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Evaluation 4

For our BBFC, we chose 15 year olds and up, we chose this because we thought it was the appropriate age and we knew that the audience would not try to impersonate the actions carried out within the production. Also, a lot of 15 year olds go to the cinema to hang around with their peers so this would be a perfect opportunity for them to see the production and it would be easier for them to see as they would be allowed to see the film. We did not rate the film 18 because there were no scenes that contained sexual scenes, strong violence or strong language. Some of the examples of our target audience are: Name: Lauren Pitchers Gender: Female Age: 18 years old Interests: Shopping, listening to music, singing, dancing and hanging with friends.

Lauren is a teenager who loves to shop in stores such as; New Look, Primark, Forever 21 etc. She listens to RnB ad rap etc. Also, because she likes hanging with peers this makes it easier for them to watch the film ENIGMA. Name: Shiv Patel Gender: Male Age: 16 years old Interests: Spending time with peers and watching films.

Shiv enjoys spending time with his peers and watching horror films such as; The Conjuring, SAW etc. This is an opportunity for teens like Shiv to watch ENIGMA in the cinema with their peers. This way they can watch it and enjoy themselves and they would not need parental supervision.

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