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A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d.

That Nerd Is Mine Copyright 2013 by Alice oseph

Chapter T!o "

#$h %y gosh& 'hat happened() I s%ir*ed. I *ne! this !o+ld happen !hen I entered school. All the attention o, bea+ti,+l girl -+st %a*es %e ,eel giddy. Ma*ing an innocent ,ace. I t+rned aro+nd and sa! a b+nch o, cheerleaders standing by the loc*ers. #/ey ladies) I said %a*ing the %ost innocent ,ace ever. #Colton. !hat happened to yo+r leg() Cary. I thin*(0No Carol as*ed %e. I sighed and held the cr+tches tighter. This !as %y ne! plan to l+re the nerd. 1ity co+ld t+rn in to ,riendship and ,riendship in to love and love in to heartbrea*. 2asy as ,+c*. #Carol s!eetheart it3s nothing to !orry abo+t. My %otorcycle slipped !hile racing yesterday) I told her the tr+th. I did have an accident yesterday b+t it !asn3t a serio+s one. I had a ,e! scratches here and there b+t nothing da%aging. 4he crossed her ar%s and narro!ed her eyes. #I3% 5at. not Carol.) Whoops. This is !hat happens !hen yo+ ,+c* so %any girls. I gave her a sheepish s%ile. #I3% sorry6 I thin* %y accident %essed !ith %y head also.) All o, the% %elted at once and s+rro+nded %e. #Co%e on !e3ll ta*e yo+ to class.) $ne o, the% said. I co+ldn3t be happier as I !ent !ith the%. 78...

A,ter ditching the girls. I didn3t go to class. In ,act I stayed in the par*ing lot !ith other g+ys %essing aro+nd and s%o*ing o, co+rse. 4abrina being a clinging bitch ca%e there to annoy %e at l+nch. #$h %y god& 9aby. !hat happened() 4he said as soon as she sa! %e. I ,o+ght the +rge to r+n. I !o+ld have i, I !asn3t pretending to be a hopping bunny. I rel+ctantly s%iled at her. # +st an accident at the race.) I replied shortly. 4he s%iled #'ell I hope yo+ get better other!ise yo+ !o+ldn3t be able to per,or% better) 4he said getting close and pressing her breasts against %y chest. I !on3t lie6 anything !ith ,e%ale parts t+rns %e on. I closed the distance bet!een +s and o+r lips !ere al%ost abo+t to to+ch !hen I heard a voice. 4hit& That voice so+nded ,a%iliar. :ery ,a%iliar. I p+shed %ysel, a!ay ,ro% 4abrina and t+rned aro+nd. ;+c*& There stood <ena !ith her nerd sister. =reat ti%ing& Not only did <ena see %e *issing 4abrina b+t her nerd o, a sister also sees %e. Monday %orning !as really not going !ell. I, I really !anted to %a*e the nerd ,all ,or %e. I had to %a*e a good i%pression. <oo*s li*e I3ve %ade a bad start. I tried to ,ind !ords b+t nothing ca%e in %y %ind. I !as lost to !hat to say. I sa! nerdy saying so%ething in <ena3s ear. <ena nodded !itho+t ta*ing her eyes o, %e and nerdy !al*ed a!ay. >a%n !hat !as the nerd3s na%e( 4ee%s li*e na%e !as not i%portant to tell %e. Typical <ena. I grinned at <ena. #<ena& =ood %orning&) I said !ith ,a*e e?cite%ent. Nothing !as good abo+t this %orning. It s+c*ed already& #It3s so pleasant to see yo+r angry ,ace. >id so%eone steal yo+r happy %eal() I said %oc*ingly. 4he glared at %e. #'ere yo+ *issing her() she said pointing an acc+sing ,inger on 4abrina !ho loo*ed ready to ,ight. I !aved %y hand in a dis%issive act. #1sh7I !asn3t *issing her. I !as -+st7 !hispering in her %o+th.) 4he -+st glared at %e. #I need to tal* to yo+.) 4he ,lic*ed her eyes at 4abrina be,ore loo*ing bac* at %e. #Alone) 4he e%phasi@ed the !ord. #4+re) I chirped. I thre! %y ar% aro+nd her sho+lder and loo*ed at 4abrina. #I need to tal* to %y %other alo0$+ch&) I r+bbed %y hand !here <ena pinched %e b+t I did have the nerve to s%ir* at her. I loo*ed bac* at 4abrina. #I3ll see yo+ later.)

4he glared at <ena and *issed %e. 4he *issed %e a bit longer than <ena li*es b+t I en-oyed it thoro+ghly. Then she !al*ed o,,. I stared at her ass. 4he had a nice ass. #$+ch&&) I r+bbed %y ar%. Again. I glared at <ena !ho !as glaring bac*. #'hat the hell is !rong !ith yo+() I snapped at her. I, she !asn3t a girl pl+s best ,riend. I !o+ld have p+nched her ,or annoying %e so %+ch. #'hat the hell is !rong !ith %e( 'hat the hell is !rong !ith yo+. yo+ d+%bass& 9roo*e sa! yo+r tong+e do!n 4abrina3s throat. 4he probably thin*s yo+r so%e playboy. 'ay to %a*e a good i%pression&&) 4he snapped bac*. $h so she3s !orried abo+t her precio+s little nerd. I co+ld ta*e care o, that in no second. Ma*ing her ,all ,or %e !o+ld be easy. It !as never hard be,ore. 2very girl !ants a piece o, %e. s+rely nerdy !ants so%e too. I rolled %y eyes. #I can handle that don3t !orry.) 4he h+,,ed. #/o! !ill yo+ handle her( And %a*e her ,all ,or yo+() I s%ir*ed. #I3d e?plain it to yo+. b+t yo+r brain !ill e?plode.) I snic*ered at her ,r+strated e?pression. I p+lled o+t %y snic*ers ,ro% %y poc*et and +n!rapped it. A+% the taste o, this chocolate -+st drives %e cra@y. I, there is anything I love in the !orld. then that !o+ld be %y ,irst love B4nic*ers3 ho! %+ch I love thi0 #AR2 A$C <I4T2NIN= T$ M2&&) I heard <ena sho+t. I sco!led. #1lease don3t interr+pt %e !hen I3% tal*ing to %ysel,.) I said and contin+ed eating %y chocolate. #I !ish I co+ld -+st *ic* yo+ in the balls&) 4he snapped. I !aved %y hands in the air. #A9RACA>A9RA&) I sighed !hen nothing happened. #Nope. Ao+3re still a bitch.) I really en-oyed seeing that ,r+strating e?pression on <ena. It !as ,+nny. 4he h+,,ed again. #Ao+ really annoying %e this %orning& ;+c* all& +st go a,ter her. =o ,latter her or !hatever.) #;ine&) I gro!led o+t and !rapped +p %y hal, snic*ers be,ore p+shing it in %y poc*et. #'hat do I have to do() #Aren3t yo+ the playboy( Ao+ sho+ld *no!.) 4he said crossing her ar%s across her chest. I r+bbed %y hand do!n %y ,ace instead o, p+nching her in the ,ace. #C%. tell %e abo+t her. And ,or ,+c*s sa*e. !hat3s her na%e()

#>idn3t I %ention that -+st no!( 4he3s 9roo*e. Tell her I sent yo+ to get %y history boo*0which I kept in her bag0 then introd+ce yo+rsel,. $h also tell her abo+t the party !here yo+ saved her. 4he %ight li*e yo+) #9aby. there is no D+estion o, %ight beca+se I *no! she !ill li*e %e) I said grinning. A+p. I *no! %y con,idence level. 4he rolled her eyes. #2goistical Ass. 'hatever. No! go.) I sighed. I had no proble% going a,ter her. The proble% !as ho! I sho+ld approach her. 4ho+ld I say hey, Im Colton or Hey nerdy, I saved your ass yesterday night. No. can3t annoy her. 4he needs to ,all in love !ith %e. Co%e on Colton. yo+3re a char%er. 4ho! this nerd all yo+r char%s. I rolled %y eyes and !ent a,ter the nerd. 4he stood beside her loc*er. reading so%ething in her boo*. Is that !hat all nerds do( Read. loo* +gly. %athe%atics( I %ean serio+sly. they need to get a li,e. I sa! Aaron standing !ith so%e -oc*s. 4+ddenly I had the per,ect plan in %y %ind and hoped it !or*s. I p+lled Aaron to a side. #>+de !hat the ,+c*(&) Aaron snapped #4h+t +p and listen. Ao+ see nerdy over there() I pointed !ith %y chin. /e loo*ed to!ards her and ,ro!ned. #Aeah() #'ell I have a plan. co%e closer.) I said and p+lled hi% close. I !hispered %y plan in his ear and p+shed hi% a!ay. /e grinned. #1er,ect %an& =o on then) I s%ir*ed and li%ped to!ards the 9roo*e. 4he !as still too engrossed in her boo*. I leaned %y sho+lder against the loc*er and cleared %y throat. 4he -+%ped in ,right and her boo* slipped ,ro% her hands. I ,o+ght the +rge to b+rst o+t la+ghing tho+gh I really !anted to badly. 4he pic*ed +p her boo* and loo*ed at %e. /er eyes !idened in s+rprise. >a%n it& /er eyes are bea+ti,+l. They al!ays see% to capt+re %e. 4he !asn3t !earing her glasses today. probably beca+se she tho+ght she lost the% in the pool b+t I have the% in %y poc*et. A %aid ,o+nd it a,ter cleaning the pool and I too* it ,ro% her. /er bro!n glossy hair !as open and cascading do!n her bac*. Ao+ *no!. ,or a nerd she3s D+iet bea+ti,+l. Never e?pected a nerd to loo* this good in nerdy clothing3s. 4he has a c+rvy body. 'ell %a*ing her ,all !o+ld give %e one reason to ,eel good. Recognition ,lashed thro+gh her eyes. =ood she better re%e%ber %e beca+se no body ,orgets Colton s%ith ever.

4he loo*ed behind her as i, loo*ing ,or so%eone then bac* at %e. 4he raised her bro!s and s+rprised %e by pointing at hersel, or her chest and %o+thed0 Me? 4he tho+ght I !as tal*ing to so%eone else( 'ell there isn3t anybody else I see e?cept her. 1erhaps st+dying too %+ch %ade her i%agine things. $r %aybe she tho+ght a g+y li*e %e !o+ldn3t tal* to a girl li*e her. I !o+ld pre,er the latter. I raised both %y eyebro!s and nodded at her sarcastically. I pointed at her %oc*ingly be,ore %o+thing0 ou. 4he loo*ed at %e ,or a %o%ent be,ore lo!ering her eyes. 4he pressed her lips together. I co+ldn3t help b+t D+ir* %y lips. I p+shed a!ay ,ro% the loc*ers and cleared %y throat again. 4he pressed her boo* tightly against her chest. A% I %a*ing her nervo+s( #/i I3% Colton. >o yo+ re%e%ber %e() I said cas+ally and ,riendly. 4he raised her eyes ,ro% the gro+nd and stared at %e ,or !hile be,ore nodding. $* so ,ar so good. #Ao+3re 9roo*e. right() I as*ed trying to ,ill the a!*!ard silence. 4he nodded again. $* so she can3t spea*. #Can I !al* yo+ to l+nch( <ena told %e to help yo+ aro+nd school.) 4he hesitated be,ore nodding again. 4he placed her boo*s in the loc*er and sh+tting it. I cl+tched %y cr+tches and li%ped ne?t to her. 'e !al*ed do!n the corridor together. 'e didn3t spea* -+st !al*ed in silence. ;or once. silence b+gged %e. Any other girl in her place !o+ld be babbling abo+t god *no!s !hat. And here this nerd can3t even ,or% a !ord. /ell she !o+ldn3t even loo* at %e. 4he *ept her eyes on the gro+nd as she !al*ed beside %e. It *ind o, a%+sed %e. #Than* yo+ ,or saving %e the other night.) 4o she spea*s. /er voice !as so so,t and angelic. <i*e a porcelain doll. I s%ir*ed #A% I yo+r hero no!() 4he bl+shed yet she didn3t loo* +p. 4he also didn3t ans!er %y D+estion. #I have yo+r -ac*et in the loc*er) Most girls !o+ld *eep that. And this girl !ants to give it bac*. 'ay to i%press a g+y. Aet again I !asn3t irritated. I !as a%+sed. I shr+gged. #5eep it.) 4pea*ing o, e?changing things. I still have her glasses. I p+lled the% o+t o, %y poc*et. #/ere. I tho+ght I sho+ld give it to yo+)

4he loo*ed at the glasses in %y hand and gasped. 4he too* the glasses ,ro% %y hand. #I lost these in the pool.) 4he said loo*ing at her glasses as i, it !as so%ething special. 4he loo*ed +p at %e. #Than* yo+) 4he said so,tly and sincerely. I co+ldn3t help being +nco%,ortable. 4he !as loo*ing at %e as i, I saved her li,e again. 1l+s I3% not co%,ortable !ith gratit+de. 'ith this %+ch sincerity in her voice. I don3t thin* she has ever lied. I don3t thin* I3ve ever been sincere to anyone e?cept %y %other. I3% a lying bastard. I sa! Aaron !atching %e. I gave hi% the nod ,or the plan. /e !hispered so%ething in Tanner3s ear. a -oc*. Tanner s%ir*ed b+t be,ore he co+ld co% to!ards %e. 'arren p+shed hi% and Aaron to the side and ca%e to!ards %e. =reat %y plan !o+ld s+rely ,ail !hen %y !orst ene%y is here. #'ell !ell. !hat happened to the school3s bad boy() 'arren said s+rro+nding %e and 9roo*e !ith his ,riends. 'arren 4pears. The biggest asshole o, o+r school. /e hates %e since god *no!s ho! long. The reason !o+ld be beca+se I stole his girl,riend and slept !ith her in ninth grade. I rolled %y eyes. Co+ldn3t 'arren have chosen a good dialog+e. this so+nds li*e !e3re in %ovie. #Are !e really going to do this !hen I3% not ,+nctioned to *ic* yo+r ass() I said sarcastically. 9roo*e bac*ed +p ne?t to %e. 4he placed her hand on %y ar% and cl+tched it tight. I don3t *no! !hy b+t I ,elt li*e protecting her ,ro% these g+ys. 4he3s innocent and sho+ldn3t be here. 'arren la+ghed. #Ao+ *no! yo+ act+ally loo* good li*e this. I don3t *no! !hat girls see in yo+.) /is ,riends ch+c*led. #That3s ca+se yo+ haven3t had se? !ith %e) I said sarcastically. /e rolled his eyes and then landed it on 9roo*e. #$h I see. yo+r ,+c*ing nerds no!() #>on3t tal* abo+t her li*e that.) I snapped. I !asn3t really pissed b+t i, I need her to love %e. then I !o+ld have to protect her hono+r. /e s%ir*ed and raised his hands in s+rrender. #$; co+rse. yo+ %ay go no!. 'e don3t li*e !asting ti%e on nerds.) No! I ,elt li*e p+nching hi% b+t I re,rained. +st as I stepped ,or!ard. 'arren placed his ,oot in %y path %a*ing %e trip. 9elieve %e I ,ell hard. Cgh I hate this g+y& I, I !asn3t pretending to be li%ping. I !o+ld have gotten +p and p+nched hi% so hard. #$h %y gosh&) 9roo*e r+shed to %e and helped %e sit +p. #Are yo+ o*() 4he as*ed !ith a concerned voice.

I gr+nted and glared at 'arren. #Ao+3re l+c*y I can3t !al* or %y ,oot !o+ld be hal, !ay +p yo+r ass by no!.) I told hi%. #$oh I3% scared.) /e said la+ghing !hile !al*ing a!ay !ith his ,riends. #Ao+3re bleeding.) 9roo*e said loo*ing at %y elbo!. !ee" thanks #or stating out the obvious $rooke. I sighed. #It3s o*. It doesn3t h+rt %+ch.) I told her. It !as a slight gra@e. #No it3s not o*. Co%e on. I3ll ta*e yo+ to the n+rse.) 4he helped %e stand +p. #The n+rse is not in today.) I told her the tr+th. Mrs. 1ar*inson !asn3t in to day. The reason I *no! is beca+se I !ent to her the ,irst thing in the %orning only to not ,ind her there. 4he loo*ed aro+nd be,ore p+lling %e !ith her in to an e%pty classroo%. My heart nearly b+rst. Is she as*ing ,or so%e hot nerdy se? in an e%pty class roo%( 9eca+se I3d be happy to give her one. 4he %ade %e sit in a chair be,ore going thro+gh her bag. =od *no!s !hat she has in her bag beca+se she !as ta*ing long to ,ind the thing she3s loo*ing ,or. Is she Mary 1oppins( 4ee%s li*e she has all the st+,, in her bag. ;inally a,ter so long. she p+lled o+t green hand*erchie,. I raised a bro! at her. #'hat3s that ,or() I as*ed tho+gh she didn3t reply. 4he !rapped the han*ie on %y bleeding elbo! ,ir%ly b+t so,t. I ,ro!ned. I don3t thin* anyone has ever sacri,iced a bea+ti,+l han*ie ,or %e be,ore. 9+t then. it3s -+st a st+pid han*ie. I s%iled #Than*s.) And she s%iled. 4he s%iled right bac* at %e. loo*ing straight in %y eyes. >id I -+st !in her ,riendship( #Ao+3re !elco%e.) 4he replied tying the last *not. I got +p b+t lost %y ,ooting. 9e,ore %y ,ace co+ld to+ch the ,loor ,or the second ti%e. 9roo*e !rapped her ar%s aro+nd %y torso and stopped %e ,ro% ,alling !ith all her strength. My an*le no! really h+rt. That bastard tripped %e hard. 9+t %y tho+ghts !eren3t on hi%6 they !ere scored on the person holding %e tight in her ar%s. /er so,t chest !as pressed against %y %+scled one.

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