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Core Yogas

major themes present in the chart and that they should be considered even when they do not apply in full. In the following yogas wherein all the planets fall in either four, or seven consecutive houses, there is a theme that begins and has its start at the first house with planets, and has its conclusion or reward due to the last house with any planets. For all of these yogas the planets in the first and last houses are very important. If benefic or well-situated planets are in the first house the yoga has a firm foundation and the native innately feels more secure. If a malefic or poorly disposed planet is there the yoga has a weak foundation and the native innately feels more insecure. If a benefic or well-situated planet is in the last house, the native is more capable of becoming secure. If a malefic or poorly disposed planets is there the native is much less capable of becoming secure. In all cases of the auspicious yogas of this type, malefics or poorly disposed planets in the first and last house reduce the benefic qualities of the yogas, whereas benefics and well disposed planets there make the yogas very auspicious. In all cases of the inauspicious yogas, benefics and well disposed planets in the first and last houses make the yogas less inauspicious and reduce the negative manner in which the native responds to their needs being only partially met, while malefics and poorly disposed planets there make the yogas severely troublesome. Most of these yogas begin at one angular house and end at another angular house. Most of those are inauspicious. Due to the fact that the angles begin some type of activity, if the conclusion of some type of activity (symbolized by the first angle with planets), has the beginning of some other type of activity (symbolized by the last angle with planets), as its reward or conclusion, then it follows that the activity leaves one feeling in need of something, else why the need for more activity. Yupa sacrificial pillar Yoga: All planets in all 4 houses commencing from the lagna.

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