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Lunar Yogas


merit that can be benefited from in the proper place and time. They are, therefore, not attached to their opinions or ideas, and always remain flexible in the light of further information and knowledge. The houses, planets, etc. that Mercury rules will indicate those things and people that that native has learned from. Jupiter: One will be highly honored by kings, very intelligent, majestic, strong, a poet, fond of assemblies, endued with earnestness and energy; upright and possessed with a great deal of status and wealth. Jupiter forming Anapha Yoga by being in the 12th from the Moon indicates that the natives consciousness has been conditioned by faith and belief. This creates an initial attitude of optimism and purpose, as well as contentment and happiness. The houses, etc. that Jupiter rules will indicate those things and people from which the native has acquired much of their beliefs and faith. Venus: One will be a charmer and lover of young women, owning gold, numerous cattle and similar possessions, highly intelligent, rich in money and grains, splendorous, famous, enjoying pleasures and dear to the king. Venus forming Anapha Yoga by being in the 12th from the Moon indicates that the natives consciousness has been conditioned by experiences that provide for a proper sense of worth and value, which results in them being better able to discriminate emotionally, and to evaluate the worth of a situation. This results in their getting through life with fewer difficulties and prevents their getting involved in those things that really arent worth the time, price or effort. The houses, planets, etc. that Venus rules will indicate sources of validating experiences, as well as those people and things that have provided the native with a sense of value. Saturn: One is virtuous, long armed, broad shouldered, meritorious, possessed of numerous cattle and similar possessions. He is a leader and his words carry weight and are accepted. He is yoked to a bad woman.

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