TBL 24 Virtual Dissection and Functional-Surface Anatomy Links

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TBL 24: Triangles and Root of the Neck, Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands Virtual Dissection and unctional

!urface "nato#y Links Triangles of the Neck Log into "nato#y$TV at: htt%:&&'''$u#dn($edu&cgi)*in&li*(ournal&++, -click the link, then click the %icture of the skull and heart. Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) Muscle Recognize the SCMs unilateral contraction tilts the head to the ipsilateral side and rotates the face superiorly toward the contralateral side. (Surface anat) Infrahyoid and Suprahyoid Muscles Use Figure 8.15, pp. 999 to recognize the flat omohyoid, thyrohyoid, sternohyoid, and sternothyroid muscles constitute the four infrahyoid (strap) muscles and en ision they depress the ele ated hyoid !one after swallowing. Use Table 8.3, pp. 1002 to cite the three muscles inner ated !y the ansa cer icalis and define the inner ation of the fourth muscle. Use Figure 8.18 (C), pp. 1002 to recognize the mylohyoid muscle, anterior !elly of the digastric muscle, and geniohyoid muscle are main constitutes of the suprahyoid muscles (to !e studied later) that ele ate the hyoid !one during swallowing. Elevation and Depression of the Hyoid Bone ("#, $#) Tea# Dissection % erall &iew' https'((www.!iodigitalhuman.com()(pu!*id+,-h "yoid.related muscles' https'((www.!iodigitalhuman.com()(pu!*id+,-/ 0lood essels of the nec*' https'((www.!iodigitalhuman.com()(pu!*id+,-l

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