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SUBSEA 7 Our Vessels

We invest in high-performing, industry-leading assets. As a result of $3 billion of strategic investment over the last five years, our fleet of over 40 vessels is one of the largest and most versatile in the market. View our fleet by vessel names. View our fleet by vessel category. Rigid i!elay"#eavy $ift Vessels %onstruction"Vertical &le'lay Vessels %onstruction"&le'lay (#ori)ontal* Vessels $ife+of+&ield"$ight %onstruction Vessels ,iving -u!!ort Vessels %onstruction".thers /he fleet includes a number of high+!erformance global enabling vessels. /hese are s!ecifically designed to meet client re0uirements for vessels ca!able of e'ecuting ever+ larger, more com!le' !ro1ects at greater de!ths and in harsher environments. /he fleet also features versatile locally+based construction, Remotely .!erated Vehicles (2R.Vs3* and diving su!!ort vessels. /he com!osition of our fleet allows us to bring industry+leading !i!elay, heavy lifting, R.V and diving su!!ort and construction ca!ability to the global market.

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