Nishtha Goel Phone: +91 9748744906

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Nishtha Goel !

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Phone: +91 9748744906 Email: pupulrungta@ymail. om

To develop a career wherein my potential may be harnessed through practical knowledge and applied productively towards fulfillment of organization objective. % a&emi 'uali(i ation S.No. $. +. Discipline !.%om&'ons( 'igher Secondary &Science with /athematics( Secondary Name of the college/school ).D.!irla *nstitute 0shok 'all 1irls2 'igher Secondary School 0shok 'all 1irls2 'igher Secondary School niversity/!oard )adavpur niversity %!S3 +,,7.,5 %!S3 46., "ear +,,-.$+ +,,4.,5$., #ercentag e


)or* E+perien e 8orked as an intern at *9: Technologies ;td. from ,$.,<.+,$$ to +$.,7.+,$$. Pra ti al E+posure

%onducted some audit assignment.

,omputer -*ills 9nowledge of /S package= *nternet and Tally. E+tra ,urri ular % hie$ements

#laced in %ommercial 0rt in school in +,,-

Personal .n(ormation Date of !irth :ather2s Name 0ddress > $<th ?ctober $--$ > /r. @ajesh 9umar @ungta &!usinessman( > #.6$5= block.0= ;ake Town= 9olkata.5,,,4-4

%onversant in /arital Status 0vocation

> 3nglish= 'indi A !engali > Single > reading books= swimming= listening to music.

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