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Nabhasa Yogas


3rd, 7th and 11th. A plow, however, does hard work, and this represents the struggles the natives with Hala Yoga undergo. With no planets falling in the house of self- 1st, 5th and 9th, the work the native does benefits others more than themselves. Most importantly, the dominance of planets out of the 1st, 5th and 9th indicates that the native also feels out of touch with their self and this hampers their capacity for happiness. If Hala Yoga is formed by planets being in the artha trine (houses 2, 6 and 10) the native puts all of their energy into providing for the material well-being and status of themselves and others, which alone is not enough for happiness, and though they may appear materially successful, they usually dont have the slightest idea of who they really are. If Hala Yoga is formed by all the planets in the kama trine (houses 3, 7 and 11) the native puts a lot of energy into fulfilling that which they deem will give them excited happiness and pleasure; the result of desire being suffering, these natives do not find complete happiness, regardless of the amount of desires they are able to fulfill; in fact, these natives find reason for unhappiness even when what they desire is realized and they are never happy with what they get and this can cause them to be greedy or cruel in the pursuit of their desires. If Hala Yoga is formed by all the planets in the moksha trine (houses 4, 8 and 12) the natives capacity for embodied happiness is very little and life is full of discontents, longings and the inability to pursue a goal to its full fruition, and though there can be the desire for spiritual development, these natives usually lack the focus and direction to really grow spiritually. Hala Yoga in the moksha trine has been seen to set the foundation for very addictive and insane behaviors. Gada mace Yoga: All planets in two successive angles. One born in Gada Yoga will always make efforts to gain wealth, cares for honor, will perform religious sacrifices, be skilled in shastras, spells, instruments, and songs, and be endowed with wealth, gold and gems. Gada means a mace, club, or bludgeon. Maces, as well as any bludgeoning weapons, have traditionally been the weapons of those

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