin, c-stom code8 Ori9inal Code8
If %PanelGroup = "MAINTAIN_PO_CF" Then &AMTVCHR = PO_Vchr_Am _Ac !"e#PO_$IN%_F&'()&IN%&&_)NIT* PO_$IN%_F&'PO_I+* PO_$IN%_F&'$IN%_N(R* ,* ,-. %n/0If.

UHS Modified Code8

If %PanelGroup = "MAINTAIN_PO_CF" Then 12 )H&* C&R03456*,51,314,,4* & ar * F&nnnnn* 7/e"eloper name here8 21 12 +e9cr!p !on of he chan:e ;e!n: ma/e' 21 /* &AMTVCHR = PO_Vchr_Amt_Active(PO_LINE_FS. !SINESS_!NIT" PO_LINE_FS.PO_I#" PO_LINE_FS.LINE_N R" $" $%&*/

12 )H&* ,51,314,,4* %n/ 21 %n/0If.

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Application En9ine alloAs comments to <e added to t>e step =sin9 a ri9>t clic@. Comments s>o=ld <e =sed to indicate c>an9es made. CS!Y. date. and developer.

PeopleCode and S1( codin9 conventions s>o=ld <e folloAed A>en placed Ait>in an App En9ine pro9ram.


>e Process Sc>ed=ler Distri<=tion A9ent transfers all system 9enerated files to t>e !eport !epository A>en a process completes. Code m=st <e Aritten if a file or spreads>eet is created and needs to <e placed in t>e !eport !epository. >e !eport !epository is A>ere process o=tp=t resides. !eports or lo9 files can <e vieAed from eit>er !eport Mana9er or Process Monitor A>en t>ey are in t>e !eport !epository. )iles transferred to t>e !eport !epository can incl=de reports. lo9s. and trace files. PeopleSoft 1=ery PeopleSoft 1=ery is t>e <ac@<one for Crystal. n"ision. and E?cel. All reported information. A>et>er it is an online report. a listin9 in a 9rid control. or a c=stomiEed report =sin9 Crystal. =ses PeopleSoft 1=ery to 9at>er t>e data. Alt>o=9> PeopleSoft 1=ery can <e =sed independently to r=n G=eries for immediate vieAin9. it also serves as t>e lin@ <etAeen t>e data stored in PeopleSoft ta<les and all ot>er reportin9 tools. Crystal !eports is a t>ird;party report desi9ner from Sea9ate SoftAare. 1=eries created in PeopleSoft are =sed to create c=stomiEed reports. forms. mailin9 la<els. and more. >is tool. A>ic> e?tracts real;time data from PeopleSoft. provides 9reat fle?i<ility in terms of layo=t. or9aniEation. and desi9n. Crystal !eports is ideal for reports =sed in presentations or meetin9s. Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e %* of

Crystal !eports

"ersion 0.1 114

PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

Microsoft E?cel

1=eries created in PeopleSoft can <e directly sent to Microsoft E?cel. :y r=nnin9 G=eries to a spreads>eet. yo= can manip=late t>e data =sin9 t>e feat=res and form=las availa<le Ait> Microsoft E?cel. 2o= Ao=ld typically c>oose t>is reportin9 option if yo= do not >ave PSBn"ision and Aant to =se t>e data for analysis p=rposes. PeopleSoft n"ision ena<les yo= to create <=siness reports in Microsoft E?cel. >is tool alloAs yo= to incl=de an a99re9ate val=e from a selected G=ery in yo=r report. >ro=9> PSBn"ision. yo= control >oA t>e report loo@s <y desi9nin9 t>e layo=t and format of t>e report. >is reportin9 tool is commonly =sed to <=ild s=mmary reports =sin9 a99re9ate f=nctions s=c> as S=m or Avera9e. A>en yo= Aant to create c>arts or 9rap>s. and Ait> mail mer9e doc=ments. S1! is a very poAerf=l and comple? reportin9 option <=t also >as t>e a<ility to manip=late data and ta<les. S1! reports are 9enerated <y application developers. #n most cases. one of t>e ot>er reportin9 options e?plained Ao=ld provide t>e information t>at yo= need.

PeopleSoft n"ision

S1! JStr=ct=red 1=ery !eport $riterK

Reportin, Tools %eneral Criteria SQR Unlimited or requires multiple selects Unlimited Ro&s returned /er%er Comple*ity of reporting 1 /peed of process 11 $rilldo&n E*cel Format Charts ) 7raphs E*tension Uni* /er%er or +T /er%er 2 3 +o 6es 6es $efined "y program# Report output defined "y rocess scheduler# Crystal nVision PS Query , (- is the U./ recommended limit) (pp ser%er time limit App Server JUni?K 5 5 +o 6es +o +/a

Ma* +um"er of Ta"les

, rocess scheduler time limit +T /er%er 3 2 6es +o 6es #08/, R T, $F Report output defined "y rocess scheduler#

, rocess /cheduler time limit E*cel 0imit +T /er%er 4 2 6es 6es 6es #90/, $F Report output defined "y rocess scheduler#

1 Comple*ity: 5 (Easy) ; 2 (Comple*) 11 /peed: 5 (Fast) ; 2 (/lo&)

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+.: S=R
S1! JStr=ct=red 1=ery !eport$riterK is delivered Ait> t>e PeopleSoft system. S1! is =s=ally t>e tool of c>oice for comple? <atc> reports and processes. Additionally. PeopleSoft delivers vario=s listin9 reports t>at detail t>e contents of a 9iven ta<le s=c> as t>e valid val=e for fields. Note t>at S1!s can <e e?ec=ted from Ait>in t>e PeopleSoft on;line environment via t>e Process Sc>ed=ler. o=tp=t Aill <e Aritten to t>e report repository directory. >e

+.:.1 S=R Pro,rammin, Standards $>en vanilla reports reG=ire c=stomiEation. t>e S1! s>o=ld <e copied and placed in t>e =serBsGr directory A>ere modifications are made. E?cept A>ere c>an9es are minimal. neA pro9rams s>o=ld <e created rat>er t>an modifyin9 delivered vanilla pro9rams =sin9 t>e standard namin9 convention contained Ait>in t>is doc=ment. #n order to ease porta<ility yo= s>o=ld resist =sin9 platform;specific S1( f=nctionsBe?pressions. A>ere possi<le. +.:.& S=R Performance OptimiJation >e performance of an S1! pro9ram is 9reatly affected <y t>e performance of t>e S1( =sed in t>e pro9ram. >e main S1( para9rap> s>o=ld contain t>e ma?im=m n=m<er of Foins necessary to o<tain t>e primary data as opposed to >avin9 a feAer n=m<er of Foins and callin9 s=<ro=tines to perform additional selects t>at co=ld <e accomplis>ed in t>e ori9inal select. Ot>er met>ods of en>ancin9 performance incl=de creation of additional inde?es on t>e ta<les involved and t>e =se of Oracle >ints. Many tools. incl=din9 S1( E?pert. alloA yo= to o<tain t>e Oracle plan of e?ec=tion for t>e S1( <ein9 performed. >e plan of e?ec=tion determines and demonstrates t>e efficiency of t>e S1( <ein9 e?ec=ted. +.:.1 S=R Mod-larit@ Proced=res s>o=ld <e coded in t>e order :e9in;Set=p :e9in;Pro9ram JNote8 :e9in;!eport >as <een replaced Ait> :e9in;Pro9ramK do #nit;Date ime do #nit;N=m<er do +et;C=rrent;Date ime do #nit;!eport do Process;Main do !eset do Stdapi; erm End;Pro9ram :e9in;Headin9 :e9in;)ootin9 :e9in;Proced=re Process;Main :e9in;Proced=re ????? Jcalled from Process;Main or ot>er proced=resK X. JContin=in9 from >i9>est to loAest levelK X. X. +.:.2 S=R Pro,ram Str-ct-re Proced=res local to t>e S1! s>o=ld appear in a lo9ical order. S1! files m=st >ave an e?tension of .sGr A>ile e?ternal proced=res are stored in files Ait> an e?tension of .sGc. "ersion 0.1 114 Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e %3 of

PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

>e UHS standard >eadin9s and standard trailers s>o=ld <e =sed Ait>in UHS c=stom S1! pro9rams. folloAin9 S1Cs s>o=ld <e =sed for standard report titles and >eadin9s. SA UHSHD+,,1 !eport <y <=siness =nit for mont> endin9 H! UHSHD+,,1 !eport <y <=siness =nit for mont> endin9 UHSHD+,,& Standard >eadin9 Ait> <=siness =nit D dept name optional UHSHD+,,% Uses UHSHD+,,& Ait> AsOfDate incl=ded )S UHS)SHD+,1 Standard Headin9 UHS)SHD+,& Uses UHS)SHD+,1 Ait> <=siness =nit


+.:.9 !nteraction "it. T.e PeopleSoft Application S1! pro9rams m=st alAays <e Application Process #nterface JAP#K aAare in order to properly =pdate t>e PeopleSoft Process Sc>ed=ler. >e PeopleSoft delivered proced=re STDAP!K!nit is called to initialiEe parameter val=es. STDAP!KTerm performs end of report processin9. do #nit;N=m<er do #nit;Date ime do +et;C=rrent;Date ime do StdapiK!nit do #nit;!eport do Process;Main do StdapiKTerm #f t>e S1! enco=nters an error condition. t>e process stat=s m=st <e =pdated in order for t>e Process Sc>ed=ler to reco9niEe t>e error and for t>e Process Monitor to display t>e correct stat=s. An e?ample Ao=ld <e as8 #f ]error condition^ !O((:ACV (et OMs9 I M#nvalid X ; A<ortM SHO$ OMs9 #f YprcsCprocessCinstance \ , (et YprcsCr=nCstat=s I YprcsCr=nCstat=sCerror (et OprcsCmessa9eCparm1 I OMs9 #f OprcsCinC=pdateCprcsCr=nCstat [\ M2M Do Update;Prcs;!=n;Stat=s Jt>is proced=re >as a commit coded Ait>in it. >is Aill commit all =pdates =nless a roll<ac@ is performedK End;if End;if S OP End;#f +.:.: S=R !ncl-de Proced-res S1! incl=de proced=res are contained in mod=les calls S1Cs. >e PeopleSoft delivered S1C Rsetenv.sGcS s>o=ld <e incl=ded in all S1!s. #t defines data<ase specific parameters. >ese appear immediately <efore R<e9in; pro9ramS. ypically all ot>er incl=de S1Cs Aill appear at t>e <ottom of t>e S1! and s>o=ld <e in loAer case. All proced=res implemented as e?ternal re=sa<le pro9ram mod=les s>o=ld pass all val=es into and o=t of t>e proced=re =sin9 parameters. Avoid =sin9 9lo<al varia<les in re=sa<le proced=res. !e=sa<le proced=res t>at pass no parameters s>o=ld <e declared (OCA(.

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:e9in;Proced=re !eportCData (ocal _ X End;Proced=re #f a proced=re passes parameters. it is considered to <e local. :e9in;Proced=re !eportCData JODataCSelectionCParamK _X End;Proced=re

Proced=res specific to a pro9ram may =se 9lo<al varia<les. <=t t>is practice is recommended only for t>e smallest of pro9rams. >ese proced=res s>o=ld <e declared Ait>in t>e pro9ram file Jnot Yincl=dedK. As UN#7 is case;sensitive. all S1Cs s>o=ld <e saved =sin9 loAercase names to ens=re t>at m=ltiple copies of t>e S1C do not e?ist on t>e server. Any LY#NC(UDEL needed <y a re=sa<le pro9ram mod=le s>o=ld <e added to t>e <ottom of t>e S1!.

+.:.; S=R !np-tKData erification #f t>e =ser is to enter an inp=t andBor o=tp=t file. t>e pat> s>o=ld not <e >ard coded. as part of t>e inp=tBo=tp=t file name.

>e =ser s>o=ld enter t>e pat>

#f inp=t parameters are <ein9 specified =sin9 a r=n control record. t>e inp=t data s>o=ld <e validated <y t>e proced=re t>at is selectin9 t>e parameter data. >is en>ances mod=larity and alloAs improved pro9ram maintenance. +.:.+ S=R Sortin, :=<<le Sort. #nsertion Sort and !ec=rsive Sort J1=ic@SortK are several met>ods t>at may <e =sed to sort S1! internal arrays. E?ample code for t>ese sortin9 tec>niG=es may <e fo=nd <y searc>in9 online S1! so=rces. An alternative to sortin9 internal arrays is to =se an operatin9 system command to sort a flat file. >e UN#7 system >as a command called RsortS JCall System Usin9 Qsort t8 N% file1.dat \ file&.dat6 Ystat=sK. >is met>od mi9>t <e =sed as an alternative to accessin9 t>e data<ase m=ltiple times F=st to order t>e data correctly. as Ao=ld <e t>e case Ait> nested SE(EC para9rap>s. +.:.< S=R Database $inHs Data<ase lin@s are not t>e preferred met>od for retrievin9 information across data<ases. >oAever. t>ey can <e =sed Ait> director approval. >e #nte9ration :ro@er s>o=ld <e =sed instead. +reat care s>o=ld <e e?ercised A>en =tiliEin9 D: lin@s. as t>e pro9ram Aill noA <e affectin9 tAo data<ases. Code =tiliEin9 D: (in@s s>o=ld <e caref=lly crafted to <e t>e most efficient possi<le. $>en r=nnin9 pro9rams Ait> D: (in@s on t>e server. it is important to note t>at t>e access time alloAed to t>e lin@ is limited. C=rrently it is set in t>e nei9><or>ood of &, min=tes. $>en selectin9 from a lar9e ta<le across a lin@. provisions for t>is timeo=t may >ave to <e made. See D:A to create or =se an e?istin9 D: lin@. Additional lin@s may <e esta<lis>ed =pon demand to assist developers and f=nctional =sers in testin9 processes. D: lin@s s>o=ld <e =tiliEed dynamically in S1!. >e <est sol=tion is to pop=late a ta<le in PeopleSoft Ait> t>e environment as t>e @ey and t>e lin@ name as t>e data. >e S1( select can t>en <e <=ilt dynamically =sin9 t>is information.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards E7AMP(E (et O)S;D:;(in@ I DH)M.UHSC)SCD:C(in@

(et OPS;UHS;Cost;Center I MPSCUHSCCOS CCEN E!`M WW O)S;D:;(in@ SE(EC ZZZZZZ )rom aOPS;UHS;Cost;Centerb UCC +.:.1* S=R Error 'andlin, $>en a S OP or S OP 1U#E is =sed to terminate a pro9ram Ait> =ns=ccessf=l completion. t>e S1! reserved varia<le Yret-rnKstat-s m=st <e set to a positive val=e 9reater t>an Eero. Care s>o=ld also <e ta@en not to call LS=ccessf=l;eoFL or ot>er clean=p ro=tines t>at Aill set Yret-rnKstat-s <ac@ to Eero. !efer to t>e prior section on #nteraction Ait> t>e PeopleSoft Application for additional information. #n t>e code <eloA. t>e S1! OPEN command iss=es an instr=ction to t>e OS to open a file for Aritin9. :y incl=din9 t>e RStat=sS parameter in t>e command. t>e OS Aill ret=rn t>e s=ccess or fail=re of t>e command. A tr=e val=e indicates a fail=re. >e #) statement eval=ates t>e ret=rn and Aill set varia<les and call t>e error code if fail=re is tr=e. Open O)tpscript as 4 )or;$ritin9 !ecordI&-, Stat=sIYOpenStat #f YOpenStat [\ , (et OErrorC e?t I !trimJMError openin9 M WW O)tpscript. M MK (et Y!etCcode I YOpenStat Do )ileCError End;#f #n t>e folloAin9 e?ample a proced=re is invo@ed to =pdate t>e process monitor in t>e event of an error. #t Aill =pdate t>e process stat=s as Aell as insert a messa9e as to t>e nat=re of t>e error in t>e process monitor. >is alloAs t>e =ser to <etter =nderstand t>e reason for t>e error. $A!N#N+ ; A COMM# #S #SSUED :2 HE UPDA E;P!CS;!UN;S A US P!OCEDU!E_ Developer s>o=ld consider iss=in9 a !O((:ACV prior to callin9 t>is proced=re. ROLLBACK IIIIIII May Aant to !O((:ACV to prevent =nAanted data from <ein9 Committed.

:e9in;Proced=re )ileCError S>oA OErrorC e?t #f YprcsCprocessCinstance \ , (et YprcsCmessa9eCsetCn<r I YprcsCms9CsetCn<r (et YprcsCmessa9eCn<r I %, _ Set to <lan@. (et YprcsCr=nCstat=s I YprcsCr=nCstat=sCerror (et YprcsCrc I Y!etCCode (et OprcsCmessa9eCparm1 I OErrorC e?t _c=stom error messa9e (et YprcsCcontin=eFo< I , Do Update;Prcs;!=n;Stat=s _ in stdapi.sGc IIIIII #SSUES A COMM# _ S OP 1U#E End;Proced=re )ileCError

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards +.:.11 S=R Codin, Practices Never c>an9e a pro9ram t>at e?ists in t>e PS delivered PsGr directory. >is directory s>o=ld remain =nto=c>ed and vanilla. PeopleSoft delivered S1!s A>ic> reG=ire modification s>o=ld <e moved to t>e B=serBsGr directory in t>e code tree. Avoid =sin9 strin9s to store and manip=late dates. "aria<les in t>e S1! date data type are alAays stored internally =sin9 a ';di9it year. Dates in strin9 format are reG=ired A>en comparin9 dates in an #f statement or Eval=ate statement. Dates s>o=ld <e in a date format A>en =sed in a sGl statement J$>ere cla=seK. o maintain platform independence. avoid callin9 operatin9 system commands from Ait>in yo=r S1!. Use an eG=ivalent S1! f=nction instead. #f t>at is not possi<le. c>ec@ t>e OsGr;platform S1! predefined varia<le and e?ec=te t>e appropriate operatin9 system commands <ased on its val=e. No line s>o=ld contin=e past t>e 3,t> position in t>e file for t>e sa@e of porta<ility. Place de<=99in9 statements in yo=r S1! as yo= Arite it. Usin9 t>e DE:U+ S1! command fla9 Aill alloA t>ese de<=99in9 statements to <e e?ec=ted A>en desired. <=t ot>erAise i9nored <y t>e compiler. ;DE:U+ command can <e e?panded to alloA developers to t=rn on and off individ=al sections of code for de<=99in9 <y identifyin9 sections. E?ample ; Yifdef de<=9? display MEnterin9 DA EMA H.S1C8 Convert; o;D U;DateM display M #np=t OdateCin8 M noline display OdateCin Yend;if Yifdef de<=9a display M ODD(/ero modified. Pro<a<ly assi9ned from n=meric.M Yend;if #n t>e a<ove e?amples. t>e R7S code Ao=ld <e displayed <e enterin9 ;DE:U+7 in t>e S1! Command fla9 line. o display <ot>. enter eit>er DE:U+ or DE:U+A7. +.:.1& S=R S@nta5 Data<ase ta<le and col=mn names A>en =sed in varia<le names or proced=re names s>o=ld not <e a<<reviated or c>an9ed e?cept A>ere necessary. >is more clearly associates t>e varia<le or proced=re Ait> t>e so=rce col=mn or ta<le. and ma@es it easier to searc> for affected code A>en c>an9in9 a ta<le or col=mn. S1! is case;insensitive. HoAever. case may <e =sed to improve a pro9ram6s reada<ility. Usin9 =nderscores and das>es serves a similar f=nction. !ecommendations for t>e =sa9e of case. =nderscores and das>es are8 Avoid =se of t>e >yp>en L;L in varia<le names. Use t>e =nderscore LCL instead. >e >yp>en is sometimes conf=sin9 Je.9.. Yco=nt;1 is "E!2 different from Yco=nt ; 1K. Also. =ser;defined varia<les may <e more easily distin9=is>ed from S1! predefined JreservedK varia<les t>at do =se a >yp>en <etAeen Aords. L:e9in;Set=pL. L:e9in;Pro9ramL. L:e9in;!eportL. L:e9in;Proced=reL. and L:E+#N;SE(EC L sections s>o=ld <e9in at t>e left mar9in as Aell as t>eir correspondin9 LEndL statements. Eac> level inside t>e S1! s>o=ld >ave an indentation of % spaces. $>en contin=in9 a statement. t>e contin=ation s>o=ld <e indented eit>er % spaces. or eno=9> to ali9n Ait> semantically eG=ivalent portions of t>e previo=s line. i.e.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards let ]varname^ I ]statements.............^ ]contin=ed statements...^ do ]proced=re name^ J]ar91^.]ar9&^....]ar9?^. ]ar9?N1^..........K LifL. LA>ileL. and Leval=ateL sections increase t>e indentation <y % spaces. LelseL. Lend;ifL. Lend;A>ileL. LA>enL. LA>en;ot>erL. and Lend;eval=ateL s>o=ld >ave t>e same indentation as t>eir correspondin9 LifL. LA>ileL. or Leval=ateL. Usin9 L9o toL is not recommended. +.:.11 S=$ 3ormattin, No LmovesL =nless necessary. #n ot>er Aords. donMt MO"E every Dvaria<le into a Ovaria<le or Yvaria<leT only move t>ose t>at are reG=ired <y t>e lo9ic of yo=r pro9ram. Processin9 code s>o=ld <e fo=nd <etAeen t>e :E+#N;SE(EC and t>e LfromL of t>e Select para9rap>. S=< S1( statements s>o=ld folloA t>e same form. <=t indented. All @ey Aords in t>e str=ct=re s>o=ld stand o=t. L >ere are & r=les of precedence. M=ltiply <efore yo= add and =se parent>eses everyA>ere else.L Jparap>rase from OM!eilly and Assoc.K +.:.12 0oolean E5pressions Define t>e val=es r=e and )alse for =se in :oolean tests rat>er t>an =sin9 t>e inte9ers , and 1. >is >elps self; doc=ment t>e code and alloAs less potential for error. #t is more diffic=lt to accidentally assi9n r=e A>en yo= mean )alse t>an it is to assi9n 1 A>en yo= mean ,. )=t=re maintenance of t>e pro9ram Aill <e made easier <y t>is practice.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards +.:.19 S=R 'eader >e >eader portion of t>e S1! incl=des 9eneral information a s=<seG=ent pro9rammer Ao=ld need to refer to8
<2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 < )P%R,53= %R& TO )H A//re99 +IFF%R%NC% R%PORT 2 <2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 < +e9cr!p !on= Rea/9 f!le from %R& an/ repor 9 /!fference9 !n emplo>ee9 2 < A//re99 ;e ?een %R& an/ HRM&' 2 <2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 < Mo/ +a e Au hor C&R@ Mo/ +e9cr!p !on 2 < AA1AA1AA AAAAAA AAAA AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA2 <2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

+.:.1: S=R Code Doc-mentation Proced-re Doc-mentation Doc=mentation pertainin9 to a called proced=re is optional. Developers s>o=ld alAays s=pply doc=mentation to provide clarification as needed. >e :e9in;proced=re statement s>o=ld folloA t>e proced=re doc=mentation. E?ample8
<2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 < Proce/ure= :e _ erm_/e9cr#B9 rm* =B9 rm_/e9cr2 < +e9c= Th!9 proce/ure re r!e"e9 he erm /e9cr!p !on from P&_T%RM_T($' 2 < I !9 calle/ from ;e:!n0hea/!n: an/ ma!n' Th!9 !9 a local proce/0 2 < ure' 2 < 2 < B9 rm !9 pa99e/ ;> "alue 2 < B9 rm_/e9cr !9 pa99e/ ;> reference 2 <2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

:e9in;proced=re 9etCtermCdescrJOstrm. OstrmCdescrK Code Doc-mentation Doc=mentin9 c>an9es to lines of code s>o=ld ad>ere to t>e folloAin9 r=les8 1. Never delete lines of code. Comment t>em o=t instead. &. Use <e9in and end doc=mentation statements to indicate A>ere c>an9es <e9in and end. %. Use t>e same <e9in and end str=ct=re as indicated in t>e e?amples <eloA. '. o en>ance reada<ility. lar9e sections may reG=ire commentin9 o=t A>en m=ltiple c>an9es >ave occ=rred Ait>in a section. -. >e mod n=m<er does not refer to t>e n=m<er of c>an9es Ait>in a S1! <=t t>e n=m<er of times t>e S1! Aas c>an9ed. One mod can >ave m=ltiple c>an9es to t>e code. >e mod reference is t>e same for all of t>em. E?ample 18 C>an9in9 a line of code _ UHS :e9in Mod ,1 pro9rammer initials ,*B&-B&,,& _ Ydefine nonCde9reeC=9rdCs=mrCtranCenrl MNONDE+M Ydefine nonCde9reeC=9rdCs=mrCtranCenrl MNONDE+SM! M _ UHS End Mod ,1 _ E?ample &8 Deletin9 Code _ UHS :e9in Mod ,& _ (E O: I OC _ (E OA I O: (E OA I OC _ UHS End Mod ,&

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PeopleSoft offers a variety of reportin9 tools eac> Ait> a different p=rpose. >ese tools alloA end;=sers to create meanin9f=l. informative. presentation;style reports. Dependin9 on yo=r reportin9 needs. yo= may =se any one of t>ese reportin9 tools. !eportin9 tools p=ll data from yo=r PeopleSoft system to create c=stomiEed reports. >e reports yo= create can <e =sed for data analysis and comparison. mont>ly reportin9. meetin9s and presentations. and m=c> more. PeopleSoft !eportin9 ools ena<les yo= to =se yo=r data in =sef=l. vis=al Aays. Crystal !eports is a reportin9 tool from Sea9ate softAare t>at Aor@s Ait> PeopleSoft. As a report formatter. Crystal !eports can 9enerate c=stom reports containin9 information from yo=r PeopleSoft data<ase. Operatin9 seamlessly Ait> PeopleSoft 1=ery. Crystal !eports offers advanced feat=res to create sop>isticated reports from standard G=eries. Crystal !eports offers t>e formattin9 feat=res of most Aord processin9 applications incl=din9 sortin9. 9ro=pin9. s=mmary operations. >e report can incl=de lo9os. dates. pa9e n=m<ers. m=ltiple font siEes and styles. Creatin9 Crystal reports involves tAo maFor steps. 1=eries are created first in PeopleSoft. !eport templates are t>en created in Crystal. >ese report templates serve as s>ells t>at are pop=lated Ait> data A>en yo= lin@ a G=ery to t>e report. +.;.1 Doc-mentin, t.e Cr@stal Report Doc=mentin9 yo=r report is >elpf=l for mana9in9 yo=r reports. o do so folloA t>ese steps8 Select )ileB S=mmary #nfo Enter t>e developer name in A=t>or :o?. ype internal doc=mentation of yo=r report in t>e Comments :o?. #t s>o=ld contain t>e date. ori9inal p=rpose of report. and a modifications lo9. Enter itle t>at can <e added to yo=r report. +.;.& Cr@stal Sort Crystal !eports alloAs t>e o=tp=t from 1=ery to <e resorted. >e Crystal sort order ta@es precedence over t>e 1=ery sort order. o improve performance. sorts s>o=ld occ=r in Crystal and not in 1=ery. +.;.1 S-mmar@ Operations >e a99re9ate f=nction in 1=ery performs t>e same tas@s as t>e s=mmary f=nction in Crystal. 1=ery6s a99re9ate f=nction ret=rns only a calc=lated roA of data A>ere as Crystal6s S=mmary f=nction ret=rns <ot> detail roAs D t>e calc=lated roA. >e detail roAs can <e >idden on t>e report. $>enever a form=la is added to t>e report. t>e form=la editor AindoA s>o=ld incl=de doc=mentation. Note8 e?t. :oolean. and Date fields cannot <e s=mmed or avera9ed. +.;.2 S-b Reports A s=< report alloAs information from tAo reports to appear on one report. #t can eit>er <e lin@ed or =nlin@ed. A $inHed s-breport matc>es =p t>e roAs in t>e s=<report Ait> roAs in t>e primary report. #t6s important A>en creatin9 lin@ed s=<reports t>at all reports are lin@ed <y common @eys. An UnlinHed s-breport does not >ave data coordinated Ait> t>e data in t>e primary report. imes A>en yo= Ao=ld Aant to =se a s=<report8 o com<ine =nrelated reports in a sin9le report.

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o coordinate data t>at cannot ot>erAise <e lin@ed. o present different vieAs of t>e same data in a sin9le report.

+.;.9 Cr@stal Criteria >ere may <e times A>en it is necessary to filter o=t =nAanted data in Crystal instead of 1=ery. +.;.9.1 Select E5pert >e Select E?pert in Crystal is t>e eG=ivalent of t>e Criteria ta< in PSB1=ery. +.;.9.& Parameter 3ields >e Parameter field in Crystal is t>e eG=ivalent of t>e r=n time Prompts of PSB1=ery. to r=n t>e same report Ait> different val=es. >is alloAs m=ltiple =sers

Note8 Usin9 selection criteria and parameters. all roAs of data Aill <e retrieved from t>e data<ase and filtered in crystal. >is may ca=se some performance iss=es. #t is recommended to do all filterin9 of data in G=ery A>enever possi<le.

+.+ n ision Reports

PeopleSoft n"ision is a reportin9 tool t>at e?ists inside yo=r PeopleSoft system. As a reportin9 tool. PSBn"ision alloAs =sers to Aor@ inside Microsoft E?cel spreads>eets to 9enerate c=stom printed reports containin9 information from PeopleSoft data<ase. Operatin9 inside of Microsoft E?cel. PSBn"ision =ses t>e intersections in t>e spreads>eet as a <ase A>en creatin9 reports. PSBn"ision com<ines t>e mat>ematical and formattin9 feat=res of E?cel Ait> advanced reportin9 feat=res s=c> as scope. varia<les. and la<els. As a reportin9 tool. PSBn"ision is m=ltifaceted. :eca=se t>is reportin9 tool is so comple?. it is >i9>ly recommended t>at developer s>o=ld <e familiar Ait> PeopleSoft. E?cel. rees. and PeopleSoft 1=ery <efore proceedin9 to t>e concepts and proced=res of PSBn"ision. $>en startin9 to create reports in PSBn"ision. G=eries serve a n=m<er of f=nctions. Dependin9 on t>e type of report layo=t. PSBn"ision =ses information from PeopleSoft G=eries to pop=late t>e report in different Aays. #n a matri? layo=t. PSBn"ision can =se only t>ose fields from a G=ery t>at are assi9ned a99re9ate f=nctions. #n a ta<=lar layo=t. PSBn"ision alloAs =se of any field from a G=ery to pop=late t>e report. PSBn"ision Aor@s inside Microsoft E?cel. Even A>en r=nnin9 a G=ery to E?cel. PSBn"ision provides t>e 1=ery(in@ t>at connects t>e tAo applications. PSBn"ision is lin@ed to Microsoft E?cel t>ro=9> Confi9=ration Mana9er. >e <enefit of PSBn"ision Aor@in9 inside Microsoft E?cel is t>at it >as t>e advanced reportin9 feat=res of n"ision and t>e command and formattin9 options of E?cel in one application. +.+.1 Scope Scope is an optional component t>at ena<les yo= to create m=ltiple instances of a report =sin9 a sin9le !eport !eG=est. $>en yo= define t>e scope of a report. yo= are definin9 t>e val=es t>at yo= Aant t>e report to contain. Several PSBn"ision varia<les are desi9ned to Aor@ in conF=nction Ait> scopes. "aria<les can <e #ncl=ded in yo=r report >eadin9s to identify and distin9=is> report instances <ased on t>e same layo=t. Used in t>e report reG=est to name directories and files to facilitate distri<=tion. +.+.& ariables Use varia<les in a PSBn"ision layo=t A>en yo= >ave specific information pertainin9 to t>e report t>at may <e different eac> time t>e report is r=n. E?amples of varia<les incl=de t>e report date and t>e operator #D of t>e person r=nnin9 t>e report. "ersion 0.1 114 Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e '* of

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#nformation in t>e >eadin9 of yo=r report most often contains varia<les Je.9. report title. date. and operator #DK. +.+.1 Met.ods for sec-rin, PS?n ision Reports PSBn"ision =tiliEes several met>ods in sec=rin9 data presented on a PSBn"ision report. #ss=es s=c> as performance and ease of implementation need to <e considered <efore determinin9 t>e met>odJsK to =se. !oA level Sec=rity ree;<ased Sec=rity 1=ery Sec=rity NetAor@ Sec=rity Uses a=t>oriEation ta<le in conF=nction Ait> a data ta<le to restrict t>e data t>e =ser is alloAed to access. Usin9 trees to create a=t>oriEation ta<les com<ines ease of =se Ait> efficiency in implementin9 sec=rity provisions. Used in G=ery reports PSBn"ision report reG=est Aor@s to9et>er Ait> netAor@ sec=rity in alloAin9 only a=t>oriEed =sers t>e a<ility to access t>e report instances Ait>in directories.

+.< CO0O$
Modifications to CO0O$ pro,rams s.o-ld onl@ be done /.en absol-tel@ necessar@. >e reason for t>is is CO:O( pro9rams are m=c> more diffic=lt to maintain in PS d=e to patc>es. $>en a modification to an e?istin9 CO:O( pro9ram is done =pdate t>e RMOD#)#CA #ON H#S O!2S section of t>e pro9ram. >is section s>o=ld <e delivered in t>e pro9ram. Add a neA s=<section RUHS ModificationsS at t>e end of t>e Modification History. >e information placed >ere is t>e CS!Y. mod Y. date. developer name. and comments. P=t a description of t>e modification in t>e comments section. Example: ****************************************************************** * * * MODIFICATION HISTORY * * * * Mod Date Author CSR# Mod Description * * ======== ====== ==== === =================================* * 04/16/02 LEM 1234 01 Added code to process session * * Adjust Until Dates. * ****************************************************************** +.<.1 CO0O$ Code Doc-mentation >e folloAin9 is code Ait>in t>e CO:O(. proced=re descriptions and modifications. #f code is replaced. t>e ori9inal code s>o=ld also <e commented and not removed so t>e lo9ic of t>e c>an9e can <e folloAed. Z;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Z Z Proced=re8 9etCtermCdescrJOstrm. 8OstrmCdescrK Z Z Desc8 >is proced=re retrieves t>e term description from PSC E!MC :(. #t is Z Z called from <e9in;>eadin9 and main. >is is a local proced=re. Z Z Z Z Ostrm is passed <yval=e Z ZJ 8OstrmCdescr is passed <y reference Z Z;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Z Z Z =>s <e9in csrY mod ,1 pro9rammer ,*B&-B&,,& Z Ydefine nonCde9reeC=9rdCs=mrCtranCenrl MNONDE+M Ydefine nonCde9reeC=9rdCs=mrCtranCenrl MNONDE+SM! M Z =>s end Mod ,1 Z

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards Z Z =>s <e9in csrY mod ,1 pro9rammer ,*B&-B&,,& T added ]nonCde9reeC=9rdCs=mrCtranCenrl^ to t>e list Z AND :.ACADCP(AN #N J]nonCde9reeC=9rdCtranCenrl^. ]nonCde9reeC9radCtranCenrl^. Z]nonCde9reeC=9rdCs=mrCtranCenrl^K Z =>s end Mod ,1 +.<.& CO0O$ DMS >e CO:O( DMS is a file t>at is r=n <y Data Mover to load t>e PSCS1(S M C :( Ait> all of t>e S1( statements t>at Aill <e =sed <y t>e CO:O( pro9ram. >e pro9ram does not >ave to <e compiled A>en c>an9es are made to t>e DMS. >e Data Mover can only <e r=n <y t>e D:As in all environments e?cept Development. Any c>an9es made to t>e fields selected andBor t>e criteria =sed m=st matc> A>at t>e CO:O( pro9ram is e?pectin9. E?ample8 CO:O(Je?ampleK8 ,% !EPO! ;ON(2 P#C 7J,1K "A(UE SPACES. ,% S!"C;#ND;CD P#C 7J,%K "A(UE SPACES. Z UHS :e9in Mod -*1 Z ,% $# HD!A$;)(A+ P#C 7J,1K "A(UE SPACES. Z UHS End Mod -*1 Z DMSJe?ampleK8 .!EPO! CON(2 .S!"CC#NDCCD Z UHS :e9in Mod -*1 Z .$# HD!A$C)(A+ Z UHS End Mod -*1 Z )!OM PSC!UNCCN (CCA(C $HE!E OP!#D I 81 AND !UNCCN (C#D I 8& $>en a modification to a DMS file is made. it Aill <e commented at t>e top of t>e file and t>e neA code Aill commented Ait> <e9in and end mar@ers. >e comments at t>e top of t>e DMS file Aill contain t>e CS!Y. t>e modification n=m<er. developer name. date. and description of t>e c>an9e. E?ample8 ;; ;; UHS CS!Y Mod -*1 (EM 1* SEP ,1 Added L$# HD!A$C)(A+L field to S)PC(CANCSC!UNC ( C>an9e Sort order of S)PC(CANCSCEN!O(( ;; >e comments mar@in9 t>e modified code m=st contain R:e9inS or REndS. Modification n=m<er. developer name or initials. date. and description. E?ample8 ;; UHS :e9in MOD -*1 (EM 1* SEP ,1 Added L$# HD!A$C)(A+L field to Select S O!E S)PC(CANCSC!UNC ( SE(EC :A CHC#D .:US#NESSCUN# .CANCE(C 2PE .S !M .SESS#ONCCODE "ersion 0.1 114 Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e '3 of

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.)AC# EMC+!OUP .)!OMC E!MC)#NA#D . OC E!MC)#NA#D .!EPO! CON(2 .S!"CC#NDCCD .$# HD!A$C)(A+ )!OM PSC!UNCCN (CCA(C $HE!E OP!#D I 81 AND !UNCCN (C#D I 8& ;; UHS End MOD -*1 (EM 1* SEP ,1 Added L$# HD!A$C)(A+L field to Select T Comments cannot <e im<edded Ait>in t>e S1( statement. Comments descri<in9 A>at Aas c>an9ed. added. or removed m=st <e placed <efore or after t>e S1( statement. >ese comments m=st incl=de fields added. #f any part of t>e S1( statement needs to <e removed. it Aill only <e commented o=t. E?ample8 ;; UHS :e9in MOD -*1 (EM * NO" ,1 ;; C>an9e S1( to sort co=rses in t>e order t>ey Aere enrolled in ;; Comment o=t folloAin9 delivered code ;; S O!E S)PC(CANCSCEN!O(( ;; SE(EC ;; :.C(ASSCN:! ;; .:.SESS#ONCCODE ;; .:.UN C:#((#N+ ;; .:.C!SEC+!ADECO)) ;; )!OM PSCS DN CCA!C E!M A ;; . PSCS DN CEN!( : ;; . PSCC(ASSC :( C ;; $HE!E A.EMP(#D I 81 ;; AND A.:#((#N+CCA!EE! I 8& ;; AND A.#NS # U #ON I 8% ;; AND A.S !M I 8' ;; O!DE! :2 :.C!SEC+!ADECO)).:.EN!(CADDCD DESC. :.C(ASSCN:! ;; UHS Commented o=t precedin9 delivered code S O!E S)PC(CANCSCEN!O(( All comments m=st <e prefi?ed Ait> RUHSS. >is Aill simplify findin9 any University of Ho=ston code c>an9es.


>is section descri<es principles and standards of <atc> processin9 re9ardless of A>ic> pro9ram type or tool is =sed for t>e <atc> process. >ese principles 9enerally apply to all <atc> processes. Application development standards for pro9rammin9 tools are fo=nd in ot>er sections contained Ait>in t>is doc=ment. +.1*.1 Trainin, ReC-irements Minim=m developer trainin9 reG=irements for t>ose A>o develop <atc> processes are S1(. S1!. 1=ery. and People ools #. Advanced trainin9 incl=des application en9ine and inte9ration <ro@er. +.1*.& Processin, >ere are several =ses for <atc> processes8

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards 1. A <atc> process is =sed to process lar9e vol=mes of information. )or e?ample. a <atc> process is needed to perform a mont>ly acco=ntin9 close or to 9enerate payroll c>ec@s and =pdate t>e payroll >istory A>ereas an interactive process mi9>t <e =sed to prod=ce one payroll c>ec@. A <atc> s=<mission pa9e Aill <e =sed to define t>e reG=ired parameters and to s=<mit Jr=nK a <atc> Fo<. >e parameters collectively are stored in t>e r=n control record defined <y t>e panel and accessed <y t>e <atc> Fo<. A <atc> process may <e appropriate for small data vol=me if pro9ram comple?ity is s=c> t>at maintainin9 <ot> on;line and a <atc> version of t>e pro9ram is not advisa<le. A <atc> process may <e =sed to provide a report t>at is comple? eno=9> t>at a PeopleSoft 1=ery Aill not s=ffice. #n some cases. <atc> process is a Aay to avoid loc@in9 a Aor@ station A>ile t>e transaction process is completed.

&. %. '.

:atc> processes r=n on t>e Process Sc>ed=ler. :atc> processes t>at =pdate t>e data<ase m=st provide t>e a<ility to recover from cras>es Ait>o=t data corr=ption. Since a <atc> Fo< may repeat t>o=sands of times A>at an on;line screen does once. efficient processin9 and cras> recovery are of t>e =tmost importance. >e li@eli>ood t>at a process Aill not finis> s=ccessf=lly s>o=ld <e red=ced <y t>oro=9>ly trappin9 errors. E?ceptions or minor pro<lems not critical to s=ccessf=l application =se s>o=ld <e reported <=t s>o=ld not stop t>e process. >e doc=mentation Ait>in t>e <atc> pro9ram s>o=ld e?plain t>e recovery process. especially critical A>en Aritin9 <atc> =pdate pro9rams8 1. ransaction lo9icT and &. A<ility to <e recovered. Ao considerations are

+.1*.1 Transaction $o,ic As a <atc> process iss=es S1( commands to insert. =pdate. or delete records from t>e data<ase. t>e record c>an9es are stored in an area called Rt>e roll<ac@ se9ment.S $>en a commit command is iss=ed. t>e records in t>e roll<ac@ se9ment are applied to t>e data<ase. #f a roll<ac@ command is iss=ed. t>e records in t>e roll<ac@ se9ment are deleted and t>e data<ase records are not =pdated. A LtransactionL refers to t>e =nit of Aor@ t>at m=st <e accomplis>ed in its entirety to maintain t>e lo9ical consistency of t>e data<ase. A lo9ical transaction may reG=ire =pdates to one or more different records. or even different data<ases. all of A>ic> comprise a sin9le transaction or =nit of Aor@. #n an on;line pa9e. a lo9ical transaction is =s=ally all of t>e =pdates associated Ait> a sin9le press of t>e save icon. Eit>er everyt>in9 t>e =ser reG=ested is committed and Aritten to t>e data<ase or none of it is. $it> S1(. a lo9ical transaction is terminated Ait> a COMM# statement. A sin9le commit is A>en a sin9le commit is iss=ed after A(( transactions are processed. >e sin9le commit Aill Arite all t>e transactions to t>e data<ase at a sin9le time. #f a S1! does not contain a sin9le commit. it Aill a=tomatically perform a sin9le commit A>en t>e S1! process completes s=ccessf=lly. >e advanta9e of =sin9 a sin9le commit is t>at it ma@es restart and recovery m=c> easier. >e <atc> process is simply rer=n from t>e <e9innin9. #f yo= are processin9 a lar9e vol=me of data or if it ta@es a very lon9 time for t>e process to r=n. t>is may not <e practical. Commits may need to <e placed lo9ically Ait>in t>e <atc> process. #f so. a commit s>o=ld never <e iss=ed =ntil at t>e end of a lo9ical transaction. $>en t>e commit is iss=ed. t>e developer s>o=ld consider A>at is necessary in t>e event t>at t>e process needs to <e rer=n. >e <atc> process s>o=ld <e9in from t>e point of t>e last commit <efore t>e process terminated. >e !O((:ACV command can <e =sed to release any records >eld for =pdate. Any inserts. deletions. or =pdates t>at occ=rred prior to t>e !O((:ACV Aill <e lost.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards NOTE4 Once t.e COMM!T command .as been e5ec-ted) t.e rollbacH command cannot restore records -pdated prior to t.e commit. #n order to determine t>e optimal timin9 of t>e COMM# statement. t>e <atc> developer m=st compromise amon9 t>e folloAin9 conflictin9 criteria8 1. COMM!Ts are reso-rceKintensive. Unnecessary commits can increase r=n time si9nificantly. &. Sin,le commits s.o-ld be -sed /.enever possibleL >oAever. records t>at >ave <een stored. =pdated. or deleted. are placed in roll<ac@ statement =ntil t>e ne?t COMM# . Holdin9 too many records co=ld res=lt in r=nnin9 o=t of space for t>e roll<ac@ se9ment ca=sin9 t>e pro9ram to a<ort. and may ca=se ot>er processes to fail as Aell. #f m=ltiple commits are reG=ired. commits s>o=ld <e placed at t>e end of a lo9ical transaction. %. Records cannot be .eld lon,er t.e Transaction TimeKo-t parameter for t.e database. At t>e time t>e standards Aere compiled. t>e transaction time;o=t parameter for all data<ases Aas set at - min=tes. >e ransaction ime;o=t meas=res elapsed time. and elapsed time for different r=ns of t>e same process Aill vary accordin9 to t>e c=rrent load on t>e system. '. T.e COMM!T m-st not conflict /it. t.e lo,ical -nit of /orH Ja transactionK reG=ired to maintain data consistency. )or e?ample. a pro9ram mi9>t iss=e a COMM# for every acco=nt. or every &, acco=nts. <=t not in t>e middle of =pdates for an acco=nt. -. A RO$$0AC# command s>o=ld <e iss=ed A>enever an error is detected in t>e <atc> process. #f an S1! errors. it Aill a=tomatically iss=e a roll<ac@ command. +.1*.2 0atc. Recover@ $>en a <atc> =pdate process a<orts <eca=se of a system error or incorrect pro9ram lo9ic. in t>e case of pro9rams =sin9 m=ltiple commits. rer=nnin9 t>e same pro9ram mi9>t create d=plicate =pdates or missin9 records. >erefore. it is important t>at all <atc> pro9rams provide lo9ic and instr=ctions for recovery. i.e.. t>e steps to <e ta@en in order to <rin9 t>e Fo< to a s=ccessf=l completion. +.1*.2.1 Recover@ Options >ere are tAo approac>es to complete a Fo< t>at >as a<normally terminated for some reason. #n eit>er case. A>en t>e Fo< >as completed s=ccessf=lly all of t>e =pdates s>o=ld >ave <een completed. and none of t>em d=plicated or s@ipped. 1. !er=n ;; a Fo< stream is r=n A>ic> Aill start t>e failed process over from t>e <e9innin9 and r=n to t>e end. >e rer=n Aill reprocess all t>e data processed <y t>e a<orted Fo< step. &. !estart ;; a Fo< is s=<mitted A>ic> Aill restart t>e a<orted Fo< step from t>e point of fail=re and proceed to t>e end. Data. A>ic> Aere processed <y t>e a<orted Fo<. Aill not <e reprocessed. !ecovery may <e accomplis>ed a=tomatically or Ait> man=al intervention. NOTE4 Re,ardless of t.e met.od c.osen) all batc. -pdate pro,rams m-st provide for some Hind of recover@ does not reC-ire pro,rammer intervention. >e a<ility to recover a <atc> pro9ram is essential to alloA =sers to perform t>eir oAn prod=ction control. #n t>is Aay. if t>e <atc> =pdate Fo< does not finis> s=ccessf=lly. it can <e easily recovered Ait>o=t reG=irin9 emer9ency ad >oc <atc> data<ase repairs. :atc> Fo<s t>at s=pport deadline;critical processes s>o=ld also incl=de a mec>anism Ait>in t>e lo9 file for determinin9 t>e c=rrent stat=s of t>e Fo<. )or e?ample. completion stat=s and s=mmary statistics may <e Aritten to t>e lo9 file after eac> maFor step. +.1*.2.& Restart Recover@ >e reso=rces reG=ired <y a <atc> Fo< Aill infl=ence t>e c>oice of recovery met>ods. NOTE4 0atc. processes reC-irin, si,nificant reso-rces s.o-ld be pro,rammed to start from point of fail-re) rer-nnin, from t.e be,innin,.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards >e folloAin9 9=idelines offer 9eneral s=99estions t>at s>o=ld <e =sef=l for most <atc> processes. HoAever. eac> <atc> pro9ram m=st <e individ=ally analyEed and s=pplied Ait> c=stom restart lo9ic. One sol=tion does not fit all. All <atc> Fo<s s>o=ld <e9in <y retrievin9 t>e r=n control parameters from t>e r=n control record. s>o=ld <e Aritten immediately to t>e lo9 file to aid in tro=<les>ootin9 if t>e Fo< cras>es. A restarta<le <atc> Fo< m=st determine t>e c=rrent Fo< stat=s ;; initial r=n or recovery r=n. determine point of fail=re. >e parameters

>e <atc> process m=st

)orcin9 a <atc> process to s@ip steps andBor initiate data<ase access loops from varia<le startin9 positions reG=ires t>at t>e pro9ram <e desi9ned in separate p>ases. Eac> p>ase can <e performed independentlyT and. in many instances. some p>ases can <e started from t>e point of fail=re. )or e?ample8 P>ase 18 Master )ile Update loop ;; read t>e master file and =pdate for eac> transaction andBor Arite report data for eac> transaction. P>ase &8 Sort t>e report data file. P>ase %8 !eport loop ;; read t>e sorted data file and 9enerate t>e report. P>ase 1. t>e master file =pdate. m=st =pdate t>e restart control record Ait> c>ec@point information <efore every COMM# . )or instance. =se t>e @ey information. #f @ey fields are modified. t>en <ot> t>e old @ey and t>e neA @ey m=st <e stored. #t can <e =sef=l to store t>e operator id. process id. date. and r=n time in t>e restart control record. as Aell as t>e name of eac> flat file as it is opened. #ncl=de relevant information for eac>. s=c> as >oA many records >ave <een Aritten or read. and A>et>er processin9 of t>e file is complete. $>en t>e Fo< >as finis>ed. t>e restart control record s>o=ld <e properly fla99ed for s=ccessT or. it s>o=ld <e deleted. so t>at t>e ne?t r=n of a periodic <atc> Fo< Aill start fres>. #f t>e pro9ram determines t>e process a<orted in p>ase 1. t>e =pdateBdata collection step. recovery mi9>t incl=de t>e folloAin98 1. !ead t>e old o=tp=t data file created in p>ase 1 and Arite it a to neA o=tp=t file. >en t>e s=<seG=ent lo9ic Aill contin=e to =pdate t>is neA file Ait> t>e additional o=tp=t data. Or t>e o=tp=t data file created <y t>e neA process co=ld <e appended to t>e old data file at t>e end of p>ase 1. &. Enter t>e master =pdate loop <y startin9 Ait> t>e record @ey from t>e restart control record. #f t>e record @ey is not =niG=e. reFect records =ntil t>e @ey from t>e control record >as <een s@ipped. $>en t>e Fo< >as finis>ed. t>e control record s>o=ld <e properly fla99ed for s=ccessT or. it s>o=ld <e deleted. so t>at t>e ne?t r=n of a periodic <atc> Fo< Aill start fres>. A restart Aill =se t>e same control record to mana9e t>e restart process. #f t>e pro9ram determines t>e process a<orted in p>ase 1. t>e =pdateBdata collection step. recovery mi9>t incl=de t>e folloAin98 1K !ead t>e old o=tp=t data file created in p>ase 1 and Arite it a to neA o=tp=t file. >en t>e s=<seG=ent lo9ic Aill contin=e to =pdate t>is neA file Ait> t>e additional o=tp=t data. Or t>e o=tp=t data file created <y t>e neA process co=ld <e appended to t>e old data file at t>e end of p>ase 1. &K Enter t>e master =pdate loop <y startin9 Ait> t>e record @ey from t>e control record. #f t>e record @ey is not =niG=e. reFect records =ntil t>e @ey from t>e control record >as <een s@ipped. Ot>er met>ods for ma@in9 a <atc> =pdate process recovera<le incl=de8 1. Perform t>e Fo< in tAo Lpasses.L On t>e first pass. create a transaction ta<le t>at contains t>e desired c>an9es for t>e transaction. On t>e second pass. =pdate t>e master record from t>e transaction ta<le. A recovery co=ld r=n <ot> passes. or start Ait> t>e second pass. dependin9 on A>ere it a<orted. &. P=t a special field in t>e record to indicate A>et>er a roA >as <een processed ;; for e?ampleT store t>e date or set a fla9 in a field t>at >as <een incl=ded in t>e record for t>at p=rpose. >e select statement t>at identifies t>e roAs to <e processed for =pdate Ao=ld =se t>at field in t>e selection criteria. %. Use a restart control record. At t>e <e9innin9 of t>e <atc> pro9ram. if t>e control record does not e?ist. create one. Use t>e instance n=m<er as part of t>e @ey. Update t>e control record Ait> t>e val=es of @ey fields from "ersion 0.1 114 Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e -& of

PeopleSoft Application Development Standards t>e select statement t>at p=lls t>e pop=lation to <e =pdated. #f t>ere Aas a pree?istin9 control record. A>ic> indicates t>at t>is is a re;r=n. start t>e processin9 Ait> t>e first employee A>ose n=m<er is 9reater t>an t>e employee n=m<er in t>e control record. #n t>is manner. not only d=plicate =pdates <=t also d=plicate effort Aill <e avoided. +.1*.9 Error 'andlin, Proper error >andlin9 is essential in <atc> processin9. Any error t>at ca=ses t>e <atc> process to a<normally terminate s>o=ld <e trapped and displayed in t>e lo9 file. report file. and t>e Process Monitor. >e <atc> process s>o=ld incl=de mail notifications to <e sent to appropriate staff. Possi<le <atc> errors co=ld <e system errors ca=sin9 t>e process to terminate or an error t>e developer >as identified in t>e pro9ram code and does not Aant processin9 to contin=e if a partic=lar error condition e?ists. +.1*.: Rec-rrin, 0atc. Processes :atc> processes may <e sc>ed=led to r=n on a rec=rrin9 <asis. )or e?ample. a <atc> process co=ld <e sc>ed=led to r=n daily at a partic=lar time. >is is accomplis>ed t>ro=9> t>e Process Sc>ed=ler. Special preca=tions m=st <e ta@en A>en c>an9in9 t>e rec=rrence parameters for <atc> processes. M=ltiple <atc> processes can s>are t>e rec=rrence name. NOTE4 !f t.e rec-rrence date and time is,ed) it affects all processes -sin, rec-rrence. #f a <atc> process6 parameters t>at control date ran9es or semester terms s>o=ld <e calc=lated for eac> r=n rat>er t>an s=pplied as constants <y t>e s=<mittin9 =ser. instr=ctions s>o=ld state A>et>er a date B term field may <e left <lan@ and A>at approac> t>e pro9ram Aill =se to comp=te t>e date B term in t>at case. )or e?ample. a mont>ly report co=ld =se t>e c=rrent system date to determine t>e date of t>e previo=s mont>. #f t>is approac> is =sed. t>e =ser Aill >ave t>e option to specify t>e date ran9e as a constant for a non;periodic r=n of t>e Fo<. in case it is necessary to rer=n for older data. Care m=st <e e?ercised for periodic <atc> A>ic> =ses restart lo9ic JSection 0.%.'.1K for t>e recovery of a<orted Fo<s. !estart control records and t>e parameters stored in t>em m=st <e created in s=c> a Aay t>at eac> lo9ical r=n is distin9=is>a<le. )or t>is reason. it is recommended t>at control records <e deleted or renamed =pon s=ccessf=l completion. >e process m=st <e a<le to distin9=is> <etAeen importBe?port files t>at Aere intended for a previo=s r=n and t>ose for t>e c=rrent r=n. A namin9 convention m=st <e devised A>ic> =niG=ely identifies t>e fileJsK created <y t>e <atc> process from files created from previo=s r=ns. #deally t>e process instance n=m<er s>o=ld <e =sed as part of t>e file name. S1! E?ample8 stdapi &ill populate <prcs=process=instance# 8n this e*ample, the %alue is >>>5342?-@ 0et AFile+ame B Ca"c=e*tractD 0et AFile+ame B Efilename=E FF edit(<prcs=process=instance,E>>>>>>>>>>E) FF E#t*tE !es=lt8 O)ileCname I Qa<cCe?tractC,,,1&%'-*0.t?t6 +.1*.; Ad .oc Updates Ad >oc <atc> processin9 a9ainst t>e prod=ction data<ase can <e done in one of tAo Aays8 1K =sin9 S1( scripts and a =tility s=c> as S1(N to e?ec=te t>ose scriptsT &K =sin9 S1!. NOTE4 Application developers are not allo/ed to directl@ e5ec-te S=$ scripts or ad .oc S=R /ill -pdate prod-ction databases. All scripts t>at =pdate prod=ction data<ases reG=ire f=nctional =ser approval. Ad >oc reG=ests are made <y creatin9 a CS! in S A . >e CS! Aill provide instr=ctions to t>e D:A on t>e script to r=n and e?pected res=lts.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards Ad >ocs may <e Aritten to create a one;time report. S=c> reports are Aritten in S1! or may <e Aritten in S1( as G=eries Ait> o=tp=t t>at can <e inp=t to E?cel spreads>eets. >e developer does not need special a=t>oriEations to r=n t>ese reports. +.1*.+ Process Sc.ed-ler >e Process Sc>ed=ler is t>e mec>anism to s=<mit a pro9ram for e?ec=tion in a <atc> environment. >e S1! s>o=ld incl=de t>e stdapi.sGc for providin9 a comm=nications lin@ to t>e Process Monitor. S1! pro9rams s>o=ld call stdapi to indicate t>e S1! is processin9. !o=tines in stdterm.sGc s>o=ld <e =sed to indicate t>e process s=ccessf=lly completed. #f t>e S1! enco=nters an error. t>e appropriate stdapi fields s>o=ld <e =pdated to provide any =sef=l information. Alert messa9es s>o=ld <e sent to t>e s=<mitter notifyin9 t>em t>at t>eir Fo< >as a<orted. A Fo< is a set of processes t>at may r=n seG=entially or conc=rrently. >e Process Sc>ed=ler alloAs =sers to sc>ed=le t>eir Fo<s to r=n in t>e f=t=re. 5o<s and processes can <e sc>ed=led to r=n daily. Aee@ly. etc. =sin9 rec=rrence definitions. >e Process Sc>ed=ler provides report distri<=tion and t>e a=tomatic ro=tin9 of reports to m=ltiple recipients. >e Process Sc>ed=ler cannot split a report file into separate reports and ro=te t>e individ=al reports to vario=s recipients. +.1*.< Process Monitor >e Process Monitor alloAs =sers to monitor <atc> processes t>ey >ave s=<mitted. )rom t>e Process Monitor =sers can cancel c=rrently r=nnin9 or sc>ed=led <atc> processes. Users can also monitor <=t not c>an9e <atc> processes s=<mitted <y ot>er =sers. A snap s>ot of t>e Process Monitor is provided <eloA8

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+.1*.1* $o, 3iles (o9 files are created A>enever a <atc> process r=ns. :atc> lo9 files are important for tro=<les>ootin9 pro<lems. Pro9rams s>o=ld print messa9es to t>e lo9 file to identify errors A>en t>ey occ=r d=rin9 processin9. Also. processes t>at >andle t>o=sands of records s>o=ld periodically Arite stat=s information to t>e lo9. >e D#SP(A2 or SHO$ statement is =sed for t>is p=rpose. >e lo9 file s>o=ld not <e =sed to o=tp=t information t>at is part of t>e re9=lar processin9 reG=irements of t>e Fo< or to provide information t>at t>e =ser reG=ires for validation or verification. #t is not formatted in a =ser;friendly fas>ion and is not intended as an end;=ser report. Use a report file for t>is p=rpose. +.1*.1*.1 $o, 3ile $ocation >e lo9 file Aill <e copied to t>e report repository. >e S1! Aill create a lo9 file Ait> t>e process instance as part of t>e file name. (o9 files are a=tomatically deleted A>en t>ey are older t>an %, days in prod=ction and 1, days in non;prod=ction environments. +.1*.11 Data 3iles G Uni5 Directories $>en r=nnin9 <atc> processes on t>e server. data files may <e directed to Uni? directories t>at alloA developers access to sec=red directories. >e p=rpose of t>e Uni? directories is to facilitate importBe?port file interfaces via ) P. Uni? systems administrators are responsi<le for maintainin9 sec=rity to Uni? directories. Users Aill >ave indirect access t>ro=9> t>e application via s=<mission of a <atc> process. ftp process. etc. Developers Aill >ave direct and ftp access. One Uni? directory Aill e?ist for eac> application area. >e tec>nical application mana9er is oAner and may create s=<directories as needed. >e processes s=<mitted from t>e PeopleSoft financials application Aill lo9on Ait> t>e psftfs lo9on id and from t>e st=dentB>r application Ait> t>e lo9on operator id. >e application lo9on ids >ave Arite permissions to t>e folloAin9 directories. Application developers >ave also <een 9ranted privile9es as indicated <eloA. >e folloAin9 directories Aill <e esta<lis>ed on Uni? servers in development. test. and prod=ction environments. Blo9sBfinanceBX ; for e?cl=sive =se <y )inancials. Developers >ave read. Arite. e?ec=te. and control. Blo9sB>rmsBX ; for e?cl=sive =se <y H!MS. Developers >ave read. Arite. e?ec=te. and control. Blo9sBst=dentBX ; for e?cl=sive =se <y St=dent Academic Administration. Developers >ave read. Arite. e?ec=te. and control. +.1*.1& Reports S1!. Crystal !eports. $in$ord. and n"ision are t>e primary means to create reports. forms. and letters. +.1*.11.1 Report Contents A report typically contains t>e folloAin9 sections8 Title Area incl=des r=n date. r=n time. report titleJsK. pro9ram id. As Of Dates. )rom D >r= Dates. :=siness Unit. Deptid and name. Standard S1Cs >ave <een developed Ait>in eac> application area to provide a standard appearance to t>e report. >e developer m=st analyEe t>e S1C to determine A>ic> fields need to <e pop=lated to appear in t>e itle Area. Col-mn 'eadin,s eac> col=mn of data s>o=ld contain a col=mn >eadin9. Eac> col=mn >eadin9 s>o=ld <e =nderlined or =nderscored for reada<ility p=rposes. Report Detail data t>at appears in eac> col=mn of t>e report. #f <rea@ processin9 is =sed for s=<totals or pa9e <rea@s. t>e sort and <rea@ fields s>o=ld appear as t>e first col=mns on t>e report and s>o=ld <e listed in t>e order in "ersion 0.1 114 Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e -- of

PeopleSoft Application Development Standards A>ic> t>ey are sorted. >e e?ception to t>is Ao=ld <e col=mns t>at are descriptions of id or code fields. A>ic> may appear Ait> t>e sorted fields. )or e?ample. a report <rea@in9 on colle9e id and deptid. Ao=ld <e arran9ed in t>e folloAin9 order8 colle9eid. colle9e name. deptid dept name. emplid. employee name. detail col=mnsX S-btotals are optional and typically appear in t>e middle of t>e report. Pa9e <rea@in9 is not reG=ired <efore a s=<total occ=rs. S=<totals s>o=ld >ave a <lan@ line precedin9 and folloAin9 t>e s=<total line. S=<total fields s>o=ld ali9n =nderneat> correspondin9 detail fields. Pa,e Totals are optional and appear at t>e <ottom of eac> pa9e. Pa9e totals contain totals for t>e detail col=mns on t>at pa9e. Pa9e total fields s>o=ld ali9n =nderneat> correspondin9 detail fields. %rand Totals are optional and appear at t>e end of t>e report. +rand totals are printed after t>e last s=<total line on t>e report. +rand total fields s>o=ld ali9n =nderneat> correspondin9 detail fields. +.1*.12 S=$ OptimiJation :atc> processes s>o=ld <e analyEed to see if t>ey co=ld <e optimiEed for e?ec=tion speed and minim=m data<ase access. )or daily r=n or time critical processes. optimiEation is especially important. OptimiEation s>o=ld incl=de a revieA of t>e S1( statements to see if t>ey are as efficient as possi<le. Oracle6s E?plain Plan can <e =sed to determine >oA a S1( statement is <ein9 e?ec=ted.


Data transfers <etAeen PeopleSoft applications or to %rd party applications m=st <e made =sin9 one of t>e folloAin9 tec>nolo9ies8 1. #nte9ration :ro@er &. Component #nterface %. Data<ase (in@s '. )eed )iles #nte9ration controls s>o=ld <e provided to ens=re t>at all records >ave <een processed. +.11.1 !nte,ration 0roHer >is tec>nolo9y provides for t>e direct transfer of data <etAeen a PeopleSoft application and anot>er PeopleSoft or %rd party application =sin9 7M( and $e< tec>nolo9y instead of passin9 flat files or =se of data<ase lin@s. +.11.& Component !nterface >e Component #nterface is =sed to map data to eit>er read or =pdate PeopleSoft application ta<les. #t invo@es all of t>e lo9ic and edits defined in t>e Component. PeopleSoft provides delivered Component #nterfaces. Developers can also create c=stom Component #nterfaces. +.11.2 Database $inHs Data<ase lin@s alloA data<ases to pass data to eac> ot>er via transaction ta<les or sta9in9 ta<les. NOTE4 Database linHs are not t.e preferred means for s.arin, data bet/een databases. #nte9ration :ro@er or t>e Component #nterface s>o=ld <e =sed A>enever possi<le. Access via data<ase lin@s can <e read only or can alloA data<ase =pdates. Data<ase lin@s can <e eit>er private or p=<lic. Private lin@s are normally =sed A>ic> restrict t>e lin@ to a specific =ser. P=<lic lin@s alloA open access to anyone and s>o=ld not <e =sed. +.11.9 3eed 3iles )lat files can <e =sed to importBe?port lar9e amo=nts of data from one application to anot>er. may <e PeopleSoft applications or %rd party applications. "ersion 0.1 114 Enterprise Systems ; UHS >ese applications

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:atc> inp=t processin9 s>o=ld apply all verification edits. #f t>e inp=t data contain errors. t>e process may reFect t>e <ad transactions or t>e entire feed. #n eit>er case. if possi<le. t>e reFected transactions s>o=ld eit>er <e stored in t>e tar9et ta<le Ait> a Ls=spenseL stat=s. or stored in a separate L>oldin9L ta<le. An on;line maintenance pa9e for processin9 t>e s=spended or >eld transactions s>o=ld <e provided for correctin9 errors in t>e feed data. o ens=re t>at t>e correct file can <e reco9niEed and d=plicates avoided. especially for periodic feeds8 1K >e so=rce application s>o=ld name t>e file to =niG=ely identify eac> feed. &K >e tar9et application may post to a ta<le A>en eac> feed is processed. so t>at it can determine A>ic> files >ave already <een fed. >e tar9et application s>o=ld rename or delete t>e file after s=ccessf=l completion of t>e process. application s>o=ld retain a copy of t>e feed file. >e so=rce

+.11.: !nterface Controls E?tract files s>o=ld contain one or more control records A>ic> provide control co=nts and dollar amo=nts Jif applica<leK for verification. >e inp=t process s>o=ld Provide co=nts of records read Ait> <rea@doAns <y vario=s 9ro=ps to matc> control record co=nts. Compare record co=nts a9ainst control record co=nts. Provide co=nts of records inserted. =pdated. not =pdated. otal n=m<er of records inserted. =pdated. or not =pdated s>o=ld matc> total control co=nt. #f co=nts do not matc>. send email notification as s=c>. End process in an error state. )or records not =pdated. co=nts for reasons A>y not =pdated. Eac> inp=t record can >ave m=ltiple edits t>at failedT t>erefore. t>ese co=nts may not matc> ot>er co=nts. Provide detail information for records =pdated. Jres=lts can <e stored in a c=stom ta<le.K Provide detail information for records not =pdated. Jres=lts can <e in a c=stom ta<le.K E5ample4 E?tract file contains one control record for eac> camp=s and a 9rand total control record. UH &,,, UHC 1,,, UHD 1,,, UH" -,, +rand otal '-,, !ecords !ead8 UH UHC UHD UH" otal !ecords #nserted !ecords Updated !ecords Not Updated otal !easons Not Updated8 #nvalid 5o< Code #nvalid Position #nvalid Emplid otal "ersion 0.1 114 &,,, 1,,, 1,,, -,, '-,, 1,,, %,,, -,, '-,, &,, ',, %,, 4,, Enterprise Systems ; UHS Pa9e -0 of

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

+.1& AUD!T TA0$ES

An a=dit ta<le capt=res c>an9es t>at >ave <een made to a master data ta<le t>at is <ein9 a=dited. )=nctional leads s>all determine A>ic> ta<les reG=ire a=ditin9. >oAever. some ta<les cannot <e a=dited <eca=se of t>eir siEe. $>en t>e master data ta<le is =pdated. an ima9e of t>e roA is recorded to t>e a=dit ta<le incl=din9 inserts. =pdates and deletes. >e a=dit ta<le records a dateBtime stamp. action type. and operid of t>e person ma@in9 t>e c>an9e. >is f=nction is very =sef=l for providin9 a record of A>o >as made c>an9es to sensitive and critical data. #t can also <e =sed to recover data entered <y a =ser in error. Oracle data<ase tri99ers Aill <e =sed to a=tomatically =pdate a=dit ta<les A>enever t>e master data ta<le is =pdated. >is removes t>e restrictions to create code to =pdate a=dit ta<les in PeopleCode. App En9ines. CO:O(. and S1!s. >ere are. >oAever. some si9nificant limitations to t>e f=nction of a=dit ta<les. 1. >ere is not a mec>anism for loo@in9 at t>e a=dit ta<les provided <y PeopleSoft. A c=stom G=ery. report. or pa9e Ao=ld need to <e created for eac> a=dit ta<le. &. #f lar9e n=m<ers of ta<les are a=dited a performance penalty Aill <e seen in t>e system. Do not for9et t>at for eac> c>an9e <ein9 made to t>e master ta<le. at least one entry is <ein9 made in t>e a=dit ta<le. %. )or lar9e ta<les t>at >ave many c>an9es made to t>em an a=dit ta<le Aill <ecome very lar9e. +.1&.1 A-dit Table Retention Polic@ !ecords Ait>in a=dit ta<les s>o=ld <e retained for % years. A c=stom process Aill <e reG=ired to arc>ive or delete entries in a=dit ta<les. +.1&.& 3ield $evel A-dits )ield level a=dits are set =p to a=dit a sin9le field on a ta<le. NOTE4 0eca-se of t.e increased over.ead) as a r-le) field level a-dits are not recommended. A field level a=dit Aill enter a roA into t>e PSAUD# a=dit ta<le for eac> a=dited field t>at >as <een c>an9ed on t>e record. >is means t>at if a record >as more t>an one field <ein9 field a=dited t>e a=dit ta<le Aill 9et m=ltiple roAs insert for eac> c>an9e to t>e data ta<le. +.1&.1 Record $evel A-dits A record level a=dit inserts one or tAo roAs of data into t>e a=dit ta<le for eac> c>an9e t>at is made to t>e data ta<le <ein9 a=dited. >is @ind of a=dit Aill costs less system reso=rces t>an a field level a=dit and can provide more information t>an t>e field level a=dit. >e conte?t of t>e c>an9e of a sin9le field of data in a roA can <e important in tellin9 A>at t>e c>an9e means and in recoverin9 t>e ori9inal data if it is necessary. +.1&.2 Record $evel A-dit vs. 3ield $evel A-dit4 $>ile yo= can a=dit individ=al fields at t>e field level. yo= may find it more efficient to >ave t>e system a=dit t>e entire roA A>enever a =ser adds. c>an9es. or deletes information. $it> record;level a=dits. t>e system foc=ses on roAs of data. as opposed to specific fields. #nstead of Aritin9 m=ltiple roAs for eac> insert. c>an9e. or delete transaction at t>e field level. an a=dit record Arites a sin9le roA of a=dit data. +.1&.9 3ield $evel A-dit Table A-dit 3ield Name AUD# COP!#D AUD# CS AMP AUD# CAC N !ECNAME )#E(DNAME O(D"A(UE P-rpose #dentifies t>e operator A>o ca=sed t>e system to tri99er t>e a=dits. eit>er <y performin9 an add. c>an9e. or delete to an a=dited field. #dentifies t>e date and time t>e a=dit Aas tri99ered. #ndicates t>e type of action t>e system a=dited. #dentifies t>e name of t>e record definition a=dited. #dentifies t>e name of t>e a=dited field. Stores t>e ori9inal val=es of t>e field for a=dit c>an9e and delete actions.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

NE$"A(UE VE2Y 1;1-

Stores t>e neA val=es of t>e field for a=dit c>an9e and delete actions. Stores t>e old val=es of @ey fields in order of appearance on t>e record definition. PSAUD# s=pports =p to 1- different @eys fields. eac> Ait> a ma?im=m field len9t> of =p to -, c>aracters.

+.1&.: Record $evel A-dit Table A-dit 3ield Name AUD# COP!#D AUD# CS AMP AUD# CAC N !ECNAME )ields of ta<le <ein9 a=dited. for e?ample8 EMP(#D NAME ADD!ESS1 ADD!ESS& Etc. +.1&.; A-dit Action al-es Action A C D V N Description Add C>an9e Delete Vey c>an9e Old record Vey C>an9e NeA !ecord Comment >e a=dit record contains t>e roA of data t>at Aas added to t>e ori9inal ta<le. >e a=dit record contains t>e roA of data as it Aas <efore t>e c>an9e Aas applied to t>e ori9inal ta<le. >e a=dit record contains t>e record t>at Aas deleted. >e a=dit record contains t>e record t>at >as t>e ori9inal @ey information >e a=dit record contains t>e record t>at >as t>e neA @ey information. P-rpose #dentifies t>e operator A>o ca=sed t>e system to tri99er t>e a=dits. eit>er <y performin9 an add. c>an9e. or delete to an a=dited field. #dentifies t>e date and time t>e a=dit Aas tri99ered. #ndicates t>e type of action t>e system a=dited #dentifies t>e name of t>e record definition a=dited. JOptionalK >is field is =sed A>en more t>an one data ta<le may <e =sin9 t>is a=dit record.


PeopleSoft delivers a n=m<er of trees t>at are =sed for roA level sec=rity. report >ierarc>y. and for 1=ery. NOTE4 PeopleSoft delivered =-er@ trees s.o-ld never be modified /it.o-t t.e tec.nical mana,erMs approval. Any c>an9es made to t>e PeopleSoft delivered 1=ery ta<les Aill <e lost A>en t>e ne?t PeopleSoft release is installed. >ese ta<les can <e cloned and modified as necessary to meet t>e needs of t>e f=nctional comm=nity.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards Maintenance of 1=ery rees is located in People ools. Sec=rity. 1=ery Sec=rity. 1=ery Access Mana9er.

Access 9ro=ps are =sed <y PeopleSoft sec=rity to restrict access for a vieA or a record to a partic=lar set of =sers. M=ltiple access 9ro=ps may <e created for a G=ery tree. Users sec=red to an access 9ro=p can access any vieAs or records <elon9in9 to t>at access 9ro=p. NeA access 9ro=ps s>o=ld lo9ically descri<e t>e 9ro=p and <e9in Ait> t>e UHSC prefi?.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards $it>in an access 9ro=p. trees can <e lo9ically se9re9ated into smaller 9ro=ps as s>oAn <eloA8

>e application developer m=st <e concerned Ait> 1=ery sec=rity and A>ic> set of =sers Aill need access to a vieA or a record <efore t>e vieA or record can <e placed on a 1=ery tree. Some data is sec=rity sensitive and m=st <e restricted to a=t>oriEed personnel. )or e?ample. access to personal <an@ acco=nts. 9rades. or credit card information s>o=ld <e very restricted or per>aps not made availa<le at all via 1=ery. Application developers m=st coordinate Ait> sec=rity administrators and f=nctional =sers <efore addin9 a vieA or record to a G=ery tree. !ecords are added as nodes to t>e tree. #n order for =sers to vieA t>e 1=ery trees. 1=ery Access (ist Cac>e m=st <e r=n.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

+.12 TREES
ree str=ct=res and definitions may vary <etAeen data<ase environments. Note4 Trees as a r-le s.o-ld never be mi,rated bet/een environments. ree Mana9er ena<les yo= to or9aniEe tree str=ct=res =nder >i9> level 9ro=pin9s. called cate9ories. cate9ory names are s=99ested. :=d9et Defa=lt !eport ools UHS :=d9et related Access +ro=ps are placed =nder t>is cate9ory. >is is a PeopleSoft delivered Cate9ory. UHS developed reportin9 related access 9ro=ps are placed in t>is cate9ory. People ools D $or@floA related Access +ro=ps are placed in t>is cate9ory. >is cate9ory >as Access +ro=ps for UHS a<les. >e folloAin9

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards


<.1 TEST!N% P'!$OSOP'(
>oro=9> application testin9 >elps ens=re a G=ality prod=ct for t>e end =ser and is t>e responsi<ility of developers and f=nctional analysts. (ac@ of adeG=ate testin9 <y eit>er 9ro=p co=ld severely impact end =sers in t>e prod=ction environment. Pro<lems discovered in prod=ction are alAays more costly t>an t>ose ca=9>t d=rin9 test. Data may need to <e recovered or corrected. <=siness processes may <e >alted. and prod=ctivity is lost as developer and f=nctional analysts m=st recode and retest. Application developers are committed to providin9 G=ality softAare to alloA =sers to a=tomate t>eir administrative tas@s and t>=s improve t>eir efficiency. #n addition. <eca=se of t>e interaction amon9 departments and t>e inte9ration of administrative data. t>e application development departments are responsi<le for providin9 softAare t>at maintains t>e inte9rity of all official =niversity data. Application testin9 is t>e e?ec=tion of a pro9ram andBor processes to find its fa=lts. #t is important to =nderstand t>at testin9 can <e =sed to s>oA t>e presence of <=9s <=t never t>eir a<sence. R estin9S in t>is doc=ment is defined as t>e formal eval=ation of acc=racy. inte9rity. and =sa<ility of t>e process. estin9 is not an adeG=ate tool for completin9 codeT it s>o=ld only <e =sed to 9a=9e t>e inte9rity of t>e completed code. #f it is determined t>at a mod=le >as an inordinate n=m<er of errors. testin9 s>o=ld <e stopped =ntil t>e code >as <een reAor@ed. Developers ro=tinely test processes d=rin9 t>e development sta9e. >is is considered development Aor@ and is not 9overned <y t>is section. Errors introd=ced as a res=lt of maintenance activities can <e partic=larly disr=ptive <eca=se =sers are often reliant on t>e s=stained f=nctionality of t>e system. >e standard testin9 policy is a tAo;tiered approac> A>ere<y <ot> t>e developer and t>e f=nctional departments are involved. >e testin9 andBor r=nnin9 of pro9rams occ=r at t>ree levels. A>ic> correspond to t>e t>ree environments c=rrently defined in t>e system8 1K &K %K Development ;; testin9 is t>e sole responsi<ility of t>e developersT )=nctional estin9 ;; testin9 is done in conF=nction Ait> =sers and developers. Prod=ction ;; r=nnin9 pro9rams is t>e sole responsi<ility of t>e =sers. >e involvement of developers at t>is sta9e s>o=ld <e minimal. e?cept to investi9ate res=lts t>at =sers t>in@ are not correct.

>ere are tAo primary met>ods for cond=ctin9 tests8 Pro9ressive estin9 and !e9ressive estin9. :ot> met>ods s>o=ld <e applied A>en cond=ctin9 tests.


>e developer ens=res t>at a 9iven mod=le retrieves and =pdates desired data Ait>o=t FeopardiEin9 t>e inte9rity of t>e data<ase. #f a =nit is composed of several s=<ro=tines andBor s=<pro9rams. eac> mod=le m=st <e tested separately as Aell as to9et>er. est cases s>o=ld <e constr=cted =sin9 already developed pro9rams. A>enever possi<le. #f necessary. developers can store c=stom test data in t>e development data<ase. <=t t>ey s>o=ld ens=re t>at all t>e necessary fields are doc=mented Jif only o=t of co=rtesy toAard ot>er developersK. >e developers can also transfer. on reG=est. a test pop=lation from prod=ction to development or trainin9 for certain ta<les or files. Coordination Ait> ot>er developers A>o may <e testin9 a9ainst t>e same ta<les or files is essential to avoid conf=sion. )or reports and e?ternal feeds. developers s>o=ld create a test file Ait>o=t Aaitin9 for t>e data e?traction or feed pro9rams to <e Aritten. !eports and feeds s>o=ld alAays <e tested for >oA t>ey react if t>e inp=t file is not t>ere or is empty. #f a report is tested on a limited e?tract from a data file Je.9.. t>e first 1,, recordsK. it m=st <e tested at least once Ait> no limit Jto ma@e s=re t>at t>e last <rea@ condition. for instance. is ta@en into acco=ntK.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards #f a mod=le is to <e restarta<le. t>e restart and recovery m=st <e tested. <.&.1Unit Test Proced-res >e developer s>o=ld ta@e t>e folloAin9 steps8 1K +o <ac@ to t>e ori9inal pro9ram specifications and ma@e s=re every condition >as <een ta@en into acco=nt as far as Aritin9 t>e pro9ram is concerned. &K Set =p test data. AlAays try to =se e?istin9 prod=ction pro9rams to set =p test cases =nless impossi<le. Every scenario descri<ed in t>e specifications s>o=ld <e part of t>e test scenarios. %K $>en testin9. alAays t>in@ a<o=t testin9 for standard f=nctions. 'K $>en =pdatin9 critical information. test for a<normal termination and eval=atin9 restart possi<ility. -K Ma@e efforts to distri<=te a G=ality prod=ct8 for e?ample. report >eadin9s s>o=ld <e centered or consistently F=stifiedT dates and times need to folloA standard formatsT col=mns s>o=ld <e ali9ned on pa9es and evenly spaced Ji.e.. do not leave too many <lan@s at t>e end of a line. instead distri<=te spaces <etAeen col=mnsK.


Pro9ressive estin9 involves testin9 to identify errors associated Ait> neA or modified code. specific to t>e code as Aell as interfaces Ait> previo=sly inte9rated code. >is incl=des t>e lo9ic


!e9ression testin9 involves testin9 to verify t>e s=stained inte9rity of t>e previo=sly inte9rated code. !e9ression testin9 of t>e entire process is partic=larly important Ait> re9ard to application maintenance as =ne?pected neA errors may <e introd=ced Ait>in t>e process Jfi? one. <rea@ t>reeK.


>e inte9ration test ens=res t>at t>e mod=le to <e tested Aor@s across PeopleSoft Applications or <etAeen PeopleSoft and %rdparty applications. >e #nte9ration est s>o=ld confirm t>at t>e process Aill not ca=se pro<lems A>en r=n in conF=nction Ait> ot>er dependent or independent processes. #nte9ration testin9 is not as important for read;only pro9rams as it is for =pdate pro9rams. )or =pdate pro9rams. t>e testin9 plan m=st incl=de all t>e pro9rams t>at =se t>ose data elements A>ic> t>e mod=le <ein9 tested =pdates. #f applications send or receive data as part of t>e process. t>ose applications s>o=ld <e incl=ded in t>e inte9ration test. <.9.1. !nte,ration Test Proced-res 1K #nte9ration estin9 <etAeen applications is cond=cted first in development and contin=ed in t>e test environment <y f=nctional =sers. &K DoAnstream processes s>o=ld <e tested to ens=re process and data inte9rity.


A system test is =s=ally reG=ired A>en a process is a=tomated for t>e first time. re;en9ineered. or A>en maintenance pac@s >ave <een applied. Note4 S@stem Testin, consists of eval-atin, bot. b-siness proced-res and comp-ter reso-rce reC-irements. >e main 9oal of a system test is to ens=re t>at every aspect of t>e process >as <een ta@en into acco=nt Je.9.. correction proced=res. trac@in9 of res=lts. etc.K and no pro9rammer intervention Aill <e reG=ired A>en t>e process is in prod=ction. Also. d=rin9 system testin9. developers may assist =sers on >oA to test c>an9es. correct errors. recover Jrestart or rer=nK failed <atc> Fo<s. etc. )rom t>e developerMs point of vieA. t>e system test s>o=ld incl=de an eval=ation of t>e pro9ram for accepta<le performance. alt>o=9> t>is s>o=ld <e part of t>e initial development considerations.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards <.:.1 S@stem Test Proced-res 1K Developers and f=nctional =sers are responsi<le for t>e eval=ation of performance and recovery capa<ility of comp=tin9 processes. &K )=nctional =sers are responsi<le for t>e testin9 of <=siness processes and reG=ired f=nctionality.


End to end testin9 involves complete process testin9. <ot> man=al and a=tomated. to ens=re a=tomated. man=al. and <=siness practices Aor@ as intended.


>e User Acceptance est is cond=cted <y t>e =sers to ma@e s=re t>at a pro9ram Aor@s t>e Aay t>ey Aant. or if t>ey did not desi9n t>e interface. t>at it is =ser;friendly eno=9> for t>em to =nderstand. User Acceptance est is often cond=cted in conF=nction Ait> System estin9. )or reports and ot>er <atc> processes. t>e =ser acceptance test consists of eval=atin9 res=lts and <ein9 a<le to =nderstand t>em Jor cross;e?aminin9 t>em Ait> some ot>er report. etc.K. <.+.1 User Acceptance Test Proced-res Users s>o=ld folloA t>e 9=idelines of t>eir oAn departments. $>en t>ey are reasona<ly ass=red t>at t>e pro9rams f=nction correctly. t>ey approve t>e transfer to prod=ction.


Sec=rity testin9 ens=res t>at =sers >ave access and are a<le to navi9ate to processes and ad>ere to UHS Sec=rity Policy. >is normally occ=rs after system testin9 is completed and all processes >ave mi9rated to prod=ction. <=t <efore t>e process >as <een released for =se <y t>e f=nctional comm=nity.

<.1* $OCA$!T( TEST!N%

(ocality testin9 ens=res t>at t>e application Aill Aor@ re9ardless of A>ere t>e =ser is 9eo9rap>ically. "ario=s types of internet <roAsers s>o=ld <e =sed as Aell to ens=re t>e application Aor@s on a variety of commonly =sed platforms. +eo9rap>ical testin9 is especially important if >ardAare is distri<=ted 9eo9rap>ically.

<.11 $OAD TEST!N%

(oad tests are =sed to meas=re t>e impact of >eavy =sa9e on t>e system ;; on;line and <atc>. (oad tests place a load on vario=s servers and softAare to determine >oA t>e system performs A>en placed =nder a load. (oad tests s>o=ld <e cond=cted A>en Oracle is =p9raded to a neA release $>en PeopleSoft is =p9raded to a neA release Any neA netAor@ or server >ardAare or operatin9 systems are installed. reconfi9=red. or =p9raded. SoftAare is availa<le t>at Aill em=late m=ltiple =sers accessin9 t>e system at t>e same time. A load test s>o=ld <e cond=cted on t>e same type of eG=ipment and softAare t>at is =sed in prod=ction.

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<.1& TEST!N% %U!DE$!NES

On t>e <asis of t>e type of pro9ram and t>e type of maintenance to <e performed. t>e folloAin9 tests s>o=ld <e performed. >e User Acceptance test is alAays t>e last step. T@pe of Test Unit Pro9ressive !e9ression #nte9ration System End o End Sec=rity est (ocality est (oad est User Acceptance est Prod S-pport Developers 3-nctional ( ( ( ( ( ( Up,rades) MaBor,es ? Development Developers 3-nctional ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Additional testin9 reG=irements and information on t>e testin9 proced=res may <e imposed <y tec>nical mana9ers dependin9 on t>e de9ree of criticality of any 9iven application. <.11 TEST P$ANS est plans are a val=a<le aid to <ot> t>e application developer and t>e f=nctional analyst A>o Aill <e performin9 vario=s tests. >e test plan identifies ype of test JUnit. #nte9ration. SystemK. Complete list of testin9 scenarios. Set=pBconfi9=ration reG=irements for eac> scenario. Person A>o Aill perform t>e test. Date t>e test Aas completed. and est res=lts.

A t>oro=9> test plan Aill >elp ens=re t>at t>e application Aas t>oro=9>ly tested <efore it is mi9rated to prod=ction. Eac> type of test s>o=ld >ave its oAn separate test plan and <e maintained <y t>e developer. f=nctional analyst. andBor <=siness process oAner. A>oever is appropriate for t>e type of test. est plans s>o=ld <e retained after mi9ration or implementation into t>e prod=ction environment =ntil s=c> a time as t>e application >as <ecome sta<le and G=estions concernin9 application testin9 >ave <een satisfied. At a minim=m test plans s>o=ld <e @ept at least for & cycles of t>e ann=al application revieA done in late s=mmer B early fall coincidin9 Ait> fiscal year end activities. ests plans s>o=ld <e desi9ned to ansAer t>e folloAin9 tAo G=estions8 1. Does t>e application Aor@ as intendedH &. Can t>e application <e <ro@enH

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards <.11.1 Test Plan Template >e folloAin9 is an e?ample of a test plan template. >is can easily <e done in E?cel. CS!Y ?????? CS! itle ????????????????????????????? Developer8 ?????????????????????????????? )=nctional Analyst8 ???????????????????????????????????? SeGY est Description Set=p E?pected !es=lts ested :y est Date est !es=lts Stat=s

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

<.12 APP$!CAT!ON RE !E"

Application !evieA. Desi9n !evieA. and $al@t>ro=9> are G=ality ass=rance tools. >e Application !evieA proced=re is adapted from an ind=stry accepted str=ct=red Aal@t>ro=9> tec>niG=e descri<ed <eloA8 LA str=ct=red Aal@;t>ro=9> is a 9eneric name 9iven to revieA or Lpaper testsL cond=cted Ait> peers. s=pervisors. etc.. to analyEe t>e f=nctional desi9n. detect lo9ic errors. develop test strate9y. cross;ed=cate team mem<ers. and motivate f=ll team cooperation. >e verification is meant to <e a non;malicio=s colla<orative proced=re for pro<in9 and pro<lem detection. Errors fo=nd at t>is level can easily <e an order of ma9nit=de c>eaper to fi? t>an at later times in t>e development.L J!o<ert C. a=sAort>e. StandardiEed Development of Comp=ter SoftAare8 Part # Met>ods. U.S. +overnment. 1404.K M=c> of t>e folloAin9 information re9ardin9 t>e !evieA process is ta@en from t>e <oo@ <y Daniel P. )reedman and +erald M. $ein<er9. Hand<oo@ of $al@t>ro=9>s. #nspections. and ec>nical !evieAsT Jt>ird edition. :oston8 (ittle. :roAn and Company. 143&K. Permission 9ranted <y t>e p=<lis>er. An Application !evieA is cond=cted d=rin9 application development. A Desi9n !evieA is cond=cted <efore application development <e9ins. <.12.1 Desi,n Revie/ A Desi9n !evieA is a formal revieA of t>e specs and desi9n to ens=re t>at t>e reG=est Aill not compromise application or data<ase inte9rity. A Desi9n !evieA considers inte9ration processes. process floA. data floA. efficiency. performance. etc. A Desi9n !evieA s>o=ld <e cond=cted A>enever comple? processes are si9nificantly modified or neA f=nctionality is introd=ced. <.12.& Revie/ Proced-res $>en a neAly approved application is defined. or si9nificant modifications to an application are planned. t>e developer m=st notify >is s=pervisor to arran9e an application revieA. Developers s>o=ld not Aait =ntil t>e entire application is Aritten. !evieA sc>ed=les s>o=ld <e determined in advance JA>at Aill <e revieAed and A>enK. >e p=rpose of t>ese revieAs is to raise iss=es;;not to resolve t>em. S=ccessf=l revieAs are <ased on t>e f=ll preparation and participation of all invited. #t is mandatory t>at revieAers prepare. attend. and participate A>en c>osen for a revieA team. Mana9ers s>o=ld e?pect developers to c>ar9e time to Aal@t>ro=9>s and Aal@t>ro=9> preparation. ProFect sc>ed=les m=st alloA for t>is G=ality ass=rance practice. >e typical s=<set of t>e mod=les A>ic> ma@e =p an application s>o=ld <e incl=ded in t>e revieA process descri<ed in t>ese pa9es. Alt>o=9> all application code does not >ave to <e formally revieAed. a second party A>o is familiar Ait> t>e files s>o=ld e?amine all code t>at =pdates t>e data<ase. An e?perienced developer or t>e ec>nical Mana9er s>o=ld serve as t>e !evieA (eader. >e !evieA (eader selects t>e ot>er team mem<ers to serve as t>e revieAers. >e team s>o=ld incl=de at least one developer Ait> in;dept> application;specific and file;specific @noAled9e. <.12.1 ",. Proced-res 3or Developers >e developer A>ose code is <ein9 revieAed >as t>e folloAin9 responsi<ilities8 1K Select t>e code to <e revieAed Jno more t>an ten pro9rams for a sin9le revieAK =sin9 t>e folloAin9 9=idelines8 )or small applications. t>e entire application or mod=le may <e selected for revieA. )or lar9e applications avoid selectin9 men=s. Men=s are ro=tinely fo=nd to <e standard. Select a s=<set of t>e application to <e revieAed for a partic=lar Aal@t>ro=9> session. #ncl=de <atc> and online processes for revieA. &K Sc>ed=le t>e Aal@t>ro=9>.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards %K 'K -K *K 0K 3K Print o=t t>e so=rce code and pa9es and report samples. and distri<=te to t>e !evieA eam. Sec=re t>e revieAers to t>e application in development. :rin9 a copy of t>e Application Development Standards man=al to all meetin9s. Ens=re t>at t>e meetin9 room is availa<le and adeG=ately eG=ipped. Notify all participants s>o=ld meetin9s <e canceled or resc>ed=led. !evieA Ait> yo=r mana9er any additional development Aor@ reG=ired as a res=lt of t>e applicationMs Aal@t>ro=9>. (OUR APP$!CAT!ON MA( NOT 0E MO ED TO TEST OR PRODUCT!ON "!T'OUT T'E CONSENT O3 (OUR RE !E"ERS. >e revieAers may reG=ire a folloA;=p Aal@t>ro=9>. >e revieAers s>all limit reG=ests for c>an9es to pro9ram L<=9sL and to violations of t>e Standards. #ss=es of desi9n or performance trade;offs s>all not <e dictated <y t>e revieAers A>en s=c> iss=es are ot>erAise compliant Ait> t>e Standards. >oAever. t>e developer s>o=ld ta@e noted iss=es into consideration. !evieAers >avin9 stron9 feelin9s a<o=t s=c> iss=es s>o=ld Aor@ to 9et t>e Standards c>an9ed. 4K Disc=ss any s=99ested c>an9es to Standards Ait> t>e C>airman of t>e Application Development Standards Committee. 1,K Once all s=99ested c>an9es >ave <een made to t>e pro9rams. >ave t>e revieAers si9n and date t>e modification form prepared <y t>e !ecorder. >e form Aill 9o to yo=r mana9er. #f revieAers c>oose to record comments in t>e L!easonsL section of t>e form. t>ey m=st <e very specific. Simple 9eneral comments li@e Las disc=ssed in t>e meetin9L are not accepta<le. <.12.2 Revie/ $eaders $>ile t>e s=ccess of t>e revieA is t>e responsi<ility of eac> team mem<er. t>e !evieA (eader >as t>ese additional responsi<ilities8 1K +=ide t>e tone and pace of t>e revieA meetin9sT &K Ens=re t>at everyone >as an opport=nity to contri<=teT %K Poll for consens=sT 'K erminate a meetin9 in case of lac@ of preparation <y or a<sence of revieAer. len9t> of meetin9. tone of t>e revieA. etc. <.12.9 Revie/ Recorder >e !ecorder also >as o<li9ations <eyond <ein9 prepared. attendin9 and participatin9 in t>e revieA. >ese incl=de8 1K !ecord t>e findin9s of t>e Aal@t>ro=9> committee on t>e appropriate formT &K Ens=re t>at t>e 9ro=p >as reac>ed a definite concl=sion <y revieAin9 t>e iss=es as recordedT %K :e a<le to Arite notes in LrealL time as t>is may infl=ence t>e pace of t>e revieAT 'K !etain revieA notes =ntil t>e application andBor t>e pro9rams =nder revieA >ave <een approved for transfer to Prod=ction. <.12.: Revie/ Participants >e folloAin9 list of r=les and 9=idelines applies to all revieA participants8 1K :e prepared JrevieA materials in advance. <rin9 t>em to t>e revieA Ait> a copy of standardsKT &K :e Aillin9 to associateT %K $atc> yo=r lan9=a9eT 'K !aise iss=es and ma@e s=99estionsT -K Avoid side<ar disc=ssionsT *K Stic@ to standards ;; or 9et t>e standard c>an9edT 0K !ecord all iss=es in p=<licT 3K Stic@ to tec>nical iss=esT 4K !emem<er ed=cation Jt>is is t>e maFor lon9;term <enefit of revieAsKT 1,K Do not eval=ate t>e developerT 11K Distri<=te t>e report as soon as possi<leT 1&K (et t>e developer determine A>en t>e application is ready for revieAT 1%K )ail=re to attend or lac@ of preparation for t>e revieA is ca=ses for t>e revieA leader to cancel t>e revieA meetin9. <.12.; ",. Proced-res 3or S-pervisors >e revieA process is a revieA amon9 peers. )rom a S=pervisory point of vieA t>e o<Fective of t>ese revieAs is to8 1K Move G=ality;control responsi<ilities to t>e pro9ram developers doin9 t>e Aor@T

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards &K %K 'K -K Cross;ed=cate developers so t>at development activities and pro9ress are o<served and =nderstood <y all team mem<ersT )oc=s individ=al creative ener9ies =pon t>e =sersM =niG=e application needs rat>er t>an =pon iss=es common amon9 =sers and already addressed <y t>e StandardsT Develop a >i9>ly;motivated comm=nity of application development professionals s=pportin9 one anot>er to <=ild inte9rated yet diverse applications Ait>in one consistent environmentT Determine A>et>er a neAly developed application meets Standards for transfer to prod=ction. AN APP$!CAT!ON MA( NOT 0E MO ED TO TRA!N!N% OR PRODUCT!ON "!T'OUT T'E CONSENT O3 RE !E"ERS. A standards compliance certification form m=st <e si9ned <y revieAers and @ept on file Ait> ec>nical Services.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards






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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards


As of Nov 11. &,,0. AC &1* reG=ires all e?as instit=tions of >i9>er ed=cation to >ave a ProFect Mana9ement policy. a proFect cate9oriEation met>od. and to >ave a standard for eac> of t>e ProFect Mana9ement #nstit=te6s 4 VnoAled9e Areas8 1. &. %. '. -. *. 0. 3. 4. #nte9ration Mana9ement Scope Mana9ement ime Mana9ement Cost Mana9ement 1=ality Mana9ement H=man !eso=rce Mana9ement Comm=nications Mana9ement !is@ Mana9ement Proc=rement Mana9ement ProFect C>arter. C>an9e (o9. ProFect Clos=re Process Scope Definition. $or@ :rea@doAn Str=ct=re. Milestones Planned Sc>ed=le. Act=al Sc>ed=le. Planned vs. Act=als "ariances Cost Estimate. :=d9et. Estimate vs. Act=als "ariances estin9 Plan. est Cases. Pilot Plan. C>an9e !eG=ests !eso=rce Assi9nmentsT ProFect eam Processes. s=c> as ProFect Vic@off Meetin9 ProFect $e< Site. Comm=nication Plan. #ss=e (o9. C>an9e (o9 !is@ Mana9ement Plan8 !is@s #dentified. Monitored. and Controlled Proc=rement Process. Proc=rement doc=ments. Contracts


#n compliance Ait> state reG=irements. t>e University of Ho=ston reG=ires common proFect met>odolo9y to <e =sed t>ro=9>o=t its #nformation ec>nolo9y department. Developin9 proFect met>odolo9y and policy is =nderAay at t>e date of t>is doc=ment =pdate. J)e<. 1'. &,,3K ProFects are placed into one of t>e folloAin9 t>ree cate9ories8 Top Tier) Tier 1 1. ProFects identified in t>e ann=al Preliminary Plan and :=d9et !eport s=<mitted to Academic Affairs. &. op ier Application ProFectsT i.e.. proFects relatin9 to PeopleSoft or $e<C . %. ProFects Ait> <=d9ets of O1,,.,,, or more. '. (e9al Compliance B Mandated >i9> impact. >i9> visi<ility proFects t>at Aill affect c=stomers. -. Ot>er emer9in9 >i9> impact. >i9> visi<ility. time;vital proFects =pon reG=est <y t>e sponsorin9 A"P or C#O. ier 1 ProFects are loaded into Enterprise ProFect Mana9er JEPMK. a MicroSoft softAare tool =sed for mana9in9 proFects. Top Tier) Tier & 1. ProFects Ait> a line item in t>e # :=d9et t>at do not G=alify to <e cate9oriEed as a ier 1 proFect. ier & ProFects are loaded into EPM. Top Tier) Tier 1 1. All ot>er proFects. primarily small operational proFects f=nded <y on9oin9 operations <=d9ets.

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ProFects t>at are <ein9 trac@ed as ier 1 and ier & s>o=ld incl=de 1. &. A ProFect C>arter to define and o<tain approval for t>e proFect6s 9oals and o<Fectives. <=siness case. scope of Aor@. maFor milestones. proFect or9aniEation. and <=d9et. ProFect Vic@off Meetin9s to improve reso=rce assi9nments and translation of >i9> level proFect c>arter plans to detailed sc>ed=les t>at all proFect team mem<ers >ave committed to. Vic@off meetin9s s>o=ld incl=de all reso=rces named in t>e proFect c>arter. EPM ProFect to ena<le participation in proFect portfolio mana9ement activities. incl=din9 mont>ly Aor@ effort and <=d9et stat=s reportin9. ProFect $e< Site to improve team comm=nications and visi<ility of =se of proFect mana9ement <est practices. s=c> as8 ProFect Stat=s to improve on9oin9 proFect comm=nications ProFect Sc>ed=le or at least a Milestone a<le Ait> tar9et dates and reso=rce assi9nments #ss=e (o9 to improve proFect comm=nications and faster resol=tion. and if necessary escalation. of proFect timeline. <=d9et. or scope iss=es C>an9e (o9 to doc=ment c>an9es t>at reG=ire re<aselinin9 sc>ed=le. increasin9 <=d9et. or c>an9in9 scope. Comm=nications Plan if proFect is c=stomer;facin9

%. '. -. *. 0. 3. 4.

1,. Doc=ment !epository for reference <ot> d=rin9 t>e proFect and after t>e proFect >as <een closed 11. :riefin9s as sc>ed=led in t>e mont>ly ProFect :riefin9 for=m of proFect mana9ers. pro9ram mana9ers. A"Ps. and t>e C#O.


Enterprise ProFect Mana9er JEPMK is a MicroSoft prod=ct t>at Aill <e =sed to store proFect doc=mentation and facilitate comm=nication <etAeen vario=s f=nctional and tec>nical 9ro=ps. >is is partic=larly >elpf=l as proFects often cross or9aniEational <o=ndaries Ait>in <ot> 9ro=ps. Cons=ltants and vendors may need to <e incl=ded in t>e proFect as Aell. Eac> op ier 1 and & proFect Aill >ave a proFect Ae< site created <y t>e #. . $e< ProFect eam A>o Aill provide a =rl lin@ to t>e Ae< site. >ey may also assist in confi9=rin9 t>e Ae< site as Aell. >e EPM Ae< site is divided into % sections8 left. middle and ri9>t as s>oAn in t>e fi9=re <eloA.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

Doc-ments4 Ao types of Doc=ment (i<raries can created =nder Doc=ments8 1. Doc=ment (i<rary to contain des@top doc=ments s=c> as $ord or E?cel &. H M( (i<rary to contain >tml doc=ments. >e proFect mana9er can dynamically create doc=ment li<raries as reG=ired. Pict-res contain Pict=re (i<raries. $ists contain primarily E?cel lists A>ic> can <e maintained eit>er an attac>ed E?cel file. or <y a datas>eet editor Ait>in t>e EPM tool itself. Disc-ssions are =sed to create topics and trac@ correspondence pertainin9 to a partic=lar topic. >is alloAs correspondence to <e 9ro=ped to9et>er and prevents =sers from >avin9 to di9 t>ro=9> email >istory to find relevant email. S-rve@s can <e created to poll =sers to t>e Ae< site. >e middle of t>e Ae< site is simply doc=ments or lists t>at are most freG=ently =sed. >is area is can <e confi9=red <y t>e proFect mana9er. >e ri9>t side can also contain doc=ments or lin@s for G=ic@ reference. Under lin@s. it is possi<le to add a lin@ to a MicroSoft ProFect. >is reG=ires t>at t>e proFect <e created in MicroSoft ProFect Professional and t>en mi9rated to t>e EPM proFect server. )or instr=ctions on >oA to =se t>e EPM Ae< site. contact t>e man9er of #. . $e< ProFect team.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards


A proFect o=tline is provided <eloA. Not all of t>e elements are reG=ired. >e o=tline can <e c=stomiEed to meet t>e =niG=e needs of a proFect. ProFects are composed of t>e folloAin9 p>ases8 1. &. %. Demand Mana9ement ProFect Delivery S=pport

1*.2.1 Demand Mana,ement Demand Mana9ement consists of 1. &. Opport=nities and Needs ProFect Plannin9 Creatin9 opport=nities and need definitions and assessment Definin9 t>e scope of t>e proFect. develop t>e ProFect C>arter. Statement of $or@. ProFect :=d9et. ProFect Sc>ed=le. Approval of ProFect. Approval of ProFect )=ndin9.

1*.2.& ProBect Deliver@ ProFect Delivery consists of 1. &. %. '. -. Analysis Desi9n Constr=ction estin9 #mplementation Developin9 !eG=irements Definitions. Comm=nication !eG=irements. doc=mentation !eG=irements. rainin9 !eG=irements. and S=pport !eG=irements. Creatin9 Sol=tion Desi9n. Conversion Desi9n. Comm=nications Desi9n. rainin9 Desi9n. and S=pport Desi9n Sol=tion Development. Developin9 Unit est Plans. Develop drafts for Comm=nication. rainin9. and S=pport #ncl=des Pilot rainin9. #nte9ration estin9. System estin9. User Acceptance estin9 and refinin9 doc=mentation on Comm=nications. rainin9. and S=pport. #ncl=des !eadiness Assessment. #mplementation Approval. S=pport staff s>o=ld <e trained as Aell as end =sers. Post implementation tas@s incl=de proFect eval=ation and lessons learned.

1*.2.1 S-pport S=pport consists of 1. #ss=e #dentification and Escalation #ss=es are PrioritiEes. Sol=tions are tested and doc=mented. #ncl=des C>an9e Mana9ement and S=pport Development.


1*.9.1. Opport-nities and Needs Definitions Specific opport=nities and needs for proFect are defined. Definitions s>o=ld identify 9ro=ps A>o Ao=ld <enefit or <e impacted. 1*.9.&. Opport-nities and Needs Assessment Eac> opport=nities and need is assessed to determine >oA critical is t>e opport=nity or need. t>e scope of operational impact =pon t>e or9aniEation and e?ternal entities. financialB<=d9et impact =pon t>e or9aniEation. estimated reso=rce reG=irements. etc.

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1*.9.1. ProBect C.arter >e ProFect C>arter contains t>e folloAin9 information8 E?ec=tive S=mmary :=siness Case Scope of $or@ Ot>er #nformation MaFor Milestones Or9aniEation :=siness OAners c=stomers A>o Aill <e mana9in9 proFect D are most affected <y t>e proFect. ProFect Sponsors individ=als providin9 financial. material. or staff reso=rces for t>e proFect. Pro9ram Mana9er individ=al responsi<le for f=nctional or9aniEation and =ltimate acco=nta<ility for t>e proFect. ProFect Mana9er person responsi<le for mana9in9 t>e proFect6s activities and delivera<les. eam Mem<ers individ=als or roles needed on t>e team. Sta@e Holders individ=als or or9aniEations A>o may <e impacted <y t>e proFect. S=mmary :=d9et ProFect :=d9et !ec=rrin9 Costs :=d9et Approvals :=siness OAner ProFect SponsorJsK Pro9ram Mana9er ProFect Mana9er ProFect templates can <e provided <y t>e #. . ProFect eam. 1*.9.2 Comm-nication Plan HoA Aill correspondence specific to t>e proFect <e comm=nicated to team mem<ers. proFect mem<ers. =ser comm=nity. e?ternal entities. etc.HP $>at forms of comm=nication need to ta@e place and for A>ic> 9ro=psH JneAsletters. neAspapers. emails. disc=ssion for=ms. list servs. etc.K 1*.9.9. Doc-mentation Plan $>ere Aill doc=mentation resideH $>at directory str=ct=res need to <e created and >oA Aill t>ey <e desi9ned for easy navi9ationH $>ic> doc=ments are reG=iredH JProFect c>arter. proFect iss=es. maFor milestones. analysis doc=mentation. f=nctional specs. tec>nical specs. <=siness process specs. etc.K $>at form Aill doc=ments <e retained J$ord. PD). E?cel. PoAerPoint. etc.K Are standardiEed form doc=ments reG=iredH #s a proFect Ae< site reG=iredH HoA Aill revisions to t>e proFect <e doc=mentedH HoA Aill approvals <e doc=mentedH 1*.9.:. Trainin, Plan Separate rainin9 plans may <e reG=ired for t>e folloAin9 9ro=ps of people8 ProFect team Analysis eam Development eam estin9 eam S=pport eam

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End =sers

>e trainin9 plan addresses $>at 9ro=ps need to <e trainedH $>at type of trainin9 Aill eac> 9ro=p reG=iredH $>o Aill cond=ct trainin9H $>at trainin9 materials are reG=iredH $>at trainin9 media s>o=ld <e =sed Jcomp=ter <ased trainin9 JC: K. instr=ctor led trainin9. Ae<casts. etc.K #s e?ternal trainin9 reG=iredH $>at are t>e costs associated Ait> trainin9H 1*.9.; S-pport Plan >e S=pport Plan addresses iss=es of providin9 contin=al s=pport after t>e proFect is implemented. HoA Aill s=pport iss=es <e reported and to A>omH HoA Aill s=pport iss=es <e doc=mentedH HoA Aill s=pport iss=es escalate in priorityH $>ere s>o=ld s=pport staff <e locatedH $>at tools or eG=ipment Aill s=pport staff reG=ireH $>at trainin9 Aill s=pport staff needH


emplates for proFect doc=ments and delivera<les can <e fo=nd at PP=>sa1Pit;mana9ers


>e folloAin9 dia9ram ill=strates t>e proposed ProFect StandardiEation Process.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards

11. SECUR!T(
:ac@door access to prod=ction data<ases is limited to developers. tec>nical mana9ers and D:As. :ac@door access may <e provided to % rd party application data<ases <=t reG=ire approval and contin=al s=pervision <y t>e tec>nical application s=pport mana9ers. No f=nctional person Aill >ave <ac@door access to t>e data<ase. Developers and tec>nical mana9ers Aill >ave read;only access to t>e prod=ction data<ases. Access to a non; prod=ction data<ase Aill <e determined <y t>e tec>nical mana9ers and access 9ranted t>ro=9> t>e D:A 9ro=p. #f a prod=ction o<Fect needs to <e =pdated via t>e <ac@end. t>e developer Aill reG=est t>e c>an9e via S A and t>e D:A Aill e?ec=te t>e c>an9e. #f t>e e?pected res=lts of t>e script do not matc> t>e mi9ration form res=lts. t>e D:A Aill inform t>e developerBtec>nical mana9er and t>e D:A Aill not commit t>e c>an9e to t>e prod=ction data<ase =ntil t>e reG=estor >as validated t>e res=lts.


Access to UN#7 environments Aill <e 9ranted to UN#7 administrators and D:As only. Access to N environments is limited to N administrators only.

11.1 DATA0ASE $!N#S

$>en tec>nically feasi<le. data<ase lin@s may <e created <etAeen t>e PeopleSoft applications JH=man !eso=rces. St=dent Administration. and )inancialsK. PeopleSoft data<ases JSA and )SK. and e?ternal systems JUHC(. UHD. and UH"K. Data<ase lin@s are created <y t>e (ead D:A and reG=ire approvals from a director.. NO E8 !emote camp=s tec>nical staff is responsi<le for testin9 t>eir data<ase lin@s A>en patc>es or =p9rades are applied to t>e PeopleSoft environments. >is is cr=cial A>enever t>ere are str=ct=ral c>an9es to PeopleSoft application data ta<les.

11.2 USER!D
User #D creation and creation of t>e initial temporary passAord is an a=tomated process for H! and SA applications. H! >as a c=stom process A>ic> r=ns ni9>tly to create neA =serids for neA employees. NeA =serids are not created for ret=rnin9 employees. retirees. or for st=dents or persons of interest A>o are <ecomin9 employees. >e H! create =serid process assi9ns one sec=rity role to alloA t>e employee access to employee self;service P.A.S.S. An email is sent to t>e employee notifyin9 t>em of t>eir neA =serid and temporary passAord. >e SA application =ses a PeopleSoft delivered process called mass c>an9e to create neA =serids for st=dents. #t does not create a =serid if t>e person already e?ists in t>e system. #t assi9ns defa=lt roles for self;service access. >e sec=rity administrator for t>e )S application man=ally creates neA =serids in )S. >e PeopleSoft Sec=rity Administrators are responsi<le for r=nnin9 t>e H! and SA ni9>tly processes. >e H! ni9>tly process also resets t>e description on =serprofile to matc> t>e person6s primary name in PeopleSoft. >is is done to facilitate searc>es for a person6s =serid.

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11.9.1. Pass/ord Controls >e folloAin9 passAord controls are in place on t>e Portal Data<ases. PassAord controls >ave <een removed from t>e application data<ases. >e Portal Data<ase is =sed to a=t>enticate t>e =ser to t>e PeopleSoft Applications.

11.9.&.,in, Pass/ords After t>e =ser receives t>eir neA User #D and passAord. it is t>eir responsi<ility to c>an9e t>e passAord. NeA =sers s>o=ld >ave read and si9ned t>e University of Ho=ston Confidentiality Statement +=idelines. >e PeopleSoft Sec=rity Administrator Aill @eep a si9ned confidentiality statement on file for eac> =ser t>at >as <een 9iven access to PeopleSoft applications.

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PassAord c>an9es are made <y clic@in9 on RMy System ProfileS on t>e main men=.

Ne?t. clic@ on RC>an9e passAordS

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Enter old and neA passAords as indicated.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards 11.9.1. 3or,otten Pass/ord 3-nctionalit@ )or9otten passAord f=nctionality >as <een added to PeopleSoft applications to alloA =sers to reG=est neA temporary passAords at t>eir convenience. >e passAord Aill <e emailed to t>e address A>ic> appears =nder t>eir sec=rity profile. Pass/ord 'ints PassAord >ints are =sed in for9otten passAord f=nctionality. PassAord >int G=estions and ansAers may <e c>an9ed <y t>e end =ser as folloAs8 PassAord >ints may <e c>an9ed <y clic@in9 on RMy System ProfileS on t>e main men=.

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Clic@ on RC>an9e or set =p for9otten passAord >elp.S

Select A>ic> G=estion is to <e as@ed <y clic@in9 on t>e doAn arroA of t>e list <o?. >en enter t>e ansAer to t>e G=estion =nder response. >e =ser Aill <e e?pected to enter t>e response A>en =sin9 for9otten passAord.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards Usin, 3or,otten Pass/ord Clic@ on R!eG=est A NeA PassAordS on t>e PeopleSoft lo9on pa9e.

Enter yo=r =serid and clic@ RContin=eS

Enter t>e ansAer to t>e passAord >int and clic@ on REmail NeA PassAordS.

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An email Ait> t>e neA passAord Aill <e emailed to t>e =ser.

>e neA passAord is app messa9ed from t>e application data<ase to t>e portal data<ase. >is normally ta@es one min=te. <=t if t>e G=e=e is <ac@ed =p. it co=ld ta@e several >o=rs.

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Creation or modification of roles. permission lists. and roA level sec=rity is t>e responsi<ility of t>e f=nctional mana9ers. Settin9 =p and assi9nment of roles and permission lists in t>e PeopleSoft applications is t>e responsi<ility of t>e PeopleSoft Sec=rity Administrator. Settin9 =p and assi9nment of roA level sec=rity is t>e responsi<ility of t>e camp=s sec=rity administrators.

11.; =UER( SECUR!T(

:y defa=lt. A>en yo= 9ive 1=ery =sers access to a record component. t>ey >ave access to all t>e roAs of data in t>e ta<le <=ilt =sin9 t>e associated record definition. #n cases A>ere =sers need to <e restricted from seein9 some of t>ose data roAs. yo= Aant to enforce roA;level sec=rity. $it> roA;level sec=rity. =sers can >ave access to a ta<le Ait>o=t >avin9 access to all roAs on t>at ta<le. >is type of sec=rity is typically applied to ta<les t>at >old sensitive data. PeopleSoft applications implement roA;level sec=rity <y =sin9 a S1( vieA t>at Foins t>e data ta<le Ait> an a=t>oriEation ta<le. 2o= implement roA;level sec=rity <y >avin9 1=ery searc> for data =sin9 a G=ery sec=rity record definition. >e G=ery sec=rity record definition adds a sec=rity c>ec@ to t>e searc>. 1=ery sec=rity record definitions serve t>e same p=rpose as searc> record definitions do for panels. 5=st as a panelMs searc> record definition determines A>at data t>e =ser can display in t>e panel. t>e G=ery sec=rity record definition determines A>at data t>e =ser can display Ait> 1=ery. o 9et 1=ery to retrieve data <y Foinin9 a sec=rity record definition to t>e <ase ta<le. yo= specify t>e appropriate 1=ery Sec=rity !ecord A>en yo= create t>e <ase ta<leMs record definition. )or additional information and detailed navi9ation to set=p 1=ery Sec=rity. please refer to People:oo@s.


D: DE" S P!D !P Developers Application )=ll !ead;Only !ead;Only !ead;Only )=nctional Users Application )=ll !oleBUser specific !oleBUser specific !oleBUser specific

Navi9ation )=ll !oleBUser specific !oleBUser specific !oleBUser specific

People ools )=ll !ead;Only !ead;Only !ead;Only

Navi9ation )=ll !oleBUser specific !oleBUser specific !oleBUser specific

People ools !ead;Only !ead;Only No No

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!ecommended practices for eac> type of doc=mentation Ait>in t>e PeopleSoft environment are disc=ssed <eloA.


>e =ser6s 9=ide is 9enerally Aritten <y t>e f=nctional =sers or t>e =ser department. UserMs 9=ides are or9aniEed li@e L>oA toL man=als. >ey s>o=ld incl=de8 1K P=rpose and )=nction ; a 9eneral. descriptive overvieAT &K HoA to Use ; specific instr=ctions on >oA to =se t>e application. or9aniEed accordin9 to desired res=ltsT %K 5o< Processes ; a detailed description of t>e steps reG=ired to complete m=lti;Fo< processes s=c> as 9radin9 or mont>ly closin9s. incl=din9 restart and recovery informationT 'K ips JoptionalKT and -K E?amples JoptionalK. SA St=dent =ser 9=ides are created <y f=nctional analysts. Contact t>e f=nctional analyst to o<tain a copy. 3inancial Practices +eneral P=<lic Departmental User +=ides Ori9inals are developed and maintained <y UHS f=nctional staff and distri<=ted to eac> camp=s for revieA and =se. )or UH and UH System Administration. t>is type of doc=mentation is p=<lis>ed and availa<le via t>e folloAin9 Ae< site8 AAA.=>.ed=Bfinance Ait>in t>e !eferences >eadin9. UH Clearla@e. UH DoAntoAn and UH "ictoria may ta@e t>e ori9inals and modify t>e ori9inals for t>eir p=rposes and folloAin9 t>eir specific camp=s 9=idelines for p=<lis>in9 t>is type of doc=mentation. Processin9 Department specific User +=ides Ori9inals are developed and maintained <y eac> camp=s specific processin9 department Ji.e. P=rc>asin9. Acco=nts Paya<le. +eneral Acco=ntin9. etcXK Ait> assistance as needed from UHS f=nctional staff. Eac> camp=s specific processin9 department Aill folloA t>eir 9=idelines Ait> re9ards to p=<lis>in9 t>is type of doc=mentation. also @noAn as Processin9 Department Des@ Man=als. 'R Practices User doc=mention is developed and maintained <y )=nctional =sers at P8PProFect eamPH!MSP


>e tec>nical reference is Aritten <y t>e application developer A>o developed t>e softAare c>an9es. #t is Aritten to provide details and n=ances of t>e process to assist any pro9rammer comin9 <e>ind. >is incl=des. <=t is not limited to. comments associated Ait> every neA field. record. panel. etc. added to t>e application. and comments added t>ro=9>o=t any S1!. CO:O(. or PeopleCode c>an9e. )=nctional and tec>nical =ser doc=mentation is commonly stored on t>e RPS drive A>ic> is mapped to PPps=>1PpsdevO C=rrent location of St=dent Admin doc=mentation8 P8PProFect eamPUHC( PS3 St=dent AdminP ec>nical Doc=mentation C=rrent location of H!MS doc=mentation8 P8PProFect eamPHrmsP ec>nical Doc=mentation C=rrent location of )inancials doc=mentation8 P8PProFect eamP)inanceC!1

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>e Operations +=ide is a tec>nical policy and proced=res 9=ide for t>e PeopleSoft tec>nical environment. >e Operations +=ide addresses maintenance and operations of t>e PeopleSoft infrastr=ct=re J>ardAare and softAareK. application maintenance. c>an9e mana9ement. c=stomer s=pport. sec=rity. and trainin9. >e operations 9=ide can <e located at t>e folloAin9 =rl lin@8 >ttp8BBAAA.=>.ed=Binfotec>Bp>pBtemplate.p>pHnonsvcCidI--0


>e Application Development Standards is descri<ed in t>is doc=ment. #t is not intended to d=plicate. s=pplement. or replace policies and proced=res contained Ait>in t>e Operations +=ide. >e p=rpose of t>e Applications Development Standards is to provide a common met>odolo9y for application softAare development across all PeopleSoft applications. >e Application Development Standards doc=ment can <e located at t>e folloAin9 =rl lin@8 >ttp8BBAAA.=>.ed=Binfotec>Bp>pBtemplate.p>pHnonsvcCidI--0


!eference C>apter 3 for doc=mentation standards for pro9rammin9 o<Fects s=c> as S1!. CO:O(. Crystal !eports. etc.

1&.: U'S 3ORMS

Detail information on proFect and mi9ration forms can <e fo=nd in C>apter 0.

1&.; PEOP$E0OO#S
People:oo@s are doc=mentation delivered Ait> t>e PeopleSoft prod=cts. >ey are availa<le online t>ro=9> t>e Help men= item. People:oo@s s>o=ld not <e =pdated directly. since t>ey are replaced Ait> neA releases from PeopleSoft. Additional doc=mentation s>o=ld <e incl=ded in t>e =ser6s 9=ide or t>e tec>nical reference. >e direct lin@ to People:oo@s is located at >ttp8BBAAA.=>.ed=Binfotec>Bp>pBtemplate.p>pHnonsvcCidI--0


People ools O<Fects are t>e <=ildin9 <loc@s of t>e PeopleSoft data<ases and applications. People ools applications provide createBmaintainBvieA access to t>ese o<Fects. and t>=s t>ey can <e considered self;doc=mentin9. Developers s>o=ld fill in t>e description B comments fields of o<Fects. !eference t>e section on namin9 conventions for internal o<Fects. 1&.+.1 ObBect !nventor@ #n addition to t>e People ools Applications. vieA;only o<Fect access is provided <y t>e c=stom LO<Fect #nventoryL application. >is provides an interface <etter s=ited to end;=sers or mana9ement and is accessi<le via t>e intranet JPS 3 UHP!D data<aseK at https://my#uh#edu:@>3?/psp/uhprd/GcmdBlogin)languageCdBE+7

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards 1&.+.1 Application Desi,ner All Application Desi9ner o<Fects >ave properties J)ile O<Fect PropertiesK consistin9 of Description. Comments. OAner;id. (ast Updated DateB ime. (ast Updated User. Enter t>e Description and Comments on all c=stom o<Fects and =pdate t>e Comments on all modified delivered o<Fects. Comments s>o=ld descri<e t>e p=rposeBf=nction of t>e o<Fect. Note t>at t>e Edit )ind O<Fect !eferences feat=re is a G=ic@ Aay to find relations>ips <etAeen different o<Fects. >e folloAin9 list incl=des some of t>e o<Fects A>ic> can <e opened <y Application Desi9ner. Activity App En9ine Pro9ram Approval !=le Set :=siness #nter(in@ :=siness Process Component Component #nterface )ield a)ile ; O<Fect Propertiesb s=pport translate val=es for c>aracter fields of siEe ' or less )ile (ayo=t H M( #ma9e Men= Messa9e Messa9e C>annel Messa9e Node Pa9e a"ieA "ieA Pa9e PeopleCodeb s=pports field level edits ProFect !ecord a"ieA ; Edits Displayb and a"ieA ; PeopleCode Displayb s=pport field level edits S1( Style S>eet 1&.+.& Process Sc.ed-ler Mana,er >e s>ort description field is displayed to t>e end =ser A>en t>ey sc>ed=le a process and s>o=ld contain a title or description of t>e process t>at is <ein9 r=n. O<Fects t>at can <e defined in t>e Process Sc>ed=ler are s>oAn <eloA. >ave a description field. Process ype Definitions Process Definitions Z 5o< DefinitionsZ !ec=rrence Definitions Z Server Definitions Z !eport Node Definitions 5o< Definitions !ec=rrence Definitions Z Server Definitions Z !eport Node Definitions 1&.+.1 Tree Mana,er PeopleSoft provides delivered trees to provide or9aniEational str=ct=re and to mana9e processes. C=stom trees may also <e defined. Access +ro=p nodes >ave a description t>at can <e pop=lated =nder aEdit Datab. !ecord nodes do not. node description displayed in ree Mana9er comes from t>e record o<Fect properties. >e record >e Process Sc>ed=ler o<Fects mar@ed LZL

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards ree A description field can <e pop=lated =nder aEdit ree Definitionb. 1&.+.2 PS =-er@ UHS Developers s>o=ld =se t>e description and comments area =nder )ile Properties. 1&.+.9 C-be Mana,er >e C=<e Mana9er is a =tility t>at Aill alloA t>e creation of t>ree dimensional ta<les and is =sed for drill doAn and dia9nostic tec>niG=es. C=<e Mana9er provides description fields on t>e folloAin9 o<Fects8 Dimensions Definitions C=<e #nstances 1&.+.: Messa,e Catalo, >e messa9e catalo9 is a ta<le providin9 messa9es A>ic> can <e =sed for on;line and <atc> processes. #t can <e fo=nd in People ools. Messa9e Catalo9. PeopleSoft reserves messa9e sets from 1 to 14.444. UHS messa9e set n=m<ers s>o=ld <e &,.,,, or >i9>er. >e Messa9e Catalo9 provides a description field Ait>in t>e Messa9e Set.


Entity !elations>ip Dia9rams and :=siness Process Dia9rams can <e fo=nd in PeopleSoft C=stomer Connection.


A proFect is an encaps=lation of People ools o<Fects comprisin9 a lo9ical Aor@ set. Application Desi9ner proFects facilitate proFect assi9nment trac@in9. $>ere practical. eac> App Desi9ner ProFect s>o=ld represent one assi9nment Jmod or c=stomiEationK. Unrelated assi9nments s>o=ld not <e mi?ed to9et>er in t>e same ProFect. S=<seG=ent assi9nment modifications to prod=ction o<Fects s>o=ld <e placed in a neA proFect. As noted a<ove for App Desi9ner o<Fects. t>e Description and Comments fields s>o=ld alAays <e filled in J)ile ; ProFect PropertiesK.

1&.11 MOD!3!ED O0AECTS $!ST

>is tool >elps t>e =ser to trac@ o<Fects created <y developers at UH and t>e o<Fects delivered <y PeopleSoft. >is tool descri<es t>e details a<o=t t>e o<Fect and t>e o<Fects t>at are referenced <y t>at partic=lar o<Fect. )rom t>e SAH! prod=ction data<ase. developers and D:As can searc> and o<tain information for PeopleSoft internal o<Fects defined on vario=s data<ases. C=rrently t>e o<Fects t>at are searc>a<le are ProFects. Men=s. Components. Pa9es. !ecords. and )ields. Databases >e data<ases t>at are incl=ded in t>e tool are )inancial System 1. UHDE" &. UH S %. UHP!D '. )SDE" -. )S S *. )SP!D 0. )S3DE" 3. )S3 S 4. )S3P!D St=dentBH! System 1. SADE" &. SA S %. SAP!D

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards '. -. *. SA3DE" SA3 S SA3P!D

Searc. Criteria Selectin9 t>e O<Fect Cross reference in t>e O<Fect #nventory men= Aill display t>e >omepa9e t>at contains lin@s t>at t>e =ser can select dependin9 =pon A>ic> o<Fects >eBs>e Aants to searc> =pon. Dependin9 =pon t>e o<Fects t>e lin@s are named say.

Searc. ProFects Men=s Components Pa9es !ecords )ields

ClicH ProFect Men= Component Pa9e !ecord )ield

After t>e =ser selected t>e initial searc> criteria t>e =ser Aill <e prompted to limit t>e searc> <ased =pon fo=r criteria 1. &. %. '. O<Fect Name JpartialBf=ll name of t>e o<FectK Data<ase JpartialBf=ll name of t>e data<aseK System Name JpartialBf=ll name of t>e systemK (ast Update User #D JpartialBf=ll name of t>e User A>o last =pdated t>e o<FectK

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>e system name denotes t>e <asic p=rpose of t>e data<ase A>et>er it is a St=dentBH! data<ase or )inancial data<ase so t>e e?istin9 system names S@stem Name St=dentBH! )inancial Name St=dent )inancial

Searc. ProBects User A>o Aants to searc> proFects s>o=ld clic@ on ProFects in t>e >omepa9e. Enter t>e additional searc> criterion A>ic> restricts t>e proFects A>ic> yo= are searc>in9. A 9rid <o? pop=lates Ait> all t>e proFects matc>in9 yo=r criteria. Select t>e desired proFect to find its detailed description.

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After a partic=lar proFect >as <een selected. a pa9e Ait> n=m<er of ta<s opens =p. Eac> ta< si9nifies ProBect MenComponent Pa,e Record 3ield Details a<o=t t>e proFect selected (ists t>e men=s t>at are incl=ded in t>is proFect (ists t>e Components t>at are incl=ded in t>is proFect (ists t>e pa9es t>at are incl=ded in t>is proFect (ists t>e records t>at are incl=ded in t>is proFect (ists t>e fields t>at are incl=ded in t>is proFect

>e Associated E?ternal files in t>e proFect ta< lists all t>e e?ternal o<Fects t>at are incl=ded in t>is proFect li@e CO:O(6s. S1!6s. etc... #f yo= Aant to 9o any specific o<Fect Ait> in t>e proFect Jsay yo= Aant to @noA t>e details a<o=t a partic=lar men=Bcomponent... Ait>in t>e proFectK. Select t>e partic=lar O<Fects ta< Jsay Men= a<K. >e 9rid provides a +O O <=tton for eac> o<Fect A>ic> ta@es yo= to t>at partic=lar o<Fect.

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>e Home lin@ on eac> pa9e ta@es yo= to t>e O<Fect #nventory >ome pa9e.

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards Searc. Men-s Users A>o Aant to searc> men=s s>o=ld clic@ on Men= in t>e >omepa9e. Enter t>e additional searc> criterion A>ic> restricts t>e men=s A>ic> yo= are searc>in9. A 9rid <o? pop=lates Ait> all t>e men=s matc>in9 yo=r criteria. Select t>e desired men= to find its detailed description.

After a partic=lar men= >as <een selected. a pa9e Ait> n=m<er of ta<s opens =p. Eac> ta< si9nifies MenComponent ProBect Descri<es t>e selected men= (ists t>e components t>at are incl=ded in t>is men= (ists t>e proFects t>at contain t>is men=

#f yo= Aant to 9o to partic=lar componentBproFect Ait>in t>e men= select t>e ComponentBProFect ta< and clic@ t>e +O O <=tton for t>e desired o<Fect. Searc. Components Users A>o Aant to searc> components s>o=ld clic@ on Component in t>e >omepa9e. Enter t>e additional searc> criterion A>ic> restricts t>e components A>ic> yo= are searc>in9. A 9rid <o? pop=lates Ait> all t>e components matc>in9 yo=r criteria. Select t>e desired component to find its detailed description.

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After a partic=lar component >as <een selected. a pa9e Ait> n=m<er of ta<s opens =p. Eac> ta< si9nifies Component Pa,e ProBect Descri<es t>e selected component (ists t>e pa9es t>at are incl=ded in t>is component (ists t>e proFects t>at contain t>is component

#f yo= Aant to 9o to partic=lar pa9eBproFect Ait>in t>e component select t>e Pa9eBProFect ta< and clic@ t>e +O O <=tton for t>e desired o<Fect. Searc. Pa,es Users A>o Aant to searc> pa9es s>o=ld clic@ on Pa9e in t>e >omepa9e. Enter t>e additional searc> criterion A>ic> restricts t>e pa9es A>ic> yo= are searc>in9. A 9rid <o? pop=lates Ait> all t>e pa9es matc>in9 yo=r criteria. Select t>e desired pa9e to find its detailed description.

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After a partic=lar pa9e >as <een selected. a pa9e Ait> n=m<er of ta<s opens =p. Eac> ta< si9nifies Pa,e Recor d 3ield ProBec t Descri<es t>e selected Pa9e (ists t>e records t>at are accessed in t>is pa9e (ists t>e fields t>at are accessed in t>is pa9e (ists t>e proFects t>at contain t>is pa9e

#f yo= Aant to 9o to partic=lar recordBfieldBproFect Ait>in t>e pa9e select t>e !ecordB)ieldBProFect ta< and clic@ t>e +O O <=tton for t>e desired o<Fect. Searc. Records Users A>o Aant to searc> records s>o=ld clic@ on !ecord in t>e >omepa9e. Enter t>e additional searc> criterion A>ic> restricts t>e records A>ic> yo= are searc>in9. A 9rid <o? pop=lates Ait> all t>e records matc>in9 yo=r criteria. Select t>e desired record to find its detailed description.

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After a partic=lar record >as <een selected. a pa9e Ait> n=m<er of ta<s opens =p. Eac> ta< si9nifies Recor d 3ield ProBec t Descri<es t>e selected record (ists t>e fields t>at are contained in t>is record (ists t>e proFects t>at contain t>is record

#f yo= Aant to 9o to partic=lar fieldBproFect Ait>in t>e record select t>e )ieldBProFect ta< and clic@ t>e +O O <=tton for t>e desired o<Fect. Searc. 3ields Users A>o Aant to searc> fields s>o=ld clic@ on )ield in t>e >omepa9e. Enter t>e additional searc> criterion A>ic> restricts t>e fields A>ic> yo= are searc>in9. A 9rid <o? pop=lates Ait> all t>e fields matc>in9 yo=r criteria. Select t>e desired field to find its detailed description.

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After a partic=lar field >as <een selected. a pa9e Ait> n=m<er of ta<s opens =p. Eac> ta< si9nifies 3ield Definition Names Translate val-es ProBect Descri<es t>e selected field (ists all t>e valid names for t>at field #f e?ists. lists t>e translate val=es for t>at field (ists t>e proFects t>at contain t>is field

#f yo= Aant to 9o to partic=lar proFect Ait>in t>e field select t>e ProFect ta< and clic@ t>e +O O <=tton for t>e desired o<Fect.

11. PER!OD!C RE !E"

Enterprise Systems s>all revieA and =pdate t>e Application Development Standards doc=ment ann=ally.

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APPEND!7 A4 Modification $o,

ersion "1 d&"1 d&* C.apter? Section Description App Dev Standards P=<lis>ed Added section 4 Deleted section -.- <ac@ door policy. Modified =nder section . N=mero=s corrections t>ro=9>o=t doc=ment Added AE as a s=ffice for app en9ine state records and added section '.-.' pertainin9 to same. N=mero=s c>an9es to incl=de =se of S A App Dev Standards revieA <y App Dev Standards Committee. Added section for )ailed Mi9rations o Prod=ction Made 0@ 5M( 5M( 5M( 5M( 5M( 5M( 5M( 5M( Date 1&B1B,% 1B1&B,' 1B1&B,' 1B1&B,' 'B14B,' 3B1B,* &B0B,3 4B4B,3

"1 d&0 "& d1 "% "4

'.% 0., All 0.&

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APPEND!7 0 K %lossar@
AP# :olt;On C=stomiEation Delivered En>ancement Modification #nte9ration estin9 P#A SOA S1A System estin9 Unit estin9 User Acceptance estin9 "anilla Application Pro9rammin9 #nterface. >is is t>e interface <etAeen PeopleSoft <atc> processes r=nnin9 on t>e Process Sc>ed=ler and t>e Process Monitor. >e AP# =pdates t>e process stat=s. #s a term A>ic> refers to f=nctionality. code. or o<Fects A>ic> are added to PeopleSoft delivered f=nctionality. code. or o<Fects. C=stomiEation refers to any R<olt;onS c>an9es to PeopleSoft applications. >ese Ao=ld incl=de neA o<Fects created <y UHS application developers. !efers to PeopleSoft delivered internal and e?ternal o<Fects. !efers to any improvement to t>e delivered prod=ct eit>er <y modification or c=stomiEation. Modification refers to modifyin9 a PeopleSoft delivered f=nctionality. code. or o<Fect. #nte9ration testin9 is testin9 a process and all =pstream and doAnstream processes t>at are affected <y or related to t>at process. >ese ot>er processes may incl=de data interfaces Ait> ot>er PeopleSoft applications or %rd party applications. PeopleSoft #nternet Arc>itect=re. P#As often refer to t>e vario=s set=p and confi9=ration reG=ired to r=n PeopleSoft on t>e Ae<. Service Oriented Arc>itect=re. >is refers to t>e overall application desi9n to <e en9ineered toAards meetin9 t>e service needs of t>e =sers. SoftAare 1=ality Ass=rance. !efers to t>e standards and practices to ens=re softAare G=ality ass=rance to t>e end =ser. System testin9 refers to testin9 all f=nctionality. <ot> delivered and <olt;on. #t incorporates inte9ration testin9 as part of t>e system test. Unit testin9 refers to testin9 an individ=al process or f=nction. User acceptance test is t>e final testin9 to <e cond=cted <y end =sers A>o =se t>e application. #s a term to reference =sin9 PeopleSoft o=t of t>e <o? as delivered Ait>o=t modification or c=stomiEation.

APPEND!7 C K Abbreviations

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:A( :EN :#( :(D+ :O :A : H :UD :US CA( CAND C:E CD CH+ CH!+ C# C(ASS#) CMP CN C !( CN ! CN 2 CO( CO(( C$"! CO!!ES C!D C!S C ! C !2 C 2 CU!! C2 C2 D D: DD DEC#S DE( DE(#N1 DE(#" DEMO DEP DEP #D DESC D ( DE" D#SC D#SP D(2 DOC D D H E)) "


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EMP( EMP(#D EN+( EN!(;CD EN!( E!S E HN E S E7EC )ED )#N )(D )(+ )$D )!M! )S )2 )2 D +EN +( +MA +PA +!AD +!AD +!D +!E +!P HD! HH H#S H(P H( H H! H!#S H!MS HS #D #D7 #N)O #N# #NS ( #NS CAD" #N ( #N" (ED+ () (#C (OC (SA ( D ( ! ("( MA#N


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MA5 M H MA7 M+ M#N M#N! MM MM MO MO! MS+ M D M H M H(2 NA ( N:! NCAA NME N7 O)C O)C! OP O!D O!P PA! PA2 PD PE! P+M PHONE P#N PM PO POS P!CS P!D P!E" P!) P!+E P!V P!OC P!OD P! PU! 1 D !A! !E) !E+ !E+ !EP !E1S !E1 !ESP


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!ACV !A#N !ANCODE !N !NSCP !S U# UH UHC UHD UHS UH" "A "CH! "E "#O( $#P $V(2 $PE $ HD!$ 7)E! 7M# 2!(2 2 D 22 2222

!ACV#N+ !A#N#N+ !ANSAC #ON CODE !ANSAC #ON !ANSC!#P EACHE! !E #!EMEN S2S EM U# #ON UN#"E!S# 2 O) HOUS ON CEN !A( UN#"E!S# 2 O) HOUS ON C(EA! (AVE UN#"E!S# 2 O) HOUS ON DO$N O$N UN#"E!S# 2 O) HOUS ON S2S EMS UN#"E!S# 2 O) HOUS ON "#C O!#A "E E!ANMS ADM#N#S !A #ON "OUCHE! "E E!AN "#O(A #ON $O!V #N P!OCESS $EEV(2 $!# #N+ P!O)#C#ENC2 $# HD!A$A( !ANS)E! !ANSM# 2EA!(2 2EA!; O;DA E 2EA! & D#+# 2EA! ' D#+#

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PeopleSoft Application Development Standards


PeopleSoft6s !oadmaps and Sc>ed=les provides a proFect of e?pected delivery dates for PeopleSoft <=ndles. maintenance pac@s. =p9rades. and releases. !oadmaps and Sc>ed=les is located on PeopleSoft6s C=stomer Connection. Navi9ation8 Clic@ on S=pport

Clic@ on !oadmaps and Sc>ed=les

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Scroll doAn =ntil yo= find t>e Maintenanc e Sc>ed=le

Select t>e Prod=ct (ine

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:=ndles. maintenance pac@s. and releases Aill <e displayed for t>at prod=ct line <y G=arter. 2o= can clic@ on t>e year ta< and retrieve t>e com<ined list for all G=arters.

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APPEND!7 E N C-stomer Connection Updates and 3i5es

C=stomer Connection alloAs c=stomers to doAnload individ=al patc>es. <=ndles. maintenance pac@s. and ta? =pdates t>ro=9> Updates and )i?es. Navi9ation8 Clic@ on Updates D )i?es

Clic@ on RApply to !eleaseS to doAnload patc>es. <=ndles. maintenance pac@s. Clic@ on R a? UpdatesS to doAnload payroll ta? =pdates.

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Enter t>e report id if @noAn. Ot>erAise. yo= can searc> for all patc>es. <=ndles. maintenance pac@s. or ta? =pdates t>at >ave <een released. >ese can <e doAnloaded to t>e Aor@station. >is process is normally performed <y a D:A.

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APPEND!7 3 N C-stomer Connection 3ilin, Cases

S=pport cases may <e filed Ait> PeopleSoft to o<tain eit>er tec>nical or f=nctional s=pport. :efore cases are filed. People:oo@s s>o=ld <e referenced first to determine if an ansAer for t>e G=estion is availa<le. JSee Appendi? +.K Navi9ation8 Clic@ on S=pport

Clic@ on ROnline S=pportS

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Select RCreate NeA S=pport CaseS to open a neA case. PeopleSoft Aill email yo= Ait> t>e name of t>e s=pport person and t>e case n=m<er. Select RMana9e E?istin9 CasesS to revieA cases already filed Ait> PeopleSoft.

PeopleSoft can comm=nicate to A>oever opened t>e case eit>er via email or <y addin9 notes to t>e case itself Ait>in C=stomer Connection.

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APPEND!7 % KK People0ooHs
People:oo@s provides >elpf=l f=nctional and tec>nical doc=mentation for PeopleSoft applications. #t addresses items from application set=p. processes. confi9=ration. etc. o vieA People:oo@s clic@ on t>e folloAin9 lin@8 >ttp8BBforna?.fast.=>.ed=83,3,Bpeople<oo@sBinde?.>tml

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>is lin@ Aill provide access to a variety of People:oo@s A>ic> are stored in pdf format as s>oAn <eloA. Clic@ on t>e lin@ of interest and t>e People:oo@ Aill open =p.

$>en clic@in9 on one of t>e People:oo@ lin@s. anot>er set of lin@s related to t>at area open =p. #n t>e e?ample to t>e ri9>t. t>e H!MS People:oo@ Aas opened.

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Upon clic@in9 on one of t>e lin@s a<ove. t>e People:oo@ pdf opens. 2o= can <roAse t>e ta<le of contents. refer to t>e inde?. or searc> on @ey Aords.

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APPEND!7 ' N Report 3ormat

E5ample 1 indicates variables to be pop-lated for report. J!eference =>s>d9,,&.sGc D =>s>d9,,%.sGcK Repor I/= BRepor I/ )n!"er9! > Of Hou9 on &>9 em Run +a e= BRepor +a e BRepor T! le Run T!me= hh=mm=9 BRepor T! le4 BRepor T! le5 (u9' )n! = BRepor _(u9!ne99_)n! +ep = BRepor _+ep _Name Col=mn 1 col=mn & ????????? mmBddByyyy ????????? mmBddByyyy ????????? mmBddByyyy Dept otals8 :=s Unit otals8 +rand otals8 BRepor _(u9!ne99_)n! _Name Pa:e=pa:e0num;er

col=mn % col=mn ' col=mn col=mn * col=mn 0 ???????????????????????????????????????????? 444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ???????????????????????????????????????????? 444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ???????????????????????????????????????????? 444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 )n!"er9! > Repor Repor Repor Of T! T! T! Hou9 on &>9 em le le 4 le 5 Pa:e= nnn

E5ample & s.o/s report in report form Repor I/= CCCCCCCC Run +a e= mm1//1>>>> Run T!me= hh=mm=9

(u9' )n! = CCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +ep = CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Col=mn 1 col=mn & ????????? mmBddByyyy ????????? mmBddByyyy ????????? mmBddByyyy Dept otals8 :=s Unit otals8 +rand otals8 col=mn % col=mn ' col=mn ???????????????????????????????????????????? 444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ???????????????????????????????????????????? 444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ???????????????????????????????????????????? 444.444.44 ;444.444.44 444.444.44 ;444.444.44 444.444.44 ;444.444.44 444.444.44 ;444.444.44 col=mn * col=mn 0 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44 ;444.444.44

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