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Nabhasa Yogas


likely to listen to advice from others. Though Rajju Yoga is the most difficult of the three Asraya Yogas and makes it difficult to live a secure life, in horoscopes of natives with powerful success producing yogas, Rajju Yoga indicates a pioneering expert in their field. All Rajju Yoga natives have a pioneering spirit, as a result they suffer from trying to establishing something new and better in the face of what others have already established. This may cause them to be somewhat envious at times because they feel that they should be in the position of respect that others, of perhaps lesser achievements, are in. If, however, the native has a powerful horoscope, then in time they will receive their due reward for their accomplishments. Musala pestle Yoga: All planets in fixed rasis. One born in Musala Yoga will be endowed with honor, respect, wisdom and wealth and be productively engaged in many works. One is liked by the king, energetic, famous, of firm disposition, steady minded, proud, capable of doing great works, attached to his duty and making progress. Blessed with wife and sons, one is also dear to their own men. Musala is a wooden pestle used for grinding. Natives with Musala yoga will strongly express all of the characteristics of fixed rasis. They will be thoughtful, security oriented, patient and grounded, as well as possessing a persevering will. Since a Musala is especially a wooden and not stone pestle, natives with this yoga are strong and stable but never hard, they are only hard or strong enough to fulfill their duties, and they are not inclined to abuse their power or strength. They are most capable of taking what comes to them and making the most out of it. It may be difficult for them to make changes or to start something new and different, but once they get going they are stable, consistent and, therefore, successful. They stick to what they do, and have the greatest capacity for lasting and longterm success.

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