Pasa "Noose" Yoga: All Planets in Five Rasis.: Core Yogas Core Yogas Core Yogas Core Yogas

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Core Yogas

equipped to find happiness. This yoga grounds them, makes them realistic and provides the inner security that is the foundation for any real happiness. For natives with Kedara Yoga, the fourth planet, Mercury, becomes an important factor. If Mercury is well disposed both in the rasi and navamsa, the native is able to build the best type of security available most easily and efficiently. If, however, Mercury is poorly disposed, the native will often fall a bit short of the success and security their abilities and capacities could otherwise give them. Pasa noose Yoga: All planets in five rasis. One born in Pasa yoga is wretched, speaks ill of others, is distressed due to his falling in bondage, has intercourse with many woman, is boastful, does many kinds of injustices, and loves woods. One is skillful in work and an expert, but deceiving in disposition and bereft of good qualities. One is overly talkative, and clever in the acquisition of virtue and wealth. One is attached to work and worldly in disposition. There is a liability towards imprisonment and one is also burdened with many expenses. One has many servants, sons, many relatives living with them, and is dear to all. Earning money by honest endeavors one is surrounded by friends. One is opulent, devoted to enjoyment, and has good conduct. A great intellectual, and enthusiastic one is liked in royal circles. The native will engage in activities relating to their house. Pasa means a noose, snare, bond, chain, or anything that binds the soul, such as the outer world. It particularly refers to the noose as an attribute of Siva or Yama, as this, Pasa Yoga has a dual nature, different works attribute different results to this yoga, some auspicious and some inauspicious. This yoga is based upon five rasis; all occult traditions vary in the meaning attributed to the number 5, some considering it as a good number and others as a bad number. Five represents the Manifested as the created world with its dual

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