Chapa "Bow" Yoga: All Planets in All 7 Houses Commencing From

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Nabhasa Yogas


Chapa bow Yoga: All planets in all 7 houses commencing from the 10th house. One born in Chapa Yoga is a great warrior, liar, a thief, a jailer, a despised outcaste, one to keep secrets, devoid of luck, and a thieve haunting inaccessible places. Living in forests and hills, and fond of wandering therein, one will not have wealth in the middle of life, though they will be happy in their childhood and old age. Extremely full of pride, one gets into trouble on account of being intoxicated with pride. Chapa means simply a bow, or arc of any type. The happiness of natives with this yoga is particularly dependent upon their actions; this makes them proud of all they do, for they have difficulties being happy unless they feel right about what they have done. Many of their actions are also kept hidden since they don't like to reveal their lesser actions and weaknesses. No matter what they do, they dont really feel secure and always feel unsettled, which makes it very difficult for them to be happy. Ardha Chandra half Moon Yoga: All planets in all 7 houses commencing from a panaphara or apoklima. One born in Ardha Chandra Yoga will lead an army, be dear to the king, strong, and like the Moon delights the people. One is endowed with gems, ornaments, gold, leads a life of pleasure, has a splendorous body, a fine and lovely appearance, and is superior to all. Natives with this yoga have resources and talents available to them with which to make a happy life for themselves as well as for others. The results of their activities are fulfilling, giving contentment and happiness. The indications of the first house containing any planets will be the skills and resources with which the native makes their fortunes, and the house from which they gain their strength and security. The last house will be the natural conclusion to their activities, which increase their security and happiness.

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