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Social Story

Heather Rutherford EDSE 443 Professor Muir December 9, 2013

Student Information:
Harry Potter 5th Grade 10 Years Old Diagnosed with Autism Harry Potter has a difficult time allowing other students to answer questions. If Harry knows the answer, he will answer it. He has a difficult time waiting for the teacher to call on him. If the teacher calls on another student, who does not answer right away, Harry will blurt out the answer. Harry will also blurt out the answer before the teacher has a chance to call on a student.

When involved in a class discussion, Harry will raise his hand before speaking, 9 out of 10 times for 3 weeks, as measured by a teacher-made observation checklist.

I can be patient!

My name is Harry Potter and I am in the 5th grade.

When my teacher asks me a question, I can answer the question.

When my teacher asks another student a question, I will be quiet and let the student answer.

If I know the answer to the question, I will raise my hand and wait quietly for the teacher to call my name.

When I raise my hand and wait for my teacher to call my name, it makes my teacher, and me, happy.

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