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Rutherford, H Math Graphing Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Preparation Teacher Candidate: Heather Rutherford Title of Lesson: Time Graph

h Grade Level: 8th Subject Area: Mathematics 1. Lesson Topic (What is the big idea?): Students will learn how to use an ordered pair to find a point on a graph. 2. What standard(s) will it address? Content Area: Mathematics Grade Level Expectations: Eighth Grade Standard: 2. Patterns, Functions, and Algebraic Structures 3. Graphs, tables and equations can be used to distinguish between linear and nonlinear functions EEO III. Find the ordered pair that identifies a point in the first quadrant where the axes extend up to 10. 3. Main Objective of Instruction (What do you want the student(s) to learn?): Students will learn how to use an ordered pair to find a point on a graph. 4. Supporting Objectives: Students will practice reading time by using time for the graphing coordinates. 5. Specific Strategies (conspicuous) to be taught/modeled: Modeling, I Do We Do You Do, and Direct Instruction. 6. Planning for individual differences (mediated scaffolding): What are the accommodations/modifications you need to prepare? The students in the small group all have significant needs. I will need to allow extra processing time for the students. I will also need to be very specific and explicit in my teaching. I will use different colors to help the students identify each axis on the graph. 7. What background knowledge do the students have? How will you assess students learning pre, during and post? The students I will be working with are currently working

Rutherford, H Math Graphing Lesson Plan 2 on time and money. I will be using time on the graph to access the students background knowledge. I will assess the students before the lesson by showing them a graph and asking if they know what it is. During the lesson I will monitor the students to see if they are participating in the discussion about the graph. After the lesson I will give the students a worksheet, similar to the one we worked on during the lesson, to see if they can complete it on their own.

8. What management/grouping issues do you need to consider? I have not worked with these students. I will need to address any issues as they arise. I might need to separate students or re-group them as the lesson is in progress. 9. Materials and Resources: Blank graph, graphing worksheets, and pencils 10. How/where will students be able to integrate (generalize) this learning? The students will be able to use this lesson to help them build a foundation for higher level math. 11. How will you evaluate student learning from this lesson and build review into ongoing instruction (judicious review)? Next time I am able to work with the students I will show them a graph and ask them what they remember. If they are unable to recall any information from the lesson, I will need to re-evaluate the delivery of the lesson.

Rutherford, H Math Graphing Lesson Plan 3 Lesson Title: Time Graph Main Objective of this lesson: Students will learn how to use an ordered pair to find a point on a graph. (CONTENT-PROCESS) I. Opening: (SET How will you get the student(s) attention?) Relate lesson to prior learning. Communicate the objective of the lesson. I will show the students a blank graph and ask them if it looks like anything they have seen before. We will have a short discussion about what the graph might be, and its uses.

II. Procedure: (Is this an informal presentation, direct instruction, or structured discovery?) This will be direct instruction in a small group setting. o Strategies (I Do/ how will you guide students to construct meaning for themselves): I Do: I will model finding a coordinate on the graph. o Differentiation: I will use different colors on the graph to help students who would benefit from the visual aide. o (PRODUCT) The students will point to the coordinate on the graph and write the corresponding time on the bottom of their worksheet. o Guided Practice (We Do/students present): We Do: The students and I will work on finding coordinates on the worksheet together. III. Closure: Student(s) summarize, demonstrate learning of lesson. Independent Practice (You Do). You Do: I will give the students a worksheet, similar to the one that we worked on together, and they will complete the worksheets independently. Formally END the lesson. I will collect the worksheets and praise the students for their hard work.

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