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Lunar Yogas


however, then the happiness will be marred, of course. This yoga alone does not indicate great wealth; other wealth producing yogas must be present in the horoscope in order for there to be significant wealth, but it does reveal the natives capacity for happiness with whatever wealth they do possess. The Moon in good dignity in the navamsa gives a greater capacity for contentment, mental peace and happiness. The aspect of Jupiter during a day birth indicates that the native finds happiness in their actions and purpose. The aspect of Venus during a night birth indicates that the native finds happiness with the good things that come into their life. Though this yoga is presented in two important texts, Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra and Brihat Jataka, I have not found it to be as significant as many other yogas in those texts. Sakata cart Yoga: Jupiter in the 6th or 8th from the Moon, and Jupiter is not in an angle. One born in Sakata Yoga will often become unfortunate, and then regain what was once lost. He will be a very ordinary and insignificant man in the world, who will inevitably attain mental grief and will be exceedingly unhappy. Though of a royal family, the native still becomes indigent and due to the trouble and fatigue falling to his lot, he is always distressed and becomes an object of aversion to the king. Sakata Yoga indicates unsteady fortune with the result that life will be full of ups and downs, with slow progress and many disappointments. The mentality will be easily disgruntled and though one will occasionally be hopeful, hope will not be long lasting. If Jupiter and the Moon are rasi aspecting each other while they are in 6/8 from each other, and if they are forming some beneficial yoga as a result of this aspect, then the blemish of Sakata Yoga is voided, although the beneficial yoga they are forming will fructify slowly and with ups and downs. Further, if Jupiter or the Moon is also taking part in other beneficial yogas, whether jointly or independently, then the negative effects of the Sakata Yoga will not be fully effective. There can still be success, but it will be accompanied by some

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