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Long and short term effects of bullying poster rubric Rubric Visual display 0-2 Little or no use of subtitles,

, clear fonts, images Limited detail on studies into bullying Information is unclear and disorganized in regards to order, grammar, spelling and purpose of information 3-4 Some use of subtitles, clear fonts, images Some detail on studies into bullying Information is a little disorganized in regards to order, grammar, spelling and purpose of information 5-6 Good use of subtitles, clear fonts, images Good detail on studies into bullying Information is clear but there are some mistakes in regards to order, grammar, spelling and purpose of information 7-8 Excellent use of subtitles, clear fonts, images Excellent detail on studies into bullying Information is clear and organized in regards to order, grammar, spelling and purpose of information

Use of studies and research Clarity of explanations

Total divide by 3

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