Change of Command: Reederei "Nord" Klaus E. Oldendorff

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8r!#!nal * :8;< L!massol ,st Co y * :8;< =ambur# 2nd Co y * Sh! )s f!le


Today the

day of


hours local time, was handed over

the command of M.V. by Ca t.

to Ca t.

The vessel was found seaworthy !n all res ects" !nclud!n# but not l!m!ted to the nav!#at!onal e$u! ment" charts duly corrected" naut!cal and rad!o ubl!cat!ons" safety e$u! ment" mann!n#" bun%ers" cater!n# rov!s!ons" fresh water" stab!l!ty" s are arts & stores" conta!ner lash!n# e$u! ment com lete. All the cert!f!cates as er the form ' re ort of !ns ect!ons and e( !r!n# sh! )s a ers' were handed over and an entry to th!s effect made !n the off!c!al lo#*boo%. All cert!f!cates are val!d for at least three months" e(ce t as follows+* ,. 2. /. -. .. 0.

The !ncom!n# Master was duly !nstructed on the tr!m and stab!l!ty of the vessel and rece!ved the tr!m and stab!l!ty boo%let. Stevedore dama#e not!ces are u to date and all lost1dama#ed lash!n# e$u! ment ro erly cla!med. The car#o documentat!on f!le !s com lete. All !nformat!on re#ard!n# em loyment and s ec!al !nstruct!ons from owner and charterer were assed to the !ncom!n# Master. Sh! )s cash of 2S3 and S orts 4und of 2S3 was handed over and rece!ved by the !ncom!n# Master to#ether w!th the safe %ey and comb!nat!on number and a set of the sh! )s %eys !nclud!n# the master %ey. All sh! )s f!les" com any letters and c!rcular letter f!les were handed over and attent!on drawn to recent add!t!ons. All crew travel documents" d!schar#e boo%s" vacc!nat!on cert!f!cates" contracts of em loyment" art!cles or a#reement and off!c!al lo#*boo% and dec% lo#*boo% were handed over. All monthly returns !nclud!n# ayroll" cash account" cash advances" rad!o traff!c" rov!s!ons and re resentat!on have been re ared u to the day of 200 Com uters have been demonstrated !n use and all com any software shown to be !n #ood cond!t!on. 5ames and1or other unauthor!6ed software were not d!scovered dur!n# demonstrat!on. 7e" the unders!#ned" cert!fy the above to be true and correct.
82T589:5 MASTE; 9:C8M9:5 MASTE;

9ssued 0,10010,

Pa#e , of ,

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