There Is A Roman Agenda in This Earth

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There is a roman agenda in this earth -- The present day jew Deuteronomy 6:1 7 Deuteronomy 6:8 14 Deuteronomy 6:15

15 21 Deuteronomy 6:22 25 Exodus 20:1 3 Exodus 20:4 10 Exodus 20:11 17 Exodus 20:18 24 Exodus 21:12 16 Exodus 21:17 - 23 Exodus 21: Job Testament of Job 1:1 The devastations we see in the earth are man-made destructions under satan. Remember Egypt the magicians attempted to match the miracles of Moses. Revelations 12:11 the disciples willing to give up their own lives Revelations 12:12 - 13 Mathew 24:1 4 (Rome is delivering the same methods of conquer as it did before topple governments and set up their own to bring about the NWO). The one world order is the anti-Christ and there are many players in it. The next world currency is in revelations 13 Mathew 24: 5 (the Rockefellers believe that one day satan will regain power and set them free and set them up) Mathew 24: 6 the Internet -- these scriptures are pointing out what satan will or are doing in the earth. Mathew 24:7 Satan is promoting racial tension racial divide What is satans oath or plan? Isaiah 14:12, 13, 14 satan has promised to return to the heaven to take over the heavens where the Most High sits Isaiah 14:15 but he is going to hell then lake of fire. Mathew 24:8 these are our sorrows Jacobs sorrows Mathew 24:9,10 and for the truth every one will hate you and the choices you made will cause people to call you crazy and will seek to kill you they cause a drought create vaccines and still do movies based on those they have not yet killed look at what they did to Haiti they destroyed Haiti with the Haarp System and set up money systems to make money off them and none of this money makes Haiti any better. Mathew 24:10 13 we must endure to the end to be saved Mathew 24:22 their depopulation program vaccines, drugs and other agencies Who are the elect of the Most High? Isaiah 45:3,4 Satan is using resources for evil technology of what to do with certain chemicals but the Most High did not give it to us to destroy the earth. Satan thru the elites use good knowledge for the elites but the elites use that knowledge -- evil to kill us.

See Book of Jubilees for whom Cain Married Genesis 5:3 Question on: 1st Day of the Week Acts 20:7 1 Cor. 16:1 Acts 13:14 27 Question for next time: how did Esau's marriage promote his "redness" so to speak? Since he was red and he got married to someone of color wouldn't it produce a less "red" people? Bro. Gabar acts 20:7 10:00 JUDAH12-1: 1 cor 16:1 10:02 JUDAH12-1: acts 13:14 10:03 JUDAH12-1: acts 13:27 10:07 JUDAH12-1: acts 20:6 10:09 judahman1982: thanks for clearing things up....What' s your opinion on the God particle? 10:09 BroJudah: My understanding was that the desolation of abomination started wih the chip, and AFTER THAT we would have 1290 days.U said in a video that the last 30 days of the 1290 days was going to start w/chip? 10:09 simplicity0501: Blackout Looming: Thousands To Lose Internet Access As FBI Shuts Down Servers 10:09 ClaudioTc: what scriptures or what else can i say to those who say Israel have lost their place, that Israel is now wht they called spiritual israel and also what can i tell them when they say what difference do 10:09 solomonraim: hey brother did you get the history on the assyrians?why is some of the indians fashion so similar to the assyrian god nisroch? 10:09 IvefoundChrist: Can you explain 1Corinthians7:12-15. Does this mean it is lawful to marry a sister that is not in the faith? Just trynna get clarity on this scripture because i don't really understand it 10:09 lexwill: the burial cave Abraham bought, s that considered the Egyptian burial cave? 10:10 prevs: how did Esau's marriage promote his "redness" so to speak? Since he was red and he got married to someone of color wouldn't it produce a less "red" people? 10:10 yahkim81: is 1 Chronicles Chapter 5, verse 2 referring to Joseph as being the birthright and not Judah? 10:10 jaykuts: what's your views on polygamy? 10:10 lionofjudah78-1: why isnt cain listed as the seed of adams bloodline 10:10 solomonraim: hey brother did you get the history on the assyrians?why is some of the indians fashion so similar to the assyrian god nisroch? 10:10 GMOgottago: Are you still going to interview the lady who said our blood forms the shape of the organ where health problems are?

10:10 kbrown908: Did you hear about the first genetically modified humans? 10:10 YitroBenLevi: Elder, Is there any truth to the Irish saying they are apart of the Children of Israel? They claim so because of their history as being slaves 10:17 JUDAH12-1: elder gabars class will begin about 3:30pm Eastern 12:38 JUDAH12-1: kan 12:39 JUDAH12-1: exodus 10:1 12:41 JUDAH12: exodus 10:6 12:43 JUDAH12: exodus 10:11 12:46 JUDAH12: exodus 10:25 12:47 JUDAH12: exodus 11:1 12:48 JUDAH12: exodus 11:6 12:48 JUDAH12: exodus 11:10 12:49 JUDAH12: exodus 12:1 12:51 JUDAH12: exodus 12:11 12:53 JUDAH12: exodus12:17 12:54 JUDAH12: exodus 12:21 12:56 JUDAH12: exodus 12:30 12:56 JUDAH12: exodus 12:32 12:57 JUDAH12: exodus 12:39 12:58 JUDAH12: exodus 12:42 1:02 JUDAH12-1: exodus 12:46 1:02 JUDAH12-1: the chat is open 1:06 JUDAH12-1: exodus 12:48 1:09 JUDAH12-1: lev 25:35 1:10 hebrew40: shalom everyone 1:10 lionsoul79: are we allowed to deal with other nations 1:11 SistaM: money/aid - usury 1:11 YitroBenLevi: Shalom brothers and sisters 1:16 JUDAH12: lev 25:45 1:19 JUDAH12: exodus 21:7 1:20 JUDAH12: ex 22:21 1:25 binyamin1971: salom 1:26 JUDAH12-1: lev 25:46 1:27 JUDAH12-1: exodus 21:1 1:32 TheYungJudah: So was Jacob considered a sourner or hired servant? 1:33 judahman1982: where the scripture that says jubilee last 7 years 1:33 TheYungJudah: Or Ruth? Is the fact that she was a moabite why she gave her son to Namoi? 1:36 JUDAH12: romans 3:7 1:37 JUDAH12: romans 3:3 1:38 TheYungJudah: Ruth 4:5-15 1:38 JUDAH12: psalms 62:9 1:39 JUDAH12: psalms 51:4 1:40 JUDAH12: romans 3::4 1:41 judahman1982: can someone tell me what scripture says jubilee last 7 years 1:44 JUDAH12: romans 3:10

1:45 JUDAH12: romans 3:17 1:48 JUDAH12-1: romans 3:25 1:55 JUDAH12-1: romans 4:1 2:01 JUDAH12-1: gal 2:3 [REMOVED by JUDAH12] 2:10 JUDAH12: kan 2:10 JUDAH12: loud and clear 2:14 JUDAH12: romans 3:31 2:14 JUDAH12: romans 4:16 2:16 JUDAH12-1: romans4:17 2:18 JUDAH12-1: romans 4:25 2:19 JUDAH12-1: romans 5:1 2:20 JUDAH12-1: romans 5:7 2:23 JUDAH12-1: romans 5:15 2:25 JUDAH12-1: 1 tim 1:5 2:28 JUDAH12-1: romans 10:4 2:32 JUDAH12-1: 1 tim 1:5 2:36 JUDAH12-1: jeremiah 29:11 2:38 JUDAH12-1: 1 tim 1:9 [REMOVED by JUDAH12] 2:44 JUDAH12: 1 tim 1:17 2:45 JUDAH12-1: 1 tim 1:19 2:47 JUDAH12-1: duet 6:4 2:54 JUDAH12: duet 6:10 3:04 JUDAH12: 1 cor 11:26 3:05 JUDAH12: 1 cor 11:25 [REMOVED by JUDAH12] 3:08 JUDAH12: duet 6:4

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