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Sabbath, Saturday, January 14, 2012 GOCChurch: Rachaw The Mark of the Beast

(Rev. 13:16)- One World Currency)

(Gk. Mark -- Etching of the skin [something administered that way puncturing of the skin. When John received this message that technology was not invented. So, back then, it referred to the future.]) It says to eat from the masters hand, like a dog. Gk. Receive: when we look at this word in Greek it means to eat from the masters hand like a dog. The dog will starve if the master doesnt provide its food. Its a mark where no one will be able to buy or sell. So that links it to the economy or the spending system. (1) You wont be able to buy or sell without it, so thats currency linked directly to the economy. (2) Its like a dog eating from its masters hand, so you will have to beg your society or Government or your master satan to eat. (3) It is something puncturing -- etching of the skin. So it is something implanted. We know satan has infiltrated the Christian church. Matthew 24:3 (The Catholic Church overthrew all doctrine so people may believe that the beast is a person and not a society or Government. This was accomplished under the Jesuit Order Ignatius Loyola and Franco Ribera). When we look at the books of Daniel and Revelations we understand that beast represent Government structures or powers. Matthew 24: 3 (world means age or society; 2Esdras 6:9. When shall the Edomite structure fall?) These Jews or Israelite were looking for Christ to bring back their power their structure. Matthew 24: 5 thats Christians. Muslims or no other religious organization comes in Christs name. The greatest deceit comes from Christianity began with Constantine switch the Sabbath to Sunday 1st day of the week, Christmas, set up of Nimrod -- Dec. 25 & Tarmuz, Seramisis (mothers eve) Dec. 24th, Easter, etc. The Catholic had a sanction under the Jesuits order to go through the earth to find TMHs people to kill them, give them diseases, to utterly destroy them. Even to this day they have and introduced to the people of TMH high levels of pedophilia, homosexuality, etc. To distort the coming of Christ. They are moving the world into one world currency the Mark of the Beast. They are spending 3,000,000 Br. Pounds to roll out this thing. (Job 9: 24) The world is given into the hands of the wicked).

Revelations 13:16 [satanic mark] you get nothing unless you comply with this system. This will be integrated within the church system. He will take away your money, get you sick, get you hungry and give you anything so you will want to be fed like a dog receiving food from the masters hand. [Google: 1.2 billion citizens in India to be chipped]. Right after 911 they said that they might need a national ID card. Now in India they have another excuse. They are actually testing this on these poor people before rolling it out on the Western world. Rev. 13: 17 you will be off the grid if you do not comply with satans world. See agenda 21. You wont be able to get anything good except you are a part of this system. They poison the water and do all manner of things except you comply. The Jewish national name of their god of the Tetragrammaton is the fallen one The number (six) 666 when you look at the 6 that is the same number of points for the god of Moloch or the 6 pointed star of Moloch where people are sacrificed within the star of Moloch. It is the mark of a man. Who is pushing this system? The Romans the Khazarians the Jewish powers. They are administering this system the mark through their bank system and you will have their gods name and worshipping their god. Thats the whole point. Rev 13:18 What man is administering this? The son of perdition operating with the powers of this world the Khazarians or Romans who claim to be Jews and are not but are of the synagogue of satan. Revelations 14:11 All religions are worshipping the Beast through the Christian churches and his image. The image has been portrayed to all of us through their programming, their media, television and their propaganda. They took away the life TMH gave us and presented the image of a false life. Revelations 14:12 Those who going to fight against this are those who will be keeping the commandments of the Most High. And they have the faith of Christ. Everybody else will willingly accept it. The Government is not going to force anyone to do this thing: it will be voluntary. These marks or biometric chips have mind control mechanism they can make you do things outside of your own will. (Children will suffer the punishment of their fore parents). (They were preparing when they started food stamps. Stamp means "seal or mark" So in order for us to get food we must have this "seal or mark" Put it together you get food stamps So they were preparing)

Iran: (SW is Elam [one of the sons of Shem] but Medes or Persian occupied the
North. Tehran is Medes). The Fall of Babylon: Isaiah 21:1 17 [Vs.10: this is the god thats not spoken of in the world all other nations are speaking of their gods]. Ezekiel 38:1 3 (Vs.2: The Russians are not the original Asians. They were pushed there by Phillip (Father of Alexander the Greek).

Ezekiel 38:4 8 Eventually, all nations will stop fighting each other and they will be pointing toward those who are dwelling safely in the wilderness the Children of Israel. This will be the last war against the children of Israel. Joel 3:1 Joel 3:3 e.g. slavery Joel 3:5 All the gold and riches being traded belong to the children of Israel. Joel 3:6 Nations who sold us into slaverySee Ps. 83. Gave them disease. Now they are pushing back (those who wake up). Christ is coming to war against the world. See Deut. 28. [We dont even realize that Israel is our home] We cant even accept the fact that Israel belongs to us. 1 Cor 15:49 1 Cor 15:52 1 Cor 15:53 55 -- (Vs. 54 how can satan use death against us now?) 1 Cor 15:56 58 -- always do this work. Its not in vain. We are already systematically controlled through the system: welfare or otherwise. This cant be done without Faith -- something you cant see to do what the Most High says. Hebrews 11:1 Hebrews 11:3 everything came from the invisible. We must believe that. The promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob must come to pass. Hebrews 11:4 - 5 Hebrews 11: 6, 7 vs. 6 we have to diligently seek him. (Vs.7 Noah built that ark as if everyday was the last day. No one can understand this work unless he understands Faith. We are the heirs of the children of promise. We shall soon see Zion. Hebrews 11:10 Hebrews 11:11 Hebrews 11:14 we should not be content here. Hebrews 11: 15 Its important for us to know who we are. Hebrews 11:20 Hebrews 11:23 We should not be afraid of Government or anyone but we pinpoint things so we may know the time were in. Hebrews 11:24 Moses did not sellout. We renounced his position for his people. Hebrews 11:25 BREAKING: Question: Amos 2: 1 6 (that is past. That was TMH going against our people when we were going against TMH leading us into the destruction we are in today. TMH sent destruction against Israel because we were out of control we were acting against Him. Question: - 2kings 17 tells how the Sephardim got in the land and was converted during the time of the Assyrian King. The Falashas are Ethiopians who learned or

picked up the Hebrew customs but are not Jews through blood. They do not fulfill the prophecy of Israel going into captivity. See Deut. 28 for that fulfillment or the Indian tribes who went into the Americas in 718 BC in 2 Esdras 13: 39 and evidenced in USA, Mexico, in the Pacific and elsewhere.

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