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Nabhasa Yogas


indicates that partnership is what she is least skilled in, and where, therefore, the Sara Yoga takes greatest hold. In the horoscope of pioneering Ra Carl Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, there are Pi two malefics on angles and no Mo Ar Jung CaSa benefics; the prevalent Dala Yoga is SaR Sarpa Yoga. Jung did not have much Aq Ta Sc Ma support in his life, especially his early Le life. He suffered from isolation and what he did he largely did through his Me Ge Li Ju self. The two malefics are forming Ve Ca Vi Mahapurusha Yogas; Saturn is Su Ke forming Sasa Yoga and Mars Ruchaka Yoga. On account of this what unfolded in Jungs life is greater than is normally seen with only malefics in the angles, because the Mahapurusha Yoga forming planets always indicate characteristics with which the native builds their life and moves forward. More of the seven planets are in moveable rasis, the prevalent Asraya Yoga, therefore, is Rajju Yoga, which in a powerful horoscope indicates a pioneer, which Jung was as the founder of analytical psychology. Rajju Yoga also inclines a native towards travel and success in foreign lands. Jung traveled to many countries, including India, to study their myths, which he drew upon for his work. All the planets are in six rasis, forming Dama Yoga, indicating that Jung had a truly humanitarian nature and that he hoped to benefit humanity through his work. This yoga also helped him understand the value of all our experiences to help us achieve wholeness or individualization. Notice that he has Aquarius lagna, Aquarius is the rasi of individualization, Saturn there indicates a native who is working towards individualization, which is complete self-acceptance of ones role, and total security with ones self. This state is free from the psychological complexes that are created by any feelings of lack that cause a person to compensate by trying to appear more than they feel or one that cringes when they would do otherwise. Paramahamsa Yogananda has said that most of what we do and call the spiritual battle is actually the psychological battle, and that after the psychological battle is won the spiritual battle is relatively quick. Aquarius is the 2nd to the last rasi of Pisces, the rasi of spiritual liberation. Aquarius is

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