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Lunar Yogas


(i.e. when it is 120240 degrees from the Sun), then the growth of the good yogas, etc. in the horoscope will be amplified and the ill effects of the malefic yogas, etc. in the horoscope will be deterred. All in all, life will be easier and smoother. Again, this is not to say that life will be strictly good, only that the benefic yogas become more powerful and the malefic yogas less so, but it is still the good yogas, etc. that determine what good, if any, the native will enjoy, and it is the malefic yogas, etc. that determine what ill, if any, the native will suffer. OTHER YOGAS CONSIDERING THE MOON In addition to the above-mentioned Lunar Yogas there are several other yogas that are formed with the Moon as a primary factor. All these yogas have some corresponding influence on the native's mentality and attitude. Adhi first Yoga: The 6th, 7th and 8th from the Moon occupied by Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. One born under Adhi Yoga will be a king, a minister, or a commander, according to the strength of the participating planets. The native will touch the height of prosperity and pleasure, overcome their foes, have intimate friends and courage, live a long life being free from diseases and dangers, and be high-souled. This yoga makes one first in their class or station, or a pioneering individual that is the first to do something. There must be one benefic in the 6th, one in the 7th and one in the 8th for this yoga to be effective. Due to the benefic influences in the 6th house of enemies, the 7th house of partnership, and the 8th house of other peoples resources, natives with this yoga get along well with others, and tend to benefit from others in their life. Malefic influences to these planets, will, however, harm their ability to get along with others. It has also been observed that any malefic influences to the planets forming Adhi Yoga also indicate intrigues with members of the opposite sex, or intrigue with regards to marriage or sexuality. This

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