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Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity Competency Based Learning Materials !omputer "ard#are Servicin $! %%

Unit of Competency : Configure Computer Systems and Networks Module Title : Configuring Computer Systems and Networks

Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity TA&'E () !($TE$TS Page Table of content ...........................................1 How to use CBLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Introduction ...........................................3 Technical Terms ...........................................4 Learning Outcome 1: Plan and prepare for confi uration . . . . . . . . 5 Learnin !"#erience $ %cti&ities ......................... ' Information (heet 1.1 ......................... ) Information (heet 1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1* (elf+Chec, 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 %cti&it- (heet 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Learning Outcome 2: !onfi ure computer systems and net#orks. 14 Learnin !"#erience $ %cti&ities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 .#eration (heet 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1' .#eration (heet 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 .#eration (heet 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /3 Information (heet 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /' .#eration (heet 2.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1*0 (elf Chec, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 %cti&it- (heet 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Learning Outcome 3: Inspect and test configured computer systems and networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Learnin !"#erience $ %cti&ities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 .#eration (heet 3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 .#eration (heet 3.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11) (elf Chec, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/ %cti&it- (heet 3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 %ssessment 1lan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12* .bser&ation Chec,list. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 .bser&ation and 2uestionin Chec,list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 3emonstration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 4ritten 5e#ort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 1erformance Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 %nswer ,e- 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12' %nswer ,e- 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12) %nswer ,e- 3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/

Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity How to use this CBLM Welcome to the Module Configuring Computer Systems and Networks ! This module contains training materials and acti"ities for you to complete! The unit of competency Configure Computer Systems and Networks contains the knowledge# skills and attitudes re$uired for Computer %ardware Ser"icing course re$uired to o&tain the National Certificate 'NC( le"el II! )ou are re$uired to go through a series of learning acti"ities in order to compete each of the learning outcomes of the module! In each learning outcome there are information sheets# information sheets and acti"ity sheets! *o this acti"ity on your own and answer the Self Check at the end of each learning acti"ity! If you ha"e $uestions# do not hesitate to ask your teacher for assistance! +ecognition of ,rior -earning '+,-( )ou ha"e already some &asic knowledge and skills co"ered in this module! If you can demonstrate competence to you teacher in a particular skill# talk to him.her so you did not ha"e to undergo the same training again! If you ha"e a $ualification or Certificate of Competency from pre"ious trainings show it to him.her! If the skills you re$uired are consistent with and rele"ant to this module# they &ecome part of the e"idence! )ou can present these +,-! If you are not sure a&out your competence skills# discuss this with your teacher! /fter completing this module# ask your teacher to assess your competence! +esult of your assessment will &e recorded in your competency profile! /ll the learning acti"ities are designed for you to complete at your own pace! In this module# you will find the acti"ities for you to accomplish and rele"ant information sheets for each learning outcome! 0ach learning outcome may ha"e more than one learning acti"ity! This module is prepared to help you achie"e the re$uired competency in recei"ing and relaying information! This will &e the source of information that will ena&le you to ac$uire the knowledge and skills in Computer %ardware Ser"icing NC II independently at your own pace with minimum super"ision from your trainer!

Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity Program / Course : Computer Hardware Servicing NC II Unit o Competenc! : Con igure Computer S!stems and Networ"s #odu$e %it$e : Con iguring Computer S!stems and Networ"s IN%&O'UC%ION: This module contains information sheets and suggested learning acti"ities in installing computer systems and networks! It includes instructions and procedure on how to install computer systems and networks! This module consists of three '1( learning outcomes! 0ach learning outcome contains learning acti"ities supported &y instruction sheets! 2efore you perform the instruction# read the information sheets and answer the self check and acti"ities pro"ided to ascertain to yourself and your teacher that you ha"e ac$uired the knowledge necessary to perform the skill portion of the particular learning outcome! Upon completing this module# report to your teacher for assessment to check your achie"ement of knowledge and skills re$uirements of this module! If you pass the assessment# you will &e gi"en a certificate of completion! SUMMARY OF LEARNIN OU!COMES

Upon completion of the module the students shall &e a&le to: 3! ,lan and prepare for configuration 4! Configure computer systems and networks 1! Inspect and test configured computer systems and networks ASSESSMEN! CRI!ERIA" +efer to assessment criteria of learning outcomes 351 of this module! #RERE$UISI!ES" None

Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity %(CHNIC)L %(&#S:
Ca&le Tester 5 Tests for shorts# opens# miswires# re"ersals# split pairs# and shield continuity Crimper 5 To press or pinch into small regular folds or ridges *isk 6ormatting 5 is the process of preparing a hard disk or other storage medium for use# including setting up an empty file system! *ri"er 5 software dri"er is a computer program allowing higher5le"el computer programs to interact with a hardware de"ice! 6*isk '6i7ed *isk( 5 is a commonly used name for a command5line utility that pro"ides disk partitioning functions in an operating system! Usually used for deleting and creating dri"es or partitions! %ardware 5 is a comprehensi"e term for all of the physical parts of a computer! 8perating System 5 is an interface &etween hardware and user which is responsi&le for the management and coordination of acti"ities and the sharing of the resources of a computer that acts as a host for computing applications run on the machine! ,artitioning 5 is the act or practice of di"iding the storage space of a hard disk dri"e into separate data areas known as partitions! +9 :; 5 registered <ack '+9( is a standardi=ed physical network interface > &oth <ack construction and wiring pattern > for connecting telecommunications or data e$uipment to a ser"ice pro"ided &y a local e7change carrier or long distance carrier! Software 5 is a generic term for organi=ed collections of computer data and instructions specific tasks! Software Installation 5 Installation 'or setup( of a program 'including dri"ers# plugins# etc!( is the act of putting the program onto a computer system so that it can &e e7ecuted! UT, 5 is a type of wiring in which two conductors 'the forward and return conductors of a single circuit( are twisted together for the purposes of canceling out electromagnetic interference '0MI( from e7ternal sources? for instance# electromagnetic radiation from Unshielded Twisted ,air 'UT,( ca&les# and crosstalk &etween neigh&oring pairs!

Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity

Program / Course : Computer Hardware Servicing NC II Unit o Competenc! : Con igure Computer S!stems and Networ"s #odu$e %it$e : Con iguring Computer S!stems and Networ"s Learning Outcome 1: Plan and prepare for confi uration )SS(SS#(N% C&I%(&I): 3! Configured computer systems and networks identified from the 9o&.Ser"ice 8rder or instructions! 4! ,lanned and prepared <o& re$uirements! 1! 6ollowed 8%S policies and procedures of <o& re$uirements! :! Checked computer systems and networks configuration with specified re$uirements! ;! Checked necessary tools# e$uipment materials 5eferences6

Modu%e !it%e : Configuring Computer Systems and Networks Lo& : ,lan and ,repare 6or Configuration


Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity L()&NIN* (+P(&I(NC(S / )C%I,I%I(S:

Learning Outcome 1: P$an and Prepare -or Insta$$ation

Learning )ctivities 1. 5ead Information (heet 2 7 1.2about the #lan and #re#are for confi uration 2. 3o the (elf Chec, 3. 5ead acti&it- sheet 1.1 about the tools and com#uter e8ui#ment. 4. 1re#are the %cti&it- (heet usin se#arate sheet of #a#er.

Specia$ Instruction

3o not write an-thin on the module 1re#are a se#arate sheet of #a#er on the (elf+Chec, and %cti&it-.


*hat is System Re+uirements,

all computer soft#are needs certain hard#are components or other soft#are resources to be present on a computer. These prere+uisites are kno#n as .computer/ system req irements and are often used as a uideline as opposed to an absolute rule. 0ost soft#are defines t#o sets of system re+uirements1 2. Soft#are Re+uirements
3. "ard#are Re+uirements

lists tested, compatible, and sometimes incompatible hard#are devices for a particular operatin system or application

Architect re
All computer operatin systems are desi ned for a particular computer architecture. 0ost soft#are applications are limited to particular operatin systems runnin on particular architectures

Processing po!er
The po#er of the central processin system re+uirement for any soft#are.5. unit .!P4/ is a fundamental

All soft#are, #hen run, resides in the random access memory .RA0/ of a computer. 0emory re+uirements are defined after considerin demands of the application, operatin system, supportin soft#are and files, and other runnin processes.

Secon"ary storage
"ard-disk re+uirements vary, dependin on the si6e of soft#are installation, temporary files created and maintained #hile installin or runnin the soft#are, and possible use of s#ap space .if RA0 is insufficient/.

#isplay a"apter
Soft#are re+uirin a better than avera e computer raphics display, like raphics editors and hi h-end ames, often define hi h-end display adapters in the system re+uirements.

Some soft#are applications need to make e7tensive and8or special use of some peripherals, demandin the hi her performance or functionality of such peripherals. Such peripherals include !D-R(0 drives, keyboards, pointin devices, net#ork devices, etc.

Software requirements
Soft#are Re+uirements deal #ith definin soft#are resource re+uirements and pre-re+uisites that need to be installed on a computer to provide optimal functionin of an application. These re+uirements or pre-re+uisites are enerally not included in the soft#are installation packa e and need to be installed separately before the soft#are is installed.

%n computin , a plat$orm describes some sort of frame#ork, either in hard#are or soft#are, #hich allo#s soft#are to run. Typical platforms include a computer9s architecture, operatin system, or pro rammin lan ua es and their runtime libraries.

APIs an" #ri%ers

Soft#are makin e7tensive use of special hard#are devices, like hi hend display adapters, needs special AP% or ne#er device drivers..

&e' 'ro!ser
0ost #eb applications and soft#are dependin heavily on %nternet technolo ies make use of the default bro#ser installed on system. OPERATIN( S)STEM HAR#&ARE MINIM*M RE+*IREMENTS MINIM*M HAR#&ARE RE+*IREMENTS FOR &IN#O&S ,-. A personal computer #ith a :;<D= << me ahert6 .0"6/ or faster processor .Pentium central processin unit recommended/. 2< me abytes .0&/ of memory .3: 0& recommended/. 0

A typical up rade from *indo#s >? re+uires appro7imately 2>? 0& of free hard disk space, but the hard disk space may ran e from bet#een 23@ 0& and 3>? 0&, dependin on your computer confi uration and the options that you choose to install. A full install of *indo#s >; on a )AT2< drive re+uires 33? 0& of free hard disk space, but may ran e from bet#een 2<? 0& and A?? 0&, dependin on your computer confi uration and that options that you choose to install. A full install of *indo#s >; on a )ATA3 drive re+uires 2B? 0& of free hard disk space, but may ran e from bet#een 2:@ 0& and 3?? 0&, dependin on your computer confi uration and the options that you choose to install. (ne A.?-inch hi h-density floppy disk drive. CDA or hi her resolution .2<-bit or 3:-bit color SCDA recommended/.

&IN#O&S /000 PROFESSIONA1 MINIM*M S)STEM RE+*IREMENTS. 2AA 0"6 or more Pentium microprocessor .or e+uivalent/. *indo#s 3@@@ Professional supports up to t#o processors on a sin le computer. <: me abytes .0&/ of RA0 recommended minimum. A3 0& of RA0 is the minimum supported. : i abytes .D&/ of RA0 is the ma7imum. A 3 D& hard disk that has <?@ 0& of free space. %f you are installin over a net#ork, more free hard disk space is re+uired. CDA or hi her-resolution monitor. Eeyboard. 0ouse or compatible pointin device .optional/. #INI#U# H)&'.)&( &(/UI&(#(N%S -O& .IN'O.S +P P&O-(SSION)L Pentium 3AA-me ahert6 .0"6/ processor or faster .A@@ 0"6 is recommended/ At least <: me abytes .0&/ of RA0 .23; 0& is recommended/ At least 2.? i abytes .D&/ of available space on the hard disk !D-R(0 or DCD-R(0 drive Eeyboard and a 0icrosoft 0ouse or some other compatible pointin device Cideo adapter and monitor #ith Super CDA .;@@ 7 <@@/ or hi her resolution Sound card Speakers or headphones



Tools !rimpin Tool is a tool desi ned to crimp or connect a connector to the end of a cable. 9or e"am#le: networ, cables and #hone cables are created usin a crim#in tool to connect the 5;+45 and 5;+11 connectors to the end of the cable.

*ire !utter 4ire cutters are hand+tools used to cut wire such as sterlin sil&er: co##er: and old+filled.

!able Tester is an electronic de&ice used to &erif- the electrical connections in a cable or other wired assembl-.


0aterials (peratin System %nstaller is an interface between hardware and user which is res#onsible for the mana ement and coordination of acti&ities and the sharin of the resources of the com#uter that acts as a host for com#utin a##lications run on the machine.

Startup Disk A boot disk #ill allo# you to boot from the diskette in place of your hard disk. This diskette can be used to fi7 problems that may come durin the lifetime of your computer

Device Drivers is a com#uter #ro ram allowin hi her+le&el com#uter #ro rams to interact with a hardware de&ice.

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority 12

Philippine International Technological School

Self F !heck 2.2 A. Direction1 #rite your ans#er on the space provided for1 2. *rite the minimum system of the follo#in (peratin Systems, !P4 0emory "ard disk Cideo *indo#s >; *indo#s 3@@@ *indo#s =P professional

&. Direction1 $ame the follo#in measurin tools and materials1







Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity /cti"ity Sheet 3!3 Identifying Computer Tools and Materials Supplies and Materials /cti"ity Sheet ,aper and ,encil Tools and Materials Computer Networking tools Computer Software Installation Materials *irection: the following e7ercises re$uired you to write notes# la&el and to draw sketches to descri&e the Computer Networking tools and materials! *rite your description on this side !rimper Dra# your illustration on this side

!able Tester

0otherboard Driver

Modu%e !it%e : Configuring Computer Systems and Networks Lo& : ,lan and ,repare 6or Configuration


Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity ,rogram . Course : Unit of Competency : Module Title : Learning Outcome 2: )ssessment Criteria: 3! /ppropriate ,ersonal ,rotecti"e 0$uipment are used and 8%S policies and procedures followed 4! Normal function of systems and networks checked in accordance with manufacturer@s instructions 1! 6ault or pro&lem in the systems and networks diagnosed in line with the standard operating procedures! :! Computer systems and networks configured in line with the standard operating procedures! &e erences: Computer %ardware Ser"icing NC II Configure Systems and Networks Configuring systems and Networks !onfi ure computer systems and net#orks

Module Title : Configuring Computer Systems and Networks -8 4 : Configure computer systems and networks


Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity L()&NIN* (+P(&I(NC(S / )C%I,I%I(S:

Learning Outcome 2: Insta$$ 'evice / S!stem/ (0uipments Learning )ctivities 1. 5ead .#eration (heet 2.1 and watch the &ideo about 93I(< 2. 3o the (elf+Chec, 2.1 3. 1erform o#eration sheet 2.1 to 2.2 about installin .#eratin (-stem 4indows =1 and 4indows 0/. 4. 1erform .#eration (heet 2.1 about how to install 3ri&ers 5. read information (heet 2.1 about Com#uter networ,in '. 1erform .#eration (heet 2.3 about how to install 3ri&ers 3o not write an-thin on the module 1re#are a se#arate sheet of #a#er on the (elf+Chec, and %cti&it-. Specia$ Instructions



#icroso t1s .indows 23 S( 4 C' Insta$$ on 5$an" Hard 'rive

4hat -ou will re8uire to do this wal,throu h is 1. ) .indows 23 C' 2. ) Computer wit6 C'4&O# access To start this 4indows install. 9irst chec, that the first boot de&ice in -our s-stem BI.( is set to the C3+5.M 3ri&e. 7 %o ind out 6ow to access t6e 5IOS p$ease re er to !our mot6er8oard manua$ or t6e manu acturer o !our computer9 7%6e s!stem 8ios can usua$$! 8e entered on 8oot: usua$$! 8! pressing t6e -1: -2: -3: -1; or '(L "e!9 #a"e sure !ou save t6e settings 8e ore e<iting== If -ou are unsure or don>t want to enter the BI.( then ?ust test the com#uter b- #uttin the C3+5.M in the dri&e and rebootin the com#uter. This is the recommended wa- to install windows. @ou will ,now that -our com#uter will$has booted of C3+5.M when the followin screen a##ears.

P)&% 1
To be in the 4indows 0/ install select .#tion 2 ABoot from C3+5omB


The followin screen will a##ear ne"t. (elect .#tion 1. A(tart 4indows 0/ (etu# from C3+5.MB


@our C3+5.M dri&er will now install: be #atient this ma- ta,e a few moments.


Cow #ress !nter to continue: or 93 to e"it.


(etu# will now #erform chec,s on -our s-stem: #ress !nter to continue.


Ce"t (candis, will run: let this com#lete or setu#.


Cow setu# will co#- im#ortant files for the install.


P)&% 2

(etu# has now be un: the mouse should now be acti&e: #ress Continue to #roceed. If -ou ha&e a chan e of mind then #ress !"it (etu#. If the mouse is not acti&e #ress D!CT!5D on the ,e-board.


The wiEard will now start. Be #atient this ma- ta,e a few moments.


Cow select the director- -ou wish to install 4indows into. B- default C6F4indows will be selected. @ou can chan e this: but it is not ad&ised. Clic, on Ce"t to Continue.


(etu# will now #re#are the director-: be #atient this ma- ta,e a moment.


(etu# now chec,s dis, s#ace.


4hat do -ou wish to install. 4e recommend T-#ical: which is the default. (o clic, Ce"t to continue.


4indows Com#onents to be installed will now be listed. Lea&e at default and #ress Ce"t.


If a Cetwor, card has been detected the followin will a##ear. 9ill in the details and clic, Ce"t.


Cow -our countr- settin s: select as needed and then #ress Ce"t.


4indows will now co#- files: this will ta,e sometime. Be #atient


P)&% 3

%fter sometime -ou will be #rom#ted to restart: 4indows will do it itself: -ou can clic, on 5estart Cow to 8uic,en the #rocess.


The C3+5.M boot menu will a##ear. (elect o#tion 1 ABoot from Hard 3is,B


Bootin for first time screen will a##ear.


Cow enter -our name: com#an- is o#tional. Clic, on Ce"t to continue.


Cow the License % reement. 5ead and if -ou a ree clic, on DI acce#t the % reementD and clic, ne"t. If -ou select DDI don>t acce#t the % reementD then setu# will end.


Cow in#ut -our #roduct ,e- or certificate authenticit- code. This is 1' di its and is located on the bac, of -our C3 case or on the 4indows 0/ Boo,. If -ou ha&e an .!M com#uter then it could be on the side or bac, of -our com#uter. Clic, ne"t to continue.


Ce"t clic, on 9inish.


P)&% >

(etu# will now finaliEe the hardware and install settin s.


1lu and 1la- 3e&ices.....


@our com#uter will #rom#t to restart....


The C3 boot menu will a##ear. (elect o#tion 1 ABoot from Hard 3is,B and #ress enter.


4indows is bootin .


and continuin the install of de&ices.


P)&% ?

Cow select -our date$time settin s: usin the down arrow beside GMT +*/**.


.nce selected clic, on a##l- and then .<.


4indows will continue to setu# 4indows items.


The com#uter will now need restarted a ain.


P)&% @

The C3+5.M boot menu will a##ear. (elect .#tion 1 ABoot from Hard 3is,B and #ress enter.


4indows will continue to load.


and u#date (-stem (ettin s.


%t lon last -ou ha&e arri&ed at the des,to#.


If -ou are luc,- -ou will ha&e no dri&ers to install: but chances are the ne"t ste# will be to install them. Chec, out de&ice mana er for un,nown de&ices: li,el- items are Cetwor, Cards: (ound Cards: 1rinters: (canners: Gra#hics Cards: 3i ital Cameras: #lus an- other item -ou ha&e.

%H( (N'


Operation Sheet /./ &in"o!s 2P Installation

1. Start the computer from the CD.


You can press F6 if you need to install additional SCSI adapters or other massstorage devices. If you do you ill !e as"ed to supply a floppy dis" ith the drivers and you C#$$%& !ro se it 'or a CD for that matter(. )a"e sure you have one handy.


If you ant+ you can press F2 to run the #S, se-uence. For that you need a good !ac"up created !y the .indo s /0 !ac"up program+ and the #S, floppy dis". If you plan to install a ne copy of /0 - don1t do anything.




ill load all the needed files and drivers.


Select &o Setup .indo s /0 0rofessional $o . If you ant+ and if you have a previous installation of /0+ you can try to fi4 it !y pressing ,. If not+ 5ust press 6$&6,.



,ead and accept the licensing agreement and press F7 if you accept it.


Select or create the partition on hich you ill install .indo s /0 0rofessional. Depending upon your e4isting dis" configuration choose one of the follo ing9


If the hard dis" is unpartitioned+ you can create and si:e the partition on you ill install .indo s /0 0rofessional.


If the hard dis" is already partitioned+ !ut has enough unpartitioned dis" space+ you can create an additional partition in the unpartitioned space. If the hard dis" already has a partition that is large enough+ you can install .indo s /0 0rofessional on that partition. If the partition has an e4isting operating system+ you ill over rite that operating system if you accept the default installation path. ;o ever+ files other than the operating system files+ such as program files and data files+ ill not !e over ritten. If the hard dis" has an e4isting partition+ you can delete it to create more unpartitioned space for the ne partition. Deleting an e4isting partition erases all data on that partition.

If you select a ne partition during Setup+ create and si:e only the partition on hich you ill install .indo s /0 0rofessional. #fter installation+ use Dis" )anagement to partition the remaining space on the hard dis". 7. Select a file system for the installation partition. #fter you create the partition on hich you ill install .indo s /0 0rofessional+ you can use Setup to select the file system ith hich to format the partition. .indo s /0 0rofessional supports the $&FS file system in addition to the file allocation ta!le 'F#&( and F#&*2 file systems. .indo s Server 2<<*+ .indo s /0 0rofessional+ .indo s 2<<<+ and .indo s $& are the only )icrosoft operating systems that you can use to gain access to data on a local hard dis" that is formatted ith $&FS. If you plan to gain access to files that are on a local .indo s /0 0rofessional partition ith the )icrosoft .indo s =3 or .indo s =7 operating systems+ you should format the partition ith a F#& or F#&*2 file system. .e ill use $&FS.



Setup ill then !egin copying necessary files from the installation point 'CD+ local I*76 or net or" share(. 1<. $ote9 If you !egan the installation process from an )S-D%S floppy+ ma"e sure you have and run S)#,&D,> from the floppy+ other ise the copying process ill pro!a!ly last more than an hour+ perhaps even more. .ith S)#,&D,> 'or if setup as run !y !ooting from CD( the copying ill pro!a!ly last a fe minutes+ no more than 3 ma4.

11. &he computer

ill restart in graphical mode+ and the installation

ill continue.


Step #4: The GUI-based portion of the Setup program

&he setup process re!oots and loads a ?@I mode phase.

It ill then !egin to load device drivers !ased upon don1t need to do anything at this stage.

hat it finds on your computer. You



Clic" Customi:e to change regional settings+ if necessary. Current System Aocale - #ffects ho programs display dates+ times+ currency+ and num!ers. Choose the locale that matches your location+ for e4ample+ French 'Canada(. Current Bey!oard Aayout - #ccommodates the special characters and sym!ols used in different languages. Your "ey!oard layout determines hich characters appear hen you press "eys on the "ey!oard.

If you don1t need to ma"e any changes 5ust press $e4t.


If you do need to ma"e changes press Customi:e and add your System Aocale etc.


Note for Hebrew users: @nli"e .2B+ it is S#F6 and it is %B for you to install ;e!re language support at this phase. To install Hebrew support: #fter pressing Customi:e go to the Aanguages ta! and select the CInstall files for comple4 script and right-to-left languagesC.


arning message

ill appear. 0ress %".


Warning: You must no

press #pplyDDD


ill copy the necessary files from the installation point.


You can no go to the ,egional %ptions ta! and select Israel in the Aocation drop-do n list+ and ;e!re in the Standards and Formats drop-do n list. Clic" %".



&ype your name and organi:ation.


&ype the product "ey.



&ype the computer name and a pass ord for the local #dministrator account. &he local #dministrator account resides in the S#) of the computer+ not in #ctive Directory. If you ill !e installing in a domain+ you need either a pre-assigned computer name for hich a domain account has !een created+ or the right to create a computer account ithin the domain.



Select the date+ time+ and time :one settings.




ill no

install the net or"ing components.

#fter a fe seconds you ill receive the $et or"ing Settings indo . E&.+ if you have a $IC that is not in the ;CA 'see the .hat1s the ;CAF page( and /0 cannot detect it+ or if you don1t have a $IC at all+ setup ill s"ip this step and you ill immediately go to the final phase of the setup process. 0ress $e4t to accept the &ypical settings option if you have one of the follo ing situations9

You have a functional D;C0 on your net or". You have a computer running Internet Connection Sharing 'ICS(. You1re in a or"group environment and do not plan to have any other servers or #ctive Directory at all+ and all other or"group mem!ers are configured in the same manner.


%ther ise select Custom Settings and press $e4t to customi:e your net or" settings.



%ne thing you C#$ do 'you don1t have to do it+ it1s your call - read more a!out it on the Increase Internet Connection Speed in .indo s /0 page( is to uninstall the Gos 0ac"et Scheduler. Clic" it and press the @ninstall !utton. If you ant to "eep it you can simply remove the mar" from the GoS chec"-!o4. In any ay you can later install or uninstall it if you ant.

Beep the &C0HI0+ Client for )icrosoft $et or"s and the File and 0rint Sharing options selected. 7. ;ighlight the &C0HI0 selection and press 0roperties.


In the ?eneral ta! enter the re-uired information. You must specify the I0 address of the computer+ and if you don1t "no hat the Su!net )as" entry should !e - you can simply place your mouse pointer over the empty area in the Su!net )as" !o4 and clic" it. &he %S ill automatically select the value it thin"s is good for the I0 address you provided.


If you don1t "no hat these values mean+ or if you don1t "no hat to rite in them+ press cancel and select the &ypical Settings option. You can easily change these values later. =. In the .or"group or Domain domain. # indo enter the name of your or"group or

or"group is a small group of computers on a net or" that ena!les users to or" together and does not support centrali:ed administration.

# domain is a logical grouping of computers on a net or" that has a central security data!ase for storing security information. Centrali:ed security and administration are important for computers in a domain !ecause they ena!le an administrator to easily manage computers that are geographically distant from each other. # domain is administered as a unit ith common rules and procedures. 6ach domain has a uni-ue name+ and each computer ithin a domain has a uni-ue name.

If you1re a stand-alone computer+ or if you don1t "no hat to enter+ or if you don1t have the sufficient rights to 5oin a domain - leave the default entry selected and press $e4t.


If you ant to 5oin a domain '$& 2.< domain of .2BH2<<* #ctive Directory domain( enter the domain1s name in the CYes+ ma"e this computer a mem!er of the follo ing domainC !o4.


&o successfully 5oin a domain you need the follo ing9


&he person performing the installation must have a user account in #ctive Directory. &his account does not need to !e the domain #dministrator account.

&he computer must have an e4isting computer account in the #ctive Directory data!ase of the domain that the computer is 5oining+ and the computer must !e named e4actly as its domain account is named.


&he person performing the installation must have appropriate permission to create a domain account for the computer during installation.

#lso+ you need to have connectivity to the domain1s domain controllers 'only to the 0DC if on an $& 2.< domain( and a fully functional D$S server 'only in #D domains(. ,ead the Ioining a Domain in .indo s /0 0ro and ,e-uirements hen Ioining a Domain pages for more on this issue. 6nter the #ctive Directory domain name 'in the form of 444.yyy+ for e4ample9 D06&,I.$6&( or the $etEI%S name of the $& 2.< domain 'in the form of 444+ for e4ample9 D06&,I(. 0ress $e4t. Note: If you provide a rong domain name or do not have the correct connectivity to the domain1s D$S server you ill get an error message. # usernameHpass ord indo ill appear. 6nter the name and pass ord of the domain1s administrator 'or your o n if you1re the administrator on the target domain(.


Note: 0roviding a

rong username or pass ord

ill cause this phase to fail.

1<. $e4t the setup process ill finish copying files and configuring the setup. You do not need to do anything.


11. #fter the copying and configuring phase is finished+ if /0 finds that you have a !adly configured screen resolution it ill advise you to change it and as" you if you see the ne settings right.


E&.+ the minimum supported screen resolution in /0 is 7<</6<<. 12. Setup finishes and !oots .indo s /0.


1*. # .elcome screen is the first thing you see. &he computer chec"s your Internet connectivity 're-uired for the mandatory #ctivation and voluntary ,egistration processes(.



ill !e as"ed to register your copy of /0. You can decline if you



12. /0 ill as" you for the default username that ill log onto this computer. You can enter as many as 3 users+ !ut you can create more after the installation is finished. E&.+ the #dministrator is not sho n as a valid logon option 'read more a!out it on the #dd the #dministrator1s #ccount to the .elcome Screen in /0 0ro page(.

13. &hat1s itD you1re doneD


(PERAT%($ S"EET 3.A Installing *ri"er Steps: 3! +ight click My Computer

4! Click Manage 'the Computer management will open(

1! Click *e"ice Manager 'de"ices with A indicates that the dri"ers are not installed(


:! Insert the mother&oard dri"er into C* +8M!

;! Wait until the menu auto runs and presents us with a few options along the top including dri"ers and utilities!

B! click the dri"er you want to install then click ne7t


C! if this window appears don@t click# let it disappears after few seconds

D! Click Ne7t until the finest &utton appears

E! +emo"e the mother&oard *ri"er and -et it restart!


Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity


Computer Networ"ing
5asics A %rou8$es6ooting

Com#uter Cetwor,

4hat is meant b- the term HCom#uter Cetwor,IJ

Com#uters lin,ed to ether. To connect two or more com#uters to ether with the abilit- to communicate with each other.

BComputer Networ"C is an interconnected co$$ection o autonomous computers9

2 or more computers are said to 8e interconnected i t6e! are a8$e to e<c6ange in ormation9

Cote6+B- re8uirin the com#uters to be autonomous means Kthere is no master$sla&eL relationshi#. If one com#uter can forcibl- start: sto# or control other: the com#uters are not autonomous.

) computer networ" is a s!stem or communication 8etween computers9 %6ese networ"s ma! 8e i<ed 7ca8$ed: permanent= or temporar! 7as via modems=9

In t6e simp$est sense: networ"ing means connecting computers so t6at t6e! can s6are i$es: printers: app$ications: and ot6er computer4re$ated resources9

.e connect t6e computers to s6are: J J J J J -o$ders Perip6era$ 'evices #essages )pp$ications 'ata8ase

.ther de&ices i&e ca#abilit- for sharin abo&e: but the- do not et shared.


*oa$s o computer networ"ing:

Increased managea8i$it! Securit! ( icienc! Cost4e ectiveness

CategoriDing Computer Networ"s

Loca$ )rea Networ"s #etropo$itan )rea Networ"s .ide )rea Networ"s

Networ" Categor! C$ient 4 Server Peer %o Peer 7P2P=

Loca$ )rea Networ"

) $oca$ area networ" 7L)N= is a computer networ" covering a sma$$ $oca$ area: $i"e a 6ome: o ice or sma$$ group o 8ui$dings suc6 as a co$$ege9 Current L)Ns are most $i"e$! to 8e 8ased on switc6ed (t6ernet or .i4-i tec6no$og! running at rom 1; to 1;;;#8/s 7megabits per second=9

#etropo$itan )rea Networ"

#etropo$itan )rea Networ"s 7#)N= are $arge computer networ"s usua$$! spanning a campus or a cit!9 %6e! t!pica$$! use wire$ess in rastructure or optica$ i8er connections to $in" t6eir sites9

.ide )rea Networ"

) wide area networ" 7.)N= is a computer networ" covering a wide geograp6ica$ area: invo$ving a vast arra! o computers9 %6is is di erent rom persona$ area networ"s 7P)Ns=: metropo$itan area networ"s 7#)Ns= or $oca$ area networ"s 7L)Ns= t6at are usua$$! $imited to a room: 8ui$ding or campus9 The best example of a WAN is the Internet9

.)Ns are used to connect $oca$ area networ"s 7L)Ns= toget6er: so t6at users and computers in one $ocation can communicate wit6 users and computers in ot6er $ocations9

C$ient 4 Server

%6e C$ient/Server is a sca$a8$e arc6itecture: w6ere8! eac6 computer or process on t6e networ" is eit6er a c$ient or a server9 %6e no9 o c$ient computers is more t6an t6e Server Computers in suc6 networ"s9


Server so tware genera$$! runs on power u$ computers dedicated or running an app$ication9

C$ient so tware genera$$! runs on common PCs or wor"stations9 C$ients get most o t6eir in ormation and re$! on t6e app$ication server or t6ings suc6 as i$es: 8usiness app$ication programs: or to o $oad compute4intensive app$ication tas"s 8ac" to t6e server in order to "eep t6e c$ient computer ree to per orm ot6er tas"s9 Properties o a server: J J J Passive 7S$ave= .aiting or re0uests On re0uests serves t6em and send a rep$!

Properties o a c$ient: J J J )ctive 7#aster= Sending re0uests .aits unti$ rep$! arrives

C$ient 4 Server

) t!pica$ e<amp$e or a C$ient E Server arc6itecture is an -%P server w6ere t6e c$ient and server programs are 0uite distinct: c$ients initiate t6e down$oad/up$oads and t6e servers respond to re0uests9 )not6er e<amp$e or a C$ient E Server arc6itecture is 'omain trees A orests o active director!9

Peer to Peer 7 P2P=

Peer4to4Peer: or a88reviated P2P: is a t!pe o networ" in w6ic6 eac6 wor"station 6as e0uiva$ent capa8i$ities and responsi8i$ities9 %6is di ers rom c$ient/server arc6itectures: in w6ic6 some computers are dedicated to serving t6e ot6ers9 Peer4to4peer networ"s are genera$$! simp$er: 8ut t6e! usua$$! do not o er t6e same per ormance under 6eav! $oads9 ) pure peer4to4peer networ" does not 6ave t6e notion o c$ients or


servers: 8ut on$! e0ua$ peer nodes t6at simu$taneous$! unction as 8ot6 FC$ientsF and FserversF to t6e ot6er nodes on t6e networ"9 %6is mode$ O networ" arrangement di ers rom t6e c$ient4server mode$ w6ere Communication is usua$$! to and rom a centra$ server9 It re$ies on t6e computing power and 8andwidt6 o t6e participants in

t6e networ" rat6er t6an concentrating it in a re$ative$! ew servers9

P2P networ"s are t!pica$$! used or connecting nodes via $arge$! ad hoc connections9 Suc6 networ"s are use u$ or man! purposes: $i"e 6aring content i$es containing audio: video: data or an!t6ing in digita$ ormat9 )n e<amp$e o Peer4to4peer networ"ing is t6e imp$ementation o a

Workgroup consisting o computers running #icroso t .indows or an! ot6er networ" operating s!stem9

Comparison P424P 7.or"group= J J J J J J (as! )dministration No S!s9 )dmin re0uired Low cost *roup o sma$$ No or Low Securit! Segregated &esources A #anagement

C$ient4Server J J J J J J 'i icu$t administration Needs S!s )dmin Hig6 Cost ,er! $arge Hig6 Securit! Centra$iDed &esource A management

'omain A .or"group .or"group: % lo ical rou#in of networ,ed com#uters that can share resources with each other. %lso called #eer+to+#eer n$w. % user who wants to lo on to a com#uter must ha&e an account in that com#uterLs local securit- database. % user with an account on one com#uter doesnLt necessaril- ha&e an- #ermissions or ri hts to resources on other com#uters. 'omain6 a collection of com#uters that share a common domain database and securit- #olic-. The domain database is stored b- one or more (er&ers called Hdomain controllerJ. 4or,stations are members of domain. %dministrator can control users: com#uters M other resources centrall- from 3C. %s the data is stored centrall-: a user can use his account name M #assword to lo on to an- member com#uter A#ro&ided he has ri hts to do soB.


Networ" %opo$og! ) networ" topo$og! is t6e pattern o $in"s connecting pairs o nodes o a networ"9 ) given node 6as one or more $in"s to ot6ers: and t6e $in"s can appear in a variet! o di erent s6apes9

'i erence 8/w L)N A .)N

%6e de ining c6aracteristics o L)Ns in contrast to .)Ns are:


muc6 6ig6er data rates: sma$$er geograp6ic range: and t6e! do not invo$ve $eased te$ecommunication $ines9

OSI &e erence #ode$

Nirtuall- all networ,s in use toda- are based in some fashion on the .#en (-stems Interconnection A.(IB standard. .(I was de&elo#ed in 10/4 b- the International .r aniEation for (tandardiEation AI(.B: a lobal federation of national standards or aniEations re#resentin a##ro"imatel- 13* countries. The core of this standard is the .(I 5eference Model: a set of se&en la-ers that define the different sta es that data must o throu h to tra&el from one de&ice to another o&er a networ,.

La!er G: )pp$ication + This is the la-er that actuall- interacts with the o#eratin s-stem or a##lication whene&er the user chooses to transfer files: read messa es or #erform other networ,+related acti&ities. La!er @: Presentation + La-er ' ta,es the data #ro&ided b- the %##lication la-er and con&erts it into a standard format that the other la-ers can understand. La!er ?: Session + La-er 5 establishes: maintains and ends communication with the recei&in de&ice.


La!er >: %ransport 4 This la-er maintains flow control of data and #ro&ides for error chec,in and reco&er- of data between the de&ices. 9low control means that the Trans#ort la-er loo,s to see if data is comin from more than one a##lication and inte rates each a##lication>s data into a sin le stream for the #h-sical networ,. La!er 3: Networ" 4 The wa- that the data will be sent to the reci#ient de&ice is determined in this la-er. Lo ical #rotocols: routin and addressin are handled here. La!er 2: 'ata 4 In this la-er: the a##ro#riate #h-sical #rotocol is assi ned to the data. %lso: the t-#e of networ, and the #ac,et se8uencin is defined. La!er 1: P6!sica$ 4 This is the le&el of the actual hardware. It defines the #h-sical characteristics of the networ, such as connections: &olta e le&els and timin .

%6e OSI &e erence #ode$ is rea$$! Hust a guide$ine9 )ctua$ protoco$ stac"s o ten com8ine one or more o t6e OSI $a!ers into a sing$e $a!er9 %CP/IP #ode$

%6e %CP/IP arc6itectura$ mode$ 6as our $a!ers t6at appro<imate$! matc6 si< o t6e seven $a!ers in t6e OSI &e erence #ode$9 %6e %CP/IP mode$ does not address t6e p6!sica$ $a!er: w6ic6 is w6ere 6ardware devices reside9 %6e ne<t t6ree $a!ersI network interface: internet and (host-to-host) transportIcorrespond to $a!ers 2: 3 and > o t6e OSI mode$9 %6e %CP/IP application $a!er conceptua$$! B8$ursC t6e top t6ree OSI $a!ers9


) set o ru$es or sending in ormation over a networ"9 Protoco$s can inc$ude ru$es concerning an! or a$$ o t6e o$$owing unctions:

'ata transmission mec6anisms Communication session initia$iDation and termination )ddressing and routing )ut6entication and veri ication (ncr!ption and compression (rror correction


Cote6+1rotocols are usuall- classified accordin to the la-er the- corres#ond to in the .#en (-stems Interconnection A.(IB reference model for networ,in .

Protoco$ Stac"s

) protoco$ stac" is a group o protoco$s t6at a$$ wor" toget6er to a$$ow so tware or 6ardware to per orm a unction9 %6e %CP/IP protoco$ stac" is a good e<amp$e9 It uses our $a!ers t6at map to t6e OSI mode$ as o$$ows:

La!er 1: Networ" Inter ace 4 This la-er combines the 1h-sical and 3ata la-ers and routes the data between de&ices on the same networ,. It also mana es the e"chan e of data between the networ, and other de&ices.

La!er 2: Internet 4 This la-er corres#onds to the Cetwor, la-er. The Internet 1rotocol AI1B uses the I1 address: consistin of a Cetwor, Identifier and a Host Identifier: to determine the address of the de&ice it is communicatin with.

La!er 3: %ransport 4 Corres#ondin to the .(I Trans#ort la-er: this is the #art of the #rotocol stac, where the Trans#ort Control 1rotocol ATC1B can be found. TC1 wor,s b- as,in another de&ice on the networ, if it is willin to acce#t information from the local de&ice. 1rotocols 6 O31: TC1.

La!er >: )pp$ication 4 La-er 4 combines the (ession: 1resentation and %##lication la-ers of the .(I model. 1rotocols for s#ecific functions such as e+mail A(im#le Mail Transfer 1rotocol: (MT1B and file transfer A9ile Transfer 1rotocol: 9T1B M HTT1 reside at this le&el. Protoco$s

H%%P -%P S#%P %CP U'P IP )&P IC#P Internet Contro$ #essage Protoco$

IP )ddress

) 3248it 7 or IP != $ogica$ address or a 6ost on a %CP/IP networ"9 (ac6 6ost on a %CP/IP networ" needs a uni0ue IP address or communication to ta"e p$ace re$ia8$! on t6e networ"9

%6e ormat o an IP address is a 3248it numeric address written as our num8ers separated 8! periods9 (ac6 num8er can 8e Dero to 2?? 7wit6 some restrictions=9 -or e<amp$e: 191@;91;92>; cou$d 8e an IP address9

) %!pica$ IP address $oo"s $i"e t6is: 21@92G9@1913G %o ma"e it eas! to remem8er: IP addresses are norma$$! e<pressed in decima$ ormat as a F dotted decimal numberF $i"e t6e one a8ove9 5ut computers communicate in 8inar! orm9 Loo" at t6e same IP address in 8inar!: 11;11;;;9;;;11;119;;1111;191;;;1;;1


%6e our num8ers in an IP address are ca$$ed : 8ecause t6e! eac6 6ave eig6t positions w6en viewed in 8inar! orm9 I !ou add a$$ t6e positions toget6er: !ou get 32: w6ic6 is w6! IP addresses are considered 3248it num8ers9 Since eac6 o t6e eig6t positions can 6ave two di erent states 71 or ;= t6e tota$ num8er o possi8$e com8inations per octet is 23 or 2?@9 So eac6 octet can contain an! va$ue 8etween ; and 2??9 Com8ine t6e our octets and !ou get 232 or a possi8$e >:22>:2@G:22@ uni0ue va$uesJ


)ddress &eso$ution Protoco$ 7)&P=

) %CP/IP networ" $a!er protoco$ responsi8$e or reso$ving IP addresses into #)C addresses9

.6en a %CP/IP4aware app$ication tries to access anot6er %CP/IP 6ost using its IP address: t6e destination 6ostKs IP address must irst 8e reso$ved into a #)C address so t6at t6e rame can 8e addressed and p$aced on t6e wire and t6en 8e recogniDed 8! t6e destination 6ostKs networ" inter ace card 7NIC=9 %6is is 8ecause networ" inter ace cards operate at t6e p6!sica$ $a!er 7$a!er 1= and data4$in" $a!er 7$a!er 2= o t6e Open S!stems Interconnection 7OSI= re erence mode$ and must use p6!sica$ addresses 7suc6 as #)C addresses= instead o $ogica$ addresses 7suc6 as IP addresses= or networ" communication9

IP )ddress %6e IP address o a 6ost is partitioned 8! t6e networ"Ks su8net mas" into two parts: a network I" and a host I"9

.6at is SU5N(% #)SLM

Su8net #as"

Su8net mas"s are used 8! %CP/IP services and app$ications to determine w6et6er a given IP address on an internet wor" is a $oca$ networ" address or a remote networ" address9 ItKs a 3248it num8er t6at is used to partition IP addresses into a networ" I' and a 6ost I'9

How Su8net mas" .or"s

) su8net mas" consists o 32 8inar! digits: t6e irst n o w6ic6 are 1s and t6e remaining o w6ic6 are ;s9 .6en t6e su8net mas" is $ogica$$! )N'ed wit6 a 3248it IP address o a %CP/IP 6ost: t6e resu$t is t6e networ" I' o t6e 6ostIt6e portions o t6e 6ostKs IP address t6at identi ies w6ic6 networ" t6e 6ost is on9 .6en t6e inverse o t6e su8net mas" 7 or e<amp$e: NO% mas"= is $ogica$$! )N'ed wit6 t6e IP address o t6e 6ost: t6e resu$t is t6e 6ost I' o t6e 6ostIt6e portion o t6e 6ostKs IP address t6at uni0ue$! identi ies t6e 6ost on its networ"9


IP )ddress C$asses

%6e octets serve a purpose ot6er t6an simp$! separating t6e num8ers9 %6e! are used to create c$asses o IP addresses t6at can 8e assigned to a particu$ar 8usiness: government or ot6er entit! 8ased on siDe and need9 %6e octets are sp$it into two sections: Net and Host9 %6e Net section a$wa!s contains t6e irst octet9 It is used to identi ! t6e networ" t6at a computer 8e$ongs to9 Host 7sometimes re erred to as Node= identi ies t6e actua$ computer on t6e networ"9 %6e Host section a$wa!s contains t6e $ast octet9 %6ere are ive IP c$asses p$us certain specia$ addresses:

'e au$t Networ" 4 %6e IP address o ;9;9;9; is used or t6e de au$t networ"9

C$ass ) 4 %6is c$ass is

or ver! $arge networ"s: suc6 as a maHor internationa$ compan! mig6t 6ave9 IP addresses wit6 a irst octet rom 1 to 12@ are part o t6is c$ass9 %6e ot6er t6ree octets are used to identi ! eac6 6ost9 %6is means t6at t6ere are 12@ C$ass ) networ"s eac6 wit6 1@:GGG:21> 722> 42= possi8$e 6osts or a tota$ o 2:1>G:>33:@>3 7231= uni0ue IP addresses9 C$ass ) networ"s account or 6a$ o t6e tota$ avai$a8$e IP addresses9 In C$ass ) networ"s: t6e 6ig6 order 8it va$ue 7t6e ver! irst 8inar! num8er= in t6e irst octet is a$wa!s ;9

Net 11?9

Host or Node 2>9?391;G

Loop8ac" 4 %6e IP address 12G9;9;91 is used as t6e $oop8ac" address9 %6is means t6at it is used 8! t6e 6ost computer to send a message 8ac" to itse$ 9 It is common$! used or trou8$es6ooting and networ" testing9

C$ass 5

4 C$ass 5 is used or medium4siDed networ"s9 ) good e<amp$e is a $arge co$$ege campus9 IP addresses wit6 a irst octet rom 123 to 121 are part o t6is c$ass9 C$ass 5 addresses a$so inc$ude t6e second octet as part o t6e Net identi ier9 %6e ot6er two octets are used to identi ! eac6 6ost9 %6is means t6at t6ere are 1@:33> 721>= C$ass 5 networ"s eac6 wit6 @?:?3> 721@ 42= possi8$e 6osts or a tota$ o 1:;G3:G>1:32> 723;= uni0ue IP addresses9 C$ass 5 networ"s ma"e up a 0uarter o t6e tota$ avai$a8$e IP addresses9 C$ass 5 networ"s 6ave a irst 8it va$ue o 1 and a second 8it va$ue o ; in t6e irst octet9

Net 1>?92>9 ?391;G

Host or Node

C$ass C 4 C$ass C addresses are common$! used

or sma$$ to mid4siDe 8usinesses9 IP addresses wit6 a irst octet rom 122 to 223 are part o t6is c$ass9 C$ass C addresses a$so inc$ude t6e second and t6ird octets as part o t6e Net identi ier9 %6e $ast octet is used to identi ! eac6 6ost9 %6is means t6at t6ere are 2:;2G:1?2 7221= C$ass C networ"s eac6 wit6 2?> 723 42= possi8$e 6osts or a tota$ o ?3@:3G;:212 7222= uni0ue IP addresses9 C$ass C networ"s ma"e up an eig6t6 o t6e tota$ avai$a8$e IP addresses9 C$ass C networ"s 6ave a irst 8it va$ue o 1: second 8it va$ue o 1 and a t6ird 8it va$ue o ; in t6e irst octet9 Net 12?92>9?39 Host or Node 1;G


C$ass ' 4 Used

or mu$ticasts: C$ass ' is s$ig6t$! di erent rom t6e irst t6ree c$asses9 It 6as a irst 8it va$ue o 1: second 8it va$ue o 1: t6ird 8it va$ue o 1 and ourt6 8it va$ue o ;9 %6e ot6er 23 8its are used to identi ! t6e group o computers t6e mu$ticast message is intended or9 C$ass ' accounts or 1/1@t6 72@3:>3?:>?@ or 223= o t6e avai$a8$e IP addresses9

Net 22>9

Host or Node 2>9?391;G

C$ass ( 4 C$ass ( is used

or e<perimenta$ purposes on$!9 Li"e C$ass ': it is di erent rom t6e irst t6ree c$asses9 It 6as a irst 8it va$ue o 1: second 8it va$ue o 1: t6ird 8it va$ue o 1 and ourt6 8it va$ue o 19 %6e ot6er 23 8its are used to identi ! t6e group o computers t6e mu$ticast message is intended or9 C$ass ( accounts or 1/1@t6 72@3:>3?:>?@ or 223= o t6e avai$a8$e IP addresses9

Net 2>;9

Host or Node 2>9?391;G

5roadcast + Messa es that are intended for all com#uters on a networ, are sent as broadcasts. These messa es alwa-s use the I1 address Networ"s t6at are direct$! connected to t6e Internet must 6ave t6eir IP addresses assigned 8! t6e Internet Networ" In ormation Center 7InterNIC= or some ot6er aut6orit!9 5usinesses usua$$! o8tain t6ese addresses t6roug6 t6eir $oca$ Internet service provider 7ISP=9 However: irewa$$ and pro<! server com8inations: w6ic6 are popu$ar on toda!Ks networ"s: 6ide a networ"Ks IP addresses rom ot6er 6osts on t6e Internet9 %6ese private networ"s can use an! IP addresses t6e! c6oose: a$t6oug6 InterNIC recommends t6e o$$owing IP address 8$oc"s or private networ"s:

C$ass ) networ"s: 1;9<9!9D

C$ass 5 networ"s: 1G291@9!9D t6roug6 1G29319!9D

C$ass C networ"s: 12291@39;9D t6roug6 12291@92??9D

Note t6e o$$owing considerations or va$id IP addressing:

%6e networ" I' cannot 8e 12G9 %6e networ" I' and 6ost I' cannot 8ot6 8e 2??9 %6e networ" I' and 6ost I' cannot 8ot6 8e ;9 %6e 6ost I' must 8e uni0ue or a given networ" I'9

Computer Names

Host Name Net5IOS Name

7#icroso t .indows 2;;; A $ater do not need t6e Net5IOS namesN 6owever: previous version o .indows re0uire Net5IOS to support networ"ing capa8i$ities9=

Host Name


)n a$ias given to a computer on a %CP/IP networ" to identi ! it on t6e networ"9

Host names are a riend$ier wa! o identi !ing %CP/IP 6osts t6an IP addresses: and 6ost names can 8e reso$ved into IP addresses 8! 6ost name reso$ution using a 'NS server or 6osts i$es9 Host names can inc$ude t6e c6aracters aED: )EO: ;E2: period: and das6 74=9 %o ensure u$$ compati8i$it! wit6 t6e 'omain Name S!stem 7'NS=: do not use an! ot6er specia$ c6aracters in 6ost names9 %IP: %o ind out t6e 6ost name o a computer running .indows N% or .indows 2;;;: t!pe hostname at t6e command prompt9

Net5IOS Name Net5IOS: Cetwor, Basic In#ut$.ut#ut (-stem: a s#ecification created b- IBM and Microsoft that allows distributed a##lications to access each otherLs networ, ser&ices inde#endent of the trans#ort #rotocol used. Net5IOS Name: % 1'+b-te name for a networ,in ser&ice or function on a machine runnin Microsoft 4indows CT. CetBI.( names are a more friendl- wa- of identif-in com#uters on a networ, than networ, numbers and are used bCetBI.(+enabled ser&ices and a##lications. CetBI.( names are used b- 4indows CT a##lications such as 4indows !"#lorer and Cetwor, Cei hborhood as well as b- the 4indows CT net commands. !ach ser&ice that is CetBI.(+enabled re8uires a uni8ue CetBI.( name to identif- it on the networ,. This CetBI.( name consists of a name assi ned to the com#uter durin installation: which can be u# to 15 characters: alon with a 1+b-te he"adecimal si"teenth character that identifies the t-#e of ser&ice or function. The 15+character name can be the com#uter name: the domain name: or the name of the user who is lo ed on.

%IP: %o view t6e Net5IOS names registered or !our computer: use t6e n8tstat command9

'omain Name S!stem 7'NS=

) 6ierarc6ica$ s!stem or identi !ing 6osts on t6e Internet or on a private: corporate %CP/IP internetwor"9 %6e 'omain Name S!stem 7'NS= provides

% method for identif-in hosts with friendl- names instead of I1 addresses % distributed mechanism for storin and maintainin lists of names and I1 addresses of hosts % method for locatin hosts b- resol&in their names into their associated I1 addresses so that networ, communication can be initiated with the host.

%6e 'NS is imp$emented as a distri8uted data8ase using name servers $ocated at various points on t6e Internet9 C$ients ca$$ed reso$vers can per orm name $oo"ups 8! contacting t6ese name servers: w6ic6 reso$ve 6ost names into IP addresses9

(ac6 name server on t6e Internet is responsi8$e or a su8set o t6e 'NS namespace "nown as a Done o aut6orit!9 (ac6 Done o aut6orit! can consist o one or more domains and su8domains9

%6e most important name servers on t6e Internet are t6e doDen or so root name servers: w6ic6 are responsi8$e or maintaining t6e in rastructure o t6e domain name s!stem9 %6ese root name servers are maintained most$! 8! t6e Internet Networ" In ormation Center 7InterNIC= and 8! U9S9 mi$itar! agencies


)$t6oug6 'NS is used main$! or t6e Internet: $arge private %CP/IP internetwor"s can a$so use 'NS interna$$! wit6 t6eir own name servers9 %6e main advantage o doing t6is is t6at 6ost names are riend$ier t6an IP addresses9 On sma$$er %CP/IP networ"s: 6osts i$es can 8e used instead o 'NS: w6i$e on .indows N%E8ased networ"s: .indows Internet Naming Service 7.INS= is o ten used or Net5IOS name reso$ution9 .indows N% Server 6as an insta$$a8$e service ca$$ed t6e #icroso t 'NS Service: w6ic6 a$$ows .indows N% servers to unction as name servers ca$$ed 'NS servers9

&outer ) networ"ing device t6at is used to e<tend or segment networ"s 8! orwarding pac"ets rom one $ogica$ networ" to anot6er9 &outers are most o ten used in $arge internetwor"s t6at use t6e %CP/IP protoco$ suite and or connecting %CP/IP 6osts and $oca$ area networ"s 7L)Ns= to t6e Internet using dedicated $eased $ines9 &outers wor" at t6e networ" $a!er 7$a!er 3= o t6e Open S!stems Interconnection 7OSI= re erence mode$ or networ"ing to move pac"ets 8etween networ"s using t6eir $ogica$ addresses 7w6ic6: in t6e case o %CP/IP: are t6e IP addresses o destination 6osts on t6e networ"=9 *atewa!s are essentia$$! devices t6at direct networ" tra ic in some as6ion and trans$ate t6at in ormation9 %6e! are common$! used to provide connectivit! 8etween two di erent protoco$ stac"s t6at mig6t 8e running on di erent s!stems9

-irewa$$ )n! s!stem or device t6at a$$ows sa e networ" tra ic to pass w6i$e restricting or den!ing unsa e tra ic9 -irewa$$s are usua$$! dedicated mac6ines running at t6e gatewa! point 8etween !our $oca$ networ" and t6e outside wor$d: and are used to contro$ w6o 6as access to !our private corporate networ" rom t6e outsideI or e<amp$e: over t6e Internet9 #ore genera$$!: a irewa$$ is an! s!stem t6at contro$s communication 8etween two networ"s9 ) irewa$$ is essentia$$! a "ind o router or computer wit6 two networ" inter ace cards t6at i$ters incoming networ" pac"ets9 %6is device is o ten ca$$ed a pac"et4 i$tering router9

Patc6 Ca8$es ) s6ort ca8$e: usua$$! uns6ie$ded twisted4pair 7U%P= ca8$ing: t6at connects a port on a patc6 pane$ to a port on a 6u8 or a switc69 Patc6 ca8$es are usua$$! terminated at 8ot6 ends wit6 &P4>? connectors9 Patc6 Ca8$es are o two t!pes: J J Para$$e$ Ca8$e: %o connect 2 dissimi$ar devices: Cross Ca8$e: %o connect 2 simi$ar devices9

Para$$e$/Straig6t ca8$es


Crosso&er Cable



Networ" Inter ace Cards )n adapter card t6at p$ugs into t6e s!stem 8us o a computer and a$$ows t6e computer to send and receive signa$s on a networ"9 ) networ" inter ace card 7NIC= is a$so "nown as a networ" adapter card or simp$! a networ" card9 NICs can 6ave one or more connectors or ca8$ing to 8e attac6ed: suc6 as J J J Switc6 Hu8 %lso called a re#eater hub: the basic networ,in com#onent used in traditional 1*+Mb#s !thernet networ,s to connect networ, stations to form a local area networ, AL%CB. Hubs can be used for J J Connectin about a doEen com#uters to form a wor, rou# or de#artmental L%C Connectin other hubs in a cascaded star to#olo - to form a lar er L%C of u# to rou hl- a hundred com#uters )n! device t6at can contro$ t6e $ow o e$ectrica$ signa$s9 In t6e conte<t o contro$$ing data $ow wit6in a networ": t6e term Bswitc6C is a$so used to descri8e a data4$in" $a!er device t6at routes rames 8etween connected networ"s9 Loca$ area networ" 7L)N= switc6es: Used to route (t6ernet rames over a %CP/IP internetwor"N a$so ca$$ed (t6ernet switc6es &P4>? connector or twisted4pair ca8$ing 7t6e most common t!pe= 5NC connector or t6innet ca8$ing '51? connector or connecting drop ca8$es to t6ic"net ca8$ing9

The hub recei&es si nals from each station and re#eats the si nals to all other stations connected to the hub. Hubs thus #erform the function of a re#eater and are sometimes called multi#ort re#eaters. 4or, on 1h-sical La-er. (tations wired into a hub form a star to#olo -.

Troubleshootin M Commands Networ" Components

%6ere are > components re0uired in a mac6ine to 8e in a networ": J J J )dapter C$ient Service Protoco$



)dapter is the CIC: needed to #h-sicall- connect to the networ,. C$ient service is used to access ser&er$resource on the networ,.! 6 Client for Microsoft Cetwor,s: Client for Cet4are Cetwor,s. Protoco$ is a set of rules for sendin information o&er a networ,. ! 6 TC1$I1: CetB!OI: I1=$(1=. Service is bac, round #rocess in an os that #ro&ides some s#ecific functionalit-. ! 6 (er&er ser&ice in Microsoft 4indows CT and 4indows 2*** and 9ile and 1rinter (harin for Microsoft Cetwor,s in Microsoft 4indows 05 and 4indows 0/: both of which enable sharin of resources o&er the networ,. % Microsoft 4indows 05: 4indows 0/: and 4indows 2*** networ,in com#onent that ma,es it #ossible to access file and #rint ser&ices on 4indows 05: 4indows 0/: 4indows CT: 4indows 2***: 4indows for 4or, rou#s: and L%C Mana er dedicated ser&ers and #eer ser&ers. Client for Microsoft Cetwor,s wor,s with an- combination of CetB!OI: I1=$(1=+Com#atible 1rotocol: and TC1$I1 #rotocols. Client for Microsoft Cetwor,s cannot be used for accessin non+ Microsoft ser&ers such as Co&ell Cet4are ser&ers. @ou must install Client for Cet4are Cetwor,s to access these ser&ers. 4indows 05 and 4indows 0/ allow -ou to install more than one client at a time to access different ,inds of ser&ers on the networ,. How It 4or,s6 Ose the Cetwor, utilit- in Control 1anel to install Client for Microsoft Cetwor,s on a com#uter runnin 4indows 05 or 4indows 0/. Then use the #ro#ert- sheet of Client for Microsoft Cetwor,s to confi ure the com#uter to either #artici#ate in a wor, rou# or lo on to a 4indows CT or 4indows 2*** domain.

Commands PIN* IPCON-I* N5%S%)% &(P)I& %&)C(&% PIN* Stands or Pac"et Internet *roper: a %CP/IP uti$it! t6at veri ies t6e integrit! o a networ" connection wit6 a 6ost on a %CP/IP networ"9 %6e ping command is one o t6e irst commands to use to trou8$es6oot communication pro8$ems on a %CP/IP networ"9 %6e usua$ procedure or using ping to trou8$es6oot a %CP/IP networ" o$$ows: J J J J ,eri ! t6at %CP/IP is insta$$ed and running 8! pinging t6e $oca$ $oop8ac" address using ping #$%&'&'&#9 Ping !our own IP address and 6ost name9 Ping t6e IP address o t6e de au$t gatewa! or !our $oca$ networ"9 Ping t6e IP address o a 6ost on a remote networ"9 Ipcon ig 'isp$a!s a$$ current %CP/IP networ" con iguration va$ues and re res6es '!namic Host Con iguration Protoco$ 7'HCP= and 'omain Name S!stem 7'NS= settings9 Used wit6out parameters: ipcon ig disp$a!s t6e IP address: su8net mas": and de au$t gatewa! or a$$ adapters9 S!nta<: Ipcon ig Parameters:

/a$$ : 'isp$a!s t6e u$$ %CP/IP con iguration or a$$ adapters9 .it6out t6is parameter: ipcon ig disp$a!s on$! t6e IP address: su8net mas": and de au$t gatewa! va$ues or eac6 adapter9 )dapters can represent p6!sica$ inter aces: suc6 as insta$$ed networ" adapters: or $ogica$ inter aces: suc6 as dia$4up connections9 /renew QAdapterR : &enews 'HCP con iguration or a$$ adapters 7i an adapter is not speci ied= or or a speci ic adapter i t6e Adapter parameter is inc$uded9 %6is parameter is avai$a8$e on$! on computers wit6 adapters t6at are con igured to o8tain an IP address automatica$$!9 /re$ease QAdapterR : Sends a 'HCP&(L()S( message to t6e 'HCP server to re$ease t6e current 'HCP con iguration and discard t6e IP address con iguration or eit6er a$$ adapters 7i an adapter is not speci ied= or or a speci ic adapter


-ew %rou8$es6ooting Steps

C6ec" t6e IP )ddress9 C6ec" t6e Su8net mas": de au$t gatewa!: 'NS9 Ping $oop8ac" ip: se$ ip: gatewa!: t6en remote mac6ine9 'isa8$e irewa$$s A I((( aut6entication9 'rivers A ot6er t6ings $i"e $an ca8$e: port etc9

Networ": ) co$$ection o computers: disp$a! termina$s: printers: and ot6er devices $in"ed eit6er 8! p6!sica$ or wire$ess means9

Computer Networ"ing P P Internet: ) wor$d4wide networ" connecting mi$$ions o computer networ"s or t6e purpose o e<c6anging data and communications using specia$ ru$es o communication9 internet: 7$ower case i= )n! networ" connecting two or more computer networ"s9

Starting o Networ"ing

12@@: )&P) 7)dvanced &esearc6 ProHects )genc!= State 'e ense 'epartmentKs researc6 organiDation9 7 7 7 7 -ocused maHor deve$opment e ort on computer networ"ing9 )&P)Ks *oa$: %o promote researc6 in advanced uture tec6no$ogies 8! unding universit! and industr! researc6 proposa$s9 &esu$t: %6ousands o data8ases 8ecame avai$a8$e to t6e pu8$ic

%!pes o connections o computers into networ"s: P6!sica$ versus .ire$ess connections

%6e irst t!pe: %6e P6!sica$ Connection9 P6!sica$$! connect computers toget6er9 Use o wires or optica$ ca8$es9 %6e connections are ca$$ed networ" $in"s9

%6ree most common p6!sica$ $in"s: %wisted pair Coa<ia$ ca8$e -i8er4optic ca8$e

1:4 %wisted pair P %wo wires twisted toget6er9 7 P #a"es t6em $ess suscepti8$e to acting $i"e an antenna and pic"ing up radio re0uenc! in ormation or app$iance noise9

%e$ep6one Compan! uses twisted4pair copper wires to $in" te$ep6ones9


2:4 Coa<ia$ ca8$e P )$so two wires: 7 7 7 7 One o t6e wires is woven o ine strands o copper orming a tu8e9 %6e wire mes6 surrounds a so$id copper wire t6at runs down t6e center9 Space 8etween 6as a non4conducting materia$9 #a"es t6em more impervious to outside noise9

3:4 -i8er4optic ca8$e


Lig6t is e$ectromagnetic9 Can transmit more in ormation down a sing$e strand9 7 It can send a wider set o re0uencies9

(ac6 ca8$e can send severa$ t6ousand p6one conversations or computer communications9

Second t!pe o connections o computers into networ"s: .ire$ess connections


%6e $in" is made using e$ectromagnetic energ! t6at goes t6roug6 space instead o a$ong wires or ca8$es9 %6ree t!pes o wire$ess communications common$! used in networ"ing: 7 7 7 In rared &adio re0uenc! #icrowave


1:4 In rared


Common$! used in %, and ,C& remote contro$s9 Use in rared re0uencies o e$ectromagnetic radiation t6at 8e6ave muc6 $i"e visi8$e $ig6t9 #ust 8e in t6e $ine o sig6t9 O ten used to connect "e!8oards: mice: and printers9

2:4 &adio re0uenc!

Uses radio re0uencies9 7 -unction even t6oug6 $ine o sig6t is interrupted9

Not common$! used 8ecause o t6e possi8$e inter erence rom ot6er sources o e$ectromagnetic radiation suc6 as o$d e$ectric dri$$s and urnace motors9

3:4 #icrowave


O ten used to communicate wit6 distant $ocations9 #ust 8e $ine o sig6t9 Sate$$ite communications use microwaves9

Properties o %ransmission

-ive 8asic properties o 8ot6 t6e p6!sica$ and wire$ess $in"s: 19 %!pe o signa$ communicated 7ana$og or digita$=9 29 %6e speed at w6ic6 t6e signa$ is transmitted 76ow ast t6e data trave$s=9 39 %6e t!pe o data movement a$$owed on t6e c6anne$ 7one4wa!: two4wa! ta"ing turns: two4wa! simu$taneous$!=9 >9 %6e met6od used to transport t6e data 7as!nc6ronous or s!nc6ronous transmission=9 ?9 Sing$e c6anne$ 78ase8and= and mu$tic6anne$ 78road8and= transmission9


%!pe o signa$ communicated 7ana$og or digita$=9


%6ose signa$s t6at var! wit6 smoot6 continuous c6anges9 7 ) continuous$! c6anging signa$ simi$ar to t6at ound on t6e spea"er wires o a 6ig64 ide$it! stereo s!stem9


%6ose signa$s t6at var! in steps or Humps rom va$ue to va$ue9 %6e! are usua$$! in t6e orm o pu$ses o e$ectrica$ energ! 7represent ;s or 1s=9

%6e speed at w6ic6 t6e signa$ is transmitted 76ow ast t6e data trave$s=9

In digita$ s!stems: Speed is measured in999

5its per second 78ps=9 P %6e num8er o 8its 7;Ks and 1Ks= t6at trave$ down t6e c6anne$ per second9

5aud rate P P %6e num8er o 8its t6at trave$ down t6e c6anne$ in a given interva$9 %6e num8er is given in signa$ c6anges per second: not necessari$! 8its per second9

#O'(# 4 #odu$ator 'emodu$ator

Outgoing: Converts 8inar! data rom computer 7digita$= into te$ep6one compati8$e signa$s 7ana$og=9

Incoming: Converts te$ep6one signa$ 7ana$og= into 8inar! data or t6e computer 7digita$=9

Can 8e an e<terna$ or interna$ device 7usua$$! a BcardC=9

%6e t!pe o data movement a$$owed on t6e c6anne$9



Simp$e< transmission 4 One wa! transmission9 Ha$ 4dup$e< transmission 4 -$ows on$! one wa! at a time9 -u$$4dup$e< transmission 4 %wo4wa! transmission at t6e same time9

>9 %6e met6od used to transport t6e data9

%wo t!pes o data transmission: eac6 re0uiring a di erent modem9

a:4)s!nc6ronous transmission 4 In ormation is sent 8!te 8! 8!te9 C6eaper and more common$! used9

8:4S!nc6ronous transmission 4 'ata is sent in $arge 8$oc"s rat6er t6an in sma$$ pieces9 Preceded 8! specia$ in ormation: concerning error detection and 8$oc" siDe9 %6ese modems are e<pensive 8ut ver! ast9

Sing$e c6anne$ versus mu$tic6anne$ transmission

C6anne$ 4 ) pat6 o a signa$9

Sing$e c6anne$ 4 Capa8$e o on$! sending/receiving one signa$ at a time9 7 P6one $ine: Sing$e $ine S sing$e p6one ca$$ at a time9

#u$tic6anne$ 4 Capa8$e o more t6an one c6anne$ at a time9 7 -i8er4optic ca8$e: microwaves: Sate$$ite transmissions

How is it possi8$e to measure t6e capacit! o communications $in"sM

5andwidt6( 'igita$


7 7 7

Num8er o 8its per second 78ps= t6at can 8e sent over a $in"9 %6e wider t6e 8andwidt6: t6e more diverse "inds o in ormation can 8e sent9 Simp$est is voice: most sop6isticated is moving videos9

5andwidt6( )na$og 7 7 %6e di erence 8etween t6e 6ig6est and $owest re0uencies t6at can 8e sent over an ana$og $in" 7$i"e p6one $ines=9 #easurement is given in 6ertD 7HD=9

-or 8ot6( %6e wider t6e 8andwidt6: t6e more in ormation can $ow over t6e c6anne$9

Node: %6e generic name given to a$$ devices 6oo"ed up to a networ"9


(ac6 node must 6ave a uni0ue address assigned to t6em 8! t6e networ"9 Networ"s are eit6er direct4connected or t6ose t6at are not direct$! $in"ed9 7 'irect4connected networ": %6ose w6ose nodes 6ave direct connections t6roug6 eit6er p6!sica$ or wire$ess $in"s9 P Point4to4point: Simp$est version o direct4connected networ"9 Connecting two computing s!stems9 Q 7 (<amp$e o point to point: Home to ISP9

(<amp$e o a networ" t6at is not direct$! $in"ed: Internet9

%6e 8us networ" E


) continuous coa<ia$ ca8$e to w6ic6 a$$ t6e devices are attac6ed9 )$$ nodes can detect a$$ messages sent a$ong t6e 8us9

%6e ring networ" 4 P P Nodes $in"ed toget6er to orm a circ$e9 ) message sent out rom one node is passed a$ong to eac6 node in 8etween unti$ t6e target node receives t6e message9


%6e star networ" E


(ac6 node is $in"ed to a centra$ node9 )$$ messages are routed t6roug6 t6e centra$ node: w6o de$ivers it to t6e proper node9

%6e tree networ" 4 76ierarc6ica$ networ"=

Loo"s $i"e an upside4down tree w6ere end nodes are $in"ed to interior nodes t6at a$$ow $in"ing t6roug6 to anot6er end node9

L)N 7Loca$ )rea Networ"= P P ) co$$ection o nodes wit6in a sma$$ area9 %6e nodes are $in"ed in a 8us: ring: star: tree: or u$$! connected topo$og! networ" con iguration9

5ene its o L)Ns: 7 7 7 7 7 S6aring o 6ardware resources9 S6aring o so tware and data9 Conso$idated wiring/ca8$ing9 Simu$taneous distri8ution o in ormation9 #ore e icient person4to4person communication9

#)N 7#etropo$itan )rea Networ"= P P Consists o man! $oca$ area networ"s $in"ed toget6er9 Span t6e distance o Hust a ew mi$es9

.)N 7.ide )rea Networ"= P P Consists o a num8er o computer networ"s inc$uding L)Ns9 Connected 8! man! t!pes o $in"s9


Securit! o a Networ"

(nterprise and intranet networ"s: Corporations: government agencies: and ot6er organiDations 6ave created t6eir own interna$ networ"s9

-irewa$$: ) set o programs t6at monitor a$$ communication passing into and out o a corporationKs intranet9 P He$ps prevent: 8ut doesnKt e$iminate: unaut6oriDed access9

*enera$ Networ"ing
19 /: .6at is an IP )ddressesM

I1 (tands for Internet 1rotocol. %n I1 %ddress is the identifier where other com#uters on the networ, can contact -our com#uter: when -ou are connected to the networ, usin the TC1$I1 #rotocols. The format of I1 addresses are 32bit numerical addresses in 4 rou#s of 3. It is ran ed from *+255. 9or e"am#le6 This number allows -our com#uter to be uni8ue on the same networ,: and able to communicate with other com#uters on the networ,.

29 /: .6at is '!namic IP )ddressingM

3-namic I1 %ddressin is where the com#uter will automaticall- be assi ned a new I1 %ddress. This I1 %ddress will be uni8ue to the networ, that it is wor,in on: and should not be the same as an- other com#uter on the same networ,.

39 /: .6at is Static IP )ddressingM (tatic I1 %ddressin is where the com#uter will ha&e a #reconfi ured I1 %ddress. This %ddress will ne&er chan e: and will alwa-s be the same. This scheme should be used if -ou want to ,ee# the same settin s on each com#uter all the time. If the subnet of the networ, chan es Asubnet is the first 3 rou#s of the I1B the subnet of the static com#uter must also chan e.


Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity O#ERA!ION S'EE! ()&

Steps: 3! +ight click Network places icon

4! Click ,roperties


1! +ight click local area connection icon then click properties! :!

;! Click internet protocol (TCP/IP) from the list &o7! B!


C! Click use the following I, /**+0SS type the following: I, /ddress : 3E4!3BD!4! F of computer Su&net mask : G<ust press ta& after configuring I, address@ *efault gateway : 3E4!3BD!4!3 'router I, address( ,referred *NS Ser"er : Gask your IS,@ or you can used your router I, /ddress D! Click ok &utton Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity Self F !heck 2.2 A. Direction1 #rite your ans#er on the space provided for1 6ill the &lank 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. the act or #ractice of di&idin the stora e s#ace of a hard dis, dri&e into se#arate data areas 1ossible number in first octet in class C I1 address The recommended t-#e of installation 3escribe the format of I1 %ddress t-#e of networ, in which each wor,station has e8ui&alent ca#abilities and res#onsibilities.


Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity

Activity Sheet 3.2 %$STA''%$D (PERAT%$D SGSTE0 A$D DR%CERS

Supplies and materials /cti"ity Sheet UT, +9:; Materials# tools and 0$uipment 8perating System Mother&oard dri"er Ca&le tester Crimper Wire Cutter 6unctional Computer Switch %u& *irection: the following e7ercises re$uired you to install the operating system and dri"ers 3! Install operating system using Windows H, or +elated operating system using NT6S as file system with the partition of : BIJ for dri"e C: and :IJ for *ri"e *: 113

4! Install all dri"er dri"ers! 1! Configure TC,KI, address using Class C! :! Crimp ST+/IL%T T%+8UL% and perform sharing of printer and do ,+INT T0ST to functional computer! ;! Crimp Cross 8"er and perform Sharing of folder! B! 2ack up My *ocuments using *aily 2ack up!

Module Title : Configuring Computer Systems and Networks -8 4 : Configure computer systems and networks Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity

#rogram 0 Course Unit of Competen2y Modu%e !it%e

" Computer 'ardware Ser1i2ing NC II " Configure Computer Systems and Networks " Configuring Computer Systems and Networks

Learning Outcome 3: Inspect and test configured computer systems and networks! )SS(SS#(N% C&I%(&I): 3! 6inal inspections are undertaken to ensure that the configuration done on the systems and networks conforms with the manufacture@s instruction.manual 4! Computer systems and networks are checked to ensure safe operation! 1! +eport is prepared and completed according to company re$uirements! +eferences:


Modu%e !it%e : Configuring Computer Systems and Networks Lo3 : Inspect and test configured computer systems and networks! Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity L()&NIN* (+P(&I(NC(S / )C%I,I%I(S:

Learning Outcome 3: Inspect and test configured computer systems and networks! Learning )ctivities Specia$ Instruction

1. 5ead o#eration (heet 3.1 to 3.3

2. #erform o#eration sheet 3.1 to 3.3 3o not write an-thin on the module 1re#are a se#arate sheet of #a#er on the (elf+Chec, and %cti&it-.

3. 3o the (elf Chec,

2. 5ead acti&it- sheet 1.1 and #erform


Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity 8peration Sheet 1!3 !ask manager Checking 8S performance using Task Manage Steps: 3! ,ress Ctrl M /lt M *el

/t you can choice to end the process to switch the process to other program or to open a new task!

4! Click /pplication Ta&' you can see the running and not responding the &ottom programs(


1! Click ,rocess Ta&

)ou can select process program and you can end the process

:! Click ,erformance Ta&

)ou can see the performance of your system


;! Click Networking T/2

Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity 8peration Sheet 1!4 !esting #at24 Ca5%e Steps: 3! Let the patch ca&le!

4! insert the patch ca&le to +9:; port to ca&le tester


1! 8&ser"e the light of ca&le tester if the 3 to D led are lighted e$ually! Note: if Straight through the 3 to D led of ca&le tester are lighted concurrently! If Cross o"er the light of No! 3 is No! 1 to the other end No! 4 is No! B to the other end No! 1 is No! 3 to the other end No! 4 is No! B to the other end The other end No! is simultaneously!

Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity Self F !heck A.2 A. Direction1 #rite your ans#er on the space provided for1 0numeration: 3! Neys to open Task manager a! &! c! 4! -ight of ca&le tester a! Straight trought 3 to 4 to 1 to : to ; to B to C to D to &! Cross o"er 3 to 4 to 1 to : to ; to


B to C to D to

Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity

Activity Sheet A.2 !heckin (peratin System And $et#ork

Supplies and materials /cti"ity Sheet UT, +9:; Materials# tools and 0$uipment Ca&le tester Crimper Wire Cutter Switch %u& *irection: the following e7ercises re$uired you to check the 8S and Ca&le 3! Check the processes and terminate the process of the suspicious "iruses 4! Check the patch ca&le ether the patch ca&le is Cross o"er or Straight Trough!


Modu%e !it%e : Configuring Computer Systems and Networks Lo3 : Inspect and test configured computer systems and networks! Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity Assessment #%an #rogram 0 Course Unit of Competen2y Modu%e !it%e " Computer 'ardware Ser1i2ing NC II " Configure Computer Systems and Networks " Configuring Computer Systems and Networks
)ssessment #et6ods Ora$ /uestioning 'emonstration .or" Samp$e O8servation .rite %est

)ssessment Criteria

LO 19 #LAN AN* #RE#ARE FOR CONFI URA!ION 3! Configuring computer systems and networks identified from the 9o&.Ser"ice 8rder or instructions! 4! ,lanning and preparing <o& re$uirements! 1! 6ollowed 8%S policies and procedures of <o& re$uirements! :! Checking computer systems and networks configuration with specified re$uirements! ;! Checking necessary tools# e$uipment materials as per <o& re$uirements LO 29 CONFI URE COM#U!ER SYS!EMS AN* NE!.OR-S


3! /ppropriate ,ersonal ,rotecti"e 0$uipment are used and 8%S policies and procedures followed 4! Checking normal function of systems and networks in accordance with manufacturer@s instructions 1! *iagnosing fault or pro&lem in the systems and networks in line with the standard operating procedures! :! Configuring computer systems and networks in line with the standard operating procedures! LO 39 INS,0CT /N* T0ST C8N6ILU+0* C8M,UT0+ S)ST0MS /N* N0TW8+NS 3! undertaking final inspections to ensure that the configuration done on the systems and networks conforms with the manufacture@s instruction.manual 4! Checking computer systems and networks to ensure safe operation as per <o& re$uirements! 1! Completing report is prepared according to company re$uirements!

Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity 8&ser"ation Checklist Trainees@ Name: Trainer@s Name: Name of School: Competency Standards: Unit of Competency: Instructions for the trainer: 3! 8&ser"e the trainee Oinsert description of acti"ity &eing o&ser"edP! 4! *escri&e the assessment acti"ity and the date of which it was undertaken! 1! ,lace a tick in the &o7 to show that the student completed each aspect of the acti"ity to the standard e7pected in the enterprise! :! Complete the feed&ack sections of the form! *ate of 8&ser"ation *escription of assessment acti"ity -ocation of assessment acti"ity The TraineeQ! If yes# tick the &o7 Can


*id the trainees o"erall performance meet the standardA 6eed&ack to trainee: Trainer@s Signature:

)es *ate:


Module Title : Installing Computer Systems and Networks /ssessment ,lan Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity 8&ser"ation and Ruestioning Checklist Trainees@ Name: Trainer@s Name: Name of School: Competency Standards: Unit of Competency: Instructions for the trainer: 3! 8&ser"e the trainee Oinsert description of acti"ity &eing o&ser"edP! 4! *escri&e the assessment acti"ity and the date of which it was undertaken! 1! ,lace a tick in the &o7 to show that the student completed each aspect of the acti"ity to the standard e7pected in the enterprise! :! /sk the student a selection of the $uestions from the attached list to confirm his.her underpinning knowledge! ;! ,lace a tick in the &o7 to show that the student answered the $uestions correctly! B! Complete the feed&ack sections of the form! *ate of 8&ser"ation *escription of assessment acti"ity -ocation of assessment acti"ity


The TraineeQ! Can *id the trainees o"erall performance meet the standardA 6eed&ack to trainee: Trainer@s Signature: Module Title :

If yes# tick the &o7

)es *ate:


Installing Computer Systems and Networks /ssessment ,lan Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity *emonstration

Philippine International Technological School

Trainees@ Name: Trainer@s Name: Name of School: Competency Standards: Unit of Competency: Instructions for the trainer: Li"en the necessary materials the trainee must &e a&le to: Materials and 0$uipment:


The TraineeQ!

*uring the demonstration of skills# did the student: The trainee@s demonstration was:P Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Module Title : Installing Computer Systems and Networks /ssessment ,lan

to show if e"idence is demonstration )es No N./


Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity Written +eport Trainees@ Name: Trainer@s Name: Name of School: Competency Standards: Unit of Competency: Task )our Task is to: Oinsert description of taskP

Su&mission date: Use the checklist &efore as a &asis for <udging whether the trainee@s report meets the re$uired competency standards! The trainee@s reportQ! If yes# tick the &o7 Can *id the trainees o"erall performance meet the standardA )es No Comments:

Trainee@s Signature: Trainer@s Signature Module Title : Installing Computer Systems and Networks

*ate: *ate:


/ssessment ,lan Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity ,erformance Test Trainee@s Name: Competency : *ate: 3 *irections: C/-- T+/N00+# ask trainer to assess your performance in the following critical task and performance critical &elow! )ou will &e rated &ased on the o"erall e"aluation on the right side

Test /ttempt 4nd 1rd

8S0+/-- 0S/-U/TI8N -e"el ,0+68+M/NC0 -0S0/chie"ed : T Can perform this skills without super"ision and with initiati"e and adapta&ility to pro&lem situations! 1 T Can perform this skill satisfactorily without assistance or super"ision! 4 5 Can perform this skill satisfactorily# &ut re$uires some assistance and . or super"ision 3 5 Can perform this skill satisfactorily# &ut re$uires considera&le assistance and . or super"ision Teacher will initial le"el achie"e )es No N./

,erformance 6or accepta&le achie"ement# all items should recei"e a Yes6 or 7No6 response! Get from performance criteria of the module

Module title

Installing Computer Systems and Networks Assessment


Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity /nswer key 3!3 2. *rite the minimum system of the follo#in (peratin Systems, !P4 0emory "ard disk Cideo *indo#s >; 2< 0& 2B? 0& CDA.2< bit/ a 4/'3= '' me ahertE AMHEB *indo#s 3@@@ <: 0& 3D& CDA 133 MHE *indo#s =P professional A@@ <: 0& 2.? D& (u#er NG% A/** " '**B 0"6 &. Direction1 $ame the follo#in measurin tools and materials1




*ire !utter A.

!able Tester



Start up Disk


0otherboard Driver

Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity /nswer key 4!3 6ill the &lank 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 'is" Partitioning the act or #ractice of di&idin the stora e s#ace of a hard dis, dri&e into se#arate data areas 1224 223 1ossible number in first octet in class C I1 address %!pica$ Insta$$ation The recommended t-#e of installation Com#ose of 32 bits and 4 octet e&er- octet com#ose of / bits 3escribe the format of I1 %ddress Peer to Peer t-#e of networ, in which each wor,station has e8ui&alent ca#abilities and res#onsibilities.


Republic of the Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Philippine International Technological School

Jose Abad Santos St., Di os !ity /nswer key 1!3 0numeration: 3! Neys to open Task manager a! CT+&! /-T c! *0-0T0 4! -ight of ca&le tester a! Straight thought 3 to 3 4 to 4 1 to 1 : to : ; to ; B to B C to C D to D &! Cross o"er 3 to 1 4 to B 1 to 3 : to : ; to ; B to 4 C to C D to D


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